"Reinvent yourself: Unleash your creativity" |
"Leading companies look for innovative thinking in new hires and for career advancement. Yet only 1 in 4 of us feels truly creative. Time to reinvent yourself and unleash the creativity lying dormant in all of us. Dr. Roberta Ness, featured TED speaker, author, and one of America’s leading creative thinking innovators, will guide you through her exclusive 5-step program to being an effective innovator. Learn to break free from your usual thinking pattern and start generating creative solutions to life’s challenges. Sharpen your powers of observation, make surprising associations, expand your idea space, and even master how to think backwards. Hone your creative thinking skills by solving real-world problems from business and science. The funding for this course was made possible by the UTHealth Innovation in Cancer Prevention Research Training Program (Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas grant #RP160015). The content is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the views of the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas."
Price: 89.00 ![]() |
"Herramientas para la colaboración en las redes de valor" |
"La colaboración es un modelo donde los socios de negocio alinean sus objetivos, procesos y herramientas tecnológicas, para incrementar el flujo de información a través de la red de valor, es necesario contar con un kit de herramientas que permitan implementar en diferentes maneras el mismo. En este curso en línea se podrá establecer las herramientas de colaboración y los casos de éxito que han impulsado a las organizaciones internacionales y nacionales a aplicar esta metodología en sus procesos logísticos obteniendo amplios beneficios, en este curso de logística tendremos un recorrido por los principales casos de colaboración en última milla, transporte de larga distancia, el uso efectivo de activos y todo el manejo de información. Todos estos casos contados de diferentes realidades organizacionales permiten contribuir al entendimiento del modelo de red de valor de una empresa e incentiva a su aplicación."
Price: 49.90 ![]() |
"Gateway to Medicine: An Introduction to the Field of Medicine|走近医学" |
"Medical science has its origins in Middle Eastern religion. Since its inception, the field of medicine continues to be a fascinating and mysterious world full of breakthroughs and advancements that benefit humankind. With the growing desire for health and longevity, innovation and technical achievements continue to drive the field of medicine. Entering Gateway to Medicine, initiates to the medical field will be led into this new world. Participants will receive a basic background on the influence of the macro-environment on health, and the micro-molecular principles of diseases. Regardless of medical experience, students will gain a broad perspective of the medical field, illuminated by the expertise of researchers and medical professionals. 医学,从诞生之日起,就因为浓郁的宗教背景而被蒙上了一层神秘的色彩。但是,人们对医学的探究却从未因此而停止。怀着对健康的渴望以及对永生的向往,人类把一切的聪明才智和科技成果都运用到了医学领域。 当你用鼠标点开《走进医学》这门课程,我们将带你进入一个全新的世界,他是那样的广袤无垠,却又妙到豪巅。我们的课程将带你探寻从宏观的环境与健康的关系,到微观的疾病发生的分子学原理。如果你是一名有一定医学教育背景的医学生,或者是一名对医学感兴趣的大学生,那么欢迎你进入到我们的课堂。我们的老师既有从事医学基础研究的教授,也有战斗在临床一线的专家,我们将以独特的视角向您展示疾病的发生、发展以及人类与疾病斗智斗勇的抗争过程。"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Medical Parasitology|医学寄生虫学" |
"Ning Wu, M.D. is an acossiate professor in School of Medicine,Tsinghua University. Dr. Wu gained her Doctor of Medicine degree from Peking Union Medical College, the top 1 medical school in China. Afterward, she went to Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine in the United States doing HIV related immunological research as a postdoctoral fellow. When Tsinghua University decided to establish School of Medicine, Dr. Wu came back as the first batch of teachers and established four major compulsory courses, including medical parasitology, medical immunology, medical physiology and medical physiology experiment. Her teaching outcomes were outstanding. Students’ evaluation to Dr. Wu ranked top 5% among the whole faculties in Tsinghua university. Dr. Wu also won Tsinghua University’s “Young Teacher’s Excellent Teaching Award”, “Excellent Teaching Award of the Year”, “Best Teacher in Graduates’ Minds” and many other titles."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Data Science for Construction, Architecture and Engineering" |
