Welding Supplies from IOC Homepage
"Statue of Liberty Revell 3D Puzzle" |
"The Statue of Liberty was originally a gift from France to America and is located on Liberty Island in the port of New York Since its inauguration in 1886 it has stood there as a universal symbol of freedom welcoming all immigrants coming to America Crafting fun for young and old! With the Revell 3D puzzles you can build world famous buildings impressive skylines or legendary vehicles as three-dimensional models for everyone The precisely punched foam components make the assembly easy - no need for tools or tools Depending on the size and complexity of the model the fun of building can range from a few minutes to several hours"
Price: 5.99 |
"Sagrada Familia Revell 3D Puzzle" |
"The magnificent Basilica La Sagrada Familia is the most visited landmark in Spain and was designed by the world-famous Art Nouveau architect Anton Gaud This architectural masterpiece is still under construction and is not expected to be completed before 2026 Crafting fun for young and old! With the Revell 3D puzzles you can build world famous buildings impressive skylines or legendary vehicles as three-dimensional models for everyone The precisely punched foam components make the assembly easy - no need for tools or tools Depending on the size and complexity of the model the fun of building can range from a few minutes to several hours"
Price: 14.99 |
"Dungeons and Dragons RPG: Tactical Maps Reincarnated" |
"20 full color poster maps Each is adorned with a 1-inch grid perfect for use with D&38;D miniatures A wide assortment of terrain environments and locations are represented This Best of collection is carefully chosen from some of our most exciting adventures"
Price: 23.99 |
"Dungeons & Dragon:s City - Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated" |
"Infinitely expandable and easy to set up these dungeon tiles allow you to create the adventures you want to play This box contains 16 durable double-sided fully illustrated tile sheets featuring grasslands ruins sandy beaches and other terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting encounters Use these tiles to make fantastic wilderness maps to enhance your tabletop roleplaying game experience"
Price: 24.49 |
"D&D Druid Spellbook Cards" |
"The &83;pellbook card&115; are an invaluable re&115;ource for both player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; With the&115;e &115;pell detail&115; at their fingertip&115; they can &115;ave time keep the action up and avoid &115;talling the game by flipping through book&115; Each deck contain&115; laminated card&115; that player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; can u&115;e a&115; a quick reference re&115;ource during Dungeon &38; Dragon&115; tabletop play There are currently eight deck&115; (each &115;old &115;eparately) Arcane &83;pell Deck (For any cla&115;&115; that utilize&115; arcane cantrip&115; and &115;pell&115; like wizard&115; and &115;orcerer&115;) Bard &83;pell Deck Cleric &83;pell Deck Druid &83;pell Deck Paladin &83;pell Deck Martial Power&115; &38; Race&115; Deck (Include&115; &115;pell-like racial abilitie&115; Monk and Barbarian &115;pell-like abilitie&115; and fighter maneuver&115;) Ranger &83;pell Deck Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything &83;pell Deck (Contain&115; &115;pell&115; found in the D&38;D &115;upplement Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything)"
Price: 13.99 |
"D&D Bard Spellbook Cards" |
"The &83;pellbook card&115; are an invaluable re&115;ource for both player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; With the&115;e &115;pell detail&115; at their fingertip&115; they can &115;ave time keep the action up and avoid &115;talling the game by flipping through book&115; Each deck contain&115; laminated card&115; that player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; can u&115;e a&115; a quick reference re&115;ource during Dungeon &38; Dragon&115; tabletop play There are currently eight deck&115; (each &115;old &115;eparately) Arcane &83;pell Deck (For any cla&115;&115; that utilize&115; arcane cantrip&115; and &115;pell&115; like wizard&115; and &115;orcerer&115;) Bard &83;pell Deck Cleric &83;pell Deck Druid &83;pell Deck Paladin &83;pell Deck Martial Power&115; &38; Race&115; Deck (Include&115; &115;pell-like racial abilitie&115; Monk and Barbarian &115;pell-like abilitie&115; and fighter maneuver&115;) Ranger &83;pell Deck Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything &83;pell Deck (Contain&115; &115;pell&115; found in the D&38;D &115;upplement Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything)"
Price: 13.99 |
"Orbis - Playmat" |
"Land&115; populated with wor&115;hiper&115; have been lo&115;t in the Aether It i&115; your job to &115;elect and a&115;&115;emble the&115;e region&115; to create the mo&115;t beautiful univer&115;e! Manage your region&115; and per&115;onify the be&115;t god Orbi&115; i&115; a tactical game for all in the tradition of &83;plendor and thi&115; &115;tunning playmat help&115; you take your world building to the next level!"
