"Leadership focused on Human Flourishing" |
"It describes the elements of the Leadership model oriented towards human flourishing, in order to develop leaders who achieve better results. We are facing a world leadership crisis, due to (among other factors) the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous context we are living in. The world needs self-aware leaders who are also aware of their environment, immersed in a permanent learning process, who are committed, resilient, with a positive vision of the present and the future, who find meaning in their life mission, and who flourish by contributing to the flourishing of others. This course will bring the necessary tools to develop a human-flourishing-oriented-leadership."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Effective Communication for Today's Leader" |
"Interpersonal communication is one of the most important management skills: everyday we relate with our bosses, collaborators, customers and colleagues. Being a good communicator is synonym to being a good leader. Interpersonal and group communication helps us to create better business environments, and therefore, to have better results."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Leadership and organizational behavior" |
"Leadership is everywhere. It is involved in nearly every social action, in some form. Many people who have the potential to be leaders do not realize it. Many who become leaders do not know how to manage those responsibilities. Great leaders can inspire change; bad leaders can cripple their followers with stress and frustration. What differentiates these two is a clear vision, an effective plan, and knowledge of how people work. In this class, you will learn the foundations of psychology at work, so that you can better understand others and guide them to shared goals. Along the way, you will answer these questions: Why do you want to be a leader? What kind of leader can you be? How can you persuade and influence people? How can you motivate and inspire people? Whether you are a formal or informal leader."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Negotiation Skills and Effective Communication" |
"We start making negotiations as soon as our day begins, through all our interactions, either work, social, or family-related. But have you ever wondered how efficiently you negotiate, and whether you could be better at it? This is a straightforward opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge you have acquired, and to confirm that the negotiation process is dynamic and can always be improved. The course integrates the most recent advances in the development of negotiation skills, based on modern life complexities, in a simple and direct way. We start out with the structure of effective communication in a negotiation, with the intention of identifying our opportunity areas, and improving them through active learning mechanisms. And what can we say about the role emotions play in a negotiation process? It is necessary to acknowledge , manage, and take advantage of them by using emotional intelligence mechanisms. Negotiation, by definition, implies the relationship between two or more parties who eventually express opposing interests and demand skills for problem-solving. In this course you will learn to identify and manage its irreversible consequences in advance."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Negotiation Strategies and Styles" |
"The dilemma of the negotiator is a phenomenon that is derived from the tension that arises when, in the light of a specific situation, the optimum negotiation strategy must be discerned. The term was made popular by Professors David Lax and James Sebenius, of the Harvard Business School, to exemplify the dilemma between cooperating and competing in a negotiation. In this course, we first analyze the structure of the Dual Matrix that brings forth the five negotiation strategies, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each, and the situations in which they work out best. We study the behaviours that lead to each strategy in order to reflect about our negotiation profile, which has historically driven us to use a preferential strategy, but which is not necessarily yielding the results expected. The participant will develop competences for strategic decision making, which will enable him to achieve the greatest benefit from a negotiation, in terms of creation of value and satisfaction between the parties involved."
Price: 149.00 ![]() |
"Future Trends of Fashion and Textiles 時尚之未来趨勢(趋势)" |
"[中文介紹在英文介紹之後; 中文介绍在英文介绍之后] Everyone wishes to know the future! Although we do not have the magic crystal ball to show us the future, we have interviewed more than forty (40+) international industrialists, academics, and business leaders. They are experts in their area and the drivers behind the industry. Our guests will share their views of the future and potential of the fashion industry with you. During the interviews, we focused on the following questions: What are the current challenges? What are the new main directions in the coming five to ten (5 – 10) years? What kind of new technologies will become popular? Will there be any new business models (new ways of doing business)? What role can a government play? Will there be any ideology that may bring a big impact? We fully understand that learners may face the obstacle of terminology and background. We will introduce the background of the fashion supply chain first. Then, we take the learners to attend the interviews week by week, sector by sector. Most importantly, the course content is bilingual in Chinese and English. Learners will enjoy our learning supports. Suitable for students, consumers, anyone who is interested or working in the fashion business. -- 正體中文 -- 每個人都希望知道未來! 儘管我們沒有魔術水晶球之類的工具來向我們展示未來,但我們採訪了四十多(40+)名國際工業家,學者和商業領袖。他們是各自領域的專家,也是時尚行業的推動者。我們的嘉賓將與您分享他們對時尚產業的未來和潛力的看法。 在採訪中,我們重點關注以下幾個問題: 當前的挑戰是什麼? 未來五到十年(5 – 10)年中新的主要方向是什麼? 什麼樣的新技術將在不久的將來流行? 會不會有新的商業模式(新的經營方式)出現? 政府可以扮演什麼角色? 會不會有可能帶來巨大影響的新意識形態? 我們完全理解同學們可能面對術語和背景的障礙。我們將首先介紹時尚供應鏈。然後,我們與同學們每週參加採訪。最重要的是,課程內容是中英文雙語。同學們將享受我們的學習支援。 適合學生、消費者、對時尚業感興趣和時尚產業在職人仕。 -- 简体中文 -- 每个人都希望知道未来! 儘管我们没有魔术水晶球之类的工具来向我们展示未来,但我们採访了四十多(40+)名国际工业家,学者和商业领袖。他们是各自领域的专家,也是时尚行业的推动者。我们的嘉宾将与您分享他们对时尚产业的未来和潜力的看法。 在採访中,我们重点关注以下几个问题: 当前的挑战是什麼? 未来五到十年(5 – 10)年中新的主要方向是什麼? 什麼样的新技术将在不久的将来流行? 会不会有新的经营方式出现? 政府可以扮演什麼角色? 会不会有可能带来巨大影响的新意识形态? 我们完全理解同学们可能面对术语和背景的障碍。我们将首先介绍时尚供应链。然后,我们与同学们每週参加採访。最重要的是,课程内容是中英文双语。同学们将享受我们的学习支援。 适合学生、消费者、对时尚业感兴趣和时尚产业在职人仕。"
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Defining the String Quartet II: Beethoven" |
"Taught by music historian and Stanford Professor Stephen Hinton in collaboration with the university's ensemble-in-residence, the St. Lawrence String Quartet, you’ll be given a critical overview of Beethoven’s quartets and their reception history. Using a mix of lectures, discussions and copious demonstrations, Professor Hinton will focus in detail on three complete quartets: one early, one middle, and one late. As a special course feature, you’ll view live performances by the SLSQ recorded in Stanford's Bing Concert Hall."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges" |
"Learn about today's urban challenges focusing on developing countries, referred to as the Global South. We will debate the benefits associated with three different themes, going beyond traditional urban strategies and policies: 1. Spatial justice Having fair, inclusive and healthy urban contexts is one of the greatest challenges of cities in emerging economies. 2. Housing Provision and Management Increasing demand in the Global South calls for alternative approaches in housing provision and management. 3. Urban Resilience Understanding resilience not as a mere struggle for survival, but as an opportunity to build better urban environments. In the course, we will address questions such as: Is the 'just city' framework applicable to cities with extreme socio-economic inequality? Can community-led housing initiatives provide effective solutions for households in need? How can resilience support development instead of perpetuating a disadvantaged condition? In this architecture and urban planning course, academic urban planning expertise from TU Delft is used to formulate possible answers to these questions, and is applied in a range of challenging case studies from Ghana, Brazil, Malaysia, Chile, Ethiopia, and