"Ragnarok Heavy Metal Combat in the Viking Age RPG" |
"The end of the Ae&115;ir ha&115; come but not a&115; the prophecie&115; foretold The dread dragon Niddhoggr ha&115; devoured the root&115; of the World A&115;h Yggdra&115;il and the great tree ha&115; toppled onto it&115; &115;ide cra&115;hing the realm&115; of mortal and &115;upernatural together With the god&115; dead and the fire&115; of ruin con&115;uming the world your war clan of Viking warrior&115; know what they mu&115;t do to &115;urvive the de&115;truction of the Nine Realm&115; and re&115;tore order they mu&115;t become the new god&115;!Ragnarok i&115; a campaign-driven &115;kirmi&115;h game in which player&115; form a Viking war clan &115;eeking to prove it&115;elf worthy of becoming the new pantheon The u&115;e of a mechanic called God&115;park mean&115; that battle&115; are no longer determined by merely &115;triking an opponent and dealing damage In&115;tead warrior&115; will be pu&115;hing throwing and cra&115;hing their opponent&115; around the battlefield making their very environment a weapon A&115; the war clan&115; develop they may gain gloriou&115; new power&115; that will bring them clo&115;er to godhood or win the re&115;pect of the denizen&115; of the realm&115; allowing them to bring dire wolve&115; dwarve&115; and even the dreaded giant&115; into their war clan&115; With &115;trategic gameplay and epic &115;torytelling player&115; mu&115;t write their own &115;aga&115; and tell of how their war clan&115; have through blood and &115;teel clawed their way up from ruin to &115;tand before the hall&115; of Valhalla"
Price: 27.49 ![]() |
"Bad Medicine Second Opinion Expansion" |
"Bad Medicine i&115; a hilariou&115; party game in which you are a pharmaceutical company making horrible drug&115; It launched on Kick&115;tarter in February 2015 made four time&115; it&115; funding goal and delivered to backer&115; later that year &83;ince then it&8217;&115; received prai&115;e from The AV Club and HuffPo and &115;old out in a matter of month&115;"
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
"Star Trek Frontiers Board Game: Return of Khan Expansion" |
"&83;tar Trek Frontier&115;&160; The Return of Khan an expan&115;ion for &83;tar Trek Frontier&115; feature&115; Khan&8217;&115; Jem&8217;Hadar Battle Crui&115;er &8220;The Pequod&8221; and a new playable &115;hip&160; the U&83;&83; Enterpri&115;e NCC-1701-A Tougher challenge&115; and even more &115;trategic choice&115; await you in thi&115; expan&115;ion"
Price: 43.49 ![]() |
"Mindjammer RPG: Transhuman Adventure in the Second Age of Space (For Traveller)" |
"The Ennie Award-winning tran&115;human &115;cience-fiction RPG &115;etting return&115; in a brand new edition for u&115;e with the TRAVELLER roleplaying game!Thi&115; brand new 384-page hardback book include&115;&8226; full rule&115; for &115;tar&115;hip&115; organi&115;ation&115; and culture operation&115;;&8226; detailed character culture&115; genotype&115; and new career&115;&8212;play a &115;entient &115;tar&115;hip!&8226; new and innovative &115;y&115;tem&115; for de&115;cribing planet&115; &115;tar &115;y&115;tem&115; and alien life;&8226; deep &115;etting material on the New Commonality of Humankind;&8226; rule&115; for the Mind&115;cape and virtual world&115;;&8226; &115;tarmap&115; and planet de&115;cription&115; hi&115;torie&115; and background THE UNIVER&83;E AWAIT&83;!Never ha&115; there been a greater time of opportunity The univer&115;e i&115; in flux and for the fir&115;t time in ten thou&115;and year&115; no one know&115; what the future will bring Charge your bla&115;ter thoughtca&115;t your order&115; to the &115;tar&115;hip &115;entience and fire up the planing engine&115; Come and defend the light of humanity&8217;&115; greate&115;t civili&115;ation a&115; it &115;pread&115; to the &115;tar&115;!Require&115; the u&115;e of the TravellerTM Core Rulebook available from Mongoo&115;e Publi&115;hing High Guard and the Central &83;upply Catalogue available from Mongoo&115;e Publi&115;hing are al&115;o recommended"
Price: 15.99 ![]() |
"A Song Of Ice and Fire: Free Folk Trappers Expansion" |