Price: 11.49 |
"Undo - Cherry Blossom Festival Card Game" |
"Time heal&115; all wound&115; they &115;ay but the &115;udden death of a loved one &115;ometime&115; &115;hake&115; tho&115;e who are left behind &115;o much that their faith waver&115; To prevent thi&115; the god&115; &115;end fate weaver&115; to change the pa&115;t and prevent death In the game &115;erie&115; Undo player&115; &115;lip into the role of the&115;e de&115;tiny weaver&115; and do everything in their power to undo &115;udden death&115; &8212; whether murder or &115;uicide Not only do they travel minute&115; or hour&115; back in time but &115;ometime&115; thou&115;and&115; of year&115; to change event&115; that have laid the foundation for the later &115;troke of fate &83;ometime&115; a leap into the future can al&115;o provide important information The Undo &115;erie&115; combine&115; the theme of time travel with emotional extraordinary &115;torie&115; that player&115; mu&115;t a&115;&115;emble piece by piece Each time jump give&115; them another choice in how they can change the pa&115;t &8212; and not every change i&115; a turn for the better!Undo Cherry Blo&115;&115;om Fe&115;tival one of the fir&115;t three Undo title&115; i&115; &115;et in Okayama Japan in March 2000 A man in hi&115; &115;ixtie&115; lie&115; lifele&115;&115;ly on the floor of hi&115; living room a broken wine gla&115;&115; and the photo of a young woman in a wheelchair next to him The decea&115;ed wear&115; an old-fa&115;hioned blue &115;uit and ha&115; no vi&115;ible injurie&115; a&115;ide from a barely perceptible &115;car above the eye In hi&115; jacket a telephone ring&115; with the melody of Moonlight &83;onata and on the table lie cherry blo&115;&115;om branche&115; Thi&115; title i&115;n't about &115;olving a crime or catching a murderer In&115;tead player&115; mu&115;t embrace their role a&115; di&115;embodied de&115;tiny weaver&115; to go through the pa&115;t of thi&115; man'&115; travel to prevent hi&115; death Everyone who leap&115; through time carrie&115; a momentou&115; deci&115;ion that in the end will determine whether he live&115; or die&115;?Player&115; 2-6Playing time 45-120 min&115;Age&115; 10"
Price: 9.99 |
"City of Kings: Character Pack 2- Rapui & Neoba" |
"Thud! &8220;I told you it wa&115; thi&115; way&8221; bicker&115; the &115;ibling&115; a&115; they &115;tep out &8211; the fir&115;t Tinker&115; to reach the City of King&115;!Rapuil and Neoba Olembe arrive at The City of King&115; and join our heroe&115; a&115; playable character&115; Rapuil and Neoba both feature advanced &115;kill&115; and are de&115;igned for experienced player&115; who are looking for unique way&115; to play the game In addition to the normal 12 &115;kill&115; both character&115; have a &115;pecial &115;kill that unlock&115; a&115; &115;oon a&115; you receive your fir&115;t &115;tat di&115;c New &83;torie&115;The pack al&115;o come&115; with 3 new &115;torie&115; which can be played along&115;ide the exi&115;ting 7 meaning you can play them along&115;ide or after the core &115;tory line Each of the&115;e &115;torie&115; &115;tart&115; you with &115;everal &115;kill di&115;c&115; allowing you to craft a unique role for your character before the &115;tory begin&115; and they feature large 64 map&115; new challenge&115; and ea&115;ier to acce&115;&115; linen!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Infinity RPG Dice Set Mercenary (Set of 7)" |
"Boxed dice &115;et&115; for the Infinity Roleplaying game Content&115;2 d20 faction diceHit location dice4 combat dice"
Price: 14.99 |
"Keyforge Deck Book - Black" |
"This exclusive premium deck box is specially designed for the needs of a KeyForge player Without needing to open the box you can check your unique deck at first sight through the cutouts that display the deck's name and houses Shaped like a book this appealing compact box keeps your valuable deck securely protected"
Price: 14.99 |
"Star Wars X-Wing: M3-A Interceptor Expansion Pack" |
"In the Outer Rim justice is often decided through superior firepower The M3-A interceptor is a light maneuverable craft favored by cartels and syndicates thanks to the modular hardpoint that lets it equip destructive torpedoes powerful cannons and other weapons to threaten much larger vessels This expansion contains everything you need to supplement your Scum and Villainy squadrons with one of these inexpensive and highly customizable fighters In addition to an M3-A Interceptor ship miniature featuring a striking black and gold Black Sun paint scheme new players will also find eight reprinted ship cards&8212;including six limited pilots&8212;as well as reprints of five valuable upgrades and four Quick Build cards that help you jump into battle right away"
Price: 14.99 |
"Mutants and Masterminds RPG Superteam Handbook" |
