"Sunflower and Germini Bouquet" |
"Send a Splash of Vivid Colour with the Sunflower and Germini Bouquet! The Sunflower and Germini Bouquet has been specially designed to introduce a touch of good cheer and vibrant colour to any surroundings. Whether you are sending this bouquet as a gift or using it to brighten up your own home, the Sunflower and Germini Bouquet will not disappoint! To create this sublime floral arrangement we take the freshest sunflowers and germini and then arrange them around a base of fresh green aspidistra leaves. The end result is a bouquet that will evoke admiration and command attention wherever it is placed. We offer free standard next day delivery on this bouquet for a price of just £31.49, ensuring you get phenomenally good value for money. Your fresh Sunflower and Germini Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so it arrives in excellent condition when you need it to! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Sunflower and Germini Bouquet bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our large selection of arrangements containing sunflowers, germini and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 31.49 |
"6 Pink Roses Bouquet" |
"Six Perfect Pink Roses with Fresh White Gypsophila The 6 Pink Roses Bouquet is an eye-catching and pretty arrangement presented amidst a collection of lovely white gypsophila. Great for an anniversary or for mum on Mother's Day, this sweet bouquet offers instant happiness. It's also ideal as a Valentine's surprise to woo a crush or remind your better half just how special they are to you. Consisting of six high grade pink roses complemented by white gypsophila and perfectly finished with lush green leaves, this bouquet will capture attention and evoke admiration wherever it goes. Send as a gift, or arrange the 6 Pink Roses Bouquet in a vase within your own home to create a fabulous floral focal point. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Next working day delivery is completely free of charge. "
Price: 19.99 |
"6 Yellow Roses Bouquet" |
"Six Bright Yellow Roses with Elegant White Gypsophila The 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet is a charming affair, created using six of the freshest yellow roses hand arranged by our expert florists. Graceful white gypsophila has been added for a beautiful finishing touch. Yellow roses are traditionally the flower of friendship, so this bouquet would be ideal as a birthday present for a friend or relative. You could also send them as a way to say thank you, get well soon, good luck, or congratulations. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition."
Price: 19.99 |
"6 White Roses Bouquet" |
"Gorgeous Fresh White Roses with Lovely Gypsophila The 6 White Roses Bouquet exudes elegance and grace. An uncomplicated arrangement of six fresh premium grade white roses, this enchanting bouquet will create an aura of eloquence and beauty wherever it goes. White roses are often associated with new beginnings and spirituality. They are also traditionally associated with marriages, making this bouquet the perfect engagement or wedding day gift for a friend or relative. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. "
Price: 29.99 |
"Sensation Lilies" |
"Sensational - Sensation Lilies; Fresh from the Lily Selection range are our stunning Sensation Lilies. This beautiful bouquet is excellent value for money at just £34.99. A gorgeous hand tied bouquet of fresh and vibrant oriental lilies, this fabulous floral arrangement has a delightful scent which will brighten and fragrance any room in the home or office. They arrive bud ready which means they will last a lot longer, as will your enjoyment of them. A bouquet of pretty pink lilies will always make for a pleasantly surprising and wonderfully unexpected gift to mark any special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. These alluring oriental lilies could also be gifted to yourself as a way to brighten up your own surroundings! Show that special person in your life how important they are to you with the Sensation Lilies - beautiful lilies for only £34.99 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a cuddly teddy, a chic glass vase or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 34.99 |
"Freesia & Lily Bouquet" |
"The colour and scent of spring! The Freesia and Lily Bouquet will remind that special someone of a gorgeous summer day and definitely make them smile! Fresh from the Fragrant Freesia Selection, this gorgeous bouquet is fantastic value for money at just £29.99, making it an extremely affordable gift. Using fresh, pretty, fragrant freesia, lilies and carnations our expert florists create a different and wonderful combination. With the colours and scent of summer, the Freesia & Lily Bouquet is sure to brighten up any home or office. This bouquet is perfect whether you need to say sorry, thanks, get well soon or congratulations. The Freesia & Lily Bouquet would also make for a sublimely beautiful gift for a birthday or anniversary celebration. Send this lovely bouquet which is selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to show that special person how much you love them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to ensure that they arrive in perfect condition. Fresh freesia, lilies and carnations in yellow and lilac hues Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Freesia & Lily Bouquet. Delivery Information Order before 5pm for free standard next day delivery, anywhere in the UK Flowers sent in a sturdy Clare Florist delivery box Saturday and Sunday delivery also available for small surcharge "
Price: 29.99 |
"Heartfelt 6 Red Roses Bouquet" |
"A Simple Yet Elegant Expression of Your Love! Give your partner a gift they will cherish with our beautiful Heartfelt 6 Red Roses Bouquet. This classic collection of 6 fresh Red Roses is a delightful surprise that is sure to impress. Whether you are celebrating an Anniversary, Valentines or simply want to remind them how much your care, this charming bouquet is an ideal romantic gift to show your true feelings. This gorgeous collection features 6 high grade Red roses graced with gypsophila and beautifully accented upon lush green leaves to help create a sweet expression of your love and set the right tone. Designed by our expert florists, this gorgeous arrangement is available with free standard next day delivery, ensuring that it arrives at their door in no time to surprise them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Gorgeous High Grade Red Roses, White Gypsophila and Green Leaves presented in stylish florist wrap Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 26.99 |
"Precious Pink & White Bouquet" |
"The Perfect Gift for your Special Someone This radiant Precious Pink and White Bouquet has been especially designed for your special someone by our expert florists, making it one of our perfect bouquets for anniversaries, birthdays or simply to say thanks! Comprising of elegant pink roses and carnations, pretty Pink alstroemeria and gorgeous, long lasting chrysanthemums; delicately encased in luxury florists wrap and perfectly presented in a stunning hand-tied bouquet. The Precious Pink & White Bouquet - A beautiful bouquet for only £29.99 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Delivery Information Order before 5pm for free standard next day delivery, anywhere in the UK Flowers sent in a sturdy Clare Florist delivery box Saturday and Sunday delivery also available for small surcharge"
Price: 29.99 |
"Daydream Delight" |
"A kaleidoscope of Colourful Mixed Roses Complemented by Fresh Red Freesia The Daydream Delight is an eye-catching and vivid floral arrangement designed with a mixture of pink, lilac and orange roses nicely complemented by pretty red freesia. Breathtaking as a gift, this marvellous arrangement is also perfect for treating yourself to a touch of colour and beauty for your own home. Colourful and captivating, the Daydream Delight is perfect for sending to loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries, as a gift to say thanks or as a way to say sorry. Whatever the reason for sending, this lovely arrangement is certain to put a smile on the face of anyone lucky enough to receive it. We offer free standard next day delivery on this bouquet for a price of just £29.69, ensuring you get phenomenally good value for money. Your fresh Daydream Delight bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so it arrives in excellent condition when you need it to!"
Price: 29.69 |
"Happy Days Bouquet" |
"Get into the Spirit of the Season with Happy Days Bouquet! The Happy Days Bouquet has been expertly arranged by our team of professional florists using only the freshest alstroemeria, solidaster and spray carnations. This wonderful arrangement showcases the finest lemon, yellow and white tones which are set against a complementary backdrop of lush greenery. Whether you want to send flowers as a gift or have them delivered to your own home to brighten up the place, the Happy Days Bouquet will not disappoint. This breath-taking and extravagant bouquet will command attention and admiration wherever it goes. We offer free standard next day delivery on this bouquet for a price of just £39.99, ensuring you get phenomenally good value for money. Your fresh Happy Days Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so it arrives in excellent condition when you need it to!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Freesia and Carnation" |
"Fresh Freesia and Colourful Carnations Searching for the perfect gift with which to surprise someone special in your life? You can't go wrong with our Freesia and Carnation Bouquet, a vibrant and cheerful flower arrangement perfect for any occasion. Each expertly hand-tied Freesia and Carnation Bouquet is freshly made using the finest carnations and freesia arranged amidst tasteful green foliage. As well as making for an excellent gift, these flowers are also perfect for placing in a vase on your own windowsill or dining table. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £32.99! "
Price: 32.99 |
"Mellow Yellow" |
"Fresh yellow lilies arranged with bright yellow germini and carnations. This delightful bouquet will add some sunshine to everyone's life. Delivered anywhere in the UK seven days a week."
Price: 32.99 |
"Summer Bouquet" |
"The aptly named Summer Bouquet features an exuberant array of fresh seasonal stems including chrysanthemums, carnations, sunflowers and germini. The finished result is an instant mood-elevator and would be a magical gift for a birthday. Wrapped in gift-wrap and cellophane and then tied with a pink gros-grain ribbon, the Spring Bouquet is the perfect way to say thank you, good luck or get well soon. Or treat yourself to this delightful floral ensemble and bring some summery floral love to your own home. These wonderful flowers come inclusive of free next working day delivery. For a special touch, why not add a handwritten gift card to accompany your flowers?"
Price: 27.99 |
"Summer Cheer Bouquet" |
"A Vibrant Bouquet that is sure to deliver Summer Cheer: For a stunning bouquet of vibrant colours, choose the Summer Cheer Bouquet. At only £29.99 these beautiful flowers arrive ready to put straight into a vase - ideal for those who are not naturally green fingered. As with all of the beautiful bouquets in our Summer Flowers Range, you'll receive your flowers wrapped in a stylish florist's gift wrap and delivered in a special box to prevent damage to them in transit. A fresh and vibrant display, the Summer Cheer Bouquet includes golden germini, orange roses, and scented lilac freesia. Order today for next day flower delivery - The Summer Cheer Bouquet makes a great last minute gift and can be ordered for delivery 6 days a week, so there's no excuse for not purchasing this spectacular bouquet for a birthday or anniversary gift. For that personal and special touch, a handwritten greetings card, a chic vase, or a delicious box of Lily O'Brien's Chocolates can accompany your Summer Cheer Bouquet."
Price: 29.99 |
"Sunny Smiles" |
"A Blooming Beautiful bouquet with the attributes of Sunny Days; The exquisite Sunny Smiles bouquet - designed by our expert florists , is a stunning vibrant bouquet comprising of bright happy sunflowers, hot pink germinis, dainty hypericum berries, lustrous alstroemeria and jazzy pink roses combined with luxury green foliage; arranged to perfection and swathed in luxury florists gift wrap - so your beautiful fresh bouquet is ready to display! The Sunny Smiles bouquet is available including standard flower delivery to any address throughout the UK. Why not make your Sunny Smiles bouquet extra special by adding a personalised handwritten greetings card, a scrumptious box of Lily O'Brien's Chocolates or a chic new glass vase in which to display your Sunny Smiles bouquet in?"
Price: 31.49 |
"Summer Sunshine" |
"Erupting with summer blooms The Summer Sunshine is a spectacular summer bouquet, packed full of seasonal flowers that exude warmth, joy and cheer! With eye-catching reds and summery yellows, this colourful bouquet is sure to capture attention and invite admiration wherever it goes. A cheery hand-tied bouquet that consists of sensational summer flowers such as germini, solidago and of course sunflowers, Summer Sunshine is nicely set off with eucalyptus and lush green leaves. This outstanding summer bouquet can be delivered to any address in the UK. The Summer Sunshine bouquet makes a superb gift or a tempting treat and will look amazing where ever it is situated. This beautiful floral arrangement is also great value for money; free delivery is included for just £31.49! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a yummy box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a Handwritten Greetings Card, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Summer Sunshine bouquet. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection of bouquets for every occasion as well as many arrangements containing sunflowers and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 31.49 |
"Heaven Scent" |
"Heaven Scent The embodiment of serenity and innocence, this charmingly sweet bouquet contains gorgeous white roses surrounded by white freesia and carnations upon lush greenery. These roses are available for UK same day delivery if you order before 2pm. Alternatively, you may be interested in our full range of roses for next day delivery or our wider range of white flowers for next day delivery, all available delivered to any UK address."
Price: 39.99 |
"Summer Breeze" |
"Summer Breeze A striking mix of sunny yellow flowers to bring the brightness of summer into your home or office, the Summer Breeze Bouquet is certain to brighten up anyone's day. Yellow chrysanthemums, orange and yellow gerberas, carnations and yellow lilies are artfully combined within this arrangement to absolutely beautiful effect. The Summer Breeze Bouquet is perfect as a gift for all sorts of occasion or as a gesture to say thank you or sorry to a loved one. Free next working day delivery is included as standard and your flowers come delivered in our signature robust flower delivery box to ensure they arrive in immaculate condition. Freshness is also a top priority - we use state of the art stay fresh hydroponic gel to keep your blooms in tip-top condition."
Price: 36.50 |
"Summer Scentsation" |
"Send Some Optimism Today with the Summer Scentsation Bouquet! The Summer Scentsation Bouquet perfectly expresses the cheerful mood you'd associate with a warm sunny summer's day. Created with yellow lilies, yellow germini, yellow roses, solidaster and white chrysanthemum, this bouquet is overflowing with exuberance and seasonal joy. Whether you are looking for a beautiful bouquet of fresh summer flowers as a gift for a loved one or a simple yet effective way to brighten up your own home, the Summer Scentsation Bouquet is certain to do the trick. We offer free standard next day delivery on this bouquet for a price of just £27.99, ensuring you get phenomenally good value for money. Your fresh Summer Scentsation bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £27.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Summer Scentsation bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our large selection of arrangements containing lilies, roses and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 27.99 |
"Summer Twist" |
"Let's Twist Again... The Summer Twist Bouquet will have you jiving all over the place in sheer excitement. Vibrant and summery, this warm bouquet will brighten up any room of your home no matter what time of the year it is. Our talented and dedicated florists carefully create each Summer Twist using only the freshest chrysanthemums, gypsophila, roses and germini. The finished result is truly a colourful explosion of floral exuberance. Your fresh Summer Twist bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £32.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Summer Twist bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our large selection of arrangements containing chrysanthemums, roses and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 32.99 |
"Theirworld Bouquet" |
"A Sunburst of Vibrant Colours The Theirworld Bouquet by Clare Florist will bring sunshine to any setting. A colourful mix of germinis, chrysanthemums, lilies, sunflowers & soli, this beautiful and bountiful arrangement is perfect as a gift for any occasion. We are very pleased to support Theirworld by donating 10% of the sale price of every bouquet to the charity to help them with all the fantastic work they do helping disadvantaged children all around the world. The Theirworld bouquet is available with free next working day delivery across mainland UK (offshore and remote areas may be subject to a small delivery surcharge)"
Price: 34.99 |