Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"A Song Of Ice and Fire Lannister Warrior's Sons Expansion" |
"In the land of We&115;tero&115; a title i&115; a potential gateway to a life of lei&115;ure Having land and dominion over tho&115;e on it can ea&115;ily lead to never having to work a &115;ingle day The Warrior&8217;&115; &83;on&115; however have e&115;chewed all land&115; and title&115; devoting their live&115; to the &83;even In&115;tead of having &115;ervant&115; bring them everything they have honed their combat &115;kill&115; and owe their &115;ervice to High &83;epton The Warrior&8217;&115; &83;on&115; unit box give&115; Lanni&115;ter player&115; a righteou&115; arm out on the battlefield The&115;e highly-&115;killed and well-equipped &115;oldier&115; are an avenging &115;cythe cutting down tho&115;e who oppo&115;e them and u&115;ing their faith to bol&115;ter them&115;elve&115; during combat gaining Faith token&115; that they can u&115;e for different bonu&115;e&115; and abilitie&115;Player&115; 2Playing Time 45-60 MinAge&115; 14"
Price: 27.99 |
"Star Wars Destiny: Spark of Hope Booster Box (36 packs)" |
"Even in the darke&115;t of time&115; the &115;park of hope can be found in the &83;tar War&115; Galaxy lit by tho&115;e who dream of a better place In the era of the Clone War&115; Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi fought again&115;t the darkne&115;&115; of the &83;eparati&115;t army Jyn Er&115;o and Luke &83;kywalker led a tiny band of Rebel&115; again&115;t a Galactic Empire and when the Fir&115;t Order ro&115;e to power the Re&115;i&115;tance &115;tood up a&115; the &115;park of hope that would burn it down Find your own path in &83;park of Hope a 160-card &115;et of boo&115;ter&115; for &83;tar War&115; De&115;tiny!&83;park of Hope continue&115; the theme&115; introduced in Convergence with an empha&115;i&115; on &115;ubtype&115; downgrade&115; and new plot&115; that change the way you con&115;truct your deck! Look for Red villain&115; card&115; that empty your opponent&115; hand a new &115;et of move&115; and ma&115;terie&115; for Blue heroe&115; new Bounty Hunter&115; for Yellow villain&115; and more!Thi&115; di&115;play ca&115;e contain&115; 36 pack&115; of boo&115;ter&115;"
Price: 93.49 |
"Star Realms Playmat Infested Moon" |
"Thi&115; box will hold your entire &83;tar Realm&115; collection with or without &115;leeve&115; with room to &115;pare for future &115;et&115; and even a playmat! U&115;e the included foam block&115; to hold your card&115; firmly in place The high quality pla&115;tic divider&115; included will allow you to &115;eparate your card&115; by &115;et andor have a deck ready to play with divider&115; for Trade Deck Explorer&115; Per&115;onal Deck&115; and &83;core Card&115; For u&115;e with the &83;tar Realm&115; Deckbuilding Game Content&115; 15-card promo and token &115;et 30 pla&115;tic divider&115; and 6 foam block&115;"
Price: 9.49 |
"The Ancient World Second Edition Board Game" |
"In an ancient world forgotten by time enormou&115; titan&115; terrorize the land Five tribe&115; have been fleeing from the titan&115; for centurie&115; but thing&115; are about to change Growing city-&115;tate&115; pledge to end the reign of terror determined to take on the titan&115; and make the world a &115;afer place for all Each city-&115;tate compete&115; to attract the tribe&115; eager for the &115;trength of the combined people&115; who are now leaving behind old tradition&115; with the hope that the titan&115; can be defeated once and for all In The Ancient World player&115; compete to grow the large&115;t and mo&115;t influential city-&115;tate by managing citizen&115; trea&115;ury and military and by defeating titan&115; Player&115; take turn&115; &115;ending citizen&115; to take &115;pecial action&115; or u&115;ing military card&115; to attack titan&115; One of the action&115; a citizen can perform i&115; to build Empire card&115; which give more citizen&115; money and abilitie&115; A city-&115;tate'&115; influence in the world i&115; mea&115;ured by &115;et&115; of tribe banner&115; that it own&115; Each Empire card ha&115; one or more tribe banner&115; and tribe banner&115; can al&115;o be gained by defeating titan&115; Player&115; gain victory point&115; (VP&115;) for &115;et&115; of tribe banner&115; After &115;ix round&115; the player with the mo&115;t VP&115; from &115;et&115; of tribe banner&115; win&115; The &115;econd edition feature&115;Numbered limited edition boxe&115;De&115;igner'&115; &115;ignature printed in metallic inkRevi&115;ed and new titan&115;Larger revi&115;ed player board&115;Expanded game play including a new re&115;ource AMBRO&83;IATitan&115; now attack YOU!Updated di&115;trict and empire card&115;Game Detail&115;Player&115; 2-4Playing time 90 min&115;Age&115; 13"
