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"中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 | Introduction to the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" |
"China has grown to become the world’s second largest economy in the last several decades. In this history course, you will learn about the governing practice and ideology of the Communist Party of China during their economic growth. This course is an introduction to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and mainly consists of three points: Deng Xiaoping theory The important thought of ""Three Represents”, which is a guiding socio-political theory Scientific outlook on China’s economic development By the end of this course, you will understand: The primary stage of socialism The Essence of Socialism and the General Task of Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Socialist theory of reform and opening up Theory of achieving complete reunification of China Socialistic diplomacy and international strategy with Chinese characteristics Theory on the Leading Nucleus of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics This course is a window into contemporary China. Open the window and enjoy the view with us. 本课程为思想政治理论课。课程以“历史与理论相结合、思想与现实相结合、线上与线下相结合、高雅与通俗相结合”为特色,讲授社会主义初级阶段理论和基本路线、社会主义本质理论、社会主义改革开放理论、建设中国特色社会主义的总布局、根本目的、依靠力量、领导核心等专题,引导学生正确把握中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本内容和精神实质,引导学生深刻认识改革开放的必要性、可能性和艰巨性,引导学生牢固树立中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 本课程实施“转客为主”教学模式,即通过设置多重教学环节引导学生由“教学对象”向“教学主体”转化,由“被动性学习”向“主动性学习”转化,由“以听为主”向“听说读写行并重”转化。课程鼓励和引导学生实现“六化”: 一是“化耳为口”,即不仅要听,而且要说;二是“化目为手”,即不仅要读,而且要写;三是“化知为行”,即不仅要求知,而且要践行;四是“化外为内”,即将外在的知识转化为内在的素养;五是“化隐为显”,即将隐性的素质转化为显性的成果;六是“化人为己”,即将他人的素养转化为学生自我的素养。"
Price: 49.00 |
"唐宋词鉴赏 | Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty" |
"Starting with the definition and origin of Ci Poems, this course will introduce you to the representative writers, works and important genres of Tang and Song poetry. The course will also explore the history of Tang and Song poetry as well as the folklore and humanistic spirit of the Song Dynasty. This course is part of a series of “Appreciation of Tang and Song poetry” courses hosted by professor Bugao Wang. 本课程系王步高教授主持的“唐宋诗词鉴赏”国家精品课程、国家资源共享课系列课程之一。课程从词的定义、词的起源开始,较系统地讲授唐宋词的代表作家、代表作品,重要流派;以讲作品为主,兼及作家、唐宋词史以及宋代的历史、民俗及人文精神;通过本课程的学习,使学生对唐宋词有较为全面系统的了解,同时能提高其诗词阅读鉴赏及批评能力。 主讲人王步高教授为词学大师唐圭璋入室弟子,协助唐主编过《唐宋词鉴赏辞典》,长于诗词写作,词学领域著作颇丰,该课程是清华大学、东南大学最受学生欢迎的课程之一。"
Price: 139.00 |
"应对气候变化的中国视角 | China’s Perspective on Climate Change" |
"This course will provide China’s perspectives, policies, actions and effects on global climate changes to the international community. You will learn about the challenges and opportunities we are faced with on global climate in the world and in China, and will familiarize yourself with main policies, technical routines and international regulations. The knowledge presented in this course will benefit your understanding of significant theories and practical problems such as the energy revolution, economic development transition, low carbon economy development and the ecological civilization construction. Taking this course can help you grow your knowledge of the latest advances in climate change science, and revere nature, cherish resources and save energy. The course is designed for the undergraduate students, high school students and anyone who is concerned about climate change. 欢迎选修《应对气候变化的中国视角》! 本课程的内容可以向国际社会彰显中国应对气候变化的立场、政策和行动及其成效。通过本课程的学习,可以更好地认识当前全世界和我国应对气候变化面临的挑战和机遇,熟悉应对气候变化的主要政策措施、技术选择和国际治理制度,对于理解能源革命、转变经济发展方式、发展低碳经济和建设生态文明等重大理论和实践问题也有所裨益。 通过本课程的学习,还可以加深对于气候变化科学的基本知识和最新进展的了解,解答关于气候变化科学的质疑,培养全社会敬畏大自然、珍惜资源和节约能源的意识。 本课程适合大学生、高中生以及所有关心气候变化的社会人士学习。 更多精彩期待你发现!祝你学习顺利! 《应对气候变化的中国视角》课程组"
Price: 149.00 |
