"Duelosaur Island Board Game" |
"Duelosaur Island is built around a clever hand-management mechanism Each card in the game serves three potential purposes They contain the DNA sequences for dinosaurs you could create the blueprints for attractions you can build and certain actions that you can take by discarding them Do you create the dinosaur on the top of the card to attract guests to your park? Or do you build the attraction on the bottom of the card which can add to a player&39;s hand-limit income and end-game victory points? Or do you discard the card to combine DNA towards creating another dinosaur? Duelosaur Island comes with five new full-color "DNA dice" You can mix and match dice between Dinosaur Island and Duelosaur Island for even more variability in both games such as the new security symbol that can appear on dice to upgrade your security level instantly! Players 2Playing time 30-45 minsAges 10"
Price: 25.99 ![]() |
"Star Wars: Outer Rim Board Game" |
"Take to the stars and become a living legend in Star Wars™ Outer Rim a game of bounty hunters mercenaries and smugglers for 1-4 players!In Outer Rim you take on the role of an underworld denizen setting out to make your mark on the galaxy You’ll travel the outer rim in your personal ship hire legendary Star Wars characters to join your crew and try to become the most famous (or infamous) outlaw in the galaxy!But it won’t be easy the warring factions of the galaxy roam the outer rim hunting down the scum that have proven to be a thorn in their side and other scoundrels looking to make their mark see you as the perfect target to bring down to bolster their own reputation Do you have what it takes to survive in the outer rim and become a living legend? "
Price: 56.49 ![]() |
"Crazy Eggz Game" |
"There are eggs all over the place! You are the chicken and you have to grab stand and hide these crazy eggs to get them The players must act quickly based on the directions given by a die in order to get an egg The first person to act correctly gains an egg but sometimes the slowest person loses an egg When the top of the die is red the first person to act correctly takes the egg on the stand then rolls the placement die and places the egg on the indicated location of their body When the top of the die is blue the last person to act returns one egg back to the egg box If this player doesn&39;t have any egg nothing more happens The first player to collect five eggs wins Crazy Eggz (or the player who has the most eggs if all ten eggs are taken) Take as many eggs as possible and be the best chicken of all! Crazy Eggz is a new edition of Dancing Eggs (Eiertanz) with new artwork actions and rules Players 2-4Playing time 15 minsAges 7"
Price: 17.99 ![]() |
"Fantasy Flight Supply Mini European Board Game 50 Sleeves Red (10 Pack)" |
"You will receive a full case of 10 packs of Fantasy Flight Mini European Board Game Sleeves Each pack contains 50 sleeves The Arcane Tinmen line of transparent board game sleeves come in different sizes suitable for a variety of board games Board Game Sleeves - Size Smallfits cards of 44x68 or smaller likeCuba (small cards)El Grande small cardsLeonardo da VinciManillaPillars of the EarthSaint PetersburgShogunSettlers of Catan (German version) (cards are slightly too small)Settlers of Catan (Dutch version)Starfahrers of CatanThurn & TaxisTicket to Ride old version other Days of Wonder gamesWings of WarMany other games"
Price: 18.99 ![]() |
"Ultra Pro Collector Card Album Black" |
"Premium album for standard size pages with collector&39;s themed hot stamp foil on black cover Reinforced 3" D-ring with booster for quick loading of pages Albums include rich foam padding and have been rated to withstand 10º fahrenheit for cold cracking Constructed with clear indexing slot on the spine for easy organization Reinforced 3" D ringNo PVC - Acid FreeMade in the USAHigh Quality ProtectionColour Black"
Price: 10.49 ![]() |
"Stephenson's Rocket" |
"In &83;tephen&115;on&8217;&115; Rocket player&115; take on the role of rail baron&115; in 1830&115; England By inve&115;ting in the variou&115; new rail line&115; tran&115;porting pa&115;&115;enger&115; and building up the local indu&115;trie&115; player&115; will vie for the honor of becoming the mo&115;t pre&115;tigiou&115; rail baron in the early day&115; of the &115;team locomotive &83;tephen&115;on&8217;&115; Rocket i&115; con&115;idered by many board gamer&115; a&115; one of Dr Reiner Knizia&8217;&115; great game&115; However unlike hi&115; other greate&115;t hit&115; (Tigri&115; &38; Euphrate&115; Ra Medici Lo&115;t Citie&115; and &83;amurai for example) Rocket ha&115; never been reprinted &115;ince it&115; original relea&115;e in 1999 Grail Game&115; i&115; flattered and excited to pre&115;ent an all-new edition of thi&115; cla&115;&115;ic game For tho&115;e who know and love the original edition of Rocket here i&115; a brief outline of what ha&115; changed for the new edition Plea&115;e a&115;k que&115;tion&115; if you would like further clarification&115;&8230;Updated and improved artwork and component&115; &83;hare&115; are no longer recorded with card&115; but player piece&115; on track&115; Paper money i&115; no longer in the game in&115;tead player&115; track their &115;core a&115; point&115; on the Pre&115;tige track City token&115; are no longer in the game in&115;tead player&115; track what indu&115;trie&115; they have inve&115;ted in u&115;ing a chart on the board it&115;elf"
Price: 19.49 ![]() |
"Sword & Sorcery Vastaryous' Lair Expansion" |
"Va&115;taryou&115;&8217; Lair i&115; a complete &83;word &38; &83;orcery expan&115;ion including everything you need to play 4 epic Que&115;t&115; Fight your way through the fierce Orc Tribe&115; of Black Queen I&115;land overwhelm the Drakonic guard&115; protecting the lair of the great wyrm and prepare to fight the dragon in the fiery depth&115; of it&115; abode&8230;New Epic power&115; armor&115; and item&115; will help the Heroe&115; ri&115;e to the peak of their power reclaiming their ancient greatne&115;&115; New mechanic&115; have been developed for thi&115; expan&115;ion to re&115;olve the Epic fighting again&115;t Va&115;taryou&115; - an opponent even more powerful than a &8220;mere&8221; Ma&115;ter Enemy Each head i&115; an intelligent being in it&115;elf with different attack&115; and power&115; po&115;ing a unique threat to the Heroe&115;!Va&115;taryou&115;' Lair can be played a&115; a &115;ide que&115;t to Act II La&115;t but not lea&115;t Gremlin&115; are playte&115;ting a &115;pecific &8220;Raid&8221; mode where up to TEN Heroe&115; can fight again&115;t the terrible power of Va&115;taryou&115; Thi&115; expan&115;ion contain&115; ACT III of III in the Immortal &83;oul&115; campaign Player&115; 1-5Playing time 60-90 min&115;Age&115; 12"
Price: 51.99 ![]() |
"Nightmarium Revised Edition" |
"A game about building nightmare&115; &115;o terrifying you&8217;ll &115;ee half of them in your dream&115; afterward&115; You have card&115; repre&115;enting Night Terror&115; and the more of them you combine in the right order the more mon&115;ter&115; will come to life and the more horrifying they become Create mon&115;ter&115; that will make your opponent&115; ga&115;p in horror Nouri&115;h them with your own fear and make them &115;tronger Only then will you achieve victory and become the Ma&115;ter of Terror!Each Night Terror i&115; al&115;o a&115;&115;ociated with one of four Legion&115; of Horror Necromunculi Con&115;tricti Man&115;ter&115; or Chimeridae A Terror'&115; legion i&115; indicated by the color of the card'&115; background blue &115;tand&115; for Necromunculi brown for Con&115;tricti green for Chimeridae and red for Man&115;ter&115; A creature can be made up of any Night Terror&115; but player&115; are better off weaving Creature&115; out of card&115; that all belong to the &115;ame legion The game continue&115; until one of the player&115; complete&115; five Creature&115;&8212;thi&115; player immediately become&115; the winner During your turn you perform two action&115; after which the next per&115;on to your left take&115; their hi&115;? turn You can &115;elect any pair of action&115; out of three po&115;&115;ibilitie&115; (you can al&115;o perform the &115;ame action twice) Po&115;&115;ible