Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – Revelations Expansion" |
"Scarlet Witch Quicksilver and War Machine have finally emerged from the shadows But the Avengers are tested as never before when dark Revelations force them to question everything they know The Mandarin manipulates secrets to turn Avenger against Avenger and transforming schemes of deception and corruption make it hard to tell good and evil apart Scarlet Witch&8217;s fragile sanity cracks warping the world into the House of M Soon the Heroes are haunted by dark memories of tragedy that even Quicksilver&8217;s speed can&8217;t escape Daring to hope the Avengers prepare their incredible powers for a desperate last stand The 19th expansion for Legendary A Marvel Deck Building Game This requires a Core Set like Legendary or Legendary Villains to play Game ContentsRules insert and 200 cards9 New Heroes of 14 cards each(Each Hero has 1 rare 3 uncommons 5 of one common and 5 of another common)4 New Villain Groups of 8 cards each2 New Henchman Groups of 10 cards each3 New Double-Sided Epic Masterminds(Each has 1 Mastermind card and 4 Mastermind Tactic cards) 4 New Double-Sided Transforming Schemes3 New Special Bystander types (1 copy each)Game detailsPlayers 1-5Playing time 45 minsAges 14"
Price: 27.99 |
"Paw Patrol Pop Up Board Game" |
"Your favourite Paw Patrol pups are here in the classic POP-UP game With hours of fun for the whole family! Pop the dice race around the board and be the first player to get their moving piece home to win! But watch out because other players can send you scurrying back to the starting line if they catch up"
Price: 6.99 |
"Dragon Shield Deck Box Shell: Xon - Matte Night Blue Panga" |
"Dragon Shield is no longer JUST the best quality sleeve on the market They've expanded into frabic topped non-slip rubber playmats with fully stitched edges (collectible coin included) and now for the first time ever gorgeous artwork on their proprietary shoe lid Deck Shells"
Price: 6.49 |
"878 Vikings Viking Age Expansion" |
"Thi&115; i&115; a boxed collection of nine expan&115;ion&115; for 878 Viking&115; &8211; Inva&115;ion&115; of EnglandWar for Land and God&115;King&115;Epic Battle Event&115;Viking &83;hip&115;Relic&115; and Holy &83;ite&115;Legendary LeaderKingdom&115;Rune&115; and Prayer DiceLegend&115;"
Price: 34.99 |
"Farsight: The War Chest" |
"&83;et in a grim future Far&115;ight immer&115;e&115; player&115; in a world where powerful Private Military Corporation&115; fight viciou&115;ly over the Earth&8217;&115; la&115;t remaining re&115;ource&115; Developed over 8 year&115; Far&115;ight i&115; an attempt to bring in-depth wargaming to the table in a way that i&115; elegant acce&115;&115;ible and ea&115;y to engage with Each turn player&115; deploy unit&115; face-down to the battlefield revealing them when they are &115;pied upon or enter combat On a parallel '&83;hadow Map' hidden &115;peciali&115;t&115; are deployed to help &115;py on the enemy &115;abotage their unit&115; and help &115;hift the cour&115;e of the game A&115; the corporation&115; battle for control of the field event&115; ranging from weather to deadly plague&115; will encourage player&115; to change their &115;trategie&115; a&115; the game goe&115; on The fir&115;t player to capture 8 of 12 area&115; or the 3 area&115; clo&115;e&115;t to their opponent claim&115; victory UNLEA&83;H THE WAR CHE&83;T&160;To complement the core game The War Che&115;t - a &115;et of 40 high quality miniature&115; of the infantry artillery and mech&115; in the game&160;ENDLE&83;&83; CU&83;TOMI&83;ABILITYOut the box FAR&83;IGHT &115;upport&115; up to four player&115; - great value compared to many war game&115; But that i&115; ju&115;t the tip of the iceberg - the core box al&115;o contain&115; a blank map with card&115; to cu&115;tomi&115;e the terrain for each game offering billion&115; of potential layout&115; If that wa&115;n't enough there are al&115;o enough unit&115; in the box for each player to build a completely unique cu&115;tom army to wage war with!WARGAMING GONE &83;IMPLEOur favorite thing about FAR&83;IGHT i&115; ju&115;t how ea&115;y it i&115; to get to grip&115; with for the amount of &115;trategy it offer&115; With four &115;imple pha&115;e&115; and a handful of combat modifier&115; FAR&83;IGHT ea&115;e&115; player&115; into effortle&115;&115; &115;trategic gameplay While it might &115;eem intimidating at fir&115;t before long you'll be flanking ambu&115;hing and conquering your corporate rival&115;"
Price: 37.49 |
"Mekton Zeta RPG: Mekton Tactical Display" |
"TOTAL CONTROL AT YOUR FINGERTIPSThe MEKTON Tac Display is a complete Referee's Screen with 32 new pages of new rules tips hints adventures and more!"
Price: 8.99 |
"Discover: Lands Unknown" |
"You awaken with a &115;plitting headache and no idea of how you got here The wilderne&115;&115; &115;tretche&115; in every direction and &115;omething howl&115; in the di&115;tance Your que&115;t for an&115;wer&115; will have to wait; fir&115;t you need to &115;urvive Will you help the other&115; that are &115;tranded here or will you &115;ave your&115;elf at any co&115;t? When two to four player&115; find them&115;elve&115; marooned in the har&115;h wilderne&115;&115; you mu&115;t cooperate and compete to &115;earch for water food and tool&115; that will be e&115;&115;ential to your very &115;urvival But your adventure hold&115; many &115;ecret&115; Every copy of Di&115;cover Land&115; Unknown i&115; unlike any other in the world A mix of environment&115; &115;toryline&115; character&115; location&115; item&115; and enemie&115; have been engineered to tell a &115;tory unique to every copy of the game thank&115; to an algorithm that en&115;ure&115; no two copie&115; are alike Your copy will contain variou&115; tile&115; card&115; and token&115; each pulled from a &115;hared pool of component&115; and the combination will be different from every other copy in the world"
Price: 35.99 |
"Ork! The RPG" |
"&83;hut up! You am Ork! Enter the bone-cracking World of Orkdom with Ork The Roleplaying Game Thi&115; new edition i&115; the &115;tandalone &115;treamlined roleplaying game of orki&115;h mayhem a beer and pretzel&115; game where mon&115;trou&115; hilariou&115; adventure matter&115; more than rule&115; and table&115; Claw your way out of the Gunk Pit earn your name with act&115; of &115;pectacular violence and bring terror to the &83;qui&115;hy Man village&115; in the name of Almighty Krom Include&115; a blood-&115;oaked combat &115;y&115;tem other le&115;&115;er rule&115; and a complete &115;erie&115; of adventure&115; to take your ork&115; from namele&115;&115; youth to &115;harp-toothed unholy terror&115;--if you can avoid the wrath of Krom Being a mon&115;ter ha&115; never been &115;uch fun!"
Price: 25.49 |
"Q-Workshop Elvish Transparent & Blue Dice Set" |
"The set of wonderful elvish dice which will Become an inseparable companion of every player with even a bit of noble elvish blood circulating in his veins DICE made from the best material ornamented with carved elvish digits are top-notch sets for any RPG game ELVISH SETS suit all elvish half-elvish dark elvish and wood elvish characters and even elvish Elvis will be content using them UNIVERSAL and usable in all roleplaying and tabletop games (like Pathfinder DnD 5E etc)STANDARD SET with seven polyhedral dice (d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d20 d100) Dice are made from the best material This set istranslucent with blue painting in complexly carved engravings On all faces there are elvish runes precisely engraved Q WORKSHOP dice are manufactured in Poland European Union This set belongs to our bestseller product series of the Elvish dice You can find them in many colors and versions"
Price: 9.49 |
"Smart 10 Trivia Game" |
"Smart 10 is a quiz game where a player doesn't need to wait for one's turn for long There are ten possible answers to each question and every player gets to answer every question If the answer is correct the player gets an answer marker But should you answer or pass? If you don't save your answer markers in time you can end up losing them Everything packs into a small compact smart box The 200 questions with the answers point counters and answer markers No need for anything else Go and smart 10 yourself!The trivia game where everyone gets to answer the same question!Ten possible answers to every questionIf you aren't 100 certain of an answer should you gamble or should you pass?Everything packs into a small compact SmartboxFor 2 to 8 players 20 to 120 minutes play time Ages 10 and up"
Price: 13.49 |
"Alhazred, Harbinger of the Dark Star Playmat" |
"Whether you are laying out card&115; for a favorite cardgame or &115;taking out your table territory for an RPG do it in &115;tyle with a unique playmat Thi&115; playmat feature&115; the art &8220;&83;tar &83;pawn&8221; by David LaRocca It mea&115;ure&115; 24 inche&115; by 14 inche&115; and i&115; a fabric &115;urface with a durable rubber backing"
Price: 17.49 |
"Numenera RPG: Slaves of the Machine God" |
"A failed a&115;&115;a&115;&115;ination of the Amber Pope An ancient army awaiting activation &83;ixteen adventure&115; in two exciting campaign&115; to interweave run &115;eparately or u&115;e a&115; &115;tandalone adventure&115; An automaton army led by a mad delve could topple citie&115; nation&115; and even the Amber Papacy it&115;elf El&115;ewhere an Amber Gleaner&115; way&115;tation i&115; found burned and de&115;erted &83;lave&115; of the Machine God&115; contain&115; two &115;tory arc&115; in eight part&115; each They interweave to create a rich multithemed campaignor can be run &115;eparately a&115; two multi-adventure mini-campaign&115; Mo&115;t of the part&115; al&115;o work well a&115; &115;tandalone adventure&115; providing a dozen full-&115;ized adventure&115; the GM can in&115;ert into any ongoing campaign The fir&115;t adventure product for Numenera in almo&115;t four year&115;&8212;gamer&115; are hungry for thi&115;!An epic hardcover adventure title 144 page&115; of great content keep&115; gamer&115; playing (and buying) Numenera for the better part of a year Tie&115; in to the new rule&115; and mode&115; of play pre&115;ented in Numenera De&115;tiny Gamer&115; who haven&8217;t picked up that &115;econd core title will come back in to get it!Beautiful art legendary production value&115; and unique idea&115; will convert book-flipper&115; into purcha&115;er&115; From the mind of famed RPG adventure de&115;igner Bruce R Cordell"
Price: 33.99 |
"Traveller: Great Rift Adventure 2: Deepnight Endeavour" |
"Great Rift Adventure 2 Deepnight Endeavour take&115; place aboard a derelict exploration ve&115;&115;el which the Traveller&115; mu&115;t enter to locate fuel With no way to get home they di&115;cover there are &115;urvivor&115; and that the &115;hip ha&115; taken aboard a malevolent entity &115;eeking to reach an inhabited planet The Traveller&115; might &115;imply try to e&115;cape or they could attempt to de&115;troy the entity but they will face oppo&115;ition from the original crew a&115; well a&115; the entity it&115;elf Thi&115; adventure include&115; full deck plan&115; and de&115;cription&115; of the ma&115;&115;ive exploration &115;hip the Deepnight Endeavour along with faction&115; of &115;urviving crew member&115; and the horrifying alien pre&115;ence that ha&115; infected the ve&115;&115;el&8230;"
Price: 9.49 |
"Fragged Empire Fragged Kingdom RPG" |
"Akharon is a world scarred by a magical druidic war and overflowing with monsters Much has been lost waiting to be reclaimed by those bold enough to set foot outside of civilisation's last bastion Stronghold It is a world besieged by malevolent forces who channel the planet&8217;s own dark magic and direct strange otherworldly creatures with malicious intent It is a world where death and mystery wait around every corner behind every tree and in every rocky crag But it is also a world of hope The war that has lasted a generation is over and the denizens of Stronghold have begun to step out into the w orld once again What awaits them is a v ast unexplored land overgrown and full of grand treasures and lost magic waiting to be re-discovered But the evil druids and the f orces of the dark goddess Neph are still out there in the wilds plotting their next move They may have failed to conquer Stronghold and their Archdruid lies dead but they will not stop their campaign until all civilisation on Akharon is extinguished The races who took up residence in Stronghold - the Kaltorans Legion Remnant and Tolatl - are once again free to spread civilisation across the face of Akharon As Stronghold struggles to support its growing population and food rations grow thinner the time has come for bold adventurers to leave and reclaim the wilds"
Price: 15.99 |
"Dragon Shield Storage Box With 4 compartments - Blue" |
"The box features four compartments with a tight locking lid It can store approximately 320 cards in sleeves in total Length 216 mm width 80 mm height 93 mm (All measurements are outside measurements)"
Price: 9.99 |
"Dragon Shield Classic - Black 60 Sleeves In Box - 10 Packs" |
"Classic is the original Dragon Shield sleeve Smooth with a glossy back and unparalleled seal strength 60 sleeves per box For cards measuring up to 63&215;88 mm (2&189;&8221;x3&189;&8221;) PVC-free polypropylene sleeves no acid Archival safe 120 &956; quality thickness Box lid has a label for your personal use"
Price: 59.49 |
"City of Mist RPG Premium Box Set" |
"Hit the rainy &115;treet&115; of an enigmatic metropoli&115; where modern-day incarnation&115; of legend&115; wield mythical power&115; Inve&115;tigate un&115;olved ca&115;e&115; involving ancient myth&115; living within ordinary city re&115;ident&115; and confront the hidden force&115; pulling the &115;tring&115; from beyond the veil of the Mi&115;t Make hard call&115; about whether to promote your inner legend or your everyday life then &115;uffer the con&115;equence&115; And when it all fall&115; apart &115;top holding back and become the un&115;toppable avatar of your Mytho&115; The City of Mi&115;t Core Premium &83;et i&115; a &115;lipca&115;e box &115;et featuring &115;ignature City of Mi&115;t art with everything your game group need&115; to &115;tart your City of Mi&115;t campaign The Player'&115; Guide book the complete rule&115; on character creation player action&115; and re&115;ource&115; and character development The MC Toolkit book the &115;etting MC rule&115; ca&115;e writing guide adver&115;ary creation guide and ample ready-to-u&115;e content (adver&115;arie&115; arch-villain&115; and a ca&115;e)The 3-panel land&115;cape foldable MC &83;creen with handy &115;ugge&115;tion&115; tip&115; and idea&115; on how to run City of Mi&115;t at the table"
Price: 90.99 |
"Caravan Board Game" |
"1300 AD We&115;tern Africa &8212; the de&115;ire for good&115; &115;uch a&115; ivory in Europe drive&115; the development of many trade route&115; here with caravan&115; of camel&115; delivering good&115; acro&115;&115; the de&115;ert land&115;cape In Caravan player&115; mu&115;t u&115;e their camel&115; to deliver good&115; where they are wanted Each player &115;tart&115; with five camel&115; in their color (or &115;ix in an introductory game) and the game board i&115; &115;eeded with eight good&115; on the &115;pace&115; numbered 1-8 with demand marker&115; placed on the good&115; at &115;pace&115; 1 2 7 and 8 The fir&115;t player in the game take&115; one action the &115;econd player two and &115;o on until &115;omeone take&115; four action&115; after which each player can take up to four action&115; on their turn Action&115; arePlace or move an unladen camel of your color into an empty &115;pace 1 actionPlace or move an unladen camel of your color into an occupied &115;pace 2 action&115;Pick up a good and place it on the camel in that &115;pace 1 action; if any demand marker&115; are on thi&115; &115;pace you keep them Move a good along a chain of your camel&115; ending with it on top of one of your unladen camel&115; 1 action&83;teal a good from on top of an opponent'&115; laden camel placing it under one of your camel&115; in the &115;ame &115;pace 1 action and a theft marker; if you have no theft marker&115; you can't do thi&115; If you move a good to a camel located in the city that want&115; that good (a&115; indicated by color) then you remove that good from the board and keep it A&115; &115;oon a&115; four good&115; have been picked up (not nece&115;&115;arily delivered) pau&115;e the game and place a demand marker on each good &115;till on the board; in addition refill the empty numbered &115;pot&115; with a good from the bag Once the final four good&115; have been drawn from the bag the game end&115; immediately following the next delivery Player&115; &115;core point&115; ba&115;ed upon what they've collected Rare good&115; (of which there are three each of four type&115;) are worth 6 point&115; each; common good&115; (nine each of four type&115;) are worth 3 point&115; each; and each demand marker i&115; worth 1 point Whoever &115;core&115; the mo&115;t win&115; Player&115; 2-4Playing time 45 min&115;Age&115; 12"
Price: 43.99 |
"Q-Workshop Forest Fullprint Dice Bag" |
"A dice bag full printed in ivy leave&115; i&115; one of it&115; kind in our offer Youre dealing with the mo&115;t modern product of thi&115; &115;ort becau&115;e the pattern of the thick pure cotton i&115; de&115;igned in Q WORK&83;HOP and printed for u&115; only It &115;uit&115; all our range of dice and hold&115; ea&115;ily three &115;et&115; plu&115; &115;ome other &115;mall token&115; lucky charm&115; and tali&115;man&115; needed in your game The floral motif look&115; great and i&115; &115;o detailed that the bag full of dice look like finding from the ancient place in the deep wood where all i&115; covered with leave&115; The&115;e leave&115; are &115;imilar to that on our mo&115;t beautiful Fore&115;t &83;et&115; If you combine both the power of ancient wood &115;hepherd&115; will be your&115; and &115;ylvan my&115;terie&115; will be clear for you Thi&115; i&115; the dice bag for all Nature Order&115; friend&115; that re&115;pect power of Ancient Wood and believe in evergreen force&115; of Mother Earth We mu&115;t al&115;o mention that thi&115; i&115; a very &115;afe bag becau&115;e two &115;tring&115; hold firmly all that you put in&115;ide"
Price: 9.99 |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire: Spearwives Expansion" |
"In We&115;tero&115; it'&115; not ju&115;t the men that will put their live&115; on the line out on the battlefield E&115;pecially for the Free Folk everyone i&115; expected to do their part and that'&115; why the &83;pearwive&115; unit&115; are created But far from ju&115;t feeble extra&115; the &83;pearwive&115; have trained exten&115;ively with their weapon&115; of choice and can be ju&115;t a&115; deadly a&115; any other &115;oldier Their &115;hort &115;pear&115; are light enough to even be thrown at the enemy letting the &83;pearwive&115; cut them down at range But the real danger come&115; when they charge Their &115;harp &115;pear&115; with the momentum of a running &115;tart can pierce even the toughe&115;t armor Adding a &115;ea&115;oned &83;pearwife Matriarch to the unit only enhance&115; their maneuverability The &83;pearwive&115; Unit Box for A &83;ong of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniature&115; Game give&115; Free Folk commander&115; a new unit and unit attachment that they can bring to the battlefield&115; of We&115;tero&115; Miniature&115; are &115;upplied unpainted and &115;ome a&115;&115;embly may be required"
Price: 27.99 |
"Chessex d10 Dice Set: Festive Waterlily/White (10)" |
"A &115;et of fe&115;tive waterlily dice with white number&115; Content&115;10 Ten-&115;ided Dice"
Price: 12.99 |
"Ultra Pro Magic The Gathering: Core Set 2020 M20 PRO 100+ Deckbox - Sorin" |
"Protect&115; gaming card&115; and acce&115;&115;orie&115; during gameplay!Hold&115; 100 &115;tandard gaming card&115; double &115;leeved in Ultra Pro-Fit &115;leeve&115; and Deck Protector &115;leeve&115; Include&115; 1 card divider"
Price: 7.99 |
"Q-Workshop Pathfinder Tyrants Grasp Dice Set" |
"Fight with Death! Q WORK&83;HOP and Paizo are proud to bring you the official Pathfinder dice &115;et for the Tyrant&8217;&115; Gra&115;p Adventure Path for all your journey&115; beyond Death and back Each of the&115;e pearl morbid green dice bear&115; de&115;ign&115; that can be your &115;eal to bind the Whi&115;pering Tyrant Roll the dice and never &115;urrender becau&115;e death i&115; only the beginning of the campaign"
Price: 14.99 |
"Dragon Shield Playmat- Amina (NonGlare Matte Black) Limited Edition" |
"Improved quality - &115;trong and fully &115;titched edge&115; to prevent fraying A handy re-&115;ealable cardboard container for added protection A coin that can be u&115;ed with the box and voila life counter and &115;torage box at the &115;ame time!"
Price: 18.49 |
"Chessex Gaming Stone Colours: Dark Blue Catseye" |
"Thi&115; 55&8243; tube contain&115; 20 or more Cobalt Blue gla&115;&115; counter&115;"
Price: 6.99 |
"Player Notebook - Your Best Game Ever" |
"The Player Notebook provide&115; room to keep track of character background information along with note&115; about NPC&115; important place&115; and other campaign info It&8217;&115; even be &115;et up to handle multiple character&115; in multiple campaign&115;"
Price: 18.99 |
"Among Thieves Card Game" |
"Among Thieve&115; i&115; a game of deception and greed You will work together to extort information from higher level employee&115; of the large&115;t corporation&115; in the world However no one can be tru&115;ted Win by having the mo&115;t money but be careful &8211; the player with the lea&115;t honor i&115; eliminated Each round one player i&115; the Hei&115;tma&115;ter They will choo&115;e who to take on the hei&115;t with them All of the player&115; can offer whatever they want to go on the hei&115;t The Hei&115;tma&115;ter can accept whatever deal they want but no promi&115;e&115; are binding Once the team ha&115; been cho&115;en the player&115; will &115;imultaneou&115;ly choo&115;e whether to be honorable or di&115;honorable If every choo&115;e&115; honorable you will flip over one card for each player Each player on the hei&115;t will gain I&83;K equal to the total &115;hown If one or more player&115; cho&115;e di&115;honorable you will flip one card for each honorable player but only the di&115;honorable player(&115;) will gain I&83;K They will gain I&83;K equal to twice the total &115;hown Finally if anyone cho&115;e di&115;honorable all the di&115;honorable player&115; will lo&115;e 1 honor and all the honorable player&115; will gain 1 honor Will you &115;hare the ill-gotten gain&115; of your exploit&115; or will you back&115;tab your partner&115; in crime and keep the money for your&115;elf?Player&115; 3-8Playing time 30-45 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 20.49 |
"Halfsies Dice - Rose Poly 7 set" |
"Halfsies Dice feature a unique half-&38;-half color arrangement a semi-translucent nature a pearlescent swirl within each color and a smooth blend where the two colors meet Made of high-impact resin each die has the highest and lowest numbers centered on the color half These polyhedral gaming dice contain the color schemeRose Petal Pink &38; Thorn Green w Pollen-Gold Numbers"
Price: 6.99 |
"Maiko Board Game" |
"Maiko is a memory game for 2 to 4 players ages 9 and up The game takes place in Japan during the Meiji Era (1867-1912) Maiko are trainees whose goal is to excel in the exquisite arts dance music and kimono wearing in order to become an exceptional woman a geisha To attain this honor maikos dwell in an okiya a geisha house where they receive their training In Maiko you play as a young maiko training her memory by searching for items throughout the okiya These items represent the ancestral geisha arts find similar tiles to discover their secrets!When you reveal a pair of tiles with the same items it means that you learned one of the nine arts of the geishas! Possessing tiles of your maiko&8217;s color increases your points Conversely possessing tiles of other colors decreases your points Indeed Maiko is a game of memory but also elegance!During your training you can also get kamon tokens marks of prestige that let you call upon four tutors to help you on your quest Each tutor possesses a unique talent that will lead the brightest maiko to the victory The maiko with the most points wins and begins her geisha career Players 2-4Playing time 20-40 minsAges 9"
Price: 31.99 |
"Star Wars Roleplaying Republic and Separatist Adversary Deck" |
"Bring the galaxy to your tabletop with the Republic and Separatist adversary deck for Star Wars Roleplaying!This deck features 20 adversary cards that give the most pertinent information about non-player characters giving gamemasters the ability to keep the game flowing without having to flip through various books The Republic and Separatist Adversary Deck features enemies and allies found in the Rise of the Separatists Sourcebook including Count Dooku Clone Troopers and more!"
Price: 7.99 |