"Dungeons & Dragons Wilderness Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated" |
"Infinitely expandable and easy to set up these dungeon tiles allow you to create the adventures you want to play This box contains 16 durable double-sided fully illustrated tile sheets featuring grasslands ruins sandy beaches and other terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting encounters Use these tiles to make fantastic wilderness maps to enhance your tabletop roleplaying game experience"
Price: 26.49 ![]() |
"Dungeons & Dragon:s City - Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated" |
"Infinitely expandable and easy to set up these dungeon tiles allow you to create the adventures you want to play This box contains 16 durable double-sided fully illustrated tile sheets featuring grasslands ruins sandy beaches and other terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting encounters Use these tiles to make fantastic wilderness maps to enhance your tabletop roleplaying game experience"
Price: 26.49 ![]() |
"Vampire The Eternal Struggle Sabbat: Pact with Nephandi !Tremere Preconstructed Deck" |
"The Tremere antitribu are exiles from Kindred society for their treason against their Camarilla brethren and their embrace of forbidden arts They are skilled in the ways of Blood Sorcery and use their powers to upend the order of the world itself Your strategy for this deck is to form an infernal pact with those known as the Nephandi fallen mages who seek to end creation With your combined forces and common goals even elder vampires need to think twice before getting in your way"
Price: 17.49 ![]() |
"Vampire The Eternal Struggle - Sabbat: Libertine Ball: !Toreador Preconstructed Deck" |
"Toreador of the Sabbat sect strive for perfection in art and pleasure but they lack all notions of self-restraint Their road to enlightment is paved with pain and perversion Their tools are mortals more or less willing and the more tools the merrier at the Libertine Ball The Toreador antitribu are legendary for their dazzling charm Your strategy with this deck is strength in numbers you aim to influence as many young minions as possible to overwhelm your enemies and secure victory"
Price: 17.49 ![]() |
"Astro Trash Board Game" |
"In Astro Trash each player must get rid of all the trash on their playmat at the expense of the players to their left and right Players simultaneously roll three dice and rapidly move the trash according to the direction quantity and color indicated on the dice Players 3-5Playing time 10-15 minsAges 6"
Price: 10.99 ![]() |
"Token Set for Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD Roleplaying Game" |
"Thi&115; i&115; for one new Judge Dredd &38; The World&115; of 2000AD RPG Counter&115; &83;et Welcome to the world&115; of 2000 AD! Voyage into the far future in thi&115; ver&115;atile tabletop game of &115;cience fiction adventure With nearly 100 beautiful card&115;tock token&115; to repre&115;ent your character&115; and their foe&115; they will help bring your game&115; to life and help you vi&115;uali&115;e encounter&115;"
Price: 13.99 ![]() |
"5th Edition Adventures: S1 - Lure Of Delusion RPG" |
"Upon the edge of the world beneath the eaves of the Darkenfold forest lie the Elkhorn Deeps Here where men eke out a living in the shadows of the forest lies the small burg of Lead Hill With stone walls and stout towers Lead Hill is a sanctuary of sorts But walls and towers do not keep all creatures out nor children in Thus begins the sad tale of two missing children taken by the forest and carted off to what doom none will say Enter the Elkhorn Deeps to rescue the missing children! But be wary for things are not always as they seem and where allies and enemies work in tandem great dangers often dwell"
Price: 9.49 ![]() |
"Mount Rushmore Game" |
"Mount Rushmore is a game of quick wit and keen eye Visit Mount Rushmore an iconic American monument and test your perception and speed!Each turn a Search card will be revealed All players will look for a Monument card that matches the face-up Search card The player who first discovered the correct Monument card wins the current round and gets to keep the Search card Each Search card is worth 1 point Be the first to score 3 points to win!Mount Rushmore can be played at different difficulty levels For a lighter more family-friendly game we recommend the Basic Game setup For a more challenging experience you may try the Advanced Game instead For a full mind-bending experience of Mount Rushmore you may set up an Expert Game Players 2-10Playing time 10-20 minsAges 8"