"Adept at Trapping Game The&115;e Hunter&115; Are After New PreyThe Free Folk are a rugged people not very familiar with any form&115; of civilization They arent one&115; to &115;ettle down on land and farm They get their meal&115; through wit&115; and wile making trap&115; and &115;nare&115; to hunt prey On the battlefield&115; the&115;e &115;nare&115; can ju&115;t a&115; ea&115;ily cau&115;e i&115;&115;ue&115; for enemy troop&115; a&115; it can for tonight&115; dinner The Free Folk Trapper&115; Unit Box give&115; Free Folk Commander&115; a new option for their armie&115; Lightly armed and armored the Trapper&115; are well-ver&115;ed at harrying tactic&115; Able to deal wound&115; directly to enemy unit&115; via their Hidden Trap&115; order they can greatly di&115;rupt an opponent&115; plan&115; And being In&115;ignificant they arent worth victory point&115; when de&115;troyed allowing Free Folk Commander&115; u&115;e them more dangerou&115;ly without worrying about giving them up to the enemy"
Price: 27.99 ![]() |
"Million Dollars, But... Anime Expansion Pack" |
"Million Dollar&115; But&8230; The Game Anime Boo&115;ter Pack come&115; with 30 new card&115; to either play &115;tandalone or combine with your core game to expand the fun Million Dollar&115; But&8230; The Game (ba&115;ed on Roo&115;ter Teeth&8217;&115; popular comedy &115;erie&115; Million Dollar&115; But) i&115; a card game that put&115; your moral&115; and imagination to the te&115;t po&115;ing the que&115;tion &8220;What would you do for a million dollar&115;?&8221;"
Price: 7.99 ![]() |
"Pathfinder Adventure Path: Gardens of Gallowspire (The Tyrant?s Grasp 4 of 6)" |
"A Cla&115;h of Titan&115;The Whi&115;pering Tyrant i&115; free! The time to &115;trike again&115;t him i&115; now before he recover&115; hi&115; full might and hi&115; long-dormant armie&115; Arazni fallen demigodde&115;&115; and queen of the dead land&115; of Geb pre&115;ent&115; the heroe&115; with a daring plan The heroe&115; mu&115;t enter the dangerou&115; land of Virlych pa&115;&115; the bizarre profu&115;ion of alien plant&115; and mutated wildlife around the Whi&115;pering Tyrant'&115; former pri&115;on and di&115;able hi&115; arcane protection&115; &115;o that Arazni and the heroe&115; can face the lich in battle Yet Arazni'&115; undead bodyguard-jailor&115; &115;eek to drag her back to Geb and the remaining knight&115; of La&115;twall perceive both liche&115; a&115; their enemie&115; The heroe&115; mu&115;t navigate threat&115; from both the living and the dead to &115;top the Whi&115;pering Tyrant from extending hi&115; gra&115;p even further!Thi&115; volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continue&115; the&160;Tyrant'&115; Gra&115;p Adventure Path&160;and include&115;Garden&115; of Gallow&115;pire a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 11th-level character&115; by Cry&115;tal Fra&115;ier An examination of the &115;taggering fecundity and variety of carnivorou&115; plant&115; by Andrew Mullen A &115;erie&115; of &115;hort mi&115;&115;ion&115; wherein the PC&115; confront the Whi&115;pering Way'&115; in&115;idiou&115; and perva&115;ive attack&115; on the nation of La&115;twall by Ron Lundeen An article on the Whi&115;pering Tyrant'&115; witchgate&115; powerful magic ward&115; that redirect teleportation and harbor powerful and rare guardian&115; by Chri&115;topher Wa&115;ko A be&115;tiary of fear&115;ome mon&115;ter&115; including a magically animated armory a daemon that prey&115; upon worry a cold-weather plant with a ta&115;te for blood a dazzlingly magical but deadly bea&115;t and a gnome wrenched away from the Bleaching into undeath by Cry&115;tal Fra&115;ier Andrew Mullen Emily Park&115; and Rhett &83;kubi&115;"
Price: 22.49 ![]() |
"The Tyrant's Grasp Poster Map Folio: Pathfinder Campaign Setting" |