Price: 51.99 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Spires Brute Drones Expansion" |
"Pack with 3 pla&115;tic miniature&115; and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; Unlike the elegant Biomantic proce&115;&115;e&115; and technique&115; u&115;ed in the development of creation&115; like the Mark&115;man Clone the Brute Drone reflect&115; the callou&115; di&115;regard the &83;pire&115; have for the &115;uffering of their creation&115; &83;elected from the lea&115;t imperfect of the force grown drone&115; they employ a&115; cannon fodder the pro&115;pective Brute&115; are carried off and &115;ubjected to a ruthle&115;&115;ly efficient te&115;ting proce&115;&115; to &115;ee if their bodie&115; can &115;urvive the &115;tre&115;&115; of tran&115;formation Tho&115;e who fail thi&115; te&115;t are left fit for little el&115;e but bioma&115;&115; recycling For tho&115;e that &115;urvive thi&115; inva&115;ive procedure end&115; with the pro&115;pective clone&115; being &115;ealed in the ma&115;&115;ive armor which they will wear for the re&115;t of their live&115; &115;hort a&115; tho&115;e may be They are lowered armor and all into a vat with hyper aggre&115;&115;ive mu&115;cle and bone augmentation agent&115; Coupled with hormonal growth treatment&115; the re&115;ult i&115; impre&115;&115;ive if limited Body ma&115;&115; can triple in a&115; little a&115; two month&115; of immer&115;ion but the pain and trauma of the proce&115;&115; &115;everely impair&115; the already limited mental facultie&115; of the drone&115; The ma&115;&115;ive armor&115; they are immer&115;ed with are &115;oon filled out completely &115;tunting further growth and provoking increa&115;ing amount&115; of pain on the na&115;cent Brute&115; Once the pain i&115; inten&115;e enough to overcome the &115;edating agent&115; added to the vat mixture the Brute i&115; con&115;idered fully grown and decanted before it&115; mad thra&115;hing&115; harm the re&115;t of the batch The proce&115;&115; could be far more compa&115;&115;ionate and effective but time and practice have &115;hown thi&115; to be the mo&115;t re&115;ource efficient method to develop the&115;e front line &115;hock troop&115; The mon&115;trou&115;ly high fail rate among&115;t the menial drone&115; i&115; more than compen&115;ated for by the tremendou&115;ly reduced co&115;t and over&115;ight Towering well over two meter&115; with mo&115;t &115;pecimen&115; touching the three meter mark Brute Drone&115; are a towering ma&115;&115; of vat grown mu&115;cle and aggre&115;&115;ion Their &115;kin where it can be &115;een beneath the ichor &115;oaked bandage&115; they bear i&115; a ravaged ma&115;&115; of &115;car ti&115;&115;ue and &115;ubdermal bone depo&115;it&115; Their armor i&115; literally &115;ealed onto their bodie&115; held in place by alchemically treated cartouche&115; that e&115;tabli&115;h Lineage owner&115;hip lot number and enhancement date of the particular drone On the battlefield Brute Drone&115; are little more than living battering ram&115; A&115; a re&115;ult they are alway&115; deployed in conjunction with a Pheromancer who&115;e powerful pheromonal command&115; are the only thing that can cut through the haze of pain and rage that cloud&115; their mind Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 36.99 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Hundred Kingdoms House Hold Knights Expansion" |