"心理学概论 | Introduction to Psychology" |
"As the physical quality of life improves in our increasingly global and technologically focused world, it is particularly important to focus on psychology. In fact, psychology is one of the most popular subjects studied in universities by students across the globe, and there is an increasing interest in studying this fascinating - and constantly changing - field. This course will cover a wide range of topics from the field of psychology to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Course lessons will focus on consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotion, evolution, motivation, personality, social psychology, and happiness. In every lesson, we use empirical studies of psychology and classical theoretical perspectives as examples, concluding the course with the relatively new perspective of positive psychology. In this course, you will gain an understanding of psychological modes of thought and master the basic methods of psychological research, while freeing yourself of psychological misconceptions and misunderstandings. 在人们物质生活飞速发展的今天,关注心理学显得尤为重要。在美国大学,心理学是学生人数最多且最受欢迎的学科之一。本课程分为13章,分别阐述绪论、意识、感觉、知觉、学习、记忆、思维、情感、进化、动机、人格、社会以及幸福问题。在每一章中,都会以心理学的实证研究作为例证,以经典理论观点作为主导,以积极正面的心理学研究为方向,让学生掌握心理学的基本内容和前沿动态,了解心理学的思考方式,去除对心理学的疑惑与误解,掌握基本的心理学研究方法。"
Price: 139.00 |
"知识产权法律及实务|Big Data and Intellectual Property Law and Practice" |
"本课程旨在提供一套分析工具帮助学生了解及应用知识产权法律制度。中国知识产权保护的热点和关键问题将从地方和全球的角度事业进行讨论。 本课程运用案例法,广泛介绍知识产权,探讨知识产权的内容及特点,并提供实务训练,教导如何识别、管理、使用及保护知识产权。本课程以专利权为重点,同时介绍商标、版权和商业秘密。为了加深和拓宽学生的知识和理解,本课程还特别关注国际知识产权制度、基因专有权、专利池、技术标准等前沿问题等。 This course is intended to provide a set of analytical tools for the students to understand and apply intellectual property legal system. Hot topics and crucial issues of intellectual property protection in China will be discussed from local and global perspectives. Using case method, this course offers a broad introduction of intellectual property, explores its content and features, provides practical training — teaches how to identify, manage, use and protect intellectual property rights. This course focuses on patent, also introduces trademark, copyright and trade secret. In order to deepen and broaden students’ knowledge and understanding, this course also pays particular attention to cutting-edge issues, such as international intellectual property system, gene patent, patent pool and technical standards, etc."
Price: 99.00 |
"Japanese Culture and Language (I) |日语与日本文化(1)" |
"In modern history of the development of China, Japan more than any country in the world, has made the largest influence on China. It cannot be underestimated that, the influence from Japan on China’s teenagers covers from their character formations, cultural identities, and even values. So observing the Japanese social life could help us looking back to ourselves. Re-understanding Japan and Japanese, can help Chinese distinguishing the most fundamental contradiction between China and Japan, which is the differences in ""insular"" and ""mainland farming nation"". It is more important to understand a national culture than to master its language. In this course, the introduction and analysis of Japanese culture and daily social lives are rubbed into more than ever. 在中国近代史发展的进程中,日本超过世界上任何一个国家,成为了对中国影响最大的国家。日本文化对中国青少年的性格形成乃至文化认同感、价值观塑造方面所起到的影响不容小觑。从日本社会生活现象中学习并反观中国社会。重新认识日本国和日本人,从中日两国现代交往的种种矛盾现象中看清楚“岛国根性”与“大陆农耕民族”最根本的差异所在。对于一个国家的了解、与其交流或者认知,掌握这个国家、民族的文化甚至比单纯掌握这个国家的语言更为重要。在日语基础的学习过程中,比以往课堂教学更多地揉入对日本社会生活中的文化现象予以介绍和分析。"
Price: 139.00 |
"Japanese Culture and Language (II) |日语与日本文化(2)" |
