"Lannister Halberdiers: A Song Of Ice and Fire Expansion" |
"If the Lannisters are known for one thing it’s their deep pockets Their wealth lets them afford only the best when it comes to arming and armoring up their troops Halberds tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce but those made for Lannister troops are still of the highest quality almost guaranteed to never break even when receiving acharge from enemy cavalry And receiving a charge is just what these men are trained to do and do it well The Lannister Halberdier Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Lannister commanders new options for their forces The unit is formidable in both offensive and defensive capacities not losing dice after their first rank is destroyed and being able to brace for an enemy charge granting them a preemptive attack against their foes The addition of an Assault Veteran Unit Attachment gives them staying power once battle has been met adding extra dice to their melee attacks Contents13 MiniaturesUnit CardAttachment CardMovement Tray"
Price: 15.99 ![]() |
"Magic The Gathering TCG: Core Set 2020 Deck Builder's Toolkit" |
"The Magic The Gathering Core &83;et 2020 Deck Builder'&115; Toolkit include&115; 125 card&115; &115;pecifically cho&115;en by the game'&115; de&115;igner&115; 100 ba&115;ic land&115; and 4 boo&115;ter pack&115; from recent &115;et&115; BUILD YOUR FIR&83;T DECK&83; &38; &83;TART COLLECTING The MTG Core &83;et 2020 Deck builder'&115; Toolkit include&115; 125 card&115; &115;pecifically cho&115;en by the game'&115; de&115;igner&115; 100 ba&115;ic land&115; and 4 boo&115;ter pack&115; from recent &115;et&115; A perfect &115;tarter collection NEW LEGEND&83; There are new appearance&115; from Chandra the fan favourite pyromancer and Mu Yanling a blue aligned Plane&115; walker RETURNING MECHANIC&83; Exciting reprint&115; &115;uch a&115; Keyline'&115; and dual enemy-colour Temple Land&115; LEGENDARY CREATURE&83; More three-colour legendary wedge creature&115; are back to join the brawl PLAY YOUR WAY Thi&115; &115;et &115;pan&115; the multiver&115;e and invite&115; player&115; to find a favourite playing &115;tyle and add new mechanic&115; creature&115; and Plane&115; walker&115; to their deck&115;"
Price: 17.99 ![]() |
"Eagles: Waterloo Deck" |
"Recreate the climactic Waterloo campaign with Eagles Waterloo edition Eagles is a fast-paced fun and historically accurate simulation of Napoleon&39;s final campaign Each Eagles Waterloo deck contains 60 cards the cards are selected from the 300 different cards that accurately portray every general regiment battery and significant terrain present at the Waterloo campaign Each Eagles card has been printed in three versions Gold Silver and Bronze Gold cards are rare silver cards uncommon and bronze cards are common but each version of the card will has the same game effect This will allow gamers to obtain a complete set easily while collectors can hunt for a Silver or Gold series Please note - you will receive a deck of 60 cards"
Price: 9.34 ![]() |
"Villagers Game Expansion Pack" |
"Contain&115;12 Development Card&115;9 &83;coundrel&115;5 &83;aint&115;8 Profiteer&115;4 Wooden Token&115;"
Price: 9.13 ![]() |
"Dixie: Shiloh Deck" |
"Replay the first major battle of the West during the American Civil War A battle that the Confederates could have won A battle that was Grant&39;s first great test Each Dixie Shiloh deck contains 30 USA and 30 CSA cards selected from the 400 different cards that accurately portray every general regiment battery river boat and significant terrain present at Shiloh The Dixie system is an expanded version of Columbia&39;s tactical battle board system used in such games as Napoleon The Waterloo Campaign 1815 Each unit card shows its unit ID its Combat Value (CV--the number of dice rolled) and its Firepower (the number needed to hit a target) The game is played without a board; the table is divided into three battle line areas for each player (left center and right) Players deploy cards face down into their three battle line areas Player&39;s hands act as the Reserve area Each turn every unit may either move or fire Movement consists of advancing into the opponent&39;s battle line areas to engage Combat consists of rolling dice equal to the unit&39;s CV with hits occurring for each die that is less than or equal to the unit&39;s firepower For each hit taken a unit must make a morale check rolling equal to or less than their CV or "rout" (ie be discarded) Play continues until one side is able to occupy unopposed two of the three opponent&39;s battle line areas Rules are included for fighting a second day Please note - you will receive 2 decks which total to 60 cards (this is not a complete set)"
Price: 9.98 ![]() |
"Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition - Deluxe Movement Tools" |
"Thi&115; pack contain&115; premium pla&115;tic maneuver template&115; and a range ruler to upgrade the corre&115;ponding component&115; from your X-Wing Core &83;et In addition to the eleven movement template&115; youll al&115;o find a range ruler ba&115;e and four range ruler &115;egment&115; that can be u&115;ed individually or combined to make your mea&115;urement&115; quick and preci&115;e"
Price: 12.69 ![]() |
"Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition TIE/sf Fighter" |
"Development of the TIE&115;f fighter required &83;ienar-Jaemu&115; Fleet &83;y&115;tem&115; to pioneer new energy-cell technology to power the advanced &115;y&115;tem&115; demanded by the Fir&115;t Order &83;pecial Force&115;"
Price: 14.44 ![]() |
"Weiss Schwarz: Cardcaptors Sakura: Clear Card Trial Deck" |
"Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Key that hides the forces of dreams I bid you to show me your true form Release! Product Information Sakura steps into a new middle school and onto a brand new stage in Weiß Schwarz! Featuring scenes from the first two episodes of the anime this Trial Deck is perfect for learning the basics of the game! The following characters will be appearing in this deck - Sakura - Tomoyo - Kero - Syaoran SIGN CARDS Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain a sign card by the voice cast!!! Sakura Tange (as Sakura) NEO-STANDARD DECK CONSTRUCTION The cards in this Trial Deck may be used together with cards with card number beginning withCCS! Parallel Cards Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks! Every deck contains 2 shiny cards! In addition every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! RRR Rare cards with special embossing (3 types) SP Sign card of voice cast (1 type)"
Price: 16.87 ![]() |
"Thrown Dice Game" |
"Thrown i&115; a trick-taking game with a new way to play into a trick namely by u&115;ing dice! The color&115; of the dice repre&115;ent the &115;uit&115; The lead player roll&115; 1-3 dice of a color (the &115;uit) then the other player&115; try to roll in-&115;uit to get the highe&115;t value on the table If you do not have the right &115;uit then you can roll for trump; rolling a natural 6 on one of your dice in an off-&115;uit will beat the highe&115;t value in-&115;uit Winning a trick give&115; you gold The game end&115; following a number of round&115; played equal to the number of player&115; at which time whoever ha&115; the mo&115;t gold win&115; But wait there are card&115; in the game too! The&115;e card&115; give &115;pecial abilitie&115; which are paid for or activated with dice of particular color&115; &83;ome of the effect&115; include flipping your dice or an opponent&8217;&115; dice to their oppo&115;ite &115;ide&115; removing dice re-rolling dice and automatically winning with a particular roll!"
Price: 9.39 ![]() |
"A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition 2018 Joust World Championship Deck" |
"Take your revenge with the 2018 World Championship Deck for A Game of Thrones The Card Game!This Martell Banner of the Wolf list that led Lennart Paga to victory at the 2018 World Championship by embracing the long game and controlling the board with key cards like Ward Ramsay Snow and Valar Dohaeris Offering a card-for-card recreation of Paga's deck with newly redesigned cards that feature gorgeous full-bleed art this deck is perfect for new players looking for an entry point to the battle for the Iron Throne intermediate players who wish to explore new experimental deckbuilding opportunities and experienced players who want to expand their collection with full-art versions of favorite cards and extra copies of key neutral cards Expose the crimes of your enemies and remain Unbowed Unbent Unbroken!"
Price: 8.99 ![]() |
"Ashes: The King of Titans Expansion Deck" |
"In Aenda Woodra&115;&115; the denizen&115; of the de&115;ert oa&115;i&115; have &115;truck a delicate accord with the law&115; of Nature Xander Heart&115;blood ri&115;e&115; to defend that accord to the death Calling upon the ancient way&115; of the nomadic &115;haman&115; a&115; well a&115; the terrifying power of hi&115; dino&115;aur conjuration&115; Xander channel&115; the raw magic of Nature to bear down on tho&115;e who would invade the &115;acred ground he now call&115; home Balance the power of Nature and Divine magic to unlea&115;h the titan&115; of the de&115;ert on un&115;u&115;pecting prey"
Price: 12.80 ![]() |
"L5R LCG: Masters of the Court Crane Clan Pack" |
"Amid&115;t the honorable &115;amurai of the Emerald Empire none &115;tand quite a&115; virtuou&115;ly a&115; tho&115;e of the Crane Clan It i&115; by the grace and excellence of the Left Hand of the Emperor that peace i&115; maintained for their ma&115;tery of law and diplomacy i&115; unparalleled The de&115;cendant&115; of Lady Doji helped codify the law&115; that govern life in the Empire &115;imultaneou&115;ly defining the &115;ocial order and modeling it with elegance Ma&115;ter&115; of the Court &115;potlight&115; the Crane Clan with 78 new card&115; (three copie&115; of twenty-five different card&115; and one copy each of three different card&115;) for Legend of the Five Ring&115; The Card Game Here you can look for an empha&115;i&115; on the Crane&115; &115;killed Dueli&115;t&115; their well-&115;poken Courtier&115; and their ability to lock down their opponent&115; with powerful conflict card&115;"
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
"Tales From The Loop RPG" |
"The land&115;cape wa&115; full of machine&115; and &115;crap metal connected to the facility in one way or another Alway&115; pre&115;ent on the horizon were the colo&115;&115;al cooling tower&115; with their green ob&115;truction light&115; If you put your ear to the ground you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop the purring of the Gravitron the central piece of engineering magic that wa&115; the focu&115; of the Loop&115; experiment&115; The facility wa&115; the large&115;t of it&115; kind in the world and it wa&115; &115;aid that it&115; force&115; could bend &115;pace-time it&115;elf &83;cifi arti&115;t &83;imon &83;t&229;lenhag&115; painting&115; of &83;wedi&115;h 1980&115; &115;uburbia populated by fanta&115;tic machine&115; and &115;trange bea&115;t&115; have won global acclaim Now you can &115;tep into the amazing world of the Loop In thi&115; roleplaying game in the vein of ET and &83;tranger Thing&115; you&8217;ll play teenager&115; &115;olving my&115;terie&115; connected to the Loop The game rule&115; are ba&115;ed on Mutant Year Zero which wa&115; awarded with a &83;ilver ENnie for Be&115;t Rule&115; at Gencon 2015"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Wings of Glory: (Kempf) Fokker Dr.I" |
"The Fokker DrI wa&115; a triplane built by Fokker&8211;Flugzeugwerke during the Fir&115;t World War The de&115;ign ba&115;ed off of Britain&8217;&115; &83;opwith Triplane i&115; well known thank&115; to the Red Baron Manfred von Richthofen for being the plane in which he &115;cored hi&115; final la&115;t 19 victorie&115; The DrI offered exceptional maneuverability due to the rudder and elevator control&115; that were light and powerful and thank&115; to ace&115; that piloted it covering them&115;elve&115; in glory ha&115; become the mo&115;t famou&115; and iconic airplane of WW1 Friedrich &8220;Fritz&8221; Kempf &115;cored four victorie&115; flying with the &8220;Ja&115;ta Boelcke&8221; on hi&115; Fokker DrI and he wa&115; noted e&115;pecially for hi&115; per&115;onal marking on hi&115; aircraft &8220;Kempf &8212; Do you &115;till know me&8221; Content&115;1144 &115;cale modeFlight &115;tand with game &115;tat&115;4 altitude &115;tand&115;Airplane cardManeuver and &115;pecial card&115;"
Price: 15.99 ![]() |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire: Stark Outriders Expansion" |
"The hor&115;emen of Winterfell are well known for their expert riding &115;kill&115; Though &83;tark Outrider&115; e&115;chew the heavier armor of many other mounted unit&115; what they lo&115;e in durability they more than make up for in maneuverability and &115;peed Not one&115; to be bogged down by enemy force&115; they can quickly di&115;tance them&115;elve&115; from their foe&115; ready to charge back in again on a flank The &83;tark Outrider&115; Unit Box give&115; &83;tark Commander&115; a unit of cavalry for their force&115; in the A &83;ong of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniature&115; Game The&115;e &115;wift &115;teed&115; can ea&115;ily make their way around the battlefield When engaged in combat after they perform a melee attack they can make a free Retreat action making &115;ure their opponent&115; are left without the chance to counter-attack"
Price: 20.49 ![]() |
"Vs. System: Black Order" |
"V&115; &83;y&115;tem 2PCG Black Order the final in&115;tallment in the three-part V&115; &83;y&115;tem 2PCG Infinity War arc i&115; a boo&115;t for the force&115; of evil Infamou&115; villain&115; Thano&115; Nebula Mi&115;tre&115;&115; Death and other&115; have arrived to wage war on the univer&115;e I&115; your deck &115;trong enough to &115;top them? Don&8217;t let Thano&115; gain control of the Infinity Gauntletunle&115;&115; of cour&115;e you are Thano&115;!"
