"Hydrologie II" |
"Im Kurs Hydrologie II geht es schwerpunktmäßig um ökologische Belange und um die Umsetzung der europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinien. Im Fokus steht die Frage, warum und wie Ingenieure in der Zukunft die Wasserwirtschaftspolitik und deren Umsetzung verändern müssen. Wenn sie besser verstehen möchte, was in der Natur abläuft, wenn es um Niederschläge und Abflüsse geht, und wie ein ökologischer Wandel in der Wasserwirtschaft ablaufen kann, dann ist dieser Kurs der richtige für Sie!"
Price: 49.00 |
"Mind of the Universe - Robots in Society: Blessing or Curse?" |
"Combining artificial intelligence with robotics may offer positive implications for our society and our well-being. However, it also raises a lot of ethical questions. In this course we will discuss questions and dilemmas such as: will artificially intelligent robots take away our jobs? will they have their own free will and - as some prophesy - have the power to take over the world? should we program robots to detect and respond to human emotions, and if so how? under what conditions can we use robots for military purposes? We will also touch upon the design principles that developers should adhere to, and critically reflect on issues such as robot autonomy, consciousness and intelligence. This course will provide you with plenty of learning resources on this important topic including interviews with top experts in this field. This course is a spin-off of the ""Mind of the Universe"" documentary series, created by the Dutch broadcasting company VPRO and professor Robbert Dijkgraaf, Princeton University. A number of universities in The Netherlands have used the open source material of the documentary series as a starting point to create similar learning experiences."
Price: 50.00 |
"Upper-Intermediate English: Technology Today" |
"This course is the fourth in a series of four English language MOOCs designed for students with an intermediate level of English looking to reach a higher intermediate level. The course is comprised of video lessons, reading comprehension activities, grammar explanations and exercises, listening comprehension activities and speaking practice. The course covers interesting topics such as cultural differences, aviation and global warming, historical monuments or technological innovation. This course also includes preparatory materials and recommendations to take the Cambridge University First Certificate in English Examination (FCE)."
Price: 50.00 |
"High Performance Finite Element Modeling" |
"Engineering simulations are rapidly becoming fundamental in virtually all industrial sectors, from medicine to energy, aerospace and beyond. In this course, you will learn the breakthrough general adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) and open source FEniCS software that will position you to take lead to effectively solve the grand challenges in science and engineering. The course targets engineers in industry, or engineering students at masters and doctoral level/or towards the end of a bachelor study. Learners that achieve top grades in this first course, in a series of two courses, will be offered access to a supercomputer, and more advanced simulations of turbulent flow."
Price: 45.00 |
"High Performance Finite Element Modeling – Part 2" |
"Engineering simulations are rapidly becoming fundamental in virtually all industrial sectors;from medicine to energy, aerospace and beyond. In this course, you will learn the breakthrough general adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) and open source FEniCS software that willenable you to solve the grand challenges in science and engineering. In this second course in the series, you will carry out advanced, time-resolved parallel simulations of aerodynamics, allowing you to understand the mechanism of flight."
Price: 55.00 |
"Venture Capital" |
"Als Unternehmer und Grunder eines Start-up-Unternehmens benotigen Sie Geld, um ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen aufzubauen. Sie benotigen Kapital, um ein großartiges Team einzustellen, einen Prototyp zu bauen, einen Markt zu erschließen und Ihren Marktanteil zu steigern. Woher bekommen Sie diese Art von Kapital? Ganz einfach: Von Venture Capitalists. Aber wie kommen Sie an dieses Kapital? Knifflige Frage?! Gut, dass es eine Einfuhrung in Venture Capital gibt. In diesem Einfuhrungskurs zu Venture Capital lernen Sie, wie Sie Geld fur Ihr Start-up bekommen. Sie lernen, was Risikokapitalgeber sind und wie sie denken. Sie lernen, was ihre Motive sind, wie sie investieren und was sie von Ihnen erwarten. Haben Sie schon mal von dem Ding namens ""Term Sheet"" gehort? Ganz egal, ob Sie den Begriff bereits kennen oder nicht, wir erklaren Ihnen, was er bedeutet und was Sie beachten sollten. Unsere Tipps und Tricks und Dos and Don'ts sollten Ihre Arbeit mit Risikokapitalgebern erleichtern. Wir erklaren Ihnen auch, was passiert, wenn ein VC in Ihr Unternehmen ein- und austritt. Dieser Kurs ist wirklich praxisorientiert! Zusatzlich zu den Vortragen von Professor Brettel erhalten Sie Informationen aus erster Hand: Insiderwissen von erfahrenen Unternehmern und Risikokapitalgeber. Sie werden von diesem Kurs in Ihrem taglichen Umgang mit Risikokapitalgebern profitieren."
