Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Upper-Intermediate English: Modern Life" |
"This course is the second in a series of four English language MOOCs designed for students with an intermediate level of English looking to reach a higher intermediate level. The course is comprised of video lessons, reading comprehension activities, grammar explanations and exercises, listening comprehension activities and speaking practice. The course covers interesting topics such as the Olympic Games, natural resources, extreme sports, health issues, films, pollution or pets. This course also includes preparatory materials and recommendations to take the Cambridge University First Certificate in English Examination (FCE)."
Price: 50.00 |
"Model-Based Automotive Systems Engineering" |
"Modeling, control design, and simulation are important tools supporting engineers in the development of automotive systems, from the early study of system concepts (when the system possibly does not exist yet) to optimization of system performance. This course provides a theoretical basis to model-based control design with the focus on systematically develop mathematical models from basic physical laws and to use them in control design process with specific focus on automotive applications. You will learn the basics of mathematical modeling applied to automotive systems, and based on the modeling framework different type of controller and state estimation methods will be introduced and applied. Starting from a pure state-feedback concept down to optimal control methods, with special attention on different automotive applications. Different methods for state reconstruction is also introduced and discussed in the course. Exercises play an important rolethroughout the course. This course is aimed at learners with a bachelor's degree or engineers in the automotive industry who need to learn more about mathematical modelling of automotive systems."
Price: 249.00 |
"Cellular Solids Part 3: Applications in Nature" |
"In this engineering course, we will explore sandwich structures and cellular solids that occur in nature, and we will consider examples of engineering design inspired by natural materials. This course should be taken with Cellular Solids 1 for a complete survey of the structure, properties, and engineering applications of cellular solids that occur in nature."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cellular Solids Part 2: Applications in Medicine" |
"In this engineering course, we will explore cellular solids in medicine, including trabecular bone mechanics, the increased risk of bone fracture due to trabecular bone loss in patients with osteoporosis, the development of metal foam coatings for orthopedic implants, applying foam models to tissue engineering scaffolds and the design of a porous scaffold for tissue engineering that mimics the body's own extracellular matrix. This course should be taken with 3.054.1x: Cellular Solids Part 1."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cellular Solids Part 1: Structures, Properties and Engineering Applications" |
"In this engineering course, we will explore the processing and structure of cellular solids as they are created from polymers, metals, ceramics, glasses and composites. We will derive models for the mechanical properties of honeycombs and foams, and we will discover how the unique properties of these materials can be exploited in applications such as lightweight structural panels, energy absorption devices, and thermal insulation. The Cellular Solids: Structures, Properties and Engineering Applications course provides a general understanding of cellular solids. Following this module, learners will be prepared to take one or both add-on modules to learn more about applications in medicine and to cellular materials in nature: Cellular Solids Part 2: Applications in Medicine Cellular Solids Part 3: Applications in Nature Taken together, these three modules provide similar content to the MIT subject 3.054: Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties, and Applications."
Price: 99.00 |
"Ethics in AI and Big Data" |
"No longer stuck in the fantasy world of science fiction, Artificial Intelligence (AI) today is a reality, and data is its fuel. It is a key component of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in which the physical, digital and biological worlds are being fused together in a way that will have a tremendous impact on our global culture and economy. While the Fourth Industrial Revolution brings along promises and opportunities, it also raises concerns about security, user privacy, data misuse, and more. People distrust artificial intelligence. It is the responsibility of business and data professionals to change that: add transparency, develop standards and share best practices to build trust and drive AI adoption. Business and data professionals today need AI frameworks and methods to achieve optimal results while also being good technology and business stewards. This course will teach you why AI and Big Data ethics is so critical and how to apply ethical and legal frameworks to initiatives in the data and analytics profession. You'll explore practical approaches to data and analytics problems posed by work in AI, Big Data, and Data Science."