China, among others. This course offers you a new perspective to understand and analyse the urban challenges of the Global South. Through a combination of short theoretical lessons, presentation of case studies, testimonies from practitioners and practical assignments you will also learn how to develop a critical perspective about your own urban environment and how to translate this knowledge into analytical tools and innovative urban solutions. Urban challenges in the MENA region and African countries In addition, the course offers you two modules focused on the specific urban challenges of the MENA region and African countries. We will apply the three themes to different cases in these regions and explore these with academics and professionals working on the ground. AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award At the annual conference of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning) the Architecture MOOC ""Rethink the City: New approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges"" received the Excellence in Teaching Award 2017."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens | 全球化下的香港电影" |
"Hong Kong Cinema has a global reach. Let’s explore how it reached you… Perhaps you know the films of martial arts icons Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan or the heroic bloodshed films of John Woo. Perhaps you are a fan of stars such as Maggie Cheung or Chow Yun Fat. Maybe you admire works by directors such as Wong Kar Wai. Whatever you know and wherever you are we invite you to join us on a journey to consider how the local and the global intersect to make Hong Kong cinema an integral part of popular culture around the world as well as a leading force in the development of world cinematic art. In this course you’ll learn how flows of capital, people, technologies, ideas and creativity circulate and shape the cultural industry of filmmaking, resulting in transnational co-productions and cross-cultural co-operations. You’ll see how these dynamic processes are inflected in characterization, plot development, and space-time configurations on Hong Kong screens. Our location in the cultural crossroads of Hong Kong allows us to introduce you to film professionals such as director Mabel Cheung and Andrew Lau, producer John Sham, film festival director Roger Garcia, and other guests, talking candidly about the industry. During your weeks with us you’ll see demonstrations of martial arts choreography, participate in close analysis of film techniques, investigate Hong Kong global stardom, uncover the reasons for the worldwide appeal of genres such as the kung fu film, and nurture a comparative and critical understanding of issues of gender, race, migration. Best of all you’ll partner with leading researchers in the field to appreciate Hong Kong’s contribution to world cinema. Please watch these films so that you can get the most out of the course content. Please note that you will need to acquire and watch the films on your own. We advise you see the films before each week’s material. Here is the list of films for each week. Week 1 – any Jackie Chan film (optional) Week 2 – any Bruce Lee film (optional), but we suggest Fist of Fury / The Chinese Connection (dir. Lo Wei, 1972), or Enter the Dragon , (dir. Robert Clouse, 1973) Week 3 – An Autumn’s Tale (dir. Mabel Cheung, 1987) Week 4 – The Killer (dir. John Woo, 1989) Week 5 – Infernal Affairs (dir. Andrew Lau and Alan Mak, 2002) Week 6 – In the Mood for Love (dir. Wong Kar Wai, 2000) 香港電影享譽全球。您與它的初次接觸,是透過功夫巨星李小龍或成龍的作品,還是吳宇森式的英雄喋血電影?您最欣賞的香港電影人是張曼玉、周潤發等影星,還是王家衛等導演? 無論您身在何處,對香港電影了解多少,我們都誠意邀請您加入這個探索之旅,思考港式生活和全球文化交織而成的香港電影如何成為國際流行文化和世界電影藝術發展的主導力量。 在本課程中,我們將探討資本流動、人力、科技、 創意等元素如何在電影製作文化產業的形成過程中相得益彰,並促成跨國製作和跨文化營運。與此同時,我們亦會探索這些互動在香港電影中的人物塑造、情節發展和時空構造上所帶來的曲折變化。 香港大學是香港的文化交滙點,我們邀請了電影界專業人士,如導演張婉婷和劉偉強、製片人岑建勳、電影節總監高思雅等專家,分享電影業的內幕故事。 在數週的課程裡,您將會目睹功夫電影的動作編排, 電影技術的周密分析,研究香港演員晉身為國際巨星的過程,探索功夫電影令全球著迷的原因,及加深對性別、種族與移民等問題上比較性和批判性的思考方式。更重要的是,您將與各路專家一起認識香港對世界電影業所作出的貢獻。 每週的電影清單: 第 1 周 – 成龍的任何電影(可選) 第 2 周 – 李小龍的任何電影(可選)——建議影片 1.《精武門》(導演 羅維,1972年); 2.《猛龍過江》(導演 羅伯特* 克洛斯,1973 年) 第 3 周 – 《秋天的童話》 (導演 張婉婷,1987年) 第 4 周 – 《喋血雙雄》 (導演 吳宇森,1989年) 第 5 周 – 《無間道》 (導演 麥兆輝與劉偉強,2002年) 第 6 周 – 《花樣年華》 (導演 王家衛,2000年) 課程目標 • 通過分析香港電影業的本地市場與國際舞臺之間的關係,培養您的批判和歷史思維能力; • 在香港電影中不同的場景中尋找熟識的細節,從而拓展您對身份問題的了解; • 通過分析香港電影業,讓您更了解全球化對社會的影響。 香港电影享誉全球。您与它的初次接触,是透过功夫巨星李小龙或成龙的作品,还是吴宇森式的英雄喋血电影?您最欣赏的香港电影人是张曼玉、周润发等影星,还是王家卫等导演? 无论您身在何处,对香港电影了解多少,我们都诚意邀请您加入这个探索之旅,思考港式生活和全球文化交织而成的香港电影如何成为国际流行文化和世界电影艺术发展的主导力量。 在本课程中,我们将探讨资本流动、人力、科技、 创意等元素如何在电影制作文化产业的形成过程中相得益彰,并促成跨国制作和跨文化营运。与此同时,我们亦会探索这些互动在香港电影中的人物塑造、情节发展和时空构造上所带来的曲折变化。 香港大学是香港的文化交滙点,我们邀请了电影界专业人士,如导演张婉婷和刘伟强、制片人岑建勋、电影节总监高思雅等专家,分享电影业的内幕故事。 在数周的课程里,您将会目睹功夫电影的动作编排, 电影技术的周密分析,研究香港演员晋身为国际巨星的过程,探索功夫电影令全球着迷的原因,及加深对性别、种族与移民等问题上比较性和批判性的思考方式。更重要的是,您将与各路专家一起认识香港对世界电影业所作出的贡献。 每周的电影清单: 第 1 周 – 成龙的任何电影(可选) 第 2 周 – 李小龙的任何电影(可选)——建议影片 1.《精武门》(导演 罗维,1972年); 2.《猛龙过江》(导演 罗伯特• 克洛斯,1973 年) 第 3 周 – 《秋天的童话》 (导演 张婉婷,1987年) 第 4 周 – 《喋血双雄》 (导演 吴宇森,1989年) 第 5 周 – 《无间道》 (导演 麦兆辉与刘伟强,2002年) 第 6 周 – 《花样年华》 (导演 王家卫,2000年) 课程目标 通过分析香港电影业的本地市场与国际舞台之间的关系,培养您的批判和历史思维能力; • 在香港电影中不同的场景中寻找熟识的细节,从而拓展您对身份问题的了解; • 通过分析香港电影业,让您更了解全球化对社会的影响。"
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data" |
"The world is full of uncertainty: accidents, storms, unruly financial markets, noisy communications. The world is also full of data. Probabilistic modeling and the related field of statistical inference are the keys to analyzing data and making scientifically sound predictions. Probabilistic models use the language of mathematics. But instead of relying on the traditional ""theorem-proof"" format, we develop the material in an intuitive -- but still rigorous and mathematically-precise -- manner. Furthermore, while the applications are multiple and evident, we emphasize the basic concepts and methodologies that are universally applicable. The course covers all of the basic probability concepts, including: multiple discrete or continuous random variables, expectations, and conditional distributions laws of large numbers the main tools of Bayesian inference methods an introduction to random processes (Poisson processes and Markov chains) The contents of this courseare heavily based upon the corresponding MIT class -- Introduction to Probability -- a course that has been offered and continuously refined over more than 50 years. It is a challenging class but will enable you to apply the tools of probability theory to real-world applications or to your research. This course is part of theMITx MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science. Master the skills needed to be an informed and effective practitioner of data science. You will complete this course and three others from MITx, at a similar pace and level of rigor as an on-campus course at MIT, and then take a virtually-proctored exam to earn your MicroMasters, an academic credential that will demonstrate your proficiency in data science or accelerate your path towards an MIT PhD or a Master's at other universities. To learn more about this program, please visit https://micromasters.mit.edu/ds/."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Japanese Pronunciation for Communication" |
"ひらがなのある説明(せつめい)はこちらをクリックしてください。 您可以查看网頁,动画在XuetangX One of the most challenging aspects of learning Japanese is pronunciation. Most non-native Japanese speakers, whether basic level or advanced, have experienced at least one situation when they were misunderstood or couldn’t share their true feelings because of incorrect pronunciation. If you are a Japanese learner, anywhere around the world, this language course has been designed to help you improve your pronunciation, and give you confidence in spoken Japanese. Join Professor Toda at WasedaX to practice your pronunciation, improve your communicative Japanese and become a confident Japanese speaker. 日本語を学ぶうえで最も苦労することのひとつが発音です。 日本語を外国語として話す人の多くは、その習熟度に関わらず、発音が正確でないばかりに、誤解を与えてしまった、あるいは真意を伝えることが出来なかった、という経験を一度はしたことがあるのではないでしょうか。 本講座は、世界中の日本語学習者にとって、正しい発音で、自信を持って「伝わる日本語」を話せるようになるための手助けとなるはずです。 戸田先生と発音練習をし、伝わる日本語を身に付け、自信を持って日本語を話せるようになりましょう。"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"IoT System Architecture: Design and Evaluation" |
"This course was created to help learners understand how to design the architecture of IoT systems. IoT (Internet of Things) systems are inherently distributed, heterogeneous, and complicated, hence designing architecture plays an important role in determining its functionality and quality in the early phase of development. However, designing architecture is not easy, because architects must address a number of system functionalities and quality requirements at the same time. This course will give you an understanding of the concept of architecture and it will give you an approach to systematically design and evaluate IoT system architecture. *This course was reorganized based on Smart Systems and Services innovative professional Education (SmartSE) program, which is a series of the education program Waseda University provides in Japanese. For more information, please visit: https://smartse.jp/en/"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters" |
"In 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake triggered a major tsunami that devastated northeast Japan, killing more than 15,000 people and crippling a nuclear power plant. Natural disasters like this one can be seen throughout our Earth’s history. They will continue to prey on all regions, bringing devastation when they strike. But are we so powerless? What if we could improve preparedness over the world and limit the devastation caused by coastal disasters? These are the questions we at Waseda University have been asking. Now we would like to share our experiences and achievements in disaster prevention with the rest of the world. In this environmental studies course, you will learn about coastal disasters. Using worldwide field surveys, you will develop an understanding of the nature of tsunamis and storm surges. You will learn how coastal areas are attacked, understand how human lives are lost and infrastructure destroyed. Using numerical simulations and hydraulic experiments, we will present you with different scenarios, teaching you about the mechanisms behind a coastal disaster. You will look at successful coastal disaster prevention concepts and methods. This will include defenses such as coastal dikes, as well as the implementation of essential evacuation plans. Ultimately, you will learn how to reduce the effects of coastal disasters and how to protect yourself and others if a disaster strikes. Whether you are an emergency management official, a city developer, an engineering student, or living in a potential natural coastal disaster community, this environmental studies course will teach you how we can improve disaster preparedness and management throughout the world."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"How to Learn Online" |
"Designed for those who are new to elearning, this course will prepare you with strategies to be a successful online learner. The edX learning design team has curated some of the most powerful, science-backed techniques which you can start using right away and on any learning platform. The Verified Certificate for this course is free. Use the following coupon code before September 1, 2020 to upgrade at no cost to you: Y5ZADM5NU2AN5JU7 This course will help you answer the following questions: How do I take notes during live or recorded instruction? What’s the difference? What’s the point of discussions and how should I participate in them to get the most value? What can I do if I have trouble concentrating or lack time to complete assignments? What is the ideal study environment?"
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"RA-GAP VAT Gap Estimation Model" |
"In this online course, you will learn the theory behind the design of the Value Added Tax (VAT) gap estimation model of the International Monetary Fund’s Revenue Administration Gap Analysis Program (RA-GAP), and you will also learn how to use the model to produce your own VAT gap estimates. You will become familiarized with the overall structure of the model, and how each of its components interacts. You will learn what the inputs needed for the model are, how to prepare them, and how the model uses these inputs to compute the potential VAT, which is compared to the actual VAT to determine the VAT gap. The online course comprises five main components, or modules. The first module starts by providing some general background on the concept of tax gaps, and then covers the theory behind the design of the VAT gap estimation model. The second module moves on to looking at the various policy structures of a VAT are to be input into the model. The third module provides instructions on how various measures of actual VAT are to be prepared for use in the model, and the reason for why these measures are needed. The fourth module focusses on the compilation of the statistical data needed to construct the potential VAT base, and how this potential VAT base is input into the model. The final module then returns to the model and demonstrates how to execute the model to obtain your results, and, more importantly, how to review and interpret those results. In short, this course is designed to enable countries to produce VAT gap estimates on a regular and consistent basis, using the VAT gap estimation model of the IMF’s RA-GAP program; which is a well-established tax gap model. This online course is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Japan."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Pensamiento del Papa Francisco" |
"Analizar el contexto próximo del Papa Francisco y proponer alternativas de acción. Este curso teórico práctico, pretende hacer una aproximación reflexiva y crítica al pensamiento social del Papa Francisco desde la teología, teniendo como marco doctrinal de referencia, la doctrina social de la Iglesia, la realidad latinoamericana y mundial."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Islamic Banking: Principles, Practice and Risk Management" |
"Islamic Banking, also referred to as Islamic Finance, is the overarching framework of Sharia, or Islamic law that guides the activities of Muslim corporations, banks, and other lending institutions as they raise capital. This frameworkalso describes the forms of investment that are permitted under this law. Islamic Banking stands apart from conventional banking in four key areas: a strict prohibition on charging and receivinginterest, adherence to ethical standards in investments, a focus on investments with moral or social values at their core, and a structure of shared risk. This course of Islamic banking starts with an overview of the fundamentals of Islamic Financial Intermediation, the basics of the analytical framework used to monitor and manage risks confronting Islamic financial institutions, including credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, and operational risk."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Understanding Islamic Insurance and Investments" |
"This Islamic finance and banking course gives an overview of the basics of Islamic insurance, mutual and investment funds. In this course, you will learn about The Concept of Takaful Ta’awuni (collaborative), The Basis for Takaful, Takaful vs Conventional Insurance, The Tabarru or donation - based Takaful Model. You will also learn about Islamic Perspectives on Mutual Funds and Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) and Islamic Investment Funds. No previous knowledge is needed. Why Islamic finance is important for the global financial industry Islamic finance has grown rapidly, with the trend expecting to continue. Although the concept has been around for much longer, Islamic finance only attained a formal status in Muslim-majority countries in the 1970s. Today, it has become a global phenomenon, eliciting increasing interest around the world, including from non-Muslim countries like the United Kingdom, Luxemburg, Kenya, South Africa, and Hong Kong. Islamic finance has grown into a huge industry with total worldwide assets estimated at about US$2 trillion. Islamic finance has the potential to contribute to higher and more inclusive economic growth by increasing access of banking services to underserved populations. In addition, it has the potential to promote financial stability due to its risk-sharing feature and its financing being asset-backed and thus fully collateralized. Moreover, Islamic banks offer profit-sharing and loss-bearing accounts that can help mitigate losses and contagion in the event of banking sector distress. These are all indications that Islamic finance is converging to the global finance industry and hence all international finance professionals should be aware of Islamic finance."
Price: 25.00 ![]() |
"Principles and Practices of Islamic Insurance" |
"This course will provide students with an advanced understanding of Islamic insurance or ""Takaful."" Practices that resemble modern-day insurance date back centuries. The Islamic practice of Takaful originated among ancient Arab tribes. It functioned as a pooled liability that required offenders from one tribe to pay compensation to the victims (or their heirs) of another. Takaful has since evolved to include many forms and plans needed in Modern society while still meeting the approval of Muslim scholars. This course begins with an introduction to insurance and risk management. You'll explore the Islamic perspective on insurance and risk, risk identification, and measurement. From there, you'll review tools of risk management, risk avoidance, and risk financing, as well as insurance as a risk financing tool. You'll take a closer look at specific Islamic finance products, as well as perspectives on risk taking versus risk avoidance and note milestones in the Islamic approach to risk reduction. Finally, you'll explore the six stages of Islamic insurance development and examine insurance contracts - their purposes, limitations, and sources."
Price: 50.00 ![]() |
"Islamic Finance and Capital Markets: Structure and Trading of Sukuk" |
"This finance course will provide learners with an overview of the principles and practices of Islamic financial and capital markets. You will learn about advanced Islamic financial instruments and the challenges in the development of Islamic financial markets. In addition, this course explains the trading operations of various markets in Islamic financial system. No previous knowledge is needed."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Islamic Finance and Capital Markets" |
"In this economics and finance course, you will learn about different types of Islamic financial markets and their key features and principles. You will also learn about the challenges of Islamic financial and capital market development. No previous knowledge is needed, but a basic knowledge of business concepts is advantageous."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Islamic Finance and Banking: Modes of Finance" |
"This Islamic finance and banking course gives an overview of the Islamic modes of finance. In this course, you will learn about Murabaha, Ijarah, Salam, Iistisjna, and Istisjrar modes of finance and their applications, management, the risks involved, and the mitigation measures. You will also learn about the nature of Islamic banking systems and categories of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). No previous knowledge is needed."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Science" |
"The art of uncovering the insights and trends in data has been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians applied census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and they accurately predicted the flooding of the Nile river every year. Since then, people working in data science have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. This field is data science and in this course, you will meet some big data science practitioners and we will get an overview of what data science is today."
Price: 39.00 ![]() |
"Data Science Tools" |
"In this course, you'll learn about Data Science tools like Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio IDE, and Watson Studio. You will learn what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations and how data scientists use these tools today. With the tools hosted in the cloud, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python or R. To complete the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio on Cloud and demonstrate your proficiency in preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers. This hands-on course will get you up and running with some of the latest and greatest data science tools."
Price: 39.00 ![]() |
"Sex from molecules to elephants" |
"Sexual reproduction can be defined as the sort of reproduction by which each organism arises from the fusion of two cells. This generally implies, with some exceptions, that each organism has two parents. This description might sound trivial it is however not at all. Before the appearance of sex, organisms reproduced solely by division. One cell divided into two cells, no partners, no fusion, just simple cell division. This simple cell division is still here. In fact, the trillions of cells that make up your body are all the descendants of a single cell that underwent several dozens of cell divisions. Surprisingly, most multicellular, as well as, many unicellular organisms reproduce by sex. We might take it thus for granted but this course will show you that it is a rather peculiar and enigmatic process. This course will provide you with the necessary tools to understand how sex works and to marvel at its mysteries. We will start by meeting the actors of this greatest drama in their native habitats, from ancient bacteria that live in thermal geysers in Yellowstone national park to the great mammals that roam the African savanna. We will also briefly discuss the history of life on earth and its contemporary state. The second unit defines the rules of the game explaining the mechanisms of heredity and evolution. The third unit focuses on meiosis, the fundamental and conserved molecular event that forms the basis of sex. And that might have led to the appearance of sex in the first place. We will also explain the fertility cycle and male and female germ cell development. The fourth unit describes the striking variability of sex determination throughout the animal kingdom. We will discuss the requirement for two genders and their considerable cost. Finally, we will dive in the gulf of Aqaba to meet organisms that are both male and female either at the same, or at different times. Sex requires cooperation between two individuals – a male and a female – that are in a basic conflict of interest. Furthermore, males and females compete among themselves. This complex network of cooperation and conflict forms the fascinating plot we will tell in the fifth unit that will discuss the patterns of reproduction and social behavior of different animals – corals, insects, spiders, fish, birds, and mammals. We will be intrigued to discover that the same basic conflict is resolved by a huge range of approaches, from altruistic behavior all the way to open warfare and infanticide. The sixth unit takes us to fertilization and beyond. Starting at an IVF clinic we follow embryonic development throughout the animal kingdom from insects to tadpoles and humans. The seventh unit is dedicated to flowering plants that made our world colorful, sweet-smelling and tasty and that produce almost all animal food."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AI Applications with Watson" |
"By enrolling in this course, chances are you've studied artifical intelligence, built chatbots and have perhaps even used Watson Assistant along the way. But did you know that you can turbocharge your chatbot's IQ with IBM Watson Discovery, a service designed to reveal the hidden value in your data? Discovery specializes in taking your data--structured or unstructured--and extracting from it answers and patterns. For example, if you have a large repository, the contents of which could answer customer questions, you've got the makings of a great FAQ chatbot. In this course, you'll learn how to build queries in Discovery, which allows you to surface answers and patterns from large repositories of data. You'll next learn to use Discovery to extract insights from a set of hotel reviews. Then, to make that data come to life, you'll integrate Discovery with other Watson services to create a chatbot that can tell you about the best hotels in a certain US city. By using these Watson services, you'll add more layers of analysis to help you find the best hotel. You'll build your chatbot application with the following Watson services: Assistant Discovery Tone Analyzer Personality Insights By the end of this course, you will have built a fully functioning AI-powered chatbot. Moreover, you should be able to apply the services taught here to your own data sets, enabling you to create sophisticated chatbots of your own."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Computer Vision Fundamentals with Watson and OpenCV" |
"Computer Vision is one of the most exciting fields in Machine Learning, computer science and AI. It has applications in many industries such as self-driving cars, robotics, augmented reality, face detection in law enforcement agencies. In this intro-level course, you will learn about computer vision and its various applications across many industries. As part of this course, you will utilize Python, Watson AI, and OpenCV to process images and interact with image classification models. You will also build, train, and test your own custom image classifiers. This is a hands-on course and involves several labs and exercises. All the labs will be performed in the Cloud and you will be provided access to a Cloud environment completely free of charge. At the end of the course, you will create your own computer vision web app and deploy it to the Cloud. This course does not require any prior Machine Learning or Computer Vision experience, however, some knowledge of Python programming language is necessary."
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"AI Chatbots without Programming" |
"Special Offer : This course includes a great offer from IBM: One year of Watson Assistant services to power 10 chatbots at no charge. The perfect way to kickstart your chatbot building business! Chatbots are one of the most exciting and in-demand topics in tech. Businesses around the world are increasingly showing an interest in their potential for cost-saving and improving customer service availability. In this course, you'll learn how to build chatbots powered by Watson and how to approach making money by selling chatbots to clients. We'll coverways to sell chatbots to prospective clients online and offline. We'll explore how to plan and build chatbots using a visual tool provided by IBM. We'll offer methods for testing, analyzing, and improving your chatbots. And we'll teach you how to deploy your chatbots to websites via a handy WordPress plugin. Leveraging the AI power of Watson Assistant, you will be able toaccomplish all this without the need to write any code!"
Price: 99.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Watson AI" |
"In this course, you will learn how to quickly and easily get started with Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson. You will understand how Watson works, become familiar with its use cases and real-life client examples, and be introduced to several Watson AI services from IBM that enable anyone to easily apply AI and build smart apps. You will also work with several Watson services including Watson studio, Watson assistant and Watson discovery to demonstrate AI in action. This course does not require any programming or computer science expertise and is designed for anyone whether you have a technical background or not."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |
"AI for Everyone: Master the Basics" |
"In this course, you will learn what AI is and understand its applications and use cases and how it is transforming our lives. You will explore basic AI concepts including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks as well as use cases and applications of AI. You will be exposed to concerns surrounding AI, including ethics, bias, jobs and the impacts on society. You will take a glimpse of the future with AI, get advice for starting an AI related career, and wrap up the course by demonstrating AI in action with a mini project. This AI for Everyone course does not require any programming or computer science expertise and is designed to introduce the basics of AI to anyone whether you have a technical background or not."
Price: 49.00 ![]() |