"Decision-Making for Autonomous Systems" |
"In autonomous vehicles such as self-driving cars, we find a number of interesting and challenging decision-making problems. Starting from the autonomous driving of a single vehicle, to the coordination among multiple vehicles. This course will teach you the fundamental mathematical model for many of these real-world problems. Key topics include Markov decision process, reinforcement learning and event-based methods as well as the modelling and solving of decision-making for autonomous systems. This course is aimed at learners with a bachelor's degree or engineers in the automotive industry who need to develop their knowledge in decision-making models for autonomous systems. Enhance your decision-making skills in automotive engineering by learning from Chalmers, one of the top engineering schools that distinguished through its close collaboration with industry."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"Graph Algorithms" |
"If you have ever used a navigation service to find the optimal route and estimate time to destination, you've used algorithms on graphs. Graphs arise in various real-world situations, as there are road networks, water and electricity supply networks, computer networks and, most recently, social networks! If you're looking for the fastest time to get to work, cheapest way to connect set of computers into a network or efficient algorithm to automatically find communities and opinion leaders in Facebook, you're going to work with graphs and algorithms on graphs. In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, you will learn what a graph is and its most important properties. You’ll learn several ways to traverse graphs and how you can do useful things while traversing the graph in some order. We will also talk about shortest paths algorithms. We will finish with minimum spanning trees, which are used to plan road, telephone and computer networks and also find applications in clustering and approximate algorithms."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"NP-Complete Problems" |
"Step into the area of more complex problems and learn advanced algorithms to help solve them. This course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, discusses inherently hard problems that you will come across in the real-world that do not have a known provably efficient algorithm, known as NP-Complete problems. You will practice solving large instances of some of these problems despite their hardness using very efficient specialized software and algorithmic techniques including: SAT-solvers Approximate algorithms Special cases of NP-hard problems Heuristic algorithms"
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms" |
"The world and internet are full of textual information. We search for information using textual queries and read websites, books and e-mails. These are all strings from a computer science point of view. To make sense of all this information and make search efficient, search engines use many string algorithms. Moreover, the emerging field of personalized medicine uses many search algorithms to find disease-causing mutations in the human genome. In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, you will learn about: suffix trees; suffix arrays; how other brilliant algorithmic ideas help doctors to find differences between genomes; power lightning-fast Internet searches."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"Dynamic Programming: Applications In Machine Learning and Genomics" |
"If you look at two genes that serve the same purpose in two different species, how can you rigorously compare these genes in order to see how they have evolved away from each other? In the first part of the course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, we will see how the dynamic programming paradigm can be used to solve a variety of different questions related to pairwise and multiple string comparison in order to discover evolutionary histories. In the second part of the course, we will see how a powerful machine learning approach, using a Hidden Markov Model, can dig deeper and find relationships between less obviously related sequences, such as areas of the rapidly mutating HIV genome."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing" |
"In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, you will learn how graph algorithms are used in two fundamental problems in modern biology: How do we sequence a genome? How do we construct an evolutionary “Tree of Life?"" In the first part of the course, you will learn how genome sequencing relies on using a graph to assemble millions of tiny DNA fragments into a contiguous genome. We will then shift gears and learn how to construct an evolutionary tree of life from genome data."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone" |
"Building a fully-fledged algorithm to assemble genomes from DNA fragments on a real dataset is an enormous challenge with major demand in the multi-billion dollar biotech industry. In this capstone project, we will take the training wheels off and let you design your own optimized software program for genome sequencing. This big data challenge will cover the entire MicroMasters program. After a brief introduction to the steps required to build a genome assembler, we will let you take steps on your own to start working with real data taken from a sequencing machine and see if you can design genome assembly software that can compete with popular software used in hundreds of sequencing labs around the world every day."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations" |
"In this hands-on course, you'll learn how to perform engineering simulations using a powerful tool from ANSYS, Inc. This is a problem-based course where you'll learn by doing. The focus will be on understanding what's under the blackbox so as to move beyond garbage-in, garbage-out. You'll practice using a common solution approach to problems involving different physics: structural mechanics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer. We'll solve textbook examples to understand the fundamental principles of finite-element analysis and computational fluid dynamics. Then we'll apply these principles to simulate real-world examples in the tool including a bolted rocket assembly and a wind turbine rotor.We'll discuss current industry practices with a SpaceX engineer. By working through examples in a leading simulation tool that professionals use, you'll learn to move beyond button pushing and start thinking like an expert. This course teaches fundamental concepts and tool use in an integrated fashion using the power of online learning. All learners will have access to a free download of ANSYS Student. Join us to discover why simulations have changed how engineering is done and how you can be a part of this revolution."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"The Entrepreneurial Mindset" |
"What does it really mean to think entrepreneurially? The entrepreneurial process isn’t only for start-ups, it’s a comprehensive mindset that will teach you to identify, assess, shape, and act on opportunities in a variety of contexts, settings and organizations. In this entrepreneurship course, you will learn to implement the method of Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® (ET&A™) – which will give you a roadmap to create and add value for stakeholders and society. ET&A™ is a tactical, results-oriented process that may be applied to new venture creation as well as to promote innovation within existing organizations – large, small or family owned – and across profit, not for profit and social ventures. The ability to ‘think like an entrepreneur’ and ‘act like an innovator’ are critical skills for success across industries and are proven tools to help distinguish you in the workplace and to accelerate your career."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Innovation" |
"The challenges facing our world are increasingly complex and affect corporations, communities, citizens, and the natural environment. For many companies, even those with strong traditions of philanthropy and corporate social responsibility, there is a growing consensus that current models of corporate engagement in society are no longer sufficient. They see that new approaches are needed. Fortunately, the past decade has seen an explosion of interest and development in social innovation—a discipline that employs entrepreneurial knowledge and methods to develop solutions to pressing social issues. This course combines learnings from the real-world experience of business leaders with analysis and practical applications. These leaders,who have developed and led social innovation efforts, share the theories, strategies, and management frameworks that are drivingnew models for business engagement in society. You will learn from firsthand accounts and interaction with key executives who’ve led social innovation initiatives. They hail from leading organizations and brands including, Campbell’s, Dunkin Brands, Verizon, Salesforce.com, FIFCO, Barclays and more. In addition to online interactions, there will be opportunities for in-persontouchpoints for anyone in the Greater Boston area; with the potential for meetups elsewhere in the future. You will learn the key steps and apply the management frameworks to your organization. You will also develop a clear, practical understanding of the process, knowledge, and skills required to develop social innovation efforts. Finally, you'll learn to address key related challenges including business growth, innovation, employee engagement and retention, social impact, and connection to society. This is a course for anyone interested in understanding and acting on the new frontier of Corporate Social Innovation. No matter where you sit inside your company, you’ll be able to apply the lessons from companies in the field to develop the practical steps needed for the specific needs of your organization. This new context is driving companies – large and small – to think beyond Corporate Social Responsibility and to view business opportunities through the lens of social innovation."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurial Leadership Toolbox" |
"Entrepreneurial leaders succeed bytaking an opportunity-minded approach to their interactions with colleagues. As the pace of change accelerates and requires leaders to do more with less, smart leaders have realized that results don't simply follow by telling others what to do. Instead, it takes an entrepreneurial leader who understands how to translate opportunity, lead from their strengths, and enroll others in the organization’s work. This course provides a toolbox of key concepts and practices to help you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset as you lead. Leadership is a learned skill. The more you work on it, the bigger your repertoire of skills will be. In this course, you’ll come to understand that the best leaders are always learning! We’ll look at old heroic paradigms of leadership and consider why they may not fit today’s world. We’ll then look at what it takes to lead in a world where everything can’t be known, as well as the skills and behaviors you need to be able to move an idea forward, get others to be part of the effort, and operate successfully. You’ll have an opportunity to reflect on your own strengths, imagine the kind of leader you want to be, and practice keymethods of thinking andacting that helpa leader emerge."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Essential Human Biology: Cells and Tissues" |
"Are you preparing for a health-related career, or planning to study in the health sciences? Perhaps you're just keen to learn more about the wonders of the human body? Our bodies are amazing but complex biological machines. This course will provide you with an outstanding foundation of knowledge in human anatomy and physiology. You will gain a broad understanding of the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells and tissues, both in health and disease. The properties of the four main types of tissue in the body - epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous - will also be clearly explained. The course employs a variety of engaging learning methods, including short videos, animations, interactive activities and integrated quizzes to guide you through key concepts, and make learning relevant."
Price: 169.00 ![]() |
"Einführung in MATLAB" |
"Wollen Sie realistische Probleme der Ingenieurmathematik lösen? Das ist ohne Einsatz von Computersoftwarelösungen, wie sie etwa MATLAB bietet, nicht möglich. In diesem Kurs zeigen wir, wie Sie die in MATLAB zur Verfügung stehenden Funktionen benutzen können, um zahlreiche typische Problemstellungen aus der Höheren Mathematik zu lösen bzw. zu visualisieren. Sie entwickeln ein tiefes Verständnis für die mathematischen Problemstellungen und deren Lösungen. Das aktive Erstellen von Programmen unterstützt das sogfältige und genaue Arbeiten der Studierenden – die Lösungsstrategien werden nicht nur nachvollzogen, sondern erarbeitet. Es sind keine Voraussetzungen nötig. Nehmen Sie an dem Kurs teil und erwerben Sie eine Schlüsselqualifikation, die Ihnen nicht nur im Studium, sondern auch im Berufsleben von entscheidendem Nutzen sein wird."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Financial Analysis for Decision Making" |
"How do you find the money necessary to effectively manage your business? How do you know if a business opportunity is worthwhile? When should you invest in a stock, bond or company? Do you fear the financial side of growing your organization? This finance course will take the mystery out of financial analysis and help you make the right business decisions. In order to establish your company you need to secure funding. Once you have money, you need to determine the most efficient and effective use of your capital. You also need to have the knowledge to have professional and engaging conversations with finance professionals who control access to funding. In this course, you will discover a variety of options for funding your business and how to successfully negotiate financial opportunities. You will learn how to value and evaluate ideas to determine the appropriate benefits and costs in order to screen them correctly. Finally, you will learn how to value a business and the securities you can use to potentially fund your organization. This course is part of the Business Principles and Entrepreneurial Thought XSeries."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Economics: Consumer Demand" |
"Demand is a simple yet challenging concept that is essential to understanding how markets function. In this economics course, you will gain a solid understanding of demand, its underlying principles, major determinants and how they are beneficial for individuals, decision makers inside the firm, and policy makers. During your time in this course, you will discover how managers can better understand the impact of pricing changes on units sold, revenue and the relationship between products in order to inform strategic planning. You will learn how many programs and policies are designed to change how individuals and businesses interact in the market and you will gain the tools to identify them. Models of consumer choice and demand will guide you in thinking about how individual incentives change and what the likely impact will be of those changes. All people respond to changing market conditions, but the type and magnitude of those responses can be better understood through the economic model of consumer demand. You will learn how business strategy can benefit from a strong appreciation of elasticity, determinants of demand and how consumers make decisions."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to FinTech" |
"Over the past decade emerging technologies, paired with massive changes in regulations, have driven an unprecedented transformation of finance around the world. This process is happening more rapidly in China and Asia than anywhere else. This course is designed to explore FinTech fundamentals and help make sense of this wave of change as it happens. New players such as start-ups and technology firms are challenging traditional players in finance, bringing democratization, inclusion and disruption. Companies engaged in social media, e-commerce, and telecommunications, as well as, companies and start-ups with large customer data pools, creative energies, and technical capacities, have brought competition to the existing financial infrastructure and are remaking the industry. These transformations have not only created challenges but also unprecedented opportunities, building synergies with new business and regulatory models, particularly in emerging markets and developing countries. To meet these changes, 21st-century professionals and students must be equipped with up-to-date knowledge of the industry and its incredible evolution. This course - designed by HKU with the support of SuperCharger and the Centre for Finance, Technology and Education - is designed to enable learners with the necessary tools to understand the complex interaction of finance, technology and regulation. In this course, through a series of video lectures, case studies, and assessments you will explore the major areas of FinTech including, beginning with What is FinTech before turning to Money, Payment and Emerging Technologies, Digital Finance and Alternative Finance, FinTech Regulation and RegTech, Data and Security, and the Future of Data Driven Finance, as well as, the core technologies driving FinTech including Blockchain, AI and Big Data. These will set the stage for understanding the FinTech landscape and ecosystem and grappling with the potential direction of future change."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Essentials of Lifestyle Medicine and Population Health" |
"This course is part of the Certified Lifestyle Medicine Executive MicroMasters program which consists of 9 courses and a capstone exam. After completing the program, you can also apply to Doane University to complete your MBA online for approximately $10,500 (learn more about the program here). Many global healthcare systems are broken and lack the fundamental components of a system making them costly with poor outcomes. In order to address these challenges and create a sustainable healthcare delivery system that focuses on quality, safety, equity, effectiveness and cost, the next generation of healthcare leaders must be able to know and apply the principles of Population Health. This course will cover the foundations of population health and lifestyle medicine, define the essential components, and make the argument for why healthcare delivery models based on these foundational principles are essential to addressing global healthcare crises. Given the current employer-based health insurance system, the business case for addressing workforce health will also be made."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Analytics for Decision Making" |
