Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Sign Language: Emergence and Evolution" |
"ASL has a long history and good documentation. This course, Emergence and Evolution of Sign Language, explores the origins of ASL by beginning with the key events and key concepts. How do people learn signed languages? Why do people enjoy using them? This key information will provide a foundation for understanding the relationship between how people use language, how it’s learned, and how a language community is formed and sustained. This foundation will illustrate how the language survives, which is equally important to recognize. These ideas will be discussed in this core course and they provide a foundation of understanding about where language comes from and why they vary."
Price: 99.00 |
"Sign Language: Factors Contributing to Natural Structure" |
"In this course, we will look at how people make sign language work—and to understand this, we have to analyze the actual language. In this course, Professor Ted Supalla will walk you through examples of how alterations within a sign can change its meaning and how this can affect word order in a sentence. This is discussed under the broad term “structure”, because a number of things can influence signed language grammar. Many factors have to be considered, which is why we have to take a layered, cumulative approach here."
Price: 99.00 |
"Sign Language: Factors Contributing to Natural Learning" |
"In this course, we will look at how multiple, varying factors can account for language-learning patterns. Age, for example, is a key factor that predicts fluency. Another topic of particular importance to signed languages is the mind. Knowing that spoken language primarily activates the left hemisphere, in this course we will explore how signed languages also primarily activate the left hemisphere."
Price: 99.00 |
"Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 2" |
"In this course: (1) you will learn to model the multi-axial stress-strain response of isotropic linear elastic material due to combined loads (axial, torsional, bending); (2) you will learn to obtain objective measures of the severity of the loading conditions to prevent failure; (3) you will learn to use energy methods to efficiently predict the structural response of statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures. This course will give you a foundation to predict and prevent structural failure and will introduce you to energy methods, which form one basis for numerical techniques (like the Finite Element Method) to solve complex mechanics problems This is the third course in a 3-part series. In this series you will learn how mechanical engineers can use analytical methods and “back of the envelope” calculations to predict structural behavior. The three courses in the series are: Part 1 – 2.01x: Elements of Structures. (Elastic response of Structural Elements: bars, shafts, beams). Part 2 – 2.02.1x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 1. (Assemblages of Elastic, Elastic-Plastic, and Viscoelastic Structural Elements). Part 3 – 2.02.2x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 2. (Multi-axial Loading and Deformation. Energy Methods). These courses are based on the first subject in solid mechanics for MIT Mechanical Engineering students. Join them and learn to rely on the notions of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and constitutive material response to ensure that your structures will perform their specified mechanical function without failing."
Price: 99.00 |
"'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults" |
"Poor mental health affects one in four people, and young adults are particularly susceptible. Do you feel confident approaching the topic of mental health with people you care about, or are concerned about? 'Talk to Me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults , is a German-Australian collaboration developed in response to the growing need to provide young people and those around them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to recognise, identify, and respond to mental health challenges in themselves and others. Key topics in this MOOC include understanding contributing factors to poor mental health, how to talk about addressing poor mental health, and strategies to increase mental fitness. Please note: This course contains content that crosses over with TTM2x: Managing Study, Stress, and Mental Health at University (Modules 1 and 2). However, this MOOC contains an extra four modules of content which are aimed at parents, teachers, health professionals, GPs, social workers, counsellors, coaches, and other 'gatekeepers' - people in positions of responsibility with regular contact with young people. We are grateful to the following organisations for their contribution to and continued support of this MOOC: Healthway Western Australia The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators Curtin University Teaching Excellence Fund Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme - Universities Australia"
Price: 139.00 |
"Qué funciona en educación: políticas educativas basadas en evidencia" |
"Este curso sintetiza las principales investigaciones teóricas y prácticas que sustentan políticas educativas basadas en evidencia y profundiza sobre los principales avances y desafíos de los sistemas educativos de América Latina y el Caribe. El curso ha sido organizado alrededor de cinco áreas clave que se han identificado en sistemas de aprendizaje exitosos. •La necesidad de definir metas altas de aprendizaje estudiantil que guíen todas las actividades del sistema educativo. •Asegurar el acceso a programas de desarrollo infantil temprano y preescolar de alta calidad para que todos los estudiantes ingresen al sistema escolar listos para aprender. •Contar con docentes efectivos que permitan mejorar y reducir brechas de aprendizajes. •Asegurar que todas las escuelas cuenten con los recursos adecuados y sean capaces de utilizarlos efectivamente para promover el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. •Asegurar que todos los jóvenes adquieran las habilidades necesarias para alcanzar su máximo potencial en el mundo del trabajo y contribuir a la sociedad. El curso está dirigido a personas interesadas en mejorar la calidad de la educación a través de políticas educativas basadas en evidencia."