Price: 13.99 ![]() |
"Chessex 16mm D6 Dice Block: Marble Oxi-Copper with White" |
"Contain&115; 12 dice"
Price: 11.99 ![]() |
"Chessex 16mm D6 Dice Block: Festive Pop Art with Blue" |
"Che&115;&115;ex 16mm D6 Dice Block Fe&115;tive Pop Art with Blue"
Price: 11.99 ![]() |
"Chessex 12mm Dice Block: Festive Waterlily/White (36)" |
"A &115;et of fe&115;tive waterlily dice with white pip&115; Content&115;36 &83;ix-&115;ided Dice (12mm)"
Price: 14.49 ![]() |
"Quarriors Qultimate Quedition Board Game" |
"In Quarrior&115;! each player play&115; a&115; a Quarrior competing for glory in the eye&115; of Quiana the Empre&115;&115; of Quaridia Each player &115;tart&115; with an identical &115;et of twelve dice in their dice bag At the &115;tart of the game creature and &115;pell dice (dubbed quarry) are dealt at random to form the Wild&115; in the center of the table A&115; play progre&115;&115;e&115; player&115; roll their dice to attempt to &115;ummon creature&115; ca&115;t &115;pell&115; and harne&115;&115; the magical power of Quiddity (the in-game re&115;ource) to capture quarry from the Wild&115; to add to their repertoire and into their dice bag Player&115; draw and roll &115;ix dice a turn from their bag meaning that controlling bag compo&115;ition i&115; key to victory Quarrior&115;! i&115; a fa&115;t-paced game in which player&115; mu&115;t &115;trategically balance their choice&115; each turn Do you u&115;e your Quiddity to &115;ummon creature&115; in the hope&115; of &115;coring glory or &115;hould you &115;pend it all to capture more powerful quarry from the Wild&115;? Player&115; mu&115;t outmaneuver their opponent&115; through &115;trategic &115;pell u&115;e the acqui&115;ition of powerful quarry and ultimately by &115;triking down oppo&115;ing creature&115; in combat If your creature&115; &115;urvive until your next turn you will &115;core glory point&115; and move clo&115;er to victory!Quarrior&115;! Qultimate Quedition con&115;i&115;t&115; of the Quarrior&115;! ba&115;e game and all previou&115;ly relea&115;ed expan&115;ion&115; and promotional card&115; Player&115; 2-4Playing time 30 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 82.99 ![]() |
"Batman Miniatures Game Kobra Soldiers" |
"The fanatical foot-&115;oldier&115; of the Kobra Cult are ready to throw down their live&115; to further the end&115; of their my&115;teriou&115; ma&115;ter&115; Thi&115; bli&115;ter pack contain&115; three finely detailed re&115;in miniature&115; complete with character card&115; A&115; Minion&115; the Kobra player can include &115;everal of the&115;e pack&115; in their Crew expanding their force&115; with expendable henchmen Content&115;3 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;3 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;3 Character Card&115;"
Price: 16.49 ![]() |
"Royal Blood - A Game Of Cards RPG" |
"YOU are a Royal &8211; half-magic half-human You&8217;re one of the court cards from the tarot deck &8211; the impetuous Princess of Wands the calculating Knight of Pentacles the empire-building Queen of Wands and so on You use magic like a brick through the window of the world THEY are the Arcane &8211; Death The Hanged Man The Devil The Lovers The Star They are reality-bending monsters that wear human skin like a suit TONIGHT before dawn you are going to corner one of them and take their power for your own in a heist the likes of which the worlds have never seen The city is going to burn It&8217;s going to be beautiful ROYAL BLOOD is a rules-light heist roleplaying game for three or more players and a gamesmasterTo play you&8217;ll need a deck of tarot cards and a handful of coins Download it here As with all my games if you can&8217;t afford to buy it drop me an email explaining why and I&8217;ll give it to you for free Or send me a copy of you a game you&8217;ve written and we&8217;ll do a swap Written by Grant Howitt Design and art by Banana Chan Commissioned by Glen E Ivey as part of Merritt Kopas&8217; 2015 surgery fundraiser"
Price: 20.99 ![]() |
"BrainBox Transport Card Game" |
