"Dozen Gerbera Bouquet" |
"A fantastic bouquet of 12 Gerbera, arranged in mixed colours and delivered with beargrass. Or, why not double up and send 24 Gerbera for just £5 more? Simply tick the _go large_ box below before adding to cart. Your bouquet will be delivered in a cellophane sleeve and packed with tissue. This bouquet makes a lovely gift for any occasion and comes with our 100% Quality & Freshness Guarantee. Images are for guidance only. On very rare occasions content and colour of flowers may vary according to season and availability." Price: 14.99 |
"Mixed Carnations" |
"A classic bouquet of mixed standard and spray Carnations - ideal for any occasion and VERY long lasting! ."
Price: 11.99 |
"Sunburst Bouquet" |
"A beautiful bouquet of yellow and orange flowers including Carnations, Gebera and Chrysanthemum. Your flowers will be complimented by selected foliage."
Price: 17.99 |
"In The Pink Bouquet" |
"A gorgeous mixed boquet in shades of pink and white with oriental lilies, gerbera, carnations, gypsophilia and scented Eucalyptus."
Price: 19.99 |
"Radiance Bouquet" |
"A beautiful bouquet of red and white flowers including Carnations, Gebera and Chrysanthemum."
Price: 17.99 |
"Desire Bouquet" |
"A wonderful bouquet of Gerbera, Oriental Lilies, Chrysanthemums, Pink Aqua Roses, Gypsophilia and select foliage."
Price: 31.99 |
"MegaBox - 50 Pink Roses" |
"WOW! A huge box of 50 Roses. This box is great if you_re planning to make your own flower arrangements - or if you simply want to make a BIG impression."
Price: 39.99 |
"MegaBox - 50 Yellow Roses" |
"WOW! A huge box of 50 Roses. This box is great if you_re planning to make your own flower arrangements - or if you simply want to make a BIG impression."
Price: 39.99 |
"Megabox - 50 Orange Roses" |
"WOW! A huge box of 40 Roses. This box is great if you_re planning to make your own flower arrangements - or if you simply want to make a BIG impression"
Price: 39.99 |
"Megabox - 50 Cerise Roses" |
"WOW! A huge box of 40 Roses. This box is great if you_re planning to make your own flower arrangements - or if you simply want to make a BIG impression"
Price: 39.99 |
"6 Mixed Asiatic Lilies" |
"A colourful display of mixed Asiatic Lilies. These lilies are long lasting and have 3 to 4 blooms per stem."
Price: 17.99 |
"10 Singapore Orchids" |
"10 Pink Singapore Orchids - a beautiful gift that is long lasting and great value."
Price: 16.99 |
"Mixed Alstroemeria" |
"10 stems mixed alstromeria - a fantastic array of colour"
Price: 13.99 |
"12 Pink Roses" |
"A Dozen Pink Roses - the classic bouquet."
Price: 14.99 |
"12 Yellow Roses" |
"A Dozen Yellow Roses - the classic bouquet."
Price: 14.99 |
"12 Red Roses" |
"A Dozen Red Roses - the classic bouquet."
Price: 14.99 |
"Single Red Rose with Beargrass" |
"A single red rose with beargrass - delivered in a water phial to ensure freshness."
Price: 10.99 |
"The Whopper - 50 Red Roses & Chocolates" |
"The ultimate gift - 50 red roses and a box of the finest chocolates. This item comes with free courier delivery."
Price: 49.99 |
"Oriental Lilies" |
"A bouquet of gorgeous Oriental Lilies. These pink lilies look fantastic in a simple glass vase and have a luscious scent."
Price: 18.99 |
"Cool Breeze" |
"For those who love the cooler shades this bouquet is the answer, consisting of roses, alstroemeria, dark purple statice and foliage giving a stricking effect"
Price: 19.99 |
"Just Peachy" |
"A subtle blend of peach and orange, a perfect flower bouquet"
Price: 17.99 |
"12 Cerise Roses" |
"A Dozen Cerise Roses - the classic bouquet"
Price: 14.99 |
"12 Orange Roses" |
"A Dozen Orange Roses - the classic bouquet"
Price: 14.99 |
"Luxury Pink/White Roses" |
"Fantastic bouquet of 24 stems of pink and white roses together with palm fronds"
Price: 24.99 |
"Luxury Yellow & Orange Roses" |
"Fantastic bouquet of 24 stems of yellow and orange roses together with palm fronds"
Price: 24.99 |
"Luxury Red & Orange Roses" |
"Fantastic bouquet of 24 stems of red and orange roses together with palm fronds"
Price: 24.99 |
"Spring Roses" |
"Mix of 10 summer colour roses together with gypsophilia"
Price: 12.99 |
"Mixed Long Stem Orchids" |
"Exotic bouquet of 12 mixed coloured long stem orchids"
Price: 18.99 |
"Pink Long Stem orchids" |
"Exotic bouquet of 12 pink long stem orchids"
Price: 18.99 |
"Purple Long Stem orchids" |
"Exotic bouquet of 12 purple long stemmed orchids"
Price: 18.99 |