Price: 25.00 |
"Electronic Trading in Financial Markets" |
"Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, Electronic Trading in Financial Markets is a comprehensive study of the impact of technology on financial market systems. This economics and finance course provides students with a foundation in market structure (what is ‘liquidity?’) before building to introduce electronic trading fundamentals (order books) and advanced electronic trading techniques (algorithmic trading). Learners will study the history of technology in markets, the details of electronic trading protocols and the impact of innovation on market structure. This course is broken down into 6 modules: Module 1: Fundamentals of Market Structure Module 2: Fundamentals of Electronic Trading Module 3: Mechanics of an Order Book Module 4: Advanced Electronic Trading Module 5: Electronic Trading in Fixed Income Module 6: Innovation Guidelines Upon completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate bearing the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) name. A NYIF certificate, highly valued in the financial industry, will bolster a resume or LinkedIn profile and prove the skills you’ve gained to potential employers."
Price: 99.00 |
"The Mechatronics Revolution: Fundamentals and Core Concepts" |
"The Mechatronics Revolution is upon us. Never before has it been easier to build robotic devices and computer-controlled machines. The confluence of low-cost embedded computers, sensors, and actuators has made experimentation and prototyping easier than ever. Course modules will explore the mechatronics design process, fundamentals of microcontrollers, embedded systems programming, actuator control, and sensor interfacing. Through several hands-on labs, students will solidify their knowledge of core mechatronics concepts and gain real-world experience building their own mechatronic systems. The mechatronics lab kit, TI-RSLK-Mechkit (available on Mouser.com), provides all the materials needed to complete the lab assignments and build a small robot. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be equipped with the fundamental knowledge they need to harness the Mechatronics Revolution."
Price: 149.00 |
"Analytics in Python" |
"Data is the lifeblood of an organization. Competency in programming is an essential skill for successfully extracting information and knowledge from data. The goal of this course is to introduce learners to the basics of programming in Python and to give a working knowledge of how to use programs to deal with data. In this course, we will first cover the basics of programming and then focus on using Python on the entire data management process from data acquisition to analysis of data big data and small data. This is an intensive hands-on course that will equip and reward learners with proficiency in data management skills."
Price: 249.00 |
"Animation and CGI Motion" |
"How do you create realistic animations? How do you predict the motion of materials? It’s key to the success of animated films to ensure (was insure) audiences believe in characters. This course will show you how to create lifelike animations focusing on the technical aspects of CGI animation and also give you a glimpse into how studios approach the art of physically-based animation. You will learn the fundamental concepts of physical simulation, including: integration of ordinary differential equations such as those needed to predict the motion of a dress in the wind. formulation of models for physical phenomena such as crumpling sheet metal and flowing water. treatment of discontinuities such as fractures and collisions. simulation of liquids and solids in both Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates. artistic control of physically-based animations. These concepts will be put into practice in the programming assignments spanning: Discretizing and integrating Newton’s equations of motion Constrained Lagrangian Mechanics Collisions, contact, and friction: detection and response Continuum mechanics Finite elements Rigid body simulation Thin shell and cloth simulation Elastic rod and hair simulation Fluid simulation"
Price: 249.00 |
"Demand and Supply Analytics" |
"How do airlines decide when to increase ticket prices? Should a hotel charge less per night for a long stay than a short one? Why do some software companies bundle very different products together? How should a fashion retailer decide when do start discounting clothes? Why do so many discounted rates end in "".99""? How should a company balance the risk of holding too much inventory on hand and the risk of turning away customers? Does it ever make sense for retailers to lie to suppliers about how much they will need to order? Should retailers with multiple locations hold most of their inventory in a central warehouse or at the individual locations? These are only a small sample of the operational and pricing challenges all businesses regularly face. These challenges are often addressed individually and in isolation but, in reality, all of these decisions interact with each other. This class looks at the demand and supply management challenges faced by companies in various industries and provides an introduction to the tools that can be used to address these challenges."
