"Introducción a la programación en Java: escribiendo buen código" |
"Este es un curso introductorio para aprender a programar en Java diseñado para enseñar a escribir ""buen"" código en este lenguaje de programación, entendiendo como ""bueno"" aquel que es correcto y eficiente.Se introducirán los principios básicos de la ingeniería de software para facilitar la reutilización del código. En la última parte de este curso de Java también se abordarán cuestiones éticas y la propiedad intelectual de nuestros programas. Se proporcionarán ejemplos y casos de estudio prácticos para que los alumnos puedan implementar programas simples, pero cada vez más complejos, en Java.El énfasis se pone en la realimentación inmediata y en tener una experiencia divertida con la programación. Conocer cómo programar en Java no sólo es útil para poder programar los dispositivos actuales, como ordenadores y teléfonos inteligentes. También abre la puerta al pensamiento computacional, es decir, la aplicación de técnicas informáticas a los procesos cotidianos."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introducción a la programación en Java: estructuras de datos y algoritmos" |
"En este curso introductorio de java aprenderás programación en Java de forma fácil e interactiva. Trabajarás con estructuras de datos fundamentales, tales como listas, pilas, colas y árboles, sobre las cuales se presentarán algoritmos para insertar, eliminar, buscar y ordenar información de una manera eficiente.En este curso de ciencias de la computación se pone énfasis en la realimentación inmediata y en tener una experiencia divertida con la programación. Conocer a programar en Java no sólo es útil en la programación de los dispositivos actuales, como ordenadores y teléfonos inteligentes. También abre la puerta al pensamiento computacional, es decir, la aplicación de técnicas informáticas a los procesos cotidianos."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code" |
"This is an introductory course to learn programming with Java designed to teach how to code good programs in Java, understanding “good” as both correct and efficient. Basic principles of software engineering will be introduced to make it easier for our future self and others to reuse code. Ethical issues and the intellectual property of our programs will also be addressed in the last part of this course. Examples and case studies will be provided, so that learners can implement simple but increasingly complex programs in Java.Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board in order to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam.."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms" |
"In this introductory course, you will learn programming with Java in an easy and interactive way.You will learn about fundamental data structures, such as lists, stacks, queues and trees, and presents algorithms for inserting, deleting, searching and sorting information on these data structures in an efficient way.Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board in order to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Java Programming: Starting to code in Java" |
"In this introductory Java programming course, you will be introduced to powerful concepts such as functional abstraction, the object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Examples and case studies will be provided so that you can implement simple programs on your own or collaborate with peers.Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.This edition is an improved version of the course released in April 2015."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"The Basics of Transport Phenomena" |
"Have you ever wondered why ventilation helps to cool down your hot chocolate? Do you know why a surfing suit keeps you warm? Why iron feels cold, while wood feels warm at room temperature? Or how air is transferred into aqueous liquids in a water treatment plant? How can we sterilize milk with the least amount of energy? How does medicine spread in our tissue? Or how do we design a new cooling tower of a power plant? All these are phenomena that involve heat transfer, mass transfer or fluid flow. Transport Phenomena investigates such questions and many others, exploring a wide variety of applications ranging from industrial processes to environmental engineering, to transport processes in our own body and even simple daily life problems In this course we will look into the underlying concepts of these processes, that often take place simultaneously, and will teach you how to apply them to a variety of real-life problems. You will learn how to model the processes and make quantitative statements."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Transport Phenomena" |
"How can you reduce the energy loss of your home? What is the underlying science of energy loss in pipes? Which heat and mass transfer problems do we have to tackle to make consumer products? In this engineering course, you will learn about the engineering principles that play an important role in all of these and more phenomena. You will learn about microbalances, radiation, convection, diffusion and more and their applications in everyday life. This advanced course is for engineers who want to refresh their knowledge, engineering students who are eager to learn more about heat/mass transport and for all who have fun in explaining the science of phenomena in nature. "
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Electronique I" |
"Ce cours est un cours d’introduction à la réalisation des fonctions linéaires et non-linéaires de base à l’aide de l’amplificateur opérationnel. Les étudiants appliquent la théorie des circuits, la réaction négative et positive aux amplificateurs opérationnels pour réaliser les fonctions électroniques élémentaires (amplification, filtrage, transposition, addition, soustraction, génération des fonctions périodiques, etc.). Les explications sont illustrées par des exercices au laboratoires avec des démonstrations qui peuvent être reproduite par les élèves par simulation."