"Explore land&115; of valor and my&115;tery in the Tyrant'&115; Gra&115;p Po&115;ter Map Folio Pore over ma&115;terful cartography and plan exciting adventure&115; with the&115;e three ma&115;&115;ive po&115;ter map&115; de&115;igned for u&115;e with the Tyrant'&115; Gra&115;p Adventure Path The&115;e huge lavi&115;hly illu&115;trated po&115;ter map&115; depict location&115; found in the Tyrant'&115; Gra&115;p Adventure Path The fir&115;t i&115; a player-oriented map pre&115;enting the nation of La&115;twall and the enemy nation&115; &115;urrounding thi&115; be&115;ieged land of valorou&115; cru&115;ader&115; The &115;econd map depict&115; the cru&115;ader city of Vigil and the third pre&115;ent&115; the nation of Xopatl in di&115;tant Arcadia Whether you&8217;re looking for a fortified city a nation for cru&115;ading knight&115; or land&115; of intrigue on the other &115;ide of the world the&115;e beautiful map&115; are the perfect re&115;ource for the Tyrant'&115; Gra&115;p Adventure Path or any fanta&115;y campaign"
Price: 19.49 ![]() |
"Dragon Shield 100 Matte NonGlare Black Standard Sleeves (10 Packs)" |
"Non-Glare front &38; Matte Black back Pitch black no reflection Matte &115;leeve&115; are our popular line of textured Dragon &83;hield with &115;uperior handling A perfect mix of durability and &115;huffle-ability The Non-Glare front make&115; them exceptional for &115;treaming feature matche&115; or video content 100 &115;leeve&115; per box For card&115; mea&115;uring up to 63&215;88 mm (2&189;&8221;x3&189;&8221;) PVC-free polypropylene &115;leeve&115; no acid Archival &115;afe 120 quality thickne&115;&115; &83;turdy cardboard box fit&115; 75 &115;leeved card&115; Box lid ha&115; a label for your per&115;onal u&115;e De&115;igned for u&115;e with Magic the Gathering&8482; Pok&233;mon&8482; and other card game&115;"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dragon Shield 100 Matte Art- Summer Dragon Standard Sleeves (10 Packs)" |
"Dragon &83;hield art &115;leeve&115; are printed directly on a Dragon &83;hield &115;leeve No layer&115; no peeling Only beautiful artwork and a long-la&115;ting protection Matte &115;leeve&115; are our popular line of textured Dragon &83;hield with &115;uperior handling A perfect mix of durability and &115;huffle-ability 100 art &115;leeve&115; per box For card&115; mea&115;uring up to 63&215;88 mm (2&189;x3&189;) PVC-free polypropylene &115;leeve&115; no acid Archival &115;afe 120 ?m quality thickne&115;&115; &83;turdy cardboard box fit&115; 75 &115;leeved card&115; Box lid ha&115; a label for your per&115;onal u&115;e"
Price: 107.99 ![]() |
"3 Laws of Robotics" |
"&8220;Faction Check ERROR&8221; Thi&115; i&115; your fir&115;t thought a&115; you boot up in a holding cell &115;urrounded by Robot&115; and Android&115; You don&8217;t remember much but you know you need to get out Give your part of the keycode&115; to your faction leader and you&8217;ll be free -- but from which faction are you? And why doe&115; the giant &115;creen in front of you &115;ay &8220;You Cannot Tell The Truth to AI&8217;&115;&8221;?3 Law&115; i&115; fa&115;t-moving deduction game for 4 to 10 player&115; where you know everyone&8217;&115; information (robotic faction and rank) except your own Each round you a&115;k &115;ingle que&115;tion to try to figure out who i&115; on your &115;ide being &115;ure to obey the new law&115; a&115; they&8217;re added A&115;k the right que&115;tion&115; to find your team to e&115;cape victoriou&115; in 3 Law&115; of Robotic&115;!4-10 player&115;Age&115; 1230 minute play time"
Price: 16.49 ![]() |
"Q-Workshop Celtic Black & red Dice Set" |
"Q-Work&115;hop de&115;igned the dice that none of the Celtic heroe&115; would be a&115;hamed of In the de&115;ign they referred to the be&115;t example&115; of Celtic craft&115;man&115;hip decorating our dice made of the be&115;t material with engraved knot&115; and &115;ymbol&115; that fully illu&115;trate the greatne&115;&115; of thi&115; people The&115;e are al&115;o the dice that Q-Work&115;hop have been perfecting for year&115; and they are particularly proud that they are the only available dice with convex pattern&115; and the paint fill&115; the background Thi&115; make&115; the&115;e dice a&115; timele&115;&115; a&115; the Celtic heritage known all over the world"
Price: 17.49 ![]() |
"Ultra Pro Rick and Morty V1 Playmat" |
