Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Hocus Pocus (Lisa Parker) Cat Ornament" |
"From the untamed imagination of Lisa Parker this beautiful figurine is available exclusively through Nemesis Now Not just your ordinary moggy this Blue Point Siamese wears a red collar decorated with a triquetra talisman Sat on a wooden perch this familiar has a crystal wand grasped firmly between her small fangs as her icy blue eyes stare straight ahead A spellbook sits open in front of her the page reads The Binding Spell Be fully prepared before attempting this powerful spell Keep in mind the size and weight of your subject and be sure to alter your quantities accordingly You will be able to get all the ingredients required at Lisa Parker's magical pharmacies There you will find a vast array of powerful potions and spells simply the best in the business! Purchase the following ingredients 2oz of dragons blood five white candles organic silk woven cord lavender Irish Charcoal and corn Cast in the finest resin before being expertly hand-painted the beautiful detailing enhances the magic of the piece making it the perfect addition to any bewitching collection"
Price: 47.99 |
"Teresina Dark Reaper Angel Figurine" |
"Formulated in the minds of our very own ethereal designers this beautifully detailed black and gold angel is darker than we imagined Named Teresina which means ?The Reaper? this temptress kneels on the ground a burning candle dancing in front of her Her long black robe drapes from her head and pools on the dark ground Intricate golden patterns cover the fabric and are mirrored in the floral crown that is placed on her head A pair of large black wings emerge from her back edged in the same gold that can be found on her robes In her hands she cradles a golden skull a powerful talisman which helps her guide souls onto the afterlife Exclusively available through Nemesis Now?s alternative Gothic giftware collection this piece would make the perfect centrepiece Cast in the finest resin before being expertly hand-painted this piece was designed and sculpted in the UK by our own designers and sculptors"
Price: 41.49 |
"Salem Cat Figure" |
"Available as part of Nemesis Now's extensive giftware collection this cat looks thoroughly unimpressed! His fur is scruffy as he sits contemplating life Being a witches familiar is a tough job and Salem certainly shows it! Cast in the finest resin before being carefully hand-painted this piece would make the perfect gift for any Witch in need of a companion!"
Price: 21.49 |
"Inferno Skull Figurine" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 05556 Kg"
Price: 13.49 |
"Odin Bust" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 11500 Kg"
Price: 24.49 |
"Splitting Headache Skull Tea Light" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 05556 Kg"
Price: 15.99 |
"Galeru Dragon Figurine" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 03361 Kg"
Price: 11.99 |
"Malachite Dragon Figurine" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 03417 Kg"
Price: 11.49 |
"Unicorn Wishes 36pcs plus Display Stand" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 21500 Kg"
Price: 50.99 |
"Techno Talk Large Skull" |
"Nemesis Now is pleased to give you this alternative skull available as part of our Alator gothic high-value collection Covered in arcane and mysterious mechanisms this skull has been modified almost beyond recognition The eye sockets have been filled with interlocking gears of iron and brass and bolts are crossed through the nose hole The mouth is held shut with a serious of steel screws and the whole ensemble is topped with aa pair os gothic steampunk headphones connecting the ears Cast in the finest resin before being carefully hand-painted this skull is an essential part of any gothic fantasy or steampunk collection SPECIFICATIONS Weight 06667 Kg"
Price: 20.99 |
"Ulula Owl Figurine" |
"Nemesis Now are the masters of gothic and fantasy art and modelling They work with the world&39;s leading fantasy artists and designers to produce stunning collectables SPECIFICATIONS Weight 22667 Kg"
Price: 44.49 |
"Snake Skull Bronze (Small)" |
"Packed with detail you will be amazed at how much intricate quality this small sculpture has Snake Skull in Bronze SmallPacked with detail you will be amazed at how much intricate quality this small sculpture hasMade from Cold Cast BronzeHeight 5cmA truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real stand out"
Price: 5.99 |
"Witch Way Notebook 21.5cm" |
"Part of the Celtic Gothic Wiccan and Pagan range Witch Way NotebookHeight 215cm Width 15cmUnique 3D Ceramic Resin Cover Heavy and Handpainted Comes with a free refill of pages once your notes are filled upIf you&39;re a wannabe Witch or into occult and magic or just want a totally unique notebook - this is an excellent choice!"
Price: 7.49 |
"Peace Notebook 21.5cm" |
"Decorative ying yang ring bound notebook Peace logo NotebookHeight 215cmRing Bound"
Price: 7.49 |
"Witch Couldron Magnetic Notebook 22cm" |
"Decorative witchcraft ring bound notebookWitch Cauldron (magnetic) Notebook22 x 15cmRing Bound"
Price: 7.99 |
"Celtic Skull Bronze (Small)" |
"A truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand out Celtic &83;kull in BronzeDe&115;igned by De&115;ign ClinicMade from Cold Ca&115;t BronzeHeight 35cm Width 3cm Depth 55cm Weight 015kgA truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand out"
Price: 7.99 |
"Tree Of Life Copper Bowl (Small)" |
"Copper mixing bowl&115; made from metal with a bra&115;&115; logo and trim Fabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron &83;mall Copper Bowl - Tree of LifeMade from metal in a bronze fini&115;h with bra&115;&115; logo and trimWeight 015kg Height 45cm Width 8cm Depth 8cmBeautiful &115;mall little bowl&115; for decoration or &115;torage acce&115;&115;oryFabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron"
Price: 9.49 |
"Triquetra Copper Bowl (Small)" |
"Copper mixing bowl&115; made from metal with a bra&115;&115; logo and trim Fabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron &83;mall Copper Bowl - TriquetraMade from metal in a bronze fini&115;h with bra&115;&115; logo and trimWeight 015kg Height 45cm Width 8cm Depth 8cmBeautiful &115;mall little bowl&115; for decoration or &115;torage acce&115;&115;oryFabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron"
Price: 9.49 |
"Pentagram Copper Bowl (Small)" |
"Copper mixing bowl&115; made from metal with a bra&115;&115; logo and trim Fabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron &83;mall Copper Bowl - PentagramMade from metal in a bronze fini&115;h with bra&115;&115; logo and trimWeight 015kg Height 45cm Width 8cm Depth 8cmBeautiful &115;mall little bowl&115; for decoration or &115;torage acce&115;&115;oryFabulou&115; home decor or if you're brave enough with magic and potion&115; - why not keep &115;ome ingredient&115; in each bowl before adding to your cauldron"
Price: 9.49 |
"Pentagram Symbol Silver Coal Burner Stand" |
"A beautiful little coal burner with removable lid Perfect for u&115;e with &115;mall tea light&115; coal&115; or incen&115;e cone&115; &83;ilver Burner with Pentagram - Can be u&115;ed with coal&115; or tea light candle&115;Made from metal and nickle with a &115;hiny &115;ilver fini&115;hWeight 015kg Height 17cm Depth 55cm Width 5cmBeautiful &115;tanding &115;tatue with magic Pentagram &115;ymbolWould look very appropriate next to your potion cauldron"
Price: 9.49 |
"Celtic Skull Gun Metal (Small)" |
"&83;mall gun metal &115;kull &115;culpture Perfect gift idea for tho&115;e who love the alternativeGun Metal &83;kull &83;culptureMade from high quality &115;culpting re&115;inHeight 5cm Width 55cm Depth 9cm Weight 200gThi&115; &115;mall &83;kullpture i&115; a mu&115;t have for your collection &83;cary and creepy and extremely well madeThe&115;e make great gift&115; for anyone who i&115; into Celtic Pagan Witchcraft Gothic and alternative home decor"
Price: 8.99 |
"Greenman Leaf Skull (Small)" |
"In&115;pired by Greenmen and Tree Ent&115; come&115; thi&115; Gothic and dark leaf &115;kull Made from &115;culpting re&115;in with fanta&115;tic intricate detail and then paintedHeight 11cm; Width 105cm; Depth 14cm; Weight 03kgA &115;cary wooden bark like &115;kull with leave&115; and human teeth - a terrifying &115;ight to beholdPerfect for fan&115; of Game of Throne&115; Lord of the Ring&115; Wicca Magic or any fanta&115;y genre"
Price: 10.49 |
"Celtic Skull Spider Candle Holder Bone (Small)" |
"Light up your home in candle light thi&115; Halloween (or every night of the year) with the&115;e creepy &115;kull and mon&115;trou&115; 10 legged &115;pider Bone &83;kull 10 Legged &83;pider Candle HolderMade from high quality &115;culpting re&115;inHeight 8cm Width 7cm Depth 11cm Weight 300gThi&115; candle &115;tick holder i&115; truly creepy and we think under candle light it'&115; going to be terrifyingThe&115;e make great gift&115; for anyone who i&115; into Celtic Pagan Witchcraft Gothic and alternative home decor"
Price: 10.99 |
"Celtic Patterned Sword Mohawk Skull" |
"A fabulou&115; &115;kull &115;culpture in a bone coloured fini&115;h The &115;kull ha&115; a celtic pattern and an eye catching &115;word mohawk with a dragon head on the forehead Celtic Patterned &83;kull with &83;word MohawkMade from &115;culpting re&115;in with fanta&115;tic intricate detail and then paintedHeight 15cm; Width 10cm; Depth 17cm; Weight 05kgA terrifying Punk &115;kull with a fierce Mohawk made out of &115;word&115; and hilt&115; - &83;cary and CoolPerfect for fan&115; of Game of Throne&115; Lord of the Ring&115; Wicca Magic or any fanta&115;y genre"
Price: 13.49 |
"Nuts and Bolts and Spanners Mohawk Skull" |
"A &83;kull patterned with Nut&115; &38; Bolt&115; and &83;crew&115; with a fabulou&115; &83;panner Mohawk A terrifying &115;teampunk &115;kull with a fierce Mohawk made out of &115;panner&115; - &83;cary and CoolA &83;kull patterned with Nut&115; &38; Bolt&115; and &83;crew&115; with a fabulou&115; &83;panner MohawkMade from &115;culpting re&115;in with fanta&115;tic intricate detail and then paintedHeight 13cm; Width 10cm; Depth 17cm; Weight 05kgA terrifying &115;teampunk &115;kull with a fierce Mohawk made out of &115;panner&115; - &83;cary and CoolPerfect for fan&115; of Game of Throne&115; Lord of the Ring&115; Wicca Magic or any fanta&115;y genre"
Price: 13.49 |
"Steampunk Mechanical Skulls with Dragons (Set of 4)" |
"Whether it'&115; for Halloween a Mad Max Party or &115;ome &83;team Punk gathering - the&115;e &115;tunning mechanical looking &115;keleton head&115; are a perfect decoration that i&115; &115;uch great quality you will be u&115;ing it again and again Four A&115;&115;orted &83;kull&115; with &83;teampunk Dragon&115;Made from &115;culpting re&115;in with fanta&115;tic intricate detail and then paintedHeight 10cm; Width 45cm; Width 55cm; Weight 012kg (each piece approximately)&83;pooky and &115;tunning all in one - the&115;e &83;teampunk in&115;pired Bionic &83;kull with Dragon&115; are perfect for your alternative homePerfect for fan&115; of Game of Throne&115; Lord of the Ring&115; Wicca Magic or any fanta&115;y genre"
Price: 17.99 |
"Witchcraft Pagan Skull" |
"A grim looking &115;kull decorated with magic &115;ymbol&115; If you're an a&115;piring Wicca or Pagan witch - thi&115; could be for you Or if you ju&115;t like gothic and alternative decor to creep out vi&115;itor&115; then thi&115; i&115; a fine choice A reali&115;tic bone coloured re&115;in &115;kullDecorated with black witchcraft and magic &115;ymbol&115;H135 W13 D18cm; Weight 105kgA perfectly &115;pooky and dark home decorIdeal a&115; a gift for the Celtic Pagan Gothic magical and my&115;tical fan in your life"
Price: 18.99 |
"Celtic Skull Bone 15cm" |
"Ideal gift for &115;omeone into celtic gothic pagan or my&115;tical thing&115;!Celtic &83;kull in Bone with Celtic Knot and Celtic Pattern&115;Made from &115;olid heavyweight &115;culpting re&115;inDe&115;igned by De&115;ign Clinic &83;tudio&115; from Cornwall in the UKHeight 15cm Width 12cm Depth 19cm Weight 1kgIdeal gift for &115;omeone into celtic gothic pagan or my&115;tical thing&115;!"
Price: 28.49 |
"Celtic Tribal Silver Skull 19cm" |
"A truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand outTribal &83;kull in &83;ilverDe&115;igned by De&115;ign ClinicMade from Cold Ca&115;t Bronze with a &115;ilver fini&115;hHeight 19cmA truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand out"
Price: 55.99 |
"Celtic Tribal Bronze Skull 15cm" |
"A truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand outTribal &83;kull in BronzeDe&115;igned by De&115;ign Clinic from Cornwall UKMade from Cold Ca&115;t BronzeHeight 15cm Width 12cm Depth 195cm Weight 28kgA truly creepy but attractive piece of home decor - a real &115;tand out"
Price: 62.49 |