Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals" |
"On September 25, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with a new set of goals collectively called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This ambitious agenda is a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. This course on How to Achieve the SDGs provides an in-depth look at planning for SDG implementation. The range of topics covers financing, policy development, roles of stakeholders, and more. A comprehensive understanding of the societal transformations needed to achieve the SDGs is conveyed.This course is for: Policy professionals who want to understand frameworks for SDG planning. Sustainable development practitioners seeking knowledge on goals-based development. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in key concepts related to the SDGs"
Price: 49.00 |
"Why Move Towards Cleaner Power" |
"This course looks at how increasing greenhouse gases are warming the climate and what it means to decarbonise - reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of - the power sector. It will also provide a range of arguments in favour of decarbonisation, including consideration of ease of access to a secure and affordable energy supply and improvements to health and the environment.This course gathers together information about these different motivating factors for building a lower carbon power sector in one place, and includes a careful consideration of the importance of the political context. This course will challenge you to critically analyse your own political context. We would welcome advisors to senior decision makers in government, civil society activists and others interested in understanding and promoting renewable electricity to take this course. This course will help you develop a better understanding of the different dimensions of a move towards a cleaner power sector and develop more nuanced and detailed arguments."
Price: 49.00 |
"Creating a Pro-Renewables Environment" |
"This course provides the tools needed to build a low-carbon power sector around the world. By diving into the perspective of different players in the power sector - from investors through to utilities, regulators and project developers - you will be able to choose the right strategies, policies and other levers needed to incentivise a cleaner power mix in your own context.This course explores the mix of approaches that can create a pro-renewables environment. It explores this from a policy, regulatory and supply-chain perspective and examines the incentives and rules available. Key policies are brought to life through case studies, learning from both success and failure.Key messages of the course include: Ambitions for renewable electricity must be grounded in technical and financial feasibility Pro-renewables environments recognise the needs of energy supply chain actors (e.g. project developers, utilities, regulators, electricity customers) and balances pricing, fiscal and financial and wider policies to incentivise and drive deployment There are multiple ways to encourage deployment of renewables across different scales – these have strengths and weaknesses and must balance rate of deployment, affordability and efficiency of generation Incentives and rules are a package and can be aligned to deliver affordable, efficient renewable electricity - several real-world examples demonstrate this Different countries have succeeded and failed in creating pro-renewables environments – demonstrating that while lessons can be used from these experiences, there is no single route to success and the environment must be bespoke to the circumstances of the country. This course should help decision makers across the electricity supply chain, in both the public and private sector, understand what mix of incentives is ideal from their perspective."
Price: 49.00 |
"Electricity and Magnetism: Magnetic Fields and Forces" |
"Electricity and Magnetism dominate much of the world around us – from the most fundamental processes in nature to cutting edge electronic devices. Electric and magnet fields arise from charged particles. Charged particles also feel forces in electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations, in addition to describing this behavior, also describes electromagnetic radiation. In this course, we focus on magnetic fields and forces on charged particles in magnetic fields. We examine different ways of calculating the magnetic field, as well as introducing the ideas of current, resistance and simple direct current (DC) circuits. This is the second module in a series of three that are based on the MIT course: 8.02, Electricity and Magnetism, a required introductory physics class for all MIT undergraduates, which is being offered as an XSeries. Please visit to learn Introductory Electricity and Magnetism XSeries Program Page for more information and to enroll in all three modules. This introductory Electromagnetism physics course will require the use of calculus."