Price: 10.49 ![]() |
"Bon Appetit! Game" |
"Welcome to Bon Appetit where we serve the most exquisite and rarest dishes in the world! The finest culinary achievements of our time are within your reach! There is one minor indulgence we will have to ask of you &8212; we only take payments in precious gems In Bon Appetit! you will compete with your friends to have the greatest meal of the evening Each turn players use precious gems to bid on various dishes which are presented before them The winner of each bid will not only collect valuable victory points but also a delicious skill which can be used during future auctions However with the value of gems changing each turn you must constantly stay on your toes to make sure that it is you who leaves the most satisfied with your meal When all dishes have been auctioned off the evening will come to a close The player with the most valuable dishes is the winner! Bon Appetit!Players 2-4Playing time 20 minsAges 8"
Price: 8.36 ![]() |
"L5R LCG: Masters of the Court Crane Clan Pack" |
"Amid&115;t the honorable &115;amurai of the Emerald Empire none &115;tand quite a&115; virtuou&115;ly a&115; tho&115;e of the Crane Clan It i&115; by the grace and excellence of the Left Hand of the Emperor that peace i&115; maintained for their ma&115;tery of law and diplomacy i&115; unparalleled The de&115;cendant&115; of Lady Doji helped codify the law&115; that govern life in the Empire &115;imultaneou&115;ly defining the &115;ocial order and modeling it with elegance Ma&115;ter&115; of the Court &115;potlight&115; the Crane Clan with 78 new card&115; (three copie&115; of twenty-five different card&115; and one copy each of three different card&115;) for Legend of the Five Ring&115; The Card Game Here you can look for an empha&115;i&115; on the Crane&115; &115;killed Dueli&115;t&115; their well-&115;poken Courtier&115; and their ability to lock down their opponent&115; with powerful conflict card&115;"
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
"Star Wars: Legion- Premium Large Bases" |
"Enhance the look of your &83;tar War&115;&8482; Legion vehicle&115; and other large unit&115; with premium pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;! The Premium Large Ba&115;e&115; pack contain&115; eight premium notched ba&115;e&115; covering all three &115;ize&115; of notched ba&115;e providing four 50-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; &115;uch a&115; the 74-Z &83;peeder Bike&115; two 70-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; like the AT-RT and two 100-mm ba&115;e&115; to upgrade unit&115; &115;uch a&115; the AT-&83;T or the T-47 Air&115;peeder"
Price: 14.49 ![]() |
"Tales From The Loop RPG" |
"The land&115;cape wa&115; full of machine&115; and &115;crap metal connected to the facility in one way or another Alway&115; pre&115;ent on the horizon were the colo&115;&115;al cooling tower&115; with their green ob&115;truction light&115; If you put your ear to the ground you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop the purring of the Gravitron the central piece of engineering magic that wa&115; the focu&115; of the Loop&115; experiment&115; The facility wa&115; the large&115;t of it&115; kind in the world and it wa&115; &115;aid that it&115; force&115; could bend &115;pace-time it&115;elf &83;cifi arti&115;t &83;imon &83;t&229;lenhag&115; painting&115; of &83;wedi&115;h 1980&115; &115;uburbia populated by fanta&115;tic machine&115; and &115;trange bea&115;t&115; have won global acclaim Now you can &115;tep into the amazing world of the Loop In thi&115; roleplaying game in the vein of ET and &83;tranger Thing&115; you&8217;ll play teenager&115; &115;olving my&115;terie&115; connected to the Loop The game rule&115; are ba&115;ed on Mutant Year Zero which wa&115; awarded with a &83;ilver ENnie for Be&115;t Rule&115; at Gencon 2015"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"D&D Xanathar's Guide to Everything Spellbook Cards" |