"Want to know how to avoid bad decisions with data? Making good decisions with data can give you a distinct competitive advantage in business. This statistics and data analysis course will help you understand the fundamental concepts of sound statistical thinking that can be applied in surprisingly wide contexts, sometimes even before there is any data! Key concepts like understanding variation, perceiving relative risk of alternative decisions, and pinpointing sources of variation will be highlighted. These big picture ideas have motivated the development of quantitative models, but in most traditional statistics courses, these concepts get lost behind a wall of little techniques and computations. In this course we keep the focus on the ideas that really matter, and we illustrate them with lively, practical, accessible examples. We will explore questions like: How are traditional statistical methods still relevant in modern analytics applications? How can we avoid common fallacies and misconceptions when approaching quantitative problems? How do we apply statistical methods in predictive applications? How do we gain a better understanding of customer engagement through analytics? This course will be is relevant for anyone eager to have a framework for good decision-making. It will be good preparation for students with a bachelor's degree contemplating graduate study in a business field. Opportunities in analytics are abundant at the moment. Specific techniques or software packages may be helpful in landing first jobs, but those techniques and packages may soon be replaced by something newer and trendier. Understanding the ways in which quantitative models really work, however, is a management level skill that is unlikely to go out of style. This course is part of the Business Principles and Entrepreneurial Thought XSeries."
Price: 249.00 ![]() |
"Injury Prevention for Children & Teens" |
"Injuries, such as motor vehicle crash, youth violence, and suicide, are the leading cause of child and adolescent death. However, almost all of these injuries can be prevented through the widespread application of evidence-based practices and policies.Public health experts, nurses, physicians, social workers, teachers, child care providers, and parents all play a vital role in pediatric injury prevention. Despite its impact, very little training on injury prevention science currently exists.This course lays a broad foundation for pediatric injury prevention and will increase your understanding of this major public health issue through powerful, concise, up-to-date lectures, interviews, and demonstrations from a multidisciplinary panel of nationally-recognized injury prevention experts. This course is designed for multiple fields and levels of training, including healthcare, kinesiology, public policy, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, and psychology. The course is also appropriate for educators, coaches, child care providers, and parents. As a learner, you will have the ability to select all modules or individual topics that interest you most. Comprised of 8 modules, this course may be taken from the comfort of your home or office, and you can learn at your own pace.Physician/Nurse CME The University of Michigan Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Michigan Medical School designates this enduring material for a maximum of 25.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Please click this link for more information on FREE CME credits. If you have any questions about the CME process, please email UMInjuryCenter@umich.edu."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting Made Fun: Eliminating Your Fears" |
"Are financial statements a mystery to you? Do all those terms and metrics make your head spin? Do you avoid conversations with your finance leaders because you are not confident of your finance ability? Having a solid understanding of financial terms, statements and metrics is critical to becoming a successful entrepreneur or manager. In this finance course, you will learn how to interpret and use the information contained in financial statements to make key operating decisions, evaluate business performance, and create forecasts of profits and cash flow. This course introduces you to the form, content and definitions included in the primary financial statements: income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. You will learn how to use this information to make key operating decisions, such as how to balance growth with cash constraints. You will learn how to use ratios to diagnose a company's financial health and apply these concepts and tools to evaluate a company of your own choosing. Eliminate your fear of accounting! Financial accounting can be fun once the barriers to learning are broken down. Through a series of learning scenarios that take you through the creation of a simple business, you will become comfortable with basic accounting tools and concepts that you need to more effectively manage your business. By the end of the course, you will become a much more confident user of financial information and will be able to effectively engage with your finance leaders. This course is part of the Business Principles and Entrepreneurial Thought XSeries."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"FinTech Ethics and Risks" |
"FinTech has started a global revolution in the financial services industry, and the transformation will only increase in coming years. There are many ways in which FinTech can improve the lives of people around the world; however, those same technologies can also be used to enslave, coerce, track, and control people. Accordingly, it is appropriate and necessary to consider the implications of the introduction of these technologies so that they are utilized properly, regulated sufficiently, and their adoption does not come at the expense of societal growth. This 6-week online coursecovers 6 modules, representing the full spectrum of finance, technology, and the introduction of FinTech solutions globally. We will ask questions that are not often asked or addressed when new technologies are adopted. Why should we adopt FinTech solutions, and what are the best ways to introduce disruptive technologies? How does blockchain technology change the way we provide financial services, and how should blockchain technology be governed? Is FinTech creating risks in cybersecurity and how can technology help us prevent financial crimes? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developed and adopted, will human biases and prejudices be built into such mechanisms? And at a larger scope, should FinTech lead to a decentralized, democratized system of finance, or will existing institutions adopt FinTech strategies to cement their existing hold on the financial markets? Through discussing and attempting to answer these questions, you will understand better how the introduction of these technologies can benefit or harm society. And through considering the proper application or introduction of such technologies, you will learn to make better decisions as an individual and organization when facing the question: is FinTech our savior or a villain?"
