Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Introducción a la programación en C: Instrucciones de control y ficheros de texto" |
"Este curso en línea te permitirá continuar aprendiendo sobre conceptos para desarrollar habilidades de programación en el lenguaje C. Ahora los programas comienzan a cobrar vida y a volverse más interesantes. En este curso de informática veremos los diferentes tipos de condicionales y bucles que podemos utilizar cuando programamos y los pondremos en práctica con numerosos ejercicios. Acabaremos trabajando la lectura y escritura de información en ficheros de texto. Con esto podrás continuar resolviendo problemas complejos y conociendo la lógica que hay detrás de la programación en C para convertirte en un experto.Este curso en línea es completamente introductorio, y podrás realizarlo tanto si no has programado nunca como si ya tienes experiencia con otros lenguajes. Ten en cuenta que es la segunda parte del programa de Certificación Profesional: Introducción a la programación en C."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introducción a la programación en C: Tipos de datos y estructuras" |
"Este curso en línea te permitirá aprender los conceptos básicos que te ayudarán a desarrollar las habilidades de programación necesarias para iniciarte en el lenguaje C. En este curso de informática: Aprenderemos a declarar variables y a darles valor Trabajaremos con tablas y cadenas Utilizaremos estructuras para almacenar valores Te enseñaremos cómo solicitar, mostrar y operar con toda esta información Se trata de un curso en línea muy práctico donde empezarás a programar desde cero. Cada concepto vendrá acompañado de ejercicios para poner en práctica tu aprendizaje y convertirte en un experto programando en C. Es un MOOC completamente introductorio, que podrás realizar tanto si no has programado nunca como si ya tienes experiencia con otros lenguajes. Este curso en línea es la primera parte del programa de Certificación Profesional: Introducción a la programación en C."
Price: 49.00 |
"Religion, Conflict and Peace" |
"In this course, we will explore a series of contemporary conflicts in different regions of the world with a special focus on identifying and analyzing the diverse and complex roles that religions play in both promoting and mitigating violence in each context. Students will learn a method for recognizing and analyzing how religious ideologies are embedded in all arenas of human agency and not isolated from political, economic, and cultural life as is often assumed. In addition to examining the conflicts themselves, we will also explore the religious dimensions of the impacts those conflicts have on civic life in areas such as public health, education, and commerce by addressing a series of questions. What roles do religions play in fostering violence and what roles do they play in promoting peace? How do religious institutions and ideologies function to support and/or thwart public health initiatives? What are the ideological justifications for functional economic policies and how do they reflect and/or challenge diverse religious values? What roles do religions play in advancing or suppressing educational opportunities and for whom? Are media representations of the religious dimensions of conflict accurate? Possible countries of focus include Brazil, Egypt, France, Israel/Palestine, Myanmar, Nigeria, Qatar, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, and the United States. Final projects will be individually shaped based on interest and (where relevant) professional focus. The course is open to all and especially relevant for aspiring or professional educators, journalists, public health workers, foreign service officers and government officials who wish to better understand how religions function in contemporary world affairs. This course follows the popular World Religions Through Their Scriptures XSeries, which explores the foundations of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism."
Price: 50.00 |
"Contemporary Japanese Society: What Has Been Happening Behind Demographic Change?" |
"The main aim of this course is to give an overview of how contemporary Japanese society has been stratified, from the perspective of changing demographic, familial, and socio-economic structure. Basic statistics will be presented to provide a concrete idea of the changes that have taken place in Japan. By the end of the course, students should have an awareness of similarities and differences across nations regarding social issues including aging population, gender gaps in work and family, and socio-economic inequalities."
Price: 49.00 |
"Scratch: Programming for Teachers" |
"Programming is becoming a more and more important skill to have. Childhood is a great time to start learning programming and to develop computational thinking, creativity, and problem- solving skills. In this course you will learn the basics of programming and how to teach it yourself as a primary or secondary school teacher.This MOOC teaches programming in Scratch through fun videos which explain programming in an inspiring and clear way. These videos are accompanied by assignments which let kids practice programming and create programs they will like to use themselves!Every week you build a different Scratch project yourself: a flappy bird game, a virtual pet or a Mondriaan like artwork. Also weekly, new programming blocks are taught and together we’re working on ways to improve your written code. In addition, you will learn how you can integrate the same programming lessons in your class for both primary and secondary education.Many programming principles covered in Scratch also apply to other programming languages such as JavaScript and Python. An introduction to Python as well as hardware such as robotics and a micro:bit are a part of this online course should you want to broaden your scope.The content of this course is based on a course that was used in primary schools in The Netherlands with great success. The material follows the educational curriculum for programming in primary education of The Netherlands."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG)" |
"OCTG o productos tubulares para campos petroleros son productos de metal laminados los cuales son usados en la industria petrolera para uso en tierra y mar. En este curso nos enfocaremos en hacer una introducción a estos productos y los puntos que se deben de tener en cuenta al momento de seleccionarlos. En este curso de ingeniería, aprenderás: Cómo la geología de las condiciones del terreno y de la perforación requiere OCTG (productos tubulares para campos petroleros) con diferentes características Cómo se realiza el diseño de cuerdas tubulares; y cómo se fabrican y prueban los productos seleccionados"
Price: 49.00 |
"Surface Science: Methods of Surface Analysis" |
"There is a vast variety of contemporary surface analysis methods that you can use for your research. If you are not sure which one is right for you, or if you want to obtain the right information about different surface analysis techniques, then this course is for you! This course describes the most widely used analysis methods in contemporary surface science. It presents the strengths and weaknesses of each method so that you can choose the one that provides you with the information you need. It also reviews what each method cannot give to you, as well as how to interpret the results obtained from each method. This course is filled with examples to help you become familiar with the graphs and figures obtained from common surface analysis methods. Each method is described in a similar way: basic principle, apparatus scheme, example results, special features, and actual device examples."
Price: 49.00 |
"Knowledge Management in Nuclear Energy Organizations" |
"Nuclear knowledge is critical now: the previous generation of nuclear personnel is retiring; countries are expanding nuclear programs; ageing nuclear installations may face challenges to ensure they can be operated safely; and there is a growing need for long-term management of radioactive waste and for countries phasing out nuclear programs. Do you work in the field of nuclear energy and realize that knowledge is used inefficiently and even could be lost? In this engineering and physics, you will learn how to use, transfer and preserve knowledge for the further development of nuclear power. The course is designed not only for students of nuclear specialties, but also for the staff of organizations operating in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy. This course is also designed to meet the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The course was developed on the basis of IAEA publications on nuclear knowledge management. To take the course you do not need a deep knowledge in nuclear technology. Join us as you start your nuclear knowledge management journey."
Price: 49.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Intuition to Insight" |
"Learn how to design effective strategy processes and to spot fundamental market and technology changes in your industry. This foundational course enables you to analyze shifting industry structures and develop new capabilities in times of industry transition by covering different parts of strategy: The Process of Strategy What precisely is strategy and why does it matter? What are the building blocks of strategy and how can they be arranged as a process? What distinct conceptions of the strategy process co-exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Analyzing Industry Structure What is the role of the industry and its structure for firm performance? How to unpack industries and identify the most attractive strategic positions to occupy therein? How to identify what it takes to outcompete others in our strategic group? Developing Internal Resources Can firms succeed in generally unattractive industries? How to find out which resources and capabilities are likely to have the greatest strategic value? What are dynamic capabilities and how do they matter for firm survival and performance? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of the Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Car e, Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Insight to Decision" |
"Learn how to (re)position your organization, orchestrate strategic alliances and assess strategic options from an ethical perspective. This advanced strategic management course helps you translate strategic insights into smart strategic decisions on positioning, partnering and being socially responsible: Positioning the Firm How can strategy portfolios guide corporate strategy and help decision-makers scope the activities of their organization? How can general strategies help organizations gain competitive advantages in their industries? How can organizations create uncontested market space? Orchestrating Strategic Alliances What is the case for cooperative strategy? When should we move from a competitive to a cooperative mindset? What are strategic alliances and what is their payoff? How can firms build and orchestrate collaborative ecosystems to enhance their (innovative) performance? Embracing Social Responsibility What is the role of business in society? To whom are organizations responsible and for what? How to encourage ethical behavior and reconcile responsibility and profitability? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Care , Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Negotiating a Changing World: 1920-1950" |
"As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores the history of women in America and introduces students to historians’ work to uncover the place of women and gender in America’s past.The 19th Amendment–which gave women the right to vote–is our launching point for course three. We will explore the new cultural and economic opportunities that emerged for women in the 1920s, while gaining an understanding of how racial, familial, and legal structures placed constraints on that independence. We'll conclude course three with a look into World War II and how the massive changes wrought by women's essential contributions to the war effort provided new opportunities and new barriers that emerged over the twenty-year interwar period."
Price: 50.00 |
"Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018" |
"As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores the history of women in America and introduces students to historians’ work to uncover the place of women and gender in America’s past.The final segment of the Women Have Always Worked series begins with an examination of how the Cold War reinforced the ideals of the suburban, nuclear family and how these ideals impacted women's trajectory towards independence and equality. We will explore the growing discrepancy and conflict between the breadwinner-homemaker system of beliefs and efforts for peace, economic fairness, and gender equality. We will discover how the feminist movement grew and evolved from the 1960s to today.This exploration into the evolution of the feminist movement continues with a new section that examines the current climate in America. We will take a look at the 2016 presidential campaign and how women across the globe reacted to the results of that election; the rise of the Me Too movement and other grass roots activism led by women and aimed at social and economic inequality; and how the 2018 midterm election ushered in a new era of women in politics.Together we will learn how women began to ask for equality and what the word equality meant and still means for different women. But we'll also ask you to consider a more difficult set of questions that revolve around whether equality for some women might limit the freedom of others. Will women demand benefits for themselves that provide a few with equality with men while fomenting inequality with each other? What about sisterhood? Will some of us move forward while others are left behind? These are questions that haunt us today."
Price: 50.00 |
"Wage Work for Women Citizens: 1870-1920" |
"As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores the history of women in America and introduces students to historians’ work to uncover the place of women and gender in America’s past. Part two of this series departs from the Civil War, examining how gender shaped women's work outside the home in the late 19th century and how gender influenced the shape of the labor force. We will explore simultaneous efforts to affirm domesticity and provide women with paths to independence during this period, and will uncover how the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution impacted women’s political organizing and participation.The lives of women in the garment industry at the turn of the 20th century, and their involvement in unions, consumer's leagues, and coalitions, take center stage as we work to understand how women made efforts to improve the lives of industrial workers. Using an Intersectional approach, we demonstrate how women with different interests and identities formed alliances around legal and social causes in the early 20th Century, and how this culminated in women's fight for the vote in the early 20th century."
Price: 50.00 |
"Seeking Women’s Rights: Colonial Period to the Civil War" |
"As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores the history of women in America and introduces students to historians’ work to uncover the place of women and gender in America’s past. After a brief survey of the emergence of women's history as an academic field and its impact on the study of history as a whole, we will begin course one with a look at the experiences of women in Colonial America. We will explore the lives of enslaved women, of indentured servants, and of the rural housewife. We will learn the ways that women struggled to loosen the constraints of family by proclaiming that they, like men, possessed individual rights.As this course progresses through the emergence of an industrial era, we will follow women from the home into the workplace, and explore how this shift influenced family life, power relationships within the family, and the ability for women to organize politically. Together we will examine the customs, cultures, and ideologies that governed women's lives in Colonial America and the early 19th Century."
Price: 50.00 |
"So You Want to Be a Biomedical Engineer" |
"Want to become a biomedical engineer but not sure where to focus or how to get there? This engineering course will give you an overview of this wildly popular and vast field, as you learn about more than two dozen areas of focus and get a peek at some of the cool and exciting advances going on at top institutions. Along the way, you’ll meet more than three dozen biomedical engineers—from top names in the field to those just starting their careers.Through exercises, you’ll get to think like a BME and experience the various areas to see which fits your interests and talents.Finally, once you have a better sense of where you’d like to focus, our educational and career advice will help show you how to get there.While targeted to students exploring a career in biomedical engineering, anyone curious about this fascinating field will find something of interest: from the thinking processes of pilots and baseball batters to an inside view of a beating heart to developments in bionics, exoskeletons, and nanotechnology.Join us on a journey through the world of biomedical engineering.Verified students are eligible to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs), valid toward continuing education requirements for many professional certifications."
Price: 49.00 |
"Creating Modern China: The Republican Period to the Present" |
"What does it mean to be modern? What constitutes modern politics, modern institutions, a modern military, and modern infrastructure? In this period of great excitement and experimentation, the country is asking itself: How do you become modern and remain true to the Chinese national identity? This course will explore enduring issues around Chinese modernity, with a focus on the creation of the modern Chinese state during the Republican era. You’ll learn about China’s war against Japan, about long-term patterns in U.S.-China relations, and about the role of individual leaders against the backdrop of historical circumstance. Ultimately, you’ll learn different ways to study and understand history. We explore this period thematically rather than chronologically, providing you with a better understanding of how political context influences the interpretation of history."
Price: 139.00 |
"Global China: From the Mongols to the Ming" |
"In the 13th century, by force of arms, the Mongols created the greatest empire in human history. Yet by the end of the Ming dynasty in the late 16th century, a new global economy emerged. New World silver brought together the Americas, Europe, and East Asia, and the intellectuals of East and West began to speak to each other directly. The founding of the Ming and the growth of the global silver trade spurred changes in social and political spheres, and the late Ming period brought new literature, philosophies, and religions, with shifting roles for women. This course, part of a collection on the history and culture of China, will cover the Mongol’s large, multi-ethnic empire and the social, political, and cultural changes during the Ming dynasty. From early Mongol life at China’s northern border to the rise of Genghis Khan, we’ll take a deep dive into the territorial expansion of these traditionally nomadic people. The establishment of a truly global China set the stage for even greater changes in the modern era. Enroll now to understand the context for these changes, and how the economic and political realities of today’s China originated in the region centuries ago."
Price: 139.00 |
"Literati China: Examinations, Neo-Confucianism, and Later Imperial China" |
"Fundamental changes in government, the economy, and broader society took place between the 8th and 11th centuries in China. The state aristocracy gave way to new literati elite: educated men who sought to enter government through competitive examinations. A new kind of Confucianism also took shape, which prized the moral autonomy of individuals. With this, the later imperial period of China’s history begins. From our series on Chinese history and culture, this course focuses on the changes brought by the Tang-Song transition, including the reconfiguration of power, urbanization, Neo-Confucianism, and the shared values as expressed in the state examination system. Join us to learn how a shifting social and political elite ultimately brings unity to China, ushering in an age of global empire."
Price: 139.00 |
"Modern China’s Foundations: The Manchus and the Qing" |
"This course, part of a comprehensive series on China, looks at the Qing state in the early 1600s and the challenges that the Manchus faced as minority rulers. While living in Chinese cities and surrounded by Chinese culture — a culture that was far more sophisticated than their own — the Manchus struggled to hold onto their identity as a conquesting people. We'll look at the last period of ascendancy for China before the modern era. We’ll cover China in the 18th century, under the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong emperors — a period in which the size of the empire nearly doubles. The Qing was the last dynasty before the foundation of the modern republics and sets the stage for everything that will come after. Join us to learn about this critical era in Chinese history, an era that sets the stage for a truly modern China."
Price: 139.00 |
"Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong" |
"Using case studies from the Harvard Business School, this course will cover the contemporary Chinese scene by focusing on five main themes in China’s development: agriculture, entrepreneurship, education, environment, and literature. You’ll examine the period from Deng Xiaoping’s rise in 1978 to the present, using the lenses of sociology, political science, and economics. You’ll learn how China has maintained one-party rule in an era of reform and internationalization, and how contemporary developments — like the current conception of the “Chinese Dream” — are influenced by the legacies of China’s past. You’ll also examine Greater China with a focus on the Taiwan model and Taiwan’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China. Developing your own approaches to history, you’ll gain a critical appreciation of China’s literary, philosophical, political, and cultural resources. Enroll now to understand China’s global leadership role and to learn if the 21st century is truly “the Chinese century.”"
Price: 139.00 |
"Invasions, Rebellions, and the Fall of Imperial China" |
"In the 18th century, the Qing Dynasty is at its height; it is the wealthiest, most powerful,most civilized state on earth. And yet the 19th century brought enormous challenges for the Qing and for the place we call China. By the 20th century, a 2,000-year imperial tradition is gone. What happened? In this overview of modern Chinese history, you’ll learn about the Qing was forced to engage with the West, the impact of imperialism and dynastic decline, and, ultimately, the causes of the Qing dynasty’s fall. This course will cover the effects of opium, how the Qing responded to that epidemic, and how the opium war brought fundamental changes to the country. You’ll also learn about the introduction of Christianity in this period, and about the ideology of Chinese salvation. This is a time when intellectuals were wrestling with new western ideas and new western technologies. This course will help you to understand how China engaged with the West, and how this confrontation still resonates today."
Price: 139.00 |
"China and Communism" |
"How did the Communists conquer China? What role does culture play? What are the successes and failures of the Chinese Communist Party after seizing power in 1949? What constitutes liberation? This course will help you answer these important questions as you explore the profound cultural, intellectual, political and economic changes of this period. You’ll learn how Communist China fits in with a larger socialist world order and how historical interpretations of this period reinforce or challenge the official narrative in China today. Join us to develop your own approach and gain a critical understanding of the rise of the Communist Party, Sino-Soviet relations, the Cultural Revolution, and, ultimately, the reopening of China."
