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"Schleich Dinosaurs - Tyrannosaurus Rex Figure" |
"The thirteen metre long Tyrannosaurus Rex was a two legged predatory dinosaur With its powerful head and nearly 20 centimetre long teeth this dinosaur was an extremely impressive contemporary Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked quite threatening it could hardly use its front legs armed with just two claws since they did not even reach his mouth Nearly seven metres tall and thirteen metres long the Tyrannosaurus Rex was probably not a very skilled hunter but rather a scavenger which probably fed on the leavings of other animals It had more than fifty teeth measuring more than 15 centimetres in length which it used not for chewing but rather for tearing since it swallowed its food in large chunks To improve depth-perception when searching for food the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were oriented toward the front such that the fields of vision of both eyes overlapped Fun Fact If this powerful predatory dinosaur lost one of its dagger-like teeth a new one would grow back within a matter of weeks Features - Premium Quality - Motif Tyrannosaurus Rex - Moveable Lower Jaw - Scary Dinosaur Action Pose - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Suitable for Ages Three or Above - Dimensions (WxDxH) 11 x 37 x 55 Inch Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Tyrannosaurus Rex - Conservation Status Extinct - Primary Habitat Forest Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 20.99 |
"Schleich Dinosaurs - Stegosaurus Figure" |
"The huge heavy Stegosaurus populated the earth more than 150 million years ago It had large bony plates on its back and sharp spikes on its powerful tail The Stegosaurus was about as big as a coach up to nine metres long and four metres high For a long it was regarded as the least intelligent dinosaur because its brain was hardly bigger than a ping-pong ball It only weighed 80 grams with a body weight of 45 tonnes Today it is believed that it had a kind of second brain in the base of its tail Although it was a herbivore and subsisted on low growing ferns its teeth were far too pointed for chewing ? they were similar to small saw blades It swallowed stones in order to shred the plants in its stomach Fun Fact The Stegosaurus weighed up to 45 tonnes but its brain weighed just a mere 80 grams Features - Premium Quality - Motif Stegosaurus - Includes Booklet - Scary Dinosaur Action Pose - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 59 x 41 x 43 Inch Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Stegosaurus - Global Home North America Europe - Conservation Status Extinct"
Price: 16.49 |
"Schleich Dinosaurs - Dunkleosteus Figure" |
"The Dunkleosteus was an armoured fish with a length of eight to ten metres which was unusually large for the Devonian period It was one of the first giants of the underwater world together with the Titanichthys The Dunkleosteus lived 130-150 million years before the first dinosaurs It was a fearless hunter who could snap incredibly fast and ate large sharks and even its own kind if no other prey was to be found Fossils of fish which were only half digested have often been discovered alongside its skeleton Scientists therefore believe that the armoured fish was not able to chew very well and swallowed it prey in large pieces It was named after the palaeontologist David Dunkle The word osteos is Greek for bone Fun Fact Instead of teeth the Dunkleosteus had long sharp bony plates in its strong jaw Features - Premium Quality - Motif Dunkleosteus - Moveable Lower Jaw - Includes Booklet - Scary Dinosaur Action Pose - Highly Detailed - Suitable for Ages Three or Above - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 85 x 35 x 26 Inch Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Dunkleosteus - Conservation Status Extinct Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 17.49 |
"Schleich Dinosaurs - Acrocanthosaurus Figure" |
"The Acrocanthosaurus was around the same size and weight as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Giganotosaurus Unlike many other dinosaurs it had seven openings in its skull rather than five It also had lots of neural spines on its neck back and tail which probably formed a small sail Fun Fact The openings in the Acrocanthosaurus's huge skull reduced its weight Features - Premium Quality - Motif Acrocanthosaurus - Moveable Lower Jaw - Includes Booklet - Scary Dinosaur Action Pose - Highly Detailed - Suitable for Ages Three or Above - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 88 x 47 x 55 Inch Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Acrocanthosaurus - Conservation Status Extinct Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 18.99 |
"Schleich Dinosaurs - Tyrannosaurus Rex Plastic Figure" |