Price: 249.00 |
"Machine Learning" |
"Machine Learning is the basis for the most exciting careers in data analysis today. You’ll learn the models and methods and apply them to real world situations ranging from identifying trending news topics, to building recommendation engines, ranking sports teams and plotting the path of movie zombies. Major perspectives covered include: probabilistic versus non-probabilistic modeling supervised versus unsupervised learning Topics include: classification and regression, clustering methods, sequential models, matrix factorization, topic modeling and model selection. Methods include: linear and logistic regression, support vector machines, tree classifiers, boosting, maximum likelihood and MAP inference, EM algorithm, hidden Markov models, Kalman filters, k-means, Gaussian mixture models, among others. In the first half of the course we will cover supervised learning techniques for regression and classification. In this framework, we possess an output or response that we wish to predict based on a set of inputs. We will discuss several fundamental methods for performing this task and algorithms for their optimization. Our approach will be more practically motivated, meaning we will fully develop a mathematical understanding of the respective algorithms, but we will only briefly touch on abstract learning theory. In the second half of the course we shift to unsupervised learning techniques. In these problems the end goal less clear-cut than predicting an output based on a corresponding input. We will cover three fundamental problems of unsupervised learning: data clustering, matrix factorization, and sequential models for order-dependent data. Some applications of these models include object recommendation and topic modeling."
Price: 249.00 |
Robotics |
"We think of Robotics as the science of building devices that physically interact with their environment. The most useful robots do it precisely, powerfully, repeatedly, tirelessly, fast, or some combinations of these. The most interesting robots maybe even do it intelligently. This course will cover the fundamentals of robotics, focusing on both the mind and the body. We will learn about two core robot classes: kinematic chains (robot arms) and mobile bases. For both robot types, we will introduce methods to reason about 3-dimensional space and relationships between coordinate frames. For robot arms, we will use these to model the task of delivering a payload to a specified location. For mobile robots, we will introduce concepts for autonomous navigation in the presence of obstacles. Class projects will make use of ROS - the open-source Robot Operating System (www.ros.org) widely used in both research and industry. Computer requirements for working on the projects will include a computer set up with Ubuntu Linux and high bandwidth internet access for downloading and installing ROS packages."
Price: 249.00 |
"Marketing enfocado en la estrategia de servicios" |
"El sector servicios (sector terciario) en el siglo XXI ha alcanzado una altísima participación en el PBI (también conocido como PIB) mundial y mantendrá esta tendencia a ritmo exponencial. Los clientes han cambiado sus hábitos de consumo impactados por los avances en las comunicaciones y la disponibilidad de poderosos dispositivos que los conectan a través de redes utilizando Internet. Están ávidos por disponer de nuevas experiencias de servicios que tengan en cuenta sus necesidades, problemas y preferencias. Que sean simples de usar, fáciles de acceder y disponibles 24 horas en lo posible. Los desafíos entonces para la empresa de servicios son: Diferenciarse de sus competidores La creación de valor para sus clientes El diseño de estrategias destinadas a generar fuertes vínculos con ellos serán centrales. Pero, ¿cómo lograr todo esto? Ese es nuestro desafío en este curso en línea. Trabajaremos desde la estrategia y el marketing, pero no olvidaremos integrar a las operaciones y la gestión de los recursos humanos para lograrlo. Integraremos la estrategia interna a la empresa, con la externa hacia el cliente. Te entrenaremos para que aprendas a observar, analizar y crear experiencias exitosas de servicio. Al finalizar el curso de administración contarás con una amplia caja de herramientas y modelos conceptuales para tu éxito profesional en servicios y habrás disfrutado de una experiencia que además te mostrará muchos ejemplos y situaciones aplicadas que enriquecerán tu visión de los negocios y te permitirán disponer de los elementos iniciales para crear tu propio proyecto en servicios o para integrarte a un equipo emprendedor exitoso."
Price: 119.00 |
"Gestión de operaciones" |
"La gestión de operaciones es uno de los pilares de un modelo de negocios, en este curso de negocios y administración nos centraremos en el sector servicios (sector terciario). En el modelo de administración de empresas, se observa la particularidad de que el proceso interactúa de manera directa con el cliente en tiempo real. En otros casos como en los modelos de negocios de producción de bienes, la interacción con el cliente se da a través del resultado del proceso, producto, pero no con el proceso en sí. Se cuenta además con el stock como elemento que disimula imperfecciones que puedan haber existido durante el proceso, tales como demoras, unidades defectuosas, etc. La perspectiva de operaciones, tomando como base el enfoque en procesos, nos permite generar modelos de gestión que hacen posible el control del proceso ejecutado. Dimensiones como la capacidad de un proceso, las esperas y el impacto de la gestión del precio, son las que permiten gobernar los procesos y hacer que estos sean útiles al modelo de negocio del que son parte. Durante el curso en línea se destina un módulo a cada una de estas dimensiones, de forma tal de introducir al estudiante en los conceptos básicos de la gestión de operaciones."