Price: 139.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Intuition to Insight" |
"Learn how to design effective strategy processes and to spot fundamental market and technology changes in your industry. This foundational course enables you to analyze shifting industry structures and develop new capabilities in times of industry transition by covering different parts of strategy: The Process of Strategy What precisely is strategy and why does it matter? What are the building blocks of strategy and how can they be arranged as a process? What distinct conceptions of the strategy process co-exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Analyzing Industry Structure What is the role of the industry and its structure for firm performance? How to unpack industries and identify the most attractive strategic positions to occupy therein? How to identify what it takes to outcompete others in our strategic group? Developing Internal Resources Can firms succeed in generally unattractive industries? How to find out which resources and capabilities are likely to have the greatest strategic value? What are dynamic capabilities and how do they matter for firm survival and performance? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of the Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Car e, Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Intuition to Insight" |
"Learn how to design effective strategy processes and to spot fundamental market and technology changes in your industry. This foundational course enables you to analyze shifting industry structures and develop new capabilities in times of industry transition by covering different parts of strategy: The Process of Strategy What precisely is strategy and why does it matter? What are the building blocks of strategy and how can they be arranged as a process? What distinct conceptions of the strategy process co-exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Analyzing Industry Structure What is the role of the industry and its structure for firm performance? How to unpack industries and identify the most attractive strategic positions to occupy therein? How to identify what it takes to outcompete others in our strategic group? Developing Internal Resources Can firms succeed in generally unattractive industries? How to find out which resources and capabilities are likely to have the greatest strategic value? What are dynamic capabilities and how do they matter for firm survival and performance? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of the Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Car e, Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Insight to Decision" |
"Learn how to (re)position your organization, orchestrate strategic alliances and assess strategic options from an ethical perspective. This advanced strategic management course helps you translate strategic insights into smart strategic decisions on positioning, partnering and being socially responsible: Positioning the Firm How can strategy portfolios guide corporate strategy and help decision-makers scope the activities of their organization? How can general strategies help organizations gain competitive advantages in their industries? How can organizations create uncontested market space? Orchestrating Strategic Alliances What is the case for cooperative strategy? When should we move from a competitive to a cooperative mindset? What are strategic alliances and what is their payoff? How can firms build and orchestrate collaborative ecosystems to enhance their (innovative) performance? Embracing Social Responsibility What is the role of business in society? To whom are organizations responsible and for what? How to encourage ethical behavior and reconcile responsibility and profitability? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Care , Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Strategic Management: From Insight to Decision" |
"Learn how to (re)position your organization, orchestrate strategic alliances and assess strategic options from an ethical perspective. This advanced strategic management course helps you translate strategic insights into smart strategic decisions on positioning, partnering and being socially responsible: Positioning the Firm How can strategy portfolios guide corporate strategy and help decision-makers scope the activities of their organization? How can general strategies help organizations gain competitive advantages in their industries? How can organizations create uncontested market space? Orchestrating Strategic Alliances What is the case for cooperative strategy? When should we move from a competitive to a cooperative mindset? What are strategic alliances and what is their payoff? How can firms build and orchestrate collaborative ecosystems to enhance their (innovative) performance? Embracing Social Responsibility What is the role of business in society? To whom are organizations responsible and for what? How to encourage ethical behavior and reconcile responsibility and profitability? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Care , Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Innovation and Creativity Management" |
"Business innovation is nothing without great ideas. But creativity can be difficult to spark on a schedule. It requires a steady hand to manage the creative process and move it forward in a productive way. This course focuses on ways to manage creativity effectively and introduces a flexible and iterative innovation management process model. You will learn how to navigate a new product concept through all different stages: The Development stage of an Innovation Project What are the key perspectives of problem solving activities in the development stage of the innovation process? How to use experimentation as a core activity of problem solving? How to utilize open innovation and the TRIZ method The Launch and Nurture Stage What needs to be considered for the diffusion and adoption of an innovative product or service? How do Diffusion and Adoption work in this stage of an innovation launch? How to employ consumer reactions towards new products? Launch and Project Review How to finalize an innovation launch? What are the key points of a project review? Besides the online lectures you will engage in a series of exercises to deepen your understanding of the topic at hand. Real-life case studies and examples from companies will help you to better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Product Manager , Engineer , Process Manager and Marketing Manager. Learners from the industries of Product Management , Engineering , Human Resources and Change Management already completed the course as well as Consultants and Entrepreneurs. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Thinking & Acting like an Entrepreneur" |
"All of today’s well-known companies got started the exact same way: as an idea within someone’s head. While the idea itself is an important prerequisite for success, it was rather what these individuals did with it that enabled them to become the success that they are today. You can learn to think and act like these innovators too. This course helps you to turn your idea into a real-life business and make it a commercial success: Find and assess your idea What does it actually mean to be entrepreneur? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to actually find an idea to start a business? Turn your idea into action How to deal with uncertainty? What are the core questions that I have to answer to make my idea successful? How to assemble the right team of people to help me get my idea off the ground? Set yourself up to succeed How to know what my customers really expect? Do I have to stick to my original idea no matter what? What are typical traps into which entrepreneurs fall at the start of their career? We will walk you through real-life examples of the entrepreneurial process to help you understand how it differs from that of established companies and how you can apply it for your own purposes. A series of homework exercises, tutorials and case studies will enable you to develop a perspective that goes beyond the theoretical scope to prepare you for actual situations. By doing so, this course will not only give you specific tools to start you own venture but also to transfer the benefits of entrepreneurial thinking to a corporate context, thereby preparing you for leading positions in Business Development , Strategy and General Management and of course as an Entrepreneur. Learners from the industries of Business Development and Entrepreneurs from all over the world already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Récits d'urbanisme et question des communs" |
"Partout autour de nous se forment des collectifs d’habitants, d’usagers, de citoyens. Certains inventent des réponses aux besoins fondamentaux : se nourrir, se loger, se mouvoir, générer des revenus, accéder aux services d’éducation, préserver la santé. D’autres se demandent comment renouveler les façons de consommer, de produire, de travailler, de vivre ensemble... pour répondre aux enjeux du changement climatique et de la raréfaction des ressources. Les communs sont des sujets collectifs, des systèmes d’action, mais aussi des lieux et des formes spatiales et paysagères. De la cour africaine à la cage d’escalier de la tour HLM, des friches industrielles aux intérieurs d’îlots d’habitat, des délaissés urbains aux patrimoines paysagers et aux multiples espaces de production de la ville nourricière, nous apprendrons à identifier, à nommer et à décrire ces lieux, à discerner dans quelle mesure ils sont (ou pas) moteurs de changement et contribuent (ou pas) à la recomposition des structures territoriales. Nous allons explorer ensemble cet univers de pratiques en mettant en résonance l’approche des sciences sociales et celle de l’urbanisme. Nous poserons ensemble des balises méthodologiques vous permettant de repérer les communs actifs dans votre environnement, d’en décrire les différentes dimensions avec un regard critique, et d’en évaluer les potentiels de transformation territoriale. Le cours présentera de nombreux exemples. Pour les apprenant.es qui poursuivent le certificat, nous vous inviterons, à travers un exercice évolutif en rapport avec votre expérience individuelle, à réaliser un récit audiovisuel sur la question des communs.Ce cours s’adresse : aux titulaires d’un diplôme de 2ème cycle universitaire (toutes disciplinaires confondues) qui cherchent un complément de formation ouvrant sur l’organisation de l’espace comme support de processus de développement social, économique et culturel, aux urbanistes et/ou aménageurs désireux d’améliorer l’intégration des dimensions sociale et environnementale de l’aménagement de l’espace, aux professionnels du secteur du développement qui souhaitent prendre en compte la diversité des pratiques et des conceptions du développement et apprendre à en intégrer davantage la dimension spatiale. Intéressé·e ? Alors bienvenue et au plaisir de vous rencontrer prochainement dans le cadre du cours !"
Price: 50.00 |
"La maladie d’Alzheimer: tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir" |
"Ce cours présente, de façon simple et compréhensible par tous, la maladie d’Alzheimer et les maladies apparentées. Sont abordés les données actuelles sur leur physiopathologie, les signes de ces maladies, la démarche médicale qui conduit à leur diagnostic, ainsi que leur prise en charge. De plus, le retentissement sur la société, l’état de la recherche et les pistes pour la prévention sont aussi abordés.Ce cours s’adresse à toute personne intéressée par ces maladies et aussi aux professionnels de santé intéressés. Il ne concerne pas les spécialistes des maladies de la mémoire ou les experts de ces maladies.Ce cours est formé de 10 parties comportant chacune un exposé, des interviews d’experts des sujets abordés et un questionnaire d’autoévaluation."
Price: 49.00 |