"However you like to get around this BrainBox is for you From a camel to a canoe a glider to a go-kart a milk float to a Monster truck this brilliant BrainBox travels by land air and sea for fantastic family fun All aboard!From a camel to a canoe a glider to a go-kart a milk float to a monster truck this brilliant BrainBox travels by land air and sea for fantastic family fun All aboard!However you like to get around this BrainBox is for you Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 13.49 ![]() |
"Illuminati D6 Dice Set" |
"These 19mm Illuminati-inspired dice display a pyramid in the place of the 1 pip The set contains two red and two blue dice with silver pups and two silver dice with black pips These attractive pearlized dice will add just the right amount of class to any game"
Price: 9.99 ![]() |
"Ultra Pro Pokemon Eevee 2019 9 Pocket Portfolio" |
"9-Pocket portfolio featuring Eevee art from Pokemon Holds 90 collectable cards single-loaded or 180 double-loaded Each portfolio includes 10 high-clarity archival-safe pages 9-pocket portfolio featuring the Pokemon Eevee Holds 90 collectable cards single-loaded or 180 double-loaded Each Portfolio includes 10 high-clarity archival-safe pages Additional pages cannot be added"
Price: 11.99 ![]() |
"Star Wars Roleplaying Republic and Separatist Adversary Deck" |
"Bring the galaxy to your tabletop with the Republic and Separatist adversary deck for Star Wars Roleplaying!This deck features 20 adversary cards that give the most pertinent information about non-player characters giving gamemasters the ability to keep the game flowing without having to flip through various books The Republic and Separatist Adversary Deck features enemies and allies found in the Rise of the Separatists Sourcebook including Count Dooku Clone Troopers and more!"
Price: 8.99 ![]() |
"Star Wars: Legion- Premium Large Bases" |
"Enhance the look of your &83;tar War&115;&8482; Legion vehicle&115; and other large unit&115; with premium pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;! The Premium Large Ba&115;e&115; pack contain&115; eight premium notched ba&115;e&115; covering all three &115;ize&115; of notched ba&115;e providing four 50-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; &115;uch a&115; the 74-Z &83;peeder Bike&115; two 70-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; like the AT-RT and two 100-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; &115;uch a&115; the AT-&83;T or the T-47 Air&115;peeder"
Price: 14.49 ![]() |
"BrainBox Around The UK Card Game" |
"Covering cities and countryside from Land&8217;s End to John O&8217;Groats the 71 cards feature natural and manmade landmarks traditional foods crafts and industries native animals and famous people Covering cities and countryside from Land's End to John O'GroatsCards feature natural and manmade landmarks traditional foods crafts and industries native animals and famous people Fun and LearningVisual Memory Game1 or more players"
Price: 13.49 ![]() |
"Dragon Shield Classic - Gold Sleeves (10 Packs)" |
"50 Protective Card Sleeves (10 Packs included)Clear Front and Gold BackProtects Gaming Cards Against Wear and Tear"
Price: 44.49 ![]() |
"A'Writhe: A Game of Eldritch Contortions Board Game" |
"Summon the Great Old Ones by having them align their bodies over Arkham In the game A'Writhe A Game of Eldritch Contortions players gather in teams of two Each team consists of a cultist player and a Great Old One player The cultist is assisting the Great Old One and attempting to summon them to our plane To do this the cultist instructs their deity with great veneration to place an appendage on top of an Arkham landmark to complete a specific pattern The problem is that it is nigh impossible to have one Great Old One form this pattern by itself; that's why if another deity is touching any parts of your pattern you can use that appendage to complete your own pattern!Up to three teams of two can play in this contortionist battle of positioning Players 2-6Playing time 30 minsAges 14"
Price: 15.99 ![]() |