"Pack with 3 pla&115;tic miniature&115; and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; - I have coin beyond counting I have men-at-arm&115; aplenty I have cro&115;&115;bowmen I have militia and above all I have allie&115; in the Conclave What have thee fool who claim&115; my land?- I have knight&115; Your allie&115; in the Conclave may throw you a rich funeral with your coin&115; when they are done with you The time effort and money required to train a knight i&115; &115;taggering Training begin&115; at the age of &115;even when the young a&115;pirant i&115; trained a&115; a page Around the age of fourteen weapon&115; and hor&115;eman&115;hip training are focu&115;ed on and the &83;quire i&115; expected to follow hi&115; ma&115;ter into battle if needed By the age of twenty one a pro&115;pective candidate i&115; expected to have impre&115;&115;ed hi&115; ma&115;ter &115;ufficiently to earn hi&115; recommendation Following the &115;weeping reform&115; of Charle&115; Armatellum at the on&115;et of hi&115; conque&115;t&115; the ceremony of dubbing can only be performed by an Imperial noble of at lea&115;t the rank of Margrave or Count Palatine The anointment moreover can only take place after a battle in which the pro&115;pective knight ha&115; blooded hi&115; blade The&115;e mandate&115; were e&115;tabli&115;hed to en&115;ure that only men of true prowe&115;&115; earned the rank of Knight Even with the Empire di&115;&115;olved tho&115;e mandate&115; are well pre&115;erved tradition&115; and tho&115;e who ignore them meet ridicule In fact a recurring article pre&115;ented in the Imperial Conclave&115; i&115; the appointment of Count&115; Palatine to replace tho&115;e who may have fallen in battle or died of old age A&115; a re&115;ult of the&115;e effort&115; the Hou&115;ehold Knight endure&115; a&115; a pillar of the &115;ocial &115;tructure of the Hundred Kingdom&115; While land and coin have gained tremendou&115; importance in determining the power of noble hou&115;e&115; allowing them to &115;ecure the &115;ervice&115; of mercenarie&115; and men at arm&115; the&115;e cannot match the battlefield &115;upremacy and pre&115;tige that Hou&115;ehold Knight&115; offer The ma&115;&115;ed charge of Hou&115;ehold Knight&115; i&115; one of the mo&115;t powerful weapon&115; at the di&115;po&115;al of a Hundred Kingdom&115; commander Hundred&115; of pound&115; of obdurate metal and mu&115;cle forged through year&115; of training and experience they have &115;hattered men formation&115; and kingdom&115; throughout the age&115; Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 36.99 |
"Million Dollars, But... Expansion Pack #2" |
"Million Dollar&115; But The Game Expan&115;ion Pack 2 come&115; with 100 new card&115; to either play &115;tandalone or combine with your core game to expand the fun Million Dollar&115; But The Game (ba&115;ed on Roo&115;ter Teeth'&115; popular comedy &115;erie&115; Million Dollar&115; But) i&115; a card game that put&115; your moral&115; and imagination to the te&115;t po&115;ing the que&115;tion What would you do for a million dollar&115;?Number of Player&115; 2-6Playing Time 30 Minute&115;Recommended Age&115; 17"
Price: 11.99 |
"Cuba Libre Third Printing COIN Vol 2 Board Game" |
"In December 1956 paroled rebel Fidel Castro returned to Cuba to launch his revolution with virtually no political base and&8212;after a disastrous initial encounter with government forces&8212;a total of just 12 men Two years later through masterful propaganda and factional maneuver Castro his brother Ra&250;l and iconic revolutionary Che Guevara had united disparate guerrillas and exploited Cubans&8217; deep opposition to their dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zald&237;var Castro&8217;s takeover of the country became a model for Leftist insurgency Castro&8217;s InsurgencyFollowing up on GMT Games&8217; Andean Abyss about insurgency in modern Colombia the next volume in the COIN Series Cuba Libre takes 1 to 4 players into the Cuban Revolution Castro&8217;s &8220;26 July Movement&8221; must expand from its bases in the Sierra Maestra mountains to fight its way to Havana Meanwhile anti-communist student groups urban guerrillas and expatriates try to de-stabilize the Batista regime from inside and out while trying not to pave the way for a new dictatorship under Castro Batista&8217;s Government must maintain steam to counter the twin insurgency while managing two benefactors its fragile US Alliance and its corrupting Syndicate skim And in the midst of the