"The Tyrannosaurus rex looked very menacing but was hardly capable of using it short front legs equipped with two claws as they could not even reach its mouth At nearly seven metres in height and thirteen metres long the Tyrannosaurus rex was probably not a particularly good hunter but rather a scavenger that fed on what other animals left behind It had over fifty teeth measuring over 15 cm in length but it didn&39;t use them to chew but to tear swallowing its food in large pieces In order to better perceive depths while hunting for food the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus rex were pointed forwards allowing the field of vision of its eyes to overlap Fun Fact If this mighty predator lost one of its dagger-like teeth it grew back within a few weeks Features - Premium Quality - Motif Tyrannosaurus Rex - Moveable Lower Jaw - Scary Dinosaur Action Pose - Highly Detailed - Suitable for Ages Three or Above - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 124 x 453 x 571 Inch Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Tyrannosaurus Rex - Global home North America - Conservation Status Extinct Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 21.49 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Alligator Figure" |
"Alligators are easy to recognise because the teeth in their lower jaw are not visible from the side The alligator is a dangerous predator with exceptionally strong jaw muscles Only the white shark can bite harder than him The interesting thing Only the muscles that close the jaws are extremely strong The muscles that open the snout are so weak that they can be closed with simple tape Compared to the saltwater crocodile alligators are smaller and much wider They live only in rivers and lakes in the south-eastern part of the United States and China Features - Premium Quality - Motif Alligator - With Moveable Lower Jaw - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 75 x 23 x 15 inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact From the side it looks like the alligator is grinning Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Alligatoridae - Global Home America China - Conservation Status Least Concern - Primary Habitat Bogs Permanent Rivers Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Crocodile Figure" |
"Crocodiles are the largest reptiles in the world and the closest living relatives of birds with whom they share a lineage from the archosaurs The saltwater crocodile is the most dangerous of all crocodiles It holds the record for the largest crocodile It can weigh up to a ton as much as a small car While most crocodiles live in rivers and lakes the saltwater crocodile is the only one that can deal with both fresh water and saltwater of the seas In addition to the saltwater crocodile there are many other kinds a total of 25 These include for example the Nile crocodile the armoured crocodile alligators and caimans Features - Premium Quality - Motif Crocodile - With Moveable Lower Jaw - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 71 x 26 x 2 inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact The saltwater crocodile is the world?s largest crocodile Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Crocodylia - Global Home Africa Asia Central America - Conservation Status Least Concern - Primary Habitat Bogs Permanent Rivers Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 12.49 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Giraffe Calf Figure" |
"At the time of their birth baby giraffes already weigh 50 kilograms and fall from a height of two metres to the ground But they don't hurt themselves and can already run after a short time Baby giraffes are reared together with other young animals in a kind of kindergarten A female giraffe from the herd acts as the 'nursery school teacher' and looks after the calves while the other mothers search for food If predators approach she immediately raises the alarm Then the female giraffes stand protectively in front of their babies and kick at the attackers At around four months they start to pluck and eat the small leaves from trees but they still suckle from their mothers until they are ninth months Features - Premium Quality - Motif Giraffe Calf - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 27 x 14 x 46 inch Fun Fact New-born baby giraffes are already 180 centimetres tall as big as a grown man Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Giraffa Camelopardalis - Global Home Africa - Conservation Status Least Concern - Primary Habitat Moist Savanna Subtropical Forest Subtropical Shrubland"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Female Zebra Figure" |
