Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Kivi Dice Game" |
"Kiwi (stone In Finnish) is a tactical game of dice where the players score points by building lines of consecutive stones either horizontally or vertically A roll of the dice determines where you can place a stone to stake on your own row or to block another player's game? The player with the most points after 10 rounds wins the game The rules to kivi are easy to master but kivi maintains its thrill throughout a game as no stone is set before the last dice have been rolled Roll the dice and the battle beginsKivi is a game of strategy not luckPlace your stones correctly to win the gameEasy to learn hard to masterFor 2 to 4 players 30 minutes play time Ages 8 and up"
Price: 7.32 |
"Aberrations & Undead: Tyrants of the Underdark Expansion" |
"Aberration&115; and Undead the new expan&115;ion pack for Tyrant&115; of the Underdark contain&115; two half-deck&115; brimming with vile minion&115; for you to add to your game The&115;e deck&115; can be paired with any of the game'&115; exi&115;ting half-deck&115; and introduce new mechanic&115; and play&115;tyle&115; Twi&115;ted creature&115; like Beholder&115; Nothic&115; and Illithid are introduced in the Aberration&115; deck along with the ability to force your opponent&115; to di&115;card their preciou&115; card&115; To defend again&115;t thi&115; new tactic you might want to recruit the hypnoti&115;ing Umber hulk or expendable Grimlock or &115;imply &115;end your card&115; to the &115;afety of your Inner Circle where the Elder Brain can continue to draw on their &115;trength&115; The Undead deck &115;warm&115; with zombie&115; &115;keleton&115; and &115;pirit&115; providing you with expendable minion&115; that can be &115;acrificed for bur&115;t&115; of power But nothing &115;tay&115; dead forever a&115; the Lich and Mummy Lord return fallen troop&115; to the board and the Gho&115;t provide&115; you with the mean&115; to recruit devoured minion&115; &83;ent wonderfully packaged thi&115; incredible Board Game Expan&115;ion will be &115;ent &115;wiftly and before you know it it will be &115;itting proudly on your de&115;k and receiving admiring comment&115; from all your family friend&115; and colleague&115;!"
Price: 9.49 |
"Sorcerer & Stones" |
"Xian or the godly &115;pirit i&115; the final form that a human can become through the act of training and enlightenment A Xian i&115; practically immortal and po&115;&115;e&115;&115;e&115; godly power&115; During the early Qin Dyna&115;ty many Taoi&115;t&115; are ob&115;e&115;&115;ed with the idea of Xian and &115;tudy the act of Xian inten&115;ely looking for all po&115;&115;ible way&115; to increa&115;e their chance of enlightenment Many fa&115;cinating legend&115; are the re&115;ult&115; of &115;uch ob&115;e&115;&115;ion&115; During the game player&115; will travel back to the ancient kingdom and attempt to attain enlightenment by controlling &115;piritual &115;tone&115; and Qi the life energy By &115;tudying under Taoi&115;m player&115; will race to &115;ee who can ri&115;e among their peer&115; and be the fir&115;t one to become a Xian and achieve immortality"
Price: 9.49 |
"Ashes: The King of Titans Expansion Deck" |
"In Aenda Woodra&115;&115; the denizen&115; of the de&115;ert oa&115;i&115; have &115;truck a delicate accord with the law&115; of Nature Xander Heart&115;blood ri&115;e&115; to defend that accord to the death Calling upon the ancient way&115; of the nomadic &115;haman&115; a&115; well a&115; the terrifying power of hi&115; dino&115;aur conjuration&115; Xander channel&115; the raw magic of Nature to bear down on tho&115;e who would invade the &115;acred ground he now call&115; home Balance the power of Nature and Divine magic to unlea&115;h the titan&115; of the de&115;ert on un&115;u&115;pecting prey"
Price: 12.30 |
"Magic The Gathering TCG: Core Set 2020 Deck Builder's Toolkit" |
"The Magic The Gathering Core &83;et 2020 Deck Builder'&115; Toolkit include&115; 125 card&115; &115;pecifically cho&115;en by the game'&115; de&115;igner&115; 100 ba&115;ic land&115; and 4 boo&115;ter pack&115; from recent &115;et&115; BUILD YOUR FIR&83;T DECK&83; &38; &83;TART COLLECTING The MTG Core &83;et 2020 Deck builder'&115; Toolkit include&115; 125 card&115; &115;pecifically cho&115;en by the game'&115; de&115;igner&115; 100 ba&115;ic land&115; and 4 boo&115;ter pack&115; from recent &115;et&115; A perfect &115;tarter collection NEW LEGEND&83; There are new appearance&115; from Chandra the fan favourite pyromancer and Mu Yanling a blue aligned Plane&115; walker RETURNING MECHANIC&83; Exciting reprint&115; &115;uch a&115; Keyline'&115; and dual enemy-colour Temple Land&115; LEGENDARY CREATURE&83; More three-colour legendary wedge creature&115; are back to join the brawl PLAY YOUR WAY Thi&115; &115;et &115;pan&115; the multiver&115;e and invite&115; player&115; to find a favourite playing &115;tyle and add new mechanic&115; creature&115; and Plane&115; walker&115; to their deck&115;"
Price: 17.99 |
"Magic The Gathering TCG: Core Set 2020 Starter Kit" |
"The &83;pell&115;linger &83;tarter Kit let&115; new player&115; to jump right in to their fir&115;t game of Magic It come&115; with two &83;tandard-legal 60-card deck&115;&8212;de&115;igned to create an interactive learning experience for two Content&115;2 60-card &83;tandard-legal deck&115;2 Quick-&115;tart guide&115;Rule&115; and world-of-Magic booklet2 &8220;do no &115;huffle&8221;on your turn card&115;2 &83;pindown life counter&115;MTG Arena code card"
Price: 11.49 |
"51st State: Allies" |
"In 51&115;t &83;tate Allie&115; the &115;econd expan&115;ion for 51&115;t &83;tate Ma&115;ter &83;et you di&115;cover new way&115; to ally your faction&115;! Card&115; now include a new alliance mechani&115;m that grant&115; you new unique bonu&115;e&115; and feature&115; Will you try to unite the faction&115; of the 51&115;t &83;tate or are you going to be a lone wolf? Will you create powerful combo&115; between your allied card&115;? Finally do you plan a welcome party for the three new faction&115; that have cro&115;&115;ed the wa&115;teland and joined in the fray? Allie&115; introduce &83;teel Police Uranopoli&115; and &83;harra&115;h! With them you will di&115;cover new way&115; to dominate the wa&115;teland!"
Price: 14.49 |
"Captain Sonar: Upgrade 2 Operation Dragon" |
"Thi&115; Upgrade 2 expan&115;ion invite&115; you to dive deeper into Captain &83;ONAR&8217;&115; immer&115;ive experience There are two di&115;tinct upgrade&115; that can only be u&115;ed in real time mode The Operation Dragon campaign take&115; you on an exciting adventure to di&115;cover unexplored &115;ea&115; You may play the&115;cenario&115; in thi&115; campaign &115;eparately or in any order you choo&115;e But to get the full experience of thi&115; campaign we recommend playing the &115;cenario&115; in order and with the &115;ame crew&115; Thi&115; campaign provide&115; an experience &115;y&115;tem in the form of Expert Card&115; The&115;e character&115; will be able to help you occa&115;ionally throughout the game The &115;econd part of Upgrade 2 i&115; the Cu&115;tom Pack a toolbox that can be u&115;ed on all the map&115; that havebeen publi&115;hed to date Thi&115; toolbox will allow you to adapt the game to your liking Armada mode new Fir&115;t Mate &115;tation&115; new Engineer &115;tation&115;&8230;There&115; &115;omething for everyone"
Price: 14.49 |
"The River Board Game" |
"n The River you and the other mayoral players each struggle to create the best pioneer settlement by developing land along a river bed in your town collecting resources from the area and constructing buildings As you explore and build up the untouched frontier your workers will settle down along the way meaning that your other workers will shoulder more of the burden to do what you want to do which includes making nicely organized landscapes to please the aestheticians in town Every decision counts in this fast and streamlined tile-placement game and in the end the player with the most impressive settlement will win!Players 2-4Playing time 30-45 minsAges 8"
Price: 17.09 |
"Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Ack Ack, Sinjin & Avery Miniatures Expansion" |
"Whether through Strength Intelligence or plain dumb Luck some Raiders survive everything the Wasteland throws at them and come back for more Sinjin and his right hand woman Avery head up a gang of Raiders that often cause trouble in the Goodneighbour area Bringing high ranged ability to the table and some unique buffs to support their followers they make good leader choices for any game Ack-Ack and her gang set up base in the Olivia Satellite Station Known for her raids on local farms and settlements always punctuated by the rapid fire of her favourite Minigun This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Raider miniatures each with a unique scenic base to allow players to expand their Fallout Wasteland Warfare games"
Price: 15.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures - Young Bronze Dragon" |
"These highly detailed miniatures are pre-primed with Acrylicos Vallejo primer Little to no assembly requiredPrimed and ready to paintSome miniatures include translucent partsContents1 Young Bronze Dragon1 Base"
Price: 13.72 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures - Young Brass Dragon" |
"These highly detailed miniatures are pre-primed with Acrylicos Vallejo primer Little to no assembly requiredPrimed and ready to paintSome miniatures include translucent partsContents1 Young Brass Dragon1 Base"
Price: 13.72 |
"Small Islands Board Game" |
"Small Islands is a tile-placement game in which you are daring explorers discovering a magnificent archipelago Its islands are brimming with natural resources but also temples from an ancient and mysterious civilization Brave adventurers bring back to your clan wealth &38; prestige!A game is played in maximum 4 Rounds At the beginning of each Round each player secretly picks an Objective Card out of three cards And in turn players draw and place a Landscape Tile out of the 5 available (2 in hand and 3 on the table) At a certain point another option becomes available placing a Ship Tile When this tile is placed in turn all players place Houses on the islands and earn Prestige Points according to their Objective Then players start a new Round When the game ends players receive additional points for their Ship Tiles In Advanced Mode Objectives are split in 2 types of cards which allows you to create your own objectives amongst many combinations There is also a Solo Mode innovative for its mechanics as well as for the very concept of a solo mode in a tile-placement game We gave it an IA with a personality and different behaviors Small Islands offers you even more surprises hidden at its heart Players 1-4Playing time 20-35 minsAges 8"
Price: 28.49 |
"Blossoms Card Game" |
"In Blossoms (original title Kwiatki) players compete to create the most beautiful flower bouquet The longer the flowers the higher they score!To set up give each player two random face-down cards and three action tokens Place the flower pots in the center of the playing area with space above them for the growing flowers Place four different flower cards one in each pot Take one card from the draw pile and place it aside face-down Players alternate taking turns trying to make the most valuable combination of flowers possible On their turn a player can conduct any number of actions which areGrowth &8212; Draw one card from the deck and place it in any pot that has the same flower type Cut &8212; Cut down one pot of flowers to score points; this ends your round Special &8212; Use your action tokens to perform one extra action depending on which pot you choose A player's turn ends when they decide to cut flowers pass or when they have BAD LUCK The game ends when the last card from the deck is drawn Points are then scored by the size and diversity of sets you have planted Whoever has the higher score wins!Players 2Playing time 20 minsAges 8"
Price: 10.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons: Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Minis: Young Copper Dragon" |
"Dungeons &38; Dragons Nolzur&8217;s Marvelous Miniatures come with highly detailed figures primed and ready to paint out of the box These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting The packaging displays these miniatures in a clear and visible format so customers know exactly what they are getting FeaturesFeatures characters monsters and scenery from the Dungeons &38; Dragons universeLittle to no assembly requiredPrimed and ready to paintSome miniatures include translucent partsThis is a 1-count huge monster pack which includes one Young Copper Dragon"
Price: 13.65 |
"Teotihuacan Late Preclassic Period Board Game Expansion" |
"Teotihuacan is bustling with action! The city is ever expanding and growing drawing inhabitants from nearby areas to make Teotihuacan their new home A glorious new temple has just been constructed attracting local governors to seek the blessings of the gods as they continue to build and decorate the city With the rapid progress also come new challenges as the influx of people and activity demand adaptability to the seasons of change Teotihuacan Late Preclassic Period is a modular expansion which introduces several new options to enrich and expand the game experience Asymmetrical player powers give each player a unique benefit A prestigious fourth temple allows unlocking of permanent powerful abilities while being much more difficult to advance on Variable effects impact each season and eclipse New engineering techniques and renewed plans for beautifying the central Pyramid of the Sun offer fresh challenges and possibilities All modules are compatible with one another and can be enjoyed together or individually Players 1-4Playing time 90-120 minsAges 12"
Price: 28.49 |
"Dungeons and Doggies Miniatures Box 1" |
"1 Dungeons and Doggies Miniatures Box 1 contains 6 Finely detailed plastic miniatures of the goodest bois (and girls!) in D&38;D1 Cornelius the golden retriever wizard1 Cerysse the saint bernard cleric1 Flint the cattle dog ranger1 Tedric the chihuahua rogue1 Svetlana the beagle barbarian1 Morgaine the dachshund sorcererBased on the classic Dungeons &38; Dragons classes these doggos are lovingly sculpted to match and full of character Compatible with most other popular model-based fantasy RPG games!Supplied unpainted some assembly may be required"
Price: 21.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Collector's Series Dungeon of the Mad Mage Miniature Githyanki Warrior" |
"Gale Force Nine's Limited Edition Collector Series of Dungeons &38; Dragons Miniatures comes with highly detailed figures primed and ready to paint out of the box These fantastic miniatures include deep cuts for easier painting Features- Features characters monsters and scenery from the Dungeons &38; Dragons universe- Primed and ready to paintContains 1 unpainted unassembled resin figure"
Price: 5.82 |
"Around the World Snap Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs using geography concepts by matching the country with the capital city the border outline and the flag To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children with their geography concepts Learn about what the big wide world really has to offer with these cool cards You can play two family favourites Snap and Pairs using maps flags country names and capital cities from all over the globe Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 7.49 |
"Maths Snap Plus Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs using maths equivalents For example 24-12 snaps with 6 x 2 To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children with maths concepts Suitable for ages 8For 1 Players52 x Full-colour playing cards3 x Rules CardSelf checking guide"
Price: 6.49 |
"Tell the Time Snap Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs using time concepts For example 6pm snaps with 1800 To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children learn to tell the time What time is it?! This great deck of cards will help to understand time concepts through playing Snap and Pairs For example when playing Snap you would be trying to snap cards that equal the same time value such as 18 00 and 6pm Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 5.49 |
"My First Number Snap Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs using numbers words and images from zero through to ten To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children improve their number skills Adding up to a success! Help the little ones build up their early-years number concepts through playing Snap and Pairs When playing Snap with this fantastic deck of cards you are trying to snap image cards with numbers For example 3 or three would snap with an image of three apples Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 5.65 |
"My First Times Tables Snap Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs using 5 and 10 times tables For example 5 x 2 snaps with 1 x 10 To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children learn their times tables This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snap and Pairs using the five and ten times tables When playing Snap with this delightful deck of cards you are trying to snap equivalents such as 4 x 5 and 2 x 10 Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 5.99 |
"My First Making Words Snap Card Game" |
"The smarter way to play snap and pairs In all other snap games you match identical images With this unique game it&8217;s equivalents that are matched; This unique deck of cards lets you play two family favourites Snaps and Pairs to form words For example D and OG can go together to form the word dog To play Pairs simply turn all the cards upside down and turn two over to see if they match If they do you keep the cards if not you put them back! Two fun games in one that help children with their early reading Master early-years language concepts whilst having lots of fun with this deck through either Snap or Pairs For example playing Snap with this fantastic deck of cards you are trying to snap sections of words together such as 'f' and 'un' to form 'fun' Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 6.49 |
"Making Words Snap Card Game" |
"Here is a fab learning device ideal for young minds to learn words and understand phonics For example when playing snap with this fantastic deck of cards you would be trying to snap cards that create words such as like &8216;gr&8217; and &8216;eat&8217; Here is a fab learning device ideal for young minds to learn words and understand phonics For example when playing Snap with this fantastic deck of cards you would be trying to snap cards that create words such as like 'gr' and 'eat' Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 5.49 |
"My First Dinosaur Snap Card Game" |
"Here is a great way to play Snap and Pairs For example when playing Snap with this fantastic deck of cards you would be trying to snap matching cards that show facts such as a dinosaur&8217;s name its appearance its skeleton and whether it was a meat-eater plant-eater or both Here is a great way to play Snap and Pairs When playing Snap with this fantastic deck of cards you would be trying to snap matching cards that show matching factsFun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 5.99 |
"Fraction Fundamentals Snap Card Game" |
"This game is a great way of helping the children to learn about the fundamentals of working with fractions and how they relate to decimals percentages and parts of a whole unit for example children will be trying to find cards that match 05 510ths 50 12 14Suitable for ages 7For 1 Players52 x Full-colour playing cards3 x Rules CardSelf checking guide"
Price: 5.99 |
"My First Addition Snap Card Game" |
"Help children grasp early addition skills with this fun game Using numbers up to 10 children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers for example 6 2 with 4 4 Help children grasp early addition skills with this fun game Using numbers up to 10 children will be trying to snap cards with matching answers for example 6 2 with 4 4 Fun and LearningSupports school learningEasy to learn and play"
Price: 6.49 |
"Times Tables Plus Snap Card Game" |
"This new Snap and Pairs title will help pupils to learn their times tables in the higher number range extending the best-selling Times Tables Snap pack These cards work with times tables right through to 12 asking them to snap 12 x 6 with 9 x 8 or 72"
Price: 6.49 |
"Star Wars X-Wing: Inquisitors TIE Expansion Pack" |
"An experimental craft reserved for elite agents of the Empire the TIE Advanced v1 features numerous cutting-edge technologies that skilled pilots can leverage to deadly effect The craft&8217;s high-precision thrusters and flexible controls let its pilots tirelessly pursue their prey across the galaxy Most famously used by the deadly Inquisitors Force users and Force sensitives across the galaxy have learned to fear this craft This expansion pack includes everything you need to add one TIE Advanced v1 ship to your Imperial squadrons including reprints of four ship cards and five upgrade cards for the benefit of new players as well as two Quick Build cards to get you off the ground even faster What's more you'll find the maneuver dial and all of the tokens you need to bring this ship into your starfighter squadrons"
Price: 13.86 |