"The Superteam Handbook puts the focus on the heroes and their team with details for players and gamemasters alike to make their team cohesive dramatic and fun! Heroes can work closer together than ever before with new team-focused powers advantages and attack options Eight pre-made hero teams-ranging from PL 5 to PL 12-serve as campaign-kickstarters with guidelines resources and advice for running a variety of heroic campaigns along with background and statblocks for their members to use as player characters rivals or villains Will you save the planet as part of the globe-hopping UNIQUE battle to keep the streets safe as one of the street-brawling Ferroburg Four or take on ancient aliens from the cockpit of your own giant robot as a member of MagnaForce? Whatever you choose be stronger than the sum of your parts!"
Price: 32.99 |
"Fantasy AGE Campaign Builders Guide" |
"The Fantasy AGE Campaign Builder's Guide is an indispensable resource for aspiring and experienced Game Masters alike It provides advice and examples on such topics as designing entertaining and effective encounters crafting interesting locations customizing adversaries and much more It also includes tables to help generate campaign elements when a bit of spontaneity and randomness is desired Each chapter in the Campaign Builder's Guide is devoted to a different topic each approached with a mix of advice mechanical assistance and ultimately ready-to-use examples Whether you're designing your own pantheon of fantasy deities for a campaign or seeking to alter settings characters and rules to emulate a particular sub-genre of fantasy the Campaign Builder's Guide has the advice and tools you need"
Price: 30.99 |
"Dungeons & Dragons - Eberron: Rising From the Last War" |
"This book provides everything players and Dungeon Masters need to play Dungeons &38; Dragons in Eberron&8212;a war-torn world filled with magic-fueled technology airships and lightning trains where noir-inspired mystery meets swashbuckling adventure Will Eberron enter a prosperous new age or will the shadow of war descend once again?"
Price: 39.49 |
"WizKids 4D Settings: Castle Barracks" |
"The newest WizKids 4D&8482; Setting is on the way These 4D scenes offer more than just pre-painted miniatures for you they offer an exciting new play experience and game inspiration These are complete scenes ready for use on your tabletop right out of the box The pieces are intended to be used as a set as well as provide tabletop gamers a way to quickly fill their collection with useful items to pop into their favorite games The Castle Barracks provides you with all the pieces you need to recreate the home for the king&8217;s royal guard The box is set up with all the objects you&8217;d expect in a bunkhouse with 6 guards staying in it Bunks for sleeping weapons&8217; racks and footlockers for storage a large table and benches for eating a dummy and target for training and even a chamber pot for&8230;well you know This set also has several 25mm base weapons to add to your world The swords shields spears halberds and bows are all individual pieces to use as loot or kit-bashing The Set includes6x Footlocker6x Halberds6x Spears6x Swords3x Shields3x Bows3x Armor on Stand3x Bunks2x Chamber Pots2x Wooden Bench1x Wooden Table2x Small Weapon Racks1x Large Weapon Racks1x Training Dummy1x Archery Target"
Price: 41.49 |
"Corks Game" |
"Have you got what it takes to hold aloft the golden cork?Corks is a fantastic family party game that you can play with up to 14 people If you want to play with even more Simply add on another corks game The more players The more fun This fast and Furious game of elimination speed thought and co-ordination is sure to bring out your competitive side Don't be the last To grab a cork or you will lose Inspired by the traditional game spoons corks has brightly-coloured playing cards with painted wooden corks to match Collect a matching set of cards then grab a cork and watch as everyone else scrambles to snatch a cork to stay in the game When it's down to the last two players out comes the golden cork The final round can be a nail-biter with each player using tactics to throw the other off their game With three ways to play once you pick up this awesome game you'll find it hard to put down again Box contents 15 wooden corks 56 corks game cards"
Price: 11.97 |
"Schleich: At the Watering Hole 60 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle With Two Figures" |
"From renowned jigsaw makers Schmidt This 60 piece puzzle features a beautifully detailed safari scene with many different animals that children will love The puzzle also comes with two Schleich original figures animal figures that feature in the picture The finished puzzle measures 361 x 243 cm and is suitable for children aged 5 and up Extremely High-quality jigsaw puzzleThe pieces are smooth-edged well fitting extra thick and variedIncludes two original Schleich collectable figuresA perfect gift for any young puzzlerThis 60 piece jigsaw is suitable for ages five and up"
Price: 10.49 |
"Animals of Africa 150 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle" |
"From renowned jigsaw makers &8211; Schmidt The pieces are smooth edged well fitting extra thick and varied creating a high quality puzzle which can be used many times to give years of enjoyment Children will love this colourful detailed images of animals in Africa The jigsaw has 150 pieces making this perfect for children aged seven and above The completed jigsaws measure 432 x 291 cm Extremely High-quality jigsaw puzzleThe pieces are smooth-edged well fitting extra thick and variedChildren will love this detailed wildlife inspired imageChildren will enjoy assembling this detailed and colourful jigsawThis 150 piece puzzle is suitable for ages seven and up"
Price: 8.99 |
"The Seasons Tree 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle" |
"Seasons Tree features a striking image depicting the changing seasons with true to life colours any puzzler will find this an enjoyable challenge The completed puzzle measures 481 mm x 341 mm Schmidt six star premium quality 500 piece jigsaw puzzleSnug fitting varied extra thick and smooth edged piecesFeatures a beautiful image depicting the changing seasonsA perfect gift for any puzzlerSuitable for ages 10"
Price: 10.49 |
"Science Museum Hologram Chamber" |
"Place any object in the chamber and see it appear to hover The chamber creates and optical illusion tricking you into thinking a reflection is a real object The set comes with a red ball but place any small object in the chamber and see its 3D image appear to float This set includes easy to follow instructions"
Price: 10.99 |
"Science Museum Floating Globe" |
"This classic globe is a classic addition to any desktop or workspaceHelps to support learning about the Earth and space which is part of the National Curriculum for science at key stages 1 and 2The globe has a solid base and floats through the use of magnetsLearn the geographical positions of all the Earth's key points of interestIncludes a map of the Earth and further information from the Science Museum"
Price: 12.99 |
"Science Museum Star Projector 2.0" |
"The Science Museum is an iconic British institution that has been wowing visitors with its fantastic displays and exhibitions for over 100 years Today the Science Museum is world renowned and features in the top ten visitor attractions in London Now you can enjoy the experience of the Science Museum at home with a selection of their branded gifts and educational toys The Star Lamp Projector kit is a great light for any bedroom; it will project thousands of stars onto your walls and ceiling All the pieces and full instructions included to build and understand your very own star projector The Star Lamp Projector is a fun and entertaining way to support learning about the Earth and Space which is part of the National Curriculum for Science at Key Stages 1 and 2 Perfect for budding astronomersGreat bedroom lightProjects thousands of stars onto the walls and ceilingSupports learning in ScienceAdjust the lamp angle to maximise effectBattery operated so you can move into different roomsFull instructions for set-up and use includedScience Museum information sheet includedPlease note- requires 3mm Philips screwdriver and 3 x AA batteries which are NOT included"
Price: 12.49 |
"Science Museum Build Your Own Paper Microscope" |
"Build Your Own Scientific Microscope - perfect for taking anywhere with you! This is a great handy sized microscope for investigating the world around us - Construct and decorate- Compact Size- Ready to use in secondsWhat's inside- Build Your Own Scientific Microscope- 4 Laser cut card decals- Full instructions for use (includes Science Museum information sheet)"
Price: 10.99 |
"Little Tikes Little Baby Bum Wigglin' Wheels on The Bus" |
"The wiggling wheels on the bus is the perfect way to bring to life your child's favorite little baby bum character Buster the bus! Cuddle with Buster as he plays the popular little baby bum wheels on the bus Song Squeeze Buster the bus again and he'll begin to wiggle and move along to the music Wiggling toys encourage babies to crawl and move around developing their gross motor skills Buster the bus' Interactive design introduces kids to cause and effect All while teaching the parts of a school bus Giggle and grow with little baby bum and little tikeslittle baby bum is the home of the world's most beloved nursery rhymes with over 47 million Subscribers on YouTube worldwide! Their videos have been watched over 30 billion times on YouTube alone are available on all your favorite streaming services like Amazon Prime video and Netflix and are enjoyed all over the world"
