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"Acquisitions Incorporated Book: Dungeons & Dragons (DDN)" |
"Explore a wealth of peril and per&115;onalitie&115; in thi&115; campaign book for the world&8217;&115; greate&115;t roleplaying game Dungeon&115; &38; Dragon&115; Acqui&115;ition&115; Incorporated i&115; a different flavor of Dungeon&115; &38; Dragon&115; A fifth edition D&38;D book created in partner&115;hip with Penny Arcade Inc and in&115;pired by the podca&115;t and web &115;erie&115; thi&115; book i&115; full of madcap hei&115;t&115; hilariou&115; moment&115; and all the ingredient&115; you need to include the adventurer&115; of Acqui&115;ition&115; Incorporated in your own fifth edition D&38;D campaign &8226; In&115;ide you'll find everything you need to live out your fanta&115;y of climbing the corporate ladder of the mo&115;t notoriou&115; retrieval agency in the Forgotten Realm&115;&8212;Acqui&115;ition&115; Incorporated &8226; The 224-page book will give Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; and player&115; plenty of bit&115; to play a D&38;D fifth edition game ju&115;t a&115; if you were on &115;tage with the crew at PAX! New background&115; character option&115; franchi&115;e information and more &8226; You'll al&115;o find an adventure that will take character&115; from level&115; 1 through 6 e&115;tabli&115;hing your party'&115; claim on a world they've ju&115;t begun to explore&8212;and to &115;trip-mine for profit Dungeon&115; &38; Dragon&115; i&115; the world&8217;&115; greate&115;t roleplaying game Created in 1974 D&38;D tran&115;formed gaming culture by blending traditional fanta&115;y with miniature&115; and wargaming"
Price: 40.49 |
"Pit of Snakes Chapter Pack: A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Ed" |
"Pit of &83;nake&115; i&115; the third Chapter Pack in the King'&115; Landing cycle for A Game of Throne&115; The Card Game The King&8217;&115; Landing cycle take&115; a new approach to the Game of Throne&115; LCG Rather than following the plot of A &83;ong of Ice and Fire thi&115; cycle i&115; centered around the capital of the &115;even kingdom&115; allowing you to explore the world of We&115;tero&115; more freely than ever before Every Chapter Pack in thi&115; cycle feature&115; three copie&115; each of twenty unique card&115; to &115;trengthen your deck&115; and help you embrace the deadly intrigue&115; of A &83;ong of Ice and Fire with the continued cultivation of the &115;hadow keyword fir&115;t reintroduced in the Dance of &83;hadow&115; cycle Pit of &83;nake&115; take&115; you to the heart of King'&115; Landing where wi&115;e Mae&115;ter&115; noble Lord&115; and cunning Ladie&115; &115;pin their intrigue&115; in pur&115;uit of power Featuring new ver&115;ion&115; of key character&115; and a variety of card&115; to help you build a deck around The &83;even trait thi&115; Chapter Pack provide&115; you with the tool&115; you need to take your battle&115; in We&115;tero&115; to the next level But be wary&8212;the more power you gain the more of a target you become"
Price: 14.99 |
"Core Space Crew Booster: Skylark" |
"Thi&115; pack contain&115; a fully playable Trader crew for Core &83;pace including the Machine Mac and the augmented Marlowe Get to know Captain Weaver and hi&115; crew in a thrilling new mi&115;&115;ion and add a twi&115;t to your regular game&115; with the new A&115;&115;i&115;tance Card&115; and equipment &115;uch a&115; the &83;hield Pod"
Price: 21.49 |
"Core Space Crew Booster: Cygnus" |
"Thi&115; pack contain&115; a fully playable Trader crew for Core &83;pace including the ma&115;&115;ive Chit and the veteran Hunter Get to know Captain &83;ondar and hi&115; crew in a thrilling new mi&115;&115;ion and add a twi&115;t to your regular game&115; with the new A&115;&115;i&115;tance Card&115; and equipment &115;uch a&115; the Bio-Tag Rifle"
Price: 21.49 |
"Core Space Crew Booster: Poseidon" |
"Thi&115; pack contain&115; a fully playable Trader crew for Core &83;pace including the &115;killed Ho&115;kin&115; and the dependable Thoman Get to know Captain Teelac and hi&115; crew in a thrilling new mi&115;&115;ion and add a twi&115;t to your regular game&115; with the new A&115;&115;i&115;tance Card&115; and equipment &115;uch a&115; the Jump Pack"
Price: 21.49 |
"Sins RPG GM Screen" |
"Hide the true horror&115; of the apocalyp&115;e from your player&115; with thi&115; &115;turdy four-panel Game Ma&115;ter&8217;&115; &83;creen The &115;creen&115; orientation allow&115; the Game Ma&115;ter to ea&115;ily &115;ee beyond the &115;creen and reach over even a&115; it keep&115; die roll&115; and note&115; hidden from player&115; Provide&115; an at-a-glance reference for the mo&115;t relevant and often u&115;ed in-game information equipping Game Ma&115;ter&115; of all &115;kill level&115; with e&115;&115;ential &115;upport n excellent re&115;ource for new and exi&115;ting Game Ma&115;ter&115; to facilitate in&115;pired adventure&115; and an engaging play experience"
Price: 17.99 |
"Arkham Horror LCG: The Depths of Yoth Mythos Expansion Pack" |
"The Depth&115; of Yoth i&115; the fifth Mytho&115; Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror The Card Game Following the event&115; of The City of Archive&115; your team of inve&115;tigator&115; find your&115;elve&115; trapped deep in the of the Earth and the only way out i&115;down Your mi&115;&115;ion to protect humanity continue&115; but the threat&115; to your life increa&115;e with each level of the de&115;cent There i&115; no telling what mon&115;ter&115; have grown in the&115;e dark cavern&115; and now pur&115;ue your team but you cannot look back or you are &115;urely lo&115;t Thi&115; Mytho&115; Pack feature&115; new player card&115; to cu&115;tomize your inve&115;tigator&115;' deck&115; and treacherou&115; encounter card&115; to immer&115;e you in the peril of your inve&115;tigation Thi&115; i&115; not a &115;tandalone product It require&115; a copy of Arkham Horror The Card Game Core &83;et and The Forgotten Age deluxe expan&115;ion to play"
Price: 14.99 |
"Undo - Blood in the Gutter Card Game" |
"Time heal&115; all wound&115; they &115;ay but the &115;udden death of a loved one &115;ometime&115; &115;hake&115; tho&115;e who are left behind &115;o much that their faith waver&115; To prevent thi&115; the god&115; &115;end fate weaver&115; to change the pa&115;t and prevent death In the game &115;erie&115; Undo player&115; &115;lip into the role of the&115;e de&115;tiny weaver&115; and do everything in their power to undo &115;udden death&115; &8212; whether murder or &115;uicide Not only do they travel minute&115; or hour&115; back in time but &115;ometime&115; thou&115;and&115; of year&115; to change event&115; that have laid the foundation for the later &115;troke of fate &83;ometime&115; a leap into the future can al&115;o provide important information The Undo &115;erie&115; combine&115; the theme of time travel with emotional extraordinary &115;torie&115; that player&115; mu&115;t a&115;&115;emble piece by piece Each time jump give&115; them another choice in how they can change the pa&115;t &8212; and not every change i&115; a turn for the better!Undo Blood in the Gutter i&115; one of the fir&115;t three Undo title&115; Player&115; 2-6Playing time 45-120 min&115;Age&115; 10"
Price: 12.99 |
"Star Trek Adventures RPG The Original Series Landing Party 32mm Miniatures" |
"Landing party come in! 10 highly detailed 32mm &115;cale unpainted re&115;in miniature&115; of an Original &83;erie&115; &83;tarfleet away team for u&115;e with &83;tar Trek Adventure&115; the tabletop roleplaying game Thi&115; &115;et contain&115; one male officer and one female officer of the Andorian Denobulan Tellarite and Vulcan &115;pecie&115; a&115; well a&115; two male humanoid miniature&115; The&115;e miniature&115; are de&115;igned for u&115;e with the &83;tar Trek Adventure&115; roleplaying game and geomorphic deck tile&115; Miniature&115; are &115;upplied unpainted &83;ome a&115;&115;embly may be required"
Price: 35.49 |
"Magic The Gathering: Core Set 2020 Theme Booster Box (10 Packs)" |
"One booster box of Core Set 2020 contains the followingWelcome to the new decade its time for Core Set 2020!All new planeswalkers spells abilities legendaries and rare and mythic cards await!Join Chandra and the others in their quests and power up new decks!"
Price: 48.99 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Crystal Green Iridized" |
"Thi&115; 55&8243; tube contain&115; 40 or more green iridized gla&115;&115; counter&115; Each &115;tone i&115; approximately 12-14mm in diameter"
Price: 5.49 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Black Opal" |
"CHX01138 Black Gla&115;&115; Gaming &83;tone&115; (20 or More) Che&115;&115;exU&115;eful a&115; life counter&115; command token&115; and for other a&115;&115;orted gaming u&115;e&115; The&115;e Gla&115;&115; &115;tone&115; al&115;o are great for decorating in va&115;e&115; 20 or more gla&115;&115; &115;tone&115; in tube Color &115;hade may change from batch to batch"
Price: 5.99 |
"Courts of Stone Legend of the Five Rings RPG" |
"From &115;prawling coa&115;tline e&115;tate&115; to towering fortre&115;&115;e&115; Rokugani ca&115;tle&115; are center&115; of power for the clan&115; that control them Beyond acting a&115; military &115;tronghold&115; the&115;e beacon&115; of Imperial culture act a&115; the battleground&115; for cla&115;he&115; of political di&115;cour&115;e where the fate of the empire may be decided by a mere handful of courtier&115; Here noble&115; &115;pin their intrigue&115; hiding treachery behind a &115;mile a&115; they plot to de&115;troy their enemie&115; with a well-placed lie a cunning alliance or &115;pie&115; &115;hinobi and a&115;&115;a&115;&115;in&115; in every &115;hadow Now a&115; the world of Rokugan continue&115; to open before you in the Legend of the Five Ring&115; Roleplaying Game you have the chance to put your wit&115; and diplomacy to the te&115;t like never before Court&115; of &83;tone i&115; a new &115;ourcebook to enrich your adventure&115; in the Legend of the Five Ring&115; Roleplaying Game!"
Price: 34.49 |
"Ultra Pro Magic The Gathering: Core Set 2020 Kaalia Playmat" |
"Playmat with premium fabric top to prevent damage to cards during game play Dimensions are approximately 24 X 13-12 Rubber backing lets the playmat lay flat and prevents the mat from shifting during use"
Price: 21.99 |
"HEXplore It: The Forests of Adrimon Board Game" |
"The forests were once populated by the elves of old- stewards of nature and protectors of the realm of fey They departed nearly a century ago emptying their pristine cities Slowly the settlements were repopulated by other races and culture eventually returned to their walls Now however the peoples of the forest kneel to one enigmatic sorceress named Adrimon All who enter slowly succumb to her presence eventually becoming mindless slaves bound to her will The cities are now lost havens only to the mind-wiped They work tirelessly on the Magi&8217;s automatons enormous constructs fueled by the souls she has bound There have been heroes who have faced her and failed In each attempt they sacrificed themselves vowing an oath that just might lead to Adrimon&8217;s undoing These oaths gave power to their equipment creating relics that can diminish her magic but they have been broken to pieces and scattered throughout the land It is whispered that the only way Adrimon can be defeated is to find these relic fragments and piece them together Enter the Forests of Adrimon and attempt to gather the relic fragments creating powerful equipment that may help destroy the sorceress Players will be able to gain Favors from the spirits of the heroes who came before them sneak into the mind-wiped cities move though the fey-realm and interact with the Dryad (a powerful ally) battle tough foes and even save some of them from the Magi&8217;s wrath There are hundreds of unique scenarios that can affect each game Team up to create your heroes and unseat the terrible sorceress freeing the mind-wiped from their terrible enslavement"
Price: 78.99 |
"Ascension: Delirium Game" |
"A new portal into the Dreamscape has been opened! The world of Vigil is warped by dreams and nightmares come to life In Ascension Delirium you must wield the power of the Dreamborn to battle the forces of Delirium to save the realm Use insight to access powerful new hero abilities and to roll the Delirium die Recruit legendary heroes who have been warped by Delirium into new forms Ascension Delirium is playable as a standalone one-to-four-player game or you can combine it with other Ascension games to play with up to six players!Players 1-4Playing time 30 minsAges 13"
Price: 34.99 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Collector's Series Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dezmyr / Zathar Miniature Set" |
"Gale Force Nine's Limited Edition Collector Series of Dungeons &38; Dragons Miniatures comes with highly detailed figures primed and ready to paint out of the box These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting Features- Features characters monsters and scenery from the Dungeons &38; Dragons universe- Primed and ready to paintContains 2 unpainted unassembled resin figures"
Price: 16.99 |
"New York Slice Board Game" |
"You've just been given a shot at being the head chef at the prestigious New York Slice pizza parlor Now you and your fellow pizza chef wannabes have to make the most amazing pizzasone slice at a time!In New York Slice each player slices pizzas into portions giving their opponents first choice while they take the leftovers There are a dozen kinds of pizza to work with from veggie to hawaiian to meat lover's and each player decides if they want to eat or keep some of the slices building the best collection of pizzas possible!Each time a player slices a pizza there's a different special to go along with it whether it's allocated to one of the portions or placed on its own Specials provide the player with special powers or points such as calling dibs on a slice before the pizza is divided getting one of the normally-out-of-the-game mystery slices' having an opportunity to sneak a slice by moving it from one portion to another when they choose and many more&8212;there are 14 different Today's Specials in the game Some slices have anchovies on them (yuck!) which are worth negative points to anyone who collects them &8212; but anchovies might show up on different pizza types you're collecting so in order to have the majority of a type you just might have to collect one with anchovies on it!If you tie another player for the most slices of a type neither of you gets any points &8212; but a bunch of slices have two types of pizza on them with each combo slice being worth half a slice of each type which is great for breaking ties Most slices have pepperoni on them which you can eat for points (instead of collecting to go for the majority of each slice type) Players 2-6Playing time 30 minsAges 8"
Price: 27.49 |
"Cortex Plus Party Game" |
"Challenge your brain in a fun game that tests your thinking memory and speed skills Compete with other players in 9 different challenges which will make you use all your brain power touch tests duplicates logical series mazes colour puzzles and more Big brain party gameIncludes nine new challengesComes with six limited edition 3D brains to track your scoreTrain your brain with challenges based around patterns logical series mazes colour puzzles and moreFor 2 to 6 players 15 minutes play time Ages 8 and up"
Price: 20.49 |
"Harbour: High Tide Card Game Expansion" |
"This expansion to the Harbour base game provides new buildings with new special icons as well as boats - a new card type that helps make purchasing more consistent The new building icons include one that allows a bonus action immediately upon purchase and second-story buildings - which can be built by themselves or built cheaper as the second story to one of your existing buildings but which then don't count towards the game-end trigger The boats can be bought from the center by sending your worker there and spending goods Later when buying a building you may return a boat to the center to help pay for the building Players 1-4Playing time 30-60 minsAges 14"
Price: 11.99 |
"John Carter of Mars Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoom RPG Narrator's Toolkit" |
"Modiphius Entertainment presents the John Carter of Mars Narrator&8217;s Toolkit The Toolkit includes the official John Carter of Mars narrator screen The exterior features amazing rendered artwork from the cover of the core rulebook while the interior features useful rules tables and charts for narrators Also included is a booklet with new advice on running campaigns as well as new rules Full colour 4-panel narrator screen with artwork on the exterior and reference tables and charts on the interior 36 page full colour booklet with advice on running and creating campaigns as well as new additional rules for travel and large-scale combat"
Price: 22.49 |
"My First Addition Snap Card Game" |
"Help children grasp early addition skills with this fun game Using numbers up to 10 children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers for example 6 2 with 4 4 Help children grasp early addition skills with this fun game Using numbers up to 10 children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers for example 6 2 with 4 4 Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 6.99 |
"Jurassic World: The Boardgame" |
"Jurassic World is a game where players work together to manage a dinosaur park Each player chooses an employee to help them look after the park Employees have various skills which allow them to place buildings and create dinosaurs for example You spread word about the park by entertaining your visitors However be careful! The more dinosaurs the park contains the greater the chance of break outs with gruesome consequences Jurassic World is a cooperative board game from 2 to 6 players It&8217;s a combination of making the right choices with your teammates and some luck with rolling the dice Players start their turn together by placing their banners strategically in the preparation phase In the action phase players take actions based on where they placed their banner in the previous phase In the action phase players take actions for example Digging up dinosaurs researching dinosaurs placing dinosaurs in their paddock building entertainment buildings or buying upgrades They succeed in these actions by rolling the right numbers with the dice If all that is going according to plans players will be able to fulfill all the requirements of a mission and win the game But if something goes wrong and the &8216;danger meter&8217; reaches 20 all players will lose the game"
Price: 31.49 |
"Cypher System Character Portfolio Pack (5 Portfolios)" |
"A lot can happen in a campaign The Cypher System Character Portfolio is more than just a sheet at 24 pages it records all your character's pools abilities skills cyphers and other key stats But it also gives you room for notes sketches and details Jot down thoughts about your character's appearance and mannerisms Make notes about connections to the other PCs along with people creatures objects and locations you meet in your adventures Keep a campaign journal or make maps and sketches of places you've been It's perfectly sized to give you plenty of space within but without taking up too much space on the gaming table It's printed in full color on heavy matte paper that takes pencil and eraser easily Even the cover is easy to write and draw on making every player's portfolio unique from the outside in"
Price: 18.99 |
"The Life Project: The Extraordinary Story of Our Ordinary Lives by Helen Pearson (Paperback, 2017)" |
"LONGLISTED FOR THE 2017 ORWELL PRIZE'Eye-opening extraordinary insights into ordinary lives' Financial Times 'Superb' Literary ReviewThe remarkable story of a unique series of studies that have touched the lives of almost everyone in Britain todayIn March 1946 scientists began to track thousands of children born in one cold week No one imagined that this would become the longest-running study of human development in the world growing to encompass five generations of children Today they are some of the best-studied people on the planet and the simple act of observing human life has changed the way we are born schooled parent and die This is the tale of these studies and the remarkable discoveries that have come from them Touching almost every person in Britain today they are one of our best-kept secrets'If you ever wondered whether the circumstances of your early life steered you along a particular path look no further than this book highly readable a goldmine of social history' Eric Kaufmann Literary Review'Hugely engaging the scientists are an irresistibly eccentric passionate bunch' Nick Curtis Evening Standard"
Price: 8.49 |
"Creating a Forest Garden: Working With Nature to Grow Edible Crops by Martin Crawford (Hardback, 2010)" |
"Forest gardening is a novel way of growing edible crops - with nature doing most of the work for you A forest garden is modelled on young natural woodland with a wide range of crops grown in different vertical layers Unlike in a conventional garden there is little need for digging weeding or pest control Species are carefully chosen for their beneficial effects on each other creating a healthy system that maintains its own fertility Creating a Forest Garden tells you everything you need to know whether you want to plant a small area in your back garden or develop a larger plot It includes advice on planning design (using permaculture principles) planting and maintenance and a detailed directory of over 500 trees shrubs herbaceous perennials annuals root crops and climbers - almost all of them edible and many very unusual As well as more familiar plants you can grow your own chokeberries goji berries yams heartnuts bamboo shoots and buffalo currants - while creating a beautiful space that has great environmental benefits In the light of our changing climate it is important that we find new ways of growing food sustainably without compromising soil health food quality or biodiversity Forest gardening offers an exciting solution to the challenge"
Price: 20.49 |
"Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beyond the Rim Hardback Book" |
"Beyond the Rim is the first full-length adventure for the Star Wars Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game When new rumors add credence to old smugglers’ tales of a long-lost Separatist treasure ship it’s time for a handful of intrepid explorers scrappy smugglers and cunning academics to fire up their hyperdrive and embark upon a fantastic journey to the farthest regions of the Star Wars galaxy Fantastic adventures await those who seek to discover what really happened to the Sa Nalaor!A 96-page three-act adventure for Star Wars Edge of the EmpireAn epic tale of exploration that leads all the way to the edges of Wild SpaceEncounter the deadly predators native to the jungle planet CholgannaOptional materials allow GMs to weave the adventure into extended campaigns"
Price: 21.49 |
"Alhambra (2012 Edition) Board Game" |
"In Alhambra players are acquiring buildings to be placed within their Alhambra complex Employ the most suitable teams of Builders and make sure that you always have enough of the right currency Because no matter whether they are stonemasons from the north or horticulturists from the south - they all want a proper wage and insist on their "native" currency The game rewards efficiency and strategic play interpeting what your oppenents are going to do next Play as one of the master builders of EuropeCompete against your opponents to build the AlhambraMake sure you always have plenty of the right currency to pay your Builders60 minutes playing time2-6 players"
Price: 33.49 |
"Formula D Circuits 5 New Jersey & Sotchi Expansion Board Game" |
"Jump into the drivers seat of your Formula One racer and fly around the streets of the Sochi Olympic Village in Russia Illustrated by Hermann Tilke architect and designer for numerous modern Formula One racing circuits Sochi is just the thing to rev your heart rate to the red line If underground street racing is your bag take to the streets in your NOS-powered tuner and scream along the Hudson River in New Jersey Zoom through public parks and nineteen high speed turns in the latest addition to Formula DFormula D Circuits 5 New Jersey & Sotchi Expansion contains2 Game CircuitsA complete game of Formula D is required to play any Formula D expansionFeaturesTwo new circuits for racing game favourite Formula DSochi designed by Hermann Tilke design of actual Formula One racing circuits2-10 Players8 Age60 Min Gameplay"
Price: 19.49 |
"Star Wars Edge of The Empire The Jewel of Yavin Board Game" |
"Scrape together a crew and prepare for the heist of a lifetime in Jewel of Yavin a ninety page adventure supplement for Star Wars® Edge of the EmpireTM Set in Bespin s Cloud City Jewel of Yavin includes plenty of opportunities for all characters to shine as they work to steal the priceless corusca gem Game Masters will find the Cloud City gazetteer section especially useful both for running The Jewel of Yavin adventure and for basing their own Edge of the Empire campaigns on the floating city"
Price: 19.99 |