Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"BioGraph: Teaching Biology Through Systems, Models, & Argumentation" |
"This course integrates the power of systems thinking with computer models designed to ‘bring to life’ biology topics including evolution, ecology and the chemistry of life. Developed in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scheller Teacher Education Program, this six-week interactive and collaborative professional development course draws on research in teaching and learning to develop the best experience for teachers. In this course, you will learn how to use online simulations which are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards in order to develop core biology content and practices. The student facing materials consist of five modules designed for implementation over several class periods, serving as a replacement for an existing lab or activity. The online simulations include optional entry-level coding and the course provides support for learning to teach this with students. The materials include student and teacher guides with built in informal assessments. You will get a chance to work through these materials, watch teachers experienced with the materials teach the lessons, and then interact with experienced BioGraph teachers through online forums and webinars."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Architectural Imagination" |
"Architecture engages a culture’s deepest social values and expresses them in material, aesthetic form. This course will teach you how to understand architecture as both cultural expression and technical achievement. Vivid analyses of exemplary buildings, and hands-on exercises in drawing and modeling, will bring you closer to the work of architects and historians. The first part of the course introduces the idea of the architectural imagination. Perspective drawing and architectural typology are explored and you will be introduced to some of the challenges in writing architectural history. Then we address technology as a component of architecture. You will discover ways that innovative technology can enable and promote new aesthetic experiences, or disrupt age-old traditions. Technological advances changed what could be built, and even what could even be thought of as architecture. Finally, we'll confront architecture’s complex relationship to its social and historical contexts and its audiences, achievements, and aspirations. You will learn about architecture’s power of representation and see how it can produce collective meaning and memory. Architecture is one of the most complexly negotiated and globally recognized cultural practices, both as an academic subject and a professional career. Its production involves all of the technical, aesthetic, political, and economic issues at play within a given society. Join us as we examine how architecture engages, mediates, and expresses a culture’s complex aspirations."
Price: 99.00 |
"Shakespeare's Life and Work" |
"How do we read Shakespeare? Do his plays belong to the past, or the present? To a famed dramatic genius or to readers and audiences around the globe? What do his plays really mean? Moving between the world in which Shakespeare lived and the present day, this course will introduce different kinds of literary analysis that you can use when reading Shakespeare. With short videos filmed on location in England and readings covering topics like Shakespeare's contemporaries and the politics of modern performance, you will learn a range of critical tool that you can use to unlock the meaning and relevance of Shakespeare’s plays. Join us as we visit Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born in 1564; London, the lively city where he began as an actor; and the Globe Theater, where his first plays were performed. This journey through Shakespeare’s life will transport you to another era and will give you a new perspective on his timeless work."
Price: 49.00 |
"Gestión del estrés y Mindfulness" |
"En la actualidad las demandas del mundo laboral están saturando a las personas con tal frecuencia que se vuelve una situación cotidiana, generando condiciones de estrés e inconformidad laboral, las cuales pueden afectar las habilidades profesionales. En adición a la experiencia desagradable que conllevan, las cargas de estrés modifican nuestro cerebro, contribuyen a enfermedades del sistema inmunológico y aumentan la insatisfacción laboral. Independientemente de la preparación que se tenga, pocas veces se enseña cómo manejar estas situaciones emocionalmente desafiantes. En respuesta a estas necesidades, hemos creado este curso online que te permitirá ser consciente de técnicas para mantener tu salud, reconocer cómo tu sistema de interpretación impacta el nivel de angustia y tomar beneficio de la inteligencia emocional. Este aprendizaje te permitirá ser consciente de tus necesidades internas y externas, priorizarlas sin alarmarte y disfrutar más cada momento, siendo más saludable al reducir los riesgos en el sistema inmunológico. Nuestros expertos cuentan con amplia experiencia en técnicas avanzadas como hipnosis, autohipnosis y liberación emocional. Con ellos desarrollarás estrategias de toma de consciencia y mindfulness. Más allá de un curso de inteligencia emocional, vivirás una experiencia que modificará tu estructura cerebral y cómo ves la vida, para aumentar tu capacidad de disfrutarla y vivir el presente, desarrollarás habilidades personales y habilidades laborales de gran utilidad para tu día a día."
