"CS50's Introduction to Computer Science" |
"This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The on-campus version of CS50x , CS50, is Harvard's largest course. Students who earn a satisfactory score on 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project are eligible for a certificate. This is a self-paced course–you may take CS50x on your own schedule. HarvardX requires individuals who enroll in its courses on edX to abide by the terms of the edX honor code. HarvardX will take appropriate corrective action in response to violations of the edX honor code, which may include dismissal from the HarvardX course; revocation of any certificates received for the HarvardX course; or other remedies as circumstances warrant. No refunds will be issued in the case of corrective action for such violations. Enrollees who are taking HarvardX courses as part of another program will also be governed by the academic policies of those programs. HarvardX pursues the science of learning. By registering as an online learner in an HX course, you will also participate in research about learning. Read our research statement to learn more. Harvard University and HarvardX are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the community is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination or harassment in our program. All members of the HarvardX community are expected to abide by Harvard policies on nondiscrimination, including sexual harassment, and the edX Terms of Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact harvardx@harvard.edu and/or report your experience through the edX contact form."
Price: 90.00 |
"Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Structures" |
"Knowing the geometrical structure of the molecules around us is one of the most important and fundamental issues in the field of chemistry. This course introduces the two primary methods used to determine the geometrical structure of molecules: molecular spectroscopy and gas electron diffraction. In molecular spectroscopy, molecules are irradiated with light or electric waves to reveal rich information, including: Motions of electrons within a molecule (Week 1), Vibrational motions of the nuclei within a molecule (Week 2), and Rotational motions of a molecule (Week 3). In the gas electron diffraction method, molecules are irradiated with an accelerated electron beam. As the beam is scattered by the nuclei within the molecule, the scattered waves interfere with each other to generate a diffraction pattern. In week 4, we study the fundamental mechanism of electron scattering and how the resulting diffraction images reveal the geometrical structure of molecules. By the end of the course, you will be able to understand molecular vibration plays an important role in determining the geometrical structure of molecules and gain a fuller understanding of molecular structure from the information obtained by the two methodologies. FAQ Do I need to buy a textbook? No, you can learn the contents without any textbooks. However, if you hope to learn more on the subjects treated in this course, you are recommended to read the textbook introduced below: Kaoru Yamanouchi, “Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Structures,” Springer-Verlag, 2012."
Price: 49.00 |
"Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 1)" |
"Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous! Outre remplir le rôle d'outil dans les différentes branches mentionnées ci-dessus (permettant la résolution de problèmes concrets), l'algèbre linéaire, qui capture l'essence des mathématiques -à savoir, l'algèbre et la géométrie- vous introduira au monde plus abstrait des mathématiques. Proposé comme complément de cours aux ingénieurs de première année à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, ce MOOC (composé de trois parties) n'en est pas moins un cours à part entière et peut être considéré comme une base solide d'algèbre linéaire pour tout étudiant intéressé par l'apprentissage de cette matière. Bien que les vidéos constituent le coeur du cours, des exercices de type QCM (Questions à choix multiples) ainsi que des séries au format PDF seront disponibles chaque semaine, ainsi que des corrigés appropriés. Plus précisément, les séries d'exercices seront accompagnées d'un corrigé au format PDF et certains problèmes bénéficieront d'une correction détaillée en vidéo, dans laquelle l'un des enseignants présentera la solution, étape par étape. Finalement, chaque vidéo de cours sera suivie d'un quiz, dont le but est de tester le degré d’assimilation des connaissances acquises. Le cours est organisé en dix chapitres dans lesquels une approche très détaillée des concepts théoriques est proposée, ainsi que de multiples exemples illustratifs : 1) Systèmes d'équations linéaires. 2) Algèbre matricielle. 3) Espaces vectoriels. 4) Bases et dimensions. 5) Applications linéaires. 6) Matrices et applications linéaires. 7) Déterminants. 8) Vecteurs propres, valeurs propres, diagonalisation. 9) Produits scalaires et espaces euclidiens. 10) Matrices orthogonales et matrices symétriques. Cette première partie du cours sera dévouée à l'étude des quatre premiers chapitres cités plus haut. Aucune connaissance particulière n’est requise pour comprendre les concepts abordés dans ce MOOC, mais il est conseillé de travailler régulièrement et de manière assidue, de façon à ne pas prendre de retard lors de l'apprentissage de la matière."
