"Le management" |
"Véritable phénomène de société, le management couvre un territoire immense. Borné d’un côté par des théories aussi foisonnantes qu’hétéroclites et de l’autre par des pratiques indéfiniment variées, le territoire du management est d’une richesse inouïe. Cela dit, le management contemporain reste encore à inventer. Pour y parvenir, le gestionnaire d’aujourd’hui peut puiser dans l’histoire des théories du management. Il y trouvera toute une variété de solutions pratiques et de regards interprétatifs. Mais parce qu’il n’existe pas une telle chose qu’une théorie parfaite, le gestionnaire ne dispose que de solutions partielles et incomplètes. Surtout, sa pratique concrète doit nécessairement osciller entre deux pôles complémentaires. D’un côté, il doit faire preuve d’efficacité et pour y parvenir, il dispose d’un grand nombre de techniques administratives et de règles de gestion qui le conduisent alors à penser l’organisation en termes juridiques, stratégiques, structurels et opérationnels. De l’autre, il ne peut pas se contenter d’être un technicien qui ne viserait que l’efficacité formelle; il doit aussi être profondément humain et inscrire son action dans le tissu social d’une organisation et du coup entrevoir ses dimensions politiques, symboliques, psychologiques et cognitives. Ce cours de management s’adresse à celles et ceux qui sont à la recherche d’une meilleure compréhension des théories et des pratiques du management. Il fait une large place aux exemples tirés de la pratique et se réfère autant aux théoriciens qu’aux praticiens. Ce cours propose de regarder le management à travers trois regards complémentaires : celui du management formel qui s’appuie sur la raison formelle et se donne comme idéal l’efficacité; celui du management charismatique qui s’appuie sur le charisme et se donne comme idéal la création; et celui du management traditionnel qui s’appuie sur la tradition et se donne comme idéal l’harmonie. Les adeptes du management au sens technique se limitent au premier; les adeptes du leadership ne jurent que par le deuxième et, malgré la fascination que la nouveauté exerce dans l’univers de la gestion, la tradition persiste dans bien des organisations. Pourtant, le gestionnaire est toujours, d’une certaine manière, confronté à ces trois logiques. Inventer le management contemporain pour répondre aux défis des Temps présents consiste à combiner de manière originale ces trois logiques."
Price: 149.00 |
"La gestion des conflits" |
"Plus de 50 % des gestionnaires ont tendance à ne rien faire lors d’un conflit. En effet, la plupart des gens se sentent souvent démunis face aux situations conflictuelles. Il en résulte que les conflits s’aggravent et le climat de travail se détériore. Dans certains cas, les conflits peuvent mener à des plaintes pour harcèlement psychologique. Des conflits qui auraient pu être désamorcés relativement facilement deviennent des sources de coûts organisationnels élevés.Lorsque vient le temps d'intervenir pour désamorcer une situation conflictuelle, plusieurs questions se posent. Comment cerner le nœud du problème? Comment éviter l'escalade? Comment traiter avec les personnes difficiles? Comment éviter que la situation se répète? À cet effet, l'utilisation d'un cadre d'intervention peut s'avérer très utile.À partir des plus récentes recherches et des meilleures pratiques professionnelles, le cours propose un modèle d'analyse et d'intervention pour désamorcer les conflits organisationnels. Des stratégies concrètes sont proposées. De plus, études de cas et exercices pratiques permettent de tester l'application des principes du cours à des situations conflictuelles. En intégrant le modèle d'intervention et les stratégies présentées, les participants au cours seront en mesure de désamorcer les conflits avant que ceux-ci ne perturbent le climat de travail.Tout gestionnaire ou futur gestionnaire devrait suivre ce cours. Les études démontrent que les gestionnaires passent environ 20 % à 30 % de leur temps à gérer des situations conflictuelles. Comment être efficace si on ne sait pas désamorcer les conflits? De plus, l'habileté d'une personne à gérer les conflits a un impact sur ses chances d'obtenir une promotion."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introducción al Internet de las cosas (IoT) y sus aplicaciones" |