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Applications, and Limitations" |
"Blockchain is a core technology in FinTech. The original design of blockchain focused on the cryptocurrency ""Bitcoin"". Due to its specific characteristics, many companies and users now find blockchain very useful for applications in many areas, not limited to cybercurrencies, including finance, logistics, insurance, medicine and even music. However, the design of blockchain involves cryptographic technology, which cannot be easily understood by those who are not professionals in the area of IT and security. In order to better understand what kinds of applications best fit blockchain and other forms of distributed ledger technology and the potentials of these emerging technologies, it is important to understand the design rationale, the basic technology, the underlying cryptographic fundamentals, and its limitations. This 6-week online coursewill walk you through the following: The design rationale behind blockchain and the issues for such decentralized ledger (transaction) systems. The underlying technology (e.g. how the fundamental algorithms - the cryptographic primitives - work together) behind and how it makes blockchain works and safe. The differences of the various existing blockchain platforms and what these platforms can provide (e.g. pros and cons of the major platforms). What kinds of applications (both traditional and emerging) best fit the blockchain technology and how blockchain technology can benefit these applications. Blockchain does have its limitations. We will uncover the problems and the limitations of blockchain technology to enable developers and researchers to think about how to enhance the existing blockchain technology and practitioners to better address the issues when using blockchains in their applications. This course will also briefly discuss the downside of blockchain with respect to the protection of criminal activities (e.g. why ransomware always ask for bitcoins as ransom, and the money laundering problem). The course aims at targeting a wide audience: This course will provide learners a good understanding of the technological, applicability, limitations and ""illegal"" usage of the blockchain technology."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Risk Management for Projects" |
"Risk management is a process used for the identification, assessment and analysis of potential risks to an organization or project. This process enables you to develop the most appropriate risk response. In the Risk Management for Projects course, you will learn the fundamentals of risk management, as well as how to apply a risk management process in a project-based setting. Risk management is an iterative process and you will learn how adopting key procedures can help you maximize opportunities and minimize negative impact on your project objectives. In this course, you will further upskill through the application of the risk management canvas, which is a framework that enables you to manage risk within your own environment. It will immerse you in the concepts of risk management and help you to apply the key processes. Practical activities through the course will allow you to apply the knowledge you learn as each week focuses on a key stage of the risk management process. The theories and practices taught in the course can easily be applied to any project, organization or business environment. Risk Management for Projects is brought to you by the same team that developed the highly successful Introduction to Project Management MOOC, and builds on risk management for projects introduced in that course. Participating in this course will ensure that you gain the know-how to reduce your project and organizational risk in the future."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Rise to Leadership: Become a CEO" |
"If you’re ambitious, it’s natural to aspire to be the leader ofan organization. A lot of people in business want to be a CEO; to lead and shape an organization. Many, however, quickly discover that ambition alone is not enough to achieve this goal. Some ascend to theC-suite or leave to start their own venture, only to discover that leading a business - evenone's own - requires not just determination but a number of unanticipated skills. If you’ve pictured yourself in the corner office, want to report directly to a CEO, or have the goal of consulting with or advising a CEO, this course will benefit you. The course exploressix competencies of a successful CEO: Getting results. The ability to achieve ambitious operating goals by working at all levels of an organization; Creating culture. The ability to articulate core values – such as customer value creation, integrity, and respect for the individual, win employee buy-in of the values, and create processes to ensure that culture is used in hiring and promotion decisions; Attracting talent. The ability to attract and motivate a highly talented team that can set ambitious goals and achieve them; Driving innovation. The ability to create an environment that encourages talented employees to generate new ideas that spur revenue growth;. Formulating strategy. The ability to analyze a company’s future opportunities and to develop and execute strategies to capture those opportunities; and Communicating with stakeholders. The ability to communicate effectively with the board, investors, and communities. An initial objective assessment of strengths and weaknesses will help you decide if you’re a “natural” CEO, if you can become a CEO by improving existing skills, or if you should pursue other options. The skills learned in this course will also benefit individual contributors and those who manage people and teams. It offers a greater understanding of how a CEO thinks and acts - insights that can help anyone be more effective ina job. This course will give you insight into how CEOs view strategic challenges, formulate solutions, and take action - and expose the path from individual contributor to the top job. Through case studies, group challenges, and feedback from current CEOs, you’ll explore six key skills that make an effective CEO, and form the foundation of their strategic work."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"The Multi-scale brain" |