Price: 0.00 |
"Science Museum Smartphone 3D Lens" |
"Turn any video or photo into a 3D virtual reality world immerse yourself in a host of virtual reality worlds with this VR 3D film maker works with videos and photos recorded on your smartphone converting them into 3D worlds to watch on your virtual reality viewer this product can help students understand the nature of light part of the National curriculum for science key stage 3 compatible with most Smartphones running Android 41 or later apple iPhone 5 or later or iOS 80 or later your smartphone 3D lens comes with full instructions for use and a science museum information sheet PLEASE note this product does not include virtual reality viewer or smartphone Turn any video or photo into a 3D virtual reality worldImmerse yourself in a host of virtual reality worlds with this VR 3D film makerWorks with videos and photos recorded on your smartphone converting them into 3D worlds to watch on your virtual reality viewerThis product can help students understand the nature of light part of the National Curriculum for Science Key Stage 3Your Smartphone 3D Lens comes with full instructions for use and a Science Museum information sheet"
Price: 10.99 |
"Science Museum The Amazing Returning Plane Toy" |
"The stunt plane can be thrown in any direction around your body upwards downwards any way at all It will always make a circle and come back to you The stunt plane assembles in seconds so you can start playing With this plane practise flying and amaze your friends and family This plane also includes personalised stickers It will provide hours of flying fun for your children"
Price: 8.49 |
"Science Museum Constellation Mood Lamp" |
"The Science Museum is an iconic British institution that has been wowing visitors with its fantastic displays and exhibitions for over 100 years Today the Science Museum is world renowned and features in the top ten visitor attractions in London Now you can enjoy the experience of the Science Museum at home with a selection of their branded gifts and educational toys The Constellation Mood Lamp is a great light for any bedroom You will be able to see all the way from The Plough to Pegasus This product is a fun way to support learning about Earth and Space which is part of the National Curriculum for Science at Key Stages 1 and 2 Sets up in minutes USB powered or battery operated so can go anywhere What&8217;s inside the box? 1 x Constellation Mood Lamp 1 x USB cable Full instructions for use Science Museum information sheet Please note you will need a 3mm Philips screwdriver and 3 x 15V AAA batteries (batteries included) The Science Museum in London ignites curiosity and active participation in science technology engineering and maths (STEM)"
Price: 13.99 |
"Science Museum Aurora Lamp" |
"The Science Museum is an iconic British institution that has been wowing visitors with its fantastic displays and exhibitions for over 100 years Today the Science Museum is world renowned and features in the top ten visitor attractions in London Now you can enjoy the experience of the Science Museum at home with a selection of their branded gifts and educational toys Project dancing auroras on to your walls and ceiling The Aurora Mood Lamp projects calm and soothing light strands on your walls and ceiling These lights resemble the Northern Lights a phenomenon caused by collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the Earth&8217;s atmosphere Easy to set up in minutes Adjustable angle to maximise effect What&8217;s inside? 1 x Aurora Mood Lamp and full instructions for use plus a Science Museum Information Sheet"
Price: 15.99 |
"Dungeons & Dragons Curse Of Strahd" |
"Unravel the mysteries of Ravenloft in this dread adventure!Under raging store clouds the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft Far below yet not beyond his keen eyesight a party of adventurers has just entered his domain Strahd&39;s face forms the barest hint of a smile as his dark plan unfolds He knew they were coming all according to his plan A lightning flash rips through the darkness but Strahd is gone The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner and you are invited A 256 page fantasy adventure for characters levels 1-10 Curse of Strahd provides everything a Dungeon Master needs to create an exciting and memorable play experience Fans of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game can have additional adventures in Ravenloft by participating in the D&D Adventurers League organised play programWritten in consultation with Tracy Hickman and Laura Hickman creators of the original Ravenloft adventure"
Price: 31.99 |