"En un futuro, el concepto de Internet de las Cosas en la industria tendera a ser tan grande que se espera que en el 2035 hayan mas de 50 billones de dispositivos inteligentes interconectados entre si a traves de multiples redes de comunicación, creando un mercado para la industria de entre 14 y 15 trillones de dolares (Khodadadi, Dastjerdi, & Buyya, 2016). Con el gran crecimiento de la tecnología en los ultimos años, las industrias se encuentran en una constante transformación tecnológica. El paradigma de Internet de las Cosas hace parte de las recientes tecnologías que propenden ayudar a mejorar la atención médica y los procesos industriales que requieren una monitorización en tiempo real. Para lograr este objetivo, es fundamental integrar de manera efectiva la información proveniente de las fuentes heterogéneas (dispositivos) de tal forma que se puedan compartir los datos obtenidos manteniendo su seguridad y privacidad, utilizar herramientas de análisis de datos avanzados y extraer información relevante con el fin de obtener el mejoramiento continuo en diferentes campos de la ciencia y tecnología (Dridi, Sassi, & Faiz, 2018). Este curso online busca que las personas interesadas se enfrenten a la experiencia de un aprendizaje activo en temas relacionados con la ciencia, tecnologia, desarrollo de sistemas escalables y el uso de software libre utilizando el concepto de Internet de las Cosas; promoviendo conceptos fundamentales que las personas deberan poseer en un futuro para ser competitivos en sus trabajos. El curso busca que los estudiantes se enfrenten a problemáticas reales, a las cuales se les dara una solución implementando adecuadamente el concepto de Internet de las Cosas. Este curso mostrara el alcance que tiene el Internet de las cosas en la actualidad. Este curso esta diseñado para que en cada una de las secciones se presente un componente teórico acompañado de una práctica real en donde el participante del curso pueda aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en cada sección. Este curso ayuda a desarrollar las competencias que requieren las industrias 4.0."
Price: 49.00 |
"Internet de las cosas (IoT) y Big Data" |
"El internet de las cosas (IoT) esta revolucionando diferentes ecosistemas de la llamada revolucion 4.0. En ese sentido, el curso esta enfocado en el aprendizaje activo de aquellas personas interesadas en la ciencia, tecnología y desarrollo de sistemas escalables con ayuda de tarjetas de programación de fácil manejo, sensores de bajo costo y uso de software libre, promoviendo las habilidades que las personas interesadas deben poseer para los trabajos actuales y del futuro. En este curso online aprenderas herramientas avanzadas para la gestion de proyectos en el campo de la programación, sistemas de almacenamiento y gestion de bases de datos y tecnologías en comunicación por medio de protocolos de Node red, herramienta clave en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y su relación con el Big Data de la mano del grupo de profesores de la Universidad del Rosario (Bioinstrumentacion, programacion avanzada, control electronico) del programa de Ingeniería Biomódica. En cada modulo encontraras diferentes herramientas de desarrollo, a partir de diferentes plataformas especializadas para llevar a cabo un proyecto en IoT, basados en problemáticas reales del campo industrial. Paso a paso, podras integrar el material presentado en el MOOC, de tal forma que puedas implementar tu proyecto personal y de paso mejorar tus conocimientos sobre conceptos relevantes sobre IoT y Big Data con ello, conseguir nuevas oportunidades de ingresos en el lucrativo ambito de la transformación digital 4.0."
Price: 49.00 |
"Activism and Citizen Journalism through Media" |
"Media is a powerful tool for promoting social justice. If you are an activist involved in promoting or advocating for a social cause, this course will provide you with valuable information and guidance. The course will help you to identify and pitch a newsworthy story, select appropriate media for publicising your story; and assess the impact of your story. The course also addresses working in an ethical way as both an activist and citizen journalist."
Price: 49.00 |
"Public Sector Debt Statistics" |
"This course, presented by IMF Statistics Department, covers the fundamentals needed to compile and disseminate comprehensive public sector debt statistics (PSDS) that are useful for policy- and decision-makers, as well as other users. The course introduces the conceptual statistical framework for PSDS—as presented in the Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users—in the context of the government finance statistics (GFS) framework, which is harmonized with other macroeconomic statistical frameworks. Basic concepts, definitions, and classifications are covered, along with the principal accounting rules (including valuation and consolidation) that are relevant for PSDS compilation. The course discusses the recommended the instrument and institutional coverage for compiling comprehensive, internationally comparable PSDS, and how to record contingent liabilities such as government guarantees. It also deals with the impact on PSDS of some debt-related issues such as debt assumption, debt forgiveness, on-lending, financial leases, and financial bailouts. Important PSDS compilation considerations—including what PSDS to compile and disseminate—and the IMF’s guidelines and standards on disseminating PSDS are also covered. The course also presents possible uses of PSDS, including debt sustainability analyses (DSA), and fiscal risk and vulnerability analyses."