"The building industry is exploding with data sources that impact the energy performance of the built environment and health and well-being of occupants. Spreadsheets just don’t cut it anymore as the sole analytics tool for professionals in this field. Participating in mainstream data science courses might provide skills such as programming and statistics, however the applied context to buildings is missing, which is the most important part for beginners. This course focuses on the development of data science skills for professionals specifically in the built environment sector. It targets architects, engineers, construction and facilities managers with little or no previous programming experience. An introduction to data science skills is given in the context of the building life cycle phases. Participants will use large, open data sets from the design, construction, and operations of buildings to learn and practice data science techniques. Essentially this course is designed to add new tools and skills to supplement spreadsheets. Major technical topics include data loading, processing, visualization, and basic machine learning using the Python programming language, the Pandas data analytics and sci-kit learn machine learning libraries, and the web-based Colaboratory environment. In addition, the course will provide numerous learning paths for various built environment-related tasks to facilitate further growth."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure" |
"Cloud computing is a foundational capability for success in business information systems. To be adaptable in the digital environment, businesses need agility, scale, and operating flexibility. Cloud computing applications can fulfill these needs. In this course, you will explore components of network architecture, virtualization, cloud computing models, deployment on the cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Enroll now to learn the advantages of cloud computing in a business environment and the impact of cloud computing on information technology. Verified Learners will need to purchase a textbook in order to successfully complete the course. See the FAQ for details."
Price: 499.00 ![]() |
"Vaccines: from smallpox to technologies of the future" |
"Do you want to broaden your knowledge on vaccinology or get a first well-balanced introduction to different aspects of the vaccine field? Then tune in for this MOOC! Do you know vaccines have proven to be one of the most powerful and effective ways of reducing morbidity and mortality and even eradicating diseases? Within this MOOC, we will elaborate on the burden of some infectious diseases. Besides the history of vaccines and the impact on mankind, a module will be dedicated to vaccine immunology. You will learn more about the different stages in vaccine development and the (sometimes) troublesome path to reach those most in need. Big steps forward have been made, but there are still challenges to tackle, including the recent vaccine hesitancy leading to a worrisome reduction in vaccination rates. A novel vaccine platform technology, named PLLAV (i.e. plasmid-launched live-attenuated viral vaccine) will be highlighted as well. This MOOC is aimed at all stakeholders in the vaccine field like students, parents, scientists, NGOs, politicians and many more."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introducción a la factura electrónica" |
"La factura electrónica, es la innovación que ha generado un cambio en la relación empresarial, debido a que es una manera más sostenible para no impactar el medio ambiente mediante la reducción del uso de papel, y genera ahorro de costos para las compañías. Este proceso se viene desarrollando en diferentes países, conformando un cambio global además de un cambio regional. Muchos gobiernos y entidades privadas han tenido un avance significativo en la facturación. Desde 2015 se está experimentando un crecimiento considerable en los países que han iniciado el cambio: ¿Sabías que estudios realizados por LOGYCA/INVESTIGACIÓN en Colombia durante el 2015, demuestran que con la implementación de factura electrónica se genera en promedio un 50,7% de ahorro asociado al costo de gestión por factura? Es así como varios países en Latinoamérica vienen realizando mejoras y aplicando la transformación digital. En este curso en línea conocerás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este tipo de facturación y ejemplos de implementación de este tipo de facturación en la región de América Latina. La factura es un documento mercantil indispensable para una relación comercial, es un documento tributario que soporta una serie de impuestos y la fiscalización de las empresas. Conoce en profundidad la naturaleza financiera y jurídica de la factura electrónica en este curso de economía y finanzas, con el cambio digital este tipo de factura adquiere un valor tecnológico puesto que impacta en los procesos haciéndolos más automáticos, con gran capacidad de organización y almacenamiento lo que influye drásticamente en los costos y tiempos de las organizaciones."
Price: 49.90 ![]() |
"Gestión de identificación para recaudo de facturas" |
"Para tener un sistema de recaudo eficiente y ágil es necesario queexista unacodificación clara y precisa de los servicios a recaudary esto le ofrecerá las siguientes ventajas y beneficios: Disminuir el tiempo requerido para la operación Disminuir el número de reclamos por captura incorrecta de la información Disminuir los costos transaccionales Agilizar y mejorar procesos internos Claridad en la información referente al pago Identificación inequívoca de cada uno de los pagos Apende sobre estos beneficios en este curso de administración de empresas. estosbeneficios se aplican tanto a entidades financieras como a entidades que emiten las facturasy a las que son responsables de realizar el pago."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Leadership and Influence" |
"Develop the skills to be an effective and successful leader. High impact leaders have the ability to lead and influence others toward a common goal. To do this you must develop your own toolbox of strategies - to maintain engagement, to build collaborative support and to master conflict while remaining true to your authentic self. Upon completing this course, learners will be able to design an effective influence strategy to accomplish goals, even without formal authority. You’ll be able to recognize team dynamics and identify ways to help each member contribute more effectively. Through exercises and lessons, you’ll pinpoint problems and challenges in the way you (and your teams) make decisions. Finally, you’ll walk away with a concrete plan for continuing to expand your situational adaptability as a leader, allowing you to adjust with fluency and achieve your fullest potential."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Data Analysis for Decision Making" |
"In our information age, companies have access to unprecedented amounts information on customers--their behaviors, interests, and buying habits--and the markets in which they operate. Being able to analyze that data has become a critical skill for decision makers at every level of an organization. Today’s firms use data to detect market movement before it becomes a fully-fledged trend, helping them to stay ahead of the curve, tailor products and services to specific customer segments, determine when and when to enter markets, and differentiate themselves from competitors. In this course, you will learn how to unlock the value of data to create and grow an organization. You will gain the analytical tools necessary to confidently describe the current state of areas critical to your business, predict the likelihood of an event occurring, compare two or more approaches to a business challenge, and determine if a phenomenon you are seeing is coincidence or a genuine insight. By the end of this course, you know how to make data-driven decisions to find advantages and stay competitive."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Corporate Finance" |
"Successful business leaders are good at spotting high-value strategic initiatives for their organizations, raising the capital necessary to fund them, and knowing when to forego or walk away from low-value activities. In other words, the best business leaders are experts at maximizing the value of a company’s financial, human, and material resources. This highly-prized ability, although remarkable, is borne out of an application of the core principles of finance, that anyone can learn. In this course, you will learn about the structure of financial markets, the techniques and language of finance, and the various responsibilities of the corporate financial manager. You will also learn what creates shareholder value, how to value corporate securities, how to analyze risk-return, and the financial techniques for evaluating corporate investments."
Price: 215.00 ![]() |
"Plato, Socrates, and the Birth of Western Philosophy | 西方哲学精神探源" |
"This philosophy course explores the origins of Western philosophy – a rich tapestry of ideas that began with the most noted ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. By examining the work of these historic figures, students will attain a strong grasp of Western philosophy’s basic spirit. In doing so, they’ll cultivate deeper thinking abilities, explore noble values, and learn to contemplate the world around them in new ways. 本课程面向各专业本科生,通过课堂讲授与课外阅读讨论的方法,把握古希腊罗马哲学家丰富的思想,探讨哲学精神的起源,揭示古希腊民族的精神取向,阐明古希腊民族思维方式的特征,帮助学生把握哲学的基本精神,养成理论思维的能力,培养高尚的情操,提高人文素质。"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting" |
"Financial accounting is called the “language of business,” and for good reasons. An examination of a firm’s financial statements - which reflect the company’s performance - reveals a wealth of information about its history, current financial health, and future potential. This is why business leaders use accounting to communicate their organization’s financial information to potential investors, shareholders, lenders, and regulators. Financial accounting allows an organization’s leaders to make sound business decisions and helps investors better understand company value. In this course, you will learn how to interpret and communicate financial statements so that you can speak confidently on indicators such as assets, liabilities, shareholders’ equity, and goodwill. This course will teach you how to interpret the three financial statements core to any business--the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows--and analyze how they reflect business decisions. By the end of this course, you will know how to use financial accounting as a strategic tool to understand and grow your business--and understand and outmaneuver your competitors."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Global Business Strategy" |
"Successful business leaders have an eye toward the future and a deep understanding of the local and global markets in which their firm operates. They understand the strengths and weaknesses of their business and product line, the competitive and complementary landscape, and emerging trends in their business sector. Because of their strategic insight, these leaders anticipate changes in global market conditions, recognize potential opportunities to innovate, identify strategic initiatives to further the firm, and successfully anticipate and navigate barriers to entry at home and at an international scale. Upon completion of this course, learners will understand how to maximize short- and long-term profitability by analyzing and identifying opportunities and threats in different industries and competitive environments around the world. You'll be able to asnwer questions such as: -When and how should you engage in a strategic alliance? -How can you create an organizational structure that is effective locally and allows for global expansion? -What assets, resources, and capabilities does your organization already have that can be leveraged for global growth? By the end of this course, you will have the skills to guide your firm's strategy to identify and realize competitive advantage in the dynamic global marketplace."
Price: 215.00 ![]() |
"Leadership and Influence" |
"Develop the skills to be an effective and successful leader. High impact leaders have the ability to lead and influence others toward a common goal. To do this you must develop your own toolbox of strategies - to maintain engagement, to build collaborative support and to master conflict while remaining true to your authentic self. Upon completing this course, learners will be able to design an effective influence strategy to accomplish goals, even without formal authority. You’ll be able to recognize team dynamics and identify ways to help each member contribute more effectively. Through exercises and lessons, you’ll pinpoint problems and challenges in the way you (and your teams) make decisions. Finally, you’ll walk away with a concrete plan for continuing to expand your situational adaptability as a leader, allowing you to adjust with fluency and achieve your fullest potential."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Marketing Management" |
"Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, puts it bluntly: “No sales. No company.” Every organization needs effective marketing to match its products, services and experiences to customers, and maintain and grow its revenue. In this course you will learn the keys to successful marketing, from using traditional and digital media channels to build brand awareness, to using consumer and behavioral research in order to better match your product to your customers’ wants and needs. In this course, you'll learn to: Identify target customers and analyze and understand their needs and desires. Define your offering's value proposition and positioning. Identify the right target customer segment, and create a go-to-market strategy and integrated marketing campaign Define key performance indicators and analyze the results. By the end of this class, you will understand how to assess the competitive playing field, understand your competitor’s brand position, and map your own organization’s position, strengths, and weaknesses, to create or capture competitive advantages."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Digital Transformation in Business" |
"New technologies and “big data” have transformed every facet of business, from accounting to marketing. Technologies like social media, ecommerce platforms, mobile devices, software services, the cloud, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things have created new business processes and products, while displacing and disrupting many others. In order to stay competitive, business leaders need to understand these emerging technologies, assess their inherent opportunities and challenges, and strategically maneuver the organization to maximize the value--and minimize the risk--of digital transformation. This course will help you assess the most critical digital technologies that affect your business sector and how you can leverage them to realize efficiencies. We’ll discuss when and how to appropriately commoditize the data these technologies produce and ultimately, how the strategic deployment of technology can transform an organization."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"MathTrackX: Polynomials, Functions and Graphs" |
"This course is part one of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. This course will lay down the foundations of basic mathematical vocabulary and play a role in communicating key concepts throughout the MathTrackX Program. A central concept underpinning this course is the mathematical concept of function. Functions occur throughout mathematics and an understanding of them is essential. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will introduce functions, the algebra of numbers & polynomials and sets of numbers and intervals of the real number line. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in these mathematical functions."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"MathTrackX: Differential Calculus" |
"This course is part three of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. This course will cover basic concepts and techniques relating to differentiation; a fundamental tool of calculus. Derivatives are key to the understanding of rates of change, that is the extent to which a function responds to changes in a dependent variable. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will cover concepts and techniques to provide a foundation for the applications of differentiation in STEM related careers and/or further study at the undergraduate level. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in applying mathematics to solve real world problems."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"MathTrackX: Integral Calculus" |
"This course is part four of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. This course will cover basic concepts and techniques relating to integration, another fundamental tool of calculus. Integration is key to understanding the accumulation of a quantity given its rate of change. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will cover concepts and techniques to provide a foundation for the applications of differentiation in STEM related careers and/or further study at the undergraduate level. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in applying mathematics to solve real world problems."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"MathTrackX: Probability" |
"This course is part five of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. This course introduces probability and how it manifests in the world around us. Beginning with discrete random variables, together with their uses in modelling random processes involving chance and variation, you will start to uncover the framework for statistical inference. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will introduce discrete and continuous random variables and their applications in a variety of contexts. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in applying mathematics to solve real world problems."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"MathTrackX: Statistics" |
"This course is part six of the MathTrackX XSeries Program which has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical fundamentals and how they can be applied in the real world. This course will build on probability and random variable knowledge gained from previous courses in the MathTrackX XSeries with the study of statistical inference, one of the most important parts of statistics. Guided by experts from the School of Mathematics and the Maths Learning Centre at the University of Adelaide, this course will cover random sampling, sample means and proportions, confidence intervals for sample means and proportions and one-sample tests of proportions and means. Join us as we provide opportunities to develop your skills and confidence in applying mathematics to solve real world problems."
