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"Wessex Mill Wholemeal Bread Flour"
"Wessex Mill produce a vast array of flours to enable you to make and bake your own bread at home, including this versatile wholemeal bread flour."
Price: 3.09

"Wessex Mill Wholemeal Spelt Bread Flour"
"From the experts at Wessex Mill comes this versatile wholemeal spelt bread flour, which will allow you to create delicious spelt bread at home."
Price: 5.59

"Wessex Mill Wholemeal Self Raising Flour"
"Create light and fluffy baked goods with Wessex Mill Wholemeal Self Raising Flour."
Price: 3.09

"Wessex Mill Wessex Cobber Bread Flour"
"Wessex Cobber bread flour is an award-winning product from the experts at Wessex Mill. It is a delicately flavoured malted bread flour made using soft malt pieces that are kind to your teeth."
Price: 4.29

"Rakusens Traditional Matzos"
"Rakusen's Traditional Matzos are large, low fat crackers. With less than 2% fat and very low salt levels, they are one of the healthiest cracker options on the market."
Price: 2.69

"Wessex Mill Oats n Bran Bread Flour"
"Wessex Mill Oats n Bran Bread Flour is milled using wheat grown locally around the mill, so you know exactly where it's come from. It will help you cook top quality bread at home time after time."
Price: 4.09

"Wessex Mill French Bread Flour"
"Wessex Mill French Bread Flour is an award winning flour that will help you create delicious French bread and baguettes at home."
Price: 4.09

"Wessex Mill Six Seed Bread Flour"
"Awarded 2 Gold Stars in the Great Taste Award, Wessex Mill Six Seed Bread Flour is an excellent choice for making a delicious homemade loaf."
Price: 4.09

"Wessex Mill Half & Half Bread Flour"
"Enjoy the best of both worlds with Wessex Mill Half & Half Bread Flour, a versatile flour that combines the wholemeal taste and white volume."
Price: 2.99

"Wessex Mill Self Raising Flour"
"Wessex Mill Self Raising Flour is a great choice for all your baking needs."
Price: 3.09

"Wessex Mill Scone Mix"
"Wessex Mill Scone Mix makes absolutely great tasting scones. Your scones will be light, airy and taste wonderful."
Price: 6.39

"Wessex Mill Pasta & Pizza Flour"
"With Wessex Mill Pasta & Pizza Flour, you can bring a taste of Italy to your own kitchen. Awarded a Gold Star in The Great Taste Awards, this flour will help you create authentic homemade pasta and pizza for friends and family."
Price: 4.39

"Wrights Bread Mix Premium White"
"Wrights White Bread Mix is a premium bread mix that's perfect for creating homemade loaves, rolls and pizza bases. It gives you excellent results every time."
Price: 2.49

"Allinson Strong White Bread Flour"
"Baking your own tasty bread at home has never been easier than with Allinson Strong White Bread Flour."
Price: 2.59

"Walkers Festive Shapes Carton"
"The Walkers Festive Shapes Carton is a delicious pack of buttery shortbread, all made in festive shapes to get you in that Christmas mood."
Price: 4.29

"Walkers Traditional Rich Fruit Pudding"
"Walkers Traditional Rich Fruit Pudding Large is a rich, indulgent festive treat that is suitable for serving up over the yuletide season. Pour on a dash of whisky a set it alight for the full effect!"
Price: 9.29

"Matthew Walker Classic Christmas Pudding Small"
"Matthew Walker Classic Christmas Pudding Small is a compact version of the world's oldest Christmas pudding! This delicious, traditional festive dessert will grace any yuletide occasion."
Price: 2.29

"Matthew Walker Classic Christmas Pudding Medium"
"Matthew Walker has been making Christmas puddings since 1899, making this classic Christmas pudding the oldest in the world! The ultimate traditional yuletide dessert, it is fit for any festive occasion."
Price: 5.99

"Matthew Walker Classic Christmas Pudding Large"
"Matthew Walker is THE original Christmas pudding maker, with an illustrious history dating back to 1899. This classic large Christmas pudding is the ultimate traditional yuletide dessert, and fit for any festive occasion."
Price: 9.99

"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding Large"
"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding is a large, rich and delicious festive dessert that the whole family can tuck into on Christmas day. Just make sure they leave some room!"
Price: 13.99

"Coles Luxury Champagne Celebration Pudding with French Marc De Champagne"
"When it comes to luxury desserts, Coles Luxury Champagne Celebration Pudding takes some topping. This lavish festive treat is infused with French Champagne and Marc De Champagne no less."
Price: 15.99

"Coles Luxury Traditional Rum & Double Cream Christmas Pudding in Gold Foil"
"Coles Luxury Traditional Rum & Double Cream Christmas Pudding is a richly fruited pudding made with a delicious blend of Caribbean rum & English double cream."
Price: 7.99

"Coles Luxury Traditional Brandy Port & Walnut Round Christmas Pudding in Muslin"
"Coles Luxury Traditional Brandy, Port & Walnut Round Christmas Pudding will provide the perfect finish to any festive meal. If you don't have time to make your own pud then this delicious treat is the easy solution."
Price: 12.99

"Coles Boxed Figgy Pudding"
"Figgy Pudding is a traditional version of Christmas pudding, with origins dating all the way back to the 17th century. This delicious plum pudding is made with figs, currants, spices, brown sugar, bread crumbs and dark rum."
Price: 6.99

"Coles Selection of Luxury Individual Puddings in Presentation Tube"
"If you can't decide which of Cole's tempting Christmas puddings to plump for, there is always Coles Selection of Luxury Individual Puddings. It contains something for everyone, and comes in a stylish silver presentation tube."
Price: 12.99

"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding Small"
"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding Small is a compact, rich and delicious festive dessert that is perfect for serving up at those intimate festive family gatherings."
Price: 2.99

"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding Medium"
"Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding is a medium sized, rich and delicious festive dessert that the family can enjoy on Christmas day - as long as they've left some room for it!"
Price: 7.99

"Wessex Mill Mixed Grain Bread Flour"
"A beautifully mixed flour, Wessex Mill Mixed Grain Bread Flour will become one of your favourite flours to work with."
Price: 4.09

"Wessex Mill Wholemeal Plain Flour"
"Wessex Mill Wholemeal Plain Flour is a finely ground wholewheat flour, which is milled using wheat locally grown around the mill."
Price: 3.09

"Coles Brandy Pudding"
"Dig into a warm Cole's Brandy Pudding this Christmas to finish your Christmas lunch with a bang!"
Price: 10.99

"Wessex Mill White Spelt Bread Flour"
"Wessex Mill White Spelt Bread Flour is one of the most popular flour types at the moment, and one which has been cultivated for centuries, both in Europe and in the Middle East."
Price: 6.29