Price: 25.00 |
"What do Architects and Urban Planners do?" |
"Are you interested in studying architecture or urban planning? This course will help you understand what spatial design professionals really do, so you can decide if this is the right profession for you. First, we’ll learn about the built environment, and the kinds of challenges and opportunities that architects and planners grapple with. Then we’ll discuss five short examples based on real projects. In each example, we will focus on the role played by different spatial design professionals, including urban planners, urban designers, landscape architects, architects and interior architects. You’ll gain a good understanding of what each spatial design profession does, so you can make an informed choice about what to study. The course will also be useful for anyone who needs to interact with spatial design professionals, and would like an insight into their different roles."
Price: 49.00 |
"Product Design: The Delft Design Approach" |
"Do you want to learn how to design? Using the Delft Design Approach, you will learn how to use a number of key design methods to create meaningful products and services. This course is an introduction to the Delft Design Approach offering a model and a set of signature methods from Delft to teach you how to get from understanding the user in context to defining a meaningful design challenge and - in the end - deliver a great design! The course challenges you to experience the design process yourself and reflect on your work with the help of students and excellent teaching staff from Delft, and industrial experts. No previous knowledge of design methods is required, yet some experience with designing (something) is helpful. This course has been awarded with the 2015 Open Education Award for Excellence in the category 'Open MOOC' by the Open Education Consortium."
Price: 79.00 |
"First Nights - Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and the Birth of Opera" |
"Claudio Monteverdi's L 'Orfeo premiered in Mantua in 1607, and continues to be regarded as one of the most important examples of early opera. With L 'Orfeo , Monteverdi helped to establish the techniques and traditions that continue to inform the genre of opera to this day. Harvard's Thomas Forrest Kelly (Morton B. Knafel Professor of Music) guides learners through the first half of L 'Orfeo , highlighting aspects of operatic form and dramatic technique, the rehearsals and cultural context for the premiere performance, and the work's continued relevance today. There will also be a focus on Monteverdi's life and work as a Renaissance court musician. In this music course, you will learn the basics of operatic form and analysis, the genres and styles used, and the circumstances of this opera's first performance and subsequent history. Learners in this course need not have any prior musical experience."
Price: 49.00 |
"Strategic Planning for Public Libraries" |
"In this course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, we’ll explore the nuts and bolts of creating a strategic plan by reviewing and reflecting on the strategic plans of a variety of library types. Strategic planning is a strategy for setting an organization’s goals, vision, and desired future. You’ll learn how library leaders, in partnership with trustees, library boards, and/or municipal leadership, use strategic planning to set long-term goals as well as identify the necessary funding priorities, staffing needs, and other elements needed for success. You’ll also learn how an effective strategic plan is more than mere paperwork: it is an ongoing planning, action, and reflection process that can engage all stakeholders in a common set of expectations and action steps for the future."
Price: 49.00 |
"Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change" |
"In this social science course, you will learn how social workers in the United States engage in creating change and supporting the resilience of individuals, families and communities in this new era. Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social work profession, the different roles of social workers in a range of settings, the cross cutting themes that guide social work practice, the history of social work, and current challenges. Using a social justice lens, learners will reflect on current challenges facing the lives of individuals, families and communities and examine ways to advocate for needed changes. This course is part of the Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 49.00 |
"Métodos numéricos para matemáticas con Octave" |
"En este curso de matematicas se desarrollaran aspectos basicos relacionados con la resolucion numerica de problemas de valor inicial asociados a ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, tanto desde un punto de vista teorico como practico, haciendo uso del programa Octave para resolver distintos ejercicios relacionados. Octave es un lenguaje con el cual se pueden realizar calculos numericos en el ordenador. Este lenguaje permite resolver problemas lineales y no lineales. En este MOOC aprenderas como usar Octave para resolver problemas matematicos de forma facil y rapida."