Price: 79.00 ![]() |
"Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning" |
"This course will give you an overview of machine learning-based approaches for predictive modelling, including tree-based techniques, support vector machines, and neural networks using Python. These models form the basis of cutting-edge analytics tools that are used for image classification, text and sentiment analysis, and more. The course contains two case studies: forecasting customer behaviour after a marketing campaign, and flight delay and cancellation predictions. You will also learn: Sampling techniques such as bagging and boosting, which improve robustness and overall predictive power, as well as random forests Support vector machines by introducing you to the concept of optimising the separation between classes, before diving into support vector regression Neural networks; their topology, the concepts of weights, biases, and kernels, and optimisation techniques"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Predictive Analytics Final Project" |
"The final project brings together the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the MicroMasters programme. You will draw on your knowledge of data analysis techniques to demonstrate your capacity to deal effectively with current job market needs. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate that you can crunch vast amounts of information to gain valuable insight, as well as use a range of approaches for extracting hidden information and building intelligence to assist with decision making. You will also have to independently apply the methods and tools used to address common practical issues faced by data analysts today, and consolidate your understanding of the most effective methodologies used through hands-on experience. This final project will prepare you for a step change in career or set you up to pursue further study. Please note, this course is only available to learners who have successfully completed all 4 MicroMasters courses on the verified track prior to undertaking this course: PA1.1x Introduction to Predictive Analytics using Python PA1.2x Successfully Evaluating Predictive Modelling PA1.3x Statistical Predictive Modelling and Applications PA1.4x Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning Learners who successfully complete this final course as part of the MicroMasters programme can apply to the on-campus Masters in Business Analytics at the University of Edinburgh. Successful completion of the MicroMasters programme does not guarantee acceptance to the Master's but, if accepted, the 30 credits awarded from the MicroMasters program will be recognised as credit obtained towards the 180 credits required for the full MSc. Visit the University of Edinburgh Business Analytics Entry Requirements page for more information."
Price: 450.00 ![]() |
"Supply Chain Analytics" |
"Supply chains are complex systems involving multiple businesses and organizations with different goals and objectives. Many different analytical methods and techniques are used by researchers and practitioners alike to better design and manage their supply chains. This business and management course introduces the primary methods and tools that you will encounter in your study and practice of supply chains. We focus on the application of these methods, not necessarily the theoretical underpinnings. We will begin with an overview of introductory probability and decision analysis to ensure that students understand how uncertainty can be modeled. Next, we will move into basic statistics and regression. Finally, we will introduce optimization modeling from unconstrained to linear, non-linear, and mixed integer linear programming. This is a hands-on course. Students will use spreadsheets extensively to apply these techniques and approaches in case studies drawn from actual supply chains ."
Price: 199.00 ![]() |
"Data Analysis for Decision Making" |
"In our information age, companies have access to unprecedented amounts information on customers--their behaviors, interests, and buying habits--and the markets in which they operate. Being able to analyze that data has become a critical skill for decision makers at every level of an organization. Today’s firms use data to detect market movement before it becomes a fully-fledged trend, helping them to stay ahead of the curve, tailor products and services to specific customer segments, determine when and when to enter markets, and differentiate themselves from competitors. In this course, you will learn how to unlock the value of data to create and grow an organization. You will gain the analytical tools necessary to confidently describe the current state of areas critical to your business, predict the likelihood of an event occurring, compare two or more approaches to a business challenge, and determine if a phenomenon you are seeing is coincidence or a genuine insight. By the end of this course, you know how to make data-driven decisions to find advantages and stay competitive."
Price: 214.00 ![]() |
"Asociaciones Público-Privadas: Retos, lecciones aprendidas y soluciones innovadoras en América Latina y el Caribe" |
"Las Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) se han convertido en un instrumento esencial para el crecimiento productivo, económico y social de los países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Sin embargo, se observa un déficit en las capacidades técnicas de quienes tienen la responsabilidad de desarrollar e implementar las APP, particularmente en el sector público. Con el objetivo de contribuir a cerrar la brecha de conocimiento y fortalecer las capacidades técnicas para una efectiva preparación e implementación de las APP en la región, el programa IDBx del BID ha desarrollado el primer MOOC disponible en español. A través de un marco teórico adecuado, ejemplos, lecciones aprendidas y experiencias de instituciones internacionales líderes y gobiernos de la región, se busca compartir ideas y soluciones para hacer frente a los retos que presenta esta modalidad para la provisión de infraestructura y servicios de la región en diferentes sectores como transporte, agua, salud, educación, entre otros. Para tal efecto, el curso pone a disposición de los participantes: lecturas, videos, casos de análisis y otros recursos de aprendizaje. El curso se ha estructurado en base a la Guía de Referencia sobre Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) Versión 3.0, desarrollada y publicada en el 2017 por el BID, el Banco Mundial (WB) y el Banco Asiático de Desarrollo (ADB), con la colaboración del Banco Europeo para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo (BERD), el Centro de Infraestructura Global (GI Hub, por su nombre en inglés), el Banco Islámico de Desarrollo (IsDB), la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE) y la Comisión Económica y Social de las Naciones Unidas para Asia y el Pacífico (CESPAP)."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Global Business Strategy" |
"Successful business leaders have an eye toward the future and a deep understanding of the local and global markets in which their firm operates. They understand the strengths and weaknesses of their business and product line, the competitive and complementary landscape, and emerging trends in their business sector. Because of their strategic insight, these leaders anticipate changes in global market conditions, recognize potential opportunities to innovate, identify strategic initiatives to further the firm, and successfully anticipate and navigate barriers to entry at home and at an international scale. Upon completion of this course, learners will understand how to maximize short- and long-term profitability by analyzing and identifying opportunities and threats in different industries and competitive environments around the world. You'll be able to asnwer questions such as: -When and how should you engage in a strategic alliance? -How can you create an organizational structure that is effective locally and allows for global expansion? -What assets, resources, and capabilities does your organization already have that can be leveraged for global growth? By the end of this course, you will have the skills to guide your firm's strategy to identify and realize competitive advantage in the dynamic global marketplace."
Price: 215.00 ![]() |
"Leaders in Citizen Security and Justice Management" |
"The high rates of crime and violence are two of the main challenges that affect the citizens of Latin America and the Caribbean. That is why the public policies of citizen security are prioritized in the agendas of the governments of the region. To improve the effectiveness of these policies, it is essential to have an informed civil society making sure that social rights are respected and that the rule of law is fulfilled under a regime of democratic governance. Hence the importance of making this material available to the general public, which allows knowing both the theoretical concepts and what is currently being done in practice in terms of the implementation of citizen security and justice policies in the region. In particular, the course provides applied knowledge and technical tools for the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs aimed at strengthening the different links that make up the criminal justice system: prevention of crime and violence; crime deterrence; law enforcement; crime judicialization and social rehabilitation of prisoners. It is expected that this course will create awareness among public officials, authorities, academics, journalists, civil society and the public interested in citizen security and justice issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, on the intersectoral nature of policies that seek to improve the services of social prevention of violence, police, prosecutor’s offices, and prisons. The course was jointly designed by the IDB and the consortium of universities of Chile, John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and FADISMA in Brasil."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |