"Arlequin, les mains croisee, 1923" |
"Figurative Modern Art"
Price: 34.00 |
Aubade |
"Abstract Cubism Figurative Portrait"
Price: 30.00 |
"Femme au Balcon" |
"Abstract Cubism Figurative Portrait"
Price: 22.00 |
"Tete dnne femme lisant" |
"Abstract Cubism Figurative Portrait"
Price: 22.00 |
"Femme a la resille" |
"European Abstract Cubism Figurative Portrait ColourfulArt Prints for Frames"
Price: 23.00 |
"Don Quixote" |
"Neutral Black and White Figurative Portrait Animal Mythology / Legends Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 19.00 |
"War And Peace" |
"Silk Screen Prints Neutral Black and White Figurative Portrait Light"
Price: 77.00 |
"Dove Of Peace" |
"Silk Screen Prints Neutral Black and White Animal Religious Light Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 49.00 |
"Figure Stylisee" |
"Cubism Black and White Figurative Dark Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 64.00 |
"Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" |
"Cubism Warm Figurative Nudes Groups"
Price: 27.00 |
"Le Taureau" |
"Silk Screen Prints Black and White Animal Naive Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 64.00 |
"Violin And Guitar" |
"Cubism Futurism Warm Music Still Life"
Price: 30.00 |
"Family Of Saltimbanques" |
"Figurative Groups Children"
Price: 24.00 |
"Etude Pour Yuri Gagarin" |
"Silk Screen Prints Black and White Animal Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 64.00 |
"Head, 1946" |
"Silk Screen Prints Black and White Figurative Portrait Light"
Price: 77.00 |
"La Couronne De Fleurs" |
"Silk Screen Prints Figurative Groups Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 49.00 |
"Woman With A Blue Hat" |
"Cubism Figurative Portrait Colourful Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 23.00 |
"Seated Woman, 1927" |
"European Abstract Cubism Neutral Figurative Portrait Light Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 23.00 |
"Three Musicians" |
"European Abstract Brown Cubism Futurism Blue Figurative Groups Dark Music"
Price: 27.00 |
"Les Mains Liees" |
"Silk Screen Prints Neutral Figurative Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 64.00 |
"L'Homme en Prole a la Paix" |
"Silk Screen Prints Neutral Figurative"
Price: 88.00 |
"Sleeping Peasants, 1919" |
"Warm Figurative Groups Naive Art for lovers"
Price: 23.00 |
"The Kitchen, 1948" |
"European Abstract Cubism Neutral"
Price: 29.00 |
"La Vie, 1903" |
"Blue Figurative AbstractArt Prints for Frames"
Price: 22.00 |
L'idillio |
"Silk Screen Prints Neutral Black and White Figurative Nudes Groups"
Price: 88.00 |
"Head of a Woman with a Chignon" |
"Neutral Figurative Portrait"
Price: 30.00 |
"Sleeping Woman" |
"Black and White Figurative Light Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 34.00 |
"Colombe avec Fleurs (Dove with Flowers)" |
"This beautiful museum art print is a of an iconic Pablo Picasso artwork,Dove with Flowers.After Picassos paintingGuernica was hailed as one of the worlds most moving anti-war paintings, Picasoo was invited to design an image to represent peace. His firstDove of Peace, which was chosen for the First International Peace Conference in Paris in 1949, was a traditional, realistic representation of a pigeon which had been given to him by his great friend and rival, the artist Henri Matisse.Picasso later developed hisDove of Peace into several different, simple, graphic line drawings. These drawings have become some of the worlds most recognisable symbols of peace. He also named his fourth childPaloma, the Spanish word fordove.Discover more in our article:artrepublic's Best BirdsClick these words to find similar printsAnimal Religious LightArt Prints for Frames"
Price: 27.00 |
"Child with a Dove" |
"Cubism Blue Figurative Animal Children Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 28.00 |
"Son as Harlequin" |
"Cubism Neutral Yellow Figurative Children Art Prints for Frames"
Price: 28.00 |
Maternity |
"Brown Silk Screen Prints Green Figurative Nudes"
Price: 48.00 |