Price: 75.00 |
"Technology Entrepreneurship: Lab to Market" |
"Universities, government labs, and private companies invest billions of dollars in the research and development of breakthrough technologies that have the potential to transform industries and lives — but very few of these technologies ever leave the lab. Those that do often fail to find compelling market applications. So what determines success? How does an invention become an enduring innovation? In this introductory course, developed in collaboration with the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard and the University of California San Diego, you’ll explore how entrepreneurs match promising technology with customer needs to launch successful new businesses. Using real-world examples, you’ll apply critical thinking to commercialize technologies, and you’ll learn about the venture creation process from founders, funders, and industry experts. Join us to learn a systematic process for technology commercialization to bring cutting-edge innovations out of the lab and into the world."
Price: 99.00 |
"Almacenamiento de energía" |
"Este curso se desarrolló con el apoyo del Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética (4E) en Centroamérica, implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH para el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). La revolución energética aumenta a un ritmo acelerado. Cada vez son más comunes los sistemas distribuidos de energía renovable de pequeña, mediana y gran escala. La energía renovable tiene muchos beneficios, no obstante, la intermitencia y naturaleza variable de algunas de ellas como la solar, eólica y filo de agua, es que se hacen evidentes grandes retos técnicos conforme aumenta el nivel de penetración en las redes eléctricas. Los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tienen un papel protagónico en las redes eléctricas del futuro y las aplicaciones del almacenamiento se encuentran en todo el espectro de los sistemas de energía (generación-utilización). Los sistemas de generación, transmisión, distribución y utilización pueden verse beneficiados con el almacenamiento de energía, entre ellos: Incremento de la penetración de sistemas de energía renovable, incremento de la eficiencia de la red, retraso o eliminación de la necesidad de construir nueva infraestructura de generación y de la red, mejoramiento de la calidad de energía, aumento de la resiliencia de la red a desastres naturales y ciber ataques, optimización de la operación y control de la red. En el futuro, el desarrollo y comercialización de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tendrán un impacto significativo. Algunas de estas tecnologías de almacenamiento de aplicación a las redes eléctricas son: las plantas de rebombeo, sistemas de aire comprimido, volantes de inercia y los sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico como; las baterías de plomo-acido, baterías de litio, baterías de flujo, etc. En este curso se hace especial énfasis en las aplicaciones de sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico en la red eléctrica y al finalizar contará con conocimientos básicos sobre los tipos de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, las aplicaciones más comunes, herramientas básicas de diseño y dimensionamiento, viabilidad financiera, y futuras tendencias. Se trata de una oportunidad para profesionales que trabajan en el sector eléctrico de Centroamérica (generación, transmisión, distribución, comercialización, reguladores e instituciones que hacen políticas energéticas), así como personas en general que deseen tener conocimientos básicos sobre el almacenamiento de energía y su aplicación en las redes eléctricas."
Price: 29.00 |
"Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation" |
"How much would you like your smart home to know about you? Has your data been harvested and used for political advertising on social media? Would you be happy to be profiled by a predictive policing AI? As we create more data-driven technologies, those issues become increasingly urgent. We must begin to ask not only ‘what can we do?’, but also ‘what should we do?’ How should we design new technologies to make sure they are used for good, not bad purposes? The ‘good’, the ‘bad’, and the ‘should’ are a domain of ethics, and a basis for other important concepts such as justice, fairness, rights, respect. They further inform the law and what is legal. Finally, they are at the roots of an extremely important currency in the modern economy: trust. This story-driven course is taught by the leading experts in data science, AI, information law, science and technology studies, and responsible research and innovation, and informed by case studies supplied by the digital business frontrunners and tech companies. We will look at real-world controversies and ethical challenges to introduce and critically discuss the social, political, legal and ethical issues surrounding data-driven innovation, including those posed by big data, AI systems, and machine learning systems. We will drill down into case studies, structured around core concerns being raised by society, governments and industry, such as bias, fairness, rights, data re-use, data protection and data privacy, discrimination, transparency and accountability. Throughout the course, we will emphasise the importance of being mindful of the realities and complexities of making ethical decisions in a landscape of competing interests. We will engage with data-based contexts such as facial recognition, predictive policing, medical screening, smart homes and cities, banking, and AI, to explore their social implications and the tools required to minimise harm, promote fairness, and safeguard and increase human autonomy and well-being. We address cutting edge issues being grappled with by practitioners and new approaches emerging in industry and offer the opportunity for participants to develop and feedback solutions. Completing this course will help you understand the challenges we are facing, and inspire you to design, criticise, and develop better intelligent systems to shape our future."