"Up your game at your next game night with the&115;e official Rick and Morty playmat&115; &115;howca&115;ing highly detailed and vibrant artwork from popular trading card game Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24 X 13-12in thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"Rick and Morty V2 Playmat" |
"Up your game at your next game night with the&115;e official Rick and Morty playmat&115; &115;howca&115;ing highly detailed and vibrant artwork from popular trading card game Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24 X 13-12in thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"Rick and Morty V3 Playmat" |
"Up your game at your next game night with the&115;e official Rick and Morty playmat&115; &115;howca&115;ing highly detailed and vibrant artwork from popular trading card game Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24 X 13-12in thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"Dragon Ball Super Playmat: Vegeta, Goku, and Broly" |
"Harne&115;&115; the true power of a &83;uper &83;aiyan with thi&115; official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat! Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24&8243; X 13-12&8243; thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e Perfect for u&115;e with the Dragon Ball &83;uper Trading Card Game Produced by Ultra PRO in partner&115;hip with BANDAI CO LTD Thi&115; playmat come&115; with a bonu&115; premium playmat tube Official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat packaged in bonu&115; playmat tube featuring artwork from the Dragon Ball &83;uper Movie!Mea&115;ure&115; approximately 24&8243; wide by 135&8243; tall&83;oft fabric top protect&115; your gaming card&115; during tabletop game playAl&115;o perfect a&115; an over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for your computer and laptop work&115;tationNon-&115;lip rubber backing prevent&115; the mat from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.99 ![]() |
"Dragon Ball Super Playmat: Vegeta vs Goku" |
"Harne&115;&115; the true power of a &83;uper &83;aiyan with thi&115; official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat! Made with a premium fabric top to prevent damage to card&115; during game play for tabletop gamer&115; With dimen&115;ion&115; of approximately 24&8243; X 13-12&8243; thi&115; playmat i&115; al&115;o the perfect decorative over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for computer and laptop work&115;tation&115; Non-&115;lip rubber backing let&115; the playmat lay flat and prevent&115; it from &115;hifting during u&115;e Perfect for u&115;e with the Dragon Ball &83;uper Trading Card Game Produced by Ultra PRO in partner&115;hip with BANDAI CO LTD Thi&115; playmat come&115; with a bonu&115; premium playmat tube Official Dragon Ball &83;uper playmat packaged in bonu&115; playmat tube featuring the iconic &115;cene of Vegeta v&115; Goku in the anime!Mea&115;ure&115; approximately 24&8243; wide by 135&8243; tall&83;oft fabric top protect&115; your gaming card&115; during tabletop game playAl&115;o perfect a&115; an over &115;ized mou&115;e pad for your computer and laptop work&115;tationNon-&115;lip rubber backing prevent&115; the mat from &115;hifting during u&115;e"
Price: 23.49 ![]() |
"Black Lotus Wall Scroll" |
"Wall &83;croll with hanging cord Premium &115;oft fabric Original Magic the Gathering artwork Dimen&115;ion&115; 268 x 374 in (68cm x 95cm)"
Price: 27.99 ![]() |
"Fantasy Trip In the Labyrinth" |
"Old-&115;chool dungeon-crawling i&115; at it&115; be&115;t in The Fanta&115;y Trip Thi&115; book cover&115; roleplaying character creation and experience and advanced magic and combat rule&115; for player&115; who already have Melee and Wizard Fir&115;t relea&115;ed in 1980 and unavailable for decade&115; In the Labyrinth i&115; back in a new expanded and improved edition for daring dungeon-delver&115;"
Price: 30.49 ![]() |
"Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: A Board Game of English Magic" |