Price: 119.00 |
"Gestión de personas: Recursos Humanos" |
"La disposición al servicio se puede medir y predice la efectividad del servicio. Las personas más felices, más positivas sobre ellas mismas y sobre su entorno, son más felices en el trabajo y los empleados más satisfechos producen también clientes más satisfechos.” Benjamín Schneider y David E. Bawer… Pero, ¿cómo lograr todo esto? Ese es nuestro desafío en este MOOC. Trabajaremos el factor clave para desarrollar experiencias memorables: el factor humano. En este curso de administración abordaremos: Al factor humano como inversión rentable La importancia del buen diseño de atracción del talento La política de selección y contratación Las remuneraciones y la retención La formación y la motivación Reconoceremos las diferencias entre los modelos de control y participación, aprendiendo la estrategia de dar poder de decisión a los colaboradores, reconociendo cuáles son sus beneficios e implicancias. Por último ponderaremos cómo afecta la satisfacción y retención del cliente según las diferentes políticas de Recursos Humanos."
Price: 119.00 |
"Data, Models and Decisions in Business Analytics" |
"In today’s world, managerial decisions are increasingly based on data-driven models and analysis using statistical and optimization methods that have dramatically changed the way businesses operate in most domains including service operations, marketing, transportation, and finance. The main objectives of this course are the following: Introduce fundamental techniques towards a principled approach for data-driven decision-making. Quantitative modeling of dynamic nature of decision problems using historical data, and Learn various approaches for decision-making in the face of uncertainty Topics covered include probability, statistics, regression, stochastic modeling, and linear, nonlinear and discrete optimization. Most of the topics will be presented in the context of practical business applications to illustrate its usefulness in practice."
Price: 249.00 |
"Marketing Analytics" |
"Marketers want to understand and forecast how customers purchase products and services and how they respond to marketing initiatives. Learn how analytics help businesses drive marketing to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). In this course, part of the Business Analytics MicroMasters program, discover how to develop quantitative models that leverage business data, statistical computation, and machine learning to forecast sales and marketing impact for: customer relationship management; market segmentation; value creation; communication; monetization. You will learn how to use probabilistic models and optimization tools to model customer demand forecasts, pricing sensitivity, Lifetime Value and how to leverage such data to make optimal decisions on designing new products, marketing segmentation and strategy."
Price: 249.00 |
"Model-based Systems Engineering: Foundations" |
"Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a contemporary systems engineering methodology that uses conceptual models for communication between system architects, designers, developers, and stakeholders. Object-Process Methodology (OPM, ISO 19450) is an MBSE language and methodology for constructing domain-independent conceptual models of all kinds of systems. The course provides systems engineers and others with basic knowledge and tools for MBSE using OPM, focusing on conceptual modeling of systems, giving learners a competitive advantage over their peers. OPM has a small set of symbols and one kind of diagram, making it easy to learn and enjoyable to use. Every OPM model is composed of objects and processes, connected by relations. OPM models include two ways of expression: graphical (Object-Process Diagram) and verbal (Object-Process Language). The methodology enables complexity management of systems via hierarchical composition. OPM is a formal yet intuitive approach to conceptual modeling. It is implemented in OPCloud, a novel Web-based OPM modeling environment. During the course, you will learn the process of system design and development using MBSE with OPM. The course content was produced to be informative and entertaining. You will model various real-life systems in OPM – mainly technological, but also social and natural. Learning is made interactive through diverse, engaging exercises."