Price: 50.00 |
"Reacciones de oxidación-reducción: conceptos básicos" |
"Las reacciones de oxidacion-reduccion, comunmente denominadas reacciones redox, se producen diariamente en numerosos procesos. Algunos ejemplos de reacciones redox: La combustion, La obtencion de energia electrica mediante pilas y baterias La produccion de metales y la corrosion de los mismos La galvanizacion, la oxidacion de los alimentos En estos procesos, en general, se produce una transferencia deelectronesentre los reactivos provocando un cambio en los estados de oxidacion de los elementos que intervienen. En este curso en linea se tratan los aspectos generales de las reacciones redox, como se identifican los agentes oxidantes y reductores, el ajuste de las reacciones y sus calculos estequiometricos. Se aborda tambien el estudio de la espontaneidad de las reacciones redox y su relacion con la energia electrica de las pilas y el potencial de las mismas. Asimismo, se estudia el fenomeno de la electrolisis, su fundamento y su aplicacion a la obtencion de ciertos metales o la descomposicion de compuestos en los elementos que los constituyen. Se presentan aplicaciones relacionadas con estos conceptos en aspectos tecnologicos, biologicos y de la vida cotidiana. Este curso de quimica va dirigido a los estudiantes que acceden a la Universidad, especialmente aquellos que no han cursado quimica y que requieren de los conocimientos basicos en estos aspectos."
Price: 50.00 |
"Design in Healthcare: Using Patient Journey Mapping" |
"In this course you will learn about the different experiences patients go through in a medical context. The patient journey explores the interaction between the patient and the healthcare providers in all stages of the disease; coping with treatment and dealing with expectations, and interaction with and between different stakeholders. This course will give designers and specialists in healthcare the knowledge, insights and tools to be able to analyze and improve patient experience. You will learn how to map complex healthcare scenarios, pinpoint opportunities and create hands-on solutions aimed at improving the patient experience. This course is an introduction to patient journey mapping; developed at the Delft University of Technology and applied in improvement of care pathway. Step-by-step, the course visualizes the different stakeholders, phases and actions involved in patient treatment. You will be challenged to pursue new insights and given a unique opportunity to learn about four trending healthcare issues each presented by a partnering institution. Furthermore, you will learn about healthcare trends from a team of experts in specific technological domains. Ranging from personalized care to advance manufacturing for healthcare. These sessions will provide you with technological background that will be useful when developing your design concepts. No previous knowledge about health care innovation, design or journey mapping is necessary."
Price: 129.00 |
"Introduction to Land Management" |
"Have you ever asked yourself what role land plays by facing developments like demographic change, globalization or climate change? Did you ever consider the connection between poverty and land access or changing land values? If you want to delve more deeply into these complex and fascinating issues, take part in our MOOC course, “Introduction Land Management.” Land is a scarce and limited resource, which cannot be multiplied. It is a valuable basis for livelihood and for economic or ecological development. Land conflicts occur when people with different interests run up against the declining availability of fertile land. Developing countries in general, and disadvantaged people in society are often the most affected groups. Yet, even industrialized countries face issues with sustainable land policy. As a result, experts in sustainable land management are desperately needed. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the basics of land management. This MOOC gives you insight into basic functions and tasks of land management. It will help you recognize important land correlations with other fields of interest. You’ll understand contemporary global trends, necessary land related services, and the general process of executing land management interventions. You learn why, when, and where sustainable land management is most needed and what the potential application fields of land management are. Exciting exercises, learning videos, discussions and literature recommendations accompany you through the course. No previous knowledge of land management is required."
Price: 49.00 |
"Microcápsulas: Aplicación y Caracterización" |
"Las microcápsulas son partículas micrométricas con materiales de distinta naturaleza en su interior que permiten incorporar nuevas propiedades a distintos materiales en múltiples sectores productivos. El empleo de las microcápsulas permite funcionalizar productos tan diversos como los empleados en medicina, alimentación, cosmética, agricultura, pinturas, plásticos, textiles o automoción entre otros. Este curso está enfocado a técnicos textiles o de materiales y público en general, interesado en conocer como incorporar nuevas propiedades a los materiales mediante adición de microcápsulas. En él se abordan los distintos mecanismos de atrapamiento de principios activos y se profundiza en las microcápsulas y su aplicación, tomando como ejemplo superficies textiles y su posterior caracterización."
Price: 50.00 |
"The Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption" |
"Workers of the future will need new sets of skills to compete. Recent advances in technology are changing how we live, communicate and do business, disrupting traditional industries and redefining the employee-employer relationship.Thousands of routine and low-skill jobs will be eliminated by automation, A.I. and digital hyper-connectivity. However, these same advances present new opportunities, like: New job creation Increased productivity Improved delivery of public services This course emphasizes the urgency of developing human capital in meeting the challenges of the coming decades. Developing countries will need to take rapid action to invest in their people as innovation continues to accelerate. Themes in the course include: artificial intelligence, the gig economy, world of work, the future of work, labor market, policy makers, new technologies, digital economy, jobs of the future, machine learning, and labor force. Skills-based example:Participants will learn through Ted-like talks, podcasts, readings, interactive quizzes and scenario based exercises. They will also have an opportunity to share and dialogue with peers and experts including practitioners, government officials, academic and private sector. This course will introduce students to forward-thinking approaches that will build the new skill sets required in the 21st Century, including: critical analysis problem solving “soft skills” like teamwork and empathy"
Price: 5.00 |
"Shaping Work of the Future" |
"Are you concerned about the impact of new technologies will have on the workforce? Are you interested in what you can do to build a better work for yourself and the next generation? If we take the right actions, we can shape the future of work in ways that meet the needs of workers, families, and their economies and societies. To do so, we first have to understand how work is changing, how firms can prosper and support good jobs and careers, and how to update the policies, institutions, and practices governing the world of work. The goal of this course is to understand the relationship between new technologies, work and society and develop plans of action for improving the job and career opportunities for today and tomorrow's workforce. We'll start by looking at the challenges we face today and in the near future in regards to globalization and technology change, as well as the unique opportunities that they present. Then we will take a deep dive into the history of work and employment to understand how the it affects us today, as well as to look at solutions that worked well in response to similar problems. We'll look at the impact advances in technology are having across industries, and the ways in which these technologies are transforming the nature of human work and skills needed. We will explore ways in which we as a society can and should shape and catalyze these new technologies to complement and augment human work, rather than replace it. We'll also take you on a personal journey, where you will learn what employers expect in today's world of work--the skills, flexibility, and knowledge that are crucial for success in the contemporary workplace. We'll examine what has to happen in order for employers, workers, governments, and educators to come together to forge new policies, rules, and understandings for governing the world of work in the 21st century, and together as a class forge a new social contract of work as well as a personal action plan to implement it. Many colleagues and groups around the world share our deep concern for these issues and are studying how to address them in their specific settings. We invite each of you to join us and to share your insights and ideas about how we can make work, work better for all in the years ahead. In this spirit we will draw on our own expert group here--ourMIT Task Force on Work of the Future. Together we can make a difference for the next generation workforce, our economies, and our societies."
Price: 49.00 |
"Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs" |
"GraphQL is revolutionizing the way developers are building websites… but what exactly does that mean? GraphQL is an open source query language and a runtime to fulfill those queries with your existing data. In this course, you’ll learn what GraphQL is and why it is getting so much attention from software engineers. You’ll learn what its advantages are over REST, what types of web architecture to use it with, and why it benefits both frontend and backend developers. You’ll get the chance to practice GraphQL queries in an interactive playground. You’ll also learn advanced topics such as how to implement a GraphQL server on the backend, how to use a GraphQL server with a client, and how to keep your GraphQL server secure. The course content was originally created by Prisma, and updated and maintained by Novvum. If you are a programmer, this course will help you gain the skills you need to get started using GraphQL for a small project or professionally in production. You’ll feel comfortable getting started with the right tools for your use case. If you are nontechnical, this course will help you communicate with developers and participate in conversations about GraphQL. You will understand when and why to use GraphQL for a project. Start your GraphQL journey today!"