turmoil Meyer Lansky and his Syndicate bosses will jockey to keep their Cuban gangster paradise alive COIN Series Volume IICuba Libre will be easy to learn for Andean Abyss players&8212;both volumes share the same innovative GMT COIN Series system Like Volume I Cuba Libre is equally playable solitaire or by multiple players up to 4&8212;and with a shorter time to completion than Andean Abyss But Cuba Libre&8217;s situation and strategic challenges will be new A deck of 48 fresh events brings 1950s Cuba to life and includes &8230;&8226; The Twelve The first wave&8217;s escape to the Sierra Maestra&8212;inspirational legend or harbinger of defeat?&8226; El Che and Ra&250;l Brilliant in the field or bungling hostage-takers?&8226; Operation Fisherman Can the rebels pull off a second invasion?&8226; General Strike Urban disruption or rebel embarrassment?&8226; Radio Rebelde Are the masses tuning in or just the Army direction finders?&8226; Pact of Caracas Can the rebels unite?&8226; Armored Cars Mobile striking power but in whose hands?&8226; Rolando Masferrer Brutal pro-government tactics&8212;will they help or hurt?&8226; Fat Butcher Can the Mob&8217;s enforcer protect its casinos?&8226; Sinatra Frankie&8217;s Havana show a boom or bust and who collects?&8230; and much more New twists match the COIN Series system to the situation in 1950s Cuba&8226; It&8217;s the insurgents who build lasting capabilities while the Government is limited to fleeting bursts of momentum &8226; The Syndicate&8217;s bases are Casinos&8212;expensive to build but so important to Cuba no army will destroy them &8226; Syndicate special activities include calling in the &8220;muscle&8221; of Government troops and police to protect mob assets &8226; Stacks of Syndicate cash awaiting launder can fall in anyone&8217;s hands&8212;even the corrupt Government&8217;s &8226; The Government has its own terror tactic&8212;reprisals&8212;and can skim a portion of Syndicate profits &8226; The eroding US Alliance with Batista overshadows all Government actions not just through aid levels but also through the day-to-day ability of troops and police to operate &8226; Even if Batista flees the struggle may not end&8212;the counterrevolutionary government may even become stronger!Multiplayer 2-Player SolitaireCuba Libre provides up to 4 players with contrasting roles and overlapping victory conditions for rich diplomatic interaction For 2- or 3-player games players can represent alliances of factions or the game system can control non-player factions Or a single player as the Cuban Revolutionaries can attempt to topple Batista and seize power for themselves The non-player sides will fight one another as well as the players but too much power in the hands of any one of them will mean player defeat More COIN Series Volumes to ComeAndean Abyss and now Cuba Libre present a game system on modern insurgency readily adaptable to other conflicts particularly those featuring the interaction of many sides (thus the name COunterINsurgency Series) A rich and under-represented history of guerrilla warfare beckons as modern insurgency offers virtually unlimited under-gamed topics for the COIN Series Volume III is A Distant Plain&8212;Insurgency in Afghanistan Volume IV is Fire in the Lake&8212;Insurgency in Vietnam Players 1-4Playing time 180 mins"
Price: 58.49 |
"Shadows of Brimstone: Frontier Town Expansion" |
"Towns on the Old West frontier are full of danger and adventure around every corner!The Shadows of Brimstone Frontier Town expansion allows players a deeper and richer Town experience between adventures adding exciting new types of Towns to find (such as Plague Towns Outlaw Towns or Mutant Towns) six new Town Locations to visit (such as the Street Market Sheriff's Office Indian Trading Post or Smuggler's Den) a new expanded Travel Chart and a deadly new ranged Enemy &8211; Bandits &8212; for use both down in the Mines as well as in Town!With this expansion Heroes also have the opportunity to play out Adventures in the Frontier Town itself using the new Town Adventure Board! Heroes can protect the townsfolk while battling demons in the streets have a shootout with Bandits trying to rob the local bank or find themselves in a duel at high noon! Since the buildings are random the camp location will now contain limited versions of any crucial buildings that were missing like doc's office church and saloon Players 1-6Playing time 120 minsAges 12"
Price: 43.99 |
"Star Trek Attack Wing: Federation - Oberth Class Card Pack" |
"In service during the late 22nd century the Oberth Class was designed and used primarily for astronomical research such as gathering data on stars and planets Towards the end of the 24th century these vessels served in more limited roles such as transports and supply ships Contents11 Cards5 Tokens"
Price: 8.99 |
"Shadows of Brimstone: Black Fang Tribe - Mission Pack" |
"Tribal drums echo through the desert canyons and dark clouds fill the night sky as eldritch green lightning crackles in the air A storm is coming of rage and death and ancestral fury! Crazed by the power of the Dark Stone they consume the Black Fang Tribe descends from the hills to massacre those they deem weak In the name of the dark and vengeful elder spirits they worship these outcast braves raid and pillage the frontier towns and Indian villages throughout the cursed lands near Brimstone Through blood and fear they feed their addiction to the black rock collecting bones as trophies for their dark gods! This Mission Pack Expansion introduces a new enemy type the Black Fang Tribe! It contains a set of six Black Fang Tribal Warriors as well as a new objective-room map tile over forty new cards themed for these Dark Stone crazed tribal enemies and four new missions"
Price: 34.49 |
"Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Ack Ack, Sinjin & Avery Miniatures Expansion" |
"Whether through Strength Intelligence or plain dumb Luck some Raiders survive everything the Wasteland throws at them and come back for more Sinjin and his right hand woman Avery head up a gang of Raiders that often cause trouble in the Goodneighbour area Bringing high ranged ability to the table and some unique buffs to support their followers they make good leader choices for any game Ack-Ack and her gang set up base in the Olivia Satellite Station Known for her raids on local farms and settlements always punctuated by the rapid fire of her favourite Minigun This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Raider miniatures each with a unique scenic base to allow players to expand their Fallout Wasteland Warfare games"
Price: 19.49 |
"Star Trek Chrono-Trek Card Game" |
"In ChronoTrek a time-travel game similar to Chrononauts but set in the Star Trek universe each player becomes a Star Trek character with a unique identity and a secret mission During the game players travel backwards and forwards through history doing all those things people have always dreamed of using time travel to do Visiting the great moments of the past peeking into the future collecting up artifacts coming to grips with the paradoxes of time travel and of course changing pivotal events and altering the course of history itself Explore the history (and alternate history!) of the entire Star Trek universe in this version of Chrononauts Try to alter history to restore your specific timeline! Maybe you need to ensure that the Federation gets founded or just retrieve the Orb of Time and some tea Earl Grey Hot"
Price: 23.99 |
"Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos Miniatures" |
"1 Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Raiders Scavvers &38; Psychos pack contains2 x Raiders2 x Psychos2 x ScavversAs a Raider gang gains notoriety it swells with new recruits From the desperate survivors or even victims of previous raids to scavengers and mercenaries who throw in their lot with the roaming gangs With numbers comes the chance to attack stronger targets resulting in better loot new weapons and scrap to increase the power of a Raider gang allowing them to carve out small empires in the ruins of civilisation"
Price: 28.99 |
"FAITH: The Sci-Fi RPG Second Edition Seedsheets - Tools of the Trade I Gear Deck" |
"The Tools of the Trade Gear Deck is a deck of cards for FAITH The Sci-fi RPG that contains 54 cards designed to expand the experience of the game This deck is designed to work with our line of free Seedsheets a series of One-shot ideas to get started with the universe of Faith or spice-up your campaigns"
Price: 13.49 |
"FAITH: The Sci-Fi RPG Second Edition Seedsheets - Nefarious Folk Gear Deck" |
"The Nefarious Folk NPC Deck is a deck of cards for FAITH The Sci-fi RPG that contains 54 cards designed to expand the experience of the game This deck is designed to work with our line of Seedsheets a series of free One-shot ideas set in the universe of FAITH"
Price: 13.49 |
"FAITH: The Sci-Fi RPG Second Edition - Tiantang Zero G Culture Gear & NPC Deck" |
"The Zero-G Culture Gear&38;NPC Deck is a deck of cards for FAITH The Sci-fi RPG that contains 54 cards designed to expand the experience of the game This deck is designed to work with the FAITHTiantang Sourcebook containing the NPCs and gear found in the book itself and a few welcome additions"
Price: 13.49 |
"Steam Age Castle Falkenstein RPG" |
"AN AGE OF STEAM!Steam! The mighty force that drives the gears for the Falkenstein World; a force so powerful the Age was named after it! Now at long last the secrets of Steam are revealed to one and all in this stunning reprint of Popular Invention the official Journal of Steam Age Technology and Invention Marvel Dear Reader as we unveil before your Wondering EyesThe Nautilus Nemo's Revolutionary Submersible revealed! And a Visit to the Mysterious Island!Martian War Machines in Sussex Truth or Hoax!The Albatross Astounding Airship-vehicle of Robur the Master of the World!Challengers of the Air The Prussian Steam Zeppelin Forces!Battlefield Titans The Land Fortresses of the Iron Chancellor and a Look at the Secret Land Fortress Werks!The Very Latest in Steam Automotives for your Perusal!Direct Form the Stinktier Werks of Bayern Inside a Bavarian Aeroship!Gigantic Steam Automatons!Plus interviews with the Inventors and Masterminds Selected by You the Readers as Those Most Interesting including Captain Nemo; Jules Verne Lord Tomino; Lady Ada The Enchantress of Numbers; Robur the Conqueror; Ferdinand von Zeppelin and more!So join us dear reader for a journey into another Age and Age of Marvels and Amazements An Age of Steam!"
Price: 15.99 |
"Cyberpunk 2020 RPG: Eurosource Plus" |
"SLICK POLISHED DEADLY AND IT&8217;S BACK RETURN to that land across the ocean; a place so smooth so polished that rough-shod grunge-happy American cyberpunks find themselves skating on thin ice sliding out of control to a fate which though unknown is far from uncertain RETURN to Europe Eurosource Plus is the guide to style-conscious CYBERPUNK Europe 2010-2020 Drawing on the depth of coverage introduced in our famous Pacific Rim Sourcebook R Talsorian give you what you need to run a single character from -- or a whole campaign about -- the European Community Genesis the education vocation and politics of the European commons Roles with a distinctive Euro-twist; these aren&8217;t your typical American Solos and Fixers Background how the EC Council works; Euro high society; Crime and Interpol; the east-bloc war zones Special -- the inner secrets of the Scandinavian super cyber-clinics laid bare!Eurosource Plus &8217;Cause It&8217;s Time for CYBERPUNK -- With Style!"
Price: 15.99 |
"The Lost Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci Castle Falkenstein RPG" |
"ENGINES OF THE MIND!People will kill for them Wizards will sell their souls for them Wars have been fought for them Kingdoms will topple should they fall into the wrong hands What are they? They're the tomes everyone in New Europa wants to get their hands on The secrets of magickal engines; the most powerful and deadly constructions of the far-distant alternate world of CASTLE FALKENSTIEN Based on the writings of Aristotle written by Leonardo DaVinci ordered destroyed by the Pope this secret codex has been lost for centuries Until now This sourcebook includesWords of wisdom philosophy and social critique from the Master himself; an invaluable view of 16th-century society in New EuropaFull annotation and commentary from the greatest Sorcerous minds of the 19th centuryA compendium of Sorcerous devicesRules for the construction of Magickal EnginesBrought from Beyond the Faerie Veil the Secrets contained inside this Volume can change the Face of the World! Now they are in your hands What will YOU do with the Lost Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci?"
Price: 18.99 |
"Shadowrun Sprawl Ops: 5 To 6 Player Expansion" |
"5-6 player expansion for the Shadowrun Sprawl Ops base game"
Price: 20.49 |
"Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG Core Rulebook" |
"TABLETOP ROLEPLAYING IN THE WASTELAND!Designed for 1 Gamemaster and up to 6 players aged 14 and up You will receive the PDF's on purchase! The Fallout Wasteland Warfare roleplaying game builds on the narrative wargame experience of the tabletop miniatures game and will include new rules for character creation and creating adventures in the wasteland Delve into abandoned Vaults ruined cities strange facilities and antiquated military bases Encounter Super Mutants Raiders Survivors Vault Dwellers the Brotherhood of Steel the Institute and the Enclave and many more! Will you roam wide and far or build up and protect your settlement? For those who want to create your own unique characters or use the faction based Archetype cards to start your own hero and see them grow from adventure to adventure A beautiful 128 page sewn hardback with matt cover and yellow reading ribbon printed by our exceptional high-quality European printer IncludesComplete rules for tabletop roleplaying in the wasteland based on the popular Fallout Wasteland Warfare miniatures game Full rules for character creation archetypes and original player ideas alongside existing characters from the FalloutPacked with lots of full colour photographic scenes of the Fallout Wasteland Warfare range to inspire your adventures!Interact with familiar characters and creatures drawn from the world ofBackground on the locations adversaries and factions that players can encounter 3 free adventures totalling 26 pages in a linked campaign or for use as one-shot missions to support GM'sGuidance for players to build their settlement as a base of operationsAdvice and tools to help GM's create and run exciting new adventures in the Fallout"
Price: 27.99 |
"Star Trek Adventures RPG Gamemaster Screen" |
"The official Star Trek Adventures Gamemaster Screen is a high quality three panel screen to help power your Star Trek missions The exterior features beautiful rendered artwork of Starfleet vessels and Romulan cruisers while the inside cover contains useful rules references tables charts and random generators for Gamemasters so the 2d20 system is at your fingertips!This Toolkit includesA giant Gamemaster screen packed with rules for the 2d20 system and reference tables needed during play Stunning starship art wrapped around the outer sides of the Gamemaster screen 6 double-sided reference sheets including the actions of each role aboard a starship Momentum spend reference tables and conflict rules references An A2 sized map of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants with poster artwork on the reverse"
Price: 31.99 |
"Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse" |
"Last Days Zombie Apocalypse is a skirmish-scale miniatures game of survival horror It pits players against each other in a nightmarish near-future where the dead have returned to life and are feasting on the living Players build their own factions representing desperate civilians military personnel or hardened survivors and must explore scavenge and fight in order to survive another day Rival gangs are only one of the dangers they face - mindless zombies wander the streets driven by insatiable hunger and drawn by the sound of combat!A gang's ability to scavenge is as vital as their combat ability and players must ensure that they have the resources to survive in this hostile world Scenarios and campaigns allow you to develop your gang gain experience and recruit new henchmen to build up your strength or replace the inevitable casualties of the zombie apocalypse"
Price: 14.49 |
"FAITH: The Sci-Fi RPG Second Edition Core Book The Universe Player Deck" |
"The Universe Player Deck is a deck of poker cards for Faith The Sci-fi RPG with custom suit symbols and 54 cards illustrated with images from the FAITH The Science Fiction RPG Core Book FAITH The Science Fiction roleplaying game uses a card based system to resolve actions All players may share their cards from a single deck or group of mixed decks or have one deck each including the GM"
Price: 9.49 |
"Sorcerer Base Game" |
"Sorcerer A Strategy Card Game is set in what the company describes as a grim gaslamp lit world full of fantastic mythical creatures and sorcery Designed for two to four players the game pits two ancient beings of great power against one another to determine which of their lineage are strongest The players use sorcery to conjure minions cast minions and wield enchanted items to reach the game's goal of conquering three battlefields The game uses a simple resource system of energy that is determined randomly by a dice-roll at the beginning of each round to make sure no round is the same However the outcome being the same for both players the game balance stays even This energy is then used in the Action Phase for conjuring minions from your hand on any of three battlefields casting possessions that can improve your minion's traits and abilities; or sorcery cards with various direct effects Also as an action you can add more energy to your Energy Pool draw more cards move minions to another battlefield etc The choice is yours it is just about your pure skill to handle the battle preparation!In the Battle Phase players roll amount of custom dice equal to each minion's attack trait with possible outcome of miss hit double hit or critical hit for each die and place damage counters on the respective minions or directly to the Battlefield A unique system of Omen tokens then allows to adjust this outcome by re-rolling the dice before distributing the damage among opponent's minions and battlefield The combination of usual mechanics like story driven deck building push your luck or dice-rolling; and a unique system of influencing the outcome of the battle provides a perfect balance between strategy and random elements (even you still have the possibility to influence the outcome) Dividing the round to the Action Phase and Battle Phase then creates a very pleasant and natural flow of the hardcore game play Sorcerer was first developed in 2012 and in 2014 Peter Scholtz consulted with Czech and Slovak board gaming communities intensively to fine tune the mechanics of the game In August 2014 the first &8220;Print and Play&8221; demo version of Sorcerer was published responding to all the remarks and feedback Peter Scholtz received allowing him to create both his upgraded native language demo and finally the English language version of Sorcerer The Sorcerer prototype was available for the wide audience as a free to play testing material over the year 2014 After another year of intense work and listening to the game community Peter Scholtz went to Essen Spiel to meet some of the greatest board game publishers and show them the game After a meeting with Rob Dougherty CEO of the White Wizard Games game designer (Star Realms Hero Realms and Epic card game) and last but not least MTG Hall of Fame player the dice was finally rolled In 2016 Peter Scholtz become a White Wizard Games team member and together they prepared the game for its KS campaign launch in November 2017 Players 2-4Playing time 30-90 minsAges 14"
Price: 43.99 |
"e-Raptor Box Insert Gloomhaven and Forgotten Circle" |
"e-Raptor Insert compatible with Gloomhaven Forgoten Circle (expansion) is a perfect accessory designed to organize and improve gameplay of the board game Thanks to this insert you can arrange all game components and keep them in order no more mess on the table while playing No more looking for necessary elements during the game You can hold all your player boards miniatures tokens sleeved cards dials boxes map tiles etc in one place without being afraid of losing control of the setting They can be easily accessed and do not take as much space as during the game without an insert Also when the box is closed the components are still kept in order ready for setting another game quicker than ever before The insert is composed of three large and accessible trays All of them can be taken out of the board game box which makes sorting and reaching all components very easy You can see the suggested components setup on the pictures The insert is durable and made of high quality HDF To assemble it there is no glue required It allows to hold all components inside the box including board scenario book map tiles and manual"
Price: 59.49 |
"Foodies Board Game" |
"The food court It's a haven for hungry and thirsty patrons as they go about their lives but for some the food court is life Every restaurant wants to attract the most customers tailoring their menu and hiring famous chefs to work in their kitchen In the end only one will be the most successful You wanna grab a bite to eat?In Foodies players take on the role of managers in a food court During the game they will add new dishes to their menu connecting the stars between different dishes These recipes come from all over the world granting different bonuses when added What's more players can hire chefs to work in their kitchens including special prestigious chefs who are the best in the business In the end the player who gains the most popularity will be declared the food master and win the game Players 2-5Playing time 20-30 minsAges 14"
Price: 32.99 |
"WizKids Miniatures: Fantasy Terrain Painted Pools & Pillars (Set 1)" |
"An amazing box set containing 24 beautifully crafted miniature figures that will surely bring your tabletop game or collection to the next level!This unique set will contains an assortment of pools pillars and pressure-fit accessories Both the pillars and pools in this set will have a special feature allowing you to customize your scenes with interchangeable pressure-fit parts! Add torches banners or a mounted deer head to your pillars or customize your pools to your liking with the WizKids Miniatures Fantasy Terrain Pools &38; Pillars Set!Contents4 Pillars1 Fallen Pillar4 Banner Accessories4 Torch Accessories1 Deer Head Accessory3 Small Pools1 Large Pool3 Large Pool Rock Pieces2 Large Pool Gargoyle Statues1 Large Pool Brazier"
Price: 33.49 |
"Cubirds Board Game" |
"Every day dozens of birds have a stop on the fences of our countryside When it is time to leave all these birds mix together unable to organize themselves into flocks to fly home Help them find their way back to their nest Players begin each new round of CuBirds with eight bird cards in hand Some birds also sit on four distinct fences on the table On your turn you lay a series of identical birds from your hand on one fence's extremity These birds instantly gather with any identical bird already present on this fence making all birds placed in-between them fly into your hand With enough identical birds in your hand you can perform a flock allowing you to add some of these birds in your scoring area Your ultimate goal is to be the first player to gather in your scoring area either seven different species or two species with at least three identical birds in each Each bird comes with one small and one big flock scores so you may want to wait to reach a big flock to add more birds at once to your scoring area Beware though as the round ends as soon as a player empties their hand forcing all players to discard their current hands and plans!Players 2-5Playing time 20 minsAges 8"
Price: 16.49 |