Price: 199.00 |
"Basic Spanish 3: Getting there" |
"¡Bienvenidos y bienvenidas! (Welcome!) In this Spanish course, you will learn basic vocabulary to talk about yourself and your everyday life, in the present, in the future and in the past, in simple and brief communication situations. You will learn expressions of time, how to express things that will happen in the future, vocabulary related to the shopping list, how to express an opinion, talking about your health, and about experiences and activities that happened in the past. At the end of the course you will be able to communicate in everyday situations according to the A2 proficiency level (elementary) as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL, Council of Europe). The course, which is designed for English speakers, offers a variety of exercises after going through the stages of content presentation, comprehension and production. You have videos, small texts and audios to improve your pronunciation, glossaries, activities for oral practice with other course students, quizzes, grammar cards and recommendations on external Internet resources to continue learning more and more Spanish. The topics on which the activities revolve are work life, family life, city life and outdoor life. As you can see, a bit of everything to be able talk about yourself and to engage in everyday communication. We hope you like our menu. ¡Buen provecho! (Bon appétit!)"
Price: 50.00 |
"Big Data and Education" |
"Online and software-based learning tools have been used increasingly in education. This movement has resulted in an explosion of data, which can now be used to improve educational effectiveness and support basic research on learning. In this course, you will learn how and when to use key methods for educational data mining and learning analytics on this data. You will examine the methods being developed by researchers in the educational data mining, learning analytics, learning-at-scale, student modeling, and artificial intelligence communities. You'll also gain experience with standard data mining methods frequently applied to educational data. You will learn how to apply these methods and when to apply them, as well as their strengths and weaknesses for different applications. The course will discuss how to use each method to answer education research questions, and to drive intervention and improvement in educational software and systems. Methods will be covered at a theoretical level, and in terms of learning how to apply them in Python or using software tools like RapidMiner. We will also discuss validity and generalizability; establishing how trustworthy and applicable the analysis results."
Price: 169.00 |
"Pedagogía de la muerte para docentes" |
"La muerte es un tema que generalmente se evita o se oculta en los diferentes contextos educativos. A pesar de estar presente e incluso saturar el día a día desde los medios de comunicación, las películas, la literatura, las pérdidas que un individuo tiene a lo largo de la vida, etc., la muerte es un tabú en la educación. Desde este curso se plantea la muerte como un imperativo formativo, desde la consideración educativa que la conciencia de muerte y finitud puede dar al alumnado. Se desarrolla este curso desde una perspectiva integradora de la Pedagogía de la muerte: fundamentación educativa, psicopedagógica y antropológica, currículo y pedagogía de la muerte, recursos educativos, o acompañamiento desde la escuela ante situaciones de duelo en el alumnado u otros miembros de la comunidad educativa. Se pretende dotar a los estudiantes de competencias para saber comprender las posibilidades educativas de la muerte y, como consecuencia, saber educar para la vida teniendo en cuenta la muerte tanto desde una perspectiva previa o normalizadora del tema de la muerte en el currículo de cualquier etapa educativa, hasta el acompañamiento educativo desde la acción tutorial cuando un alumno o alumna pierde a una persona significativa."
Price: 49.00 |
"Lightweight Design" |
"This course will introduce you to lightweight design and its goals. You will learn basic rules for weight optimization of a structure on a material and structural level. The important aspect of cost management in the process of light weight design is discussed. You will get a deeper understanding of how structures work and how they are designed regarding lightweight optimum. To get the most out of your time the course is subdivided into six weeks, each consists of lectures and exercises. During lectures, you will get all the theoretical background of lightweight design. Exercises will merge your theoretical knowledge with the practical use of calculation methods. You will learn how to exploit the full capacity of structures by considering nonlinearities, such as plasticity or stability. Different instability problems such as Euler buckling, lateral torsional buckling and lateral buckling, will be discussed in detail. Another aspect which must not be neglected are the shear stresses due to shear force or torsion in thin-walled structures. The course concludes with the analysis of more complex structures and the introduction to calculation methods which make the design of such complex structures relatively easy. Therefore, we highly recommend you to attend to this course."