"Zebras live in the African savannah and belong to the horse family Each zebra has a unique fur coat pattern consisting of black and white stripes Even its mane is striped The pattern provides camouflage confuses predators protects against mosquitoes makes the heat more bearable and helps the animals to recognise each other Features - Premium Quality - Motif Female Zebra - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 472 x 126 x 335 inch Fun Fact Zebras have a protruding mane as it conceals a supporting layer of fat under it Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Equus Quagga - Global Home Africa Asia - Conservation Status Near Threatened - Primary Habitat Savanna"
Price: 12.49 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Wolf Figure" |
"It is said that wolves howl at the moon but their sounds actually serve to communicate with each other By howling they want to draw the attention of the other pack members to something important call them to hunt together or try to drive away wolves that don't belong to the pack Their cries can be heard for many kilometres Features - Premium Quality - Motif Wolf - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 1030 x 210 x 520 cm Fun Fact Wolves can cover a distance of 50-70 km in just one day Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Canis Lupus - Global Home Europe Asia North Africa North America - Conservation Status Least Concern - Primary Habitat Cold Desert Grassland"
Price: 9.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Giant Tortoise Figure" |
"The giant tortoise from Schleich Wild Life has a large dome-shaped shell In nature it can grow 100 to 120 cm long Giant tortoises are large and can weigh over 400 kg Like the giant tortoise from Schleich Wild Life they have short but powerful legs that they use to move around in the search for fresh grass and herbs The reptiles can reach an impressive age and often live more than 100 years in the wild Features - Premium Quality - Motif Giant tortoise - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 307 x 169 x 161 Inch Fun Fact When they are in danger the giant tortoises pull their head and legs back into their shell Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Chelonoidis Nigra - Global Home Pacific Ocean - Conservation Status Critically Endangered - Primary Habitat Forest Grassland Savanna Shrubland"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Komodo Dragon Figure" |
"The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world An ambush predator it waits in the high grass for small rodents birds and other reptiles It tries to bite them with its short sharp teeth If it succeeds the animals do not die because of the bite but because of a poisonous fluid that it transmits via glands in its mouth Features - Premium Quality - Motif Komodo Dragon - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 1560 x 620 x 470 cm Fun Fact The Komodo dragon can detect its prey at a distance of up to 95 km Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Varanus Komodoensis - Global Home Asia and Australia - Conservation Status Vulnerable - Primary Habitat Moist Savanna"
Price: 12.49 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Baby Hippopotamus Figure" |
"The hippopotamus family has new members with the hippopotamus calves from Schleich Wild Life! Hippos are large heavy herbivores that live near rivers and lakes in Africa Calves are often born in the water and can even be suckled underwater At birth the hippopotamus calves already have strong legs just like the ones from Schleich Wild Life and can walk soon after being born After a couple of weeks the impressive tusk-like canine teeth of these mammals start to grow Features - Premium Quality - Motif Baby Hippopotamus - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 267 x 098 x 157 Inch Fun Fact Hippos can't swim well but they spend almost their entire life in the water Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Hippopotamus Amphibius - Global Home Africa - Conservation Status Vulnerable - Primary Habitat Wetlands"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Dromedary Figure" |
"The dromedary from Schleich Wild Life has like in nature just one hump It is also known as a one-humped camel Dromedaries live in the deserts of Africa and Asia They eat mostly leaves dry grass and thorny plants The hump of the mammal isn't used to store water; it stores fat If they can't find any food in the desert they can live off it for weeks The dromedary from Schleich Wild Life has eaten well recently and has an upright well-filled hump Features - Premium Quality - Motif Dromedary - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 551 x 133 x 393 Inch Fun Fact If a sandstorm comes the dromedary can close its nostrils so that no sand gets in Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Camelus Dromedarius - Global Home Africa Asia Australia - Conservation Status Not Evaluated - Primary Habitat Desert"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Baby Killer Whale Figure" |