"Understanding the brain requires an integrated understanding of different scales of organisation of the brain. This means studying the role that genes, channels, cells, microcircuits, and even whole brain regions have in different types of behaviour: From perception to action, while asleep or when being awake. This coursewill take the you through the latest data, models and techniques for investigating the different levels of the brain. We will show how we can put the pieces together and attain new insights and derive new theories. With contributions from more than 10 international neuroscientists from six different research institutions, the MOOC gives a broad overview of the latest tools and techniques for neuroinformatics, analysis, modelling and simulation. At the same time, several different tutorials on available data and data tools, such as those from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, provide you with in-depth knowledge on brain atlases, gene expression data and modeling neurons. These tutorials will be followed by exercises that give you the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to use the tools and data for your own research."
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"Micro and Nanofabrication (MEMS)" |
"Microfabrication and nanofabrication are the basis of manufacturing for nearly all modern miniaturized systems that are ubiquitously used in our daily life. Examples include; computer chips and integrated sensors for monitoring our environment, cars, mobile phones, medical devices and more. Micro- and nanofabrication can be taught to students and professionals by textbooks and ex-cathedra lectures, but the real learning comes from seeing the manufacturing steps as they happen. In this engineering course, we will go a step beyond classroom teaching to not only explain the basics of each fabrication step but also show you how it’s done through video sequences and zooming into the equipment."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"CS50's Introduction to Game Development" |
"In a quest to understand how video games themselves are implemented, you'll explore the design of such childhood games as: Super Mario Bros. Pong Flappy Bird Breakout Match 3 Legend of Zelda Angry Birds Pokémon 3D Helicopter Game Dreadhalls Portal"
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript" |
"Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. Through hands-on projects, you'll learn to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku. By course's end, you'll emerge with knowledge and experience in principles, languages, and tools that empower you to design and deploy applications on the Internet."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Healthcare Organization and Delivery Models" |
"This course is part of the Healthcare Administration MicroMasters program which consists of 7 courses and a capstone exam. After completing the program, you can also apply to Doane University to complete your MBA online for approximately $10,500 (learn more about the program here). Delivery system reform and disruptive innovation are the key leadership topics in healthcare. Understanding organizations and current delivery systems help leaders understand why there are poor outcomes and the need to change. Exposure to other, more efficient and cost-effective systems in all parts of the world allows the opportunity for learners to incorporate these ideas into the next iteration of their own healthcare delivery. Learners who take this course will be able to analyze the structures of the U.S. and other global healthcare systems and how healthcare is delivered worldwide, their impact on health outcomes, and comparative analysis."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Health Law, Policy, and Advocacy" |
"This course is part of the Healthcare Administration MicroMasters program which consists of 7 courses and a capstone exam. After completing the program, you can also apply to Doane University to complete your MBA online for approximately $10,500 (learn more about the program here). To be an effective agent of change, a healthcare administrator must have a foundational understanding of healthcare advocacy, law, and regulatory issues, as well as compliance. This course will focus on a wide range of important issues in health law, health policy and the factors at play when developing a strategic advocacy platform such as bioethics and informed consent. At the conclusion of this course, learners will be able toidentify health policies that promote quality, advocacy and system changewithin a healthcare organization."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |