Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Ultra Pro Dungeons & Dragons D&D Character Folio- Giant Killer" |
"Holds 36 Spell Cards with two 18-pocket pages PLUS! 10 single pocket pages to hold Character Sheets & Notes"
Price: 10.49 |
"Jenga Pass Challenge Action Game" |
"Take the classic Jenga game "off the table" with the Jenga Pass Challenge game Stack Jenga wooden blocks on the platform to build the tower then remove one block at a time while holding one of the platform handles It takes a steady hand when removing the blocks and passing the platform to opponents…be carefull or the Jenga tower will come crashing down! Be the last player to successfully stack a block and pass the platform without causing the tower to crash The platform has two handles and comes with a stabilizing stand Enhance gameplay and try all 10 challenges included in the game guide such as Blind Block Chopstick Challenge and Flamingo Fumble Take the classic Jenga game "off the table" Remove a block while holding platform handle Stay steady and hand the tower off after each turn Game features 10 fun challenges Includes 27 hardwood Jenga blocks with resealable plastic storage bag passing platform stacking stand and instructions"
Price: 10.99 |
"Pokemon TCG: Collector Chest (2020) Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble" |
"Prepare for a trip to the Galar region in the Pok&233;mon Trading Card Game with a Collector Chest that contains a variety of cool goodies fans will love This Pok&233;mon TCG Collector Chest includes three foil promo cards highlighting each of the Galar region's first partner Pok&233;mon Grookey Scorbunny and Sobble It also comes with five Pok&233;mon TCG booster packs to add to your collection and a mini portfolio that can hold your favourite cards Additional items like sticker sheets a Pok&233;mon notepad and a coin featuring the first partner trio add to the fun To top it off everything comes packed in a sturdy metal case decorated with images of the Legendary Pok&233;mon Zacian and ZamazentaPrepare for a trip to the Galar region in the Pok&233;mon Trading Card Game with a Collector Chest that contains a variety of cool goodies fans will loveThis Pok&233;mon TCG Collector Chest includes three foil promo cards highlighting each of the Galar region's first partner Pok&233;mon Grookey Scorbunny and SobbleIt also comes with five Pok&233;mon TCG booster packs to add to your collection and a mini portfolio that can hold your favourite cardsAdditional items like sticker sheets a Pok&233;mon notepad and a coin featuring the first partner trio add to the funTo top it off everything comes packed in a sturdy metal case decorated with images of the Legendary Pok&233;mon Zacian and Zamazenta"
Price: 24.60 |
"HBO Game of Thrones Trivia Board Game" |
"In the game of thrones knowledge is as powerful a weapon as Valyrian steel or dragonsfire Without wielding swords ambitious characters likeTyrion Lannister Petyr Baelish and Olenna Tyrell successfully navigate deadly political upheavals and wars What you know can benefit you and even cripple your opponents but in the words of Petyr Baelish “what we don’t know is what usually gets us killed” Game of Thrones The Trivia Game lets you use your knowledge to compete for the Iron Throne You and your friends answer questions about the first four seasons of the hit HBO series in order to conquer key locations in Westeros Whoever controls the most locations in the Seven Kingdoms wins! Choose more difficult questions to immediately gain more control over a location accumulate resources to earn the favor of iconic characters and cunningly make and break alliances with other players Questions are organized by season to ensure that your game is free from spoilers With over 1200 questions included you are certain to find fresh challenges and learn new details about Westeros with every game Ages 18 Playing time 30-60 minutes Players 2"
Price: 33.99 |
"Dragon Ball Super CG: Draft Box 06" |
"Iconic Giant Characters in One Box!ALL NEW CARDSLike Draft Box 05 Draft Box 06 also contains all new cards only! A total of 145 new card types! Many cards power up giant character decks like Great Ape Bardock or Hirudegarn!UNISON CARD CAMPAIGN RARES! 12 ICONIC GIANT CHARACTERS GATHER AS UNISON WARRIORS!The new Unison Card type makes its Campaign Rare debut! These supremely powerful giant characters like Great Apes Hirudegarn and CellXeno will turn the tide of battle!DRAFT PLAY WILL BE CONTINUOUSLY SUPPORTED FOR FUTURE EVENTS!Draft can be played within a small group and is one of the formats DBSCG will continue to support"
Price: 99.69 |
"Night of the Ninja Board Game" |
"In Night of the Ninja your mission is to kill the members of a rival house before they can kill you The challenge you dont know whos friend or foe!Each round you take a different role Will you be an insightful Spy or Mystic a game changing Trickster or a deadly Assassin? To win youll have to deceive your opponents figure out who can and cant be trusted and fight for your houses honor!Supporting up to eleven players Night of the Ninja is perfect for parties Designed by Justin Gary (Ascension Shards of Infinity) this is a competitive fast-paced social deduction game that anyone can learn in five minutes Every card features paper-craft art hand-cut and photographed to create a unique evocative visual style The sun is setting Make your next game night a Night of the Ninja!"
Price: 24.00 |
"Overlord: A Boss Monster Adventure Board Game" |
"It's time to leave the dungeon and rule the Overworld! Overlord A Boss Monster Adventure is the first Boss Monster spin off game featuring the retro villains of Boss Monster! Emerge from your dungeon to conquer the overworld in this game of tile drafting map building and set collection But aspiring Overlords must be crafty as well as fierce each terrain type is scored differently and your monsters must be arranged strategically to maximize their value Designed for players of all skill levels Overlord is the perfect way to introduce video game fans to board games Overlord is a tile and token drafting game where players compete to construct the deadliest Overworld using terrain tiles each of which scores deadliness points in a different way"
Price: 44.90 |
"Catan Seafarers Expansion (2015 Edition) Board Game" |
"In Catan Seafarers you control a group of bold seafaring settlers exploring and taming the wild uncharted Isles of Catan Each game brings you to new seas and new lands You might even discover the precious gold fields (a very valuable new terrain) Every game is unique and full of fun! Embark on an epic quest to settle the home island build ships and chart nearby waters Guide your brave seafarers to victory through cunning trades and wise development Be first to create new sea lanes and settle the newly-discovered isles The best strategy and a nice dash of luck decide who will be the undisputed ruler of the rich Isles of Catan! Expansion requires Catan Board Game to use Learn in only 15 minutes Play in only 60 minutes Capture the adventure of seafaring exploration and trade Catan Seafarers is a 3-4 player expansion for the best-selling Catan board game Share some fun at sea! Box Contains 60 Wooden Ships 1 Pirate Ship 6 Frame Pieces 19 Sea Hexes 11 Hexagonal Region Tiles 50 Catan Chits 10 Number Tokens 10 Harbor Tokens 1 Rulebook and Scenarios"
Price: 30.78 |
"Pokemon TCG: Sword & Shield 3-Pack Booster Blister - 1 at Random" |
"Please note you will receive 1 Pokemon TCG Sword & Shield 3-Pack Booster Blister at randomSword & Shield is the name given to the first main expansion of the Sword & Shield Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game The world of Sword & Shield introduces us to the Galar region where new Pokémon can be discovered!More information about the set and the products will be revealed closer to the release date Each Three Booster Blister contains 3 10-card booster packs"
Price: 11.94 |
"Catan 5-6 Extension for 5-6 Players (2015 Edition) Board Game" |
"Now five to six players can explore and settle Catan! In the Catan 5-6 Player Extension™ you control a group of settlers exploring and taming the uncharted lands of Catan Embark on a quest to settle the rich island competing against more opponents for added fun Add 1-2 more friends or family without sacrificing ease of play Add green and brown settlers and expand your island with 2 more harbors and 11 unique new terrain tiles Expansion requires Catan Board Game to use Add up to two more players to your Catan Game Ages 10 Takes the Catan Board Game up to 3 to 6 players 60 minute playing time Box Contains 11 Hexagonal Regional Tiles 2 Frame Pieces with Harbors 2 All-Sea Frame Pieces 10 Wooden Settlements 8 Wooden Cities 30 Wooden Roads 25 Resource Cards 9 Development Cards 28 Number Tokens 1 Rulebook"
Price: 19.31 |
"Transformers Trading Card Game 2 Rise of the Combiners Booster Box (30 Packs)" |
"The TRANSFORMERS Trading Card Game is a fast action battling card game In this tabletop game for two players TRANSFORMERS fans ages 8 and up build a team of TRANSFORMERS character cards and power them up with a customizable deck of battle cards Every TRANSFORMERS character card is huge &8211; all character cards in the Bumblebee vs Megatron Starter Set and Booster Packs are twice the size of a standard playing card &8211; and each flips from bot mode to alt mode and back All TRANSFORMERS character cards feature premium printing treatment on their bot-mode sides The deck of battle cards features Actions and Upgrade cards to enhance TRANSFORMERS character cards &8226; Triple-sided cards &8211; a card technology not seen before in the West only used in the Duel Masters game in Japan&8226; Combiners &8211; a very popular Transformers brand theme of recent years offering new gameplay patterns&8226; 46 Large Character Cards 81 Battle Cards&8226; Five combiner teams &8211; super collectible&8226; Triple-sided cards - Bot Alt Combiner&8226; Combiner team Character in 1 in 2 packs&8226; 4 Super Rare Character Cards (vs 2 in Wave 1)&8226; 2 are &8220;Triple Changer&8221; Character Cards&8226; 2 New Keyword mechanics&8226; Powerful Battle Cards with a Star cost &8211; aids constructed deck-building&8226; New Green Battle Icon&8226; Brand new WotC-created Generations art in addition to Hasbro art (eg Hot Rod right)Booster Contents&8226; 1 Oversized Foil Transformers character card&8226; Approx 1 in 2 booster contain a Combiner team Character Card&8226; 7 Battle Deck cards"
Price: 78.49 |
"Godsforge Board Game" |
"Once Etherium wa&115; plentiful and the land wa&115; peaceful Now it&115; pre&115;ence in the world ha&115; dwindled and elite &115;pellca&115;ter&115; battle to control the la&115;t place thi&115; primal re&115;ource can be harne&115;&115;ed &8212; the God&115;forge God&115;forge feature&115; &115;imultaneou&115; play with each player attacking the player to their left and defending again&115;t the player on their right On a turn everyone &115;imultaneou&115;ly roll&115; four dice then each player lay&115; one of their four card&115; face down in front of them In any order you want player&115; reveal tho&115;e card&115; paying the co&115;t of them via &115;pecific number&115; on rolled dice the &115;um of rolled dice veil&115;tone&115; or a combination of the above On the dice 1&115; can be any number you wi&115;h while an unu&115;ed 6 can be &115;pent to acquire a veil&115;tone &83;pell&115; provide one-&115;hot effect&115; while Creation&115; go into play in front of you with &115;ome of them providing one-&115;hot enter play abilitie&115; in addition to po&115;&115;ible attack and defen&115;e value&115; and &115;acrifice abilitie&115; Once all the card&115; have been re&115;olved player&115; a&115;&115;e&115;&115; damage comparing their attack value again&115;t their target'&115; defen&115;e You then di&115;card any card&115; you don't want then refill your hand to four Once a player i&115; eliminated everyone &115;till in the game &115;tart&115; taking damage from them each round in order to ha&115;ten the endgame Player&115; 2-4Playing time 20-40 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 24.99 |
"BrainBox Dinosaurs Card Game" |
"For young dinosaur-lovers everywhere this exciting Brainbox developed specifically with younger children in mind introduces a world of prehistoric creatures from favourites such as Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops to less familiar dinosaurs such as Giraffatitan and Zalmoxes For young dinosaur-lovers everywhere this exciting Brainbox developed specifically with younger children in mindIntroduces a world of prehistoric creatures from favourites such as Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops to less familiar dinosaurs such as Giraffatitan and Zalmoxes Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 12.99 |
"Final Fantasy TCG Opus 10 Ancient Champions Booster Box (36 packs)" |
"As the iconic Warrior of Light figure suggests Opus 10 features numerous characters whispered of in myth and legend and sees the introduction of the new key word Damage which initiates unique text effects once a player has taken a specified amount of damage This opens up further tactical options such as deliberately taking damage or holding off from dealing it in the early game leading to even more exciting late-game developments than ever seen before! Players & collectors can also expect more original artwork by the renowned artists as well as the introduction of a new spinoff from the main series Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings!FFTCG Opus X will comprise 130 standard cards 162 premium cards 10 exclusive cards from the new 2 player starter sets Wraith VS Knights plus a whopping 22 special full arts!!! Players who go for a full display will also be rewarded with a special promotional card This is a booster box product containing 36 packs of cards"
Price: 113.99 |
"Dungeons and Doggies Miniatures Box 3" |
"Following on from the successful Kickstarter for Dungeons and Doggies which saw 14000 backers receive Volume 1 and 2 comes Volume 3 Straight to retail!These doggies have never been seen before and contain some of the most popular Dungeons and Dragons 5th Ed classes!Fighter (Jack Russel)Monk (Greyhound)Bard (Cavalier)Paladin (Boxer)Ranger (Shiba Inu aka the Doge meme)Cleric (Pitbull)"
Price: 20.99 |
"Pokemon TCG: Sword & Shield 2 Rebel Clash Booster Box (36 Packs)" |
"Galarian Pokmon Are Ready to Rock!Rock out with new Pokmon! Crank it loud and blast the beat - youll find rebellion chaos and punk attitude galore in the Pokmon TCG Sword & Shield - Rebel Clash expansion loaded with Pokmon V including Toxtricity V Dubwool V Boltund V Sandaconda V and more! Youll also find a handful of Pokmon VMAX including the final Evolutions of all three first partners plus Copperajah VMAX and Dragapult VMAX Take to the stage and the streets with the Sword & Shield - Rebel Clash expansion!Over 190 cardsDozens of recently discovered Pokmon from the Galar region15 powerful Pokmon V and 7 enormous Pokmon VMAXMore than 15 Trainer cards and 4 new Special Energy cards"
Price: 119.99 |
"Small World Race Collection: Cursed, Grand Dames & Royal Board Game" |
"Will you choose the poor Cursed Fauns or the mighty Aquatic Priestesses for your next conquests? This Power Pack combines all Races and Special Powers from Cursed! Grand Dames of Small World and the Royal Bonus along with a tray to store all the tokens Contains 8 Race banners (Fauns Goblins Gypsies Igors Kobolds Priestesses Shrubmen & White Ladies) 10 Special Power badges (Aquatic Behemoth Cursed Fireball Historian Hordes of Marauding Peace Loving Ransacking & Were-) 42 various tokens 98 Race tokens"
Price: 17.66 |
"Mega Monopoly Board Game" |
"Buy more property buy more buildings and handle more cash in this Mega Edition of the family favourite Monopoly game! The huge gameboard has 12 extra spaces including eight new streets – one for every colour group There are also skyscrapers you can add to your streets so your rents will rocket sky high and if you build depots on your railway stations you get double rent! The extra M1000 note will help you pay for all this and you’ll get to race around the bigger board with the help of the Speed Die and Bus Tickets Not suitable for children under 36 months"
Price: 25.94 |
"Sub Terra Investigation Expansion" |
"Not all of you made it out alive With the help of a mysterious corporation return to the cave and search for your fallen friends Investigation adds 15 new item cards that grant your cavers powerful abilities Recover them from the cave floor or choose the ruthless Agent who starts fully equipped The darkness hides many things Be prepared Players 1-6 Playing time 45-90 mins Ages 10"
Price: 16.99 |
"Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Cyberse Link Structure Deck" |
"Delve deeper into the new Cyberse and Link Monsters with Structure Deck Cyberse Link! Duelists got their first taste of Cyberse and Link Monsters in Starter Deck Link Strike and Code of the Duelist Now they can take it to the next level with Structure Deck Cyberse Link! Filled with cards geared towards Link Summoning this 43-card Deck is all about showing off your mastery of the newest monsters to hit the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME! The Cyberse take Dueling technology into a new era! Take advantage of their high-speed network capabilities as they help each other onto the field Once you have gotten the most out of their processing power use them to compute the necessary data to Link Summon 3 new all-foil Link Monsters! Mix those zeroes and one with a little magic to Link Summon Binal Sorceress upgrade your hardware and enter the third dimension to Link Summon Tri-Gate Wizard and convert your monsters into Link Materials to Link Summon Encode Talker! Like Firewall Dragon from Code of the Duelist Structure Deck Cyberse Link takes advantage of co-linking your Link Monsters to upgrade their effects That means you’ll want to Summon more Link Monsters and make sure their Link Arrows are pointing at each other to maximize their output! Between the fast Special Summoning Cyberse synergy and Link Monster action you won’t be able to tell where the technology ends and the magic begins In addition Structure Deck Cyberse Link is filled with powerful cards that any Duelist will want to add to their arsenal It even includes popular hard-to-find cards like Jester Confit Cosmic Cyclone Storming Mirror Force and Dimensional Barrier! Structure Deck Cyberse Link contains 43 cards 38 Common Cards 2 Ultra Rare Cards 3 Super Rare Cards 1 Beginner’s Guide and 1 updated Game Mat with new Extra Monster Zones Card names subject to change"
Price: 8.13 |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire Free Folk Raiders Expansion" |
"The bulk of the Free Folk forces are made up of the everyday people of the various tribes They don’t have fancy metal armor They don’t relentlessly train and drill maneuvers They barely have weapons just scavenging a bit of bone or old swords from the battlefield But what they lack in military tactics they more than make up for in one thing numbers When the raiders come down from the north they’re like a tidal wave overwhelming enemy defenses as they go The Fee Folk Raiders Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk commanders a new option for the battlefield The unit may not have the best stats in the game but that means their low cost makes them very easy to combine with any force The Raid Leader Unit Attachment adds to their deadliness allowing another Fee Folk unit to activate directly after the Raiders do"
Price: 32.49 |
"Perudo Vertical Dice Game" |
"Let the battle of the dice commence!Classic liar dice game that has been played for hundreds of years!Stephen Fry declared to be 'the second most addictive thing to come outof South America'There is no board no setting-up and no complicated rules Perudo makes a perfect after dinner or travel game and is suitable foranyone aged 8 to 108!A strategic game for the whole family that requires luck skill andguesswork to win!A game for every occasion Perudo is a top selling line year after year!Yearly Perudo Championships including over 150 players 8 years 2-6 players"
Price: 16.37 |
"Thomas Kinkade Disney Lady and the Tramp 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle" |
"The painter of light Thomas Kinkade captures the timeless magic of this classic Disney story This 1 000 piece jigsaw tells the entire story of Disney's Lady and the tramp in one image Manufactured to Schmidts premium quality 6 Star-Quality The 6 unique advantages are 1 Great variety of forms thanks to individually shaped pieces 2 Perfect cohesion thanks to specially-developed cardboard which is 225 mm thick 3 Perfect accuracy of fit thinks to an especially fine punching knife 4 Special matt varnish for jigsaw puzzles without reflections 5 Linen structure 6 Exclusive design combined the quality and fit of Schmidts six -Star quality means that a 1 000 piece puzzle can be lifted up vertically once complete without the need of any puzzle conserver making this jigsaw a satisfying experience for any puzzle lover The perfect gift for any Disney fan the completed puzzle measures 693 mm x 493 mm Schmidt six-star premium quality 1 000 piece jigsaw puzzleThe Painter of Light Thomas Kinkade captures the timeless magic of this classic Disney storySnug fitting varied extra thick and smooth-edged piecesA perfect gift for any puzzler or Disney fan aged 12 and upThe completed puzzle measures approximately 69 cm x 49 cm"
Price: 16.27 |
"The World of David Walliams - Gangsta Granny Board Game" |
"The new Gangsta Granny Stash the Swag board game is what all David Walliams fans have been waiting for! They had until tea time to plan the greatest Jewel theft in History! but can Granny and Ben avoid the Queen and collect and stash all the jewels? This fantastic easy to play family board game stars the characters from The World of David Walliams award winning book Gangsta Granny The aim of the game is to collect all the letter jewels to spell out the word GANGSTA but watch out because the Queen is on the prowl! To help out the first G is already in place and the player pieces which feature Ben and Granny are different colours and shaped to carry the jewels Players take it in turns to throw two dice one to move the player piece and the other to move the Queen As the player pieces pass over the jewels the jewel cards are turned over to reveal coloured letters If the player piece passes over a letter of the same colour it can be stashed in the players piece Moving around the board players aim to collect all the letters and at any time can choose to head to the Stash the Swag square where they can safely stash their jewels Watch out though if they get caught by the Queen before stashing their jewels they all have to be returned! The winner is the first to spell out the word GANGSTA! This award-winning fun and engaging board game encourages strategic thinking and is perfect for 2-4 players age 7 years and over A fun and engaging award-winning board gameBased the World of David Walliams' Best Seller Gangsta GrannyFun for all the family and encourages strategic thinkingQuick to set up and easy to play rulesGreat entertainment for 2-4 players aged 7 years and over"
Price: 15.33 |
"Pathfinder Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures Crates" |
"These highly detailed miniatures are pre-primed with Acrylicos Vallejo primer Contents3 Crates"
Price: 6.49 |
"The Beatles Sgt Pepper Jigsaw Puzzle - 1000 Pieces" |
"Meet the Sgt Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band as you piece together this 1000 piece puzzle of the Beatles most widely-recognized album cover Sgt Pepper Lonely Hearts was the eighth studio album by the English rock band and was considered to be a masterpiece by critics The Beatles are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music The puzzle image depicts the band standing in front of a collage with several of their favourite celebrities This album cover is considered to be the most extensively imitated album cover This puzzle is an ideal gift for fans of the Beatles and offers a rewarding a pleasant puzzle experience The puzzle is presented in a high quality cardboard box which is then shrink-wrapped Finished puzzle measures 590mm x 590mm Suitable for ages 12 years and up"
Price: 17.40 |
"Let's Feed The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board Game" |
"Transform your caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly with this fun colourful and educational board game based on Eric carle’s beloved best-selling storybook; the very hungry caterpillar Preschoolers can practice counting collecting and puzzle building with the entertaining let’s feed the hungry caterpillar board game Players take it in turns to turn over a card and move their colourful 3D sculpted caterpillar around the board Moving from fruit to fruit on the board players collect a unique butterfly puzzle piece each time they stop to ‘eat’ the first player to collect all five puzzle pieces and create a beautiful butterfly wins the game! preschoolers can practice decision making by moving in any direction around the board and puzzle building encourages the development of fine motor skills No game is ever the same as players mix and matches the beautiful butterfly puzzle pieces to create a unique butterfly picture every time Let’s feed the hungry caterpillar is perfect for 2 – 4 players and suitable for ages 3 years and over "
Price: 13.59 |
"Kersplatt Board Game" |
"Kersplatt! Is the hilarious fast-paced family board game of modelling mayhem! A high energy tactile but strategic board game that will See players Kersplatting opponents creative masterpieces in the quest to be the first to get two play pieces home First players have to get creative and make their own play pieces with the modelling Dough provided then it is all to play for! Taking it in turns to turn over a card players try to advance their play pieces as far as they can around the board whilst trying to stop Their opponents from reaching their home square first There are three types of card a coloured number card allows you to advance your play piece to the nearest empty space either matching the colour of the card or the number on the card A choice of two colours card allow you to choose the colour that advances you the further around the board The third Type of card is the Kersplatt or colour card; with this card you can choose to either advance to the further colour space or take your hand starting from your own start space travel along the path until you reach the first opponents play piece and Kersplatt it! Once a play piece has been Kersplatted it remains on the board making that area a dead space that cannot be landed on Kersplatt! Is a fantastic 2-4 player family board game where strategy and tactics definitely come into play Perfect for players age 6 years and over"
Price: 14.68 |
"Playmobil Jigsaw Puzzle Puzzle Box (2x60pc/2x100pc)" |
"From renowned jigsaw maker Schmidt Four colourful and exciting playmobil children&8217;s jigsaws to assemble All packed in a sturdy keepsake tin with a handle Includes the following100 piece quarry days scene jigsaw 100 piece at the fire station scene jigsaw 60 piece safari lodge scene jigsaw 60 piece dragon castle scene jigsaw"
Price: 13.99 |
"Discover the Dinosaurs 200 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle" |
"From renowned jigsaw makers &8211; Schmidt The pieces are smooth edged well fitting extra thick and varied creating a high quality puzzle which can be used many times to give years of enjoyment Children will enjoy assembling this colourful dinosaur inspired puzzle The jigsaw has 200 pieces making this perfect for children aged eight and above The completed jigsaws measure 432 x 291 cm Extremely High-quality jigsaw puzzleThe pieces are smooth-edged well fitting extra thick and variedChildren will love this detailed dinosaur inspired imageChildren will enjoy assembling this colourful jigsawThis 200 piece puzzle is suitable for ages eight and up"
Price: 9.49 |