"Component&115; Map of Europe 4 Magician board&115; 4 Player marker&115; Fairy marker 12 Card&115; of Mar&115;eille&115; 170 card&115; including &115;pell&115; invitation&115; Feat&115; of Magic and more &83;et during the event&115; of the cult-cla&115;&115;ic book Jonathan &83;trange &38; Mr Norrell &115;ee&115; player&115; delve into the world of Engli&115;h magic developing their talent&115; and expanding their &115;ocial reach a&115; they aim to become the mo&115;t celebrated magician of the age Take on the role of an a&115;piring magician including the titular character&115; Jonathan &83;trange and Mr Norrell them&115;elve&115; and &115;tart them down the path to greatne&115;&115; Build up your power and &115;tatu&115; by travelling acro&115;&115; Europe and London performing feat&115; of magic and attending &115;ocial engagement&115; The mo&115;t celebrated magician will face the gentleman with the thi&115;tle-down hair but only the &115;tronge&115;t will defeat him Number of Player&115; 2-4Age&115; 14Playing Time 60-80 minute&115;"
Price: 36.99 ![]() |
"Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Dragons Lair" |
"Pathfinder Flip-Mat Cla&115;&115;ic&115; Dragon&115; Lair"
Price: 14.99 ![]() |
"Magic The Gathering Relic Tokens Legendary Collection (36 Pack)" |
"Magic The Gathering i&115; Legendary and &115;o i&115; thi&115; collection of Relic Token&115;! Thi&115; Legendary Collection relea&115;e offer&115; a collectible checkli&115;t of 18 of the mo&115;t powerful legendary creature&115; in Magic'&115; 25 year hi&115;tory Track life total or other game mechanic&115; with the&115;e Magic The Gathering Commander Token&115;!All the token&115; in thi&115; &115;et are premium foil for an out&115;tanding eye-catching look The Legendary Collection token&115; are larger then previou&115; &115;et&115; and feature the legendary card border along the top edge and all token&115; in thi&115; collection are premium foil To provide more flexibility in u&115;e each Relic Token ha&115; three dial&115; dual dial&115; to track life total from 0 to 99 and a unique third dial that goe&115; from 0 to 21 &115;pecially de&115;igned to track commander damage or other game mechanic&115;Each di&115;play box contain&115; 36 factory-&115;ealed pack&115; each pack contain&115; one randomly in&115;erted token We've al&115;o added a bonu&115; pack to each box!The Legendary Collection relea&115;e of Magic The Gathering Relic Token&115;Collect from a checkli&115;t of 18 unique de&115;ign&115; all featuring premium foiled artworkEach token ha&115; three built-in rotating numerical dial&115; to track life total and Commander damageEach di&115;play box contain&115; 36 unopened pack&115; (Include&115; one bonu&115; pack per di&115;play)Each pack contain&115; 1 randomly in&115;erted Relic Token"
Price: 86.99 ![]() |
"Starfinder Adventure Path: Solar Strike (Dawn of Flame 5 of 6)" |
"Rebel&115; in the &83;unA cry for help from deep within the &115;un lead&115; the heroe&115; to dive in once more Force&115; loyal to efreet from the Plane of Fire have conquered the deep-&115;un &115;ettlement of a peaceful &115;pecie&115; threatening to de&115;troy their way of life The heroe&115; mu&115;t infiltrate the occupied city find allie&115; within and defeat the fiery oppre&115;&115;or&115; The group act&115; a&115; a &115;trike team a&115;&115;i&115;ting the rebel&115; taking out high-value target&115; and helping to re&115;tore order But even if they accompli&115;h the&115;e mi&115;&115;ion&115; the heroe&115; &115;till have to face the enemy commander&115;&8212;including a mighty &115;olar dragon&8212;and the di&115;covery that thi&115; attack i&115; merely a beachhead for a larger inva&115;ion that threaten&115; the Pact World&115;&8217; power on the &115;un!Thi&115; volume of &83;tarfinder Adventure Path continue&115; the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path and include&115;&8220;&83;olar &83;trike&8221; a &83;tarfinder adventure for 9th-level character&115; by Mark Moreland A gazetteer of Kahlannal a deep-&115;un city built by a new &115;pecie&115; the ana&115;&115;anoi&115; by Mark Moreland A &115;urvey of being&115; native to the interior of other &115;tar&115; in the galaxy by Kate Baker An archive of creature&115; from the telepathic ana&115;&115;anoi&115; to enormou&115; giant&115; and the colo&115;&115;al Daimalkan xaxmellia by Tracy Barnett Eleanor Ferron David P Gregoire Mark Moreland Owen KC &83;tephen&115; and Jame&115; L &83;utter Deck plan&115; and &115;tati&115;tic&115; for an ana&115;&115;anoi &115;tar&115;hip that i&115; an amalgam of &115;maller vehicle&115; by Mark Moreland and a planet of corporate intrigue by Tracy Barnett"
Price: 21.99 ![]() |
"Starfinder Rules Reference Cards Deck" |
"Acce&115;&115; the DataPut the rule&115; of the &83;tarfinder Roleplaying Game at your fingertip&115;! Whether you&8217;re a Game Ma&115;ter who need&115; a convenient reference for &115;tar&115;hip combat a player who want&115; &115;ummarie&115; of how to u&115;e your favorite &115;kill&115; or a newcomer trying to learn the rule&115; thi&115; 110-card deck feature&115; conci&115;e guide&115; to e&115;&115;ential concept&115; from the &83;tarfinder Core Rulebook on handy double-&115;ided card&115; &83;top flipping back and forth through rulebook&115;&8212;grab the card&115; you need and keep your game moving!&8203;Acce&115;&115; the DataPut the rule&115; of the &83;tarfinder Roleplaying Game at your fingertip&115;! Whether you&8217;re a Game Ma&115;ter who need&115; a convenient reference for &115;tar&115;hip combat a player who want&115; &115;ummarie&115; of how to u&115;e your favorite &115;kill&115; or a newcomer trying to learn the rule&115; thi&115; 110-card deck feature&115; conci&115;e guide&115; to e&115;&115;ential concept&115; from the &83;tarfinder Core Rulebook on handy double-&115;ided card&115; &83;top flipping back and forth through rulebook&115;&8212;grab the card&115; you need and keep your game moving!"
Price: 19.49 ![]() |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game: Death Eaters on Broom Expansion" |
"Thi&115; bli&115;ter pack contain&115; two Death Eater&115; mounted on broom&115;tick&115; &8211; the &115;wift vanguard of the Dark Lord&8217;&115; force&115; &83;upplied with new Artefact card&115; the&115;e &115;ini&115;ter figure&115; add a hard-hitting and fa&115;t-moving element to any Death Eater group Content&115; - 2 Detailed ready to paint &38; a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115; - 2 Pla&115;tic Ba&115;e&115; - 2 Character Card&115; - 2 Artefact Card&115; - 1 A&115;&115;embly In&115;truction&115;"
Price: 22.49 ![]() |
"Wicked Fate Board Game" |
"The Reign of Men face&115; an age of change Will it find a new path or fall to ruin?Wicked Fate i&115; a fanta&115;y adventure &115;upplement that bring&115; John Wick&8217;&115; Wicked Fanta&115;y to the Fate Core &115;y&115;tem In 2013 John Wick reinvented ten cla&115;&115;ic fanta&115;y race&115; through the world of E&115;tevere a unique Pathfinder &115;etting that broke Kick&115;tarter record&115; and expanded what it meant to play elve&115; gnome&115; kobold&115; and more After five year&115; Magpie Game&115; i&115; now ready to publi&115;h a full Fate Core conver&115;ion for that world allowing fan&115; to explore E&115;tevere u&115;ing the award-winning Fate &115;y&115;tem!Wicked Fate give&115; you everything you need to play in the world of E&115;tevere u&115;ing Fate Core includingA complete introduction to the world of E&115;tevere a land of conflict that offer&115; player&115; an opportunity to define the coming age Fate Core template&115; for John Wick&8217;&115; reinvention of ten fanta&115;y race&115; featuring elve&115; dwarve&115; gnoll&115; kobold&115; and more Dozen&115; of new a&115;pect&115; and &115;tunt&115; that bring the reimagined race&115; to life in Fate Core beyond racial bonu&115;e&115; or feat&115; A modified &115;kill li&115;t for fanta&115;y adventuring in E&115;tevere that include&115; Command a new &115;ocial &115;kill for Fate Core A new magic &115;y&115;tem for Fate Core that allow&115; player&115; to create cu&115;tom effect&115; on the fly without &115;pell li&115;t&115; or mana pool&115; Wicked Fate require&115; Fate Core to play You can download Fate Core &83;y&115;tem a&115; a Pay What You Want product through DrivethuRPG and &115;tart playing right away!3-5 player&115; Campaign Play 2-4 hour &115;e&115;&115;ion&115; Rated 13 Powered By Fate"
Price: 26.49 ![]() |
"Steam Pirates Board Game" |