"The killer whale calf from Schleich Wild Life has a distinctive black and white marking just like in nature Killer whales are also known as orcas and are actually part of the dolphin family The animals are easy to differentiate from other whales thanks to their distinctive colouring While the skin on their back is pitch-black their bellies are a bright white as you can see on the killer whale calf from Schleich Wild Life After just a few months the calves start hunting for their own fish marine mammals and sea birds Features - Premium Quality - Motif Baby Killer Whale - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 401 x 192 x 149 Inch Fun Fact At birth the belly of a killer whale calf is initially cream or apricot coloured Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Orcinus Orca - Global Home Oceans - Conservation Status Data Deficient - Primary Habitat Sea"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Dinosaurs - Cryolophosaurus Figure" |
"The cryolophosaurus from Schleich Dinosaurs has a forward-facing bony crest on its head When the cryolophosaurus from Schleich Dinosaurs opens its movable jaw you can see its dangerous teeth! In the Early Jurassic epoch it was the largest carnivorous dinosaur and is the first dinosaur whose fossils were found in Antarctica When it roamed the earth this part of the earth was not yet covered in ice Instead it was covered with forests though in the winter months temperatures dropped to under zero which was extremely cold for dinosaurs Features - Premium Quality - Motif Cryolophosaurus - With Moveable Lower Jaw - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 972 x 35 x 417 Inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Cryolophosaurus is also known as 'Elvisaurus' because its bony crest looks similar to Elvis' hairstyle Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Cryolophosaurus - Global Home Antarctic - Conservation Status Extinct Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 17.49 |
"Schleich Farm World - Border Collie Figure" |
"Border Collies are passionate sheepdogs They love nothing more than protecting sheep They are obedient nimble intelligent and tireless - as well as being extremely graceful and noble Border Collies are real bundles of energy and love all mental and physical challenges They often complete tasks quicker than their masters can come up with new ones for them to do They can even learn to wind down car windows jump a skipping rope or balance glasses of water on their nose It's no wonder that they regularly win the awards at agility and retrieving competitions In addition Border Collies can understand up to 1000 words - far more than a two-year-old child Features - Premium Quality - Motif Border Collie - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 24 x 07 x 16 Inch Fun Fact Border Collies are regarded as the most intelligent of all dogs - even ahead of German Shepherds and Poodles"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Horse Wash Area" |
"In order that horses can be properly groomed there is a new washing area Playing is now even more fun with this attractive set including figures and accessories After a joint ride it goes without saying that the horse needs to be washed and groomed Rider and horse enjoy such care to the fullest Just having been curried the horse is returned to the box As nice as a long ride across nearby meadows and along adjacent forest tracks is it is also wonderful to caress and groom your horse That is why true equestrians look forward to washing and feeding their horse as much as their horses get excited about the fond care of their owner Features - Premium Quality - Motif Horse Wash Area - Including Horse Horse Trainer and Various Accessory Parts - Removable Brushes - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 75 x 43 x 68 Inch - Suitable for Ages 5 to 12 Years - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Most of the horses are keen on being hosed down and groomed Contents - 1x Washing Area - 1x Hanoverian Stallion - 1x Horse Groom - 1x Silver Bucket - 1x Headstall - 1x Grooming Box - 1x Harness Blue - 1x Grooming Brush - 1x Saddle Stand - 1x Leisure Saddle - 1x Bridle Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 25.99 |
"Schleich Farm World - Feed For Pigs And Piglets" |
"Pigs are real connoisseurs They can't wait to see what delicious feed the farmer has prepared for them Today it's delicious lettuce beets and potatoes Pigs don't just love clean fresh food they also love a bit of variety In addition to nutritious grains like oats barley and maize pigs also love to eat green vegetables The farmer has just brought some for the pigs from his vegetable patch and filled up their large feed box He has cut the beets into smaller pieces beforehand so that the pigs can chew them more easily He has also harvested some crisp lettuce The boiled potatoes are a particularly special treat The pig and piglet go crazy for them! Features - Premium Quality - Motif 35 x 14 x 55 Inch - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 14 x 55 Inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Pigs love to eat potatoes - including raw ones But they mustn't be green otherwise they're poisonous Contents - 1x Salad - 1x Fodder Beet - 1x Potato - 1x Feeding Box Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 8.99 |