Price: 149.00 |
"Gobierno Digital" |
"La revolución digital ya está presente en muchos aspectos de nuestra vida, ¿y en nuestros gobiernos? Para seguir el ritmo de ciudadanos hiperconectados y del comercio que ahora es cada vez más digital, los gobiernos no se pueden quedar atrás. Muchos países tienen un alto nivel de interés: el 75% de gobiernos ya cuentan con una estrategia de gobierno digital. Sin embargo, estos esfuerzos no se han traducido a la práctica ya que en 2017, solo el 7% ciudadanos latinoamericanos hizo un trámite en línea. En este curso aprenderás qué es el gobierno digital, por qué es importante y cómo se puede promover. Te mostraremos cómo la transformación digital de gobierno – o la falta de esta – afecta a los ciudadanos en su día a día. También te presentaremos cuáles son los desafíos que enfrenta un gobierno que decide quedarse en el pasado, y entraremos en detalle sobre algunos de los aspectos más importantes del gobierno digital – identidad y firma digital, datos, interoperabilidad, servicios digitales y ciberseguridad. No es necesario contar con conocimientos previos sobre tecnología. El curso te brindará todas las herramientas que necesitas para empezar a aportar en la transformación digital de tu gobierno. Los estudiantes que obtengan el certificado en este curso también recibirán una insignia digital. Las insignias digitales te permiten compartir fácilmente, y de forma más confiable, las habilidades o el conocimiento adquirido. Para más información sobre las insignias digitales visitar el sitio: https://cursos.iadb.org/es/indes/credenciales-digitales"
Price: 25.00 |
"Sustainable Energy Capstone Assessment" |
"The Capstone Assessment is the last step to complete the Sustainable Energy MicroMasters® credential, designed to test knowledge and skills gained in: ENGY0x Energy Principles and Renewable Energy ENGY1x Climate Science and Policy ENGY2x Energy and Development ENGY3x Low Emission Technologies and Supply Systems. Learners who successfully gain a Verified Certificate in all four courses (ENGY0x, ENGY1x, ENGY2x and ENGY3x), and who pass the Capstone Assessment, will be awarded the Sustainable Energy MicroMasters® credential. Participants who achieve a Sustainable Energy MicroMasters credential and who wish to continue their studies in the on-campus Master of Sustainable Energy at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, may be eligible to apply for credit. The Capstone Assessment involves a 30 to 60 minute online interview with Professor Peta Ashworth or delegate at a time to suit while the Capstone is open. The interview will cover the participant's written assignments and content from all four courses. IMPORTANT Do not enrol in the Capstone Assessment unless you are eligible to do so. Before you enrol you must have earned a Verified Certificate in all four courses (ENGY0x, ENGY1x, ENGY2x, ENGY3x). Ineligible learners will be automatically withdrawn from the Capstone Assessment. To satisfactorily complete the Capstone Assessment, you must demonstrate high-level English language skills equivalent to the level required by on-campus students at The University of Queensland. For more information, see The University of Queensland’s policy and procedures on English Language Proficiency Admission and Concurrent Support. The person participating in the Sustainable Energy Capstone Assessment interview must be the person who was enrolled in, and achieved, all four ENGYx certificates and whose identity was confirmed by edX. Plagiarism and cheating will result in expulsion from the program and repeal of certificate/s and credentials. Students must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the standards of behaviour set out in The University of Queensland’s student charter. These standards of behaviour are intended to promote the highest standards of honesty and academic integrity."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introduction to Machine Learning" |
"Want to learn how to analyze the huge amounts of data? In this course you will learn modern methods of machine learning to help you choose the right methods to analyze your data and interpret the results correctly. This course is an introduction to machine learning. It will cover the modern methods of statistics and machine learning as well as mathematical prerequisites for them. We will discuss the methods used in classification and clustering problems. You will learn different regression methods. Various examples and different software applications are considered in the course. You will get not only the theoretical prerequisites, but also practical hints on how to work with your data in MS Azure."
Price: 149.00 |
"Becoming an Entrepreneur" |
"Curious about entrepreneurship, but not sure where to start? Becoming an Entrepreneur is designed in partnership with MIT to guide people of all ages and backgrounds through the process of founding a company. With enrollment in the hundreds of thousands, this course is as engaging and accessible as it is informative. Becoming an Entrepreneur will provide you with inspiration to explore an entrepreneurial path and tools to overcome the initial challenges of building a business. From developing new business ideas and doing market research to designing and testing your offering and pitching, this course follows LaunchX’s successful approach to entrepreneurship that leverages MIT’s Disciplined Entrepreneurship, lean methodologies, and design thinking. There will be a combination of short videos and activities that will challenge you to get you away from your computer screen and into the community to make a real impact. No previous business or entrepreneurship experience needed. Join us to embark on your entrepreneurial journey."