action&115; A) Take a card from the deck B) Di&115;card a&115; many card&115; a&115; you like from your hand and take half that number from the deckC) Play a card from your hand and activate a Creature abilitie&115; (if the Creature i&115; complete) A&115; &115;oon a&115; you complete a Creature (by adding a head to tor&115;o) perform all of it&115; abilitie&115; top to bottom &115;tarting with the Creature'&115; head proceeding with it&115; tor&115;o and ending with it&115; leg&115; Abilitie&115; are activated one at a time in a very &115;pecific order You cannot refu&115;e to perform the abilitie&115; If the completed Creature i&115; compri&115;ed of Night Terror&115; of the &115;ame legion (in other word&115; if all three card&115; that make up the Creature have the &115;ame background color) each of your opponent&115; mu&115;t di&115;card one card of that legion from their hand&115; before it&115; abilitie&115; can be performed If your opponent doe&115; not have an appropriate card they mu&115;t di&115;card any two card&115; Creature Abilitie&115;Herald turn over two card&115; form the deck Place them in front of you according to the u&115;ual rule&115; if you can Di&115;card any card&115; that you cannot play Weeper take any two card&115; from the deck Mocker play one card from your hand according to the u&115;ual rule&115; Executioner add the top card from any other player'&115; Creature to your hand &83;cavenger di&115;card any vulnerable (incomplete) Creature Devourer di&115;card the top card from any of your Creature&115; other than thi&115; one"
Price: 17.99 ![]() |
"Sword & Sorcery Skeld Hero Pack" |
"The world of &83;word &38; &83;orcery&174; alway&115; need&115; new heroe&115;! With thi&115; Hero Pack you now have the po&115;&115;ibility to introduce a new powerful character into your campaign Among the many race&115; that live clo&115;e to the Talon Coa&115;t none can match the &115;piritual &115;trength re&115;ilience and &115;tubbornne&115;&115; of a dwarf Out of all hi&115; brother&115; &83;keld became a legend thank&115; to hi&115; &115;avage &115;pirit alway&115; ready to face the harde&115;t battle&115; headle&115;&115; of the danger&115; &83;keld can be played a&115; either a &83;layer or a Ber&115;erker A&115; a &83;layer &83;keld live&115; to hunt down and &115;lay the mo&115;t dangerou&115; opponent&115; he can fight; retreat i&115; not an option and &8220;fight to the end&8221; i&115; the only rule of battle for thi&115; fierce dwarf fighter A&115; a Ber&115;erker &83;keld mu&115;t con&115;tantly battle hi&115; blood rage that drive&115; him into the battle where he fight&115; with utter ferocity The &115;ight of hi&115; own blood &115;erve&115; to fuel hi&115; frenzy and increa&115;e the &115;trength of hi&115; attack&115; Thi&115; Hero Pack feature&115; two miniature&115; of &83;keld (normal and Gho&115;t &83;oul form) hi&115; &83;oul Gem and new card&115; &8212; including three new item&115; the &115;harp Tomahawk the mighty Golden Axe and the legendary Furio&115;o Note thi&115; i&115; not a complete game to play &83;word &38; &83;orcery you need the ba&115;e game"
Price: 14.49 ![]() |
"Chessex 16mm D6 Dice Block: Festive Sunburst with Red" |
"Che&115;&115;ex 16mm D6 Dice Block Fe&115;tive &83;unbur&115;t with Red"
Price: 11.49 ![]() |
"Pathfinder Pawns: Enemy Encounters Pawn Collection" |
"Enemies abound and finding them is no difficult task in this dangerous world This collection of dozens of pawns features groups of common enemies to use with the Pathfinder RPG or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game as well as a selection of useful terrain features to bring your encounters to life on the tabletop Printed on sturdy cardstock each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a monstrous enemy and slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns Bestiary Box collections making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures The Enemy Encounters Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure that you've got enough threats to throw at your player's characters in every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!"