Price: 49.00 |
"Electricity and Magnetism: Maxwell's Equations" |
"Electricity and Magnetism dominate much of the world around us – from the most fundamental processes in nature to cutting edge electronic devices. Electric and Magnet fields arise from charged particles. Charged particles also feel forces in electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations, in addition to describing this behavior, also describe electromagnetic radiation. In this course, we finish up this introduction to Electricity and Magnetism. We begin by thinking about magnetic fields that change in time, working through Faraday’s Law and Inductors in Circuits. With the addition of Displacement Current, we complete Maxwell’s Equations. We finish the course by exploring the solution to Maxwell’s equations in free space – electromagnetic radiation. This is the last module in a series of three that are based on the MIT course: 8.02, Electricity and Magnetism, a required introductory physics class for all MIT undergraduates, which is being offered as an XSeries. Please visit to learn Introductory Electricity and Magnetism XSeries Program Page for more information and to enroll in all three modules."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Water and Climate" |
"Water is essential for life on Earth and of crucial importance for society. Water also plays a major role in affecting climate. Its natural cycle, from ocean to atmosphere by evaporation, then by precipitation back to land returning via rivers and aquifers to the oceans, has a decisive impact on regional and global climate patterns. For students of engineering, climate science and environmental studies, this course offers a first introduction to the physics of water systems and their role in climate. In addition, we show you the state-of-the-art engineering interventions that can be applied to water systems. These can improve coastal safety and increase the availability of water supplies worldwide. The course welcomes students from all over the globe, so we actively encourage discussion of water and climate issues you may experience in your location, now and in the coming decades. After taking this course, you will be able to: Understand the different processes at play in the global water cycle. Identify and describe the flows of water and sand in different riverine, coastal and ocean systems. Identify mechanisms of climate change and explain the interplay between climate change, sea level, clouds, rainfall and future weather. Explain why, when and which engineering interventions are needed in rivers, coastal and urban environments. Explain why water for food and water for cities are the main challenges in water management and propose solutions. Explain and confront the challenges in better understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on water over the coming 50 years. The course consists of knowledge clips, movies, exercises, and exam assignments. There are opportunities to discuss course materials with your fellow students and the Course Team through our online forum. We also provide interactive feedback video sessions in which the lecturers discuss issues raised by students. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has a unique reputation when it comes to water and climate, with faculty experts in the fields of climate research, water management and hydraulic engineering. The course introduces you to many aspects of water and climate: from the micro scale of raindrops to the macro scale of oceans, and from understanding the physics of the different water systems to practical engineering solutions that may help societies adapt to the present and future impacts of climate change on water. Together with the courses ""Drinking water treatment"" and ""Urban Sewage Treatment"" this course forms the Water XSeries, from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at TU Delft."
Price: 50.00 |
"Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace" |
"Conflicts over natural resources and the environment are among the greatest challenges in 21st-century geopolitics. These conflicts present serious threats to human security at both the national and local levels. Natural resources and the environment can nonetheless serve as a vehicle for peace if managed in a sustainable and equitable manner. Environmental peacebuilding has emerged as a new frontier in interdisciplinary studies. It offers a conceptual and operational framework to understand the positive peacebuilding potential of natural resources across the conflict lifecycle while mitigating potential risks. This 8-week course on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace provides an in-depth introduction to the multiple roles that natural resources and the environment play in the onset, escalation, and resolution of, and recovery from, violent conflicts. Many of the considerations and approaches in this course are also relevant to understanding and addressing social conflicts around natural resources and the environment. This course is for: Peace and security specialists that want to understand more about natural resources. Natural resource experts that want to design more conflict-sensitive programs. Sustainable development practitioners - as well as private-sector actors - who need to understand how natural resources can be developed in fragile contexts with weak governance. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of this growing field."
Price: 49.00 |
"Planetary Boundaries" |
"A thriving global society relies on the stability of the Earth and its resilience across oceans, forests, waterways, biodiversity, the atmosphere and more. So how do we shape sustainability at a global scale? The boundaries set by the planet’s natural resources, the resilience of those resources, and the human activities that impact sustainability all come into play.In this massive open online course, see the rapidly evolving trends in global environmental change and the responses aimed at slowing or eliminating these changes. Get an overview of what is seen by some scientists as our current geological epoch – the Anthropocene, or an age of global change driven most significantly by humans. Learn how unsustainable patterns of production, consumption and population growth have challenge planetary resilience, all in support of human activity – and how our societies can develop in a just and safe way within the planet’s boundaries.This course is for: Anyone new to the concept of sustainable development who wants to understand the interplay between human actions and what the planet can support. Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of sustainability, environmental science, responsible consumption and related topics Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility – who want a concise overview of the latest developments in the field"
Price: 49.00 |
"Communicating with Robots and Bots" |
"Although there are some robots you might never get to meet (or might hope you never meet), such as those sent to space, war or rescue situations, many other robots and bots are being developed to populate people's homes, the online spaces they frequent, their workplaces, and the social spaces they visit. This course explores how people communicate with robots and bots in everyday life, both now and into the future. Module 1 discusses the difficulties of defining what a robot is, as well as briefly introducing bots. Module 2 focuses on bots, chatbots and socialbots in detail, to consider how people communicate with these programs in online spaces, as well as some ethical questions these interactions raise. Robots in the home are the subject of Module 3, with a discussion of robots designed to act as personal assistants leading into some examples of assistive and care robots, as well as telepresence robots that allow people to interact with one another at a distance through a robot. Module 4 considers robots at work, from the potential of telepresence robots to enable remote operations, to robots designed to share people's workspaces, and potentially even take their jobs. One example of a public space where robots might alter people's working and social lives greatly is on the roads with the development of self-driving vehicles, robots that need to be able to communicate with their passengers as well as with other road users."
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction to Steel" |
"This course is an introduction to steel, exploring its history and cultural context, where it comes from, how it works, why we use so much of it, and how we might use it in the future. It is delivered in a lively manner using everyday examples, demonstrations, and film footage of steel making.""I have finished the course, and I would like to thank the staff of TenarisUniversityX for this excellent production, and also for the learning material and the opportunity to participate, sending best regards from Venezuela."" - Fabian Robledo"
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Computer Numerical Control" |
"Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining is the process through which computers control machine-based processes in manufacturing. The kinds of machines controlled include lathes, mills, routers and grinders – all used for manufacturing of metal and plastic products. In this course, you’ll learn the ins-and-outs of CNC machining; building the essential knowledge to develop and operate a project with a CNC machine. From plan interpretation to machining and quality control, you will learn how to make the right decision in every stage of a project through videos and interactive activities. We invite you to take part of the “Jaque Mate” company project, the objective of which is to produce chess pieces. Are you up for the challenge?"
Price: 49.00 |
"Fondements de l'économie sociale et solidaire" |
"Quel est le point commun entre un repair café, une coopérative maraîchère en circuit court, une entreprise d’insertion par le travail, une banque sociale, un café citoyen... ? Ces initiatives relèvent toutes du « troisième secteur » qui se distingue du secteur privé de type capitaliste comme du secteur public. Par leurs dynamiques entrepreneuriales, ces organisations défrichent de nouvelles activités porteuses de sens. Par leurs valeurs – finalité de service, gestion démocratique, autonomie, solidarité – elles inspirent confiance aux citoyens comme aux pouvoirs publics, qui leur confient de multiples missions d’intérêt général. Ce secteur représente jusqu’à 15 % de l’emploi salarié et des millions de volontaires. En offrant une analyse rigoureuse de l’économie sociale et solidaire et des entreprises sociales qui se multiplient dans le monde entier, ce cours en ligne fournit les outils d’une compréhension en profondeur de ces formes d’entreprise différentes et prouve à quel point nos sociétés ont besoin d’une économie plurielle. Ce cours analyse les concepts « coupoles » censés rassembler et nommer l’ensemble ou l’essentiel du troisième secteur : économie sociale, économie solidaire et, d’autre part, les formes d’organisation (coopératives, associations, entreprises sociales) considérées comme composantes centrales de ce troisième secteur. Loin d’opposer ces concepts entre eux, la démarche consiste plutôt à expliquer, pour chacun d’eux, ses racines historiques et le contexte institutionnel au sein duquel il a émergé, et à dégager son potentiel analytique pour éclairer les dynamiques de ce troisième secteur. L'objectif du cours n'est pas de proposer une théorie unifiée du « troisième secteur » mais d'analyser, en profondeur, ces différents éclairages. Grâce aux contributions de l’équipe pédagogique et d’intervenants extérieurs pionniers dans ce domaine (Jacques Defourny, Laurent Gardin, Jean-Louis Laville, Margie Mendell…), vous serez invité e à considérer chacun de ces concepts comme une source originale d’éclairage que vous pouvez mobiliser, seul e ou avec d’autres, en connaissant ses apports et ses limites, ses couleurs et ses angles particuliers."
Price: 50.00 |
"The Supreme Court & American Politics" |
"The University of Baltimore School of Law and Lyle Denniston, who has been covering the Supreme Court of the United States for over five decades, examine the Court’s interaction with America’s political life. From the founding of a new nation - with the creation of a truly national Constitution at the Philadelphia Convention in the summer of 1787 - until the events of our own time, the Supreme Court has been both immersed in the political scene, and apart from it. A basic understanding of American government and history will be useful, but no prior knowledge is required on this journey to help answer one question: “Is the Supreme Court a political institution?” Each week, learners will be presented with videos - both lectures and discussions with one of several guests. These guests will include: Gilda Daniels, University of Baltimore professor and Director of Litigation for The Advancement Project. Former Deputy Chief for the U.S. Department of Justice. Garrett Epps, University of Baltimore professor and Supreme Court correspondent for The Atlantic. Ron Weich, Dean of the University of Baltimore Law School. Former U.S. Assistant Attorney General and Senate Counsel to Senators Harry Reid and Edward Kennedy. These weekly video lectures and discussions will be supplemented by reading materials and discussions that will help you understand why a national court is, in reality, very different from the politically-chosen national policy branches: Congress and the Presidency. Despite this distinction, the Supreme Court of the United States must still be a constitutional partner to these elected bodies. Join Lyle Denniston and The University of Baltimore Law School as we unpack the compelling story of The Supreme Court and American Politics!"
Price: 29.00 |
"Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy" |
"In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy XSeries, you will be introduced to the central and peripheral nervous systems. You will learn about basic neuroanatomy, sensory pathways, motor pathways and the autonomic nervous system. The course includes illustrated lecture videos and quizzes to help you expand and test your knowledge of the nervous system. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how the entire body influences, and is influenced, by the nervous system."
Price: 49.00 |
"Doing Gender and Why it Matters" |
"Multiple experts from across faculties at The University of Hong Kong and professionals engaged in gender-related developments in Asia will address the ways in which gender is understood, constructed and performed. Drawing from a variety of perspectives – cultural studies, economics, education, law, linguistics, psychology, public health, politics, social policy, and sociology - we begin by questioning meanings of gender in different cultural settings and historical moments. What do the representations of our currently used categories such as man, woman, transgender, queer, cisgender, bisexual, or intersex mean in different contexts? How are conversations about gender taking place in Asia and how do they converge or diverge from those happening elsewhere? The course is a comparative, interdisciplinary and cross-sector conversation which encourages reflective thinking about practices of gender. It courts and questions the fixity of language, traditions, laws, and practices as well as the resilience of stereotypes, biases, and structures which perpetuate myths, hierarchies and discrimination. Unraveling the interlinkages between these conversations and categories equips you with the skills needed to identify, recognize and reject outmoded or biased constructions of gender as well as the power hierarchies these embed within social relations. We will examine why gender equity is so important and yet hard to achieve. We scrutinize social and legal constructions of gender which continue to operate as though gender is binary and explore a more inclusive approach which reflects the gender continuum within the context of entrenched power structures. Through understanding gender and its relations with society, we look for solutions to eradicate gender discrimination and gender-based violence. Additionally, as digital technology plays an ever-increasing role in contemporary construction of social realities of people, the course looks into how, if at all, these networked communities offer new expressions of gender as performativity and the ways in which these replicate, reproduce or refashion traditional gender categories and roles.Then we turn to challenge our everyday practices of gender and how they colour our approaches, assumptions, and biases (conscious and unconscious) about the ‘other’? The course invites scrutiny of the practice and performance of gendering self and others. At the same time, it is a reminder that gender is not just about identity but also about power. The course examines manifestations and causes of gender inequality and its inextricable link to structural and institutional forces of discrimination. To better understand the interaction between identity and power, we look at gender-based violence. The #metoo movement has exposed not only the depth and scale of violence but also unmasked the asymmetries of power. Power and privilege are enjoyed by a select group while the voices of others remain invisible and ignored. We conclude by looking at local, national and global efforts to address gender disparities in society in various domains. We invite you to reflect on the course materials and to connect them to your daily life. How can your new understandings about gender generate a ripple of change around you?"
Price: 99.00 |
"The Business of Mining" |
"Mining underpins much of our technology and industries as well as modern society in general. A successful mine should be run efficiently and responsibly from exploration through to closure, with sound economic management every step of the way. In this course you’ll examine the business aspect of mining, focusing on the life cycle of a gold mine and discovering the technical and economic issues that affect the exploration, planning, operation and closure of a large-scale mining project. The Business of Mining has recently won the Best in Class in the University category of the Interactive Media Awards in the USA. The judging criteria included design, content, feature functionality, usability, standards compliance and cross-browser compatibility."
Price: 139.00 |
"Advanced Literature Searching in the Health Sciences" |
"Master the fundamental components of advanced literature searching in the health sciences.Informationist Mark MacEachern and a team of fellow health sciences informationists at the University of Michigan designed this course for anyone responsible for constructing literature searches as part of their research. This course will specifically help professionals and researchers in the health sciences improve the overall quality and reporting of their literature searches.After completing the course, you will better understand the importance of literature searches in health sciences work, the components of effective searches, and best practices to sufficiently report the search process. All learners who rely heavily on past research in their project work – regardless of their experience or current competence – will benefit from this practical learning experience."
Price: 49.00 |
"Structure of Materials" |
"Structure determines so much about a material: its properties, its potential applications, and its performance within those applications. This course from MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering explores the structure of a wide variety of materials with current-day engineering applications. The course begins with an introduction to amorphous materials. We explore glasses and polymers, learn about the factors that influence their structure, and learn how materials scientists measure and describe the structure of these materials.Then we begin a discussion of the crystalline state, exploring what it means for a material to be crystalline, how we describe directions in a crystal, and how we can determine the structure of crystal through x-ray diffraction. We explore the underlying crystalline structures that underpin so many of the materials that surround us. Finally, we look at how tensors can be used to represent the properties of three-dimensional materials, and we consider how symmetry places constraints on the properties of materials.We move on to an exploration of quasi-, plastic, and liquid crystals. Then, we learn about the point defects that are present in all crystals, and we will learn how the presence of these defects lead to diffusion in materials. Next, we will explore dislocations in materials. We will introduce the descriptors that we use to describe dislocations, we will learn about dislocation motion, and will consider how dislocations dramatically affect the strength of materials. Finally, we will explore how defects can be used to strengthen materials, and we will learn about the properties of higher-order defects such as stacking faults and grain boundaries."
Price: 150.00 |
"Buyer Behaviour and Analysis" |
"For marketers, an understanding of how a consumer selects, purchases, uses and disposes of products and services is pertinent to successfully managing the marketing function. In this course, you will learn about the role of consumer behaviour within marketing. We will discuss how this behaviour is shaped by the social and cultural environment, as well as a number of psychological factors. You will learn about decision-making processes in consumption behaviour in different buying situations. This will develop your ability to integrate marketing processes at a higher level. Concepts drawn from various disciplines such as psychology, economics and anthropology will be examined. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 199.00 |
"Electronique II" |
"Ce cours est un cours d’introduction à la réalisation des fonctions linéaires à l’aide de transistors. Les étudiants appliquent la théorie des circuits, Ils apprennent à manipuler les modèles petits et grands signaux du transistor bipolaire afin de réaliser les fonctions d’amplifications et filtrage. Les explications sont illustrées par des exercices avec des démonstrations de circuits simulés à l’aide d’un simulateur de type Spice qui peuvent être reproduite par les élèves."
Price: 139.00 |
"Drinking Water Treatment" |
"This course focuses on conventional technologies for drinking water treatment. Unit processes, involved in the treatment chain, are discussed as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. The emphasis is on the effect of treatment on water quality and the dimensions of the unit processes in the treatment chain. After the course one should be able to recognise the process units, describe their function, and make basic calculations for a preliminary design of a drinking water treatment plant. The course consists of 4 modules: Introduction to drinking water treatment. In this module you learn to describe the important disciplines, schemes and evaluation criteria involved in the design phase. Water quality. In this module you learn to identify the drinking water quality parameters to be improved and explain what treatment train or scheme is needed. Groundwater treatment. In this module you learn to calculate the dimensions of the groundwater treatment processes and draw groundwater treatment schemes. Surface water treatment. In this module you learn to calculate the dimensions of the surface water treatment processes and draw surface water treatment schemes. This course in combination with the courses ""Introduction to Water and Climate"" and ""Introduction to the Treatment of Urban Sewage"" forms the Water XSeries, by DelftX."
Price: 50.00 |
"Urban Sewage Treatment" |
"This course will focus on basic technologies for the treatment of urban sewage. Unit processes involved in the treatment chain will be described as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. There will be an emphasis on water quality and the functionality of each unit process within the treatment chain. After the course one should be able to recognise the process units, describe their function and make simple design calculations on urban sewage treatment plants. The course consists of 6 modules: Sewage treatment plant overview. In this module you will learn what major pollutants are present in the sewage and why we need to treat sewage prior to discharge to surface waters. The functional units will be briefly discussed. Primary treatment. In this module you learn how coarse material, sand & grit are removed from the sewage and how to design primary clarification tanks. Biological treatment. In this module you learn the basics of the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous cycle and how biological processes are used to treat the main pollutants of concern. Activated sludge process. In this module you learn the design principles of conventional activated sludge processes including the secondary clarifiers and aeration demand of aeration tanks. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal. In this module you learn the principles of biological nitrogen removal as well as phosphorus removal by biological and/or chemical means. Sludge treatment. In this module you will the design principles of sludge thickeners, digesters and dewatering facilities for the concentration and stabilisation of excess sewage sludge. Potentials for energy recovery via the produced biogas will be discussed as well as the direct anaerobic treatment of urban sewage in UASB reactors when climate conditions allow. This course in combination with the courses ""Introduction to Water and Climate"" and ""Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment"" forms the Water XSeries, by DelftX. "
Price: 50.00 |
"Self-Assessment – Developing Your Strengths" |
"This self-paced career development course will help you identify your strengths and interests and align your passions with a viable career path. Through guided self-reflection and instruction, you will create a career vision statement that identifies how you hope to use your skills and interests to focus your career. With this insight, you'll select a career path that aligns with your personality, preferences, and goals. Finally, you'll create a professional development plan that will help you achieve those goals. This is the first course in Fullbridge’s four-part Career Development XSeries, designed to prepare you to succeed in the modern workplace."
Price: 149.00 |
"Communication Skills and Teamwork" |
"In many careers, the foundation of your professional success is your ability to inform, persuade, and build relationships at work. In this self-paced career development course, you’ll practice communicating, forming teams, and planning projects in a variety of contexts. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to become influential in the workplace. This is the second course in Fullbridge’s four-part Career Development XSeries, designed to prepare you to succeed in the modern workplace."
Price: 149.00 |
"Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills" |
"What do you do when you encounter a problem? This self-paced career development course will help you think critically and creatively to solve problems and design solutions. These skills will set you apart from peers and make you a sought-after leader and teammate. This is the third course in Fullbridge’s four-part Career Development XSeries, designed to prepare you to succeed in the modern workplace."
Price: 149.00 |
"Business and Data Analysis Skills" |
"In the modern workplace, it’s crucial to know how to analyze, synthesize, and tell stories with data. This self-paced career development course will help you learn how to use a spreadsheet application (like Microsoft Excel) as a powerful analytical and communication tool. You will perform real-world market and financial analyses and practice presenting your findings visually for maximum impact. By the end of the course, you will be able to make data-driven decisions that help your organization grow and prosper. This is the fourth course in Fullbridge’s four-part Career Development XSeries, designed to prepare you to succeed in the modern workplace."
Price: 149.00 |
"Resume, Networking, and Interview Skills" |
"Your skills and expertise are only as strong as your ability to sell them. To secure a job that appeals to you, you also need to know how to present yourself as an attractive potential employee. This career development course will help you highlight your skills and stand out in the crowd through your application materials, networking opportunities, and interviews. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to make a lasting impression on hiring managers and others throughout your job search."
Price: 149.00 |
"Enhancing Catholic School Identity" |
"The Catholic identity of schools today is being challenged by processes of pluralisation and secularisation. While school communities used to be considered more or less homogeneous, nowadays schools are characterised by increasing diversity and a diminishing interest in the Catholic faith tradition, among students as well as teachers. How can schools today maintain and strengthen their Catholic identity, while simultaneously remaining open to diversity and otherness? How can the Catholic faith tradition stay relevant for young people today in a way that takes their individuality into account? The model of the Catholic Dialogue School, developed at the Catholic University of Leuven, provides a theological framework and a pedagogical strategy for schools that want to enhance their Catholic identity.On the one hand, it supports principals and teachers in ‘translating’ Catholic teachings so that they become more life-giving and inspiring for students. On the other hand, it encourages schools to enter into dialogue with other traditions and ideologies that are present at school and in society. After all, it is through this dialogue that one’s own identity can be strengthened and deepened in a mutually enriching process.In the words of Pope Francis:“If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society. ""[…] This culture of dialogue, which should be included in all lesson programs like a red thread, will help teach young generations to avoid and resolve conflicts in a different way than we're used to.""Through five extensive modules of this MOOC, you will become acquainted with a new vocabulary and theological framework regarding Catholic school identity. You will learn, in an active way, about several quantitative instruments to assess the Catholic identity of your school - alongside practical theological instruments to strengthen and enhance it."
Price: 49.00 |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron" |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience is a three-courseseries that explores the structure and function of the nervous system—from the inner workings of a single nerve cell to the staggering complexity of the brain and the social interactions they enable. In this first course, you'll learn how individual neurons use electricity to transmit information. You'll build a neuron, piece by piece, using interactive simulations, then travel around Harvard's campus, where you'll see the inner workings of a lab and learn how to conduct DIY neuroscience experiments on your own. Join us as we study the electrical properties in individual neurons, building a foundation for understanding the function of the entire nervous system."
Price: 99.00 |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain" |
"The human brain is a fantastically complex system, capable of transforming a torrent of incoming information into thought and action. In this course, we will look at how the various subsystems of the brain work together to enable us to survive and thrive in a changing world. Each lesson will challenge you with interactive segments, animations, and documentaries that explore the richness and complexity of the brain. Our forums will provide you with a place to meet other students around the world, and you can learn from each other through a series of discussion questions. Do you want to learn about how brains perceive the world? Join us as we explore sensation, perception and the physiology of functional regions of the brain."
Price: 99.00 |