"In modern history of the development of China, Japan more than any country in the world, has made the largest influence on China. It cannot be underestimated that, the influence from Japan on China’s teenagers covers from their character formations, cultural identities, and even values. So observing the Japanese social life could help us looking back to ourselves. Re-understanding Japan and Japanese, can help Chinese distinguishing the most fundamental contradiction between China and Japan, which is the differences in ""insular"" and ""mainland farming nation"". It is more important to understand a national culture than to master its language. In this course, the introduction and analysis of Japanese culture and daily social lives are rubbed into more than ever. 在中国近代史发展的进程中,日本超过世界上任何一个国家,成为了对中国影响最大的国家。日本文化对中国青少年的性格形成乃至文化认同感、价值观塑造方面所起到的影响不容小觑。从日本社会生活现象中学习并反观中国社会。重新认识日本国和日本人,从中日两国现代交往的种种矛盾现象中看清楚“岛国根性”与“大陆农耕民族”最根本的差异所在。对于一个国家的了解、与其交流或者认知,掌握这个国家、民族的文化甚至比单纯掌握这个国家的语言更为重要。在日语基础的学习过程中,比以往课堂教学更多地揉入对日本社会生活中的文化现象予以介绍和分析。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law|思想道德修养与法律基础" |
"《思想道德修养与法律基础》是一门融思想性、政治性、知识性、综合性和实践性为一体的课程。 作为大学生的第一门思想政治理论课程,本课程以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,传承中华优秀传统文化,借鉴人类文明的有益创造成果,围绕当代大学生在成长成才过程中面对的思想、道德、法律等问题,进行马克思主义的世界观、人生观、价值观、道德观和法律观的教育教学,帮助大学生提高思想道德素质和法律素质,成长为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人。 “Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law” Course is a combination of ideological, political, intellectual, comprehensive and practical. As the first ideological and political theory course of college students, this course is guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. This course will inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and draw on the beneficial achievements of human civilization. Focusing on such issues as ideology, morality and law faced by contemporary college students, the course is about Marxist worldview, outlook on life, values, morality and legal view. The course is aimed at improving the ideological, moral and legal quality of college students, helping them becomewell rounded,developed and qualifiedbuildersandsuccessorsfor thesocialistcause."
Price: 49.00 |
"Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment" |
"Building construction is one of the most waste producing sectors. In the European Union, construction alone accounts for approximately 30% of the raw material input. In addition, the different life-cycle stages of buildings, from construction to end-of-life, cause a significant environmental impact related to energy consumption, waste generation and direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. The Circular Economy model offers guidelines and principles for promoting more sustainable building construction and reducing the impact on our environment. If you are interested in taking your first steps in transitioning to a more sustainable manner of construction, then this course is for you! In this course you will become familiar with circularity as a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach, concerned with the different scale, from material to product, building, city, and region. Some aspects of circularity that will be included in this course are maximizing reuse and recycle levels by closing the material loops. You will also learn how the Circular Economy can help to realign business incentives in supply chains, and how consumers can be engaged and contribute to the transition through new business models enabling circular design, reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling of building components. In addition, you will learn how architecture and urban design can be adapted according to the principles of the Circular Economy and ensure that construction is more sustainable. You will also learn from case studies how companies already profitably incorporate this new theory into the design, construction and operation of the built environment."