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction to Probability" |
"Probability and statistics help to bring logic to a world replete with randomness and uncertainty. This course will give you tools needed to understand data, science, philosophy, engineering, economics, and finance. You will learn not only how to solve challenging technical problems, but also how you can apply those solutions in everyday life. With examples ranging from medical testing to sports prediction, you will gain a strong foundation for the study of statistical inference, stochastic processes, randomized algorithms, and other subjects where probability is needed."
Price: 99.00 |
"Project Management MicroMasters Capstone Exam" |
"The capstone exam includes the evaluation of the competencies and performance tasks, which define a successful project manager. The capstone exam is the culminating component of the RITx Project Management MicroMasters program that is designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to be a successful project manager in any industry. In order to qualify for the Project Management MicroMasters credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three RITx Project Management MicroMasters courses and pass the verified capstone exam. The capstone exam will test knowledge across all three MicroMasters courses, so it is strongly recommended you complete PM9001x, PM9002x, and PM9003x prior to participating in this exam. It will be a webcam proctored timed exam and will feature problems similar to the graded assignments in the different modules as well as some writing."
Price: 450.00 |
"Natural Resources for Sustainable Development" |
"Natural resources represent a potentially transformational opportunity to support development but are ultimately finite How do we make the most of them without destroying the planet? In this 12-week course, produced by the Natural Resource Governance Institute, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the World Bank, learn about efforts to sustainably manage extractive industry investments. You will come to understand the complex and interwoven aspects of natural resource governance and become part of a global movement of citizens and practitioners committed to harnessing the transformational impacts of our natural resources. This course is for: Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or renewable energy – who need a historical context of the extractives industry and its evolution Extractive practitioners, such as those who work in oil, gas and mining, who are interested in making the field more sustainable Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying extractives, environmental science, environmental law, sustainable development, sustainable business and related fields Climate change activists or practitioners looking to understand the balance of sustainable resource use and business investment"
Price: 49.00 |
"Réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile: réalités et pistes" |
"Mot de la conceptrice principale Durant les dernières années, de nombreux conflits armés et diverses crises humanitaires ont secoué notre planète et provoqué le déplacement forcé de nombreuses populations dans différentes régions du monde. Ces mouvements migratoires ont mis de nombreux pays face aux défis de l’accueil des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile. Les sociétés d’accueil se trouvent devant la nécessité de répondre aux divers besoins de ces populations afin de mieux les intégrer. Par conséquent, la connaissance et la prise en compte des réalités psychosociales et éducatives des jeunes réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile et de leur famille, ainsi que leur vécu pré, péri et post-migratoire constituent une assise pour toute action fructueuse auprès d’eux. L’accueil et l’intégration des jeunes réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile dépendent du travail collaboratif de nombreux intervenants et professionnels qui doivent et veulent être formés et outillés à cet effet. Lors de l’arrivée des réfugiés syriens au Québec et au Canada (2015-2016), j’ai été très fréquemment sollicitée par les milieux éducatifs, les milieux de la santé et des services sociaux à proposer des formations ciblées à leurs intervenants. Après de multiples formations données au Québec ou ailleurs, j’ai voulu offrir et partager le fruit de nombreuses années de recherche et d’expérience clinique auprès de ces populations parfois endeuillées, traumatisées et vulnérabilisées par les expériences pré, péri et post-migratoires, mais aussi enrichies par des stratégies adaptatives. Ce CLOM (MOOC), ce cours en ligne organisé et massif, accessible, gratuit et adressé au monde francophone vient s’ajouter à toutes les initiatives visant un meilleur accueil et une meilleure intégration des jeunes réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile. J’espère que ce cours vous donnera les outils nécessaires pour intervenir de façon éclairée avec cette population particulière. Au plaisir de partager ces contenus avec vous, Garine Papazian-Zohrabian | Professeure agrégée Département de psychopédagogie et d'andragogie Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal Membre de l’Ordre des Psychologues du Québec"
