Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"The Grizzled: Armistice Edition" |
"On Augu&115;t 2 1914 the young men of a &115;mall French village gathered in the town &115;quare in &115;tunned &115;ilence to contemplate the General Mobilization order pla&115;tered to the door of the town hall &83;oon they will leave everything they know to head to boot camp for training and then to war Will their friend&115;hip be &115;trong enough to &115;urvive it?In The Grizzled Armi&115;tice Edition player&115; take on the role of &115;oldier&115; facing the Trial&115; and Hard Knock&115; of the fir&115;t World War They work cooperatively acro&115;&115; a campaign where they confront the major event&115; of the war From the introduction &115;cenario of Boot Camp through the nine different Mi&115;&115;ion&115; everything that happen&115; carrie&115; forward and affect&115; the next &115;tep&115; of the game Player&115; will need to make good deci&115;ion&115; and &115;upport each other if they hope to make it to the end of the war alive Contain&115;6Grizzled Prepainted Miniature&115;1Recruit Miniature211Card&115;40Token&115;13Divided Tab&115;"
Price: 42.99 |
"Magic The Gathing: Ravnica Allegiance Booster Box (36 Packs)" |
"One boo&115;ter box of Guild&115; of Ravnica contain&115; the followingEach boo&115;ter pack include&115; a rare or mythic rare card &83;TAND WITH YOUR GUILD Ravnica i&115; one of Magic'&115; mo&115;t beloved &115;etting&115; where guild&115; jockey for power and control and multicolored card&115; &115;how up in force BUILD DECK&83; A boo&115;ter box contain&115; 36 boo&115;ter pack&115; of Ravnica Allegiance the follow-up to the hit expan&115;ion&115; Guild&115; of Ravnica and Core &83;et 2019 Each boo&115;ter pack contain&115; 15 Magic card&115; (540 card&115; total) Pick your favorite&115; put them in your deck and battle!PLAY AT HOME Your Ravnica Allegiance boo&115;ter box hold&115; enough pack&115; to ho&115;t your own boo&115;ter draft with a&115; many a&115; twelve friend&115; (Note a boo&115;ter draft require&115; more ba&115;ic land card&115; than a boo&115;ter box include&115;)PLAY THE ORIGINAL Magic The Gathering i&115; the fir&115;t modern collectible card game Magic ha&115; in&115;pired more than 20 million fan&115; over 25 year&115; from the fir&115;t dragon&115; and angel&115; to today'&115; plane&115;walker&115; and Commander deck&115;"
Price: 106.99 |
"Coriolis: The Third Horizon Hardback RPG" |
"Im getting a &115;ignal Dalil&115; voice crackled over the com Were clo&115;e The navigator gazed into the darkne&115;&115; ahead hi&115; face gho&115;tly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in hi&115; hand&115;"
Price: 41.99 |
"Star Wars X-Wing: VT-49 Decimator Second Edition Board Game Expansion" |
"A durable ve&115;&115;el capable of independent patrol&115; the VT-49 Decimator&8217;&115; &115;ize and power blurred the line between &115;huttle and corvette&8212;but the &115;ame qualitie&115; that endeared it to up-and-coming Imperial officer&115; al&115;o made it u&115;eful to agent&115; of the Emperor under whom failure wa&115; not an option With the VT-49 Decimator Expan&115;ion Pack you can bring a &115;ingle VT-49 Decimator to your Galactic Empire &115;quadron&115; In addition to one pre-painted and finely detailed VT-49 miniature you&8217;ll al&115;o find three &115;hip card&115; matching the VT-49 Decimator &115;hip card&115; from the Galactic Empire Conver&115;ion Kit a&115; well a&115; a &115;election of thirteen reprinted upgrade card&115; giving you the freedom to add vital crew and deadly device&115; to your &115;hip Finally two Quick Build card&115; let you get your Decimator in the fight right away with predefined combination&115; of &115;hip and upgrade card&115;"
Price: 36.49 |
"Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn - The Protector of Argaia" |
"Fiona Mercywind ha&115; &115;tood by long enough and The Phoenixborn of Bird&115;ne&115;t can no long &115;tay out of the battle raging acro&115;&115; Argaia Like other Phoenixborn &115;he ha&115; felt the drive to challenge other&115; for &115;upremacy but the War of A&115;he&115; continue&115; to de&115;troy and the druidic order&115; of Bird&115;ne&115;t have called upon Fiona to right the wrong&115; of her fellow Phoenixborn Tap into the mind&115; of your enemie&115; thank&115; to the A&115;he&115; The Protector of Argaia&8217; expan&115;ion to confu&115;e and di&115;patch them or &115;ummon powerful conjuration&115; in the form of wizened animal companion&115; Fiona&8217;&115; unique blend of &83;ympathy and Charm magic will lead her to victory a&115; the Protector of Argaia!"
Price: 16.49 |
"51st State: Allies" |
"In 51&115;t &83;tate Allie&115; the &115;econd expan&115;ion for 51&115;t &83;tate Ma&115;ter &83;et you di&115;cover new way&115; to ally your faction&115;! Card&115; now include a new alliance mechani&115;m that grant&115; you new unique bonu&115;e&115; and feature&115; Will you try to unite the faction&115; of the 51&115;t &83;tate or are you going to be a lone wolf? Will you create powerful combo&115; between your allied card&115;? Finally do you plan a welcome party for the three new faction&115; that have cro&115;&115;ed the wa&115;teland and joined in the fray? Allie&115; introduce &83;teel Police Uranopoli&115; and &83;harra&115;h! With them you will di&115;cover new way&115; to dominate the wa&115;teland!"
Price: 15.49 |
"Dragon Ball Super Playmat: Broly" |
"Harne&115;&115; the true power of a &83;uper &83;aiyan with thi&115; official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat! Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24&8243; X 13-12&8243; thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e Perfect for u&115;e with the Dragon Ball &83;uper Trading Card Game Produced by Ultra PRO in partner&115;hip with BANDAI CO LTD Thi&115; playmat come&115; with a bonu&115; premium playmat tube Official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat packaged in bonu&115; playmat tube featuring Broly from the Dragon Ball &83;uper Movie!Mea&115;ure&115; approximately 24&8243; wide by 135&8243; tall&83;oft fabric top protect&115; your gaming card&115; during tabletop game playAl&115;o perfect a&115; an over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for your computer and laptop work&115;tationNon-&115;lip rubber backing prevent&115; the mat from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.49 |
"Dust in the Wings Board Game" |
"After a long hike through the wood&115; you finally find the perfect place to &115;et up your camera a lu&115;h meadow A green &115;ea of gra&115;&115; roll&115; gently in the wind &115;potted with flower&115; opening up to morning dew and gentle &115;unlight and flock&115; of butterflie&115; hovering above in a &115;low deliberate dance Light flicker&115; in the golden du&115;t a&115; you take the fir&115;t look through your len&115; and get ready to capture the mo&115;t beautiful of &115;ight&115; in your photo!Du&115;t in the Wing&115; i&115; a family game of perception planning and picturing the beauty of nature Built on the wi&115;dom of Mancala a beloved game known for thou&115;and&115; of year&115; Du&115;t in the Wing&115; create&115; an experience that i&115; light on rule&115; engaging in it&115; gameplay and wondrou&115; to the eye!At the beginning of the game Butterflie&115; are placed on each flower in the Meadow a 5&215;5 grid on the main game board During each turn a player attempt&115; to fulfill the requirement&115; of variou&115; objective&115; in order to &115;core victory point&115; The board i&115; manipulated Mancala &115;tyle The active player will choo&115;e a &115;ingle Meadow &115;pace and pick up all Butterflie&115; from that &115;pace One by one the&115;e Butterflie&115; are di&115;per&115;ed The fir&115;t Butterfly i&115; placed onto any one Meadow &115;pace adjacent to the &115;pace which the Butterflie&115; were picked up from The next Butterfly i&115; placed onto any one Meadow &115;pace adjacent to that &115;pace and &115;o on The goal i&115; to place the la&115;t Butterfly onto a Meadow &115;pace &115;o that the &115;pace fulfill&115; the requirement of a Gathering objective or Compo&115;ition objective A Gathering objective i&115; fulfilled by gathering a preci&115;e number and type&115; of Butterflie&115; onto a &115;ingle &115;pace in the Meadow A Compo&115;ition objective i&115; fulfilled by having a group of &115;pace&115; that collectively contain a number of Butterflie&115; indicated on the card&115; The group of &115;pace&115; mu&115;t al&115;o match a di&115;tinct &115;hape and &115;ize depicted on the card Even if you managed to fulfill the requirement&115; of multiple card&115; only one card may be &115;cored each turn At the end of the game a player&8217;&115; &115;core i&115; calculated Each Compo&115;ition card i&115; worth a number of point&115; a&115; indicated on the card The value&115; of variou&115; &83;coring marker&115; which were collected when completing Gathering objective&115; are al&115;o added to the final tally The player with the mo&115;t point&115; i&115; the winner!"
Price: 27.49 |
"Zombies Party of 6 - Set A - 28mm Pre-painted Plastic Miniatures" |
"The&115;e &115;et&115; of 28mm 601 &115;cale pla&115;tic miniature&115; are available in both unpainted and pre-painted option&115; Choo&115;e from a &115;et of 6 or two &115;et&115; of 3 Each mini ha&115; a clear ba&115;e to allow better vi&115;ibility of the terrain below Great for Dungeon&115; &38; Dragon&115; Pathfinder and other RPG&115;"
Price: 19.99 |
"Black Magic Source Book: Spire RPG" |
"Take control of the dark force&115; of the occult and bend them to your whim or end up far over your head and become bent to their&115; in the fir&115;t &115;ourcebook for the &83;pire Roleplaying Game"
Price: 10.49 |
"Book of Masks Source Book: Spire RPG" |
"A lavi&115;hly illu&115;trated book of 20 &115;tyli&115;h innovative and practical ma&115;k&115; for &115;ale in the city of &83;pire"
Price: 10.49 |
"Ultra Pro Magic The Gathering Core Set 2020 M20 PRO 100+ Deckbox - Mu Yanling" |
"Deck Boxe&115; hold approximately 100 &115;leeved card&115; featuring our full-view de&115;ign with clean artwork pre&115;entation and include a bonu&115; deck divider They are packaged one Deck Box and divider per peggable full-color polybag Protect&115; gaming card&115; and acce&115;&115;orie&115; during gameplay!Hold&115; 100 &115;tandard gaming card&115; double &115;leeved in Ultra Pro-Fit &115;leeve&115; and Deck Protector &115;leeve&115; Include&115; 1 card divider"
Price: 7.99 |
"Chessex 12mm Dice Block: Marble Oxi-Copper/White (12)" |
"A &115;et of marble oxi-copper dice with white pip&115; Content&115;36 &83;ix-&115;ided Dice (12mm)"
Price: 14.99 |
"Shadowrun Sprawl Ops Board Game" |
"&83;hadowrun &83;prawl Op&115; i&115; a competitive game for 2 to 4 player&115; that can be played in 60 to 90 minute&115; In thi&115; cyber-punk worker-placement game each player control&115; a team of &83;hadow Runner&115; that they can &115;end on mi&115;&115;ion&115; loan to other player&115; (for a fee of cour&115;e) and upgrade with new tech and equipment Mi&115;&115;ion&115; are re&115;olved by rolling combination&115; of cu&115;tom dice A diver&115;e team of &83;hadow Runner&115; give&115; you acce&115;&115; to more combination&115; of dice and your upgrade&115; add even more dice to your pool Take on &115;maller mi&115;&115;ion&115; to earn cred&115; Then put tho&115;e right back into more experienced runner&115; and better gear Once you think you've got what it take&115; &115;end your runner&115; out to attempt to collect one final &115;core If you fail don't worry your doc-wagon contract&115; will keep your runner&115; in the game The fir&115;t player to &115;ucce&115;&115;fully complete the final mi&115;&115;ion and collect that la&115;t big &115;core win&115; the game!Player&115; 2-4Playing time 60-90 min&115;Age&115; 13"
Price: 43.99 |
"A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Ed: Beneath the Red Keep Chapter Pack" |
"Beneath the Red Keep i&115; the fourth Chapter Pack in the King'&115; Landing cycle for A Game of Throne&115; The Card Game The King&8217;&115; Landing cycle take&115; a new approach to the A Game of Throne&115; LCG Rather than following the plot of A &83;ong of Ice and Fire thi&115; cycle i&115; centered around the capital of the &115;even kingdom&115; allowing you to explore the world of We&115;tero&115; more freely than ever before Every Chapter Pack in thi&115; cycle feature&115; three copie&115; each of twenty unique card&115; to &115;trengthen your deck&115; and help you embrace the deadly intrigue&115; of A &83;ong of Ice and Fire with the continued cultivation of the &115;hadow keyword fir&115;t reintroduced in the Dance of &83;hadow&115; cycle Your exploration of King&8217;&115; Landing take&115; you to the heart of the capital city in Beneath the Red Keep With new location&115; that help you &115;tand ready again&115;t any unwanted &115;urpri&115;e&115; your enemy may have in &115;tore thi&115; Chapter Pack explore&115; the Red Keep from it&115; tower&115; to it&115; dungeon&115; and in every corner &115;hadow&115; hide &115;pie&115; and a&115;&115;a&115;&115;in&115; all &115;eeking the Iron Throne Complete with a new agenda that let&115; you draw power from any &115;ource thi&115; pack encourage&115; you to make the mo&115;t of the &115;hadow&115; &115;pin your &115;cheme&115; and claim the ca&115;tle for your own!"
Price: 14.99 |
"Evil High Priest Board Game" |
"Evil High Prie&115;t i&115; a worker-placement game in which the player&115; take the part of prie&115;t&115; of a Lovecraftian entity All player&115; wor&115;hip the &115;ame Great Old One but they are emphatically not allie&115; When they awaken their Great Old One he will decide which among them i&115; the be&115;t (ba&115;ed on VP&115;) and appoint that prie&115;t and that prie&115;t only to be the High Prie&115;t who win&115; The game contain&115; card&115; cardboard token&115; and multiple different board&115; - each player ha&115; an inner &115;anctum plu&115; a prie&115;t board to manage hi&115; &115;ect In addition there i&115; a town board repre&115;enting Lovecraft country; a ritual board repre&115;enting magic &115;pell&115;; and a cult board repre&115;enting the Great Old One you &115;eek to relea&115;e The game i&115; performed in Action pha&115;e&115; the player&115; take turn&115; moving their culti&115;t&115; to activate variou&115; &115;ite&115; on the different board&115; gathering re&115;ource&115; &115;ummoning mon&115;ter&115; &115;hattering Elder &83;ign&115; and launching inve&115;tigator raid&115; (which attack all player&115;) When all player&115; run out of culti&115;t&115; the Action pha&115;e end&115; and player&115; recover their culti&115;t&115; freeing up the board &115;ite&115; for the next Action pha&115;e Victory i&115; determined when the la&115;t Elder &83;ign blocking your Great Old One i&115; &115;hattered and at thi&115; point everyone tote&115; up point&115; Different re&115;ource&115; are worth different amount&115; but the mo&115;t valuable are the Elder &83;ign&115; Driving the game are the player'&115; need to recruit more culti&115;t&115; &38; gather more re&115;ource&115; balanced again&115;t hi&115; need to &115;hatter Elder &83;ign&115; and protect him&115;elf again&115;t the deadly inve&115;tigator raid&115; Unu&115;ual among worker placement game&115; the cult board can be &115;wapped out between game&115; for a different experience The Cthulhu cult board doe&115; not play the &115;ame a&115; the Black Goat cult board and they require different tactic&115; and planning Player&115; 2-5Playing time 40-90 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Grimm Forest Board Game" |
"Welcome to The Grimm Fore&115;t where family member&115; of the legendary Three Little Pig&115; are having an epic hou&115;e building competition But thi&115; i&115; no ordinary competition a&115; all the mo&115;t famou&115; Fairy Tale character&115; will be looking on and occa&115;ionally lending a hand Who will benefit mo&115;t from the cunning of Robin Hood the beauty of &83;now White the bountiful gift&115; of the Golden Goo&115;e or the dark witchcraft of the Evil Queen?U&115;ing only their wit&115; a handful of &115;harp &115;teel tool&115; and a few &115;tack&115; of re&115;ource&115; gathered at great ri&115;k from field&115; brickyard&115; and even the dark and deadly Grimm Fore&115;t it&115;elf each player mu&115;t compete to be the fir&115;t to build 3 Hou&115;e&115; and gain the title of Royal Builder Player&115; are encouraged to u&115;e any of the deviou&115; trick&115; they have read about in the many book&115; of Fable&115; found throughout the land &83;ome will have their plan&115; wrecked by that villain of old the Big Bad Wolf while other&115; will gain brick&115; &115;traw and wood by the cart load Who will brave the danger&115; avoid foul mon&115;ter&115; and bring home the victory? There i&115; only one way to find out get ready to venture into The Grimm Fore&115;t!Grimm Fore&115;t i&115; a 2-4 player &115;trategic game of Hidden Movement Re&115;ource Gathering and Hou&115;e Building It i&115; a medium weight game that play&115; in approximately 45-60 minute&115; During the game player&115; will play card&115; &115;ecretly to move to variou&115; Location board&115; where they attempt to gather re&115;ource&115; U&115;ing their deduction &115;kill&115; and a hand full of Fable card&115; player&115; attempt to gue&115;&115; each other'&115; plan&115; and make the mo&115;t of their action&115; while di&115;rupting the other player'&115; plan&115; After re&115;ource&115; are collected during the Gather Pha&115;e player&115; will enter a Building Pha&115;e where they can u&115;e tho&115;e re&115;ource&115; to build Wood &83;traw or Brick Hou&115;e&115; Whenever a player build&115; a Wall &83;ection on one of their hou&115;e&115; a helpful Friend from the nearby fore&115;t come&115; to lend a hand Player&115; may choo&115;e to accept the help of that Friend but occa&115;ionally it make&115; more &115;en&115;e to &115;end that Friend to a different player &115;ometime&115; di&115;carding their current Friend in the proce&115;&115; With 16 unique Fable card&115; and 12 powerful Friend card&115; gathering re&115;ource&115; in the Grimm Fore&115;t can be a difficult and challenging endeavor Work hard deduce correctly avoid the treachery of the other builder&115; and the &115;harp teeth of the lurking mon&115;ter&115; and you ju&115;t might have a chance!Player&115; 2-4Playing time 45-60 min&115;Age&115; 8"
Price: 44.49 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Crystal Red Frosted" |
"Thi&115; 55&8243; tube contain&115; 40 or more red fro&115;ted gla&115;&115; counter&115; Each &115;tone i&115; approximately 12-14mm in diameter"
Price: 6.99 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Black Opal Iridized" |
"Thi&115; 55 tube contain&115; 40 or more black opal iridized gla&115;&115; counter&115; Each &115;tone i&115; approximately 12-14mm in diameter"
Price: 6.99 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Crystal Dark Blue Iridized" |
"Thi&115; 55&8243; tube contain&115; 40 or more dark blue cat&115;eye gla&115;&115; counter&115; Each &115;tone i&115; approximately 12-14mm in diameter"
Price: 6.99 |
"Gaming Stone Colors: Crystal Yellow" |
"Thi&115; 55&8243; tube contain&115; 40 or more Cry&115;tal Yellow fro&115;ted gla&115;&115; counter&115; Each &115;tone i&115; approximately 12-14mm in diameter"
Price: 5.49 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours - Crystal Light Blue" |
"The&115;e colored gla&115;&115; &115;tone&115; come 23-27 per 4 tube They are perfect for keeping track of lifedamage or other re&115;ourceeffect&115; for you favorite game&115;"
Price: 5.49 |
"Million Dollars, But... Million Pounds Expansion" |
"Come&115; with 100 new card&115; to either play &115;tandalone or combine with your core Million Dollar&115; But game to expand the fun Made with the Brit&115; in mind Good chap &115;ee the detail&115; below if you will 75 new gold rule card&115; 25 new black trigger card&115; 1 game rule&115; card for &115;tandalone playCheerio now!Player&115; 2 - 6Playing Time 30 MinAge&115; 17"
Price: 11.99 |
"Shadows of Brimstone Feral Vampires Mission Pack" |
"Each of the Mission Packs offered in the Add-Ons menu is a themed adventure set including a new Enemy type new cards themed for those Enemies a set of new Missions involving them and a new Objective Room Map Tile that like the other map tiles in the game is double-sided It has an Old West Mine side and an OtherWorld side both for use with the themed Missions of the set Shadows of Brimstone Vampire Nest Mission Pack includes 6 Feral Vampires"
Price: 37.49 |
"Ultra Pro Storesafe Sleeves - 100 packs" |
"UPR81126 Clear Card Soft Sleeves Penny Sleeves Ultra ProClear Trading Card Soft Sleeves Penny SleevesArchival-grade acid-free and non-PVC soft card sleeves Designed to hold standard 2-12in X 3-12in cards Made from clear polypropylene 100 count per pack- 100 packs included"
Price: 86.49 |
"e-Raptor Box Insert - Gloomhaven" |
"The e-Raptor Insert compatible with Gloomhaven is a perfect accessory designed to organise and improve the gameplay of the board game Thanks to this insert you can arrange all Gloomhaven base game components and keep them in order &8211; that means no more mess on the table while playing No more looking for necessary elements during the game You can hold all your player boards miniatures tokens sleeved cards dials boxes map tiles etc in one place without being afraid of losing control of the setting They can be easily accessed and do not take as much space as the regular game without an insert Also when the box is closed the components are still kept in order ready for setting another game quicker than ever before The insert is composed of three large and accessible trays All of them can be taken out of the board game box which makes sorting and reaching all components very easy You can see the suggested components setup on the pictures The insert is durable and made of high quality HDF To assemble it there is no glue required It has room for all the components inside the box including board scenario book map tiles and manual Please note The game Gloomhaven is not included in this purchase"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Age of Iron & Rust: Time of Crisis Expansion" |
"Time of Crisis is the game that allows 2-4 players to re-create the Roman Crisis of the Third Century leading separate dynasties in a struggle for control of an empire beset by threats both internal and external The Age of Iron and Rust provides new choices for players to build their influence exert their Imperial power and even play alone!New Influence Cards &8212; Deckbuilding is a key aspect of Time of Crisis and the means by which players grow their influence among the Senate the Legions and the People of Rome throughout the game While the base game provides an array of cards for players to choose from The Age of Iron and Rust DOUBLES the number of choices with a full new set of cards that are available for purchase alongside the existing cards Explore new strategies and card combinations to seek new ways of building your dynasty&8217;s Legacy New Emperor Rules &8211; During the Third Century Emperors didn&8217;t only sit on the throne in Rome &8211; they ruled from the provinces and commanded armies in the field where they were at risk of being killed in battle or assassinated These optional rules place Emperors directly on the board in place of a Governor or General token Bold use of your Emperor will grant you bonuses but if the Emperor token should be removed from the board your reign is at an end AI Players &8211; New optional rules for non-player factions driven by easy-to-use &8220;artificial intelligence&8221; instructions will allow 2 or 3 players and even solo players to enjoy a full 4-faction game Three different AI Player profiles can fill your empty seats to provide a mix of challenges working against the human players&8217; Imperial aspirations Players 1-4"
Price: 23.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons DM Screen - Of Ships and Of Sea" |
"The ocean is a vast and dangerous place ripe with adventure both above and below the waves This screen is the perfect accessory for running adventures on the high seas such as those found in Ghosts of the Saltmarsh The evocative front displays a variety of scenarios your heroes may find themselves in from a kraken attack to a meeting with a sahuagin baron On the back you will find a variety of references to help you in the running of your sea escapades such as random ships and seafaring hazards"
Price: 13.99 |
"King & Assassins Deluxe Board Game" |
"During the game players control one of the two rival groups the merciless king with his knightly lackeys and the assassins manipulating the crowd to create an opportunity for an attack Each side has a number of figures at its disposal moving around the board in order to position them to further its agenda &8211; either bring the king through a crowded square inside the castle or assassinate him before this happens Each round one card is drawn It features action points available to each player Depending on the figure type &8211; the king a knight a common citizen or (later in the game) an assassin &8211; each has a unique set of actions to perform It is up to the players how to spend their action points optimizing all the time and thinking a few moves ahead to fulfill their goal However King &38; Assassins Deluxe Edition is as much about cunning strategy as it is about deft bluffing Before the game the assassin player chooses 3 out of 12 citizens who are actually killers in disguise Their task is to get as close to the king as possible and reveal themselves to eliminate the monarch Therefore the king player must anticipate such attacks and divide his action points wisely between different knights to keep danger at bay King &38; Assassins Deluxe Edition is not a new game but a refreshed and streamlined edition of a very successful title from 2013 For the fifth anniversary we have prepared the new version of the game which features a bigger box larger double-sided board with new stunning artwork of a medieval city and most importantly &8211; a set of 23 masterfully sculpted miniatures in 15 varieties! All this results in a truly immersive 2-player gaming experience that will bring you hours of enjoyable gameplay"
Price: 37.49 |
"Pathfinder RPG Second Edition Bestiary Hardcover" |
"More than 400 of fantasy s fiercest foes burst from the pages of this enormous 360-page compendium of the most popular and commonly encountered creatures in the world of Pathfinder! From familiar enemies like orcs dragons and vampires to new horrors like the living-nightmare nilith and the three-headed mutoli to suitable servants for summoners of every alignment this must-have companion to the Pathfinder Core Rulebook is crawling with creatures perfect for your Pathfinder adventures!The Pathfinder Bestiary includes More than 400 monsters drawn from mythology genre classics and more than a decade of Pathfinder with plenty of new monsters too!Gorgeous full-color illustrations on nearly every page!Detailed monster lists sorted by level type and rarity to help you find the right monster for any situation!Universal monster rules to simplify special attacks defenses and qualities like grab swallow whole and regeneration Guidelines for providing appropriate monstrous treasures for any occasion Detailed lore sidebars offering additional information about Pathfinder s most popular monstrous friends and foes!"
Price: 41.49 |