Price: 22.49 ![]() |
"Alien Artifacts: Breakthrough Card Expansion" |
"Alien Artifacts Breakthrough the second expansion for Alien Artifacts takes place at the most intense point in human history! Face the new threats uncovered in Discovery and experience new challenges for the space-faring factions Humanity solved the mystery behind the alien technology and is ready to seize its powers!Breakthrough adds new cards for your Alien Artifacts base game and arms you with new combos for your favorite game engines This expansion includes 20 new technology cards 10 new ship cards and 10 new planet cards from the Expand category that will help you dominate the galaxy! Nothing can stop humanities technological breakthrough now!AGES10PLAYERS2 - 5PLAYTIME60 minutes"
Price: 14.49 ![]() |
"The Walking Dead: Call to Arms Walker Herd Pack" |
"From Mantic Games The Walking Dead Call to Arms is a totally new way to play The Walking Dead! Use your existing miniatures from All Out War to create large-scale clashes in a Walker-infested world This set contains 10 Plastic Walker Models"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Starfinder Roleplaying Game: Armory" |
"Outfit yourself with only the best supplies for interstellar adventure with the hardcover Starfinder Armory! Within this directory of futuristic equipment you&8217;ll find tons of adventuring gear for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from weapons armor and augmentations to technological items magic items vehicles and more! Also included are new equipment-themed player options for every Starfinder character class! Starfinder Armory is a must-have companion volume to the Starfinder Core Rulebook With this galactic inventory of inventive gadgets and gear you&8217;ll always have exactly what you need to explore new worlds and wonders!"
Price: 21.49 ![]() |
"Pathfinder GM Screen: Pathfinder RPG Second Edition" |
"Protect your important notes and die rolls from prying player eyes with the Pathfinder GM Screen! This beautiful 4-panel landscape-style screen features stunning artwork from Ekaterina Burmak on the player's side and a huge number of charts and tables on the GM side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of an obscure modifier or result From condition descriptions to a simple list of basic actions to handy reference for skill DCs the Pathfinder GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun Constructed of ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock this durable screen is perfect for travel convention play or repeated regular use"
Price: 19.49 ![]() |
"Pathfinder Adventure Path: Midwives to Death (The Tyrants Grasp 6 of 6)" |
"The Tyrant&8217;s Grasp Adventure Path reaches its world-shaping conclusion! The heroes learn that the keys to stopping Tar-Baphon&8217;s deadly Radiant Fire are the shards of the Shattered Shield still lodged in their souls&8213;the only things dangling their lives above the grasp of the Boneyard The heroes return to Lastwall to confront the Whispering Tyrant but discover that he has led his army to the fields outside the city of Absalom There the Whispering Tyrant plans to blast his way through the city and crack the Starstone Cathedral open transforming himself into a true god! The PCs must battle the lich&8217;s most powerful allies turn the power of the Radiant Fire back on the Whispering Tyrant and end the threat he now poses to the world &8220;Midwives to Death&8221; is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 16th-level characters The adventure concludes the Tyrant&8217;s Grasp Adventure Path and brings dramatic changes to Golarion This volume also includes an extensive article showcasing the final material written by Paizo's developers for the first edition of the Pathfinder RPG Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario stats for several new monsters and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world&8217;s oldest fantasy RPG"
Price: 22.49 ![]() |
"Over the Edge RPG 3rd Edition Board Game" |
"The game of enigma and conspiracy reimagined by its creator for a new generation of roleplayers Key Selling Points A cornucopia of fringe science conspiracy and hyper-reality The island of Al Amarja is a rich sandbox for your craziest and most entertaining ideas Everything old is new again New narrative rules improve storytelling New character traits propel drama Every conspiracy character and location is given a fresh twist Designed by Jonathan Tweet lead designer of Dungeons &38; Dragons 3rd Edition Ars Magica Everway and 13th Age What It&8217;s AboutThe twisted RPG of counter-culture conspiracy weird science and urban danger comes roaring back in a completely reimagined edition Get into trouble Question your place in the crazed multiverse Take a draught of madness Transcend mortal limits Fight a baboon Please remember that Liberty is Job One Disarmament Means Peace It&8217;s Polite to Speak English and of course Paranormal Activity is perfectly legal Thank you for your consent Gameplay BasicsFast dramatic character creation that&8217;s laser-focused on creating dynamic active characters Player-defined traits establish what characters can do Each PC&8217;s Trouble and Question drive the story A simple 2d6 resolution mechanic uses a lightning-fast comparison of level and difficulty to generate rerolls Inject shocking unexpected outcomes into the narrative through good twists bad twists and twist ties Three strikes and you&8217;re dead But unless you&8217;re at risk of your third strike you can safely take big risks electrifying gameplay with exciting moments"
Price: 37.99 ![]() |
"Welcome To Spring Neighborhood Expansion" |
"In Welcome To&8230;Spring you can earn extra points by finding eggs and circling them with a number Race to collect the most eggs and score some extra points! Includes 50 sheets and 3 new city plans!"
Price: 11.99 ![]() |
"Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Next Generation - To Boldly Go... Gravity Feed (24 Packs)" |
"The Star Trek HeroClix Away Team The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Gravity Feed includes some of the most iconic characters from Star Trek The Next Generation The crew of the USS Enterprise-D including Captain Jean-Luc Picard Riker Data Geordi Worf Deanna Troi and more are joined by classic adversaries like the Klingons Borg and the omnipotent Q in this brand-new HeroClix gravity feed release!Please Note- This item is a booster box 24 packs supplied"
Price: 80.49 ![]() |
"Wings of Glory Breguet BR.14 B2 (Escadrille Br 111)" |
"The Breguet 14 was one of the best allround Allied twoseaters of the war produced in large quantities for both recon and light bombing Constructed largely of duraluminum and welded steel tubing the airplane was light sturdy and very fast with many features that were revolutionary for the day It was the most common French twoseater in 1918 and was also used by USA and Belgium This aircraft was widely used for both day and night bombing in the last year of the war About 8000 were built before the war ended Breguet 14s were assigned to Escadrille 111 in October 1917 During the war the unit scored 15 victories This model includes cards for optional armament and crew skills Contents1144 scale modelFlight stand with game stats4 altitude standsAirplane cardManeuver and special cards"
Price: 20.49 ![]() |
"Legend Of The Five Rings - L5R LCG The Emperors Legion Clan Pack" |
"On the blood-stained battlefields of Rokugan one clan stands head and shoulder above the rest To face the Lion Clan in battle is an unenviable task for any clan"
Price: 20.49 ![]() |
"Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Deluxe Core Rulebook" |
"This edition comes with a beautiful special finish Vampire The Masquerade is the original and ultimate roleplaying game of personal and political horror You are a vampire struggling for survival supremacy and your own fading humanity&8212;afraid of what you are capable of and fearful of the inhuman conspiracies that surround you As a vampire you suffer the pangs of the Hunger the relentless and terrible thirst for human blood If you refuse to deal with it it will overcome your mind and drive you to terrible acts to slake it You walk this razor's edge every night Dark designs bitter enemies and strange allies await you in this World of Darkness The classic that changed roleplaying games forever returns! This fifth edition features a streamlined and modern rules design beautiful new full-color art and a rich story experience for players Powered by the innovative Hunger cycle the game also includes rules for creating system supported character coteries Loresheets to directly involve players with their favorite parts of the setting and The Memoriam a new way to bring the character's detailed backgrounds and expand on them in-session V5 is a return to Vampire's original vision moving boldly into the 21sth century While the rules have been redesigned this new edition honors the deep story of the original advancing the metaplot from where it left off and detailing exactly what has happened in the world of the Kindred up until tonight The terror of the Second Inquisition the conspiracies behind the Gehenna War and the rekindling of the War of Ages these are the building blocks of the modern V5 chronicle Made in Canada"
Price: 97.49 ![]() |
"Battlelands Card Game" |
"BattleLands is a fast and furious game of turf warfare for 3-5 players Send your fighters to seize key locations or recruit even fiercer warriors who can help you turn the tide! Use your faction's abilities to play dirty and keep your opponents guessing your next move!Set in the world of the upcoming Adventure Book game Aftermath BattleLands Aftermath Edition takes place in a post-apocalyptic land in which humans are extinct Now the animals of the world try to survive by competing for territory food and precious technology"
Price: 16.49 ![]() |
"Battletech Beginner Box" |
"BattleTech is the worlds greatest armored combat game filled with a myriad of epic stories and gaming experiences to satiate any player miniatures to RPG play hobby painting to fiction and beyond The BattleTech Beginner Box is the first step on that fantastic journey and includes everything you need to get started two high-quality miniatures quick-start rules a mapsheet cards to represent your MechWarriors unique skills dice and more The world's greatest armored combat game continuously in publication for over three decades2 newly sculpted high-quality miniatures; fully assembled ready-to-play out of the box2 to 5 playersFor ages 13 and up20 - 30 minutes average playtime"
Price: 19.49 ![]() |
"Call to Adventure Name of the Wind Expansion" |