Price: 69.00 |
"The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development" |
"What does a successful early childhood care program look like? How has a child’s brain developed at the age of 3? How does nutrition impact the future well-being of a child into adulthood? Learn the answers to these questions and more in ""The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development"". With leading experts in the field – hailing from Harvard University, New York University and UNICEF, among other institutions – we’ll explore how neuroscience, sociology, anthropology and other studies have influenced our understanding of early childhood development. This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in international development, teaching, nursing and medicine, and other fields who are interested in the key concepts and practices in early childhood development Teachers, healthcare professionals and other practitioners interested in the societal and biological factors impacting the children they support Sustainable development practitioners who want to understand the lifecycle of needs and support necessary to help children globally, including those who work for international aid organizations and nonprofits in the realms of poverty, nutrition and education"
Price: 49.00 |
"Our Place in the Universe" |
"Mankind has always been driven to learn and discoverhow the Universe works. Thispursuit is made possible by our inquisitive minds and our ability to think rationally. You are cordially invited to join us on a 4-week tour to see how we have come to our current understanding of our place in the universe today. Starting about 5000 years ago, our ancestors tracked patterns and movement of celestial objects,making religious, philosophical, and scientific interpretations of what they saw. They discovered answers to the events, shape, and structure of the Universe. Over the course of history, great scientists and astronomers including Eratosthenes, Anaximander, Aristarchus, Ptolemy, andCopernicus have contributed important theories and models that shape our understanding of the world and the Universe as we know it today. What is important torecognize is that we did not develop this knowledge overnight. Rather, it has been a long journey of astronomical explorationthat has developed and changed as we gained new perspectives and understanding. The exciting thing is that the journey continues today and there will always be new frontiersfor us to discover and to understand. The course provides a highly visual tour with high-density videos and special effects animations to help learners understand cosmological patterns and events. It also utilizes a first-of-its-kind e-learning app, “The Armillary Sphere.” The app offersa digital reconstruction of an ancient Armillary Sphere for MOOC learners to download and use to solve astronomical problems in real-time."
Price: 50.00 |
"Innovation Leadership" |
"In the 21st Century, there are millions of innovators, but few authentic innovation leaders are able to inspire and guide innovators and their teams to create breakthrough products with their innovative ideas. In this original course, Innovation Leadership, former Medtronic Chair & CEO Professor Bill George, shows you how to become an innovation leader. The essential elements of knowing yourself and your unique leadership gifts, your motivations, and the purpose of your leadership will be covered by Professor George, along with personal stories of exceptional innovation leaders, concepts, exercises, tools and practical tips to help you become an exceptional innovation leader. Innovation Leadership is organized into three modules, each including videos of Professor Bill George describing essential elements of innovation leaders, illustrating them with personal examples from innovation leaders, readings from Discover Your True North, illustrative charts, exercises, reflection essays, and discussion topics."
Price: 49.00 |
"Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写" |
"Reading enriches our life and writing enables us to express our thoughts. Being skillful in reading and writing allows you to better acquire and communicate information. This course focuses on 8 themes: learning university culture city education behavior theory communication meaning of life For each theme, there are two texts, key words analysis, reading skills, guest interviews, composition tutorials, writing workshops, and literature tutors. Join us and understand the beauty of language. 作为一门语言非常重要的两个方面,阅读可以让我们获取丰富的知识,写作可以让我们表达内心的思想。掌握正确的阅读技巧和写作技巧,能够让我们更好地获取信息和表达信息。本课程由中外教师及清华学生带领大家在真实的生活场景中畅游英语世界。 本课程从学习、大学、文化、城市、教育、行为论、人际交流和人生的意义等八个主题展开,每个主题由主题课文(两篇)、重点词句讲解、阅读技巧讲解、嘉宾访谈、作文批改和写作技巧讲解、英语学习方法介绍、文学赏析等模块构成。主题课文模块围绕精心挑选的主题展开,带你体验丰富多彩的文化,拓宽视野,同时配有相应的重点词句讲解,让你的英语知识库更庞大;阅读技巧模块以师生互动的形式展开,由老师和英语专业研究生带大家从学习者的角度一起探讨英语阅读的秘诀所在;嘉宾访谈模块邀请了三位嘉宾老师,分别在学习、文化等方面进行了介绍和分享;写作部分包括作文批改和写作技巧讲解,选取与主题相关的四六级作文考题,并各配以两篇学生真实写作案例,通过批改作文的形式讲解写作技巧;英语学习方法模块以访谈形式展开,由留学生助教为大家分享英语学习经验;文学赏析模块精选了八篇文学名著,让学习者在师生互动中遨游文学的海洋。 和我们一起感受语言的魅力,让我们一起实现一次英语读写的飞跃!"
