"Diagramas UML estructurales para la Ingeniería del Software" |
"En la era de la información en la que estamos inmersos el desarrollo de software de calidad es un factor esencial y muy importante en las ciencias de la computación. Desarrollar software de calidad implica conocer los modelos que dan lugar a dicho software. Una Ingeniería del Software avanzada debe de estar fundamentada -como toda Ingeniería- en modelos conceptuales expresivos, claros y fáciles de entender y gestionar. Para que esa gestión eficiente de modelos sea una realidad, los lenguajes de modelado se convierten en una herramienta imprescindible. El ""Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado"" (UML, en inglés ""Unified Modeling Language"") es un estándar que permite abordar ese problema del modelado de software en todos sus niveles desde una perspectiva integral que el estándar en su conjunto proporciona. Entre todos los modelos UML el modelado estructural destaca por el papel básico que juega en todo proceso de desarrollo de software. El correcto diseño conceptual de un sistema software es fundamental. De la mano de un equipo dirigido por un instructor conocedor de UML desde sus orígenes y con una gran experiencia en su uso, en el curso en línea aprenderás a realizarlo y conocerás las primitivas de modelado que son relevantes junto con los diagramas asociados que UML pone a tu alcance (centrados en el diagrama de clases, el diagrama de objetos y el diagrama de paquetes). La determinación de esa dimensión ""estructural"" del software es normalmente el primer paso y el más importante en el proceso de producción de software, porque determina qué datos van a usarse y como van a relacionarse entre ellos. Sin unos buenos ""cimientos"" que delimiten el soporte estructural del sistema software resultante, la ingeniería del software corre el riesgo de quedarse en un mero ejercicio de ""artesanía"". Con el objetivo fundamental de potenciar una ingeniería del software de calidad, este curso de informática introduce y desarrolla todas estas ideas explicando qué modelos hay que construir, con qué herramientas conceptuales, y como hay que construirlos, todo ello desde una perspectiva práctica acompañando los conceptos teóricos con ejemplos y casos prácticos. ¿Queremos ser ingenieros de software o artesanos del software?"
Price: 50.00 |
"Digital Transformation: Business Development and Marketing" |
"Has the introduction of digital technology made the old theories for business development and marketing obsolete? These tried and true theories, processes and methods are still valued, but they are now turbocharged. Technology has enabled businesses to leverage more opportunities and it's important to understand how you can take advantage of these developments. This course will not offer a complete overview of all the latest digital marketing technologies, but ratherhelp you understand a general approach to the subject on a strategic level. With that understanding, you will find it easier to navigate the landscape of evolving tools and get the highest business development and marketingvalue. You will learn about new possibilities for business development and marketing and how to utilize them as a strategic tool foryour company's digital transformation. This course is part of the Digital Transformation Professional Certificate program."
Price: 129.00 |
"Digital Transformation: Leadership" |
"Leadership is affected by digital technology in many ways. New technology affects transparency, hierarchy, organizational structures, communication and more. Technology also creates new opportunities, challenges, and rules of the game. In this course, we will reflect on the challenges and possibilities available. We will look at leadership cases at the individual and organizational level. You will learn how to apply processes, tools, and frameworks, as well as illustrate ways to view and handle various potential leadership scenarios. As leadership is changing, companies are also changing and need to adapt to a new and transforming business landscape. This is much more than a traditional change-management project. It is about leading the company into a new position in the marketplace. This course is part of the Digital Transformation Professional Certificate program."
Price: 129.00 |
"Digital Transformation: Market and Industry Analysis" |
"Big Data, IoT, BYOD, Cloud, Drones, AI, VR -all of these digital technologies are transforming how businessesoperate in the digital age. Businesses are changing at a rapid pace due to the impact of these technologies. This course will discuss how companies can prepare for what is to come in the digital age.Learning from previous technology-driven transformations and theories,this course will help you develop a model of the future. Taking this course, you will learn concrete tools to tackle the above questions.This is the first course in the Digital Transformation Professional Certificate program."
Price: 129.00 |
"Digital Transformation: Strategy" |
"The business landscape is continuously evolving. With each new digital technology, a new transformation wave hits. To be successful, you need to know how to navigate these changing landscapes and set a strategy that will help you achieve your goals. Industry and market structures are changing and you and your organization need to adapt accordingly. In this course, you will learn how to navigate scenariosin which the map constantly changes, like when new digital technologies put existing systems out of balance. This course will help you value potential network transformations and identify a secure path to reach your business goals. We will address questions such as: How can you identify the main challenges for companies facing a digital transformation? How to formulate a strategy handling the challenges identified when facing a digital transformation How to know what kind of projects to go for, versus the ones to forgo. How torecognize when the timing for digital transformation is right. This course will help you handle the above issues and provide the concrete tools and strategies to ensure continued success while delivering customer value in a new context. This course is part of the Digital Transformation Professional Certificate program."
Price: 129.00 |
"Supply Chains for Manufacturing: Inventory Analytics Course" |
"A supply chain entails two or more parties that are linked together by material, information and money flows. The management of a supply chain attempts to coordinate the activities of the parties so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize system-wide costs while satisfying service level requirements. As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course will expose learners to concepts and models important in supply chain and manufacturing system planning,so that you canbettercoordinatevarious resources and assets to optimize the delivery of goods, with an emphasis on key tradeoffs and phenomena. There will be a particular emphasis on how to cope with variability as it arises across a supply chain. The course will introduce a set of operational tactics for dealing with supply chain variability, including: Risk pooling Inventory placement Integrated planning and collaboration Information sharing Delayed differentation Dual sourcing Smoothing Lectures, computer exercises, and case discussions introduce various models and methods for supply chain analysis and optimization. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT's #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering departmentin the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit for MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Management in Engineering: Strategy and Leadership" |
"As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course aims to provide exposure to key principles and practices used in engineering management. Learners are given opportunities to apply basic functional business knowledge from 2.961.1xthrough the analysis of case studies. The focus is on the application of individual skills and management tools required for the management of innovation. Managerial ability is an important element of technology companies in an increasingly global and diverse business environment. This course provides an overview of management issues for graduate engineers. Topics are approached in terms of career options as an engineering practitioner, manager, and entrepreneur. Through selected readings from texts and cases, the focus is on the development of individual skills and management tools. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Supply Chains for Manufacturing: Capacity Analytics" |
"As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course focuses on decision making for system design, as it arises in manufacturing systems and supply chains. You will learn about frameworks and models for structuring key system design issues and trade-offs that arise in today’s supply chains and manufacturing systems. The course will also cover various models, methods and software tools for decision support for: Logistics network design Capacity planning and flexibility Make-buy Supply chain contracting Supply chain risk mitigation You will learn through industry applications and cases to illustrate concepts and challenges.This course should be taken in sequence following Supply Chains and Manufacturing Systems: Planning. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Excel avanzado: importación y análisis de datos" |
"En este curso de análisis e interpretación de datos te presentaremos técnicas avanzadas de importación de datos y estrategias diversas para consolidarlos y prepararlos una vez importados de forma que puedas extraer las conclusiones que necesitas (basadas en nuestra experiencia en el uso de Microsoft Excel y demostradas con casos reales). Te presentaremos también las nuevas herramientas y técnicas de modelo de datos e importación avanzada incorporados desde Excel 2010 que permiten trabajar de forma mucho más cómoda con grandes volúmenes de datos repartidos en varias tablas y automatizar la importación para no tener que repetir los pasos cada vez que actualices los datos. Veremos también las distintas opciones disponibles a la hora de configurar tablas y gráficos dinámicos en Excel para que sean lo más versátiles posibles y nos permitan analizar distintos escenarios de forma sencilla. Estas herramientas y técnicas de análisis de datos te permitirán implementar inteligencia de negocios (Business Intelligence) en los diferentes proyectos de una organización."
Price: 75.00 |
"Manufacturing Process Control I" |
"Randomness is inherent in all processes including manufacturing. The fundamental concepts taught in this course will help learners develop powerful statistical process control methods that are the foundation of world-class manufacturing quality. As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course will introduce statistical methods that apply to any unit manufacturing process. We will cover the following topics: Recognizing inherent variability in continuous production Identifying sources of process output variation Describing variation in a structured manner Applying basic probability and statistics concepts to characterize process variation Differentiating between design specifications and process capability Synthesizing novel approaches to unfamiliar situations by extending the core material (i.e. go beyond the “standard” uses). Assessing the appropriateness of various statistical methods for a variety of problems Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Management in Engineering: Accounting and Planning" |
"Managerial ability is an important element of technology companies in an increasingly global and diverse business environment. Combining learned heuristics and techniques for effective decision-making while leveraging technical knowledge is a highly in-demand skill by employers at technical companies. This course will help you bridge the gap between engineers and business people, placing you in an important position that few others can fill. As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course aims to teach learners key principles and practices used in engineering management. You will first learn basic business functional knowledge--financial accounting, sales, marketing, operations, and topics related to entrepreneurship. The focus is on the development of individual skills and management tools. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today's manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT's #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT's Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Manufacturing Systems II" |
"Manufacturing systems are complex systems that require analytical analysis. Managers and practitioners use a wide variety of methods to analyze and optimize the performance of manufacturing systems and control costs. In this course, part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, you will learn about Multi-Part-Type Manufacturing Systems. We will discuss Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Multi-Stage Control and Scheduling as well as Simulation and Quality. This course will enableyou to develop an intuition about stochastic production lines.You will understand the importance and cost of inventory buffers, run basic simulation and optimizations and develop a policy to manage production systems. The topics that we cover will provide the basis for you to continue into the manufacturing field in roles such as an operations manager and supply chain manager. This course should be taken in sequence following Introduction to Manufacturing Systems. Develop the skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making" |
"Want to learn how to think clearly about important financial decisions and improve your financial literacy? Finance for Everyone will showcase the beauty and power of finance. This introductory finance course will be a gateway into the world of finance and will examine multiple applications to apply to your everyday life. Join us to better understand how to apply frameworks and tools to make smart financial choices. You will be able to value the impact of different choices available to you: from renting or buying, evaluating car, home and student loans, or deciding whether to go to college versus pursuing a new idea to simply understanding how the financial world works. Starting with time value of money, the course will help you develop a full appreciation for the many applications of finance. Using real world examples, the course will enable you to understand and analyze many personal and professional decisions we confront on a daily basis. You will understand stocks and bonds, learn to allocate scarce resources in a value-add way, and adopt smart tools for making every day decisions. Finance is simultaneously a way of thinking and a set of tools. Finance is everywhere. There are no prerequisites for this course except for a sense of curiosity and a positive attitude. However, a comfort level with algebra and numbers and an understanding of accounting (the language of business) will clearly help. We will, however, try to cover everything starting with fundamentals and highlight when there is a need to do some further work in specific subjects."
Price: 49.00 |
"Scripting and Programming Foundations" |
"Computer programs are abundant in many people's lives today, carrying out applications on smartphones, tablets, and laptops, powering businesses, helping cars drive and planes fly, and much more. The course introduces computational thinking and algorithms, a sequence of instructions that solves a problem. Computational or mathematical thinking became increasingly important throughout the industrial age to enable people to successfully live and work. In the information age, computational thinking and algorithms will continue to be increasingly critical for work and everyday life. Beyond business and personal computing devices such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones, embedded computers exist invisibly in nearly anything electrical today (e.g., TVs, cars, printers, thermostats, satellites, etc.) and require scripting and programming of instructions to perform efficiently."
Price: 549.00 |
"Information Technology Foundations" |
"Information technology (IT) can be viewed as a system, a combination of independent parts all working together to accomplish a certain goal. Systems are everywhere. For example, the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and other subsystems of the body work together towards the common goal of keeping humans alive. IT is similar in that it consists of various subsystems all working towards a common goal. Information Technology Foundations will examine how the system called IT helps an organization advance its business goals and vision, resulting in improved growth, profits, and productivity. The course will explore the different components of IT and how they work together as a system to support the different aspects of an organization. Specifically, the course will explore different categories of software such as operating systems, programming, and databases. The hardware components that will be examined are the structure of computers and their peripherals. The role of people will be an important focus of the course, describing which roles are necessary for the IT system to function efficiently and effectively. This focus includes the various administrative roles, the methodologies used by people tasked with developing new systems, and the ethical issues that must be considered by individuals involved with IT. In IT, as with many other systems, the independent parts must be integrated together to reach the common goal. This integration is accomplished by networking, which encompasses the core components of hardware, software, and users. IT supports and improves many aspects of an organization, including communication (both internal and external), resource sharing, cross-department integration, information management, security of organization and employee information, and organization adherence to ethical practices."
Price: 399.00 |
"Network and Security Foundations" |
"As computer systems become smaller, cheaper, and more readily accessible, it seems everyone is connected at the touch of a button. Organizations struggle to remain efficient as they manage growing numbers of single-user computer systems. These systems require interconnectivity to exchange data, share resources, and access more powerful computers for tasks too complicated for local computers to process. All of these activities require computing devices to access multiple networks. This course introduces networks such as the local area network (LAN), the enterprise network, the campus area network (CAN), the metropolitan area network (MAN), metro Ethernet, the personal area network (PAN), the virtual private network (VPN), and the wide area network (WAN). The course discusses the essentials for implementing modern computer networks. Each lesson goes through the various networking technologies. The course introduces the concepts and practices associated with network security vulnerabilities, threats, risk mitigation, and the policies and procedures associated with security management."
Price: 549.00 |
"DNA: Biology’s Genetic Code" |
"DNA encodes our genetic information and is passed on within cells to maintain living organisms and to produce the next generation. The recognition of DNA as the genetic material and the ensuing identification of its structure and coding mechanism were both revolutionary and foundational. These discoveries led to transformational integration across the biological sciences with a common understanding of this fundamental unit of life! Join this exploration of DNA structure, packaging, replication, and manipulation. The course utilizes video lectures, research articles, case studies, and molecular models to convey information. The course grade will be based on questions with each video lecture, quizzes, homework, and a final exam."
Price: 169.00 |
"Proteins: Biology's Workforce" |
"Protein is found in virtually every part of your body. At least 10,000 different proteins make you what you are and keep you that way. In this biology course you will learn how proteins drive almost all living processes. Proteins manufactured by cells perform a broad range of essential functions — the molecular workforce of living organisms. You will learn how proteins are the cellular manifestation of genetic information. They are assembled into a polymeric structure from monomers derived in part from components in our diet. Proteins catalyze metabolic reactions, replicate DNA, respond to stimuli, provide movement, and much more. Using video lectures, articles, case studies, and molecular models, we will explore how proteins are constructed, how they fold into 3-dimensional shapes, the kinds of bonds that hold these folded structures together, and the immense range of roles that proteins assume ‑ from structural proteins found in muscle to catalysts for cellular chemical reactions. Purification and characterization are essential to understand protein structure and function, and we will identify a variety of methods to uncover how these tiny machines drive almost all living processes."
Price: 169.00 |
"Energy Within Environmental Constraints" |
"Humanity faces an immense challenge: providing abundant energy to everyone without wrecking the planet. If we want a high-energy future while protecting the natural world for our children, we must consider the environmental consequences of energy production and use. But money matters too: energy solutions that ignore economic costs are not realistic, particularly in a world where billions of people currently can’t afford access to basic energy services. How can we proceed? Energy Within Environmental Constraints won’t give you the answer. Instead, we will teach you how to ask the right questions and estimate the consequences of different choices. This course isrich in details of real devices and light on theory. You won’t find any electrodynamics here, but you will find enough about modern commercial solar panels to estimate if they would be profitable to install in a given location. We emphasizes costs: the cascade of capital and operating costs from energy extraction all the way through end uses. We also emphasize quantitative comparisons and tradeoffs: how much more expensive is electricity from solar panels than from coal plants, and how much pollution does it prevent? Is solar power as cost-effective an environmental investment as nuclear power or energy efficiency? And how do we include considerations other than cost? This course is intended for a diverse audience. Whether you are a student, an activist, a policymaker, a business owner, or a concerned citizen, this course will help you start to think carefully about our current energy system and how we can improve its environmental performance. Photo credits: Solar Farm CC-BY Michael Mees on flickr Smokestack CC-BY Patrick on flickr"
Price: 99.00 |
"Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World" |
"Do you want to change the world? Do you want to know how to start? Nowadays, the world needs responsible leaders to solve problems that matter. It is up to us to come up with sustainable solutions to shape a better world. Become an entrepreneur and be part of the change! Join us on this journey that provides you with the latest tools and the mindset to discover the entrepreneur within yourself. By combining lectures from world-renowned speakers like Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Alexander Osterwalder and Hedda Pahlson-Moller with insights from serial social entrepreneurs, we delve into the world of social entrepreneurship. Topics range from business modeling and design thinking to impact creation and social innovation. This course will lead you through your own impact journey where you will get a full perspective of the world of social entrepreneurship and give you the essential insights to boost your entrepreneurial intention and become a real change maker. You are not alone in this journey—this course will connect you with like-minded people all around the world in order to create a community with different backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives. You will have the opportunity to interact with your peers through a dynamic learning structure that will encourage discussion and idea sharing on a weekly basis. After this course, you will be able to assess entrepreneurial opportunities through the perspective of both impact and business. The tools you acquire will enable you to turn these opportunities into viable social solutions and maximize impact. This course was created by the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, a cooperation of the Munich Universities and their Entrepreneurship Centers."
Price: 169.00 |
"Basics of Computing and Programming" |
"This is a self-paced course that provides an Introduction to Computing and Programming. The course will address the following topics, using the Python programming language: Positional number systems Hello World Numerical data types and arithmetic expressions Branching statements Iterative statements [Loops] Strings Functions Lists [Array-based sequences]"
Price: 200.00 |
"Introduction to Networking" |
"This is a self-paced course that provides an Introduction to Networking Course topics include: Overview of computer networking Application layer Transport layer Network layer Link layer Overview of network security"
Price: 150.00 |
"Computer Hardware and Operating Systems" |
"This is a self-paced course that provides an Introduction to Computer Hardware and Operating Systems This course will cover topics including: Fundamentals of system hardware Introduction to OS concepts OS processes and threads Thread concurrency and deadlocks Memory management"
Price: 150.00 |
"Introduction to Linux" |
"Develop a good working knowledge of Linux using both the graphical interface and command line, covering the major Linux distribution families. Linux powers 100% of the world’s supercomputers, most of the servers powering the Internet, the majority of financial trades worldwide and over two billion Android devices. In short, Linux is everywhere. It appears in many different architectures, from mainframes to server to desktop to mobile and on a staggeringly wide variety of hardware. Moreover, 80 percent of hiring managers reported that they will prioritize hiring Linux talent relative to other skills areas, and 47 percent of hiring managers say they’re more likely to hire a candidate with Linux certification. This course explores the various tools and techniques commonly used by Linux system administrators and end users to achieve their day-to-day work in a Linux environment. It is designed for experienced computer users who have limited or no previous exposure to Linux, whether they are working in an individual or Enterprise environment. Upon completion of this training you should have a good working knowledge of Linux, from both a graphical and command line perspective, allowing you to easily navigate through any of the major Linux distributions. You will be able to continue your progress as either a user, system administrator or developer using the acquired skill set. Join the 900,000+ students who are already enrolled in this course and start your Linux journey."
Price: 199.00 |
"Gestión de riesgos en proyectos de desarrollo" |
"Es usual ver equipos de proyectos invirtiendo gran parte de su tiempo en resolver problemas en lugar de prevenirlos. La gestión de riesgos de proyectos busca gestionar anticipadamente los eventos positivos y negativos que pueden afectar a un proyecto con el fin de incrementar su probabilidad de éxito. ¿Qué podrás hacer al final de este curso? Identificar riesgos en escenarios de incertidumbre Determinar quién puede apoyarte Entender cómo gestionar riesgos en entornos de recursos limitados Establecer estrategias para responder a los riesgos Monitorear y actualizar los riesgos a lo largo de la vida del proyecto ¿A quién está dirigido este curso? Directores o supervisores de proyectos Miembros de equipos de proyecto Financiadores Funcionarios públicos de entidades nacionales,sub-nacionalesy municipales Profesionales en diversas áreas que contribuyen a la formulación y ejecución de proyectos Profesionales interesados en lagestión del riesgo en proyectos de desarrollo Al tomar este curso tendrás la oportunidad de compartir tu conocimiento y experiencia con otros participantes. Además, contarás con un caso de estudio con el cual podrás aplicar las buenas prácticas de gestión de riesgos en un proyecto y realizarás ejercicios prácticos que te ayudarán a comprender conceptos clave. El contenido presentado en el curso está basado en la metodología de gestión de riesgos del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, la cual se encuentra alineada con la Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos Sexta Edición, 2017 del Project ManagementInstitute(PMI)® El INDES, como Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), ha sido aprobado por el Project ManagementInstitute (PMI)® para otorgar 30 unidades de desarrollo profesional (PDUs) si obtienes el certificado de este curso. Por último, la modalidad de este curso es ""a tu propio ritmo (self-paced)"". Esto significa que, si escoges pagar por el certificado verificado, tendrás la flexibilidad de tomar el curso durante un máximo aproximado de tres meses, del 06 de febrero de 2020 al 20 de mayo de 2020, 21 de mayo de 2020 al 16 de septiembre de 2020 o del 17 de septiembre de 2020 al 17 de diciembre de 2020."
Price: 25.00 |
"Risk Management in Development Projects" |
"Project teams usually spend a large portion of their time solving problems instead of preventing them. Project risk management seeks to preemptively manage positive and negative events that may affect a project so as to improve its chance of success. What will you be able to do by the end of the course? Identify risks in scenarios of uncertainty Determine who can help you Understand how to manage risks in settings with limited resources Develop risk response strategies Monitor and update risks throughout the life of the project Who is this course for? Project managers or supervisors Project team members Funders and financiers Public officials from national, subnational, and municipal entities Professionals from different fields who help develop and execute projects Professionals Interested in risk management in development projects By taking this course you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with other participants. There will be a case study through which you will be able to apply best risk-management practices to a project and you will also carry out practical exercises that will help you understand key concepts. Course content is based on the Inter-American Development Bank’s risk management methodology, which is aligned with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Sixth Edition, 2017, of the Project Management Institute (PMI)®. The Project Management Institute (PMI®) has authorized the INDES, a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), to grant 30 professional development units (PDUs) if you receive the certificate for this course."
Price: 25.00 |
"Lernen objekt-orientierter Programmierung" |
"Dieser Kurs bietet einen leicht zugänglichen Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der Informatik. Dabei werden insbesondere die objekt-orientierte Programmierung und einfache Algorithmen behandelt. Sie lernen unter anderem, wie man kleine Programme in der populären Programmiersprache Java schreibt. Dies ist aber kein reiner Programmierkurs, sondern soll vor allem die wesentlichen Grundlagen bereitstellen, um auch größere Programme verstehen und selbst entwickeln zu können. Bei den vielen interaktiven Übungen mit praktischen Beispielen und direkten Rückmeldungen kommt aber auch der Spaß nicht zu kurz! Der Kurs orientiert sich am bayerischen Schulfach Informatik, das von Prof. Hubwieser maßgeblich mitkonzipiert wurde."
Price: 49.00 |
"Health Informatics: A Current and Historical Perspective" |
"A brief history of the healthcare informatics field emphasizing long recognized key capabilities and the reasons for their slow adoption. An introduction to the Fast Healthcare Interoperability (FHIR) standard and its transformative potential. This is illustrated by an interview with the clinical team developing a FHIR based tool for use in an ICU environment. A survey of the problems and challenges facing healthcare systems around the world and in the US in particular. An introduction of chronic disease and its key role in rising healthcare costs. Alternate care models that show promise of improving healthcare outcomes while lowering cost and their dependency on the use of information technology. The concept of a Learning Healthcare System that continuously improves using informatics to glean new knowledge from actual patient care and feed it back to providers as they take care of future patients. An interview with a team of Emory researchers that are using a FHIR-based tool to help lower the cost of hospital care while improving outcomes. A discussion of electronic medical records, the federal programs to stimulate their adoption and the challenges physicians have in using them. An interview with the lead of the FHIR effort at the major health IT vendor Cerner. A detailed discussion of the rich array of patient-facing informatics tools and approaches used in the past and being increasingly deployed at present. An activity using Microsoft’s Personal Health Record system for patients. A detailed discussion of the complex technical and policy issues surrounding the sharing and exchange of confidential health information. An interview with a Blockchain expert and with an expert on data models for sharing of healthcare information for research,"
Price: 99.00 |
"Health Informatics: Data and Interoperability Standards" |
"Once electronic health records and other clinical systems used in patient care are digital, the focus turns to how this health information can be represented and shared using standards. Developing standards that are both sufficiently comprehensive and also implementable in practice is one of the long-standing health informatics challenges in part because of the complexity of the human body and the resultant complexity of patient care. We discuss data and data sharing (interoperability) standards separately but they are inevitably intertwined since the information being shared using interoperability standards is often represented using data standards."
Price: 99.00 |
"Health Informatics: The Cutting Edge" |
"Adopting digital health records and sharing the data they contain is a critical step forward. However, since successful management of chronic disease must involve patients, using informatics tools and systems to engage them is now a major area of focus for academic and industry research and development. Much of our focus so far has been on the care of patients one at a time. Another major area of research and development involves the aggregation of data from large groups of patients to understand population (or public) health issues such as the factors external to traditional medicine that cause disease and that impact on our ability to treat it. Finally, digital health data is increasingly being used for research on methods to deploy predictive analytics to improve the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as to run hospitals and health systems more cost effectively."
Price: 99.00 |