"Fundamentos de Comunicaciones Ópticas" |
"Este curso está destinado a estudiantes universitarios de la rama de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones que quieran conocer los mecanismos fundamentales de las comunicaciones por fibra óptica. También es adecuado para profesionales relacionados con las instalaciones de fibra óptica que deseen comprender aspectos fundamentales sobre la generación, propagación y detección de la señal óptica. En él aprenderás los conceptos básicos relacionados con las comunicaciones ópticas. Tras comprender la importancia de las redes ópticas en la actualidad atendiendo a la evolución de la demanda y los servicios, se explicarán los fundamentos del guiado de la luz en la fibra óptica, así como las características de los modos propagados por fibras multimodo y monomodo. A continuación se estudiarán la atenuación y la dispersión, como efectos fundamentales de propagación en la fibra óptica, así como las limitaciones que éstos suponen en alcance y capacidad máxima. También se explicará la generación de señal óptica en LEDs y láseres, así como la detección y recuperación de la información transmitida por la fibra. Finalmente, el último capítulo permitirá al alumno realizar los cálculos necesarios para diseñar un sistema de comunicaciones ópticas, con la posibilidad de emplear técnicas multicanal WDM o SCM en estos sistemas."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Analytics Edge" |
"In the last decade, the amount of data available to organizations has reached unprecedented levels. Data is transforming business, social interactions, and the future of our society. In this course, you will learn how to use data and analytics to give an edge to your career and your life. We will examine real world examples of how analytics have been used to significantly improve a business or industry. These examples include Moneyball, eHarmony, the Framingham Heart Study, Twitter, IBM Watson, and Netflix. Through these examples and many more, we will teach you the following analytics methods: linear regression, logistic regression, trees, text analytics, clustering, visualization, and optimization. We will be using the statistical software R to build models and work with data. The contents of this course are essentially the same as those of the corresponding MIT class (The Analytics Edge). It is a challenging class, but it will enable you to apply analytics to real-world applications. The class will consist of lecture videos, which are broken into small pieces, usually between 4 and 8 minutes each. After each lecture piece, we will ask you a ""quick question"" to assess your understanding of the material. There will also be a recitation, in which one of the teaching assistants will go over the methods introduced with a new example and data set. Each week will have a homework assignment that involves working in R or LibreOffice with various data sets. (R is a free statistical and computing software environment we'll use in the course. See the Software FAQ below for more info). At the end of the class there will be a final exam, which will be similar to the homework assignments."
Price: 199.00 |
"Crafting Realities: Work, Happiness and Meaning" |
"This course draws upon positive psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and philosophy to guide participants in proactively crafting their own work experience. It weaves inputs from these various fields into a series of lectures and experiential exercises. This course is for anyone who wants to reinvent the way they currently approach and experience their work and their career. It takes an inside-out approach to create change. The focus is on working on one’s own mental models and beliefs with regard to work, career, success, failure, and identity. Participants will benefit on three levels. At an intellectual level, they will learn how the brain functions, the way emotions influence the functioning of the brain, and the way the brain receives, processes and makes sense of information. Participants will understand how sensemaking in the brain directly and indirectly translates into behavior; thereby influencing a person’s subjective as well as objective experience at work. At an experiential level, participants will get to participate in reflective exercises that will allow them to gain a richer and deeper awareness of their own past experiences. They will be able to see and understand the role that their own choices, attitudes and beliefs played in the way their life has unfolded so far. They will also be able to realize the role that other people and society have played in the shaping of their beliefs and attitudes.At a practical level, participants will learn tried and tested tools that will help them create the change they desire and craft their own future work experience with greater levels of confidence and effectiveness. These include emotional tools from the field of positive psychology, psychological tools that are used in coaching, and established behavioral tools from the field of organizational behavior.The course is practical, engaging, and potent in its design with a unique mix of lectures, stories, and reflective exercises. These reflective exercises have been shown to create deep and lasting change for the participants. They have been derived over a span of eight years from the instructor’s own experiences teaching this material to MBA students and corporate executives."
Price: 50.00 |
"Demystifying Biomedical Big Data: A User’s Guide" |
"With the continuous generation of massive amounts of biomedical data on a daily basis, whether from research laboratories or clinical labs, we need to improve our ability to understand and analyze the data in order to take full advantage of its power in scientific discoveries and patient care. For non-bioinformaticians, “handling” big data remains a daunting task. This course was designed to facilitate the understanding, analysis, and interpretation of biomedical big data to those in the biomedical field with limited or no significant experience in bioinformatics. The goal of this course is to “demystify” the process of analyzing biomedical big data through a series of lectures and online hands-on training sessions and demos. You will learn how to use publicly available online resources and tools for genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data analysis, as well as other analytic tools and online resources. This course is funded by a research grant from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative."
Price: 49.00 |
"Pivoting to Online Teaching: Research and Practitioner Perspectives" |
"In this course, participants will explore research-informed, effective practices for online teaching and learning. By enrolling, you will learn practical ways to quickly move into teaching online, guided by top scholars and practitioners in the field. Each module, you will watch videos and read articles by online learning experts and participate in activities and discussions covering critical topics that will make the online environment a rich learning experience for your students. The instructors will synthesize relevant resources to help those who are new to online learning and those who have experience, but want to expand their skills and provide support for others. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, share practices that have worked well in online learning environments, and receive feedback on your teaching and learning plans. Given recent global developments related to COVID-19, many have rapidly shifted to move teaching online. For those who have not taught online before, this can be a challenging experience. Fortunately, there is a rich research base, dating back over sixty years, that provides insight and guidance on the key factors that enable successful learning online. This course will support the pivot to online learning by exploring the scientific literature as well as practical actions that enable online success and equitable outcomes for all learners. While the target audience of the course is postsecondary institutions, this course will be of use to anyone moving into online teaching and learning."
Price: 139.00 |
"Agile Software Development" |
"Agile methodology has taken the software development industry by storm. Everyone wants to be agile, but what does it really mean and how do you achieve agile development? This computer science course cuts beyond the agile methodology hype and teaches you the fundamental agile concepts that span a wide range of methodologies. It analyzes the key agile ideas, their benefits, their limitations, and how best to take advantage of them to enhance your software skills and show employers that you have mastered an essential component of today's IT industry. The course is divided into six parts: The Agile manifesto and the context of agile methods Agile principles: what key methodological ideas underlie the agile movement? Agile roles: how does agile redefine traditional software jobs and tasks, in particular the manager's role? Agile practices: what are the concrete techniques that agile teams use to apply these methods? Agile artifacts: what practical tools are essential to the work of agile developers? Agile assessment: among agile ideas, which ones are essentially hyped and useless, which ones are actually harmful, and which ones will truly help you effectively produce high-quality software? Unlike many presentations of agile methods, this course takes a strictly objective view of agile methods, enabling you to retain the best agile principles and practices. For the second runof the course we have revised the learning material and created a new final exam."
Price: 50.00 |
"Moral Problems and the Good Life" |
"This course has two goals. The first goal is to introduce you to key questions in ethics. What makes your life go better or worse for you? Can ethics be objective? What are the main historical approaches in ethics? What do you owe to others? The second goal is to get you thinking rigorously about ethical questions yourself. This will help you develop your critical reasoning and argumentative skills more generally. Studying philosophy is valuable in itself, but it’s also excellent preparation for a wide variety of other fields. Philosophy majors do exceptionally well in the GRE, GMAT and LSAT, for example. See here for more details. This course offers instructor grading. If you choose to pursue a verified certificate, a professional philosopher will carefully read, grade and comment upon your work. We believe that this is the best way to learn philosophy. Verified learners will be eligible for the MITx Philosophy Award and (for learners in high school) the MITx High School Philosophy Award. The awards will be given by the MIT Philosophy Department for outstanding written work. Award winners will be profiled on the MIT Philosophy Department website. See there for additional information and profiles of winners from previous years."
Price: 300.00 |
"English Composition" |
"This course is part of a MicroBachelors program, which means you can earn transferable credit from one of edX's university credit partners. Language and the ability to communicate effectively are critical skills in the global economy and in our daily social exchanges, but they are also essential to gaining a deeper understanding of who we are. This introductory writing course will help you develop and express ideas effectively for a variety of personal and professional purposes, audiences, and occasions. During the course, you will complete several major writing projects, keep a regular writer's journal, and maintain a writer's website, where you will showcase your work and demonstrate what you have learned. If you wish to earn university credit, we will ask you to complete all assignments."
Price: 499.00 |
"ENG102: English Composition: Research and Writing" |
"This course is part of a MicroBachelors program, which means you can earn transferable credit from one of edX's university credit partners. During the course, you will complete several major writing projects, keep a regular writer's journal, and maintain a writer's website, where you will showcase your work and demonstrate what you have learned. If you wish to earn university credit, we will ask you to complete all assignments. This writing course introduces students to discourse, research, and research writing for the purpose of proposing solutions to problems. Rather than learning about these subjects in the abstract, students will learn by engaging with local problems and issues in their communities. To achieve this, students will learn how to: develop an actionable central research question; propose a research project; conduct primary and secondary research; compose an action-oriented research project for web publication; and design an academic poster project for research sharing. By engaging with local questions and problems, students will have the opportunity to enter into important discussions and possibly create meaningful changes in the lives of those around them. Students will create a digital portfolio that enables them to publish and share their research and writing. This course will interest individuals who want to learn more about how to create change in the world through research and writing. It will also interest those who want to learn how to compose for a digital medium."
Price: 499.00 |
"Guía de herramientas para la colaboración empresarial frente al COVID-19" |
"El impacto generado por el COVID-19 ha golpeado drásticamente la economía mundial y la red de valor de muchas empresas. Estas dificultades se deben principalmente al comportamiento de los consumidores y el aumento de las restricciones sanitarias, afectando notablemente sus procesos y procedimientos y generando cambios en patrones de compra y entrega. Por ello, la colaboración juega un papel elemental para enfrentar este tipo de disrupciones y lograr empresas resilientes, debido a que es un modelo en dónde los socios de negocio alinean sus objetivos, procesos y herramientas tecnológicas para incrementar el flujo de información a través de su red de valor, permitiendo reaccionar ágilmente a las tendencias de consumo y beneficiando a cada uno de los actores. Sí bien, la resiliencia desarrolla la capacidad adaptativa de una red de valor ante eventos inesperados; la colaboración genera relaciones transaccionales, acuerdos de cooperación, mecanismos de coordinación, alianzas estratégicas, integración vertical, entre otras, que fortalecerán a las redes de valor para recuperarse, retornando a su estado inicial o a uno más deseable"
Price: 10.00 |
"Introduction to Java Programming – Part 2" |
"Do you want to become a better problem solver? This Java course will provide you with a strong understanding of basic Java programming elements and data abstraction using problem representation and the object-oriented framework. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This course will use sample objects such as photos or images to illustrate some important concepts to enhance understanding and retention. You will learn to write procedural programs using variables, arrays, control statements, loops, recursion, data abstraction and objects in an integrated development environment. This course is comprised of two 5-week parts. Part 1 introduces programming fundamentals. Part 2 covers additional advanced topics."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introduction to Java Programming – Part 1" |
"Do you want to become a better problem solver? This Java course will provide you with a strong understanding of basic Java programming elements and data abstraction using problem representation and the object-oriented framework. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This course will use sample objects such as photos or images to illustrate some important concepts to enhance understanding and retention. You will learn to write procedural programs using variables, arrays, control statements, loops, recursion, data abstraction and objects in an integrated development environment. This course is comprised of two 5-week parts. Part 1 introduces programming fundamentals: Problem solving Primitive data types and arithmetic expressions Object-oriented programming basics Branching and Loops Arrays Part 2 covers the following topics: String manipulation File I/O Simple event-driven programming Recursion Abstract data types"
Price: 99.00 |
"Management in Engineering: Strategy and Leadership" |
"As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course aims to provide exposure to key principles and practices used in engineering management. Learners are given opportunities to apply basic functional business knowledge from 2.961.1xthrough the analysis of case studies. The focus is on the application of individual skills and management tools required for the management of innovation. Managerial ability is an important element of technology companies in an increasingly global and diverse business environment. This course provides an overview of management issues for graduate engineers. Topics are approached in terms of career options as an engineering practitioner, manager, and entrepreneur. Through selected readings from texts and cases, the focus is on the development of individual skills and management tools. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Tools for Academic Engagement in Public Policy" |
"As public policies become increasingly complex and technical in nature there is a clear need for scientifically informed solutions to major public policy challenges. However, most researchers do not have the training to effectively engage with policymakers. This short course will provide an essential introduction to the policymaking process through the lens of the U.S. federal government, while providing specific steps researchers can take to engage policy stakeholders and articulate the policy implications of their work. Specifically, it will focus on: Understanding the complex public policy ecosystem, its many stakeholders, and the role research and evidence play in the creation of public policy, Strategies for informing the policymaking community with research results, Developing a pitch for policy audiences, and The importance of building two-way dialogues with policymakers"
Price: 199.00 |
"Management in Engineering: Accounting and Planning" |
"Managerial ability is an important element of technology companies in an increasingly global and diverse business environment. Combining learned heuristics and techniques for effective decision-making while leveraging technical knowledge is a highly in-demand skill by employers at technical companies. This course will help you bridge the gap between engineers and business people, placing you in an important position that few others can fill. As part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, this course aims to teach learners key principles and practices used in engineering management. You will first learn basic business functional knowledge--financial accounting, sales, marketing, operations, and topics related to entrepreneurship. The focus is on the development of individual skills and management tools. Develop the engineering and management skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today's manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT's #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT's Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Manufacturing Systems I" |
"In this course, part of the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters program, you will learn how to analyze manufacturing systems to optimize performance and control cost. You will develop an understanding of seemingly opaque production lines with a particular emphasis on random disruptive events – their effects and how to deal with them, as well as inventory dynamics and management. Manufacturing systems are complex and require decision-making skills and analytical analysis. Managers and practitioners use a wide variety of methods to optimize the performance of manufacturing systems and control costs. The many processes and functions involved in building and maintaining these systems demand a high-level of knowledge. In this course, you will learn about these various methods and processes. We will start with a review of probability and statistics, and then cover topics in linear programming, queueing theory, inventory management and the Toyota Production System (TPS). Lastly, we will introduce stochastic manufacturing systems models developed here at MIT. The topics covered will provide the basis for learners to continue into the manufacturing field in such roles as an operations manager or supply chain manager. Develop the skills needed for competence and competitiveness in today’s manufacturing industry with the Principles of Manufacturing MicroMasters Credential, designed and delivered by MIT’s #1-ranked Mechanical Engineering department in the world. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program."
Price: 175.00 |
"Digital Transformation in Business" |
"New technologies and “big data” have transformed every facet of business, from accounting to marketing. Technologies like social media, ecommerce platforms, mobile devices, software services, the cloud, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things have created new business processes and products, while displacing and disrupting many others. In order to stay competitive, business leaders need to understand these emerging technologies, assess their inherent opportunities and challenges, and strategically maneuver the organization to maximize the value--and minimize the risk--of digital transformation. This course will help you assess the most critical digital technologies that affect your business sector and how you can leverage them to realize efficiencies. We’ll discuss when and how to appropriately commoditize the data these technologies produce and ultimately, how the strategic deployment of technology can transform an organization."
Price: 214.00 |
"Health Informatics for better and safer healthcare" |
"Healthcare providers around the globe (e.g., doctors, nurses, physical or occupational therapists, etc.) are increasingly relying on health information technology, like electronic health records, for their daily routine tasks. Although using health information technology holds tremendous promises (like personalized and precision medicine to all) it can also result in unforeseen consequences leading to patients’ harm. To fulfill the promise of better and safer care through information technology, health providers need to learn about the existing systems design and capabilities while technical experts (e.g., computer programmers) need to understand the complex healthcare needs and processes. This course aims to bridge the current gaps in health informatics education and introduce the major aspects of the field to novice and advanced clinical and technical audiences. Health & Safety, Medicine, Computer Science"
Price: 49.00 |
"Catalytic Conversions for Biobased Chemicals and Products" |
"Biomass is the only renewable feedstock which contains the carbon atoms needed to make the molecules to create chemicals, materials and fuels. However, the majority of our current scientific and industrial knowledge on conversion is based on fossil feedstock processing. Join this course if you want to advance your career and explore the relevant fundamental knowledge on (bio)catalytic conversionfor producing(new) biobased building blocks, chemicals and products. The focus on this course is the design of an effective (catalytic) process for the conversions of biobased feedstocks to desired products. Unique for bioconversion is the presence of the elements O, N, P, S and large quantities of water. You will therefore will explore: Microbial, biochemical and chemical (i.e., catalytic) conversion routes. How to use biocatalysts, home- or heterogeneous catalysts and optimize the process of conversion. Tune catalysts to their specific advantages and disadvantages for biobased conversions. The influence of the reactor choice as an inevitable asset in the process. How to describe the productivity of catalytic processes depending on the choice of the reactor and how the choice of the reactor can add to the stability of the conversion process. The knowledge gained in this course will allow you to design processes specifically targeted on biomass based conversions. Learners will also have the opportunity to interact with chemists, engineers and scientists who mainly focus on the traditional fossil-based conversions. This course is part of the MicroMasters programme in Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability: a series of 3 courses and a final capstone project designed togive you the skills needed tocontribute toand embrace the transition from a fossil-based economy to a biobased one. It's especially valuable to those who have (or ambition to have) a career in industries such as: the (bio)chemical industry, agrifood water companies, energy producers, logistics, and related (non-)governmental organizations. Explore the other courses in the MicroMasters programme: Biorefinery: From Biomass to Building Blocks of Biobased Products From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective Capstone - Final project and exam (only available to learners who have obtained verified certificates in all other courses of the MicroMasters programme)."
Price: 149.00 |
"Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions" |
"Causal diagrams have revolutionized the way in which researchers ask: What is the causal effect of X on Y? They have become a key tool for researchers who study the effects of treatments, exposures, and policies. By summarizing and communicating assumptions about the causal structure of a problem, causal diagrams have helped clarify apparent paradoxes, describe common biases, and identify adjustment variables. As a result, a sound understanding of causal diagrams is becoming increasingly important in many scientific disciplines. The first part of this course is comprised of seven lessons that introduce causal diagrams and its applications to causal inference. The first lesson introduces causal DAGs, a type of causal diagrams, and the rules that govern them. The second, third, and fourth lessons use causal DAGs to represent common forms of bias. The fifth lesson uses causal DAGs to represent time-varying treatments and treatment-confounder feedback, as well as the bias of conventional statistical methods for confounding adjustment. The sixth lesson introduces SWIGs, another type of causal diagrams. The seventh lesson guides learners in constructing causal diagrams. The second part of the course presents a series of case studies that highlight the practical applications of causal diagrams to real-world questions from the health and social sciences. Professor Photo Credit: Anders Ahlbom"
Price: 99.00 |
"Biospecimen Research Methods" |
"This biology and life sciences course will enable you to collect, recognize and utilize a quality human biospecimen. The success of your research depends on the quality of the biospecimens you use. Get ahead of the competition, increase your chances of being published in high impact journals, and open doors to opportunities for working in leading biomedical research laboratories or biobanks. Over 6 weeks, professionals with extensive experience in biobanking from the University of British Columbia and the BC Cancer will teach you the international best practices for biobanking and research involving human biospecimens, based on National Cancer Institute (NCI) and International Society of Biological Environmental Repositories standards (ISBER)."
Price: 99.00 |
"Una mirada a la gestion de riesgos ambientales y sociales en proyectos BID" |
"El BID demuestra un fuerte compromiso con la sostenibilidad a través de sus políticas, normas y directrices para la gestión ambiental y social. Cada política fomenta la sostenibilidad a través de un enfoque con dos vertientes. Por una parte, mejora los resultados de sus proyectos mediante la integración de las preocupaciones ambientales y sociales. Por otra parte, minimiza los impactos negativos en temas tales como: medio ambiente trabajo y condiciones laborales salud y seguridad en la comunidad reasentamiento involuntario pueblos indígenas igualdad de género. Este curso certificado está dirigido a funcionarios de agencias gubernamentales que implementan proyectos financiados por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, coordinadores de proyectos, especialistas ambientales, especialistas sociales, consultores, firmas constructoras y subcontratadas involucrados en la implementación de proyectos, supervisores y fiscalizadores de obra y demás funcionarios públicos relacionados con la preparación e implementación de proyectos, sociedad civil, y en general todo interesado en el desarrollo sostenible. Este curso es ofrecido por el Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (INDES) del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en el marco del Project Learning Academy."
Price: 25.00 |
"Pensamiento creativo" |
"¿Consideras que personajes como Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Botero son creativos? ¿Crees que para reconocer una idea o un producto creativo, ésta debe ser reconocida mundialmente? ¿Crees que tú o tus estudiantes pueden tener ideas creativas o eso sólo es para personajes como los que acabamos de mencionar? ¿Realmente sabes qué es creatividad? Si quieres entender ¿qué es la creatividad?, o saber si puedes desarrollar creatividad y cómo podrías identificarla y promoverla en tus aulas de clase, éste curso es para ti. En este curso veremos las principales aproximaciones que se han hecho para estudiar y entender el concepto de creatividad y nos centraremos en la concepción cognitiva de la misma; veremos los principales puntos de encuentro entre las diferentes teorías presentadas a través de ejercicios prácticos, reflexiones y autoevaluaciones. Si bien no hay una definición estándar de creatividad, en muchos casos no somos conscientes de la aplicación de nuestros propios procesos cognitivos para generar o reconocer actos o productos creativos; por eso, preparamos este curso. Anímate a tomarlo y resuelve tus inquietudes al respecto."
Price: 29.00 |
"Comisión de la Verdad Colombia" |
"Promover y contribuir al conocimiento y apropiación del mandato de La Comisión de la Verdad, sus avances y retos, en diversos actores y sectores de la sociedad Colombiana y las comunidades en el exilio. Este curso no busca indagar en una verdad judicial, el objetivo de esta Comisión se centra en recoger y explicar una verdad histórica que permita, desde diversas voces de víctimas, actores y sectores, comprender por qué nos pasó lo que nos pasó y cómo lograr que estos hechos atroces no continúen y no se vuelvan a repetir. La Comisión ESCUCHA y COMPRENDE con el objetivo de TRANSFORMAR."
Price: 29.00 |
"Railway Engineering: An Integral Approach" |
"Have you ever wondered what it takes to get your train on the right platform at the scheduled time every day? Journey with us into the world of rail - a complex system that connects people, cities and countries. Railway systems entail much more than a train and a track. They are based on advanced technical and operational solutions, dealing with continuously changing demands for more efficient transport for both passengers and freight every day. Each system consists of many components that must be properly integrated: from trains, tracks, stations, signaling and control systems, through monitoring, maintenance and the impact on cities, landscape and people. This integration is the big challenge and the source of many train delays, inconvenient connections and other issues that impact our society. This engineering course attempts to tackle those issues by introducing you to a holistic approach to railway systems engineering. You will learn how the system components depend on each other to create a reliable, efficient and state-of-the-art network. We will address questions such as: How do railways work and how did they evolve over time? How do different components of the railway system interact? What is the effect of railways from an urban, social and economic point of view? What can be done to improve the monitoring and maintenance of tracks? How are timetables designed in a way that balances passenger demand with the capacity of the railway and is adaptable to handle unexpected disturbances? How to prevent and deal with disturbances caused by external factors? How does the design of railways influence their performance over time? A new serious game has been designed for this course to guide you through the process of decision making while building a rail network and maintaining it. Cities have to be connected in an ever-changing setting, dealing with wear, capacity, developments and disturbances. How will your choices affect the performance of the system? This first ever MOOC on railway systems engineering is delivered by the renowned experts of TU Delft and leading professionals working in the industry. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples, with the main objective to maintain a high degree of reliability under predictable and unknown circumstances. If you want to learn about the science behind the exciting world of railway systems - whether train, metro or tram - this course will set you on the right track!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Art and Design in the Digital Age" |
"We tend to think of art and technology as two separate, almost opposite things. But what if we showed you that the development of technology owes its debt to artists? And that art would not be what it is, without technology? ""The digital age"", born out of the scientific and technological revolutions of the last 500 years, exposes the artificial divergence of disciplinary categories. It is an exciting moment in art and design history. On the one hand, technological tools change what we are capable of doing – and contemporary artists/designers indeed use those technologies with much imagination: from image processing to immersive virtual environments; from social networks to flash mobs and cyber-attacks; from fake news to surveillance systems - art had never had so many tools to play while directly interacting with us within our social realities. On the other hand, art does so while examining, distorting, criticizing and inventing new technologies as it allows us to imagine the furthest frontiers of what technology may be able to do. This course aims to look at these inter-disciplinary cross-overs between art, design and technology while asking: how does this new technological age is changing our culture, society and life? What do these teach us about ourselves? How can we reflect through it about our pasts, presents and futures? The course is aimed at anyone who is curious about what it means to be born and to live in ""the digital age"". The course combines lectures, interviews with theoreticians and artists, artwork analysis, case studies and stimulating discussions. The course also offers some practical exercises that will introduce you to basics in programming, digital image processing and 3D printing. You would not need preliminary knowledge of art history, but such knowledge may be helpful. This course was created and produced by Shenkar - Engineering. Design. Art."
Price: 49.00 |
"Let’s Get Happy: Happiness Drives Performance" |
"In this course you will learn about great culture – the goal of every great leader. Find out how happy you are personally and at work, be able to make the case for happiness at work as a critical strategic approach, understand how happy project and technical professionals are right how, and learn how to build you own personal happiness and happiness at work Practical tools and techniques for use right away to be happier, more productive, more promotable, and more passionate at work. This is the first course in the Reimagining Leadership certificate. This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success This course is the first in a series of leadership courses. The second course is Let’s Get Started: You First! which will be offered in the summer of 2020. Great leaders, create great culture, which yields great work: G3. Great culture, where individuals flourish and organizations thrive, requires happiness as a competitive strategy. This course provides both new ideas and practical applications you can use immediately. You’ll learn that soft skills are so important that they are now called POWER SKILLS. They are the most sought-after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Power skills are key to creating and sustaining happiness at work. Happiness drives performance. Get the Models - Understand what happiness and happiness are work are Get Why It Matters - Understand the business case for happiness and happiness at work Get the Data - Establish their personal baseline for happiness and happiness at work Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for increasing happiness and happiness at work Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for how to build happiness and happiness at work Take Action - Build effective action plans to increase happiness and happiness at work Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase happiness and happiness at work Get the Benefit - Be able to build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive Start your journey to becoming a Great Leader, creating Great Culture, yielding Great Work with Happiness at Work!"
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Started: You First!" |
"Great leaders are just ordinary people with the right skills at the right time. To become a great leader, however, you have to know yourself well. This means acknowledging and embracing your strengths. It also means understanding and learning to manage your weaknesses. It’s tougher than that sounds. How do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? What are your core personality attributes? How do you make decisions? What’s your decision-making style? How do you know? How do you know accurately? This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success. Knowing what you can change and what you can’t is invaluable knowledge. Stop investing in trying to change the unchangeable -- your traits -- and learn to work with them. Stop trying to change others’ traits, too. Learn to work with your strengths, build new skills and perfect existing ones. Then do the same for your team. To start, you must have self-awareness. Within self-awareness are several dimensions essential for effective leadership:: emotional intelligence personal values cognitive style, how you think orientation to change core personality attributes With the exception of core personality traits which are much less open to change, all other areas of self-awareness are open for development. Verified learners can access the Power Lab to take self-assessments and receive confidential, benchmarked results. In this course, self-assessments include: core self-evaluation, core personality attributes, self-awareness, and cognitive style, how you make decisions. From these assessments, verified learners can identify their current strengths and opportunities for growth. You can set goals for your own development with confidence. And, you will learn key practices for how to move from goal to action to strength. Immediately useful takeaways from this course include enormous self-knowledge of your: self-awareness and how to improve it core personality attributes and benefits thinking styles and how to deploy them best practice management skills personal SMART goals to develop self-awareness thinking styles management skills Verified learners who enroll in the Power Lab will have these additional takeaways: know current level of self-awareness know core personality attributes know details of how you make decisions, thinking style know current level of management skills set SMART goals against benchmarked self-assessments for your personal development Confidently deploy your current strengths You’ll learn how self-awareness is the super Power Skill, the foundation of all other skills needed to be an effective leader.. They are the most sought-after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Power skills are key to becoming a great leader. Get the Models - Understand what self-awareness is including emotional intelligence, thinking styles, orientation to change, core self-evaluation, personal values. Understand the key skills within management and leadership. Get Why It Matters - Understand the business case for self-awareness and its components and managerial/leadership skills. Get the Data - Establish your personal baseline for self-awareness and its components as well as management and leadership skills. Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for increasing self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for how to build self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills. Take Action - Build effective action plans to increase self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase your ability to act with self-awareness and improve your managerial/leadership skills Get the Benefit - Be able to develop as a great leader able to create great culture: build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive"
Price: 199.00 |
"Effective Communication for Program and Project Stakeholders and Teams" |
"“Everyone communicates, but few connect” is a famous book and message by John C. Maxwell on leadership. The meaning behind this message is that as leaders of programs and projects, we need to be not just communicators, but effective communicators. Obtaining your Project Management Professional (PMP) certification or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) or similar project management certificate is the first step. But, as you gain program management and project management experience, you realize that effective communication goes beyond what you learned in ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"" (PMBOK). Gaining a program management certification or project management certification (such as the PMP certification) equips you with the necessary project management tools to begin your project or project management career. There is more to effective program and project communication than what is on the PMP exam. For communication from program managers and project managers to be truly effective, there must be understanding beyond what you learned from your professional certification. The communicator and the receiver must use feedback to determine how the message was received and if the communicator created the intended level of understanding in the receiver for the communication to succeed. In this course, you will learn about the Understanding Triad - know-what, know-how, and know-why. The Understanding Triad aids you in crafting just the right level of explanation for all your audiences. The Understanding Triad will make you a more effective program manager, traditional project manager, agile project manager, or certified scrum master. The Project Management Institute, Inc (PMI) teaches that project management communication is the transfer of information. The project or program manager sends messages to their project teams, stakeholders, customers, and executive sponsors. If the program manager or project manager believes that communicating a clear message is enough for good communication, then the manager may be fooled into thinking their communication efforts are complete. Even if there is feedback, the feedback is usually limited to confirming that the message was received as intended. However, communication is not merely the transmission of information. The difference can be days, months, or years of wasted time and effort; or successful, early delivery. Certified program and certified project managers earn 10 professional development units (PDU) as they learn how communication can make a difference in every interaction, and become a truly effective program or project manager. Gain the power skill of communication in this certificate program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Persuasion and Presence for Program and Project Managers" |
"Persuasion is the central to leading leaders. As a program manager or project manager, you may lead a team with many senior contributors. Often they will have more experience, more skin in the game, and more reputation at stake. As a program manager, this task is even greater because your time is limited and your span of control across projects even greater. Being a compelling communicator takes more than what you learned for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam or Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. It takes program or project management experience and this certificate program. Program managers must persuade quickly, and with great lasting impact. Program and project managers must persuade and manage their leadership presence for program or project success. Even if you are a traditional program or project manager or manage agile programs or projects, persuasive communication is vital to your success. Communicating more persuasively will lead to more effective risk management. There are complete blindsports in the Project Management Institute, Inc's (PMI)""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"" (PMBOK Guide). Applying those processes and skills are just the basics of efficient communication. That’s why certified project managers will earn 10 professional development units (PDU) in this program. You will learn the balance needed to communicate effectively. Aristotle first wrote about balancing logic, emotion, and presence over 2,000 years ago. Creating a balance between ethos, pathos, and logos, the persuader creates a message that grabs the attention of the audience and engages them as people. A person doesn’t understand when they are not paying attention, is not engaged with the speaker, and doesn’t remember what was said. Ethos, pathos, and logos aid the speaker and the listener, by helping to select information to present and how to fashion its delivery for the best effect. In this program management and project management training course, you will go beyond the communication skills you learned for the PMP exam to gain your project management certification. You will learn about the rhetorical triangle and how to use it to craft persuasive communications. Social media and online collaboration tools require new ways of establishing your presence and generating trust between you and your audience. You will also learn how to create an emotional impact even through text messages and emails."
Price: 199.00 |