Price: 49.00 |
"MathTrackX: Special Functions" |
"This course is part two of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will continue the study of functions initiated in the course Polynomials, Functions and Graphs by moving into trigonometric functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric functions are extremely important in applications of mathematics to study situations involving periodic phenomena such as tidal flow. Exponential and logarithmic functions have many uses in applications of mathematics to biology, business and economics, physics and other areas. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in applying mathematical functions."
Price: 79.00 |
"Silicon Photonics Design, Fabrication and Data Analysis" |
"This short course teaches students and industry professionals how to design integrated optical devices and circuits, using a hands-on approach with commercial tools. We will fabricate your designs using a state-of-the-art ($5M) silicon photonic rapid-prototyping 100 keV electron-beam lithography facility. We will measure your designs using an automated optical probe station and provide you the data. You will then analyze your experimental data. Why take this course? To get hands on design experience with integrated optics To learn how to use advanced optical design tools To get your design fabricated, and obtain experimental data The focus of this course is a design project, guided by lectures, tutorials and activities. As a first-time designer, you will design an interferometer, which is a widely used device in many applications such as communications (modulation, switching) and sensing. Specifically, it is Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, consisting of fibre grating couplers, two splitters, and optical waveguides. For advanced designers, this course is an opportunity to design many other devices, such as directional couplers, ring, racetrack and disk resonators, Bragg gratings including grating assisted contra-directional couplers, photonic crystals, multi-mode interference (MMI) couplers, polarization diversity components, mode-division multiplexing (MDM) components and circuits, novel waveguides such as sub-wavelength grating (SWG) and metamaterial waveguides, slot waveguides, etc. Commercial software tool licenses are provided in this course (Lumerical Solutions and MATLAB). Open-source alternatives are provided. You will earn a professional certificate from the University of British Columbia and edX upon successful completion of this course. Certificates can be uploaded directly to your LinkedIn profile."
Price: 495.00 |
"Management Accounting" |
"This course introduces different ways of managing finances within an organisation with the aim of enhancing business performance. It will allow you to develop your knowledge and understanding of how to make financing and investment decisions and help you to understand: How organisations finance their operations How to plan and control cash flows How to make the best use of working capital The principles of making capital investment decisions Completion of this course will also prepare you for the ACCA 'Management Accounting' (MA) exam, which leads to a Diploma in Accounting and Business. To check availability of this course in your country please click here. This course does not offer an edX certificate. Those learners who would like to earn an award will have the opportunity to register with ACCA as a student, take computer based exams and gain the ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business. You can find your nearest ACCA exam centre on the ACCA website."
Price: 89.00 |
"Financial Accounting" |
"This course introduces the principles of financial accounting, and will allow learners to demonstrate technical proficiency in the use of double-entry techniques, including the preparation and interpretation of basic financial statements for sole traders, partnerships and companies. You will also learn how to: Record, process and report business transactions Use the trial balance and identify and correct errors Draft financial statements Understand the qualitative characteristics of useful information Completion of this course will also prepare you for the ACCA 'Financial Accounting (FA)/FFA' exam, whichleads toa Diploma in Accounting and Business. To check availability of this course in your country please click here. This course does not offer an edX certificate. Those learners who would like to earn an award will have the opportunity to register with ACCA as a student, take computer based exams and gain the ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business. You can find your nearest ACCA exam centre on the ACCA website."
Price: 89.00 |
"Business and Technology" |
"Don't have a business background but want to understand how people and systems of an organisation interact with the world and each other? This business and finance course will help you understand business in the context of its environment, including economic, legal, and regulatory influences on such aspects as governance, employment, health and safety, data protection and security. Upon the completion of the course, you will understand: The purpose and types of businesses and more about how the external environment impact them Business organisation structure, functions and the role of corporate governance How accountancy and audit support effective financial management and communication Leadership and how people are developed within businesses What makes for a high performing team The vital role of professional ethics and professional values in all aspects of business Completion of this course will also prepare you for the ACCA 'Business and Technology (BT)/FBT' exam, which leads to a Diploma in Accounting and Business. Please note this course and exam was previously named 'Accountant in Business (AB/FAB)' To check availability of this course in your country please click here. This course does not offer an edX certificate. Those learners who would like to earn an award will have the opportunity to register with ACCA as a student, take computer based exams and gain the ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business. You can find your nearest ACCA exam centre on the ACCA website."