"Schleich Farm World - Stables Cleaning Kit At The Farm" |
"The farmer loads up the big wheelbarrow with hay to take to his animals This way he can transport 50-100 kg at once He tosses the feed into the rack with a pitchfork A pitchfork is ideal for all foodstuffs with long stalks including beets It's the perfect way to put them into the trough You need a lot of skill and the correct method to use a pitchfork properly Right-handed people usually hold their left hand against their body so that they can get more leverage with their strong right hand When the farmer has finished his work for fun he sometimes arranges a wheelbarrow race on the farmyard There's actually a world championship for this sport which takes place every summer in Saxony Germany Features - Premium Quality - Motif Stables Cleaning Kit at the Farm - Hay can be Picked Up with the Pitchfork - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 14 x 63 Inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Pitchforks for hay always have three prongs Pitchforks for dung have an extra prong Contents - 1x Wheelbarrow - 1x Pitchfork - 2x Hay that can be Picked Up Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Farm World - Feeding The Farm Animals Set" |
"The farmer has lots to do his hungry animals are already calling for food He fills the feed box grabs the pitchfork and uses it to fill up the handy wheelbarrow The farmer knows precisely which food his animals like best He gives the hay to the cows After spreading it evenly in the rack he gets another few bags of pellets and empties them into the trough Now it's the pigs' turn They also eat hay and grain but they need fresh vegetables too to keep them happy and healthy The farmer puts lettuce potatoes and beets into the big feed box that he brings over to them After his work is done he contentedly watches the animals eating Features - Premium Quality - Motif Feeding the Farm Animals - Hay can be Picked Up with the Pitchfork - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 75 x 32 x 45 Inch - Suitable for Ages 3 to 8 Years - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact In a wheelbarrow the weight needs to be positioned over the front wheel otherwise it's hard to move it Contents - 1x Yellow Fodder Bag - 1x Green Fodder Bag - 1x Feeding Box - 1x Salad - 1x Fodder Beet - 1x Potato - 1x Milk Jug - 1x Blue Bucket - 1x Wheelbarrow - 1x Pitchfork - 2x Hay that can be Picked Up Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 14.49 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Big Horse Show With Horses" |
"The big horse show has begun! Only the fastest rider with the fewest faults gets to stand on the victor's podium at the end They get a wonderful trophy and their horse gets a beautiful victor's wreath The horse show is a big challenge for horses and riders The thick stone wall requires their full concentration But the big water jump is also tricky many horses have shied away from the glittering water By contrast what makes the jumps made of poles and planks of wood so daunting to the riders is their height The riders need to stay calm and not knock any of the poles off - and of course they need to be faster than the other competitors The course can be rearranged in lots of different ways with the numerous obstacles flags trees and markings Features - Premium Quality - Motif Big Horse Show with Horses - Variably Adjustable Obstacles - Variably Connectible Fence System - Detachable Decoration on the Winners' Podium - Use the Fences to Make a Paddock - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 111 x 62 x 23 cm - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years - Suitable for Ages 5 to 12 Years Contents - 1x Podium with Roof - 1x Gate - 21x Fence - 1x Trakehner Stallion - 1x Red Show Jumping Rider - 1x Show Jumping Saddle - 2x Bridle - 1x Trakehner Stallion - 1x Tournament Rider - 1x Tournament Saddle - 1x Blue Jump - 1x Red Jump - 1x Green Jump - 1x Jump Wall - 1x Jump Water Trench with Flowers - 4x Large Flag - 2x Small Flag - 2x Boxtree - 1x Trophy - 1x Silver Medal - 1x Yellow Victory Ribbon - 1x Red Victory Ribbon - 1x Purple Victory Ribbon - 1x Victory Wreath - 2x Stickers - 7x Jump Numbers Fun Fact In order to ensure that the horses don't get injured the stone walls used in show jumping aren't made of real stone Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 82.49 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Riding Centre With Rider And Horses" |