Price: 50.00 |
"大数据机器学习|Big Data Machine Learning" |
"如何处理大数据是机器学习所面临的一个持续性的挑战。目前,机器学习处理大规模数据的问题十分普遍。如何提出一种满足大数据处理需求的机器学习算法是大数据时代的热点研究课题。《大数据机器学习》课程是信息科学系高年级本科生和研究生的一门基础理论课程,其目的是培养学生全面理解大数据机器学习的理论基础,并牢固掌握大数据机器学习的方法以及解决实际问题的能力。本课程主要研究机器学习和深度学习的方法,旨在实现大数据机器学习的应用。本课程主要内容包括: 统计学习的基本理论 .机器学习的基本方法 深度学习的理论和方法 An ongoing challenge for machine learning is how to deal with big data. At present, the problem of machine learning dealing with large-scale data is widespread. How to propose a machine learning algorithm to meet the needs of big data processing is a hot research topic in the big data era. The course "" Big Data Machine Learning"" is a basic theory course for senior undergraduates and postgraduates in information science department. Its purpose is to cultivate students' comprehensive ability to understand the theoretical basis of Big Data Machine Learning, master the methods of Big Data Machine Learning firmly, and solve practical problems. This course focuses on the methodsof machine learning and deep learning, and aims to realize the application of big data machine learning. The main contents of the course include: The basic theories of statistical learning The basic methods of machine learning The theories and methods of deep learning"
Price: 99.00 |
"Reading Religious Conversion" |
"Conversion is a multidimensional phenomenon with religious, social, political and legal implications. By examining these implications, one can learn how religious communities function, how they deal with identity issues, and how and why they demarcate their boundaries. Conversion canalso illustrate the policies and internal structures of such communities, interactions with those deemed as ""Others"", and the dynamics of minority-majority cultural groups living alongside one another. The courseprovidesan analytic structure for understanding political, social, religious and legal issues, communal and religious limits, and the exchange of knowledge. In this course you will find: Variety We tackle the diverse expressions of the phenomenon, utilizing research tools from a wide spectrum of disciplines and integrating such study into the academic world as a distinct interdisciplinary area of inquiry. Accessibility The digital format enables intimate and immediate meetings with ancient texts to which most of you do not have access (they will appear in the course in their original language as well as translated into English), along with exposure to works of art from the same period and the valuable information thatcan be distilled from them. Instructors Twenty-six world-renowned specialists guide you through the learning process, providing a broad historical, cultural and religious background for the texts. The experts help you to gain an understanding of the period in which the texts were written, and the events and ideas that the texts influenced. Identity The texts yield multiple notions on the forms that conversion has taken and on the forcesthat drive such a decision. These ideas broaden and enrich your grasp of the different ways people, throughout history and across the globe, have self-identified upon a continuum of identities. These include their natal religion, their chosen faith, their motivations for conversion and social, economic, legal, personal and other factors that may have contributed to the choice to convert. Hence, past and present are in constant dialogue in this course, as are the geographical spaces in which the events occurred."
Price: 49.00 |
"Solar Energy Engineering: Comprehensive Exams" |
"In this course you will gain access to two final exams. The first exam covers the content of PV1x and PV2x, and the second exam covers the content of PV3x and PV4x. For each exam you are given two attempts. You will be given exam preparation material to help you prepare. The exams are offered in the format of proctored exams. To read more about proctored exam and to review the technical requirements, review the edX's help pages."
Price: 250.00 |
"Resilience - The art of coping with disasters" |
"What is Resilience? Resilience is often perceived as an abstract term that varies in meaning for people from different fields and backgrounds. Nevertheless, it has been a “buzzword” in the discussion around crises and disasters in recent decades. In this course, we willintroduce structure into this confusion andprovide clearer definitions for the intangible multidisciplinary and sometimes ambiguous term resilience. Subsequently, this understanding will serve to improve the learners’ ability to manage crisis situations, as well as to help them plan and focus interventions and protective measures in the field of emergency preparedness and response. At the individual level, this course will provide learners with personal tools and resources for better coping in various stressful situations. Resilience is a capacity of society, with implications for day-to-day life as well as in crisis situations. The familiarity with the concept and its' broad aspects, is an asset to any individual in the pragmatic applied sense, beyond the academic attainment. This course willintroduce the concept of resilience and its relevance in various arenas and times. We will portray the impact of the disaster on individuals, families, communities, organizations, infrastructure and the interfaces between them. We will introduce the role of media and social media in the emergency management lifecycle You will learn how to measure resilience, how to use this assessment to guide you in building response plans for emergency situations."
Price: 49.00 |
"User Experience (UX) Design: Human Factors and Culture in Design | 设计的人因与文化" |
"The most successful products and services offer rich and colorful user experiences that take into account social and cultural patterns. Learn how to create excellent user experience (UX) designs which are user-centered and consider factors such as consumer demand, ability and cultural background. Understanding UX design, or how to design with the user in mind, is not only a requirement for designers, but also a skill product managers and developers should develop throughout their careers. This UX/UI course should help product developers, managers and marketers as well as designers develop unique critical, analytical perspectives in user experience and user interface.Theoretical knowledge of the human factor is at the heart of user-centered design and evaluation. This course will focus around this theme, starting with specific design cases and gradually diving deeper into the newest research findings, taking learners from the simplest to the most complicated studies of user analysis, task analysis, user interface design, cross-cultural design, user experience design, robot and human interaction design, the newest health care and human factor research projects, and more. FAQs What are the textbook and the reference books for this course? Heim, S. (2007). The Resonant Interface. Pearson Education Limited. (English language reprint edition published by Publishing House of Electronics Industry). What is the grading breakdown? 20% quizzes 40% discussion 40% final report How can I get the certificate? If your final score is no less than 50. 生活中各式各样的产品与服务给我们带来了丰富多彩的用户体验,也蕴含着有趣的社会文化规律。优秀的用户体验设计需要以人为中心,全面考虑人的需求、能力以及文化背景等因素。以用户为中心的设计方法不仅是对设计师的要求,也是产品管理、开发人员必需的专业素养,本课程希望帮助产品开发或设计人员建立独立的评判视角和分析思路。 人因学的理论知识是“以用户为中心的设计和评估”方法的基础,本课程将围绕这个中心,从具体的设计案例开始讲授,逐步深入至最新的科研成果,引导学生由浅入深地学习用户研究,任务分析,交互界面评估,跨文化设计,用户体验设计,人与机器人交互设计,以及前沿的医疗与人因研究专题等内容。"
Price: 139.00 |
"Combinatorial Mathematics | 组合数学" |
"Our lives are full of combinations. Combinatorial mathematics is just the science to deal with combinations of discrete items. As an ancient field, the history of combinatorial mathematics can be traced back over 4000 years to the age of the Great Yu in ancient China. Today, combinatorial mathematics is regarded as the basis of computer science since the algorithms in programming heavily rely on the analysis of the discrete elements. Instead of relying on the traditional mathematical ""theorem - proof"" format, this course demonstrates various principles in an intuitive manner with ancient stories, the scenes of movies and even a magic show. What you’ll learn: The counting principles based on the basic operations “+”, “-”, “*”, “/”; Generating functions Recurrent number serials such as Fibonacci number, Catalan number, and more Pigeon hole principles Inclusion and exclusion principles Polya counting based on group theory This course is based on a highly regarded on-campus Tsinghua class called Combinatorics, and is ideal for students who are interested in mathematics or computer science. Enroll today and learn the mathematical theory needed to solve the real-world problems! 我们生活的方方面面都充满着组合,而组合数学正是研究离散事物的学科。作为一个具有悠久历史的学科,组合数学的发展可以追溯到4000年前的大禹时代。而如今组合数学随着计算机学科的发展开启了新的篇章,由于程序算法的分析和实现正是基于对离散对象的分析,因此组合数学已经发展成为计算机学科的基础理论。 而本课程一改以往数学教学的“定理-证明”模式,引领大家由浅入深地逐步探索知识的源泉,这里有古代故事,有电影片段,甚至用魔术来演绎数学概念。而这些形式就是为了引领大家去感受数学的美。具体的教学内容包括: 基于四则运算的计数法则; 母函数; 递推序列,如斐波那契数,卡特兰数等; 鸽巢原理; 容斥原理; 基于群论的波利亚定理。 本课程的内容和大纲主要基于清华大学精品课《组合数学》,通过本课程的学习,学习者可以深入了解计数的抽象理论和具体方法,从而深入理解组合数学对计算机理论发展的推动作用。。 FAQ I don’t speak Chinese, can I learn the course? All the materials are in English. Though the original video was recorded in Chinese, the course team record the corresponding dubbing in English. All the audio and subtitles are processed to fit the English dubbing as much as possible, so that you can enjoy this wonderful course in English. What are the textbook and the reference books for this course? There is no textbook requirement for this course. The handouts distributed every week are critical. The following books are references Richard A. Brualdi; Introductory Combinatorics (5th edition), Pearson, 2009 J.H.van Lint and R.M. Wilson; A course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press, 2001 卢开澄,《组合数学》第四版,清华大学出版社 What is the grading breakdown? 70% quizzes and exercises 30% final exam How can I get the certificate? If your final score is no less than 60. Do I need to know how to program to learn this class? Not necessary. This course is a math course which is based on fundamental theory. But to help the students to have the intuitive feel of the effects of the theory, we also provide a code lib that you can compare different implementations by running different programs."
Price: 149.00 |
"Mining for Development: The Taxation Linkage" |
"Tax revenues are likely to be the core benefit of mineral extraction for host States. To promote mining for development, States must design mineral fiscal regimes that consider the interests of a wide range of stakeholders. Their choices have major implications for public finance, development and sustainability. This course will help policy makers, managers in private sector companies, and activists understand these choices and their implications."
Price: 49.00 |
"Bases Matemáticas: Números y terminología" |
"Este curso está concebido como una preparación mínima necesaria para los primeros cursos de ingeniería y otros estudios en los que se imparten matemáticas. En él trabajaremos: El concepto de conjunto y sus operaciones La notación matemática elemental Los diferentes tipos de números: naturales, enteros, racionales, irracionales y reales Finalmente aprenderás los conceptos básicos necesarios sobre números complejos"
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a la Estructura de la Materia" |
"Todos lo que nos envuelve y los materiales que utilizamos diariamente están formados por mezclas de compuestos químicos, cuyas propiedades, aplicaciones y transformaciones dependen de los elementos que los forman y de su estructura. La Química es la ciencia que nos permite conocer todos estos conceptos, y es una materia básica en muchas titulaciones Universitarias. Este curso va dirigido a los alumnos que acceden a la Universidad que requieren dichos conocimientos básicos. Con este curso conocerás la importancia de la Química en el mundo que te rodea. Te introducirás en el concepto de la reacción química. Entenderás la estructura de la materia, los elementos que la forman y sus propiedades. En el curso trataremos: Química: vida y sociedad El átomo El sistema periódico"
Price: 25.00 |
"Innovation Leadership" |
"In the 21st Century, there are millions of innovators, but few authentic innovation leaders are able to inspire and guide innovators and their teams to create breakthrough products with their innovative ideas. In this original course, Innovation Leadership, former Medtronic Chair & CEO Professor Bill George, shows you how to become an innovation leader. The essential elements of knowing yourself and your unique leadership gifts, your motivations, and the purpose of your leadership will be covered by Professor George, along with personal stories of exceptional innovation leaders, concepts, exercises, tools and practical tips to help you become an exceptional innovation leader. Innovation Leadership is organized into three modules, each including videos of Professor Bill George describing essential elements of innovation leaders, illustrating them with personal examples from innovation leaders, readings from Discover Your True North, illustrative charts, exercises, reflection essays, and discussion topics."
Price: 49.00 |
"Innovation Leadership" |
"In the 21st Century, there are millions of innovators, but few authentic innovation leaders are able to inspire and guide innovators and their teams to create breakthrough products with their innovative ideas. In this original course, Innovation Leadership, former Medtronic Chair & CEO Professor Bill George, shows you how to become an innovation leader. The essential elements of knowing yourself and your unique leadership gifts, your motivations, and the purpose of your leadership will be covered by Professor George, along with personal stories of exceptional innovation leaders, concepts, exercises, tools and practical tips to help you become an exceptional innovation leader. Innovation Leadership is organized into three modules, each including videos of Professor Bill George describing essential elements of innovation leaders, illustrating them with personal examples from innovation leaders, readings from Discover Your True North, illustrative charts, exercises, reflection essays, and discussion topics."
Price: 49.00 |
"Innovation Leadership" |
"In the 21st Century, there are millions of innovators, but few authentic innovation leaders are able to inspire and guide innovators and their teams to create breakthrough products with their innovative ideas. In this original course, Innovation Leadership, former Medtronic Chair & CEO Professor Bill George, shows you how to become an innovation leader. The essential elements of knowing yourself and your unique leadership gifts, your motivations, and the purpose of your leadership will be covered by Professor George, along with personal stories of exceptional innovation leaders, concepts, exercises, tools and practical tips to help you become an exceptional innovation leader. Innovation Leadership is organized into three modules, each including videos of Professor Bill George describing essential elements of innovation leaders, illustrating them with personal examples from innovation leaders, readings from Discover Your True North, illustrative charts, exercises, reflection essays, and discussion topics."
Price: 49.00 |
"Classroom Strategies for Inquiry-Based Learning" |
"Inquiry-based learning aims to increase student engagement by helping learners develop hands-on, minds-on skills. This education and teacher training course explores the 5E instructional model and its uses in the classroom. You will have the opportunity to learn from videos of classroom teachers modeling a 5E lesson and access teacher commentary as they use inquiry-based strategies with their students. As a result, you will develop the skills and strategies needed to implement inquiry-based instruction in your own classroom. An inquiry-based approach honors the complex work of learning. It prioritizes the knowledge and experience that students bring to the classroom and it promotes active problem solving, communication, and the shared construction of new ideas. Inquiry-based instruction is the foundation for the UTeach model. This education course serves as a useful introduction to this approach."
Price: 49.00 |
"Managerial Accounting and Corporate Control" |
"Success in any organization requires measurement systems to support decision making. This course focuses on preparing and analyzing accounting information for internal decisions that are often required to be made by both accounting and non-accounting professionals. In particular, the course will highlight how internal accounting information can be used (and often misused) when making complex business decisions. Managerial accounting is not constrained by the rules and regulations that surround financial accounting, which allows us to develop tailored measurement systems that provide a framework for planning and control, as well as costing products, services, and customers. Students enrolled in this course will learn to prepare basic financial statements (e.g., balance sheet and income statement). In particular, they will understand how direct and overhead costs influence inventory and cost of goods sold calculations and are accounted for under financial reporting. Further, they will also learn to understand the importance of budgeting and how standard costing and variance analysis are used in evaluating managerial performance. In addition, students will learn how cost behavior and financial information are used in operational decision making and pricing. Finally, students will gain a basic understanding of how cash flows are used in capital budgeting decisions. Verified Learners will need to purchase a textbook in order to successfully complete the course. See the FAQ for details."
Price: 499.00 |
"Financial Reporting I" |
"This course builds on introductory accounting courses by providing you with adeepunderstanding of the conceptual foundations and mechanics of financial reporting and accounting standards. The course focuses on the measurement and reporting of the asset side of the balance sheetsas well as the measurement of revenues and expenses on income statements. The content of the course is particularly important for students seeking careers in accounting and finance,as well as professionals who wantto increase their knowledge of financial accounting. Before taking this course,you should be familiar with basic accounting terminology, T-accounts, and journal entries. FinancialReportingI will help you become more fluent in accounting and business discussions. The course places emphasis on firms’ economic transactions and business activities, and the accounting measurements and journal entries we use to measure and report those transactions and activities. You willdevelop professional judgment and critical thinking skills.You willconsider the economics of business activities and events and consider the degree to which financial reports capture the underlying economics.This will enable you toobtain the tools necessary to understand and execute accounting procedures with an increased appreciation of the broader business context in which accounting information is prepared and used in business decisions."
Price: 499.00 |
"Políticas efectivas de desarrollo infantil" |
"Descripción del curso La evidencia científica documenta que los efectos de la adversidad durante la primera infancia perduran en el tiempo y tienen consecuencias sobre el aprendizaje, la trayectoria escolar, los comportamientos de riesgo, el empleo, la salud y otras variables claves para la acumulación de capital humano y el bienestar de las personas. Este curso pretende fortalecer las capacidades de quienes diseñan, implementan y evalúan programas y políticas de desarrollo infantil, con énfasis en aspectos relacionados a la calidad. Está comprobado que la calidad es indispensable para que los programas desarrollo infantil resulten en cambios en la trayectoria de desarrollo de los niños sostenibles en el tiempo. En la última década los países de América Latina y el Caribe han demostrado un compromiso político y financiero para fortalecer las políticas de desarrollo infantil. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos esfuerzos, todavía existen retos significativos. Por ejemplo, hay muchos niños y familias de los estratos más pobres que no reciben servicios de desarrollo infantil. Además, se sabe que la calidad de estos servicios en la región es baja. El 81% de los estudiantes que han realizado el curso afirman que mejoraron su capacidad para formular, implementar y/o evaluar políticas públicas. 64% de los estudiantes han dicho que el curso les ha servido para mejorar los servicios a los ciudadanos como funcionarios públicos."
Price: 25.00 |
"Educación sobre el cambio climático" |
"Nuestro clima está cambiando rápidamente, y ahora más que nunca, necesitamos estar listos para actuar y preparar la próxima generación para cuidar de nuestro planeta. Este curso explora la ciencia básica que hay detrás del cambio climático y presenta herramientas para su enseñanza de una manera positiva, atractiva y participativa. También introduce algunas de las cuestiones éticas y sociales relacionadas al cambio climático. Este es un curso práctico en donde se utilizan videos, planes de clase y juegos en línea con ejemplos de América Latina y el Caribe, desarrollados por la iniciativa “Súbete: educación sobre el cambio climático” del BID. El curso dirigido para maestros o estudiantes para maestros de escuelas primarias y secundarias, pretende prepararlos para enseñar sobre el cambio climático y promover acciones de mitigación y adaptación contra el cambio climático en su escuela y comunidad. Los estudiantes que obtienen el certificado en este curso también recibirán esta insignia digital. Las insignias digitales permiten compartir más fácilmente y de forma más confiable las habilidades o el conocimiento adquirido. Para más informaciones sobre las insignias digitales visita https://cursos.iadb.org/es/indes/credenciales-digitales o haz clic aquí."
Price: 25.00 |
"Climate Change Education" |
"This course explores the basic science behind climate change and presents the tools to teach it in a positive, engaging and participatory way. The course also introduces some of the ethical and social issues around climate change. This course makes use of videos, lesson plans and online games developed by the IDB's ""Rise-Up: Education Against Climate Change"" initiative. The aim is to assist you in the launch of climate change education and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change in your school community. This is a hands-on course, with examples coming directly from Latin America and the Caribbean. 61% of the students who have taken the course affirm that they have improved their ability to formulate, implement and / or evaluate public policies. 52% of the students have said that the course has served them to improve services to citizens as public officials. Students who obtain the certificate in this course will also receive this digital badge. Digital badges allow you to share skills and knowledge more quickly and more reliably. For more information on digital badges visit https://cursos.iadb.org/es/indes/credenciales-digitales or click here."
Price: 25.00 |
"Inversión Extranjera como Motor del Desarrollo para América Latina y el Caribe" |
"En las últimas dos décadas, se ha producido un aumento considerable de los flujos de inversión extranjera directa (IED). Tradicionalmente, los flujos de inversión extranjera provenían solo de países desarrollados, pero recientemente los países en desarrollo se han convertido en una fuente significativa de inversiones. Su participación como origen de IED paso del 6% de los flujos globales (1990) antes de la Gran Liberalización, al 32% en 2015, a pesar de la Gran Recesión de 2008. ¿Qué significa la inversión extranjera directa para las personas, empresas y economías de América Latina y el Caribe? ¿Cómo pueden los gobiernos atraer con mayor éxito la IED? ¿Pueden las alianzas público-privadas aumentar la inversión extranjera en infraestructura? ¿Cuáles son algunos de los casos de éxito en América Latina y el Caribe? En este curso analizarás el rol de la inversión extranjera en el desarrollo sustentable, sus impactos económicos, las diversas políticas nacionales de inversión —incluyendo el rol de las alianzas público-privadas, las principales disposiciones de los acuerdos internacionales de inversión que obligan a empresas y gobiernos, y distintas estrategias para implementar políticas exitosas de inversión en América Latina y el Caribe. Este curso está dirigido a profesionales del sector privado, funcionarios públicos y estudiantes universitarios interesados en aprender sobre la IED y su importancia económica para las economías, las empresas y las personas en América Latina y el Caribe. La dedicación estimada para aprobar este curso es de cinco a siete horas semanales. El curso estará abierto del 02 de abril de 2020 al 18 de diciembre de 2020. Los estudiantes que obtienen el certificado en este curso también recibirán esta insignia digital Las insignias digitales permiten compartir más fácilmente y de forma más confiable las habilidades o el conocimiento adquirido. Para más informaciones sobre las insignias digitales visitar https://cursos.iadb.org/es/indes/credenciales-digitales'."
Price: 25.00 |
"Lyla's Self Paced Test Course" |
"long description"
Price: 0.00 |
"Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 2" |
"In this course, Part 2 of a two-part series, students will explore the modern realities and debates of copyright and trademark laws, and then consider alternatives to intellectual property and the future of this exciting area of the law. The focus of this two-part series is on learning some of the seminal legal cases in each area, while also considering the policy implications of the law as it stands. No previous law experience is required. Join us as we explore the IP laws and policies that influence and shape our modern lives."
Price: 169.00 |