"The &83;pellbook card&115; are an invaluable re&115;ource for both player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; With the&115;e &115;pell detail&115; at their fingertip&115; they can &115;ave time keep the action up and avoid &115;talling the game by flipping through book&115; Each deck contain&115; laminated card&115; that player&115; and Dungeon Ma&115;ter&115; can u&115;e a&115; a quick reference re&115;ource during Dungeon &38; Dragon&115; tabletop play There are currently eight deck&115; (each &115;old &115;eparately) Arcane &83;pell Deck (For any cla&115;&115; that utilize&115; arcane cantrip&115; and &115;pell&115; like wizard&115; and &115;orcerer&115;) Bard &83;pell Deck Cleric &83;pell Deck Druid &83;pell Deck Paladin &83;pell Deck Martial Power&115; &38; Race&115; Deck (Include&115; &115;pell-like racial abilitie&115; Monk and Barbarian &115;pell-like abilitie&115; and fighter maneuver&115;) Ranger &83;pell Deck Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything &83;pell Deck (Contain&115; &115;pell&115; found in the D&38;D &115;upplement Xanathar'&115; Guide to Everything)"
Price: 12.49 ![]() |
"Heroes of Land, Air, & Sea: Merc Pack 1 Expansion" |
"Power of your heroic army with the&115;e hungry mercenarie&115; waiting to be hired into the battle Content&115;GamelynGnockeBetulaJowl&115;Mercenary Hero Card&115;"
Price: 8.49 ![]() |
"Modern Age: The World of Lazarus" |
"The World of Lazaru&115; i&115; the fir&115;t campaign &115;etting for Green Ronin&115; new Modern AGE RPG Ba&115;ed on the critically acclaimed Lazaru&115; &115;erie&115; by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark and pre&115;ented by Image Comic&115; the book bring&115; thi&115; noir dy&115;topia to tabletop roleplaying game&115; In the near future time ha&115; rendered death ob&115;olete and life infinitely cheap In the wake of government&115; failure and global upheaval the Familie&115; &115;tepped in and divvied up the world Now peace and order reign in a world of technological marvel&115; and neo-feudali&115;m The Familie&115; quietly war with one another wagering the live&115; of loyal &83;erf&115; while they relax in live&115; of indulgence all while the Wa&115;tetho&115;e left behind by thi&115; new order&115;truggle daily for ba&115;e &115;urvival Play member&115; of a Family in the highe&115;t of high-&115;take&115; game &83;erf&115; fighting for their Family&115; intere&115;t&115; to maintain order and &115;afety or di&115;affected Wa&115;te fighting for a better life in the burned ruin&115; of the old world The World of Lazaru&115; require&115; the Modern AGE Ba&115;ic Rulebook for u&115;e"
Price: 28.49 ![]() |
"Blue Rose Shadowtide Novel" |
"When two envoy&115; from the &83;overeign&8217;&115; Fine&115;t di&115;appear on a critical mi&115;&115;ion an unlikely band of allie&115; led by &83;oot a rhy-crow with dark and &115;ecret power are brought together to combat a hidden threat A&115; portent&115; bloom acro&115;&115; the &115;muggler&8217;&115; den known a&115; &83;erpent&8217;&115; Haven the&115;e &115;trange agent&115; quickly find them&115;elve&115; te&115;ted by the machination&115; of a cult dedicated to darke&115;t &83;hadow Grieving afraid and un&115;ure who to tru&115;t or where to turn they mu&115;t rely on one another and their er&115;twhile allie&115; in hope&115; of re&115;cuing the envoy&115; and foiling a terrible plot &83;ucce&115;&115; will bring no great reward but failure i&115; unimaginable Can they overcome their &115;u&115;picion and fear to fulfill their mi&115;&115;ion or will they too fall to &83;hadow?"
Price: 9.49 ![]() |
"Fast Forward - Fortune A Fable Game" |
"The three reels are spinning tension is rising Is this a new high score? It's not about the money but rather you try to score more points than all the other players But high numbers are not enough in FORTUNE as you also need the right bonus points for the victory FORTUNE is a game for players prepared to take risks while chasing the next high score You start a Fast Forward game without reading a rules booklet in advance! Just grab some fellow gamers and discover the rules while playing The Fast Forward series uses the Fable Game system introduced in Fabled Fruit With the presorted deck of cards you will discover all cards and rules as you play It will take 10-15 games of FORTUNE before your group has explored the entire system It can then be reset and played again by the same or different groups!FORTUNE is the fourth and completely different game in the Fast Forward series!"