Price: 149.00 |
"Strategic Brand Management" |
"In this course, part of the Marketing in a Digital World MicroMasters program, you will learn how to apply the concepts of advertising and marketing to branding. We will examine topics and various strategies related to building, measuring, and managing a brand, including direct and indirect measures of brand equity, structures of desired brand knowledge, choice of brand elements, development of supporting marketing programs, and management of brands over time. You will learn how to: Develop a framework to identify and establish brand positioning and values to build customer based brand equity Plan and implement brand marketing programs through integrated marketing communications and brand associations to build brand equity Evaluate how a brand equity management system can capture customer mindset and enhance market performance through sources and outcomes of brand equity Design specific strategies that focus around extending, revitalising and reinforcing existing brands to retain brand resonance (i.e. loyalty, attachment, community and engagement). The branding landscape is fast-paced and continually changing, yet is a stimulating and exciting environment in which to work. This course is relevant to anyone working in marketing, communications, public relations, social media and advertising. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 199.00 |
"Online Marketing Strategies" |
"The Internet has emerged as a platform to facilitate global commerce and communication. Its exponential growth has transformed the value chain of virtually every industry, and millions of commercial businesses are now doing business online. This course will introduce you to the range of marketing uses of the Internet. You will learn how to: use basic e-marketing tools relevant to the internet marketing context; apply marketing strategies such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation to an online context; analyse the online consumer exchange process and its outcomes; evaluate product, pricing, distribution and communication marketing functions in a firm's internet marketing strategy; evaluate the role of social media in the marketing context; use digital analytics to evaluate and optimise the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies. You will explore how marketing online differs from a traditional marketing environment, and identify and discuss web-based marketing opportunities such as using Facebook, Twitter and Google in today's business world. The digital landscape is fast-paced and continually changing, yet is an equally challenging and exciting environment in which to work. This course is relevant to anyone working in marketing, communications, public relations, social media and advertising. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 199.00 |
"Buyer Behaviour and Analysis" |
"For marketers, an understanding of how a consumer selects, purchases, uses and disposes of products and services is pertinent to successfully managing the marketing function. In this course, you will learn about the role of consumer behaviour within marketing. We will discuss how this behaviour is shaped by the social and cultural environment, as well as a number of psychological factors. You will learn about decision-making processes in consumption behaviour in different buying situations. This will develop your ability to integrate marketing processes at a higher level. Concepts drawn from various disciplines such as psychology, economics and anthropology will be examined. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching" |
"Educators have an ever-increasing stream of data at their fingertips, but knowing how to use this data to improve learning and teaching — how to make it less overwhelming, more useful, and part of an effective collaborative process — can be challenging. Based on the book Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning, this course describes a clear, 8-step process for using a wide range of data sources to improve instruction. You will see what this disciplined way of working with colleagues can look and feel like in a school setting. You will also have the opportunity to share insights and experiences about school improvement with educators from around the world. Introduction to Data Wise is open to all but is especially valuable for teachers and school and district leaders, as well as policymakers, and educational entrepreneurs who are dedicated to improving outcomes for students. There are several ways you could take this course: Participate on your own. Enroll with a few colleagues as part of a study group. Formally integrate it into professional development in your workplace. It is a self-paced course. You can go through the essential materials in a day or take several weeks to allow for reflection. There will be one month of active course facilitation, which will include discussion board moderation, office hours, and other live events. This course provides an introduction to a rich portfolio of books, resources, training, and support developed by the Data Wise Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The Data Wise Project works in partnership with teachers and school and system leaders to develop and field-test resources that support collaborative school improvement. We encourage you to explore these resources as you chart a course for using data to improve learning and teaching for all students."
Price: 70.00 |
"Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial" |
"La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) está tomando mucha importancia en nuestra vida personal y laboral. Pero, ¿será posible construir una máquina o robot tan inteligente como el ser humano? Esta es una de las respuestas que la IA trata de ofrecer, intentando crear una máquina capaz de comportarse como un ser humano, lo cual implica la capacidad de percibir el entorno y realizar tareas en forma exitosa. LA IA, nos permite comunicarnos con nuestros teléfonos celulares y computadoras, como si ellos fueran seres humanos. Hoy en día es posible pedirle a algún aparato electrónico escuchar nuestra música preferida, que encienda la cafetera o que apague las luces. Aún más increíble, en el área de trabajo es posible pedir una predicción de la permanencia o renuncia de nuestros clientes o anañizar nuestras redes sociales para conocer el grado de satisfacción de los clientes con nuestra empresa y/o productos. En este curso aprenderás los fundamentos teóricos de la IA con sus principales ramas como el Aprendizaje Automático, el Aprendizaje Profundo, Robótica, Procesamiento del Lenguaje y Sistemas Expertos. Además, aplicarás los conceptos en la creación de modelos coo el de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Árboles de Clasificación y el Clasificador Bayesiano. Adicionalmente, aprenderás a utilizar la plataforma de ciencia de datos llamada RapidMiner, para el diseño y prueba de los modelos."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG)" |
"In this course you will learn how the geology of ground and drilling conditions require OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) with different characteristics; how tubular string design is performed; and how selected products are manufactured and tested. The following concepts will be explored: OCTG Products: A brief description of the different products used in an oil well, mainly casing, tubing and their connections. The main characteristics of pipe body and connections. Differences between products meeting API (American Petroleum Institute) standards, proprietary steel grades and/or premium connections. The basics of string design and material selection. OCTG Production Process: An overview of the seamless and welded pipes production processes. How to assure and sustain quality through the complete production process."
Price: 49.00 |
"Favoriser le bien-être et l'efficacité au travail" |
"Aucune entreprise n’aurait vu le jour et ne serait devenue prospère sans la volonté et l’engagement de ceux et celles qui s’y sont investis. En amont des structures, des technologies et des processus, il y a nécessairement des personnes, qui ont des objectifs et qui poursuivent des rêves. L’être humain constitue ni plus ni moins que le cœur de l’entreprise. « Hard is soft. Soft is hard. » est l’une des citations les plus connues de Tom Peters, co-auteur du best-seller In search of Excellence. Comme Tom Peters, nous croyons que ce sont les aspects humains des organisations qui constituent leur réel avantage concurrentiel. Peu importe leur statut, les personnes représentent les plus précieuses ressources dont disposent les entreprises. Il importe donc de promouvoir leur santé et leur efficacité au travail. Dans ce cours, nous plongeons au cœur de l’entreprise en braquant le projecteur sur les individus et les équipes de travail. Le cours compte cinq modules répartis en deux blocs. Le premier bloc concerne la psychologie individuelle au travail. Nous y abordons la personnalité, l’intelligence et l’affectivité. Le second bloc lève le voile sur les dynamiques interpersonnelles. Il y est notamment question d’influence sociale et d’efficacité collective. Au travers des présentations et des exercices proposés dans ce cours, vous développerez une meilleure compréhension de vos propres comportements au travail et de ceux des autres. Vous serez ainsi mieux préparés pour diriger vos équipes et favoriser la collaboration dans les entreprises."
Price: 99.00 |
"Innovación y creatividad organizacional" |
"Este curso de administración se enfoca en el proceso de innovación al presentar a los estudiantes metodologías para la resolución de problemas e innovación que requieren investigación, persistencia y agilidad. Se alentara a los estudiantes a: Sintetizar las ideas, imágenes, conceptos y conjuntos de habilidades existentes de manera original Abrazar la ambigüedad Apoyar el pensamiento divergente y la toma de riesgos Este curso te ayudara a convertirte en un líder de equipo de innovación eficaz, a asumir un papel como ejecutivo de innovación dentro de una gran corporación o a proveer la actividad empresarial. Además, el conocimiento adquirido te ayudara a para planificar, aplicar y ejecutar habilidades de innovación para desarrollar y lanzar nuevos productos y servicios. Este curso en line te ensenara a utilizar la innovación y la mentalidad empresarial y las metodologías para convertir las oportunidades en especificaciones de productos, conceptos comerciales y eventuales introducciones de estos productos o servicios a nuevos mercados."
Price: 99.00 |
"Diseño e innovación de modelo de negocios" |
"El núcleo del Diseño de Modelo de Negocios se encuentra en las habilidades y liderazgo del manager emprendedor. Requiere un enfoque disciplinado para buscar oportunidades, asi como reunir y alinear recursos para alcanzar objetivos importantes. En este curso, los alumnos fortaleceran dos habilidades importantes: la intuición y el pensamiento visual, a la vez que aplican métodos cuantitativos aprendidos en otros cursos, como Finanzas, Economía e Inteligencia Financiera. El enfoque de este curso se encuentra en cuatro pilares: La observación como un elemento clave para descubrir patrones de negocios. La organización de la complejidad, el arte de la síntesis usando pensamiento visual, mapeo y diseño de sistemas. El concepto de espacio en blanco como las ""actividades potenciales no definidas o mencionadas en el modelo de negocios actual"". Storytelling y establecer contacto. La observación es un aspecto clave para descubrir patrones de negocios. Los alumnos aprenderan, a traves de distintos casos y metodologias -algunos ya vistos-, como identificar los elementos clave de un modelo de negocios. Esto incluye la naturaleza de una empresa de negocios integrada en la que definimos el Modelo de Negocios. ¿Qué sería diferente si los managers pensaran como diseñadores? Aunque mucha gente de negocios aprecia el poder del diseño, un proceso formal para practicarlo había sido elusivo: hasta ahora. En este curso, la meta es encontrar la manera de organizar la complejidad, el arte de la síntesis usando pensamiento visual, mapeo y diseño de sistemas, para conectar elementos tan distintos como las ideas, recursos, transacciones, valores y redes. De acuerdo con Mark Johnson, el espacio en blanco se refiere a ""las actividades potenciales no definidas o mencionadas en el modelo de negocios actual de la compañia; esto es, las oportunidades que existen fuera de su núcleo y mas alla de sus adyacencias, y que requieren un modelo de negocio distinto para poder aprovecharlas"". Un componente importante del Diseño e Innovacion del Modelo de Negocios es el Storytelling y establecer contacto. Usar la tecnologia para conectarse con la audiencia es clave. Como parte de los entregables a calificar, los líderes emprendedores deben saber sobre medios sociales y los contenidos impulsados por tecnología, concentrando ambos en modelar la manera de usar estas tecnologías para conectarse y comunicarse con otros y como lograr pasion a traves de redes."
Price: 99.00 |
"Emprendimiento Corporativo" |
"Espiritu emprendedor, cultura emprendedora, son términos que se oyen y leen repetidamente. Estos han emergido con fuerza renovada en una economía en que aparecen nuevas y grandes oportunidades de negocio. Por esta razón las capacidades emprendedoras son valoradas en empresas y organizaciones que basan su crecimiento y su ventaja competitiva en la innovación. Cada vez es mas común que se desarrollen proyectos emprendedores en el interior de una organización establecida, lo que se conoce como intra-emprendimiento o emprendimiento corporativo, amplia tus conocimientos en esta temática con este curso online. La finalidad de este curso de administración es explicar a los participantes los principales conceptos del emprendimiento corporativo y dar una introducción a los temas de ""Cultura Emprendedora"" orientados al desarrollo de competencias para el crecimiento orgánico de la empresa o desarrollo de la organización."
Price: 99.00 |
"Mentalidad Emprendedora" |
"En un mundo Volátil, Incierto, Complejo, Hiperconectado y Ambiguo (VUCHA), los ciclos de negocios e innovación se están reduciendo como nunca antes. El ciclo de vida de las empresas se ha reducido a menos de un tercio en los últimos 30 años. La democratización de la innovación ha abierto posibilidades infinitas para muchas personas, empresas y regiones en todo el mundo. En particular, los emprendedores y las startups están aprovechando las oportunidades generadas por la transformación que se esta produciendo, en este curso en línea entenderás como puedes comenzar a desarrollar esas habilidades innovadoras y de emprendimiento, y así aplicarlas de forma exitosa. Este curso online se enfoca en comprender las estrategias, las herramientas y los conceptos básicos que los emprendedores utilizan para emprender innovaciones en el mercado y escalar sus emprendimientos, generando valor y disrupción en muchos mercados. En este curso de administración los estudiantes entenderán: Como validar un problema y su solución (Problem-Solution Fit) Como validar si un producto tiene una aceptación en un mercado (Product-Market Fit) Como escalar sus emprendimientos (Business Model Fit)"
Price: 99.00 |