Price: 89.00 |
"Introducción a la gravedad cuántica de lazos" |
"En este curso de física vamos a discutir la gravitación cuántica de lazos o bucles (Loop Quantum Gravity) que es uno de los dos contendientes más importantes a compatibilizar la teoría de Albert Einstein de relatividad general, que es una teoría de la gravedad con la teoría cuántica. En este curso en línea vamos a explicar qué significa gravitación, cuántica y lazos, para así conocer sus impactos e importancia en el universo. En cada módulo iremos describiendo en profundidad, con ejemplos cotidianos que significa cada una de estas palabras. EsteMOOC es un acercamiento cotidiano a la gravedad cuántica, el curso entrega al estudiante el conocimiento para entender cómo la gravedad cuántica de lazos mezcla la mecánica cuántica y la teoría de la relatividad general."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a la Siembra Directa" |
"En este curso en línea sobre agricultura nos enfocaremos en la siembra directa, usando como caso de éxito a la Argentina. Lasiembra directaes el elemento central de lo que hoy en día se denomina la agricultura de conservación. Esta manera de siembra es una técnica de cultivo en la cual no se altera el suelo mediante el arado, ofreciendo grandes beneficios para la tierra y para el agricultor. Este curso de agricultura proporciona los conocimientos necesarios para implementar siembra directa de forma exitosa, proporcionando las ventajas y desventajas para el agricultor en el momento de usar este tipo de siembra. Evolución de la siembra directa -Crecimiento del área de sembrado y producción En los últimos quince años, gracias a la implementación de lasiembra directay los avances enbiotecnología, Argentina, ha experimentado un gran crecimiento tanto en su producción como un su área cultivable, generando nuevos récords en la producción, esto significó que en áreas que anteriormente no eran arables, con la siembra directa se implantaron cultivos en forma exitosa, áreas que eran estrictamente ganaderas pasaron a ser de alta producción de granos, lo que ocurrió fue un desplazamiento de la frontera ganadera disminuyendo la cantidad de superficie pero manteniendo el stock, calidad y eficiencia de la carne argentina.No se sacrificó la ganadería por la agricultura, en cambio se encontró la mejor forma de ser eficiente en los dos sectores. -Caracterización del sistema productivo de granos y alimentos en Argentina En el caso Argentino las consecuencias de los sistemas productivos bajo labranza que se mantuvieron por décadas trajeron la degradación de la integridad biológica y ecológica de sistema suelo. Entre los daños más notables se destacan las erosiones hídricas y eólicas causadas por el arrastre de partículas en suspensión y su efecto en la contaminación de cursos de agua entre otros fenómenos. En Argentina 40 años de labranza hicieron perder en promedio el 2% de la materia orgánica de sus suelos llevándose el 50 % de su actividad potencial, si a estas pérdidas le asignamos los valores actuales de los nutrientes que se van del suelo, Argentina estaría perdiendo US$ 103620 millones de dólares esto es, dinero que ya el país debe aportar en forma de fertilizante para mantener la productividad del suelo. La siembra directa se fundamenta en: Ausencia de laboreo Cobertura permanente del suelo con residuo Captura de Carbono Economía del agua *Reducción de insumos"
Price: 50.00 |
"Dinosaurios de la Patagonia" |
"Gran parte de la población, sobre todo los más pequeños, presenta un gran interés por los dinosaurios. Los más antiguos del mundo se han encontrado en rocas de aproximadamente 240 millones de años en Argentina en las provincias de La Rioja y San Juan. La paleontología es la ciencia que se encarga de estudiar el pasado de la vida en nuestro planeta por medio del análisis de los fósiles, esta ciencia se encarga de estudiar los dinosaurios. Los dinosaurios fueron los vertebrados dominantes en la tierra firme desde su aparición hasta hace unos 66 millones de años, cuando ocurrió la extinción de los dinosaurios. Por suerte, uno de sus linajes sobrevivió y comparte con nosotros los parques y los campos. Estos dinosaurios vivientes son las aves. Una parte muy importante de la historia de los dinosaurios se ha escrito en la Patagonia. En sus afloramientos, se han encontrado dinosaurios gigantes, como el Argentinosaurus, el Giganotosaurus o el Patagotitan. También dinosaurios con cuernos, como el Carnotaurus, u otros que aún conservan en su interior parte de lo que comieron antes de morir, como el Isaberrysaura. Estos dinosaurios argentinos, junto a muchos otros encontrados en la Patagonia, ofrecen una visión única de la vida del Triásico, Jurásico y Cretácico en el Hemisferio Sur. En este curso en línea, junto al Dr. Rodolfo Coria, Investigador Independiente de CONICET y Director del Museo Carmen Funes de Plaza Huincul, se profundizará en conceptos tan importantes en paleontología como las relaciones de parentesco entre dinosaurios, su clasificación o cómo se nomina un nuevo dinosaurio. Además, este curso de ciencias naturales se relatará desde un marco histórico el trabajo en la Patagonia de varios paleontólogos pioneros como Ameghino, Casamiquela o Bonaparte desde fines del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad."
Price: 50.00 |
"Historia económica argentina: avatares de un sistema monetario" |
"El sistema de Caja de Conversión o Currency Board es un sistema cambiario en el cual es requerido que la moneda local tenga paridad con una moneda extranjera. La Primera Caja de Conversión argentina fue creada como respuesta a la Crisis de Baring (1890/91). Pasó más de una década para que entrara en pleno funcionamiento, y fue solo en el período del Progreso (1900-1914) que se desempeñó como tal. Luego sufrió diversas transformaciones, a los fines de hacer frente a los shocks externos, hasta que finalmente se convirtió en un Banco Central de nuevo en 1935. El curso explorará las vicisitudes que tuvo que enfrentar la Primera Caja de Conversión hasta su transformación final en Banco Central y su impacto en la economía argentina. Este curso de economía tiene como objetivo estudiar el comportamiento de la Primera Caja de Conversión argentina desde su inicio hasta su transformación en Banco Central. Propone un enfoque institucional, analizando los cambios en las reglas del juego y el desempeño del sistema monetario. Incorpora además en el análisis las finanzas públicas."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a las ondas gravitacionales" |
"En este curso conocerás sobre las ondas gravitacionales de forma fácil y enseñado por una experta del proyecto LIGO; Gabriela González. Algunos de los temas que cubriremos: • Los astrónomos modernos combinan datos de múltiples tipos de telescopios para crear imágenes compuestas de objetos en el espacio. • Los agujeros negros son por definición imposibles de observar directamente usando telescopios de luz, ya que ninguna luz puede escapar de su extrema gravedad. • La única manera de estudiar los agujeros negros usando telescopios de luz es observar cualquier gas y polvo que caiga en ellos. Esto puede revelar información sobre un agujero, como la frecuencia con la que gira alrededor de su eje. Comprensión de la gravedad. • En el siglo XVII, Isaac Newton propuso una ley universal de gravitación que concebía la gravedad como una fuerza entre dos masas (m1m1 y m2m2) separadas por una distancia rr según la ecuación: F = Gm1m2r2F = Gm1m2r2 • La teoría de Newton es muy exacta para la mayoría de las situaciones y es ampliamente utilizada hoy en día. Sin embargo, Newton estaba preocupado por la acción a distancia, quería entender cómo dos masas se conocen y se influyen mutuamente sin enviar ninguna señal. • Este problema no se resolvió hasta que Albert Einstein propuso la relatividad general en 1916. En su nueva concepción la gravedad no es una fuerza, sino la geometría del espacio-tiempo. Los objetos masivos causan que el espacio-tiempo se curve, y esta curvatura es lo que influye en el movimiento de otros objetos en el espacio-tiempo. El mensajero gravitacional de Newton resultó ser el espacio-tiempo en sí. • Einstein se dio cuenta de que objetos masivos (no esféricamente simétricos) sometidos a aceleración u oscilación producirían distorsiones que se extenderían a través del espacio-tiempo como ondulaciones en un estanque. Estas ondulaciones se llaman ondas gravitacionales. • Al igual que las ondas electromagnéticas, las ondas gravitatorias transportan energía y tienen amplitudes (llamadas tensión para las ondas gravitacionales) y frecuencias asociadas con ellas. Las ondas gravitatorias se representan a menudo como formas de onda, que demuestran su frecuencia y amplitud mientras que cambian con el tiempo. • Las ondas gravitacionales interactúan muy débilmente con la materia, pasando por todo esencialmente sin cambios. Esto es muy útil para la astronomía porque significa que cualquier señal detectada permanece prácticamente inalterada desde cuando se generó en la fuente."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a los ritmos y relojes biológicos" |
"En este curso en línea aprenderás sobre el reloj y el ritmo biológico, y su impacto en nuestra salud y en nuestro diario vivir. El reloj biológico es la respuesta del cuerpo humano (fisiología) a diferentes etapas del día, este reloj biológico es aquel que le dice al cuerpo que debe estar despierto durante el día y descansar en la noche. Losritmos biológicoshan surgido en respuesta ala alternancia entre el día y la noche, y las estaciones. La cronobiología es la ciencia que estudia los ritmos biológicos; los cambios de nuestro reloj. Este curso en línea te ayudará a conocer tu reloj biológico y el impacto que los factores externos tienen en él, esto es importante ya que puede ayudarte a mejorar tu calidad de vida. Acaso¿no han sentido alguna vez que poseemos un reloj interno, que nos despierta por la mañana antes que suene el despertador?,¿o que nos avisa cuando sentimos apetito, y descubrimos que ya es hora de almorzar?,¿o al sentirnos cansados, tarde en la noche, percibimos que necesitamos ir a dormir? Estas y muchas otras actividades que realizamos a diario; sueño, apetito, actividad/reposo, estudio, trabajo, etc., como así también procesos biológicos que ocurren en nuestro organismo; producción de hormonas, temperatura corporal, metabolismo, cambian rítmicamente a lo largo del día. Estos cambios constituyen los ritmos biológicos y aquellos que presentan un periodo cercano a las 24 horas se denominan“circadianos”(del latín, circa: cercano, diano: día). Losritmos biológicoshan surgido en respuesta a los cambios cíclicos del medio ambiente que nos rodea: la alternancia día/noche, las estaciones, es por esto que los organismos vivos contamos con un sistema denominado sistema o ritmo circadiano que permite medir el tiempo internamente, adaptarnos a tales cambios ambientales que ocurren a lo largo del día, y anticiparnos a la llegada de los mismos. Efectivamente losrelojes biológicosse encuentran distribuidos a lo largo de todo el organismo. Estos relojes internos regulan diversas funciones fisiológicas y conductuales con un periodo cercano a las 24 horas pero no exactamente de 24 horas, por eso se hace necesario ajustarlos diariamente a través de señales externas del medio ambiente: luz, temperatura, alimentación, etc. La luz constituye la señal externa más potente para sincronizar el reloj central ubicado en el cerebro. Una vez sincronizado este reloj, envía señales al resto del organismo para coordinar las actividades de forma rítmica."
Price: 50.00 |
"Covid - 19: Ventilación mecánica para no intensivistas" |
"Según las proyecciones más optimistas de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) en Colombia, se espera un gran número de pacientes con requerimiento de ventilación mecánica y hospitalización en unidad de cuidados intensivos, que excederá la capacidad instalada y los diferentes planes de contingencia incluyen la expansión de áreas de monitorización y uso de ventiladores, por parte de personal no especializado en esta área. Por este motivo y conscientes de la responsabilidad social de la academia y comprometidos con las necesidades educativas del momento. La Facultad de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, desarrollaron un curso virtual de ventilación mecánica para médicos no intensivistas, que de forma práctica aborda aspectos relacionado con las medidas de protección y bioseguridad, intubación orotraqueal, ventilación mecánica, Sindrome de Dificultad Aguda Respiratoria y aspectos prácticos de conexión y manipulación de ventiladores, con el objetivo de proveer conocimientos y habilidades básicas de manejo."
Price: 10.00 |
"Tangible Things: Discovering History Through Artworks, Artifacts, Scientific Specimens, and the Stuff Around You" |
"Have you ever wondered about how museum, library, and other kinds of historical or scientific collections all come together? Or how and why curators, historians, archivists, and preservationists do what they do? In Tangible Things , you will discover how material objects have shaped academic disciplines and reinforced or challenged boundaries between people. This course will draw on some of the most fascinating items housed at Harvard University, highlighting several to give you a sense of the power of learning through tangible things. By “stepping onto” the storied campus, you and your fellow learners can explore Harvard’s astonishing array of tangible things—books and manuscripts, art works, scientific specimens, ethnographic artifacts, and historical relics of all sorts. The University not only owns a Gutenberg bible, but it also houses in its collections Turkish sun dials, a Chinese crystal ball, a divination basket from Angola, and nineteenth-century “spirit writing” chalked on a child-sized slate. Tucked away in storage cabinets or hidden in closets and the backrooms of its museums and libraries are Henry David Thoreau’s pencil, a life mask of Abraham Lincoln, and chemicals captured from a Confederate ship. The Art Museums not only care for masterpieces of Renaissance painting but also for a silver-encrusted cup made from a coconut. The Natural History Museum not only preserves dinosaur bones and a fish robot but an intact Mexican tortilla more than a century old. In the first section of the course, we will consider how a statue, a fish, and a gingham gown have contributed to Harvard’s history, and you will learn the value of stopping to look at the things around you. In the next section, we will explore some of the ways people have brought things together into purposeful collections to preserve memory, promote commerce, and define culture. Finally, we will consider methods of rearranging objects to create new ways of thinking about nature, time, and ordinary work. Along the way, you will discover new ways of looking at, organizing, and interpreting tangible things in your own environment. HarvardX requires individuals who enroll in its courses on edX to abide by the terms of the edX honor code. HarvardX will take appropriate corrective action in response to violations of the edX honor code, which may include dismissal from the HarvardX course; revocation of any certificates received for the HarvardX course; or other remedies as circumstances warrant. No refunds will be issued in the case of corrective action for such violations. Enrollees who are taking HarvardX courses as part of another program will also be governed by the academic policies of those programs. HarvardX pursues the science of learning. By registering as an online learner in an HX course, you will also participate in research about learning. Read our research statement to learn more. Harvard University and HarvardX are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the community is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination or harassment in our program. All members of the HarvardX community are expected to abide by Harvard policies on nondiscrimination, including sexual harassment, and the edX Terms of Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact harvardx@harvard.edu and/or report your experience through the edX contact form."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: R Basics" |
"The first in our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course will introduce you to the basics of R programming. You can better retain R when you learn it to solve a specific problem, so you'll use a real-world dataset about crime in the United States. You will learn the R skills needed to answer essential questions about differences in crime across the different states. We'll cover R's functions and data types, then tackle how to operate on vectors and when to use advanced functions like sorting. You'll learn how to apply general programming features like ""if-else,"" and ""for loop"" commands, and how to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. Rather than covering every R skill you might need, you'll build a strong foundation to prepare you for the more in-depth courses later in the series, where we cover concepts like probability, inference, regression, and machine learning. We help you develop a skill set that includes R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with UNIX/Linux, version control with git and GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with RStudio. The demand for skilled data science practitioners is rapidly growing, and this series prepares you to tackle real-world data analysis challenges."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Capstone" |
"To become an expert data scientist you need practice and experience. By completing this capstone project you will get an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in R data analysis that you have gained throughout the series. This final project will test your skills in data visualization, probability, inference and modeling, data wrangling, data organization, regression, and machine learning. Unlike the rest of ourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, in this course, you will receive much less guidance from the instructors. When you complete the project you will have a data product to show off to potential employers or educational programs, a strong indicator of your expertise in the field of data science."
Price: 99.00 |
"Data Science: Inference and Modeling" |
"Statistical inference and modeling are indispensable for analyzing data affected by chance, and thus essential for data scientists. In this course, you will learn these key concepts through a motivating case study on election forecasting. This course will show you how inference and modeling can be applied to develop the statistical approaches that make polls an effective tool and we'll show you how to do this using R. You will learn concepts necessary to define estimates and margins of errors and learn how you can use these to make predictions relatively well and also provide an estimate of the precision of your forecast. Once you learn this you will be able to understand two concepts that are ubiquitous in data science: confidence intervals, and p-values. Then, to understand statements about the probability of a candidate winning, you will learn about Bayesian modeling. Finally, at the end of the course, we will put it all together to recreate a simplified version of an election forecast model and apply it to the 2016 election."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Linear Regression" |
"Linear regression is commonly used to quantify the relationship between two or more variables. It is also used to adjust for confounding. This course, part ofourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, covers how to implement linear regression and adjust for confounding in practice using R. In data science applications, it is very common to be interested in the relationship between two or more variables. The motivating case study we examine in this course relates to the data-driven approach used to construct baseball teams described in Moneyball. We will try to determine which measured outcomes best predict baseball runs by using linear regression. We will also examine confounding, where extraneous variables affect the relationship between two or more other variables, leading to spurious associations. Linear regression is a powerful technique for removing confounders, but it is not a magical process. It is essential to understand when it is appropriate to use, and this course will teach you when to apply this technique."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Probability" |
"In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science,you will learn valuable concepts in probability theory. The motivation for this course is the circumstances surrounding the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Part of what caused this financial crisis was that the risk of some securities sold by financial institutions was underestimated. To begin to understand this very complicated event, we need to understand the basics of probability. We will introduce important concepts such as random variables, independence, Monte Carlo simulations, expected values, standard errors, and the Central Limit Theorem. These statistical concepts are fundamental to conducting statistical tests on data and understanding whether the data you are analyzing is likely occurring due to an experimental method or to chance. Probability theory is the mathematical foundation of statistical inference which is indispensable for analyzing data affected by chance, and thus essential for data scientists."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Machine Learning" |
"Perhaps the most popular data science methodologies come from machine learning. What distinguishes machine learning from other computer guided decision processes is that it builds prediction algorithms using data. Some of the most popular products that use machine learning include the handwriting readers implemented by the postal service, speech recognition, movie recommendation systems, and spam detectors. In this course,part ofourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, you will learn popular machine learning algorithms, principal component analysis, and regularization by building a movie recommendation system. You will learn about training data, and how to use a set of data to discover potentially predictive relationships. As you build the movie recommendation system, you will learn how to train algorithms using training data so you can predict the outcome for future datasets. You will also learn about overtraining and techniques to avoid it such as cross-validation. All of these skills are fundamental to machine learning."
Price: 49.00 |
"What Every Provider Should Know: High Risk Chief Complaints" |
"Managing Emergencies: What Every Doctor Must Know features high quality video lectures, online case scenarios with questions and discussion groups, and a hands-on skills workshop. A detailed syllabus with illustrations and content focusing on the most clinically relevant information is provided. Lectures and materials are all online allowing students the flexibility to proceed at their own pace and schedule. Online case-based discussions are initiated with a video presentation of an undifferentiated patient. Key decisions and studies are highlighted and student responses are posted for other course participants and faculty to review. Video discussions of the online cases with an expert clinician provide practical answers and insightful commentary."
Price: 50.00 |
"Data Science: Visualization" |
"As part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course covers the basics of data visualization and exploratory data analysis. We will use three motivating examples and ggplot2, a data visualization package for the statistical programming language R. We will start with simple datasets and then graduate to case studies about world health, economics, and infectious disease trends in the United States. We'll also be looking at how mistakes, biases, systematic errors, and other unexpected problems often lead to data that should be handled with care. The fact that it can be difficult or impossible to notice a mistake within a dataset makes data visualization particularly important. The growing availability of informative datasets and software tools has led to increased reliance on data visualizations across many areas. Data visualization provides a powerful way to communicate data-driven findings, motivate analyses, and detect flaws. This course will give you the skills you need to leverage data to reveal valuable insights and advance your career."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Wrangling" |
"In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science,we cover several standard steps of the data wrangling process like importing data into R, tidying data, string processing, HTML parsing, working with dates and times, and text mining. Rarely are all these wrangling steps necessary in a single analysis, but a data scientist will likely face them all at some point. Very rarely is data easily accessible in a data science project. It's more likely for the data to be in a file, a database, or extracted from documents such as web pages, tweets, or PDFs. In these cases, the first step is to import the data into R and tidy the data, using the tidyverse package. The steps that convert data from its raw form to the tidy form is called data wrangling. This process is a critical step for any data scientist. Knowing how to wrangle and clean data will enable you to make critical insights that would otherwise be hidden."
Price: 49.00 |
"What Every Provider Should Know: Clinical Fundamentals" |
"Regardless of where physicians practice they are expected to be calm, cool, and collected when confronted with undifferentiated, critically ill patients. Medical education in most countries however, focuses on approaching patients in a methodical, time intensive manner. Although this approach can be effective for certain patients and settings, it can prove disastrous during those moments when time is of the essence. The specialty of Emergency Medicine (EM) centers on rapidly sorting, assessing, and stabilizing undifferentiated patients regardless of the etiology of their condition. Designed by educational leaders in the field of EM, this course is designed to teach healthcare providers the necessary skills to recognize and manage patients with life-threatening emergencies. “What Every Provider Should Know: Clinical Fundamentals” features high quality video lectures, online case scenarios with questions, a discussion forum, and the chance to demonstrate your knowledge by testing to achieve a statement of accomplishment. A detailed syllabus is provided, which focuses on the most clinically relevant information. Lectures and materials are all online allowing students the flexibility to proceed at their own pace and schedule. Case-based discussions are initiated with a video presentation of an undifferentiated patient. Key decisions and studies are highlighted and student responses may also be posted for other course participants and faculty to review. Video discussions of the online cases with an expert clinician provide practical answers and insightful commentary. Emphasis is placed on a methodical approach to patient evaluation and the importance of time-sensitive emergency interventions. Common medical myths and pitfalls are also addressed throughout the course. This course can easily be taught to individual providers, or arranged for groups of providers or students within their hospitals, medical schools or universities. Providers working together and taking the course as a group have the advantage of institutional support, and the chance to reinforce key concepts during their clinical practice."
Price: 50.00 |