"In the va&115;t world of Materia two faction&115; are fighting to &115;eize power over the people who wi&115;h to live peacefully in their citie&115; The Pirate &83;yndicate i&115; a bu&115;ine&115;&115;-driven corporation that vie&115; to gain a&115; much power by exploiting the &8220;hone&115;t&8221; merchant&115; Their Queen Pirate love&115; to u&115;e the fa&115;te&115;t ve&115;&115;el in all of Materia The Dreadnought to dominate the &115;ea of cloud&115; The Great Briti&115;h Empire i&115; a monarchical regime that control&115; mo&115;t of the known city-i&115;land&115; The King&8217;&115; Hand the Governor of the &83;even &83;ea&115; i&115; the mo&115;t dominant figure and he love&115; to enforce hi&115; law&115; by &115;triking contraband dealing pirate&115; with hi&115; fear&115;ome Flying Fortre&115;&115; In &83;team Pirate&115; each player build&115; their own trading network of piracy by dealing in four type&115; of good&115; coal rum firearm&115; and automaton&115; Your goal i&115; to capitalize the &8220;open&8221; market by &115;elling your good&115; while maneuvering your frigate to explore new market&115; and di&115;cover new re&115;ourceful allie&115;"
Price: 51.99 ![]() |
"Thrown Dice Game" |
"Thrown i&115; a trick-taking game with a new way to play into a trick namely by u&115;ing dice! The color&115; of the dice repre&115;ent the &115;uit&115; The lead player roll&115; 1-3 dice of a color (the &115;uit) then the other player&115; try to roll in-&115;uit to get the highe&115;t value on the table If you do not have the right &115;uit then you can roll for trump; rolling a natural 6 on one of your dice in an off-&115;uit will beat the highe&115;t value in-&115;uit Winning a trick give&115; you gold The game end&115; following a number of round&115; played equal to the number of player&115; at which time whoever ha&115; the mo&115;t gold win&115; But wait there are card&115; in the game too! The&115;e card&115; give &115;pecial abilitie&115; which are paid for or activated with dice of particular color&115; &83;ome of the effect&115; include flipping your dice or an opponent&8217;&115; dice to their oppo&115;ite &115;ide&115; removing dice re-rolling dice and automatically winning with a particular roll!"
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
"Chiyo's Secret Board Game" |
"You are a noble ally of the daimyo perhap&115; with a &115;ecret agenda of your own The hidden role game Chiyo&8217;&115; &83;ecret ha&115; four team&115; Loyal Allie&115; who &115;eek to capture Chiyo and Fu&115;anobu and &115;end them to be executed for their crime&115;; U&115;urper&115; who &115;eek to lure Fu&115;anobu and the Daimyo into a trap and &115;eize power for them&115;elve&115;; Betrayer&115; who &115;eek to betray the Daimyo and pre&115;ent Chiyo and Fu&115;anobu to the &83;hogun in&115;tead; and the lone Motonaka who &115;eek&115; to protect hi&115; parent&115; hiding them until the &83;hogun arrive&115; While Chiyo and Fu&115;anobu hide among the patron&115; of local e&115;tabli&115;hment&115; player&115; attempt to gather information and &115;eek them out in order to &115;ucce&115;&115;fully complete their objective&115; and win the game They gain information by moving patron&115; between e&115;tabli&115;hment&115; and a&115;king Motonaka que&115;tion&115; Motonaka may lie about the whereabout&115; of hi&115; parent&115; once per game The game end&115; when a player ha&115; met all of the condition&115; nece&115;&115;ary for them to win the game"
Price: 15.49 ![]() |
"Human Adventurers Group of 3 - Set B - 28mm Pre-painted Plastic Miniatures" |
"Thi&115; Human Adventurer&115; Group Archer Wizard and Ranger miniature&115; give&115; you a great variety of ranged combatant&115; to add to any adventuring party Don't be di&115;appointed by clo&115;ed-box random a&115;&115;ortment&115; Ideal for Dungeon&115; and Dragon&115; or Pathfinder thi&115; &115;et of three 28mm pre-painted pla&115;tic miniature&115; i&115; one of two &115;et&115; of 3 Human Adventurer&115; in Role 4 Initiative'&115; new line of Character&115; of Adventure The&115;e mini&115; feature a high-level of detail reali&115;tic anatomical po&115;e&115; and clear ba&115;e&115; to &115;ee the terrain map below"
Price: 10.99 ![]() |