"The new stable building is ready With its green doors and pink windows it looks simply incredible Lissi and the other girls can?t wait The horses are in big stalls They have bales of straw and feed but they all want to ride out first Finally! The new stable building is ready! Excitedly Lissi gets into the car Her mum sets off ''Hopefully it really is as beautiful as Mr Miller the owner promised!'' hopes Lissi She leaps out the instant they arrive at the stables ''Wow! It's even more beautiful than I imagined!'' With its green doors and pink windows and window frames the stable building really does look simply incredible Lissi immediately runs over from the car to the stable building Her beloved Arab mare Stella is in one of the big stalls ''I missed you so much!'' she exclaims The two days they'd had to wait before they could finally see each other again had really felt like ages She embraces her horse and fetches the feed box with apples and carrots She feeds Stella ? and then the two of them can finally ride out What a wonderful day! The sun is shining a young Arab foal is prancing around the paddock the birds are singing and Lissi is delighted by the new stable building Later she will brush and feed her mare again and cover her in her special present ? a brand-new blanket Fun Fact The girls were allowed to help design this stable building That's why it turned out so incredibly beautiful Features - Premium Quality - Motif Riding Centre with Rider and Horse - Roof with Paddocks becomes an open Riding Arena - Fence Parts can be Connected in Any Way - Equipped with Hay Racks - Drinking Troughs and Tack Holder - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Suitable for Ages Five to 12 Years - Dimensions (WxDxH) 224 x 55 x 15 Inch Contents - 1x Riding Centre - 12x Paddocks - 2x Flower Boxes - 1x Arabian Mare - 1x Arabian Foal - 1x Leisure Rider - 1x Leisure Saddle - 1x Bridle - 1x Blanket - 1x Headstall - 1x Hay - 4x Hay Feeder - 4x Drinking Trough - 4x Saddle Holder - 1x Beige Massage Brush - 1x Harness - 1x Hoof Pick - 1x Grooming Box - 1x Carrot - 1x Green Apple - 1x Pitchfork - 1x Sticker Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 122.49 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Pick Up With Horse Box" |
"Today the Friesian mare Raja is being taken to her new stall Her groom Betty leads her carefully into the spacious horse box Then she gets into the pick-up and the journey can begin Good luck in the new stall Raja! Because she loves it so much Betty the groom gives her Friesian mare Raja another good brush The horse can sense that something special is happening today And she's right today Raja is being taken to her new stall After she has been properly tended to Betty leads her carefully into the spacious horse box Raja has a calm and peaceful temperament but it still makes her very excitable Then Betty gets into the pick-up and they slowly set off from the stables During the journey the mare looks around curiously They will soon be at the new stall ? and then first things first Raja will be allowed out onto the paddock Fun Fact Lots of horses get agitated when they travel in the horse box But if they're well tended to they will be less excitable Features - Premium Quality - Motif Pick Up with Horse Box - Detachable Roof - Trailers Big Enough to Hold Two Horses - Room for Saddle and Bridle - Room for Animal Feed and Water - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 515 x 145 x 125 cm - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years - Suitable for Ages 5 to 12 Years Contents - 1x Baler - 1x Driver - 1x Horse Trailer - 1x Friesian Mare - 1x Horse Groomer - 1x Blanket - 1x Headstall - 1x Carrot - 1x Black Grooming Brush - 1x Blue Harness - 1x Leisure Saddle - 1x Bridle - 2x Hay Bale - 1x Carrot Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 59.49 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Vet At Work Playset" |
"Expansion set for the CROCO jungle research station Accompany Mary the vet on her work in the jungle and help her to treat injured animals Expansion set for the CROCO jungle research station Accompany Mary the vet on her work in the jungle and help her to treat injured animals Playset with vet baby orangutan and accessories There are also other playsets based around the CROCO research station for you to discover so you can complete your jungle world! Features - Premium Quality - Motif Vet at Work - The Rucksack has Space for all the Essentials You Need To Administer Medical Treatment to Jungle Animals - Rucksack can be Opened and Closed - Bandage can be Wrapped Around the Injured Baby Orangutan - The Rucksack Fits on All Schleich Human Figures - Mary the Vet Has Movable Arms and Legs - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 22 x 53 Inch - Suitable for Ages 3 to 8 Years - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Bandage can be wrapped around the injured baby orangutan Contents - 1x Mary the Vet - 1x Baby Orangutan - 1x Rucksack - 1x Stethoscope - 2x Bandages - 1x Salve - 1x Feeding Bottle Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 17.49 |