Price: 99.00 |
"Clinical Reasoning Process" |
"The course introduces the clinical reasoning process as it is used by clinicians from different health disciplines: medicine, dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. The course offers a step-by-step description and explanation of the process, illustrated with clinical examples. This course is of interest to both students and health professionals as they hone their knowledge and clinical reasoning skills. The clinical reasoning process was analyzed and modeled by six clinicians from the Faculty of Medicine at Université de Montréal together with a cognitive specialist. The result of this research was a model that was first published in the journal Medical Education in April 2012(1). The research itself forms the cornerstone of the course. (1) Source : Charlin, B., Lubarsky, S., Millette, B., Crevier, F., Audétat, M.-C., Charbonneau, A., Caire Fon, N., Hoff, L. and Bourdy, C. (2012), Clinical reasoning processes: unravelling complexity through graphical representation. Medical Education, 46: 454–463. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2012.04242.x"
Price: 149.00 |
"Bias and Discrimination in AI" |
"Engage in this course pertaining to a highly impactful yet, too rarely discussed, AI-related topic. You will learn from international experts in the field, also speakers at IVADO’s International School on Bias and Discrimination in AI, which took place in Montreal, and explore the social and technical aspects of bias, discrimination and fairness in machine learning and algorithm design. The main focus of this course is: gender, race and socioeconomic-based bias as well as bias in data-driven predictive models leading to decisions. The course is primarily intended for professionals and academics with basic knowledge in mathematics and programming, but the rich content will be of great use to whomever uses, or is interested in, AI in any other way. These sociotechnical topics have proven to be great eye-openers for technical professionals! The total duration of the video content available in this course is 7:30 hours, cut into relevant segments that you may watch at your own pace. There are also comprehensive quizzes at the end of each segment to measure your understanding of the content. IVADO is a scientific and economic data science hub bridging industrial, academic and governmental partners with expertise in digital intelligence. One of its missions is to contribute to the advancement of digital knowledge and train new generations of bias-aware data scientists. Welcome to this enlightening journey in the world of ethical AI!"
Price: 149.00 |
"Deep Learning Essentials" |
"Gain a good understanding of what Deep Learning is, what types of problems it resolves, and what are the fundamental concepts and methods it entails. The course developed by IVADO, Mila and Université de Montréal offers diversified learning tools for you to fully grasp the extent of this ground-breaking cross-cutting technology, a critical need in the field. IVADO, a scientific and economic data science hub bridging industrial, academic and government partners with expertise in digital intelligence designed the course, and the world-renowned Mila, rallying researchers specialized in Deep Learning, created the content. Mila’s founder and IVADO’s scientific director, Yoshua Bengio, also a professor at Université de Montréal, is a world-leading expert in artificial intelligence and a pioneer in deep learning as well as the scientific director of this course. He is also a joint recipient of the 2018 A.M. Turing Award, “the Nobel Prize of Computing”, for conceptual and engineering breakthroughs that have made deep neural networks a critical component of computing. Deep Learning is an extension of Machine Learning where machines can learn by experience without human intervention. It is largely influenced by the human brain in the fact that algorithms, or artificial neural networks, are able to learn from massive amounts of data and acquire skills that a human brain would. Thus, Deep learning is now able to tackle a large variety of tasks that were considered out of reach a few years ago in computer vision, signal processing, natural language processing, robotics, and sequential decision-making. Because of these recent advances, various industries are now deploying deep learning models that impact various economic sectors such as transport, health, finance, energy, as well as our daily life in general. If you are a professional, a scientist or an academic with basic knowledge in mathematics and programming, this MOOC is designed for you! Atop the rich Deep Learning content, discover issues of bias and discrimination in machine learning and benefit from this sociotechnical topic that has proven to be a great eye-opener for many."