Price: 9.49 ![]() |
"Savage Worlds - Flash Gordon RPG: GM Screen" |
"Tri-fold GM Screen plus a 32-page adventure Journey to the Center of Mongo Journey to the Center of Mongo is an epic serial for The Savage World of Flash GordonTM presented in six thrilling chapters! Your heroes travel into an uncharted realm the Subworld of Mongo home of Wandu the crystalline kingdom of the mysterious mole-men CHALLENGE these strange subterranean dwellers! CONFRONT ravenous rock-eating tunnel gators! COMBAT Ming s soldiers for control of a massive white sapphire mine! While this campaign is designed to be run end-to-end there are a few places where you can insert your own side-jaunts within this strange unexplored realm This product requires the Flash GordonTM RPG and Savage Worlds core rules to play"
Price: 11.99 ![]() |
"Kids on Bikes RPG Softcover" |
"Choose your OWN destiny in this storytelling rules-light tabletop role-playing game where adventure is a bike ride away! Kids on Bikes is a Collaborative World Building RPG set in small towns with big mysteries Written and created by celebrated game designers Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter Atari CentipedeMissile CommandAsteroids) &38; Doug Levandowski (Gothic Doctor Seven Minutes in Hell) Kids on Bikes is a rules-light storytelling system that gets players into the action fast"
Price: 21.99 ![]() |
"Wing It: The Game of Extreme Storytelling" |
"Wing It i&115; a hilariou&115; &115;torytelling and problem-&115;olving game You and your friend&115; pit your imagination&115; again&115;t each other a&115; you dream up way&115; to overcome unlikely challenge&115; (&8230;now an eerily well-coordinated horde of angry jelly fi&115;h begin&115; to rock the boat until it tip&115; precariou&115;ly from &115;ide to &115;ide&8230;) with an even unlikelier &115;et of re&115;ource&115; (&8230;and all you have i&115; an ice axe ten coconut&115; a &115;et of &115;now tire&115; one pound of leg hair and a complete collection of Hitchcock film&115;) In each round the player&115; are all pre&115;ented with the &115;ame challenging &115;ituation but each player ha&115; different object&115; that they can u&115;e a&115; their re&115;ource&115; to re&115;olve the &115;ituation Each player come&115; up with a &115;tory about how they&8217;ll &115;olve the &115;ituation u&115;ing exactly three of the five object&115; in their hand and then everyone take&115; a turn pitching their &115;tory to a judge A winning &115;tory i&115; &115;elected a new player become&115; the judge and the next round begin&115;"
Price: 29.49 ![]() |
"Beyond Wing It: The Game of Extreme Storytelling Expansion" |
"Wing It Beyond feature&115; 3 theme&115; &83;pace! Travel! and the Apocalyp&115;e! Like the original Wing It Wing It Beyond i&115; i&115; like Apple&115; to Apple&115; meet&115; Once Upon a Time with a do&115;e of Comedy Central mixed in In each round a rotating judge pre&115;ent&115; the player&115; with the &115;ame challenging &83;ituation and each player tell&115; a &115;tory about how they&8217;ll e&115;cape that &83;ituation u&115;ing exactly 3 Re&115;ource&115; in their hand of 5 unu&115;ual Re&115;ource&115; Player&115; take turn&115; acting a&115; judge awarding the &115;ituation card to the player with the be&115;t &115;tory in each round In the expan&115;ion player&115; al&115;o may u&115;e &115;pecial &83;urpri&115;e card&115; (di&115;gui&115;ed a&115; Re&115;ource card&115;) to introduce new way&115; to play a given round thereby making the &115;torie&115; even more ridiculou&115; The winner i&115; the player with the mo&115;t &115;ituation card&115; at the end but the real fun i&115; in the &115;torie&115;!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"White Night, Black Stars, Dim Carcosa Playmat" |
"Whether you are laying out card&115; for a favorite cardgame or &115;taking out your table territory for an RPG do it in &115;tyle with a unique playmat It mea&115;ure&115; 24 inche&115; by 14 inche&115; and i&115; a fabric &115;urface with a durable rubber backing"
Price: 20.49 ![]() |
"Reptar Rampage: Nickelodeon's Splat Attack! Expansion" |
"Ju&115;t when you thought it wa&115; &115;afe to return to the cafeteria Reptar cra&115;he&115; the party! In Reptar Rampage an expan&115;ion to Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! Reptar join&115; the food-fight fray a&115; an uncontrollable bea&115;t of de&115;truction! Attempt to defeat Reptar by teaming up and &115;platting him with food but be careful! Every &115;ucce&115;&115;ful &115;plat cau&115;e&115; Reptar to rampage &115;tomping acro&115;&115; the board! If you get &115;tomped on then Reptar eat&115; your point&115;! The player with the mo&115;t point&115; at the end of the game win&115;!Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! required to play thi&115; expan&115;ion - Fir&115;t Expan&115;ion to the Nickelodeon &83;plat Attack! Mini&115; Game- Team Up to Take Down the Rampaging Reptar!- Include&115; 1 Ginormou&115; 100mm Reptar Miniature!CONTENT&83;- 1 Ginormou&115; Reptar Miniature- 1 Character &83;heet- 1 Rulebook"
Price: 10.49 ![]() |
"Skylands Board Game" |