"Schleich Horse Club - English Thoroughbred Horse FigureWith Blanket" |
"Unpack and start playing right away the new playsets are here! All Schleich figures are lovingly hand-painted with detailed modelling and allow children to learn as they play Thoroughbreds are very fast slender racehorses that are descended from Arab horses They are primarily used for flat racing Since they are very sensitive to cold they need a large padded blanket to keep them warm even in the stable Features - Premium Quality - Motif English Thoroughbred with Blanket - Removable Blanket and Halter - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 74 x 2 x 65 Inch - Suitable for Ages 5 to 12 Years - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact English Thoroughbreds can't be kept outdoors because they aren't robust enough Scientific Facts - Scientific Name Equus Ferus Caballus - Conservation Status Least Concern - Global Home Worldwide Contents - 1x English Thoroughbred Mare - 1x Blanket - 1x Halter - 1x Bag of Treats Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 14.99 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Foal Care Set" |
"There's a new arrival at the stables! Healthy and full of life the little foal frolics around on the paddock to the delight of everyone who sees it It has already learned to trust people and got used to its pretty halter Using a horse brush and curry comb the groom gently cleans its coat She then feeds it by hand from the little bottle Features - Premium Quality - Motif Foal Care - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 10 x 63 Inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years Fun Fact Finally she puts a warm cosy blanket over the foal to prevent it from freezing Contents - 1x Foal Blanket - 1x Halter - 1x Small Bottle - 1x Curry Comb Blue - 1x Horse Brush - 1x Apple Red Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 10.99 |
"Schleich Horse Club - Mobile Vet With Hanoverian Foal Figure" |
"The vet is driving as fast as she can to the scene of an urgent emergency a Hanoverian foal has been injured! She examines the animal with the mobile X-ray machine that she transported in the car's spacious boot To make sure the foal gets better again quickly she gives it an injection with medicine from her medical bag and then records her diagnosis on her laptop Fun Fact The vet uses the high-tech X-ray machine to check whether the horse has broken any bones Features - Premium Quality - Motif Mobile Vet with Hanoverian Foal - The Roof and Side Wall can be Folded Open for Optimum Playability - The Horse Club Horse Box can be Attached to the Mobile Vet's Car - Doors Open and Close - The Vet has Movable Arms and can Hold Individual Accessories Sit or Stand - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 30 x 25 x 14 cm - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years - Suitable for Ages 5 to 12 Years Contents - 1x Car - 1x Vet - 1x Hanoverian Foal - 1x Medical Bag - 1x Stethoscope - 1x Syringe - 1x Medicine Bottle - 1x Laptop - 1x X-ray Machine - 1x Bandage Purple - 1x Halter - 1x Apple Green - 1x Table - 1x Chair - 1x Prescription Pad - 1x Plasters Sticker Sheet - 1x Sticker Sheet - 1x Assembly Instructions Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 42.99 |
"Schleich Farm World - Dog Kennel" |
"The Australian Shepherd is a very sporty energetic dog It loves being outside and herding sheep The new kennel offers it protection from wind and rain In order to keep out the cold weather the kennel is insulated with a thick warm layer of padding Features - Premium Quality - Motif Horse Stall with Arab Horses and Groom - Storage Space Provides Enough Room for Feed and Additional Accessories - Girl with Moving Arms - The Dog Kennel Can be Played with Using All Schleich Dogs - Detachable Roof - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Dimensions (WxDxH) 75 x 27 x 45 inch - Not Suitable for Ages 0 to 3 Years - Suitable for Ages 3 to 8 Years Contents - 1x Kennel - 1x Girl - 1x Female Australian Shepherd - 1x Bowl - 1x Lead Fun Fact Covers and cushions make the kennel the favourite place for man's best friend Warning! Not Suitable for Children Under Three Years Due to Swallowable Small Parts Choking Hazard"
Price: 20.99 |
"Schleich Wild Life - Safari Starter Set" |
"Children can discover wild animals with the Wild Life Starter Set The life-like Schleich animals with elaborate detail stimulate children to play creatively allowing them to come up with their first adventurous stories from the wilderness of the safari Fun Fact It takes five years for the mane of a male lion to grow fully Features - Premium Quality - Motif Safari Starter Set - Lion Zebra African Elephant Baby and Chimpanzee Club from the Wild Safari - Highly Detailed - Great for Fun Playtime - Suitable for Ages 3 to 8 Years - Dimensions (WxDxH) 96 x 32 x 75 Inch"
Price: 18.99 |