Price: 149.00 |
"Monozukuri: Making Things" |
"This course introduces fundamental topics related to Monozukuri covering engineering topics such as thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, design, and dynamics of machinery. This is a new type of course in which learners not only view video lectures and answer quizzes but also learn while actually engaging in their own hands-on learn-by-doing project. You will learn about propulsion mechanism related to a small pop-pop (heat powered) steamboat. By introducing monozukuri (the art of manufacturing or preparing tangible objects) which is a philosophy of how to make things with precision that work extremely well. The principle standing behind Japanese high quality manufactured goods will be revealed. Interviews with craftsmen and student organizations that design and make things including the all Japan university competition on human-powered aircraft will be given as an example. This course is recommended course for learners who want to learn engineering principles and about making things in Japan. This course is a revision of the previous course on the same topic and was revised taking into account learner feedback. It also contains materials on experiental learning, which is the learning process by which one learns via their experiences. Furthermore, building a milk-carton boat out of an aluminum can was added in case wood and copper tubing are not available."
Price: 49.00 |
"Fundamental of Financial Mathematics and Capital Budgeting" |
"This course begins with a look at the determinants of value. We will cover two main approaches to valuing businesses as going concerns, discounting cash flows and valuation ratios, including the inputs needed to perform the calculations and how each deal with risk. We then proceed to look at the time value of money concepts - present value and future value and the role interest rates plays in the calculation of each. This course also covers the impact of different compounding frequencies and explains the methodologies used to make comparisons between interest rates based on different compounding conventions. We’ll learn how to calculate the future value of lump sums and cash flow streams (including period certain annuities) as well as calculate the present value of lump sums, cash flow streams (including period certain annuities and perpetuities—both constant and growing). The course also covers in in detail the three main approaches to capital budgeting decisions (Payback, Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value Analysis), including the conceptual framework, input values and decision rules for each. We’ll wrap up this course with a look at the strengths and weaknesses of each of three main approaches to capital budgeting decisions and modification to Payback and IRR that attempt to address the shortcomings of each. This course is part 1 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Corporate Finance & Valuation Methods Professional Certificate."
Price: 99.00 |
"Cost of Capital" |
"This course begins with a look at the connection between the cost of capital to the firm and risk versus expected returns to investors for the different types of corporate securities. We’ll look at the trade-offs issuers are considering when assessing the relative cost of different types of capital versus risk to the firm when trying to optimize capital structure. We’ll also learn how to calculate the after-tax cost of debt capital from straight debt and convertible debt, securities based on current borrowing rates as well as calculate the cost of equity capital using both a dividend discount approach and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). This course also looks at the potential issues regarding the cost of equity capital as computed via CAPM as it relates to values used for equity betas, market risk premium and choice of risk-free rate and explain the connection between common stock betas and company leverage, adjust beta for different degrees of leverage in capital structures and describe potential applications of adjusted betas. We’ll learn how to calculate weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) and discuss the potential impact on WACC due to changes in capital structure, dividend policy or investment policy. We’ll wrap up the course with a look at the rationale for use of WACC or the cost of equity capital in a discounted cash flow valuation, including what cash flow measure either would be appropriate for valuing. This course is part 2 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Corporate Finance & Valuation Methods Professional Certificate."
Price: 150.00 |
"Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Other Valuation Methodologies" |
"In this course, we’ll look at the various methods for conducting DCF valuations (no growth, constant growth and variable growth), source of input values and when each is appropriate. We’ll explain the rationale for using free cash flows versus other measures of net resource flows (e.g. dividends, earnings, EBITDA, etc.) when valuing a firm or its common equity. We’ll also learn how to calculate free cash flow (to the firm and to the equity holders) using information from corporate financial statements Next, we’ll discuss the factors that would need to be factored into a free cash flow projection for a DCF valuation, including but not limited to issues impacting sales growth, margins (net and operating) and leverage (operating and financial). We’ll also cover the macroeconomic, industry sector and company-specific factors that color the context for cash flow projections (e.g. industry/product lifecycle or competitive analysis). Next, we’ll learn how to calculate a terminal value for a DCF valuation and discuss issues regarding the sensitivity of a terminal value to assumed growth and discount rates as well as a factor related to the determination of reasonable estimates for those inputs. We’ll also learn how to calculate the value of a firm and the value of its equity using DCF analysis given the appropriate free cash flow projections and discount rates. Next, we’ll discuss alternative methods for determining enterprise value and equity value based on either excess cash and non-operating assets or economic profit and invested capital. We’ll wrap up this course with a look at the components of the widely used valuation ratios and how they are employed in assessing relative value. This course is part 3 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Corporate Finance & Valuation Methods Professional Certificate."
Price: 250.00 |
"Option Pricing and Applications in Capital Budgeting and Corporate Finance" |
"In this course, we’ll look at the elemental features of basic call and put options and identify the factors which are the key determinants of option values. We’ll also look at the characteristics and methodology used to estimate option values: Black-Scholes and binomial option pricing models. In this course, we’ll also define the term “real option” and draw decision trees to represent alternative decisions and potential outcomes in an uncertain economy and describe three types of real options—timing, growth, and abandonment—and explain why it is important to consider those options when evaluating projects. We’ll explain how an investment for which a negative NPV is projected can have a positive NPV once any embedded real options are properly included in the evaluation as well as describe other methodologies businesses sometimes use to decide among investment projects: Equivalent Annual Benefit, Profitability Index and Hurdle Rate. We’ll wrap up the course with a look at the option equivalents of corporate securities and explain how any insights obtained can be used in determining optimal investing or issuance strategies. This course is part 4 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Corporate Finance & Valuation Methods Professional Certificate."
Price: 275.00 |
"Corporate Funding Alternatives and Financing Strategies" |
"In this course, we’ll look at the role of venture capitalists in funding early-stage companies including their position in the capital structure and potential benefits to the early-stage company beyond obtaining capital. We’ll describe the different means by which corporations obtain funding in the public and private markets and the differences between offerings registered with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and transactions that are exempt from that requirement. We’ll identify the primary steps from the filing of a registration statement with the SEC to distribution in an initial public offering (IPO) and discuss the most common types of debt offerings by large corporations, 144A offerings and Shelf registrations (Rule 415). In this course, we’ll also discuss the factors that lead companies to pursue management buyouts (usually structured as leveraged buyouts and the trade-offs inherent in corporations making investments via M&A (mergers and acquisitions) or strategic partnerships versus de novo investments or organic growth of existing businesses. This course is part 5 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Corporate Finance & Valuation Methods Professional Certificate."
Price: 275.00 |
"Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods Professional Certificate Examination" |
"Ready to earn a professional certificate and stand out in your field? If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive understanding of the courses, your next step is to complete the Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods Professional Certificate Examination from the New York Institute of Finance. The exam comprises 26 questions, timed at 60 Minutes. To qualify for the certificate, learners must receive a grade of at least 70% or better. Prerequisite for this exam: Earn a Verified Certificate in all parts of the Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods program from NYIF: Fundamental of Financial Mathematics and Capital Budgeting Cost of Capital Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Other Valuation Methodologies Option Pricing and Applications in Capital Budgeting and Corporate Finance Corporate Funding Alternatives and Financing Strategies"
Price: 500.00 |
"Statistics and R" |
"This course teaches the R programming language in the context of statistical data and statistical analysis in the life sciences. We will learn the basics of statistical inference in order to understand and compute p-values and confidence intervals, all while analyzing data with R code. We provide R programming examples in a way that will help make the connection between concepts and implementation. Problem sets requiring R programming will be used to test understanding and ability to implement basic data analyses. We will use visualization techniques to explore new data sets and determine the most appropriate approach. We will describe robust statistical techniques as alternatives when data do not fit assumptions required by the standard approaches. By using R scripts to analyze data, you will learn the basics of conducting reproducible research. Given the diversity in educational background of our students we have divided the course materials into seven parts. You can take the entire series or individual courses that interest you. If you are a statistician you should consider skipping the first two or three courses, similarly, if you are biologists you should consider skipping some of the introductory biology lectures. Note that the statistics and programming aspects of the class ramp up in difficulty relatively quickly across the first three courses. We start with simple calculations and descriptive statistics. By the third course will be teaching advanced statistical concepts such as hierarchical models and by the fourth advanced software engineering skills, such as parallel computing and reproducible research concepts. These courses make up 2 XSeries and are self-paced: PH525.1x: Statistics and R for the Life Sciences PH525.2x: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra PH525.3x: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments PH525.4x: High-Dimensional Data Analysis PH525.5x: Introduction to Bioconductor: annotation and analysis of genomes and genomic assays PH525.6x: High-performance computing for reproducible genomics PH525.7x: Case studies in functional genomics This class was supported in part by NIH grant R25GM114818."
Price: 249.00 |
"Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra" |
"Matrix Algebra underlies many of the current tools for experimental design and the analysis of high-dimensional data. In this introductory online course in data analysis, we will use matrix algebra to represent the linear models that commonly used to model differences between experimental units. We perform statistical inference on these differences. Throughout the course we will use the R programming language to perform matrix operations. Given the diversity in educational background of our students we have divided the series into seven parts. You can take the entire series or individual courses that interest you. If you are a statistician you should consider skipping the first two or three courses, similarly, if you are biologists you should consider skipping some of the introductory biology lectures. Note that the statistics and programming aspects of the class ramp up in difficulty relatively quickly across the first three courses. You will need to know some basic stats for this course. By the third course will be teaching advanced statistical concepts such as hierarchical models and by the fourth advanced software engineering skills, such as parallel computing and reproducible research concepts. These courses make up 2 XSeries and are self-paced: PH525.1x: Statistics and R for the Life Sciences PH525.2x: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra PH525.3x: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments PH525.4x: High-Dimensional Data Analysis PH525.5x: Introduction to Bioconductor: annotation and analysis of genomes and genomic assays PH525.6x: High-performance computing for reproducible genomics PH525.7x: Case studies in functional genomics This class was supported in part by NIH grant R25GM114818."
Price: 149.00 |
"Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments" |
"In this course you’ll learn various statistics topics including multiple testing problem, error rates, error rate controlling procedures, false discovery rates, q-values and exploratory data analysis. We then introduce statistical modeling and how it is applied to high-throughput data. In particular, we will discuss parametric distributions, including binomial, exponential, and gamma, and describe maximum likelihood estimation. We provide several examples of how these concepts are applied in next generation sequencing and microarray data. Finally, we will discuss hierarchical models and empirical bayes along with some examples of how these are used in practice. We provide R programming examples in a way that will help make the connection between concepts and implementation. Given the diversity in educational background of our students we have divided the series into seven parts. You can take the entire series or individual courses that interest you. If you are a statistician you should consider skipping the first two or three courses, similarly, if you are biologists you should consider skipping some of the introductory biology lectures. Note that the statistics and programming aspects of the class ramp up in difficulty relatively quickly across the first three courses. By the third course will be teaching advanced statistical concepts such as hierarchical models and by the fourth advanced software engineering skills, such as parallel computing and reproducible research concepts. These courses make up 2 XSeries and are self-paced: PH525.1x: Statistics and R for the Life Sciences PH525.2x: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra PH525.3x: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments PH525.4x: High-Dimensional Data Analysis PH525.5x: Introduction to Bioconductor: annotation and analysis of genomes and genomic assays PH525.6x: High-performance computing for reproducible genomics PH525.7x: Case studies in functional genomics This class was supported in part by NIH grant R25GM114818."
Price: 149.00 |
"High-Dimensional Data Analysis" |
"If you’re interested in data analysis and interpretation, then this is the data science course for you. We start by learning the mathematical definition of distance and use this to motivate the use of the singular value decomposition (SVD) for dimension reduction of high-dimensional data sets, and multi-dimensional scaling and its connection to principle component analysis. We will learn about the batch effect, the most challenging data analytical problem in genomics today, and describe how the techniques can be used to detect and adjust for batch effects. Specifically, we will describe the principal component analysis and factor analysis and demonstrate how these concepts are applied to data visualization and data analysis of high-throughput experimental data. Finally, we give a brief introduction to machine learning and apply it to high-throughput, large-scale data. We describe the general idea behind clustering analysis and descript K-means and hierarchical clustering and demonstrate how these are used in genomics and describe prediction algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors along with the concepts of training sets, test sets, error rates and cross-validation. Given the diversity in educational background of our students we have divided the series into seven parts. You can take the entire series or individual courses that interest you. If you are a statistician you should consider skipping the first two or three courses, similarly, if you are biologists you should consider skipping some of the introductory biology lectures. Note that the statistics and programming aspects of the class ramp up in difficulty relatively quickly across the first three courses. By the third course will be teaching advanced statistical concepts such as hierarchical models and by the fourth advanced software engineering skills, such as parallel computing and reproducible research concepts. These courses make up 2 XSeries and are self-paced: PH525.1x: Statistics and R for the Life Sciences PH525.2x: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra PH525.3x: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments PH525.4x: High-Dimensional Data Analysis PH525.5x: Introduction to Bioconductor: annotation and analysis of genomes and genomic assays PH525.6x: High-performance computing for reproducible genomics PH525.7x: Case studies in functional genomics This class was supported in part by NIH grant R25GM114818."
Price: 149.00 |
"Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia Care" |
"Are you a current or future caregiver, or, a nurse or other healthcare professional who wants to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease? Here are the key content areas that will be addressed over 5 modules: Over 5 million Americans and an estimated 24 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Given the exponential aging of the population, these numbers are expected to increase dramatically over the next few decades; Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. It is the most common cause of dementia among older adults and has both genetic and environmental factors in its development; AD is characterized by a variety of cognitive symptoms, including short-term memory loss, problems with problem-solving, judgment and recognition. There are also changes in mood and neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, hallucinations and paranoia. Behavioral expressions, include irritability, agitation, resistance to care, and wandering. In the later stages, the person is dependent in all activities of daily living and requires total care; There is no known cause, effective treatment or cure, but there are currently two classes of medications approved to enhance cognitive function, as well as, lifestyle-based preventive strategies thought to possibly reduce risk; There are evidence-based therapeutic approaches and communication strategies to enhance interactions and optimally, prevent behavioral expressions; The key principles of care for the hospitalized person with Alzheimer’s disease are examined, including the importance of therapeutic communication strategies to prevent behavioral expressions and other complications such as delirium and falls; Lastly, the essential role of the dementia caregiver is discussed, including potential consequences, stresses and gratifications, as well as the resources available."
Price: 49.00 |
"Batteries, Fuel Cells, and their Role in Modern Society" |
"In today's world, we see game-changing movements in transportation and energy markets. A better understanding of the processes involved can help you to find your own role in these incipient shifts and take advantage of monumental changes down the road. This course is an elementary introduction to batteries and fuel cell, the cornerstone of electromobility and renewable energy, the main drivers of sustainable development. Learning the lessons of history, understanding the main driving forces, and gaining the basic knowledge of the key technologies will build your basic all-around comprehension of the subject. This course aims tobridgescience and society. For students focused on science, it will help illustrate the demands of society and industry. For learners from industry, business, or from generalist backgrounds, it will be the lucid introduction to the subject. The short course will not make you an expert in batteries, fuels cells, and electric vehicles, but will help you incommunicating with scientists and engineers and make your further education (or self-education) more productive. The main focus of the course is on batteries - namely, lithium-ion batteries - and electric vehicles as the key market."
Price: 49.00 |