Price: 99.00 |
"Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground Up" |
"Created specifically for those who are new to the study of probability, or for those who are seeking an approachable review of core concepts prior to enrolling in a college-level statistics course, Fat Chance prioritizes the development of a mathematical mode of thought over rote memorization of terms and formulae. Through highly visual lessons and guided practice, this course explores the quantitative reasoning behind probability and the cumulative nature of mathematics by tracing probability and statistics back to a foundation in the principles of counting. In Modules 1 and 2, you will be introduced to basic counting skills that you will build upon throughout the course. In Module 3, you will apply those skills to simple problems in probability. In Modules 4 through 6, you will explore how those ideas and techniques can be adapted to answer a greater range of probability problems. Lastly, in Module 7, you will be introduced to statistics through the notion of expected value, variance, and the normal distribution. You will see how to use these ideas to approximate probabilities in situations where it is difficult to calculate their exact values."
Price: 49.00 |
"EmSAT English Preparation - Level 1" |
"This Pre-Intermediate English as a Second Language course helps students with a current EmSAT score lower than 1175 to develop their reading and grammar skills. Students will develop exam strategies to prepare them for the reading and vocabulary sections of their exam. Additionally, students will develop writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. The course will consolidate and expand upon basic grammatical knowledge in writing and speaking. The course will also teach exam strategies for the writing & grammar sections of the exam. Students will develop an understanding of the different writing & grammar tasks on the exam and an awareness of appropriate discourse structures for exam writing tasks."
Price: 49.00 |
"EmSAT English Preparation - Level 2" |
"This Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language course that helps students with a current EmSAT scord between 1175 and 1225 to develop their reading and grammar skills. Students will develop exam strategies to prepare them for the reading and vocabulary sections of their exam. They will do this through understanding the different reading & vocabulary question types on the exam. The course also consolidates and expands upon basic grammatical knowledge, develops general English vocabulary and develops critical thinking. Additionally, students will develop writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. The course will consolidate and expand upon basic grammatical knowledge in writing and speaking. The course will also teach exam strategies for the writing & grammar sections of the exam. Students will develop an understanding of the different writing & grammar tasks on the exam and an awareness of appropriate discourse structures for exam writing tasks."
Price: 49.00 |
"Emirates Studies" |
"يتناول هذا المساق أهم الجوانب المتعلقة بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة من خلال تعريف المُتَعَلِّم بملامح التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للمجتمع الإماراتي وتأكيد قيمه وموروثاته الأساسية، وتقديم دراسات في مجالات جوهرية تتعلق بتاريخ الإمارات وجغرافيتها، وبسياستها الداخلية والخارجية، ونظمها الاجتماعية والتنمية الاجتماعية والبشرية والتركيبة السكانية فيها، ودور الإنسان الإماراتي التنموي والمسؤولية الاجتماعية، وتمكين المرأة ودورها في المجتمع، وتوجه الدولة نحو الطاقة المستدامة، والتطورات الاقتصادية والمؤشرات التنموية، وموقع دولة الإمارات في التنافسية العالمية، كما يعرض المساق رؤية الحكومة الاتحادية 2021 ورؤية أبوظبي 2030، وقضايا مستقبلية للخطط الاستراتيجية التنموية والتحديات التي تواجهها. يسعى هذا المساق إلى تحقيق الأهداف الآتية: تعزيز الهوية والانتماء الوطني وتقدير الإنجازات الوطنية. التعريف بالجوانب الاجتماعية الرئيسية لمجتمع الإمارات. ترسيخ مفهوم الاتحاد وأهمية الوحدة الوطنية. التعريف بجوانب التنمية الشاملة في دولة الإمارات. إبراز جهود القيادة الرشيدة في تطور الدولة ونهضتها. عرض دور المواطن الإماراتي في التنمية. التأكيد على الدور الريادي للدولة وموقعها المتميز في التنافسية العالمية."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Analytics and Visualization in Health Care" |
"Big data is transforming the health care industry relative to improving quality of care and reducing costs--key objectives for most organizations. Employers are desperately searching for professionals who have the ability to extract, analyze, and interpret data from patient health records, insurance claims, financial records, and more to tell a compelling and actionable story using health care data analytics. The course begins with a study of key components of the U.S. health care system as they relate to data and analytics. While we will be looking through a U.S. lens, the topics will be familiar to global learners, who will be invited to compare/contrast with their country's system. With that essential industry context, we'll explore the role of health informatics and health information technology in evidence-based medicine, population health, clinical process improvement, and consumer health. Using that as a foundation, we'll outline the components of a successful data analytics program in health care, establishing a ""virtuous cycle"" of data quality and standardization required for clinical improvement and innovation. The course culminates in a study of how visualizations harness data to tell a powerful, actionable story. We'll build an awareness of visualization tools and their features, as well as gain familiarity with various analytic tools."
Price: 249.00 |
"Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry" |
"Looking for a career that will never grow old? Looking for a job you can perform anywhere in the world? Looking for a daily business work environment of natural beauty, fun, entertainment, service, and creativity? Then, look no further than the Hospitality/Tourism Industry. This is a specialized ""service industry"" and just happens to be the world’s largest. The U.S. Travel Association reports that in 2018, travelers spent nearly $1.1 trillion in the U.S.—generating $171 billion in tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. This is just the United States! Worldwide figures will easily double that and more. This course will significantly expand your knowledge horizons with respect to the Hospitality/Tourism industry and start you along the academic pathway necessary to get your share of this enormous and extremely delicious career pie. Some specific job areas are event planning, food service, hotel/resort operations, human resources, tourism management, tour operations, and travel industry marketing. Enjoy!"
Price: 49.00 |
"Global Shakespeares: Re-Creating the Merchant of Venice" |
"William Shakespeare is the most performed playwright on the globe; this course brings his play The Merchant of Venice into the 21st century by comparing multiple recent performances, from film and television stagings to an international production that marked the first performance of the play in the former Jewish Ghetto of Venice, Italy. Students will: Learn how to read and perform Shakespeare Investigate the historical and contemporary context of Shakespeare’s works, including why and how they continue to be read and performed Gain insight from Shakespeare scholars, historians, theater professionals, and actors Produce and Perform selected scenes using the knowledge and techniques they have learned This course provides a rare opportunity to see how artists and performers today grapple with a play that is dramatically challenging in its mixture of comic and tragic elements, as well as its portrayal of gender relations and ethnic and religious prejudice. Along the way, Students will learn to read and understand Shakespeare with the help of recorded vignettes on historical and theatrical context by scholars and theater professionals, as well as performance tutorials and reflections delivered by the actors themselves. Students will also put into practice what they have learned, recording and producing short performances of selected scenes or speeches, and will be asked to consider and reflect upon how their choices foreground questions of historical context, gender relations, and/or the variability of dramatic modes. This course is of interest to anyone interested in Shakespeare and the theater, those who want to learn about the history of Shakespeare’s life and times, or those who desire a greater understanding of dramatic performance and their own creative process. This module may also function as an instructional aid for educators at the high school and university level with a focus on adapting Shakespeare for the theater or screen. Image by: Cathleen Nalezyty"
Price: 49.00 |
"Qualitative Research Methods: Conversational Interviewing" |
"This short course is adapted from a semester length graduate level coursetaught at MIT covering Qualitative Research Methods. This online course will focus specifically on teaching how to prepare for and conduct a conversational interview for data gathering purposes. We will also discuss the nature of qualitative research as a methodology, how it compares and differs from other forms of research, and how qualitative and quantitative research complement each other in a research project. This isthe first in a multi-part series which will be released over the coming year, which will focus on Conversational Interviewing, Data Analysis, and Constructing Theory. You might have encountered other forms of interview techniques in your studies and training. The form that we are teaching is the preferred method of Professor Silbey's, one that she has used extensively throughout her career. The goal is to construct an interview protocol such that you will be able to guide your interviewee through topics of interest to your study without bringing them up explicitly, in order to explore experiences and accounts without pointing respondents in particular directions. Not sure what an interview protocol is? No problem! You will by the end of the course."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Marketing: Tools to Set Enterprises Apart" |
"Want to learn how successful businesses use marketing to increase revenue, share and profitability? In an increasingly competitive market, marketing skills are vital to help organizations stand out, win customers, build loyalty and sustain long term impact and returns. This business and management course will help you understand the role of marketing and introduce you to the latest tools to help create value and competitive advantage for an enterprise. In an exciting age where innovation and new business models are required to stay ahead of competitors, we explore how new players in a market can achieve impact through marketing, providing you with unique insight to even apply within your own business venture. Learn how to build a compelling value proposition, establish presence in a market, and compete effectively against rivals. Learn how marketers use segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, design, pricing, channels and integrated marketing communications to win against competitors, attract customers and build brand loyalty. No previous knowledge of marketing is needed. All you need is an open-mind and the ability to think creatively."
Price: 49.00 |
"A System View of Communications: From Signals to Packets (Part 2)" |
"Have you ever wondered how information is transmitted using your mobile phone or a WiFi hotspot? This introductory course seeks to enable you to understand the basic engineering tools used and tradeoffs encountered in the design of these communication systems. This course is divided into three parts. In Part 1, we examine the point-to-point link, which communicates information from a single transmitter to a single receiver. Part 2 examines how multiple transmitters can share the same physical channel. Part 3 discusses how information can be transmitted reliably from one station to another over a network that connects multiple stations. Online interactive exercises are included to help build your intuition. This course was inspired by and built upon the course 6.02 Digital Communication Systems developed at MIT, which Prof Bertram Shi worked on during his sabbatical in 2009."
Price: 50.00 |
"A System View of Communications: From Signals to Packets (Part 3)" |
"Have you ever wondered how information is transmitted using your mobile phone or a WiFi hotspot? Gain an understanding of the basic engineering tools used and tradeoffs encountered in the design of these communication systems. This course is divided into three parts. In Part 1, we examine the point-to-point link, which communicates information from a single transmitter to a single receiver. Part 2 examines how multiple transmitters can share the same physical channel. Part 3 discusses how information can be transmitted reliably from one station to another over a network that connects multiple stations. Online interactive exercises are included to help build your intuition. This course was inspired by and built upon the course 6.02 Digital Communication Systems developed at MIT, which Prof Bertram Shi worked on during his sabbatical in 2009."
Price: 50.00 |
"Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs" |
"Despite medical and technological advances, half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, and over 8.9 million preventable deaths occur every year. There is an acute global shortage of health workers, a gap that will grow to 18 million by 2030. Studies show that training high-performing community health workers can help close these gaps and save more than 3 million lives annually. In the past few decades, many community health worker programs across the world have demonstrated their ability to save lives — including in the hardest-to-reach areas. Yet despite this progress, lessons on how to successfully scale these programs as part of national primary health systems are not widely shared. This course introduces learners to the core concepts of community health worker programs, and explores what is needed to build and strengthen large-scale programs in order to improve access to high-quality health services. The curriculum highlights the key components of designing community health systems, addresses common management challenges, and showcases lessons learned from a range of contributors — from community-level practitioners to government leaders and other global health experts. Through case studies of exemplar countries (including Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Liberia), participants will learn from leaders across the globe how to advocate for, build, and optimize community health worker programs. This course was created by health systems leaders for health systems leaders. Whether you work in a Ministry of Health, lead or support a community health worker program, mobilize resources and advocate for increased investment in community health, or you are simply interested in knowing what it takes to deliver quality care through community health worker programs, learners will have the opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills to implement critical change. This course can be taken individually, but learners are also encouraged to convene their colleagues from within or across organizations to share insights and further enhance the learning experience."
Price: 79.00 |
"Sheep in the Land of Fire and Ice" |
"Land use without adequate management can drive environmental degradation. Grazing management is an example of such land use and represents a common problem in many regions of the world. The aim of this short course is to raise awareness of the environmental risks associated with unsustainable management of natural resources. This course uses Iceland as a case study because here traditional sheep grazing has been associated with extensive environmental degradation. We examine the sustainability of sheep grazing in Iceland and explore how history, socioeconomic factors and environmental conditions have influenced the management of grazing resources. The development of sustainable management practices needs to take into account ecological, as well as economic and social aspects. We can devise general rules and guiding principles for management based on our current understanding of the socio-ecological systems, but fine-tuning of specific management decisions, for example regarding stocking rates or the duration of the grazing season will have to be site-specific. A better understanding of the consequences of these practices and how their ecological impacts vary under different environmental conditions will improve management decisions and increase the sustainability of management practices in the face of ongoing environmental changes."
Price: 50.00 |
"Le robot Thymio comme outil de découverte des sciences du numérique" |
"Le cours est structure en six chapitres. Le premier est dedie aux concepts de base en informatique et en robotique. Le deuxieme chapitre permet d'avoir une introduction au robot Thymio. Les chapitres 3, 4 et 5 introduisent la programmation du robot a travers differents environnements de complexite croissante. Le chapitre 6, enfin, montre la mise en pratique en classe des elements presentes dans les chapitres precedents."
Price: 50.00 |
"Foundations of Modern Finance I" |
"This is a two-part course, and part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance. It provides a rigorous and comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of modern finance and their applications to business challenges in valuation, investments, and corporate financial decisions under a unified framework. Completing this first course and program will help you prepare for a career as a financial analyst, financial advisor, vice president for finance, chief financial officer, and more. Finance provides a core function in any productive economy by providing a mechanism for savings, investment, and liquidity. Whether the learner is in a industrialized country or a developing country, financial services are essential for smooth functioning of the economy. The course is excellent preparation for anyone planning to take the CFA exams."
Price: 450.00 |
"Foundations of Modern Finance II" |
"Many of the most important financial decisions in business are done under uncertainty. This is the second course in the Foundations of Modern Finance series of courses, as part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance. It provides you with the science behind making financial decisions under uncertainty. We build on the core set of basic principles taught in the first part, and continue to develop a powerful and general framework for making financial decisions in business and in personal financial planning. We introduce financial derivative securities, and their valuation models, discuss the capital structure decision of firms, and explore the interaction between investing and financing. At the center of financial decision making is the valuation problem. How much value does a business investment create? What is a fair price to pay for a financial asset? We develop models and analytics for measuring risk and for valuing financial assets. We apply valuation models to financial securities, including stocks and bonds, and to project valuation and capital budgeting. The course is excellent preparation for anyone planning to take the CFA exams."
Price: 450.00 |
"Financial Accounting" |
"Accounting is the language of business. It is difficult to understand business without knowing some accounting. Knowing accounting will help learners better understand and contribute to their own companies and better understand business around them. The course also helps students use the financial statements to gather inputs to valuation models and for corporate finance decisions. Finance Accounting is part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance. It provides a rigorous introduction to the principles of financial accounting. We will focus on the preparation and analysis of financial statements, and on why financial statements take the form they do. We will cover the basic structure of financial reports and the process of recording transactions. We will also learn how investors, creditors, and other users analyze financial statements to assess corporate performance. The course will focus on using the financial statements to gather inputs to valuation models and for corporate finance decisions. This course offers general managers, financial analysts, financial advisors, quantitative researchers, asset managers, risk managers, quantitative developers working in financial services, professionals servicing the financial industry the tools to succeed. Undergraduate and graduate students looking to enter business in general or finance in particular would also benefit greatly from this valuable course. The course is excellent preparation for anyone planning to take the CFA exams."
Price: 450.00 |
"Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance" |
"Modern finance is the science of decision making in an uncertain world, and its language is mathematics. As part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance, this course develops the tools needed to describe financial markets, make predictions in the face of uncertainty, and find optimal solutions to business and investment decisions. This course will help anyone seeking to confidently model risky or uncertain outcomes. Its topics are essential knowledge for applying the theory of modern finance to real-world settings. Quants, traders, risk managers, investment managers, investment advisors, developers, and engineers will all be able to apply these tools and techniques. The course is excellent preparation for anyone planning to take the CFA exams."
Price: 450.00 |
"Derivatives Markets: Advanced Modeling and Strategies" |
"Financial derivatives are ubiquitous in global capital markets, and those products and the institutions around them continue to evolve at a rapid pace. This course is part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance, and is designed for students seeking to develop a sophisticated and durable understanding of valuation and hedging methods, and a basic familiarity with major markets and instruments. Tools for quantifying, hedging, and speculating on risk are emphasized. Topics include forwards, futures and options in the stock, fixed income and commodity markets, exotic options, real options, interest rate and currency swaps, mortgages, credit risk, securitization, the yield curve, duration and convexity. The knowledge and skills acquired are essential for any well-trained financial practitioner. They will be most useful for those planning a career in sales and trading, portfolio management, commercial banking, investment banking, insurance, as a hedge fund manager, or as an analyst or manager in a public sector financial institution, central bank, or financial regulatory agency. Corporate financial managers, as consumers of complex financial products and hedging instruments, will also benefit from this knowledge. The course is excellent preparation for anyone planning to take the CFA exams."
Price: 450.00 |
"The UN Sustainable Development Goals: an Interdisciplinary Academic Introduction" |
"The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which were adopted in 2015, will determine the course of the global social, ecological and economic agenda until 2030. Information about the different SDGs is abundantly available but a comprehensive framework that brings them all together coherently is often lacking. This course provides a general and accessible academic introduction to SDGs in all its facets. A highly interdisciplinary team of experts will offer their insight into the intricacies of the matter, while practitioners in the domain of the SDGs are closely engaged in the discussion."
Price: 49.00 |
"Assessment of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP I" |
"In this course, you will learn how to use the RAMP tool to identify and assess risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in manual handling at the workplace. RAMP is a newly launched tool for assessment and handling of MSD risks in manual handling jobs. RAMP stands for Risk Assessment and Management tool for manual handling Proactively. The RAMP tool is unique in its high usability, developed and evaluated scientifically, in close collaboration between industry and researchers from KTH. In this course, you will gain basic knowledge of MSD risk factors and injuries related to manual handling and their consequences for individuals, organisations and society. You will get an overview of the risk management tool RAMP and how each of the four modules should be applied. You will also get hands-on training in carrying out risk assessments with the RAMP I module and learn how to interpret the results, as well as how to proceed in the risk management process. This course is the first of three courses in the Professional Certificateprogram where you become proficient in how to use the RAMP tool for systematic risk management of MSDs in manual handling jobs. The Program comprises of three courses that each will take 15-25 hours of work to complete. On successful completion of the whole Program you get a Professional Certificate as proof of your proficiency in using RAMP."
Price: 150.00 |
"Risk Management of Work Related injuries using RAMP II" |
"This course targets learners that want to manage and improve the work environment with regard to preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) caused by manual work. In this course, you will get hands-on training of how to perform systematic risk management from identification and assessment of risks, to development of solutions and action plans, with the use of the RAMP-tool. RAMP is a newly launched tool for assessment and handling of MSD risks in manual handling jobs, and stands for Risk Assessment and Management tool for manual handling Proactively. The RAMP tool is unique in its high usability, developed and evaluated scientifically, in close collaboration between industry and researchers from KTH. This is the second of three courses included in the only Professional Certificate program where you become proficient in how to use the RAMP tool for systematic risk management of MSDs in manual handling jobs. The Program comprises of three courses that each will take 15-25 hours of work to complete. On successful completion of the whole program, youwill earn a Professional Certificate as proof of your proficiency in using RAMP."
Price: 150.00 |
"Proficiency in using RAMP for Risk Management of work-related injuries" |
"This course targets learners that want to improve their skills and become proficient in managing and developing the work environment with regard to preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) caused by manual work. In this course, you will sharpen your skills to perform the whole risk management process systematically with the use of the RAMP-tool. You will receive feedback on your assessment related to authentic cases including the identification and assessment of risks, and the development of solutions and action plans. RAMP is a newly launched tool for assessment and handling of MSD risks in manual handling jobs and stands for Risk Assessment and Management tool for manual handling Proactively. The RAMP tool is unique in its high usability, developed and evaluated scientifically, in close collaboration between industry and researchers from KTH. This is the third and final course included in the only Professional Certificate program where you become proficient in how to use the RAMP tool for systematic risk management of MSDs in manual handling jobs. The Program comprises of three courses that each will take 15-25 hours of work to complete. On successful completion of the whole Program, youwill receive a Professional Certificate as proof of your proficiency in using RAMP."
Price: 150.00 |
"Approche systémique pour la gouvernance des systèmes de santé" |
"Comment faire pour renforcer la première ligne de soins ? Comment accompagner les réformes qui aboutissent à une réduction de séjour hospitalier ? Que mettre en place comme modalités d’accompagnement pour des personnes âgées vivant à domicile, en perte d’autonomie ? Créer plus de maison de repos ou développer des services à domicile ? Ces questions illustrent des décisions parfois difficiles à prendre pour assurer en même temps les meilleurs services de santé possibles et une gestion réaliste des ressources disponibles. Vous êtes impliqué*e dans la gestion, le management ou la coordination de réseaux de soins, de systèmes locaux de santé, d’un organisme médico-social, d’un hôpital, d’une maison de repos, d’une maison médicale, d’ONG... ? Ces questions vous sont sans doute familières. Et si vous appreniez à les examiner sous un nouvel angle? Les enjeux et les réformes actuelles dans l’organisation des soins de santé mettent en avant le besoin depenser différemmentla gouvernance des soins de santé. On s’accorde aujourd’hui sur l’importance de ne pas se limiter à une approche de causalité linéaire centrée sur l’identification d’interventions efficaces. Reconnaitre la complexité de différentes situations dans une approche systémique s’avère plus porteur. Ce cours vous propose une méthode et des outils pour analyser et améliorer la gouvernance des systèmes de santé dans le cadre d’une approche systémique. À partir de cas concrets, vous découvrirez des concepts et des modèles théoriques qui transformeront votre regard sur ces situations. Vous développerez une compréhension systémique des dynamiques en jeu et des interactions entre agents et caractéristiques du système. Vous pourrez alors penser et accompagner des changements de système. Vous serez invité*e à appliquer cette démarche à des situations problématiques issues de votre propre contexte et à collaborer à leur analyse systémique avec les autres apprenants. Si vous choisissez la trajectoire certifiante, vous aurez l’occasion de mener une analyse complète de votre projet personnel avec l’équipe enseignante."
Price: 50.00 |