"Call to Adventure Name of the Wind is a 75-card expansion for Call to Adventure based on The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss This expansion and others to follow add new challenges new destinies and mechanisms unique to the author's world to the base game Players 2-4Playing time 30-60 minsAges 13"
Price: 20.49 ![]() |
"Silver Board Game" |
"Your village is overrun with werewolves Tourism is the lifeblood of your usually quiet New England burg so you'll need to eliminate them quickly Your neighboring villages are doing the same however so now it's a race to see which village can get rid of werewolves the fastest Silver is a fast engaging card game that you can learn in minutes Use your residents' special abilities and activate your secret weapon Silver When you think you have reduced the werewolf population more than your neighbors call for a vote; the player with the fewest werewolves wins!Players 2 - 4Playing Time 10 MinAges 8"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"Star Wars Legion: Phase 1 Clone Troopers Unit Expansion" |
"The first troops to take the Field In the Clone Wars phase I Clone troopers represent a new era of galactic warfare Genetically crafted for battle and outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment Clone troopers charge into battle on countless worlds to do the job they were made for defeat the Separatists alliance and restore order to the Galaxy The phase I Clone troopers unit expansion contains a full unit of seven unique unpainted phase I Clone trooper miniatures identical to the phase I Clone troopers included in the Star Wars legion Clone Wars core Set Five phase I Clone troopers wielding dc-15a blaster rifles are joined by a z-6 phase I trooper and a dc-15 phase I trooper This expansion also includes a unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards inviting you to customise your Clone troopers&8217; gear to fit your battle Plan A Galactic Republic Unit Expansion for Star Wars LegionContains a full corps unit of seven unique unpainted Phase I Clone Trooper miniatures to supplement your Republic forcesTwo heavy weapons miniatures included a Z-6 Phase I Trooper and a DC-15 Phase I Trooper offer alternate modes of fireIncludes five upgrade cards allowing you to outfit your Phase I Clone Troopers with state-of-the-art equipmentFor 2 players 3 hours play time Ages 14 and up"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire Expansion Nights Watch Stone Thrower Crew" |
"The Builder Stone Thrower is an artillery piece that Nights Watch commanders can bring with them to battle"
Price: 27.99 ![]() |
"Arkham Horror Third Edition: The Dead of Night Expansion" |
"Kate Winthrop pulled the collar of her long coat tight against her neck to ward o the creeping chill of a damp autumn night With a squeal of tires a long black car raced by pursued closely by a police wagon Kate pressed herself up against the iron railing of the bridge over the Miskatonic to keep clear of the chaos She&8217;d read in the papers about the recent upsurge in violent crime and felt the increasing tension all around the city As the nights grew longer she noticed a deeper darkness lurking in the shadows around Arkham and the instruments in her research lab at the university were responding to some influence that she couldn&8217;t observe Something was coming Step into a world of horror with Dead of Night a new expansion for Arkham Horror Third Edition!In Dead of Night investigators explore the facets of Arkham best left unseen in the light of day Organized crime builds a strong foothold in the city secret cults labor for a dark master an alien moon hangs overhead and unknowable horrors stalk the night is expansion includes two all-new scenarios new encounters for every location in Arkham new monsters and anomalies and four new investigators to face these fresh horrors armed with new spells items and allies"
Price: 27.99 ![]() |
"Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar – Spider Springs" |
"Fireball Island just got a whole lot bigger There's just one problem It's covered with spiders and they have a nasty habit of popping up all over the place Use the caves to get to the peninsula Navigate the chasm to scoop up valuable spider eggs Stop for a snapshot on the scenic bridge But watch out! When Vul-Kar starts rumbling the spiders start jumping!This expansion adds a new location to explore a new kind of treasure to collect and a new hazard spiders! Spiders are worth negative points at the end of the game In the center of the chasm is a spring-loaded spider launcher Marbles can trigger the launcher sending spiders around the chasm or into a crevasse where they can make their way onto the main island You'll even send spiders through Vul-Kar with the new Arachnoclysm action card It even offers a new way to get off the island via a secret submarine Players 2-4Playing time 30-60 minsAges 7"
Price: 36.49 ![]() |