Price: 139.00 ![]() |
"Customer Centric Marketing for Entrepreneurs" |
"It is not uncommon for students, executives and business owners to feel overwhelmed by the myriad of marketing solutions available today. How do you decide if social media, direct sales or perhaps event marketing is right for your business? This course helps you understand how to build a brand and reach your potential and current customers in the most effective and efficient manner. The landscape for marketing (identifying and seizing opportunities for market growth) has changed dramatically over the past decade, making marketing decisions more confusing than ever before. Understanding how to quickly identify true customer needs and then apply the learnings to identify the right marketing approach for your company is critical if you are looking to launch and/or grow a business. In this unique entrepreneurial marketing course, you will gain practical experience by learning how to design a customer-centric marketing campaign for your own business or for an organization that needs marketing support. We will teach you how to better understand your customers’ needs and use this knowledge to develop and launch a marketing campaign that engages consumers and creates traction using the right marketing channels. Your campaign might be an integrated social media program, an event-driven workshop, a sales outreach initiative or something entirely different. You will learn how to view the customer engagement experience through the eyes of your target market to effectively build a strong brand. Finally, you will learn how to evaluate and measure the success of your campaign to ensure you can either repeat successful marketing initiatives that worked or pivot when the campaign does not meet your business growth goals."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish" |
"In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Kubernetes" |
"Is your team beginning to use Kubernetes for container orchestration? Do you need guidelines on how to start transforming your organization with Kubernetes and cloud native patterns? Would you like to simplify software container orchestration and find a way to grow your use of Kubernetes without adding infrastructure complexity? Then this is the course for you! In this course, we'll discuss some of Kubernetes' basic concepts and talk about the architecture of the system, the problems it solves, and the model that it uses to handle containerized deployments and scaling. This course offers an introduction to Kubernetes and includes technical instructions on how to deploy a stand-alone and multi-tier application. You’ll learn about ConfigMaps and Secrets, and how to use Ingress. Upon completion, developers will have a solid understanding of the origin, architecture and building blocks for Kubernetes, and will be able to begin testing the new cloud native pattern to begin the cloud native journey."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Cómo implantar grupos de mejora de procesos" |
"Cuando hacer las cosas bien no es suficiente, necesitamos convertir la mejora continua en un lema diario para todos los trabajadores de la empresa. Para ello necesitamos conocer técnicas que nos ayuden a realizar esta tarea de manera más sistemática y eficiente para que, por un lado, tengamos mejores resultados y, por otro, no nos dispersemos con las urgencias de un día a día caótico. En este curso de habilidades blandas enfocado en la mejora de procesos, aprenderás a definir problemas/oportunidades, y a convertirlas en un proyecto de mejora continua. Descubrirás cómo construir un equipo de trabajo que se haga cargo de estos proyectos y conocerás y practicaras diferentes técnicas para la resolución de problemas en grupo. Al finalizar el curso en línea serás capaz de participar en grupos de resolución de problemas que sean capaces de mejorar la eficiencia de las organizaciones. Este MOOC te dará herramientas de mejora continua que podrás implementar dentro de tu organización por medio del trabajo en grupo."
Price: 150.00 ![]() |
"Data Analysis for Decision Making" |
"In our information age, companies have access to unprecedented amounts information on customers--their behaviors, interests, and buying habits--and the markets in which they operate. Being able to analyze that data has become a critical skill for decision makers at every level of an organization. Today’s firms use data to detect market movement before it becomes a fully-fledged trend, helping them to stay ahead of the curve, tailor products and services to specific customer segments, determine when and when to enter markets, and differentiate themselves from competitors. In this course, you will learn how to unlock the value of data to create and grow an organization. You will gain the analytical tools necessary to confidently describe the current state of areas critical to your business, predict the likelihood of an event occurring, compare two or more approaches to a business challenge, and determine if a phenomenon you are seeing is coincidence or a genuine insight. By the end of this course, you know how to make data-driven decisions to find advantages and stay competitive."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Islamic Finance and Banking" |
"This economics and finance course will give you an overview of the Islamic financial system. You will learn the core principles and basic models of Islamic finance and establish a framework for understanding this financial system. If you are interested in the key features and foundational concepts of the Islamic financial system and institutions, or what distinguishes the Islamic financial system and its institutions from the conventional financial system, this course is for you. No previous knowledge about Islamic finance is needed, but basic business knowledge is advantageous."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Monitoring Volcanoes and Magma Movements" |
"The course gives an introduction to volcano monitoring techniques, magma movements and volcano unrest. It also presents some aspects of why volcanoes are dangerous and volcanic hazards. Volcano monitoring relies on diverse approaches to infer the state of a volcano so many different instruments and techniques are used to monitor volcanoes. Predicting eruptions or forecasting future activity of a volcano is based on monitoring data. If activity level rises above normal the volcano is in a state of unrest. Magma often intrudes in the roots of volcanoes prior to eruptions. This process generates earthquakes as stress level is increased and ground deformation as the volcano expands in response to additional mass in its subsurface. Seismology and geodetic measurements on the surface of the volcano are thus key to monitoring subsurface conditions. As magma, molten rock inside volcanoes, approaches the surface it releases volcanic gas that finds its way to the surface, and geothermal activity can change. In addition to ground-based techniques, satellite observations are extensively used. The main monitoring techniques for volcanoes are explained in the course, with the aim that students understand both the concept of volcanic unrest and how it can be monitored, how eruptions can be monitored, and signs of volcanic eruptions as seen on instruments. Understanding the possibilities and limitations of present-day volcano monitoring for detecting magma movements is an important step in understanding volcanoes, evaluating hazards and for giving warnings of impending eruptions. The course thus provides information on how scientists predict future activity of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. Monitoring data are interpreted in terms of models of subsurface processes such as magma accumulation during volcano unrest, and magma withdrawal during eruptions. The course gives an introduction to such models, used to infer the volume and location of magma movements in volcano roots, in particular those based on mapping ground deformation. The course presents examples of monitoring data and interpretations from recent eruptions and periods of volcanic unrest in Iceland and around the world, including the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull that closed Europe’s airspace."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Judaism Through Its Scriptures" |
"For over two millennia, Jews throughout the entire world have been committed to reading, interpreting, and living their scriptures. But what are the Jewish scriptures? When were they written? And why are they relevant in the 21st century? This religion course introduces students to the diversity of the ever-expanding Jewish canon and the equally diverse ways of reading it. It will examine how Jews, ancient and modern, drew inspiration and guidance from the traditional texts while simultaneously reinterpreting their contents in light of new circumstances. The religion we call “Judaism” emerges at the nexus of text, interpretation, and lived tradition. Whether you are a long-time student of the Jewish scriptures or a complete newcomer, this course will give you a new understanding of the fascinating roles that sacred texts have played in the rich history of Judaism."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Nitrogen: A Global Challenge" |
"It’s a perfect storm. Limited food, water and energy unequally spread between an expanding population, and a warming climate as the bitter icing on the cake. In all these global challenges nitrogen has a leading role to play. Here you will learn just how hard-wired into all of human civilisation nitrogen is, and whether the future will see it as our quiet savior or the toxic villain of the piece. Nitrogen’s story is of the peculiar and the mundane, of water turning red and people turning blue. It is one of climate friend and pollution foe, of meaty feasts and looming famine. If your main thought of nitrogen is as a boring corner of the periodic table then it’s time to look again.This innovative course, regardless of your background, will teach you core concepts about nitrogen and global change, allowing you to better understand the challenges and opportunities it represents. Key topics include food security, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, human health and more.Learn through the award-winning teaching approaches of the University of Edinburgh’s faculty team. This course brings an engaging and expert approach to the global challenges of nitrogen, showing how the threats it poses for human civilization can be better integrated and tackled.Taught by instructors with decades of experience in nitrogen and global change research, this world-first course is a collaboration between leading experts in the UK and India as part of the Newton-Bhabha Virtual Centre on Nitrogen Efficiency."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems" |
"In this course you will learn how to turn solar cells into full modules; and how to apply full modules to full photovoltaic systems. The course will widely cover the design of photovoltaic systems, such as utility scale solar farms or residential scale systems (both on and off the grid). You will learn about the function and operation of various components including inverters, batteries, DC-DC converters and their interaction with both the modules and the grid. After learning about the components, you will be able to correctly apply them during main design steps taken when planning a real PV installation with excellent performance and reliability. Through modelling, you will gain a deeper understanding of PV systems performance for different solar energy applications, and proficiency in estimating the energy yield of a client's potential system. This course is part of the Solar Energy Engineering MicroMasters Program designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems."
Price: 250.00 ![]() |
"Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids" |
"Photovoltaic systems are often placed into a microgrid, a local electricity distribution system that is operated in a controlled way and includes both electricity users and renewable electricity generation. This course deals with DC and AC microgrids and covers a wide range of topics, from basic definitions, through modelling and control of AC and DC microgrids to the application of adaptive protection in microgrids. You will master various concepts related to microgrid technology and implementation, such as smart grid and virtual power plant, types of distribution network, markets, control strategies and components. Among the components special attention is given to operation and control of power electronics interfaces. You will be familiarized with the advantages and challenges of DC microgrids (which are still in an early stage). As a verified learner you will also have the opportunity to master the topic of microgrids through an exercise in which you will evaluate selected pilot sites where microgrids were deployed. The evaluation will take the form of a simulation assignment and include a peer review of the results. This course is part of the Solar Energy Engineering MicroMasters program designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems."
Price: 250.00 ![]() |
"Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems" |
"In this course you will learn how to turn solar cells into full modules; and how to apply full modules to full photovoltaic systems. The course will widely cover the design of photovoltaic systems, such as utility scale solar farms or residential scale systems (both on and off the grid). You will learn about the function and operation of various components including inverters, batteries, DC-DC converters and their interaction with both the modules and the grid. After learning about the components, you will be able to correctly apply them during main design steps taken when planning a real PV installation with excellent performance and reliability. Through modelling, you will gain a deeper understanding of PV systems performance for different solar energy applications, and proficiency in estimating the energy yield of a client's potential system. This course is part of the Solar Energy Engineering MicroMasters Program designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems."
Price: 250.00 ![]() |
"Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies" |
"The technologies used to produce solar cells and photovoltaic modules are advancing to deliver highly efficient and flexible solar panels. In this course you will explore the main PV technologies in the current market. You will gain in-depth knowledge about crystalline silicon based solar cells (90% market share) as well as other emerging technologies including CdTe, CIGS and Perovskites. This courseprovides answers to the questions: How are solar cells made from raw materials? Which technologies have the potential to be the major players for different applications in the future? This course is part of the Solar Energy Engineering MicroMasters Program designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems."
Price: 250.00 ![]() |
"Sonido Espacial y 3D" |
"Oímos en tres dimensiones porque la evolución nos ha dotado de esta capacidad fundamental para desenvolvernos en nuestro entorno. El oído sustituye a la vista cuando las fuentes sonoras quedan fuera del alcance de esta o bien sirve para complementarla cuando están visibles. Desde los principios de la electrónica la ingeniería ha trabajado para simular estos estímulos sonoros a través de múltiples sistemas de sonido espacial, empezando desde el más simple, el estéreo. En este curso el alumno empezará familiarizándose con los mecanismos de la audición espacial humana, para pasar a estudiar los principales sistemas de reproducción de sonido espacial, siguiendo una clasificación ordenada atendiendo a criterios de ingeniería. Se estudiarán desde los sistemas más comunes como el 5.1 hasta los sistemas más modernos como la Wave-Field Synthesis o los sistemas binaurales con personalización de la HRTF."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Introducción a la gestión de proyectos" |
"El objetivo del curso es introducir algunos conceptos básicos de la Gestión de Proyectos / Project Management (PM), según las metodologías del Project Management Institute (PMI). El PMI es la Principal Organización Mundial en el campo de la Dirección de Proyectos (www.pmi.org). Sus guías están basadas en las ""Buenas Prácticas"" de profesionales de todo el mundo, y sus certificaciones, por ejemplo el Project Manager Professional (PMP) son muy demandadas por empresas de todos los sectores. Se tratan los conceptos básicos de la gestión de proyectos, la gestión del tiempo y la gestión del riesgo en un proyecto."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real II" |
"Este curso trata la Teoría de Grafos desde el punto de vista de la modelización, lo que nos permitirá con posterioridad resolver muchos problemas de diversa índole. Presentaremos ejemplos de los distintos problemas en un contexto real, analizaremos la representación de éstos mediante grafos y veremos los algoritmos necesarios para resolverlos. Resolveremos problemas que aparecen en la logística, la robótica, la genética, la sociología, el diseño de redes y el cálculo de rutas óptimas, mediante el uso de la Teoría de Grafos. Nuestro objetivo será presentar tanto los contenidos de la misma como la modelización de los casos planteados. En cada tema comenzaremos presentando el problema a resolver. Posteriormente introduciremos la teoría y los algoritmos correspondientes, modelizaremos el problema propuesto y finalmente hallaremos su solución. En general explicaremos en qué consiste y cómo se deduce cada algoritmo, haciendo para ello una traza a modo de ejemplo."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"FA20: Computing for Data Analysis" |
"The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. The goal of this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, is for you to learn how to build these components and connect them using modern tools and techniques. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. For instance, “under the hood” of modern data analysis lies numerical linear algebra, numerical optimization, and elementary data processing algorithms and data structures. Together, they form the foundations of numerical and data-intensive computing. The hands-on component of this course will develop your proficiency with modern analytical tools. You will learn how to mash up Python, R, and SQL through Jupyter notebooks, among other tools. Furthermore, you will apply these tools to a variety of real-world datasets, thereby strengthening your ability to translate principles into practice."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"SP21: Computing for Data Analysis" |
"The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. The goal of this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, is for you to learn how to build these components and connect them using modern tools and techniques. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. For instance, “under the hood” of modern data analysis lies numerical linear algebra, numerical optimization, and elementary data processing algorithms and data structures. Together, they form the foundations of numerical and data-intensive computing. The hands-on component of this course will develop your proficiency with modern analytical tools. You will learn how to mash up Python, R, and SQL through Jupyter notebooks, among other tools. Furthermore, you will apply these tools to a variety of real-world datasets, thereby strengthening your ability to translate principles into practice."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"SU20: Data Analytics for Business" |
"Today, businesses, consumers, and societies leave behind massive amounts of data as a by-product of their activities. Leading-edge companies in every industry are using analytics to replace intuition and guesswork in their decision-making. As a result, managers are collecting and analyzing enormous data sets to discover new patterns and insights and running controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This course prepares students to understand business analytics and become leaders in these areas in business organizations. This course teaches the scientific process of transforming data into insights for making better business decisions. It covers the methodologies, issues, and challenges related to analyzing business data. It will illustrate the processes of analytics by allowing students to apply business analytics algorithms and methodologies to business problems. The use of examples places business analytics techniques in context and teaches students how to avoid the common pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of applying proper business analytics techniques."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"FA20: Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"SP21: Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |