"La Reforma Energética de México y sus oportunidades" |
"¿Sabías que la reforma energética en México es uno de los cambios más importantes que ha ocurrido en el país en los últimos 70 años? ¿Sabes cuál es el alcance de la reforma en la economía mexicana y cómo te impacta? Este curso te permite la identificación de las implicaciones económicas, políticas y sociales del nuevo marco institucional en todo el sector energético: hidrocarburos, subsector eléctrico y energías renovables; promueve el reconocimiento de los principales cambios del marco institucional del sector energético; favorece la argumentación de los distintos retos que la reforma plantea en su implementación; facilita la identificación de oportunidades potenciales que ofrece para el desarrollo de nuevos negocios; y finalmente, describir los efectos de la reforma en tu vida cotidiana."
Price: 29.00 |
"La nueva industria eléctrica en México" |
"¿Sabías que México fue uno de los últimos países que tuvo una reestructura del sector eléctrico? El sector eléctrico es muy importante y tiene un fuerte impacto en la competitividad del país. La reforma al sector eléctrico mexicano abre oportunidades para que el estado y la iniciativa privada colaboren entre ellos. La reestructura del sector eléctrico estimula la inversión en el desarrollo de la infraestructura de gasoductos, la modernización del parque de generación, dando prioridad a las energías limpias y la expansión de las redes eléctricas. Este curso es una oportunidad única que te ayudará a comprender la situación previa a la reforma, la situación actual y los retos y oportunidades de negocio en el sector eléctrico."
Price: 29.00 |
"Ahorro de energía" |
"En la actualidad existen diversas formas de consumo de energía que no han sido implementadas completamente en la región y que impactan distintos contextos como residencial, industrial, transporte, comercial y de servicios. Por ejemplo, un alto porcentaje de la energía que consumimos en nuestros hogares podría reducirse si cambiáramos las prácticas diarias de uso sin impactar fuertemente la calidad de vida. Estaríamos generando un gran ahorro energético. Este curso en línea enseña cómo se puede ahorrar energía. Por otra parte, no toda la energía que demanda el sector industrial se convierte en energía útil, ya que en muchos procesos industriales el calor generado se libera al medio ambiente cuando éste puede ser reutilizado para otro proceso. Esto podría ser mejorado al cambiar la infraestructura de las fábricas sin generar grandes costos. Asimismo, la energía empleada para el transporte público y personal puede ser mucho mejor aprovechada, por ejemplo, al mejorar los servicios y prácticas de uso. Además, el consumo de combustibles alternativos y la implementación de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos es una oportunidad que casi no ha sido explotada. Los beneficios de ahorro en estos sectores impactarían directamente al medio ambiente, a la economía, a la productividad, etc. En este curso en línea estudiaremos a fondo los problemas y las soluciones relacionados al aprovechamiento de energía, incluyendo algunos casos de estudio en diferentes contextos. En este curso trataremos diferentes tipos de energía, y cómo podemos ser más eficientes en su consumo."
Price: 29.00 |
"Mercados de energía: oportunidades de negocio" |
"¿Conoces las oportunidades de negocio que te ofrecen los mercados de energía eléctrica y otros mercados energéticos?, ¿sabes cómo surgieron dichos mercados? En este curso podrás encontrar las respuestas detalladas estas preguntas. Actualmente podríamos dividir los mercados energéticos de la siguiente forma: El petróleo y el gas asociado Los líquidos de petróleo como la gasolina y el diésel La industria petroquímica El mercado de transporte de gas y petrolíferos La generación de energía eléctrica La comercialización de electricidad La generación de fuentes renovables y limpias como energía eólica, energía solar, la energía de biomasa o bioenergía y energía hidráulica Estos mercados y la reforma energética en sí, requieren personas preparadas para los múltiples espacios que presentan los mercados de energía renovable y no renovable. A través de los temas de este curso en línea conocerás las regulaciones de energía en el caso de México, lo que te ayudará a comprender el panorama actual y futuro de estos mercados de la energía, así como sus aplicaciones en la labor empresarial en todas las fases del sector energético. En este curso podrás analizar las regulaciones secundarias para las industrias de petróleo, gas, energía eléctrica y todas sus cadenas de valor, con la finalidad de comparar los mercados energéticos en transición y contrastarlos con experiencias de mercados maduros en el mundo. Tomar este curso te brindará una oportunidad única para definir oportunidades de emprendimiento y diseñar negocios de energía en mercados en transición."
Price: 29.00 |
"Mercados de carbono: una forma de mitigar el cambio climático" |
"La mitigación del cambio climático global es una de las prioridades más importantes de todos los países, el calentamiento global es una realidad. Para lograr esta mitigación, es vital el desarrollo de proyectos orientados a la reducción de emisiones y a un bajo impacto ambiental. Los mercados de carbono o de reducciones de emisiones de gases de efecto invernaderoson uno de los diversos mecanismos económicos orientados a la mitigación del cambio climático, por lo que es importante conocer las diferentes tecnologías y formas alternas de energía, para buscar proyectos que logren reducir las emisiones en comparación con los sistemas convencionales. Este curso en línea presenta una perspectiva global que te ayudará en la selección de un mercado de carbono adecuado para diferentes tipos de proyectos, cuantificando una reducción de emisiones y calculando aspectos como: Huella de carbono Ahorros energéticos Ingresos derivados de la mitigación del cambio climático Tiempo de recuperación de la inversión"
Price: 29.00 |
"Distribución de la energía eléctrica" |
"Conoces los procesos que se requieren para llevar la energía eléctrica desde el lugar donde se genera (plantas eléctricas) hasta el lugar donde la necesitas?, ¿sabes cómo funciona una red de distribución? En este curso en línea obtendrás las respuestas, ya que conocerás las formas en las que la energía eléctrica se distribuye al usuario final por medio de la infraestructura existente. Los recientes mercados eléctricos en transición, las nuevas reformas, el aumento de la población, así como las nuevas tecnologías son algunos factores que han generado una gran demanda de electricidad y es indispensable contar con profesionales que comprendan la importancia de estos cambios. A través del estudio de estos temas comprenderás: Los fundamentos de la ingeniería eléctrica Los elementos mecánicos de soporte Los elementos de una subestación eléctrica, el proceso de transformación de alta tensión a baja tensión El funcionamiento de las líneas de distribución, entre otros temas de relevancia En resumen, tomar este curso de ingeniería eléctrica representa una gran oportunidad para aprender todos los procesos tecnológicos y de ingeniería que hay detrás cada vez que utilizas la energía eléctrica."
Price: 29.00 |
"Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (physics)" |
"In this course, which investigates physical transformations in food, we will be visited by world-famous chefs who use a number of different styles and techniques in their cooking. Each chef will demonstrate how he or she prepares delicious and interesting creations, and we will explore how fundamental scientific principles make them possible. Topics will include: How cooking changes food texture Making emulsions and foams Phase changes in cooking You will also have the opportunity to become an experimental scientist in your very own laboratory — your kitchen! By following along with the recipes of the week, taking precise measurements, and making skillful observations, you will learn to think like both a chef and a scientist. This practice will prepare you for the final project, when you will design and perform an experiment to analyze a recipe of your choice from a scientific perspective. The lab is certainly one of the most unique components of this course — after all, in what other science course can you eat your experiments?"
Price: 169.00 |
"Industria 4.0: fundamentos y alcances en el sistema eléctrico" |
"Crecer en un contexto económico capitalista es producir más bienes y servicios. Esto significa generar más riqueza, la cual crea mayor cantidad de empleos, prosperidad y calidad de vida en las sociedades. Contar con mayor riqueza suele darles más bienestar a las sociedades de los países que logran generarla; por ello los países con un PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) superior suelen tener más peso en el mundo y los países con menor PIB están ligados con los indicadores de desarrollo humano más bajos. Algunos países como Alemania lanzaron desde hace una década estrategias como la “Industrie 4.0” para lograr una posición de liderazgo en el mundo, Japón con el “National Network for Manufacturing Innovation”, China con “Made in China 2025”, lo mismo otras naciones como EUA, Corea del Sur y Taiwán. Todas estas estrategias encaminadas a elevar la productividad y mantener una posición de ventaja en el mercado mundial para generar más riquezas y beneficios a sus países. Todas estas estrategias están encaminadas a elevar la productividad y mantener una posición de ventaja en el mercado mundial; asimismo, dichas estrategias se conforman de diversos principios rectores para hacer más eficientes y flexibles los procesos de producción de las empresas tomando ventaja de los últimos avances tecnológicos. Hoy en día, las economías emergentes se encuentran ante la disyuntiva de seguir basando sus sistemas de producción en una mano de obra barata y en el futuro ser engullidas por las empresas pertenecientes a la llamada Cuarta Revolución Industrial, o bien, invertir en tecnología y la generación de capital humano para modernizar los procesos productivos y con ello seguir siendo competitivos en el futuro. Por esta razón, vale la pena inspeccionar este curso de ingeniería y conocer que es la “Industria 4.0”, reflexionar si realmente nos encontramos viviendo la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, y darle respuesta a las siguientes preguntas ¿La Industria 4.0 es un neologismo de moda? ¿Cuáles son los cambios necesarios para mantenerse avante en esta nueva revolución? ¿Qué son los sistemas ciberfísicos?"
Price: 49.00 |
"Hinduism Through Its Scriptures" |
"Ever wondered about the sacred scriptures that have sustained for millennia one of the oldest and most diverse religions of the world - Hinduism? Want to discover the lessons this history may offer mankind in the 21st century? This religion course introduces the rich and diverse textual sources from which millions of Hindus have drawn religious inspiration for millennia. The Bhagavad Gita has offered philosophical insights to a number of modern thinkers. This course will introduce important passages from important Hindu sacred texts, their interpretations by moderns and will give you an opportunity to engage with them."
Price: 49.00 |
"Disciplined Approach to Social Entrepreneurship" |
"This course will benefit individuals who are passionate about social justice and creating social impact with a view to transforming the lives of the underserved. From social entrepreneurs, to those employed in a not-for-profit, and entrepreneurs who value corporate social responsibility/sustainability within a business/government, this course will allow you to gain the relevant knowledge, tools and skill-sets to further your passion for social change. Throughout the course there arein-depth interviews withfoursuccessful social entrepreneurs, Selco in India, Friendship in Bangladesh, Edible Garden City in Singapore and Greenbatch in Perth, Australia. Each of these social ventures has a clearly identifiable social mission and they have generously shared insights as to how they balance social aspirations with financial viability and how they have achieved scalabilty whilst minimising operational costs."
Price: 149.00 |
"Sustainability in Architecture: An Interdisciplinary Introduction" |
"This course offers an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability in Architecture. Learners will be introduced to the basic elements of sustainability assessments (first model layer), as well as trends informing the space today. The coursework enables students to develop a conceptual neighborhood model for assessing performance and urban policies. In the first week, participants will learn to develop a conceptual model from the architectural elements of buildings; the basic building block of which will be the performance of materials. The second week explores methods of optimizing performance. Coursework will detail the needs and constraints inherent in selecting materials and neighborhood urban elements (the second model layer for green, blue and grey infrastructure).In the third week, learners will develop the basic tools for introducing energy and measuring the potential impact on climate change (CO2). A new layer (third) on our neighborhood stainability model, this will be approached from a global perspective. In the fourth and final week, the course will explore techniques for a joint assessment directly connected to policy issues."
Price: 50.00 |
"Energía: pasado, presente y futuro" |
"Nuestras economías están sedientas de energía. Sin energía la economía mundial simplemente se detendría en seco; no habría generación suficiente de electricidad, combustibles para los automóviles, transporte público, transporte terrestre de mercancías, ya sea por ferrocarril o autobús. No se podrían mover las mercancías por vía marítima, la producción alimenticia sufriría de problemas, el suministro de agua potable se vería comprometido. La energía ha permitido desde finales del Siglo XVIII, un desarrollo sin igual en los ámbitos científico, tecnológico y económico de nuestra sociedad. Hemos gozado, hasta ahora, de un suministro relativamente barato de energía a través de los combustibles fósiles, generando un impacto ambiental negativo. La trayectoria seleccionada de consumo de combustibles fósiles hasta el momento, no es sostenible a largo plazo. De ahí el reto que no debemos esquivar, aun cuando lo podríamos negar: ¿qué debemos hacer para lograr una supervivencia futura hacia una economía de bajo carbono con una menor dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, y así asegurar que las generaciones futuras tengan la posibilidad de disfrutar una mejor calidad de vida? Estamos ante un hito histórico sobre cómo debemos usar y apropiarnos de los recursos naturales, así como trabajar en disminuir la pobreza y desigualdad social. Este curso te permitirá adentrarte al fascinante mundo de la energía. Los contenidos del curso, además de brindarte herramientas para la interpretación y manejo de información básica sobre la energía, te llevarán a través de los cambios históricos ligados con la energía que han sido fundamentales en el desarrollo de la sociedad moderna. Los contenidos del curso te ayudarán a la resolución de preguntas como: ¿ha sido siempre la energía un factor de cambio en el desarrollo de la sociedad? ¿la era del petróleo se terminará antes de que se termine el petróleo? ¿cuál es la importancia actual de los energéticos en la economía? ¿te imaginas cómo se obtendrá la energía necesaria para mantener nuestra calidad de vida en el futuro?"
Price: 49.00 |
"Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure" |
"Cloud computing is a foundational capability for success in business information systems. To be adaptable in the digital environment, businesses need agility, scale, and operating flexibility. Cloud computing applications can fulfill these needs. In this course, you will explore components of network architecture, virtualization, cloud computing models, deployment on the cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Enroll now to learn the advantages of cloud computing in a business environment and the impact of cloud computing on information technology. Verified Learners will need to purchase a textbook in order to successfully complete the course. See the FAQ for details."
Price: 499.00 |
"Digital Technology and Innovation" |
"In developing the digital ecosystem, a CIO adds value by strategically infusing business with innovative digital technologies. This requires an understanding of the range of technologies that are transforming the way business is done. Additionally, a successful CIO must be able to manage the adoption, implementation, and diffusion of tech within an organization. This includes analyzing the role of innovation and executing change strategies. This course helps prepare professionals for digital transformation skills at the intersection of business and technology."
Price: 499.00 |
"iLabX – The Internet Masterclass" |
"After more than 2000 learners in the first course round we made the course even better for this second run. Do not miss your chance to become an Internet master! The Internet has become one of our most important infrastructures. It connects everything, from people to machines, in all areas, from the art world to the stock exchange, everywhere on this planet and beyond. But how does this Internet that enables so many things in our daily lives actually work? After taking part in iLabX, you will not only understand the mechanisms behind the Internet, but you will create the Internet yourself on your own computer! iLabX uses an award-winning methodology to teach you how the Internet works. Starting with the physical cables, you will learn, in six parts: what exactly happens when you open a website in your browser or send a chat message to a friend, how to set up a webserver yourself, how the ongoing transition between the “old” Internet version and its current successor can be so seamless, and key security concepts. Each module first introduces the background of the relevant mechanisms and tools. After learning the concepts through videos, texts, and diverse interactive learning elements, you will build your own fully-functional Internet. Within our special vLab virtual Internet laboratory, you will use the same tools that also power the big Internet. Under our close guidance, each module brings you closer to having a fully-functional Internet running on your computer. As we use the real Internet mechanisms, we will even connect your creation to the real Internet at the end. Consequently, you can call yourself a true Internet master after completing this course! When designing this course, we focused on making it exciting and continuously motivating for you. No matter what kind of learner you are, you will find the right learning experience! Our videos explain everything in detail. If you prefer reading instead, go ahead. You can read the texts instead of or in addition to the videos. We have many practical exercises and of course the virtual laboratory that allows you to configure the real Internet on your computer! Last but not least, we have an engaging story that continues through all parts: Help the iLabees scale their honey sales up, taking their business to the summit of the Internet mountains!"
Price: 129.00 |
"AP® Physics 1: Challenging Concepts" |
"This course covers 8 different challenging topics in AP® Physics 1. Well-respected AP instructors from around the USA will lead you through video, assessment questions, and interactive activities. Each module breaks these tricky topics into bite-sized pieces - with short instructional videos, on-screen simulations, interactive graphs, and practice problems written by many of the same people who write and grade your AP® Physics 1 & 2 exams. Topics include: Acceleration Force Diagrams Free Fall and Projectile Motion Momentum Rotational Motion Angular Momentum Standing Waves Conservation of Charge & Energy in Circuits * Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings. Stand-alone units cover the most challenging concepts in the newly redesigned AP® Physics 1 curricula (based on College Board data from 2011–2013 AP® Physics B exams)."
Price: 49.00 |
"AP® Physics 2: Challenging Concepts" |
"This course covers 9 challenging topics in AP® Physics 2. Well-respected AP instructors from around the USA will lead you through video, assessment questions, and interactive activities. Each module breaks these tricky topics into bite-sized pieces—with short instructional videos, on-screen simulations, interactive graphs, and practice problems written by many of the same people who write and grade your AP® Physics 2 exam. Topics include: Electrostatic Fields Gravitational and Electric Potentials Electromagnetic Induction Capacitance Thermodynamics Pressure, Force & Flow in Fluids Mirrors & Lenses Diffraction & Interference Atomic Transitions * Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings. Stand-alone units cover the most challenging concepts in the newly redesigned AP® Physics 2 curricula (based on College Board data from 2011–2013 AP® Physics B exams)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Circuits and Electronics 2: Amplification, Speed, and Delay" |
"Want to learn how to construct an amplifier for mobile phones? Wondering how energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors work, or how to make microchips run faster? This free circuits course taught by edX CEO and MIT Professor Anant Agarwal and colleagues is for you. This is the second of three online Circuits and Electronics courses and is taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors. Topics covered include: MOSFET large signal and small signal analysis; amplifiers; energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors; and dynamics of first-order networks and circuit speed. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the course. Weekly coursework includes interactive video sequences, readings from the textbook, homework, online laboratories, and optional tutorials. The course will also have a final exam. This is a self-paced course, so there are no weekly deadlines. However, all assignments are due when the course ends."
Price: 169.00 |
"Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis" |
"Want to learn about circuits and electronics, but unsure where to begin? Wondering how to make computers run faster or your mobile phone battery last longer? This free circuits course taught by edX CEO and MIT Professor Anant Agarwal and colleagues is for you. This is the first of three online Circuits & Electronics courses offered by Professor Anant Agarwal and colleagues at MIT, and is taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors. Topics covered include: resistive elements and networks; circuit analysis methods including KVL, KCL and the node method; independent and dependent sources; linearity, superposition, Thevenin & Norton methods; digital abstraction, combinational gates; and MOSFET switches and small signal analysis. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the course. Weekly coursework includes interactive video sequences, readings from the textbook, homework, online laboratories, and optional tutorials. The course will also have a final exam. This is a self-paced course, so there are no weekly deadlines. However, all assignments are due when the course ends."
Price: 169.00 |
"Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications" |
"Want to learn how your radio works? Wondering how to implement filters using resistors, inductors, and capacitors? Wondering what are some other applications of RLC and CMOS circuits? This free circuits course, taught by edX CEO and MIT Professor Anant Agarwal and MIT colleagues, is for you. The third and final online Circuits and Electronics courses is taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors. Topics covered include: dynamics of capacitor, inductor and resistor networks; design in the time and frequency domains; op-amps, and analog and digital circuits and applications. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the course. Weekly coursework includes interactive video sequences, readings from the textbook, homework, online laboratories, and optional tutorials. The course will also have a final exam. This is a self-paced course, so there are no weekly deadlines. However, all assignments are due when the course ends."
Price: 169.00 |
"Fundamentos de Electromagnetismo para Ingeniería" |
"En este curso se investigan las causas y se definen las leyes de la interacción electromagnética. Esta interacción es una de las más importantes que caracterizan nuestra vida diaria, ya que muchos de los fenómenos que se observan a nuestro alrededor, incluidos los químicos y biológicos, son debidos a la interacción electromagnética entre átomos y moléculas. Este curso se centra en analizar el origen de esta interacción y describir las leyes físicas que la gobiernan."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Science of Parenting" |
"Everyone has an opinion on parenting – where babies should sleep, what they should eat, and whether parents should spank, scold, or praise. What’s more, the media often offers support for whichever opinions appear most popular at any given time. This leaves those of us who like to base our decisions on firm, provable facts feeling dizzy.“The Science of Parenting” addresses this confusion by moving beyond the chatter and opinion surrounding parenting, and by looking directly at the science. Parenting itself is far from a science. Nevertheless, scientists have conducted thousands of studies that can help parents – or future parents – make sensible, informed decisions. One goal of this course will be to provide a survey of important scientific findings spanning a range of topics that are central to the lives of parents: diet sleep discipline learning screen time impulse control vaccination We’ll also explore ongoing mysteries, like what causes autism, and why so many children are allergic to peanuts.Perhaps more important, this course will not only dig into existing science, but will also explore the underlying nature of parenting science itself. Often, scientists measure correlations: They ask how different parenting practices are related to different behaviors in children. But the claims they make from ' correlational data are often much, much stronger. For example, from correlational data, scientists often claim that parents cause the behaviors of their kids. This course will show how this type of error – common in the scientific literature – can explain a significant amount of the confusion present in the media and general public. We will discuss how to avoid the same error when evaluating science, and how to use the sum of available evidence to inform decision making.The course’s instructor, David Barner, is a leading authority on cognitive development. He is joined by leading experts on behavior genetics, vaccination, autism, lying, and spanking, as well as by real live parents who try to use science to inform their decisions. This class is suitable not only for parents, future parents, and grandparents, but also for professionals interested in health care, social work, and early childhood education who want to increase their knowledge and analysis skills."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cybersecurity Capstone" |
"The Cybersecurity Capstone is specifically designed to provide a platform for verified learners to practice the hands-on cybersecurity skills and techniques studied in the courses of the RITx Cybersecurity MicroMasters program. It also includes the evaluation of the competencies and performance tasks that enable professional cybersecurity success. Before enrolling in the Cybersecurity Capstone, you must successfully complete and pass the four courses in the RITx Cybersecurity MicroMasters program as a verified learner. Upon successful completion of the Cybersecurity Capstone, you will receive the Cybersecurity MicroMasters certificate. During the Cybersecurity Capstone, you will perform a set of hands-on lab exercises in a web-based virtual lab environment. Below are the requirements to successfully access the virtual lab environment: Access to a laptop or desktop computer A modern web browser with Javascript enabled A fast internet connection The areas of hands-on lab activities include, but are not limited to: basic systems and network services such as firewall, DNS, DHCP, Wireshark digital forensics investigation with tools such as Encase, FTK, and Volatility Framework network security related tools such as port scanning, Snort, and Metasploit, etc. You will be assessed by answering questions and uploading results based on hands-on lab activities completed in the web-based virtual lab environment. Assessment questions are within the edX platform."
Price: 600.00 |
"Best Practices for Project Management Success" |
"Project management plays a key role in supporting a business's success. In this project management course, you will learn what's required from an organization for projects to excel. You will learn how to turn project management principles and theory into practice. The course will cover: project management methods and best practices project portfolio management the project management office Six Sigma corporate culture and organizational behavior project management leadership The course will utilize case studies and examples from companies to help students sharpen their project management skills to recognize and implement an environment that supports success. First, we will cover the basic organizational and leadership elements required to provide a successful environment for all projects to succeed. Second, we will cover the necessary organizational support structures and methods that enable project management and project managers to deliver results to the business and to the customers they serve. Finally, we will explore the challenges of specific types of projects such as projects in crisis, global projects and managing a portfolio. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach the importance of the organizational and leadership characteristics for the success of projects. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00 |
"International Project Management" |
"Managing global projects presents unique challenges. This course addresses the knowledge, skills and behaviors required to successfully manage projects that span organizations, national boundaries and cultural differences. In this course we will explore the impact on project management of culture, language variations, religious, regulatory and legal practices, technology penetration, temporal orientation, gender issues, corruption, ethics, personal liberty and political contexts. We learn how to meet global projects challenges through efficient use of practices and technology. The course will utilize available case studies and examples from companies to help students sharpen the skills needed to recognize and foster a successful international project environment. First, you will learn how culture affects how teams perceive each other, lead, solve problems and execute tasks. Although the world is increasingly connected, the people behind the projects have biases, expectations and a perception of life that impacts all decisions. Second, you will learn how to effectively manage global teams including how to build trust and collaboration across various cultures, time zones and technological settings. You will learn how to design communication channels and project structures effectively in a global project environment. Third, you will become familiar with the issues underlying the problem of corruption, which is the abuse of trusted power for private gain. Reducing the risk of corruption strengthens a company's reputation, builds the respect of employees and raises credibility with key stakeholders. Finally, you will learn how the adoption of collaboration tools can enhance the global project experience. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach how to successfully deliver projects in an international environment. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00 |
"Project Management Life Cycle" |
"Learn about project management from a multidisciplinary perspective, as we cover fundamental tools and techniques for managing a broad range of projects. You will learn about the project management life cycle from initiation to closing. We will address the behavioral and quantitative facets of project management, as well as the use of methods, tools and techniques for the initiation, planning, execution and closing of projects. The course will be divided by the project life cycle phases. First, we will cover project initiation. We will review projects in organizations, project selection models, the project manager role and project organization structures to better understand how a project is initiated. You will also learn how to create a key project management deliverable, the project charter. Second, we will cover the project-planning phase. You will learn how to build a comprehensive project management plan covering the key aspects of risk, quality, scope, schedule, cost, time, resource and communications. Third, we will cover the project execution phase. We will explore the monitoring and control of a project including earned value analysis and project reporting. Case studies and examples will be used to help you understand the correct actions for a project manager to take to keep a project in control. Finally, we will cover the project closing phase, where we explore the tasks to complete an effective project closure. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in a project management career. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00 |
"Design Thinking Fundamentals" |
"This course provides an introduction to the foundational activities related to design thinking: a flexible, yet systematic process to define and solve problems. A common misconception is that design thinking requires artistry, but it is not centered on artistic principles. Design thinking is a strategy and mindset that can be applied to any industry to solve problems. As part of the Design Thinking MicroMasters program, this course will explore methods used to evaluate problems, develop ideas, and create innovative solutions with the user in mind. Focusing on the importance of user understanding and the development of desirable, feasible, and viable ideas, this course will provide an overview of the design thinking process from end to end."
Price: 299.00 |
"Design Thinking: Empathizing to Understand the Problem" |
"When you immerse yourself in the context of the user, you can uncover pain points and find opportunities for improvement or innovation not always evident to your audience. In this course, part of the Design Thinking MicroMasters program, you will learn how to use simple research methodologies including active listening to understand your target audience and uncover their obvious or latent needs. Emphasis will be placed on observation and interviewing as key methods to gain empathy for the user's experience and viewpoint. Equipped with this understanding, you will be prepared to identify and define more accurately the business problem. You will also review case studies and discuss strategies to foster productive client-stakeholder relationships, including user personification, context understanding, and empathy idea mapping (ideas that resonate with your target audience)."
Price: 299.00 |
"Case Studies in Continuous Educational Improvement" |
"With principles of improvement science as a foundation, new knowledge about the continuous improvement of educational innovations is rapidly emerging among communities of educational professionals and researchers, as they work together in new ways to solve practical problems, improve student performance, and reduce achievement gaps. Developed in collaboration with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, this course will use case studies to take learners deep into the design, organization, and management of three innovative approaches to large-scale, practice-focused continuous improvement that have currency in the US and abroad: Design-Based Implementation Research Implementation Science Networked Improvement Communities For each case, learners will use logics of innovation to analyze the central strategy of each approach, and they will use principles of improvement science to analyze how each uses disciplined methods to address practical problems faced by teachers and leaders. This course is part of the Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 199.00 |
"Social Work Practice in Community Organization, Management and Policy/Evaluation" |
"In this social science course we will discuss various methods, strategies and skills within macro social work practice, used to help identify and address needs on a larger scale. You will gain knowledge and skills in the areas of community organizing, management, and policy advocacy, and learn about the various roles social workers play within these areas. This course will provide an appreciation of the historical and contemporary importance of these social work methods and the relevance of these methods for diverse populations and identities. We will focus on: understanding the context of macro practice; identifying community and organizational interventions to address social needs and problems; organizing and building relationships within communities and organizations; organization-based and community-based policy making, planning, and program development. You will also learn concepts and practice skills involving assessment, problem solving and intervention planning at the macro level, and strategies to work effectively with communities and organizations. Content includes reflective practice and utilizing interpersonal skills in macro practice. This course is part of the Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 199.00 |