Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Blue Edition Board Game" |
"The World is on the brink of disaster In Pandemic Legacy your disease fighting team must keep four deadly diseases at bay for a whole year Each month will bring new surprises and your actions in each game will have repercussions on the next Will you let cities fall to the diseases? Will your team be enough to keep the viruses at bay for a whole year? An epic twist on the now classic Pandemic mechanisms Ever changing elements means that every game will be unique to your group Shape the world the characters and even the diseases Designed by Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau Game details Ages 13 Players 2-4 Playing time 60 minutes"
Price: 56.49 |
"Pathfinder Module Daughters of Fury" |
"Fury has come to the border town of Arwyll Stead! Life on the fringes of orc-ruled Belkzen has never been easy but since the last member of the Arwyll family was murdered things have become even more desperate Orc-blooded terrors are killing the town&39;s defenders and threatening to lay siege devils fly overheard and the only half-orc who might know the secret of these nightmarish new invaders has been struck mute Can the PCs manage to both keep the town from erupting into panic and discover what is behind the horrifying rash of infernal attacks? The winning entry of Paizo&39;s 2014 RPG Superstar Contest - in which unpublished authors compete for a chance to write a Pathfinder Module - Daughters of Fury is a 1st-level adventure that includes not only Victoria Jaczko&39;s winning adventure but also a selection of the best monsters submitted by other contestants"
Price: 16.49 |
"Pathfinder Companion Magic Tactics Toolbox" |
"Magic can do anything-but it&39;s more effective if you know what you&39;re doing Learn to use your magical powers to their best effect with Pathfinder Player Companion Magic Tactics Toolbox! Discover effective spell strategies to augment allies control the battlefield or just blast foes! In addition to class options and abilities this Player Companion includes dozens of new magic options including blood hexes discoveries new magic item mastery feats and spells designed to work with specific eldritch strategies!"
Price: 10.49 |
"Pathfinder Player Companion Haunted Heroes Handbook" |
"Death is not the end! In a world filled with undead resurrection and beings from beyond the mortal plane long-dead mistakes can still cause problems for the living-or provide opportunity Pathfinder Player Companion Haunted Heroes Handbook takes aim at possessing forces of all sorts from worldly magic to spirits of the dead and provides you with options to rid yourself of that influence take back control or profit by cunning bargains with forces in need of a mortal vessel This handbook also provides valuable information on the places organizations and faiths especially concerned with spirits hauntings and possession and how any of these can affect your outlook and abilities Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume&39;s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign"
Price: 10.49 |
"Pathfinder Campaign Setting Inner Sea Temples" |
"From modest shrines to soaring cathedral spires the seats of godly faiths fill the lands of the Inner Sea Now Game Masters and players alike can explore the inner workings of six of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game&39;s most iconic faiths Each comes complete with a detailed map profiles of the temple&39;s notable members a history of the structure and organization and plot hooks for parties both allied with and opposed to the church&39;s goals Featured temples include Cayden&39;s Hall the center of worship for the Drunken God; a bank of Abadar god of commerce and civilization in a frontier jungle settlement on the verge of revolution; and a shrine to pain and darkness in the shadow-enshrouded capital of Nidal a nation dedicated to Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord Whether you&39;re looking for a temple to shelter and heal your injured party or an evil cult that needs to be eradicated no Pathfinder RPG campaign is complete without Pathfinder Campaign Setting Temples of the Inner Sea"
Price: 14.49 |
"Heroes of the Darklands: Pathfinder Player Companion Board Game" |
"HEROES OF THE DARKLANDS PATHFINDER PLAYER COMPANION BY PAIZO Plumbing the Depths From the impossible depths of the earth crawl horrible foes but bold heroes rise to face them Join these champions&39; ranks with Pathfinder Player Companion Heroes of the Darklands This chronicle of Golarion&39;s underground realms prepares characters for their descent into the endless night exploring the distinct regions of the Darklands and offering an array of new character options including archetypes feats magic items spells and more The Darklands may be deadly but they&39;re not a death sentence for those who are prepared Make Heroes of the Darklands your guide to surviving the depths Inside this book you&39;ll find New class archetypes including the stonesinger bard; the spore-laden fungal pilgrim druid; and the blightburner kineticist who can harness the power of radiation A host of new alchemical items both beneficial and destructive as well as magic items that can help explorers survive the dangers of the Darklands Dozens of new spells traits and items suited to exploring the Darklands or created by those who dwell there This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world"
Price: 13.99 |
"Starfinder Pact Worlds Board Game" |
"The Pact Worlds are the beating heart of the Starfinder campaign setting a solar system full of citizens both familiar and bizarre From the cosmopolitan corridors of Absalom Station to the carnivorous jungles of Castrovel or the floating cloud-cities of the gas giant Bretheda this hardcover rulebook is your guide to Starfinder’s core worlds and civilizations and the perfect place to launch any adventure Inside you’ll find In-depth gazetteers of the system’s 14 major worlds from high-tech Verces and the draconic empires of Triaxus to the necromantic wastleands of Eox or magical bubble cities floating on the surface of the sun Each gazetteer features a detailed world map residents and cultures settlements and adventure locations a unique theme to customize characters from that world and more New playable alien races from undead Eoxians to Castrovellian plant-people New starships from the living vessels of the Xenowardens to sinister Hellknight dreadnoughts A codex of themed NPC stat blocks to help Game Masters create vivid encounters New archetypes for every class including the Star Knight Skyfire Centurion and Divine Champion Tons of new weapons armors spells feats magic items technological gadgets and more to help outfit your adventurers"
Price: 34.99 |
"Pathfinder RPF 2nd Edition Playtest Rulebook (Softback)" |
"This massive 400 page rulebook contains everything you need to create characters and run Pathfinder Playtest adventures from levels 1-20! With gorgeous new illustations by Wayne Reynolds the playest rulebook lights the path leading directly to Pathfinder&39;s future"
Price: 18.99 |
"Pathfinder RPF 2nd Edition Playtest Rulebook (Hardcover)" |
"This massive 400 page rulebook contains everything you need to create characters and run Pathfinder Playtest adventures from levels 1-20! With gorgeous new illustations by Wayne Reynolds the playest rulebook lights the path leading directly to Pathfinder&39;s future Hardback edition"
Price: 28.49 |
"Pathfinder Adventure Path 130: City in the Lion's Eye (War for the Crown 4 of 6)" |
"Princess Eutropia’s rival for the throne of Taldor plans to plunge the nation into war to rally the people behind him threatening to kill untold thousands in a battle not for ideals or security but pure vanity From the fortress-city of Zimar General Pythareus commands the overwhelming army of Taldor and one of the most ruthless spymasters the world has ever known Even with the resources of the legendary Lion Blades beside them can the PCs hope to outmaneuver a faceless conspiracy and end the War for the Crown once and for all or will Taldor descend once more into a thousand-year orgy of violence? “City in the Lion’s Eye” is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters The adventure continues the War for the Crown Adventure Path as players drag a once-grand nation kicking and screaming into the modern day becoming legendary politicians spymasters and nobles in their own right A selection of new monsters an overview of Taldor’s famed spies the Lion Blades and a gazetteer of the military city of Zimar round out this volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario stats for several new monsters and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG"
Price: 19.49 |
"Atlandice Board Game" |
"In one day and night the island of Atlantis has been overwhelmed beneath the sea The greater city of Atlantis is about to sink You as the last Atlanteans have to save as much wealth as possible before you flee the fury of the elements The clock in the center of the city shows the remaining time before the end But because of the cataclysm the gates between the locations are broken down They open and close randomly Collecting goods will not be so easy The mechanisms in Atlandice are unique but simple On their turn a player chooses one of the available dice which is in fact a gate This gate brings the player to a location; in this location are randomly distributed resources and effects The effects are randomly dispatched with tiles at the beginning of the game so that each game will be different! Effects can help the player or can interfere with other players&39; plans Earn prestige by collecting more resources than your opponents both at the key moments of the game and at the end"
Price: 12.90 |
"Happy Salmon Card Game - Blue Edition" |
"Happy salmon is the simple fast-paced card game packed to the gills with high-flying’ fin-flapping’ fun Actions including the classic &39;high 5&39; the unifying &39;pound it&39; the frantic &39;Switcheroo&39; and the delightful &39;Happy salmon&39; will leave players doubled over in laughter With so many mini-celebrations built into the play it’s the happiest game ever! how to play 1 Everyone calls out the action shown on their top card 2 When two players have a match they celebrate by performing that action together then discard their top card 3 The first player to match all of the cards in their deck wins! the Happy salmon blue expansion has arrived It&39;s the same fin-tastic game as before but with different colour cards This expansion can be played alone or with Happy salmon green to increase the maximum number of players from 6 to 12! Happy salmon is suitable for 3 - 6 players aged 6 and up with a playing time of around 5 minutes The High-Fivin&39; Fin-Flappin&39; Card Game A perfect filler game which makes a fantastic ice breaker Comes in a fin-tastic travel pouch This expansion can be played alone or with Happy Salmon Green to increase the maximum number of players from 6 to 12! For 3 to 6 players aged 6 This game has the same concept as the green edition of Happy Salmon but you can combine the two decks for more players!"
Price: 13.99 |
"WWE Slam Attax Live Trading Card Collection (36 Packs)" |
"Slam Attax Live is coming and it&39;s bigger and better than ever! With more cards to collect than ever before Slam Attax Live brings fans closer to the action-packed excitement of WWE Cool new card designs showcase action images of top superstars like Roman Reigns AJ Styles Asuka and Charlotte Flair plus a host of WWE legends! Champion rivalries and 25 years of Raw subsets complete the collectio making it a must-have for WWE fans of all ages! Memorbilia cards inside lucky packets including ring from mats from Wrestlemania 33 Royal Rumble 2018 plus worn t-shirts from John Cena AJ Styles and many more! Over 380 cards to collect! Packs x9 Cards per Packet 36 Packs included"
Price: 50.99 |
"Axis & Allies: D-Day" |
"From the Avalon Hill web &115;iteIt&8217;&115; the morning of June 6 1944 A&115; Allied force&115; prepare to &115;torm Normandy&8217;&115; beache&115; the fate of Europe i&115; in your hand&115;! In honor of next year&8217;&115; 60th anniver&115;ary of D-Day Avalon Hill will relea&115;e Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day a new &115;tand-alone exten&115;ion of the cla&115;&115;ic &115;trategy game Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day will allow player&115; to recreate the large&115;t amphibiou&115; inva&115;ion in hi&115;tory Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day feature&115; detailed game component&115; including a new blockhou&115;e piece an extra-large game board and original artwork commi&115;&115;ioned exclu&115;ively for the D-Day game box Other element&115; of thi&115; new Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; variant include a card deck with three card type&115; &8212; Order&115; Tactic&115; and Fortune &8212; to add depth and complexity to play Order card&115; determine play &115;equence and break turn&115; into di&115;tinct pha&115;e&115;; Tactic&115; card&115; offer player&115; varied &115;trategic opportunitie&115;; and Fortune card&115; add an element of unpredictability Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day begin&115; a&115; Operation Overlord the inva&115;ion of German-held Normandy i&115; underway &8212; 130000 &115;oldier&115; of the United Kingdom Canada and the United &83;tate&115; are poi&115;ed to a&115;&115;ault Fortre&115;&115; Europe You and your fellow world power&115; control their fate&115; One player control&115; Germany who&115;e Axi&115; force&115; have turned the beache&115; of Normandy into a near-impenetrable &115;tronghold &83;et to breach tho&115;e defen&115;e&115; are the Allie&115; the United Kingdom Canada and the United &83;tate&115; The future of Europe and the world hang&115; in the balance Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day i&115; de&115;igned for two or three player&115; and can be played in two hour&115; Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; D-Day i&115; the third Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; variant following the &115;ucce&115;&115;ful Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; Europe and Axi&115; &38; Allie&115; Pacific both of which were publi&115;hed in 2001"
Price: 39.49 |
"Disney Frozen My Sister My Hero Sticker Collection (50 Packs)" |
"Di&115;ney Frozen My &83;i&115;ter My Hero &83;ticker Collection (50 Pack&115;)50 Pack&115; included5 &115;ticker&115; per pack"
Price: 25.49 |
"Panini Tabloid 2019 Football Sticker Collection Multipack" |
"The Panini Tabloid is a special commemorative newspaper which celebrates the exciting new partnership between the greatest League in the world and the legendary name in Football publishing Panini Special Commemorative Edition Past Players & Managers Round-up of the Previous Season Preview of Next Season 150 Stickers To Collect Contains x1 Multipack"
Price: 6.49 |
"Panini Tabloid 2019 Football Sticker Collection (50 Packs)" |
"The Panini Tabloid i&115; a &115;pecial commemorative new&115;paper which celebrate&115; the exciting new partner&115;hip between the greate&115;t league in the world and the legendary name in football publi&115;hing Panini Focu&115; on the Premier League&8217;&115; hi&115;tory to date; pa&115;t player&115; and manager&115; plu&115; a round-up of the previou&115; &115;ea&115;on a preview of next &115;ea&115;on and a look toward&115; the amazing product that i&115; to come from Panini for PL 2019-20; The Official Premier League Adrenalyn XL Trading Card Game &38; The Official Premier League &83;ticker Collection 50 pack&115; included"
Price: 33.99 |
"Match Attax 101 Football Trading Card Collection (50 Packs)" |
"Get the brand new Match Attax Trading Card Game featuring all the bigge&115;t player&115; from acro&115;&115; the globe brand-new &115;ub&115;et&115; and &115;tunning de&115;ign&115;!Plu&115; introducing the Topp&115; Index featuring the be&115;t player&115; in World Football! With the like&115; of Ronaldo Me&115;&115;i Neymar and Kane in&115;ide packet&115; collector&115; will not want to mi&115;&115; out on thi&115; fanta&115;tic collection!Over 190 card&115; featuring the bigge&115;t &115;tar&115; in world football!The new Topp&115; index featuring the out&115;tanding performer&115; from thi&115; &115;ea&115;on!Brand new &115;ub&115;et&115;!50 Pack&115; included"
Price: 48.99 |
"Panini Football 2017 Sticker Collection (50 Packs)" |
"We are proud to introduce the all-new Panini Football 2017 &115;ticker collection where we bring together all five international team&115; from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland With fact&115; &115;tat&115; and &115;tunning image&115; we celebrate the achievement&115; of the international &115;tar&115; from England Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland &83;cotland and Wale&115; And there&8217;&115; &115;o much to be proud of! Which country will you complete fir&115;t?With 240 &115;ticker&115; to collect including 40 &115;hiny &115;ticker&115; &8211; why not kick &115;tart your collection today?"
Price: 25.49 |
"Panini Football 2017 Sticker Collection Starter Pack" |
"We are proud to introduce the all-new Panini Football 2017 &115;ticker collection where we bring together all five international team&115; from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland With fact&115; &115;tat&115; and &115;tunning image&115; we celebrate the achievement&115; of the international &115;tar&115; from England Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland &83;cotland and Wale&115; And there&8217;&115; &115;o much to be proud of! Which country will you complete fir&115;t?With 240 &115;ticker&115; to collect including 40 &115;hiny &115;ticker&115; &8211; why not kick &115;tart your collection today?&83;tarter pack&115; include an album plu&115; 31 &115;ticker&115; to get you going!"
Price: 5.99 |
"Anne Stokes Unicorns Playing Cards" |
"This deck of playing cards comes from the world-renowned artwork of Gothic and Fantasy artist Anne Stokes There are 52 fantastically detailed cards each showing a different Unicorn from her extensive artwork collection Made from thick laminated paper these cards are durable and can provide the user with many hours of fun!"
Price: 7.49 |
"Premier League 2019/20 Adrenalyn XL Booster Box (50 Packs)" |
"Please Note - You will receive 1x Booster box which contains 50 packsFeaturing all 20 Clubs from one of the worlds best and most exciting leagues this is a must-have collection for football fans and collectors alike This superb collection features 469 trading cards plus 30 LIMITED EDITION cards to look out for Collectors can activate their cards in the free to download Adrenalyn XL app trade and compete with their friends This stunning and diverse collection features awesome new card sections such as Top Keeper Awesome Foursome Hero Power Pairing Triple Threat Game Breaker Diamond Savage Silks and Elite cards Collectors should keep their eyes peeled for the INVINCIBLE card as well!Each trading card packet contains 6 trading cards"
Price: 50.74 |
"Pokemon TCG: Galar Collection - 1 At Random - Grookey, Scorbunny or Sobble" |
"Please note you will receive 1 x Pokemon TCG Galar Collection at random from Grookey Scorbunny and ScobbleGrookey Scorbunny and Sobble are amazing new first partner Pokmon itching to explore the Galar region Fans can now find these newly discovered Pokmon in the Pokmon Trading Card Game Galar Collection! In addition to three awesome foil promo cards featuring the adorable Grookey Scorbunny or SobbleEach Galar Collection includes one of two foil oversize cards featuring the newly discovered Legendary Pokmon Zacian or Zamazenta These cards showcase the upcoming Pokmon V mechanic! In addition the collection features one of three glossy pins featuring Grookey Scorbunny or Sobble along with four Pokmon TCG booster packs The Pokmon TCG Galar Collection is a great way to kick off your collection for a new region!The Pokmon TCG Galar Collection includes3 foil promo cards featuring Grookey Scorbunny Sobble1 of 2 foil oversize cards featuring the Legendary Pokmon Zacian or Zamazenta as Pokmon V1 of 3 glossy pins featuring Grookey Scorbunny or Sobble4 Pokmon TCG booster packs1 code card for the Pokmon TCG Online"
Price: 18.34 |
"Harry Potter Playing Cards" |
"Official licensed productWaddingtons playing cards"
Price: 8.49 |
"Arsenal FC Playing Cards" |
"Waddingtons playing cardsOfficial licensed product"
Price: 7.99 |
"Premier League 2019/20 Adrenalyn XL Premium (10 Packs)" |
"This stunning and diverse collection features awesome new card sections such as Top Keeper Awesome Foursome Hero Power Pairing Triple Threat Game Breaker Diamond Savage Skills and Elite cards Collectors should keep their eyes peeled for the INVINCIBLE card as well!"
Price: 36.99 |
"Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Sticker Starter Pack" |
"Panini Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Sticker Collection Starter Pack Panini are excited to announce the launch of a brand new Paw Patrol sticker collection Mighty Pups! When the Paw Patrol come into contact with a strange meteor that lands on the beach in Adventure Bay they are transformed into superheroes with mighty powers! Discover each pup's special skills and find the full story in this mighty new album! The album includes activities such as matching your stickers to the answers and a colouring page of the pups! The collection has a total of 176 stickers to collect including special holographic versions Collectors can get their collection going with a starter pack that includes an album and 26 stickers as well as awesome pull-out poster!"
Price: 7.99 |
"Witches Kitchen Oracle Cards" |
"Exclusively available from Nemesis Now this fantastic oracle deck has all you need to start reading fortunes Not only does it contain 40 beautifully illustrated cards each illuminating natural ingredients (including herb and plant medicine) that bring about positive change growth and harmony but a comprehensive guidebook explaining how to read and seek guidance from them With easy to remember invocations and a variety of sample spreads to help you tap into centuries-old wisdom connecting with other realms has never been easier for seekers of truth!Reconnect with the power of your inner darkness48 high-quality silver gilded cardsDesigned by 2 practising high priestessesDetailed guidebook containing incantations sample spreads detailed readings and more"
Price: 15.99 |
"Mr.Men Little Miss - 7 pieces wouden puzzle" |
"Mr Men Little Miss puzzle great for fans of Mr Men"
Price: 21.99 |
"MR. MEN LITTLE MISS - Wood - 4 cubes" |
"MR MEN LITTLE MISS Wood 4 cubes Great for fans of MrMen"
Price: 13.99 |