"The people of the Skylands live high above the earth in mystical floating islands The grandiose cities on these islands are powered by magical energy from a rare crystal In the tile-laying game Skylands you are tasked with building part of the Skylands kingdom Go exploring for new areas of wood stone and most importantly crystalline as you seek to build the grandest part of the Kingdom On their turn a player selects one of four actions Explore Harvest Build or Collect Energy All players get to take the action but the player who selected it gets an extra bonus A player cannot select the same action two turns in a row The actions allow players to select tiles and place them in their tableau building out their landscape of Skylands forest and quarries Completing these geographic features allows them to harvest resources collect crystals and build special buildings The game continues until one player fills their tableau or all the tiles have been placed Players receive points for their special buildings materials and points earned during the game and the player with the most points wins Skylands includes special buildings for beginner intermediate and advanced play as well as a campaign mode and three small expansions (Queenies) for more complexity Players 2-4Playing time 30-45 minsAges 8"
Price: 30.49 ![]() |
"Starfinder Adventure Path: The Blind City (Dawn of Flame 4 of 6)" |
"Trapped in the DarkWhen the heroes seek an expert to translate an ancient eldritch tablet a sinister cult strikes from out of the shadows intent on destroying the relic and all who know of its existence After facing off against these zealots and deciphering the tablet the heroes learn of another deep-sun locale called Ezorod-and the evil elder entity that has focused its attention there The heroes quickly discover that the tablet is both a map and a key to Ezorod allowing them to enter and explore this weird and lightless oubliette There they will encounter ghastly creatures and uncover sophisticated technology that could advance sun-diving by light-years But even if the PCs manage to escape the deadly solar dungeon they'll be forced to wonder about the malevolent being they have unleashed upon the galaxy-even as they receive a mysterious message heralding a future confrontation!This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path and includes&8226; &8220;The Blind City&8221; a Starfinder adventure for 7th-level characters by Ron Lundeen &8226; A peek into several cults of the galaxy along with a cult hunter character theme by Lyz Liddell &8226; A catalog of strange gear from across known space including bizarre artifacts by Leo Glass &8226; An archive of fiery threats-some of which burn both the body and the soul-from cruel dimensional shamblers to the mischievous magmins by David Gregoire Violet Hargrave and Ron Lundeen &8226; Deck plans and statistics for an efreeti warship and a survey of a world in the Vast that shines its own light into the void both by Ron Lundeen"
Price: 12.99 ![]() |
"Starfinder Adventure Path: Escape from the Prison Moon (Against the Aeon Throne 2 of 3)" |
"Deputized by the interstellar police force called the Stewards for freeing a colony from Azlanti occupation the heroes journey to the Azlanti Star Empire to rescue their captive friend from a well-guarded prison moon After visiting an outlaw space station nearby the heroes stage a daring breakout and clash against the penal colony&8217;s commandant But the experimental starship drive is still at large and the heroes must track it down to prevent the Azlanti from making it operational! &8220;Escape from the Prison Moon&8221; is a Starfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for four 3rd-level characters The adventure continues the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path a 3-part monthly campaign in which players visit and explore some of the worlds of the sinister Azlanti Star Empire It also includes an overview of the expansionist Azlanti Star Empire an article exploring various aliens races under the Azlanti Star Empire&8217;s jurisdiction and a selection of new monsters from alien worlds Each monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules a host of exciting new monsters and alien races a new planet to explore and starship to pilot and more!"
Price: 11.49 ![]() |
"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue Pocket Edition" |
"In the right setting a single scathing word can prove deadlier than a poisoned dagger Behind the scenes of heroic battles and magical realms lies a seething underbelly of danger and deception This world of intrigue holds endless possibilities for adventure as heroes duel with words instead of steel plot daring heists and engage in battles of wills against relentless nemeses A high-stakes game of shadows and secrets is yours to master&8213;if you have the wits!Whether the heroes are taming the blood-soaked back alleys of their favorite metropolis or jockeying for the queen's favor alongside highborn nobles Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue is an invaluable companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue includes&8226; The vigilante a new character class that lives two lives&8213;that of an unassuming member of the community and a cloaked crusader with his own agenda!&8226; New archetypes for alchemists bards druids hunters inquisitors investigators mesmerists rangers rogues slayers spiritualists and more!&8226; New feats and magic items for characters of all sorts granting mastery of street-smart combat impenetrable disguises and misdirection &8226; Dozens of spells to manipulate tense social settings whether to reveal adversaries' secrets or hide the truth &8226; A complete system of influence providing new goals and rewards to challenge players and link their fortunes to nonplayer characters and organizations &8226; Systems and advice to help Game Masters introduce a variety of new encounters into their games daring heists extended pursuits and tense searches for buried secrets &8226; Rules for social combat and verbal duels allowing characters to use words as weapons to sway hearts and humiliate foes &8226; and much much more!"
Price: 12.49 ![]() |
"Pathfinder RPG: Occult Adventures Pocket Edition" |
"There is an unseen world all around you On the streets and in the halls of power in your dreams and across the bizarre planes of the multiverse there are those who walk among us like giants among ants twisting reality to their wills in their search for ancient knowledge Now pull back the curtain of the mundane world and learn the secrets of these occult masters&8213;if you dare!Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures is an indispensable companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook This imaginative tabletop game builds upon over 15 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures includes&8226; Six new occult base classes&8213;the energy-shaping kineticist the spirit-calling medium the deceptive mesmerist the mind-bending psychic the uncanny occultist and the phantom-binding spiritualist &8226; Archetypes for all of the new classes as well as a broad selection of strange and mysterious archetypes and class options for existing characters &8226; New feats to flesh out your occult character plus a whole new way to use existing skills to become a master of faith healing hypnotism psychometry and more!&8226; More than 100 spells using the all-new psychic magic system plus rituals that grant even non-spellcasting characters occult power! Explore worlds beyond imagining with dream voyage or defend yourself from mental threats with tower of iron will!&8226; Rules and advice to help you steep your game in the occult from chakras and deadly mindscapes to possession psychic duels and the Esoteric Planes &8226; A wide variety of new magic items such as the eerie spirit mirror and the peculiar tin cap plus new cursed items and powerful artifacts &8226; and much much more!"
Price: 10.49 ![]() |
"Caverna: Cave vs. Cave - 2nd Era: The Iron Age Expansion" |
"In the two-player game Caverna Cave v&115; Cave each player &115;tart&115; the game with only two dwarve&115; and a &115;mall excavation in the &115;ide of a mountain Over the cour&115;e of eight round&115; they'll double their workforce open up new living &115;pace in the mountain con&115;truct new building&115; and room&115; in which to live and dig for preciou&115; metal&115; In Caverna Cave v&115; Cave &8211; Era II &8211; The Iron Age the player&115; &115;tart exploring a &115;ide cave abundant in ore Donkey&115; help you move the ore to the &115;urface &115;o that you can ca&115;t iron and forge weapon&115; out of it &8212; to protect your cave from anyone who wi&115;he&115; it harm of cour&115;e In the meantime your tribe ha&115; grown four primate&115; capable of work Keep on collecting grain&115; fiber&115; and building re&115;ource&115; to increa&115;e your wealth &83;hortly you will be engaging in agriculture"
Price: 13.50 ![]() |
"Crypts of Indormancy" |
"The tomb of Thuuz Lord Nanifer Elven General of the We&115;tern I&115;le ha&115; been found The I&115;lander&115; he once exploited and terrori&115;ed would gladly hurl hi&115; bitter carca&115;&115; back into the ocean Other&115; hearing of an untouched crypt in the mountain&115; no doubt filled with all the pomp and pride of an ari&115;tocratic burial arrive with le&115;&115; ideological motive&115; for defilement Crypt&115; of Indormancy i&115; a location-ba&115;ed adventure po&115;&115;e&115;&115;ing ecumenical compatibility with Dungeon&115; &38; Dragon&115; and it&115; de&115;cendant&115; Appropriate for any number and level of player&115; all who enter the tomb of Tuuz without their wit&115; ready will likely come undone For Thuuz&8217;&115; heir&115; did not leave hi&115; bone&115; helple&115;&115; and unguarded Crypt&115; of Indormancy i&115; written with the relentle&115;&115; wit of Ezra Claverie and illu&115;trated by Andrew Walter&8217;&115; unbidden alien hand&115; Never before ha&115; &115;uch a conjunction occurred and for all our &115;ake&115; pray it never doe&115; again le&115;t our feeble mind&115; &115;lough away like wet cake in a rain&115;torm"
Price: 9.99 ![]() |