Price: 149.00 |
"生活英语听说 | Conversational English Skills" |
"Are you finding it difficult to start the conversation, or find the right words when communicating in English? Do you know how to start and end conversations in a polite way? Do you want to learn more about American, British, Canadian, Australian, South Korean, Colombian, and Chinese cultures? If so, you’ve come to the right course! 语言最重要的功能就是交流。在交流中我们要知道如何开始一个对方感兴趣的话题,回答别人的提问,自然、流畅地完成一个对话。本课程选取了8个主题,由50多位来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、哥伦比亚、中国的老师及各个年龄段的学生,在真实的场景中,用最地道的表达和最纯正的英语,带你谈论日常生活、学习的方方面面。 本课程分为八个单元,每个单元有一个主题,分别是: 1、个人信息的介绍与交换 2、我们的家人和朋友 3、饮食与用餐 4、英语学习的目的和方法 5、假日活动和难忘的经历 6、兴趣爱好 7、情感表达 8、保持健康 每个主题由十余组对话和小组讨论,外籍老师的中西方文化差异介绍,中国老师的重点词汇、句型讲解,听力理解练习和口语测试构成。通过学习和练习,你将可以和讲英语的朋友们自如地交谈、讨论与主题相关的任何问题。本课程的学习方法有很多。英语学习者可以在反复地听和跟读对话的过程中,不断积累语言素材,和你身边的朋友或同课程的学习者进行对话练习;英语教师可以选用本课程中适合的主题,组织学生进行听说训练,组织高效课堂。也许你不能理解每段对话的全部内容,只需听懂大意,随着课程的进展,你听懂的内容会越来越多。让我们一起实现一次英语听说的飞跃吧。 本门课程在制作过程中得到了香港伟新教育基金和Google公司的资助,特此鸣谢。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Signals and Systems|信号与系统" |
"By the end of the course, you will learn concepts, principles, analysisand designs of deterministic signals transmitting and processing through linear time-invariant systems. You will also learn ways to analyze signals and systems from various perspectives such as time domain versustransform domain,continuoussignalsversusdiscretesignals. This course will emphasize on how to represent and describesignals and systems, and will provide in-depthunderstanding of properties and applications of Fourier transform, Laplace transform, z-transform and filter design. When completing the course, youwill obtain knowledge of analytical theories of signals and systems in both time and frequency domains, and of analyzing system functionsand theirapplicationsonfilter design. All of which will lay solid foundation for futurecourses. This course is a major prerequisite to entrance tests for graduate study."
Price: 49.00 |
"水力学 | Hydraulics" |
"Hydraulics is one of the basic courses of civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, and engineering physics. This science focuses on the laws of fluid dynamics and their interactions with the boundaries. The main objective of this course is to develop the following: Understanding of the basic concepts and related theories of hydraulics Innovation consciousness and scientific literacy Analysis and the ability to solve the hydraulic problems met in practice The course content focuses on basic theories: Physical and mechanical properties of fluid Hydrostatics Hydrokinematics Hydrodynamics Dimensional analysis and similitude Flow resistance and energy loss Hydraulics will expose you to important and interesting applications of mathematics and mechanics in engineering. You’ll participate in experiments and view videos in this class. If you take this course, you will not only gain expertise, but also have fun and know more about the nature about hydraulics in a fun and engaging way. 《水力学》是水利、土木、环境、建筑和工程物理等相关专业的技术基础课,它以水为主要对象研究流体运动的规律以及流体与边界的相互作用。本课程的主要任务是培养学生在三个方面的知识与能力:(1) 掌握水力学基本概念和基本理论;(2) 培养创新意识和科学素养;(3) 培养分析和解决工程实际中水力学问题的能力和实验技能。课程内容包括:基础部分、专题部分和实验部分。基础部分:1.流体的物理力学性质;2.静力学;3.运动学;4.动力学基础;5.量纲分析和相似理论;6.流动阻力和能量损失。专题部分:1.有旋流动和有势流动;2.边界层理论基础与绕流运动;3.孔口、管嘴出流有压管流。实验部分:包括常规教学实验和设计型(创新)实验。"
Price: 49.00 |