Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python" |
"This course is the first of a two-course sequence: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, and Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science. Together, they are designed to help people with no prior exposure to computer science or programming learn to think computationally and write programs to tackle useful problems. Some of the people taking the two courses will use them as a stepping stone to more advanced computer science courses, but for many it will be their first and last computer science courses. This run features lecture videos, lecture exercises, and problem sets using Python 3.5. Even if you previously took the course with Python 2.7, you will be able to easily transition to Python 3.5 in future courses, or enroll now to refresh your learning. Since these courses may be the only formal computer science courses many of the students take, we have chosen to focus on breadth rather than depth. The goal is to provide students with a brief introduction to many topics so they will have an idea of what is possible when they need to think about how to use computation to accomplish some goal later in their career. That said, they are not ""computation appreciation"" courses. They are challenging and rigorous courses in which the students spend a lot of time and effort learning to bend the computer to their will."
Price: 75.00 |
"HBV, HCV-ийн талаар ойлголттой болох нь" |
"В вирүст хепатитын вакцин болон В ба С вирүст архаг хепатитын скрининг ба хяналтаар урьдчилан сэргийлэх боломжтой В ба С вируст архаг гепатит нь дэлхий даяар элэгний хавдрын гол шалтгаан болж байна. KNOW HBV/HCV бол анхан шатны эрүүл мэндийн байгууллагад ажилладаг эрүүл мэндийн ажилтнуудад зориулсан нээлттэй цахим сургалт юм. Энэхүү сургалтаар эрүүл мэндийн ажилтнуудад вируст гепатитын төрөл, халдварлах зам, урьдчилан сэргийлэлт болон В вирүст хепатитын дархлаажуулалтын талаар мэдлэг олгож, тэдэнд урьдчилан сэргийлэлтийг үр дүнтэй явуулах, В ба С вирүст архаг хепатиттэй өвчтөнүүдийг оношлох, хянах ур чадвараа хөгжүүлэхэд нь туслах зорилготой юм. Бид эрүүл мэндийн ажилтнуудад В ба С вирүст хепатитын урьдчилан сэргийлэлт ба хяналттай холбоотой боловсрол ба ур чадвар олгосноор В вирүст хепатитын дархлаажуулалтыг өргөнөөр явуулах болон В ба С вирүст хепатитын халдвар болоод элэгний хавдрыг бууруулахад тусална гэж итгэж байна. KNOW HBV/HCV сургалтанд Дэлхийн эрүүл мэндийн байгууллага (ДЭМБ) болон Монгол улсын Эрүүл мэндийн яамнаас гаргасан хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн тоо баримт болон удирдамжуудыг багтаасан."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introduction to video game development with Unity" |
"Never before has the video game market been at a better time. There are currently many platforms available and the emergence of mobile devices has revolutionized the sector. The existence of multiple platforms implies great challenges for developers in decision making, both in the choice of platforms and in the sizing of work teams. One solution to these problems is to use a game engine, and without a doubt the most popular and used engine of the moment is Unity. Unity is the most popular engine for reasons such as its powerful tools, its ability to generate games on more than 20 different platforms, its excellent learning curve and the hundreds of add-ons available to it developed by third parties."
Price: 50.00 |
"Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?" |
"What separates an idea from a business? A paying customer. And this is where we want to take you in this course. From there you’ll begin growing your group of target customers. This will set in motion your flywheel toward an impactful enterprise. Yes, entrepreneurship is a creative process—this is what makes it fun. But a methodical approach is necessary for it to work. And it is this combination of creativity and discipline that you’ll begin learning in this course. Specifically, upon completion of Entrepreneurship 101, you’ll have the skills to: Conduct Market Segmentation Select your Beachhead Market Develop End User Profiles Calculate your Total Addressable Market Size Understand your Customer Persona Entrepreneurship 101 is based on case studies of MIT startup companies and their founders. Through them you’ll get exposed to innovations in mobile apps, 3D printing, power electronics, international development, watchmaking, and more. In the process you will learn how to interview potential customers, understand the crucial difference between top-down and bottom-up market analysis, and develop a strategic framework for deciding what markets to pursue for your product or service. This course is particularly useful for: Corporate entrepreneurs building a new product line Scientists and engineers commercializing new technologies Entrepreneurship educators and policymakers Entrepreneurship 101 prepares you for an MIT Bootcamp. In this program you will be challenged to start a company in 5 days. In the process you will learn from MIT faculty and get coached by MIT entrepreneurs."
Price: 49.00 |
"Fundamentos de inglés básico conversacional y networking" |
"En tu vida diaria y laboral, seguramente te has enfrentado a situaciones en donde tienes que leer, entender o hablar inglés y te encuentras en una encrucijada cuando no te sientes capaz de realizarlo de manera efectiva. Si te sentiste identificado, este contenido fue creado para ti. Con este curso en línea podrás aprender inglés de forma eficaz para desenvolverte correctamente en tu vida diaria y laboral, eliminando la barrera del idioma para alcanzar el éxito profesional. Con más de 30 años de experiencia, los docentes han desarrollado este curso especialmente para que puedas enfrentar las situaciones de la vida cotidiana, a través de una metodología mixta; aplicando el idioma mediante ejercicios que alientan la conexión entre los significados, situaciones y repetición, facilitando tu comunicación en este idioma."
Price: 49.00 |
"Inglés empresarial para venta, gestión y liderazgo de equipos" |
"Conviértete en un ciudadano global y obtén las habilidades necesarias para lograr sobresalir en tu lugar actual de trabajo o poder alcanzar el siguiente paso al éxito laboral. Este curso de inglés en línea te brindará las habilidades lingüísticas y conversacionales básicas para el mundo de los negocios, lo que te permitirá comunicarte con jefes, colegas y personal en el trabajo de forma eficaz, tales como escuchar y analizar antes de hablar, plantear correctamente una presentación, dirigir una reunión o cerrar un trato. Obtén el entrenamiento profesional básico en inglés que siempre has deseado de la mano de profesionistas con experiencia en el campo laboral angloparlante y triunfa en tu lugar de trabajo, prepárate para internacionalizar tu negocio o enfrentarte al mundo globalizado gracias al uso de la terminología propia del mundo de los negocios. Logra aplicar tus conocimientos de forma proactiva, al mismo tiempo que recibes toda la enseñanza, motivación y herramientas necesarias para crecer profesionalmente con bases sólidas en este idioma, en un periodo conciso y práctico utilizando cualquier dispositivo móvil."
Price: 49.00 |
"Hiểu Rõ Về Viêm Gan B Và C" |
"Viêm gan vi rút B và C mạn tính là nguyên nhân hàng đầu dẫn tới ung thư gan. Tiêm vắc xin dự phòng viêm gan B và xét nghiệm sớm, theo dõi và điều trị đúng cách viêm gan B và C mạn có thể giúp phòng ngừa và giảm nguy cơ mắc xơ gan, ung thư gan. HIỂU RÕ VỀ VIÊM GAN B VÀ C là khoá học miễn phí qua mạng dành cho nhân viên y tế. Khoá học nhằm cung cấp thông tin về các loại viêm gan vi rút và đường lây truyền, tiêm vắc xin và dự phòng viêm gan B, các kỹ năng về chẩn đoán, theo dõi và điều trị viêm gan B và C mạn. Mục đích của khoá học nhằm nâng cao kiến thức và kỹ năng của nhân viên y tế về dự phòng và kiểm soát viêm gan B và C mạn để tăng tỷ lệ tiêm vắc xin phòng viêm ga B, giảm gánh nặng bệnh tật do viêm gan B, C và ung thư gan. Nội dung khoá học dựa trên các số liệu và hướng dẫn kỹ thuật cập nhật nhất từ Tổ chức y tế thế giới và Bộ y tế. Khoá học do Trung tâm gan Á Châu Đại học Stanford phối hợp với Cục y tế dự phòng Bộ y tế biên soạn."
Price: 50.00 |
"Know HBV And HCV" |
"Viral hepatitis is among the greatest public health problem in the world with deaths that has surpassed HIV/AIDS by 2014. Most of the deaths are caused by liver cancer or liver cirrhosis among the estimated 350-400 million people living with undiagnosed or untreated chronic hepatitis B or C infection. Eliminating the public health problem of hepatitis is feasible by ending transmission, reducing chronic viral hepatitis complications with screening, care and treatment and by ending disease stigma and discrimination. Achieving this goal will require healthcare workers who are knowledgeable and proficient in hepatitis prevention and control. KNOW HBV/HCV is an open-access, online training course developed for practitioners and students in primary care and public health. The content of the course is based on the best available data and technical guidelines from professional societies, World Health Organization, and US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Upon successful completion, the participants will have learnt about the burden of chronic hepatitis B and C and liver cancer, the types of viral hepatitis and transmission routes, prevention, hepatitis B vaccine administration and storage, diagnosis and monitoring of chronic hepatitis B, prevention of blood borne infection in the healthcare settings including injection safety and post exposure prophylaxis. The training is developed by Asian Liver Center at Stanford University."
Price: 50.00 |
认识乙肝 |
"在世界范围内,慢性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎是肝癌的主要病因。接种乙肝疫苗,适当筛查和管理慢性乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎,感染基本上可以预防。 乙肝课程是对初级卫生保健机构从业人员开放的在线课程。该课程的意义,在于让卫生专业人员了解病毒性肝炎的类型、传播途径、如何预防、及乙肝疫苗接种情况,并帮助他们培养如何有效预防、诊断、以及管理慢性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎感染患者的方法。 我们相信,培养保健专业人员在乙肝和丙肝预防、控制方面的知识和技能,可以提高乙肝疫苗接种覆盖率,有效减少乙肝和丙肝感染以及肝癌的发病率。 世界卫生组织(WHO)和中国卫生部一直在乙肝、丙肝的数据更新和如何防治方面给予指导。"
Price: 50.00 |
"LaTeX for Students, Engineers, and Scientists" |
"LaTeX, a document preparation system, is widely used for publishing in many scientific fields like mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering, chemistry, physics, economics, linguistics, etc.. It is a powerful and open-source system that provides numerous facilities for automating typesetting of the document: i.e. structuring page layout, listing and auto-numbering of sections, tables, figures, generating a table of contents, managing cross-referencing, citing, and indexing. Unlike other WYSIWYG editors, the content is written in plain text along with appropriate commands, thus, allowing the user to concentrate on the content rather than the aesthetics (the way it looks). The TeX typesetting program which LaTeX uses, was designed such that anyone can create good quality material with less efforts. This course introduces the basic concepts of LaTeX. Participants taking this course will be able to create and design documents in LaTeX and presentations in Beamer with confidence."
Price: 139.00 |
"Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写" |
"Reading enriches our life and writing enables us to express our thoughts. Being skillful in reading and writing allows you to better acquire and communicate information. This course focuses on 8 themes: learning university culture city education behavior theory communication meaning of life For each theme, there are two texts, key words analysis, reading skills, guest interviews, composition tutorials, writing workshops, and literature tutors. Join us and understand the beauty of language. 作为一门语言非常重要的两个方面,阅读可以让我们获取丰富的知识,写作可以让我们表达内心的思想。掌握正确的阅读技巧和写作技巧,能够让我们更好地获取信息和表达信息。本课程由中外教师及清华学生带领大家在真实的生活场景中畅游英语世界。 本课程从学习、大学、文化、城市、教育、行为论、人际交流和人生的意义等八个主题展开,每个主题由主题课文(两篇)、重点词句讲解、阅读技巧讲解、嘉宾访谈、作文批改和写作技巧讲解、英语学习方法介绍、文学赏析等模块构成。主题课文模块围绕精心挑选的主题展开,带你体验丰富多彩的文化,拓宽视野,同时配有相应的重点词句讲解,让你的英语知识库更庞大;阅读技巧模块以师生互动的形式展开,由老师和英语专业研究生带大家从学习者的角度一起探讨英语阅读的秘诀所在;嘉宾访谈模块邀请了三位嘉宾老师,分别在学习、文化等方面进行了介绍和分享;写作部分包括作文批改和写作技巧讲解,选取与主题相关的四六级作文考题,并各配以两篇学生真实写作案例,通过批改作文的形式讲解写作技巧;英语学习方法模块以访谈形式展开,由留学生助教为大家分享英语学习经验;文学赏析模块精选了八篇文学名著,让学习者在师生互动中遨游文学的海洋。 和我们一起感受语言的魅力,让我们一起实现一次英语读写的飞跃!"
Price: 149.00 |
"生活英语听说 | Conversational English Skills" |
"Are you finding it difficult to start the conversation, or find the right words when communicating in English? Do you know how to start and end conversations in a polite way? Do you want to learn more about American, British, Canadian, Australian, South Korean, Colombian, and Chinese cultures? If so, you’ve come to the right course! 语言最重要的功能就是交流。在交流中我们要知道如何开始一个对方感兴趣的话题,回答别人的提问,自然、流畅地完成一个对话。本课程选取了8个主题,由50多位来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、哥伦比亚、中国的老师及各个年龄段的学生,在真实的场景中,用最地道的表达和最纯正的英语,带你谈论日常生活、学习的方方面面。 本课程分为八个单元,每个单元有一个主题,分别是: 1、个人信息的介绍与交换 2、我们的家人和朋友 3、饮食与用餐 4、英语学习的目的和方法 5、假日活动和难忘的经历 6、兴趣爱好 7、情感表达 8、保持健康 每个主题由十余组对话和小组讨论,外籍老师的中西方文化差异介绍,中国老师的重点词汇、句型讲解,听力理解练习和口语测试构成。通过学习和练习,你将可以和讲英语的朋友们自如地交谈、讨论与主题相关的任何问题。本课程的学习方法有很多。英语学习者可以在反复地听和跟读对话的过程中,不断积累语言素材,和你身边的朋友或同课程的学习者进行对话练习;英语教师可以选用本课程中适合的主题,组织学生进行听说训练,组织高效课堂。也许你不能理解每段对话的全部内容,只需听懂大意,随着课程的进展,你听懂的内容会越来越多。让我们一起实现一次英语听说的飞跃吧。 本门课程在制作过程中得到了香港伟新教育基金和Google公司的资助,特此鸣谢。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing: Fundamentals" |
"This course introduces the fundamentals of the field of sparse representations, starting with its theoretical concepts, and systematically presenting its key achievements. We will touch on theory and numerical algorithms. Modeling data is the way we - scientists - believe that information should be explained and handled. Indeed, models play a central role in practically every task in signal and image processing. Sparse representation theory puts forward an emerging, highly effective, and universal such model. Its core idea is the description of the data as a linear combination of few building blocks - atoms - taken from a pre-defined dictionary of such fundamental elements. A series of theoretical problems arise in deploying this seemingly simple model to data sources, leading to fascinating new results in linear algebra, approximation theory, optimization, and machine learning. In this course you will learn of these achievements, which serve as the foundations for a revolution that took place in signal and image processing in recent years."
Price: 99.00 |
"Analysis of Transport Phenomena II: Applications" |
"Due to challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, start dates for this course have been delayed until Fall 2020. Please note, that the dates listed are tentative and subject to change. If we make any further changes, we will share this information with you via email. We apologize for the delay and hope to make this content available to you as soon as possible. --- In this course, you will learn to apply mathematical methods for partial differential equations to model transport phenomena in chemical engineering. Applications include fluid flow, waves, hydrodynamic instabilities, convection, coupled heat and mass transfer, phase transformations and electrochemical transport. The engineering applications and mathematical methods that you learn in this course will advance your career in industry or academics. You will learn how to formulate models, make scaling estimates and derive analytical approximations. There is growing demand for such mathematical skills in most technical careers and graduate programs today. At MIT, 10.50 is a required subject for all first-year graduate students in chemical engineering, but it also attracts students from other departments. This online course is suitable for anyone interested in learning the principles of continuum modeling. Although the examples are mostly from chemical engineering, no prior knowledge is assumed about the applications, but familiarity with the mathematical methods of 10.50.1x is assumed. *Image source: Irmgard Bischofberger"
Price: 149.00 |
"Islamic Studies (الثقافة الاسلامية)" |
"يُعنى هذا المساق بدراسة الثقافة الإسلامية من حيث روافدها، ويناقش عدداً من القيم الحياتية في الإسلام: كالصدق، والأمانة، والتسامح، وحسن استغلال الوقت، والتعاون، والتواصل الاجتماعي، وغيرها، كما يتطرق المساق إلى دراسة اسهامات المسلمين في العلوم الإنسانية، والاجتماعية، والطبيعية. الأهداف التعليمية للمساق: يسعى هذا المساق إلى تحقيق الأهداف الآتية: - تعريف الطالب بالمفاهيم والمصطلحات الإسلامية الواردة في موضوعات المساق. - بيان أهم روافد الثقافة الإسلامية. - التعرف على مجموعة من القيم الحيوية التي دعا إليها الإسلام. - توضيح إسهامات المسلمين في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية والطبيعية."
Price: 45.00 |
"Marketing Innovative Products and Services" |
"Marketing innovative products and services occurs in an ever-changing environment, and requires rapid decision making with incomplete information. These innovations are introduced at increasingly frequent intervals, and there are high mortality rates for products and services, and the businesses themselves. Our course provides a practical, how-to guide for navigating these marketing challenges to bring innovative new products and services to market. With learning modules on product strategy, go-to-market strategies, and growth strategies, you will build your skills in understanding and applying the latest marketing strategies and tactics. We’ll explore how to develop an informed marketing plan that aligns with customer needs based on real market research. Learn the latest strategies for customer discovery, interviews and focus groups, product design, product development, content marketing, social media marketing, and marketing campaign management. The course will provide a balance between conceptual discussions based on readings of concepts and practices, and applied, hands-on analysis with real projects."
Price: 149.00 |
"Creating Innovative Business Models" |
"This course was created to guide aspiring and active startup entrepreneurs and corporate innovators that feel... Overwhelmed by the tasks of creating a new venture Frustrated with finding the right team at the right time Disappointed by the widespread failure of bringing good ideas to market It’s common to desire... Innovative approaches and tools to help create a startup company or corporate venture Intelligence on what customers really want, and are willing to pay for Insights on the big picture of crafting a startup company, and how the puzzle pieces fit together This course will help you to... Understand the theory and practice of value creation Determine how to build the right team for your startup company or corporate venture Avoid wasting time with startup ideas with limited commercial potential Raise the right financial capital at the right time for the right purpose By the end of this course, you will be positioned to... Effectively design value propositions that directly align with your target customers’ interests Assemble and lead an well-comprised team to produce results that create value for your customers Pursue big ideas that really matter to customers Craft a financial model that minimizes risks and maximizing your success"
Price: 149.00 |
"Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities" |
"This course explores how anyone can be a successful startup entrepreneur or corporate innovator by thoughtfully examining themselves and the business opportunity. By harnessing these insights and cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit, you can create and transform an entrepreneurial idea into a new startup company or corporate venture. Over 800,000 people have used The Opportunity Analysis Canvas that is the basis of this course. Designed by Dr. James V. Green, the lead faculty for this course, this unique model equips you to identify and analyze a new business opportunity that aligns with your startup entrepreneurship or corporate innovation interests. The Opportunity Analysis Canvas distills vast amounts of research in psychology, sociology, and business into a practical how-to guide for aspiring and active entrepreneurs and innovators. The course presents a whole new understanding of entrepreneurial mindset and action. The course is structured as a nine-step experience segmented into thinking entrepreneurially, seeing entrepreneurially, and acting entrepreneurially."
Price: 149.00 |
"Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms" |
"Do you want to prepare for medical school, study a STEM field, become a research scientist, or transition to a career in the booming biotechnology industry? Or maybe you just want to understand the chemical reactions that govern life itself. Join Professor Yaffe, an MIT professor and practicing surgeon, as he guides you through the science that inspires countless doctors, researchers, and students alike. We developed 7.05x Biochemistry with an emphasis on: Developing your scientific thinking skills including articulating hypotheses, performing thought experiments, interpreting data, and designing experiments. Using data based on real scientific experiments and highlighting the scientific process. Asserting that biology is an active field that changes daily through examples of MIT (and other current) research, not static information in a textbook. Visualizing real molecular structures with PyMOL to better understand function and mechanism. Appreciating the quantitative aspects of biochemistry and practicing this quantitation with MATLAB. Translating topics in biochemistry to diseases and medicine. Conveying the authentic MIT firehose experience. Implementing the science of learning in the course design. We offer a thorough and robust means of certifying edX learners in their mastery of the MITx biochemistry content, through the MITx 7.05x Biochemistry Competency Exam. This challenging option is available only to those who register for the verified-certificate track, and successful completion of this exam is the majority of the assessment grade that counts toward a certificate. The Competency Exam will be open from June 23, 2020 to June 30, 2020."
Price: 150.00 |
"Découvrir l'anthropologie" |
"Comment les humains s’organisent-ils en sociétés ? Qu’appelle-t-on « familles » et comment se constituent-elles ? Quel regard et quels types d’analyse l’anthropologie propose-t-elle sur les systèmes de parenté, symboliques, politiques, religieux ? L’anthropologie prospective nous aide à comprendre et à anticiper les phénomènes qui transforment nos modes de vie contemporains. Elle pose un regard transversal sur les actions, les pratiques et les dires des personnes avec lesquelles travaillent les chercheurs. « Entrer en anthropologie », c’est accepter de changer son regard sur le monde et de se décentrer par rapport à ses habitudes. Si vous désirez comprendre un peu mieux le monde et ses changements contemporains, suivez ces chercheurs sur leur terrain et expérimentez d’autres repères culturels. Durant ces quelques heures, vous serez amenés à débattre avec des professeurs et des étudiants autour de questions sur la famille, les migrations, les mondes virtuels ou encore les mondes des invisibles. Vous apprendrez les bases de l'approche anthropologique et ce qu'elle peut vous apporter en termes de réflexion sur votre propre société, sur votre vie et votre quotidienneté. Ce cours vous donne l’opportunité de comparer vos expériences et d’échanger vos points de vue avec des personnes d’autres horizons. Les six semaines de cours aborderont une série de thématiques illustrées par des exemples concrets de modes d’existence divers et disséminés sur le globe. Des enseignants plongés au cœur des pratiques sociales et des enjeux politiques et économiques les plus variés partageront avec vous leur expérience après des années d'immersion sur les terrains de recherche qui les passionnent. Si vous êtes curieux de tout et que comprendre votre propre société mais aussi des sociétés méconnues vous intéresse, ce cours s'adresse à vous."
Price: 50.00 |
"High Conflict in Law: Personality Disorders and Disputes" |
"Have you ever been in the position where you need to manage a dispute? Have you encountered people who do not seem to behave in a rational way? How might you respond to stressful, high-conflict scenarios? Learn aboutthe relationship between personality disorders and high-conflict peoplethrough this introductory course from our world-renowned experts, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter, co-founders of the High Conflict Institute in the U.S, along with Tania Sourdin, Head of School and Dean at Newcastle Law School in Australia In this course, we will provide you with useful knowledge to understand three personality disorders and their relationship to high-conflict behaviour. We will share our ‘hands-on’ experience based on real-life case studies, and explore effective communication strategies to help you handle high-conflict situations. This course explains the influence of some personality disorders in developing high-conflict disputes. It is aimed at anyone who may encounter high-conflict behaviours and would like to learn about conflict resolution, particularly in a business or legal setting, including: Lawyers or students studying law Business owners Managers HR professionals Administrators Health and medical practitioners."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Science of Weight Loss: Dispelling Diet Myths" |
"Whether you are trying to lose weight yourself, or are supporting others, this food and nutrition course will dispel common myths about weight loss and teach you the science behind healthy eating for a healthy weight. This course is not a diet plan – there are plenty of diet plans out there to choose from. Rather, we will take you through the science behind weight loss and arm you with the knowledge and tools to make the right decisions. Based on the latest research, you’ll learn to develop a healthy eating plan to achieve a healthy weight. You’ll also discover more about the definition of a healthy weight, the nutritional composition of foods, how to cut calories or kilojoules, proper portion sizes, and how to identify and avoid fad diets."
Price: 49.00 |
"Developing Your Educational Leadership and Management Vision" |
"What kind of leader are you? Are you equipped to transform your learning organisation into the place you know it can be? In this course, we investigate leadership styles, best practices and philosophies that challenge you to develop your leadership capacity. You will be guided in evaluating your leadership strengths and opportunities for growth, and will develop a personal leadership philosophy and vision. Strategic management theory and practice will be introduced and examined in the school context. This course is aimed at school teachers in leadership roles who are looking to advance their career as a: head teacher assistant or deputy principal principal organisational leader or in educational policy or advisory roles. This course is registered withthe New South Wales Educational Standards Authority (NESA) (Australia). Completing EDLMx1 Developing Your Educational Leadership and Management Vision will contribute 12 hoursof NESA Registered PD addressing 6.4.4 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Lead Teacher Accreditation in NSW."
Price: 149.00 |
"Leading Transformative Change in Education" |
"Explore methods and strategies to critique and rethink organisational practices in education; develop staff and student wellbeing; and use coaching to support and lead change in your workplace. You will develop leadership capacities in flexibility and creative thinking conflict resolution personnel development, and coaching and team building You will be guided in devising a plan to positively transform your educational organisation and develop your staff. This course is aimed at school teachers in leadership roles who are looking to advance their career as a: head teacher assistant or deputy principal principal organisational leader or in educational policy or advisory roles. This course is registered withthe New South Wales Educational Standards Authority (NESA) (Australia). CompletingEDLMx3 Leading for Transformative Change in Educationwill contribute 12hours of NESA Registered PD addressing6.2.4, 6.3.4, 6.4.4 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Lead Teacher Accreditation in NSW."
Price: 149.00 |
"International Climate Change Law and Policy" |
"This course will equip you with the fundamentals of International Climate Change Law and Policy. You will learn to critically assess Environmental Economics theory and its application to climate change policy, including the use of market-based policy approaches such as environmental taxes and emissions trading. International Climate Change Law and Policy will discuss a range of controversial debates, reflecting the highly politicised nature of international Climate Change Law. The course is of particular interest to professionals in environmental and resources sectors, public policy, government sector, non-government sector and private sector (e.g. sustainability consulting)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration 101" |
"Whether an aspiring scientific or medical illustrator or someone who enjoys drawing nature's wonders, this first-of-its-kind MOOC course is for you. The field of Natural History Illustration is about observing and illustrating subjects from nature, science and culture, with their linkages to the environment being central. Our natural world is a fascinating place. Being able to observe and replicate it through illustration provides insights into life that can change how we think about ourselves and our surroundings. You will learn essential skills and techniques that form the base for creating accurate and stunning replications of subjects from the natural world. This art and culture course is suitable for people looking to enter the illustration discipline as a serious pursuit or just looking to explore a passion. As world-standard instructors, we will show you practical ways to develop your skills from the outset. Step by step, we will cover the fundamentals of Natural History Illustration, from the first observation of a subject in the field to the final replication in the studio. This online course will teach you enduring skills that can be used in many different ways. Join us to explore, observe and draw the natural world and become part of a scientific tradition steeped in history."
Price: 49.00 |
"Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms" |
"Responsible business practices are widely recognized as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In this course we aim to extend these practices to the Research and Development (R&D) and innovation processes of companies. This is called Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). RRI enables companies to anticipate social and ethical issues and integrate them into the innovation and design processes and business strategy right from the start. This course demonstrates how RRI, as a key element of CSR, can help firms to be innovative, more profitable and at the same time have positive societal and environmental impact. In this course we analyze the relevance of RRI, including drivers and barriers, for firms of different sizes and in different sectors, and the implications for corporate governance. We show the results and lessons learned from eight pilot studies in innovative businesses across Europe working in different areas (such as nanotechnology, data and automotive) when they integrated RRI in their innovation process and business strategy. You will learn how organizations can evaluate their current position within RRI, rethink their strategies and develop a plan to embed RRI within their CSR and corporate citizenship strategic policies. We will provide you with a toolkit and explain how to make the RRI approach feasible within your own organization taking into consideration stakeholder engagement, value sensitive design, sustainability, safety as well as current international standards. After the course you will be able to design a roadmap to embed RRI in the strategic policies of companies and assess which key performance indicators (KPIs) can help you measure the success of your CSR/RRI policies. Let’s work together to create the responsibly innovative and successful enterprises of tomorrow! This MOOC is financially supported by the EU (grant agreement No 710059) and is a joint effort of TU Delft, Warwick University (UK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and Environment and the Italian Association for Industrial Research."
Price: 50.00 |
"Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: A Global Perspective" |
"Life in the city relies on the smooth operation of urban logistics. Everything from retail to services, construction to waste collection rely on an efficient and reliable freight transport system. However, with the increasing pressures of urbanization, this has to be balanced with the environmental and social impacts caused by transport activity. This is the challenge of City Logistics, a field of study that has significant practical implications for the world and the cities we live in. It is not merely a question of what is involved, but what can be done about urban freight transport to improve it for the sake of economic efficiency, quality of life, and sustainability. From a systematic scientific foundation of the field, this course will take you on a journey to learn how city logistics is understood and practiced in cities around the world. Our instructors, members of a renowned global expert network, will teach you the basics of this highly complex social system. Using their experience in real-world projects, they will illustrate how the knowledge learnt in this course is applied across industry and the public sector. This course caters primarily to university students or professionals working in urban transport infrastructure planning or logistics management. Whether you are simply curious about the topic or you intend to develop a career in these fields, this course will give you the tools you need to understand the complexities of urban freight transport systems. The course emphasizes the theoretical foundation, the rigorous evaluation, and a multi-disciplinary approach to this complex area. Course participants will benefit from numerous case studies of best practice in selected cities around the world, in a variety of business settings. Our emphasis on the global perspective is particularly relevant, since an understanding of local culture and political climate is an important factor in the success of any city logistics intervention. The course will provide an avenue for students to learn from their peers about the challenges faced in their respective cities, and how to apply the principles learned to the challenges faced in their own cities."
Price: 50.00 |
"High Conflict in Law: An Introduction" |
"Are you familiar with ‘high-conflict’ behaviours? What are they, and how can you effectively work with high-conflict people? Learn about high-conflict behaviours through this introductory course co-developed by the world-leading experts, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter, co-founders of the High Conflict Institute in the U.S, and Tania Sourdin, Head of School and Dean at Newcastle Law School in Australia. In this course, we will explore high-conflict behaviours and provide you with some strategies and skills for handling them in legal disputes and business settings. Guided by real-world examples, you will gain an understanding of the causes and impacts of high-conflict behaviour, and learn effective responses in high-conflict situations. The course will assist you in further developing your skills in conflict resolution and problem-solving. This course is aimed at anyone who may encounter high-conflict behaviours in a wide range of situations, particularly in a business or legal setting, including: Lawyers or students studying law Business owners Managers HR professionals Administrators Health and medical practitioners."
Price: 49.00 |
"Statistical Predictive Modelling and Applications" |
"In this course, you will learn three predictive modelling techniques - linear and logistic regression, and naive Bayes - and their applications in real-world scenarios. The first half of the course focuses on linear regression. This technique allows you to model a continuous outcome variable using both continuous and categorical predictors. This technique enables you to predict product sales based on several customer variables. In the second half of the course, you will learn about logistic regression, which is the counterpart of linear regression, when the response variable is categorical. You will also be introduced to naive Bayes; a very intuitive, probabilistic modeling technique."
Price: 300.00 |