Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Masks: Unbound Hardcover" |
"Unbound is a supplement for Masks A New Generation a tabletop roleplaying game in which you play young superheroes in a city with a multigenerational history of superheroic deeds crises and champions This supplement details new playbooks and playsets for Masks A New Generation including New limited edition playbooks along with advice for using them in your game including The Harbinger The Nomad and The Scion"
Price: 17.49 |
"RuneQuest RPG Roleplaying in Glorantha: Gamemaster Screen Pack" |
"The RuneQue&115;t Gamema&115;ter &83;creen Pack i&115; an e&115;&115;ential play aid for RuneQue&115;t Roleplaying in Glorantha gamema&115;ter&115; packed with u&115;eful reference&115; and material&115; to launch any new campaign or add to an exi&115;ting one The gamema&115;ter &115;creen it&115;elf i&115; a land&115;cape full-color four-panel cardboard &115;creen 34 inche&115; wide and 85 inche&115; tall with a gorgeou&115; illu&115;tration of the famed God&115; Wall facing the player&115; and all manner of important reference&115; and &115;ummarie&115; of key rule&115; on the gamema&115;ter&115; &115;ide Included with the &115;creen i&115; a full-color 128-page Adventure&115; Book The fir&115;t half of thi&115; book i&115; a de&115;cription of the Colymar tribal land&115; led by Queen Leika Black&115;pear detailing the fortre&115;&115; city of Clearwine and it&115; important denizen&115; Nearby i&115; Apple Lane a &115;mall village be&115;et with huge problem&115; It&115; re&115;ident&115; and &115;urrounding&115; are de&115;cribed in detail making it a perfect location for gamema&115;ter&115; to ba&115;e RuneQue&115;t campaign&115; in e&115;tabli&115;hing the adventurer&115; in a renowned yet manageable hamlet with ample opportunity for great adventure"
Price: 25.99 |
"5th Edition Adventures: S1 - Lure Of Delusion RPG" |
"Upon the edge of the world beneath the eaves of the Darkenfold forest lie the Elkhorn Deeps Here where men eke out a living in the shadows of the forest lies the small burg of Lead Hill With stone walls and stout towers Lead Hill is a sanctuary of sorts But walls and towers do not keep all creatures out nor children in Thus begins the sad tale of two missing children taken by the forest and carted off to what doom none will say Enter the Elkhorn Deeps to rescue the missing children! But be wary for things are not always as they seem and where allies and enemies work in tandem great dangers often dwell"
Price: 8.49 |
"Fast Forward - Fortune A Fable Game" |
"The three reels are spinning tension is rising Is this a new high score? It's not about the money but rather you try to score more points than all the other players But high numbers are not enough in FORTUNE as you also need the right bonus points for the victory FORTUNE is a game for players prepared to take risks while chasing the next high score You start a Fast Forward game without reading a rules booklet in advance! Just grab some fellow gamers and discover the rules while playing The Fast Forward series uses the Fable Game system introduced in Fabled Fruit With the presorted deck of cards you will discover all cards and rules as you play It will take 10-15 games of FORTUNE before your group has explored the entire system It can then be reset and played again by the same or different groups!FORTUNE is the fourth and completely different game in the Fast Forward series!"
Price: 8.49 |
"Savage Worlds - Flash Gordon RPG: GM Screen" |
"Tri-fold GM Screen plus a 32-page adventure Journey to the Center of Mongo Journey to the Center of Mongo is an epic serial for The Savage World of Flash GordonTM presented in six thrilling chapters! Your heroes travel into an uncharted realm the Subworld of Mongo home of Wandu the crystalline kingdom of the mysterious mole-men CHALLENGE these strange subterranean dwellers! CONFRONT ravenous rock-eating tunnel gators! COMBAT Ming s soldiers for control of a massive white sapphire mine! While this campaign is designed to be run end-to-end there are a few places where you can insert your own side-jaunts within this strange unexplored realm This product requires the Flash GordonTM RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play"
Price: 10.99 |
"Beyond Wing It: The Game of Extreme Storytelling Expansion" |
"Wing It Beyond feature&115; 3 theme&115; &83;pace! Travel! and the Apocalyp&115;e! Like the original Wing It Wing It Beyond i&115; i&115; like Apple&115; to Apple&115; meet&115; Once Upon a Time with a do&115;e of Comedy Central mixed in In each round a rotating judge pre&115;ent&115; the player&115; with the &115;ame challenging &83;ituation and each player tell&115; a &115;tory about how they&8217;ll e&115;cape that &83;ituation u&115;ing exactly 3 Re&115;ource&115; in their hand of 5 unu&115;ual Re&115;ource&115; Player&115; take turn&115; acting a&115; judge awarding the &115;ituation card to the player with the be&115;t &115;tory in each round In the expan&115;ion player&115; al&115;o may u&115;e &115;pecial &83;urpri&115;e card&115; (di&115;gui&115;ed a&115; Re&115;ource card&115;) to introduce new way&115; to play a given round thereby making the &115;torie&115; even more ridiculou&115; The winner i&115; the player with the mo&115;t &115;ituation card&115; at the end but the real fun i&115; in the &115;torie&115;!"
Price: 22.99 |
"White Night, Black Stars, Dim Carcosa Playmat" |
"Whether you are laying out card&115; for a favorite cardgame or &115;taking out your table territory for an RPG do it in &115;tyle with a unique playmat It mea&115;ure&115; 24 inche&115; by 14 inche&115; and i&115; a fabric &115;urface with a durable rubber backing"
Price: 18.99 |
"Reptar Rampage: Nickelodeon's Splat Attack! Expansion" |
"Ju&115;t when you thought it wa&115; &115;afe to return to the cafeteria Reptar cra&115;he&115; the party! In Reptar Rampage an expan&115;ion to Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! Reptar join&115; the food-fight fray a&115; an uncontrollable bea&115;t of de&115;truction! Attempt to defeat Reptar by teaming up and &115;platting him with food but be careful! Every &115;ucce&115;&115;ful &115;plat cau&115;e&115; Reptar to rampage &115;tomping acro&115;&115; the board! If you get &115;tomped on then Reptar eat&115; your point&115;! The player with the mo&115;t point&115; at the end of the game win&115;!Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! required to play thi&115; expan&115;ion - Fir&115;t Expan&115;ion to the Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! Mini&115; Game- Team Up to Take Down the Rampaging Reptar!- Include&115; 1 Ginormou&115; 100mm Reptar Miniature!CONTENT&83;- 1 Ginormou&115; Reptar Miniature- 1 Character &83;heet- 1 Rulebook"
Price: 9.99 |
"Sins RPG GM Screen" |
"Hide the true horror&115; of the apocalyp&115;e from your player&115; with thi&115; &115;turdy four-panel Game Ma&115;ter&8217;&115; &83;creen The &115;creen&115; orientation allow&115; the Game Ma&115;ter to ea&115;ily &115;ee beyond the &115;creen and reach over even a&115; it keep&115; die roll&115; and note&115; hidden from player&115; Provide&115; an at-a-glance reference for the mo&115;t relevant and often u&115;ed in-game information equipping Game Ma&115;ter&115; of all &115;kill level&115; with e&115;&115;ential &115;upport n excellent re&115;ource for new and exi&115;ting Game Ma&115;ter&115; to facilitate in&115;pired adventure&115; and an engaging play experience"
Price: 13.49 |
"Dixie: Bull Run Deck" |
"Gather your armies and fight over 3 positions Cards represent infantry or cavalry regiments or artillery batteries The uniform colors and styles are the uniforms that the regiments actually wore (according to the designers) You also have cards representing the participating generals terrain and the ever present special events Each collectable Bull Run deck contains 30 USA and 30 CSA cards selected randomly from the 200 different cards that accurately portray every general regiment artillery unit and significant terrain at Bull Run Please note - You will receive 2 decks of 30 cards (60 cards in total)"
Price: 7.99 |
"Dragon Shield Nest Box+ Black/Red Staple" |
"The Dragon &83;hield&8217;&115; Ne&115;t and Ne&115;t Deck Boxe&115; offer high-end deck protection with a &115;imple de&115;ign and &115;trong magnetic &115;eal Each Ne&115;t and Ne&115;t ha&115; a black exterior and cla&115;&115;y colored interior fabric Ne&115;t Deck Boxe&115; al&115;o include a removable dice tray Piece all 8 product package&115; together to di&115;cover different part&115; of the &115;tory &8220;&83;aturion A&115;cendant&8221; to di&115;cover the origin&115; of the Ne&115;t A&115; &115;afe a&115; a dragon&8217;&115; ne&115;t Extra durable deck box capable of holding 100 &115;leeved card&115; Exterior color i&115; black with different colored interior&115; Ne&115;t come&115; with removable dice tray Cu&115;tomizable a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 28.99 |
"Star Wars X-Wing: VT-49 Decimator Second Edition Board Game Expansion" |
"A durable ve&115;&115;el capable of independent patrol&115; the VT-49 Decimator&8217;&115; &115;ize and power blurred the line between &115;huttle and corvette&8212;but the &115;ame qualitie&115; that endeared it to up-and-coming Imperial officer&115; al&115;o made it u&115;eful to agent&115; of the Emperor under whom failure wa&115; not an option With the VT-49 Decimator Expan&115;ion Pack you can bring a &115;ingle VT-49 Decimator to your Galactic Empire &115;quadron&115; In addition to one pre-painted and finely detailed VT-49 miniature you&8217;ll al&115;o find three &115;hip card&115; matching the VT-49 Decimator &115;hip card&115; from the Galactic Empire Conver&115;ion Kit a&115; well a&115; a &115;election of thirteen reprinted upgrade card&115; giving you the freedom to add vital crew and deadly device&115; to your &115;hip Finally two Quick Build card&115; let you get your Decimator in the fight right away with predefined combination&115; of &115;hip and upgrade card&115;"
Price: 27.99 |
"VS System 2PGC Marvel: The Utopia Battles" |
"Fir&115;t &8220;Giant-&83;ized&8221; I&115;&115;ue for the 2019 V&115; &83;y&115;tem&174; 2PCG&174; product line pit&115; the Re&115;i&115;tance X- Men again&115;t the &8220;Dark&8221; armie&115; of HAMMER! The 55 card expan&115;ion&115; bol&115;ter the rank&115; of the Re&115;i&115;tance and HAMMER 14 new Main Character&115; and 50 new &83;upporting Character&115; acro&115;&115; the&115;e two team&115;! Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allie&115; again&115;t your opponent&115;! 200 card &8220;Giant-&83;ized&8221; i&115;&115;ue and two 55 card I&115;&115;ue&115; acro&115;&115; multiple team faction&115;!Cu&115;tomize your team with your favorite character&115; or enhance your exi&115;ting deck&115;!&8220;Low Barrier of Entry&8221; for New Player&115;CONTENT&83;200 Playable Card&115;1 Rulebook1 Token &83;heetGame detail&115;Player&115; 2Age&115; 10Playing Time 15 Min"
Price: 21.99 |
"VS System 2PGC Marvel: Resistance" |
"Fir&115;t &8220;Giant-&83;ized&8221; I&115;&115;ue for the 2019 V&115; &83;y&115;tem&174; 2PCG&174; product line pit&115; the Re&115;i&115;tance X- Men again&115;t the &8220;Dark&8221; armie&115; of HAMMER! The 55 card expan&115;ion&115; bol&115;ter the rank&115; of the Re&115;i&115;tance and HAMMER 14 new Main Character&115; and 50 new &83;upporting Character&115; acro&115;&115; the&115;e two team&115;! Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allie&115; again&115;t your opponent&115;! 200 card &8220;Giant-&83;ized&8221; i&115;&115;ue and two 55 card I&115;&115;ue&115; acro&115;&115; multiple team faction&115;!Cu&115;tomize your team with your favorite character&115; or enhance your exi&115;ting deck&115;! &8220;Low Barrier of Entry&8221; for New Player&115;CONTENT&83;55 Playable Card&115;1 Rule&115;heetGame detail&115;Player&115; 2Age&115; 10Playing Time 15 Min"
Price: 11.49 |
"Bad Medicine Second Opinion Expansion" |
"Bad Medicine i&115; a hilariou&115; party game in which you are a pharmaceutical company making horrible drug&115; It launched on Kick&115;tarter in February 2015 made four time&115; it&115; funding goal and delivered to backer&115; later that year &83;ince then it&8217;&115; received prai&115;e from The AV Club and HuffPo and &115;old out in a matter of month&115;"
Price: 9.49 |
"Chessex d10 Dice Set: Festive Pop-Art/Blue (10)" |
"A &115;et of fe&115;tive pop-art dice with blue number&115; Content&115;10 Ten-&115;ided Dice"
Price: 13.99 |
"Chessex d10 Dice Set: Luminary Sky/ Silver (10)" |
"A &115;et of glow-in-the-dark &115;ky blue dice with &115;ilver number&115; Content&115;10 Ten-&115;ided Dice"
Price: 13.49 |
"Chessex 12mm Dice Block: Festive Waterlily/White (36)" |
"A &115;et of fe&115;tive waterlily dice with white pip&115; Content&115;36 &83;ix-&115;ided Dice (12mm)"
Price: 13.49 |
"Dragon Shield Playmat- Amina (NonGlare Matte Black) Limited Edition" |
"Improved quality - &115;trong and fully &115;titched edge&115; to prevent fraying A handy re-&115;ealable cardboard container for added protection A coin that can be u&115;ed with the box and voila life counter and &115;torage box at the &115;ame time!"
Price: 16.49 |
"Fantasy Trip Companion" |
"The TFT Companion i&115; a collection of article&115; &115;tarting with &83;teve Jack&115;on&8217;&115; original de&115;igner&8217;&115; note&115; and errata publi&115;hed in The &83;pace Gamer in 1980 It include&115; a collection of optional rule&115; expan&115;ion&115; and adventure&115; created by fan&115; for the magazine&115; of the day and clo&115;e&115; with a collection of the article&115; po&115;ted online a&115; part of the TFT Kick&115;tarter in 2018 &83;o 38 year&115; of hi&115;tory of a cla&115;&115;ic old-&115;chool RPG from birth to well to rebirth brought together for your enjoyment Good gaming!With article&115; by Aaron All&115;ton Jim Dickey David R Dunham Richard A Edward&115; Dan Good&115;ell &83;teve Jack&115;on Jennell Jaquay&115; Forre&115;t John&115;on Ronald Pehr &83;teve Perrin Phil Reed Philip Rennert Tom Riley Ralph &83;izer and the entrant&115; of the &83;pace Gamer Magic Item&115; Conte&115;t"
Price: 11.49 |
"Batman Miniatures Game Kobra Soldiers" |
"The fanatical foot-&115;oldier&115; of the Kobra Cult are ready to throw down their live&115; to further the end&115; of their my&115;teriou&115; ma&115;ter&115; Thi&115; bli&115;ter pack contain&115; three finely detailed re&115;in miniature&115; complete with character card&115; A&115; Minion&115; the Kobra player can include &115;everal of the&115;e pack&115; in their Crew expanding their force&115; with expendable henchmen Content&115;3 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;3 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;3 Character Card&115;"
Price: 15.99 |
"VS System 2PGC Marvel: H.A.M.M.E.R" |
"Under the maniacal leadership of Norman Osborn send reformed villains like Bullseye Daken and Mimic to scour your opponent's deck in search of vigilante heroes Let justice be served 56 playable cards2 rulesheetLow barrier of entry"
Price: 11.49 |
"Ultra Pro Checkerboard: M2 Limited Edition Deck Box" |
"Introducing the second series of Ultra PRO's popular M2 Deck Box version 21 with updated materials stronger magnet closures black fabric liner and a silver Ultra PRO logo on the inside cover! The M21 Deck Box features a main compartment which holds up to 75 standard (Magic) size cards sleeved in Ultra PRO Deck Protector sleeves This Deck Box Also has a separate compartment for dice tokens and other small gaming accessories Both the card holding and the dice &38; token trays are removable to help players better organize contents in both compartments The next series in Ultra PRO's M2 Deck Box line - the M21 Deck BoxesStronger magnet closures with black fabric liner decorated with a silver Ultra PRO logoHolds up to 75 standard (Magic) size cards in Deck Protector sleevesSeparate compartment for dice tokens and small gaming accessoriesLimited Edition Checkerboard design produced in limited quantities"
Price: 22.99 |
"Illuminati D6 Dice Set" |
"These 19mm Illuminati-inspired dice display a pyramid in the place of the 1 pip The set contains two red and two blue dice with silver pups and two silver dice with black pips These attractive pearlized dice will add just the right amount of class to any game"
Price: 8.99 |
"MourneQuest Board Game" |
"The year is 1847 on Jack Turner's 11th birthday It is the awful day that his father is lost at sea and despite great grandma Tess' belief in the power of the dandelion wishes Jack knows no amount of magic will bring him back &8212; but he tries anyway Nothing happens&8230;In an act of rage Jack sets in motion a series of events that transports him to the true kingdom of Mourne a realm half-real half-imagined that's filled with all manner of fantastical creatures Jack encounters Cobs a 437-year old clurichaun (don't call him a leprechaun) who lives alone in a creaky old mansion perched on top of a tree that grows within a tree Soon Jack learns that his tampering with the long forgotten magic of Mourne has stirred something deep within the heart of the mountains An ancient wall encircles the center of the Kingdom a wall that has held strong for centuries but now the evil it was built to imprison has a plan to escape The Nightmares &8212; the deepest fears from the darkest corners of Irish Legend &8212; are being called from their slumber From the four corners of the Kingdom they come Their one aim to tear down the wall and set the Old Ones' Shimnavore free In MourneQuest a 2-4 player cooperative board game based on the novel MourneQuest by Irish author Garry McElherron heroes Jack Cobs and their friends must battle to banish the Nightmares and save the Kingdom of Mourne As they race towards their goal they gather power from the land itself with granite blackthorn flax and gold fueling their quest and magical items to boost their skills But even the BogBeans the normally elusive faerie folk of the dark forests and marshlands seem set to block their path Together the heroes face an epic struggle to escape the BogBeans dispel the Nightmares and finally defeat the Shimnavore Players 2-4Playing time 80-120 minsAges 10"
Price: 60.49 |
"Sorcerer Virgiliu Character Pack" |
"Play as Virgiliu and use your pyromancy to burn your enemies to cinders!You will rain fire damage upon opposing minions If your fire sorceries destroy a minion you will search your grimoire for more powerful sorceries or even an immortal phoenix to add to your hand!This pack is a complete Character Deck for use with Sorcerer containing a Virgiliu avatar standee the Virgiliu character skill card and 10 cards for your grimoire"
Price: 7.49 |
"Sorcerer Extra Dice" |
"xtra dice help to speed up multiplayer games Includes a D8 and 7 Combat Dice with custom symbols pentagrams double skulls and single skulls"
Price: 8.49 |
"Pathfinder Adventure Path: Midwives to Death (The Tyrants Grasp 6 of 6)" |
"The Tyrant&8217;s Grasp Adventure Path reaches its world-shaping conclusion! The heroes learn that the keys to stopping Tar-Baphon&8217;s deadly Radiant Fire are the shards of the Shattered Shield still lodged in their souls&8213;the only things dangling their lives above the grasp of the Boneyard The heroes return to Lastwall to confront the Whispering Tyrant but discover that he has led his army to the fields outside the city of Absalom There the Whispering Tyrant plans to blast his way through the city and crack the Starstone Cathedral open transforming himself into a true god! The PCs must battle the lich&8217;s most powerful allies turn the power of the Radiant Fire back on the Whispering Tyrant and end the threat he now poses to the world &8220;Midwives to Death&8221; is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 16th-level characters The adventure concludes the Tyrant&8217;s Grasp Adventure Path and brings dramatic changes to Golarion This volume also includes an extensive article showcasing the final material written by Paizo's developers for the first edition of the Pathfinder RPG Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario stats for several new monsters and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world&8217;s oldest fantasy RPG"
Price: 21.99 |
"Dragon Shield Nest Box+ Black/Green" |
"The Dragon Shield&8217;s Nest and Nest Deck Boxes offer high-end deck protection with a simple design and strong magnetic seal Each Nest and Nest has a black exterior and classy coloured interior fabric Nest Deck Boxes also include a removable dice tray Piece all 8 product packages together to discover different parts of the story &8220;Saturion Ascendant&8221; to discover the origins of the Nest As safe as a dragon&8217;s nest Extra durable deck box capable of holding 100 sleeved cards Exterior colour is black with different coloured interiors Nest comes with removable dice tray Customisation assembly"
Price: 28.99 |
"The Survival Horror Simulation RPG Loot Card Deck: Outbreak Undead" |
"Cut down on the page flipping at the table while adding a tactile feel to looting The Outbreak Undead card sets serve as both game references and props to go along with your scenarios and bring them to life!Pack contains 120 cards"
Price: 10.99 |