Price: 139.00 |
"Cours préparatoire: Fonctions Trigonométriques, Logarithmiques et Exponentielles" |
"Ce cours donne les connaissances fondamentales liées aux fonctions trigonométriques, logarithmiques et exponentielles. Il est articulé autour de 9 chapitres: L'angle et sa mesure Les fonctions trigonométriques sinus et cosinus et leurs inverses Les fonctions trigonométriques tangente et cotengente et leurs inverses Les formules trigonométriques (addition, bissection, etc) Les oscillations harmoniques Les équations trigonométriques Les relations dans le triangle (théorème du sinus, du cosinus) Continuité et dérivabilité des fonctions trigonométriques Les fonctions logarithmiques et exponentielles Le cours propose une approche très détaillée et précise des notions fondamentales liées aux fonctions trigonométriques, logarithmiques et exponentielles. La présentation des concepts et des propositions est soutenue par une grande gamme de figures et d'animations, ainsi que par des exemples qui illustrent la mise en oeuvre des connaissances acquises."
Price: 139.00 |
"Software Engineering: Introduction" |
"This course, part of the Software Development MicroMasters Program, introduces how teams design, build, and test multi-version software systems. You will learn software engineering principles that are applicable to the breadth of large-scale software systems. The course explores topics such as agile development, REST and Async programming, software specification, design, refactoring, information security, and more. By the end of this course, learners will work in teams, applying an agile software development process to specify, design, and test multiple versions of complex software systems. Learners who enroll in the Verified track will receive staff grading and increased interaction with the instructor and staff."
Price: 125.00 |
"Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function" |
"Brain and behavior are inextricably linked in neuroscience. The function of the brain is to govern behavior, and the aim of this course is to causally link biophysical mechanisms with simple behaviors studied in mice. The brain processes information through the concerted activity of many neurons, which communicate with each other through synapses organised in highly dynamic networks. The first goal of the course is to gain a detailed understanding of the structure and function of the fundamental building blocks of the mammalian brain, its synapses and neurons. The second goal is to understand neuronal networks, with specific emphasis on the interactions of excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory GABAergic neurons. The third goal is to place neuronal network function in the context of sensory processing ultimately leading to behavioral decisions and motor output."
Price: 139.00 |
"Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 2" |
"The history of postwar Tokyo reveals an essential feature of the modern city, i.e. the city as a place of visualities. In postwar Tokyo, countless gazes fell upon others; gazes from and upon Americans and the Emperor, gazes going up skyscrapers or rushing aggressively through the cityscape, and gazes twining and wriggling among classes, genders, and ethnic groups in downtown Tokyo. In Part 2, we will focus on the geopolitics of these gazes in modern Tokyo. What kinds of gazes fell upon the war orphans, the poor, and the marginalized groups in Tokyo? How did students themselves, who represented the vast accumulation of knowledge in Tokyo, perform in front of these gazes? Moreover, how did cinema or television shows, as media for these gazes, implicate the whole city? In answering these questions, we will identify the geopolitics historically involved in the practice of “visualizing postwar Tokyo.”"
Price: 49.00 |
"World of Wine: From Grape to Glass" |
"Think about your favourite wine. Imagine the brilliance of its colour in the glass, the ripe fruit aromas on the nose, a hint of toasty oak and lingering tannins on the back palate. Perhaps you like a specific wine, but can’t pinpoint the reason why. The attributes that make wine so enjoyable are achieved through the expertise of viticulturists and winemakers, whose decision-making in the vineyard and winery is underpinned by science – to be precise, viticulture and oenology. The finer details can take years to learn, but in a matter of weeks this course will give you a broad understanding of the principles and practices used to grow grapes and make wine, and their impact on wine appearance, aroma, flavour and taste. You’ll also gain an appreciation for how cutting-edge research is helping to secure the future sustainability of the global wine industry. Whether you’re a wine novice or a seasoned oenophile,, this course is for anyone who loves wine and wine tasting. You’ll even get to make your own wine-- virtually at least! Confidently describe wine appearance, aroma, flavour and taste."
Price: 199.00 |
"Managing Addiction: A Framework for Successful Treatment" |
"Addiction is such a common problem today that people experiencing alcohol, nicotine or other drug problems present in many different healthcare settings. The challenge of linking people experiencing addiction to the right response is a serious one, and much depends on understanding addiction and recognising the role that we all play in the pathway to recovery. This course is intended to help you meet this challenge by increasing your understanding of the biology of addiction and the available treatment options in the different stages of the recovery journey. Key questions we will look at in this course include: When do we call “excessive use” addiction? Why is it so difficult to change addictive behaviour? Who can play a role to get people on the track to recovery? How do you respond to people with mild to moderate problems? How can you assess and increase motivation to change? What sort of interventions can support a person experiencing severe addiction? What is my role as a professional, either within or outside of addiction care? How can I identify the best of the many options available? What are hurdles to get the right support to manage addiction around the world? This course explores the “Recovery Pathway,” an easy-to-use framework for helping people with addiction move successfully from addiction to recovery. It helps plan a pathway through screening and assessment, to withdrawal and long-term relapse prevention. The course will examine a range of psychosocial interventions and medication-assisted treatments. You will review the biological basis of behaviour and treatment related to the stage of recovery, as well as evidence-based and service delivery considerations. This course is an ideal starting-point for healthcare professionals who want to get to grips with effective approaches to treating addiction."
Price: 199.00 |
"Software Construction: Data Abstraction" |
"This is the third course in the Software Development MicroMasters program. You will learn how to build larger and more complex software systems using the Java programming language. The course begins with the topic of data abstraction - from specification to implementation. Particular attention is given to how to write robust tests using JUnit. Then the course expands on these ideas to explore how type hierarchies and polymorphism can be used to decrease redundancy in your code. The course wraps up with a discussion of how to design robust classes. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in designing software in Java, and be ready to move onto Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design, where you will learn more complex design patterns and principles designing object-oriented programs. Learners who enroll in the Verified track will receive staff grading for the course project and increased interaction with the instructors and staff."
Price: 125.00 |
"Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)" |
"This physics course covers the physical principles of major in vivo bio-imaging modalities. This course will focus on magnetic resonance imaging, also known as an MRI. In the first part of the course, the dynamic of spins in a magnetic field is described, leading to the essential notions of magnetic resonance (MR), excitation and relaxation. We will also discuss the basic mechanisms of image reconstruction, MR spectroscopy and functional MRI. You will learn how existing physical principles transcend into bio-imaging and establish an important link into life sciences, illustrating the contributions physics can make to life sciences. Practical examples will be shown to illustrate the respective imaging modality, its use, premise and limitations, and biological safety will be touched upon. During this course, you will develop a good understanding of the mechanisms leading to tissue contrast of the bio-imaging modalities covered in this course, including the inner workings of the scanner and how they define the range of possible biomedical applications. You will be able to judge which imaging modality is adequate for specific life science needs and to understand the limits and promises of each modality."
Price: 169.00 |
"Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 3)" |
"Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous! Outre remplir le rôle d'outil dans les différentes branches mentionnées ci-dessus (permettant la résolution de problèmes concrets), l'algèbre linéaire, qui capture l'essence des mathématiques -à savoir, l'algèbre et la géométrie- vous introduira au monde plus abstrait des mathématiques. Proposé comme complément de cours aux ingénieurs de première année à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, ce MOOC (composé de trois parties) n'en est pas moins un cours à part entière et peut être considéré comme une base solide d'algèbre linéaire pour tout étudiant intéressé par l'apprentissage de cette matière. Bien que les vidéos constituent le coeur du cours, des exercices de type QCM (Questions à choix multiples) ainsi que des séries au format PDF seront disponibles chaque semaine, ainsi que des corrigés appropriés. Plus précisément, les séries d'exercices seront accompagnées d'un corrigé au format PDF et certains problèmes bénéficieront d'une correction détaillée en vidéo, dans laquelle l'un des enseignants présentera la solution, étape par étape. Finalement, chaque vidéo de cours sera suivie d'un quiz, dont le but est de tester le degré d’assimilation des connaissances acquises. Le cours est organisé en dix chapitres dans lesquels une approche très détaillée des concepts théoriques est proposée, ainsi que de multiples exemples illustratifs : Systèmes d'équations linéaires. Algèbre matricielle. Espaces vectoriels. Bases et dimensions. Applications linéaires. Matrices et applications linéaires. Déterminants. Vecteurs propres, valeurs propres, diagonalisation. Produits scalaires et espaces euclidiens. Matrices orthogonales et matrices symétriques. Cette troisième (et dernière) partie du cours sera dévouée à l'étude des chapitres 9 et 10 cités plus haut. Une bonne connaissance de la matière enseignée dans les MOOCs _Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 1) _et _Algébre Linéaire (Partie 2) _est requise. Aussi, il est conseillé de travailler régulièrement et de manière assidue, de façon à ne pas prendre de retard lors de l'apprentissage de la matière."
Price: 139.00 |
"Electrotechnique II" |
"This course is presented in French, with English subtitles. Ce cours traite des systèmes alternatifs triphasés, piliers de l'alimentation électrique industrielle et de certains types de machines électriques. Les charges triphasées associées, symétriques ou dissymétriques, seront étudiées ainsi que les puissances actives, réactives et apparentes qui en découlent. Des méthodes de compensation de la puissance réactive seront développées. Ce cours traite également des régimes transitoires, induits par les enclenchements, déclenchements ou pannes de circuits sur leur source, qu'elle soit continue ou alternative. L'importance de l'étude des régimes transitoires réside dans le fait qu'ils sont la base du fonctionnement d'appareils que l'on retrouve dans de nombreuses applications modernes comme la distribution d'énergie, les entraînements électriques, la recharge de batteries, les alimentations à découpage ou encore de l'éclairage."
Price: 139.00 |
"Electrotechnique I" |
"Ce cours définit les notions de base des circuits électriques composés des trois éléments passifs (résistance, inductance et condensateur), linéaires et des sources de tension et de courant. On traite ces circuits avec les lois élémentaires de l'électricité puis on développe une série de méthodes de combinaisons des éléments et de transformations du circuit qui mènent à leur simplification et permettent une analyse aisée des courants, tensions et puissances présents. Quelques circuits particuliers classiques sont présentés. Toutes ces méthodes sont premièrement développées en régime continu puis elles sont généralisées au régime alternatif, faisant intervenir le calcul complexe. L'importance du régime alternatif réside dans le fait qu'il est omniprésent au niveau de la distribution électrique domestique et industrielle. This course is presented in French."
Price: 139.00 |
"Hollywood: History, Industry, Art" |
"In this course you will learn about Hollywood and how it came to be the global powerhouse of today. We will discuss the complex Hollywood industry and how business and politics translate into the art of film, TV, and new media. This course will chronicle Hollywood’s growth and global reach since the 1920s, looking at: How Hollywood has responded to new technologies such as synchronized sound, color cinematography, TV, home video, computer graphics, and the internet How the global spread of Hollywood since the 1920s changed the film industry The relationship between Hollywood and independent film Hollywood’s responses to crises in American politics (e.g., world wars, the cold war, the 1960s counterculture, 9/11) We will look closely at representative studios (Paramount, Disney, Fox, and others) and representative filmmakers (Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, Frank Capra, George Lucas, Spike Lee, among many others)."
Price: 169.00 |
"MATLAB et Octave pour débutants" |
"Commencer à utiliser un logiciel est toujours délicat, on ne sait jamais par où commencer. Dans ce cours nous allons nous concentrer sur la maîtrise d’Octave et MATLAB, de façon à pouvoir par la suite continuer à apprendre de manière indépendante. Le but est donc d’apprendre, pas à pas, comment ces logiciels sont organisés, comment faire des calculs compliqués, en utilisant des matrices et des vecteurs, ainsi que traiter des données et dessiner des graphiques qui mettent en valeur vos résultats. Vous allez aussi apprendre à bien organiser le travail en utilisant des scripts et des fonctions, ce qui va améliorer votre efficacité par la suite. Enfin vous allez connaitre de bases simples pour la programmation."
Price: 139.00 |
"Policy Analysis Using Interrupted Time Series" |
"Interrupted time series analysis and regression discontinuity designs are two of the most rigorous ways to evaluate policies with routinely collected data. ITSx comprehensively introduces analysts to interrupted time series analysis (ITS) and regression discontinuity designs (RD) from start to finish, including selection and setup of data sources, statistical analysis, interpretation and presentation, and identification of potential pitfalls. At the conclusion of the course, students will have all the tools necessary to propose, conduct and correctly interpret an analysis using ITS and RD approaches. This will help them position themselves as a go-to person within their company, government department, or academic department as the technical expert on this topic. ITS and RD designs avoid many of the pitfalls associated with other techniques. As a result of their analytic strength, the use of ITS and RD approaches has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. These studies have cut across the social sciences, including: Studying the effect of traffic speed zones on mortality Quantifying the impact of incentive payments to workers on productivity Assessing whether alcohol policies reduce suicide Measuring the impact of incentive payments to physicians on quality of care Determining whether the use of HPV vaccination influences adolescent sexual behavior"
Price: 49.00 |
"Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging: Ultrasounds, X-ray, positron emission tomography (PET) and applications" |
"This physics course covers the physical principles of major in vivo bio-imaging modalities and the different imaging techniques. After a short study of ultrasound imaging, you will learn about the different X-ray imaging techniques. The understanding of the interaction of X-rays with tissue will lead to the study of three different techniques: Computed Tomography (CT) Emission Tomography Positron Emission Tomography (PET) This course shows how existing physical principles transcend into bio-imaging and establish an important link into life sciences, illustrating the contributions physics can make to life sciences. Practical examples will be shown to illustrate the respective imaging modality, its use, premise and limitations, and biological safety will be touched upon. During this course, you will develop a good understanding of the mechanisms leading to tissue contrast of the bio-imaging modalities covered in this course, including the inner workings of the scanner and how they define the range of possible biomedical applications. You will be able to judge which imaging modality is adequate for specific life science needs and to understand the limits and promises of each modality. To learn more about biomedical imaging, join us in the second part of this course Biomedical Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)."
Price: 169.00 |
"Marketing Fundamentals: Who Is Your Customer?" |
"In order to compete in an ever-changing market, business leaders must assess and respond to consumer needs and wants. Marketing is a means of creating value for consumers and engendering loyalty and enthusiasm for your product or service. If you’re starting or running a business, identifying and targeting your consumers is the single most important decision you can make. Business leaders often wrongly believe that every customer is a good customer. This is not always the case; knowing which customers to let go of is just as important as finding customers. In this marketing course, you will learn how to assess the value you provide to the consumer as well as the value the customer offers your business. The course will also provide you with a toolkit you can apply to real world situations. Topics include: the marketing mix segmentation targeting and positioning marketing strategy consumer behavior Marketing is often an afterthought for entrepreneurs as they focus on getting their venture off the ground. You will learn how marketing is a vital part of launching a successful business, and for keeping one running, and how marketing concepts can be applied to entrepreneurial situations. By the end of the course, you will be thinking about marketing strategically in order to grow your business, rather than as a tactical cost. This course is part of the Business Principles and Entrepreneurial Thought XSeries."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introduction to Algebra" |
"We live in a world of numbers. You see them every day: on clocks, in the stock market, in sports, and all over the news. Algebra is all about figuring out the numbers you don't see. You might know how fast you can throw a ball, but can you use this number to determine how far you can throw it? You might keep track of stock prices, but how can you figure out how much money you've made (or lost) in the market? And you may already know how to tell time, but can you calculate at what times a clock's hour and minute hands are exactly aligned? With algebra, you can answer all of these questions, using the numbers you already know to solve for the unknown. Algebra is an essential tool for all of high school and college-level math, science, and engineering. So if you're starting out in one of these fields and you haven't yet mastered algebra, then this is the course for you! In this course, you'll be able to choose your own path within each lesson, and you can jump between lessons to quickly review earlier material. AlgebraX covers a standard curriculum in high school Algebra I, and CCSS (common core) alignment is indicated where applicable. Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses"
Price: 139.00 |
"Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 1" |
"Tokyo emerged out of the ruins of war to become a large city of 10 million people in only a quarter of a century. During this process of change, the capital of a military empire that once invaded East Asia experienced occupation by the U.S. armed forces, hosted the Olympic Games, and transformed into a consumer hub where young people could enjoy economic “wealth.” It is important to know that this process was recorded in countless photographs, documentary films, TV programs, and so on. We will retrieve many of these archived pictures and videos and analyze what happened in postwar Tokyo from different perspectives. In Part 1, you will look at the changes that occurred in postwar Tokyo over a quarter of a century from four different perspectives: 1) occupation and Americanism; 2) imperial gaze and royal wedding; 3) The Olympic city; and 4) economic-cultural clash in Shinjuku. This examination of urban history will provide you with the insights necessary when considering changes in other large cities in Asia, such as Seoul, Beijing, and Bangkok, at the end of the twentieth century."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Astrophysics" |
"How can we study the Universe we live in using the only available information it provides us with: light ? This course provides an overview of the physical phenomena at play in the astronomical objects surrounding us, from planets and stars to the cosmic filaments, from galaxies such as our own Milky Way to large galaxy clusters. The course emphasizes the links between theoretical predictions and observations. In this course, you will learn the basics of astrophysics using simplified mathematical developments. In particular, you will learn the role played by gravity in astrophysics, including gravitational lensing, and how matter and radiation interact. The material in this course is essential to follow more advanced astrophysics courses."
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction à l'astrophysique" |
"Comment étudier l'Univers dans lequel nous vivons en utilisant la seule information qu'il nous envoie: la lumière ? Ce cours donne un aperçu des phénomènes physiques qui se cachent derrière les objets astronomiques qui nous entourent, des planètes et des étoiles jusqu'aux filaments cosmiques, en passant par les galaxies comme notre Voie Lactée et les amas de galaxies. Le cours met l'accent sur le lien entre les prédictions théoriques et les observations et constitue la base indispensable des cours d'astrophysique avancés."
Price: 139.00 |
"MATLAB and Octave for Beginners" |
"Take an exciting crash course in MATLAB and Octave programming. Both languages allow users to experiment with advanced mathematical functions and produce exciting matrix visualizations. In this hands-on, self-paced introductory course, students will learn step by step how to use these mathematical tools to write functions, calculate vectors and matrices and plot graphical representations of results. Explore ways to organize your work using scripts and functions to improve productivity."
Price: 139.00 |
"How to Code: Complex Data" |
"As your program requirements get more complex, you will find that simple additions to the design method make it easy to write well-structured and well-tested code that is easy to maintain. By learning how to capture common data and control structures using abstraction, your programs will get shorter and better tested. Building on the core methods from How to Code: Simple Data, this programming course, part of the Software Development MicroMasters program, quickly expands to cover more complex programs on more complex data. Towards the end of the course, you will design programs that even experienced developers would find challenging. You will also learn how to design search programs. You will design a program to solve Sudoku puzzles, and will be able to design many other puzzle solvers as well. Learners who enroll in the Verified track will receive staff grading for the course project and increased interaction with the instructor and staff. Learner Testimonial ""It's a great course and maybe one of the most important topics to master if you're a programmer (any level). This course will teach you how to design better, cleaner and faster programs."" - Previous Student"
Price: 125.00 |
"Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1" |
"This course will teach you about the management and governance of infrastructures. As cities are currently hosts to half of the world’s population, the role played by urban infrastructures in the delivery of services (such as energy, transport and water) becomes crucial. The management and governance of such complex socio-technical systems becomes vital to ensuring their performance. In this course we look at the economic, social, political, and technological dimensions of urban infrastructure management. Note that this it is not an intensely technical course, but rather a course in the area of (public) management. In addition to covering the basic principles and main schools of thought in managing and governing urban infrastructures, we also focus on two, particularly vital urban infrastructures, namely energy and transport. The course is structured into 4 blocks. The first block provides a solid foundation for understanding urban infrastructures: why are they important? How do they function? Why are they different from other large socio-technical systems? The second block explores the main challenges as well as the main schools of thought in managing and governing urban infrastructures. The third and fourth blocks are dedicated to developing a deeper understanding of urban energy and urban transport management and governance respectively. Block 3 will offer an introduction to urban energy systems, focusing, in particular, on the unique characteristics of these systems. Block 4 will do the same for urban transportation systems and highlight, in particular, the emerging integrated approach to urban mobility."
Price: 49.00 |
"Think. Create. Code." |
"Learn how to create your own artistic images and animations and display them in our online gallery, which has now been enhanced to suit self-paced learners. Our world is becoming increasingly digitized. For many of us, barely a day goes past without recording a video, taking and editing photos, and sharing digital content across multiple applications. But how well do we understand the technology we're using, and how is digital information created and manipulated? With many careers today involving some form of computation, there is a growing urgency for individuals to move beyond digital literacy, to understand how digital technologies work, and to develop literacy in code. This course will help you acquire it. In this course, you will not only learn the inner workings of your digital world, but also create and manipulate images with code, creating new artworks and interactive animations. Your images and animations will be displayed in an online Art Gallery, forming part of a vibrant learning community. You will also develop effective computational thinking skills and concepts transferable to other coding environments and programming languages."
Price: 50.00 |
"Fundamentals of Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift" |
"This course will provide you with an introduction to container and container orchestration technology using Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. You will learn how to containerize applications and services, test them using Docker, and deploy them on a Kubernetes cluster using Red Hat OpenShift. Additionally, you will build and deploy an application from source code using the Source-to-Image facility of Red Hat OpenShift. Containers are rapidly becoming a deployment technology of choice in organizations adopting DevOps principles and practices. Moving applications and services from traditional deployment platforms to container deployments make the applications deployable on a single clustered cloud architecture instead of many disparate sets of hardware configurations. This course will benefit developers who want to containerize software applications, administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration, and architects who are considering using container technologies in software architectures."
Price: 99.00 |
"Digital Strategy and Action" |
"What do business luminaries like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Netflix have in common? They’re digital businesses – meaning that they blur the digital and physical worlds – and their CEOs have built companies from idea to over $10 billion in revenues and kept them growing at an annual rate of at least 20%. The surprising reality is that while you may never reach their level, you can be a better leader by learning from their success. The key is to understand how they grappled with the basic questions of digital strategy and action. How did they: Decide what problem to solve? Create a product that customers were eager to buy? Build their teams to capitalize on growth? Raise capital? Win market share? Sustain growth? In this business and management course, you will learn from these maestros how to pick digital strategies with the greatest potential; use prototypes to match your product to unrelieved customer pain; identify, attract, and motivate the talent your company needs to grow; raise capital while maintaining control of your company’s future; win market share by delivering customers a quantum value leap; and build disciplined growth trajectories. This course will combine the principles of Entrepreneurial Thought & Action ® with the ideas developed in the instructor’s books Hungry Start-Up Strategy (2012) and Disciplined Growth Strategies (2017). It will inspire you with in-depth case studies of how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos built its most profitable business by selling companies access to the computer infrastructure that powers its e-commerce business; how Facebook boosted 37-fold its April 2012 $1 billion investment in Instagram; how Netflix CEO Reed Hastings wiped out Blockbuster Video through its DVD-by-Mail service and in 2007 moved to replace that service with online streaming when Apple launched the iPhone. Who should take this course Aspiring CEOs should take this class so they can beat the long odds against entrepreneurial success by understanding how the world’s top leaders keep their companies growing. Those who work for big companies can use these insights to accelerate their growth while defending themselves against digital business leaders seeking to win their customers. This course is part of the Business Principles and Entrepreneurial Thought XSeries."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering - 電気電子工学入門 (Self-Paced)" |
"This course introduces fundamental topics in electrical and electronic engineering including a broad range of examples. Topics covered are solar cells (batteries) and portable cell phones, applications from Japanese companies, including the high speed railway, etc., plus advanced research being performed at high-tech laboratories in Japan. By taking this course, you will gain knowledge about general aspects of electrical and electronic engineering from Tokyo Tech instructors and engineers working in Japanese industry. The topics covered flow from introductory materials, to fundamental research and their practical applications. The lecture videos in this course are spoken in Japanese with English transcripts and all materials (slides, quizzes and report) are provided in both Japanese and English. このコースでは、電気電子工学とは何かを学ぶために、太陽電池や携帯電話などの身近な電気電子工学の活用事例から、高速鉄道など日本企業で実用化がすすめられている応用事例、さらに研究室で進められている先端技術まで、電気電子工学に関わる様々な話題を紹介します。このコースの受講を通じて、講師を務める東京工業大学の教員や日本企業で働く卒業生から、電気電子工学全般についての知識を得るとともに、多岐にわたる電気電子工学のトピックについて、さらに学ぶための情報を得ることができます。講義は日本語で行われますが、字幕や課題、スライド資料は日本語と英語の両方で提供されますので、英語で電気電子工学を学ぶこともできます。"
Price: 50.00 |