"Sales Enablement & Analytics" |
"Organizations today have an influx of data which when used effectively can derive actionable insights for both the sales organization and their clients. Today's sales leadersneed to systematically increase their sophistication in leveraging data, tools and domain expertise to provide customized insights, consulting and guidance to their strategic customers. In this course, you will explore concepts covered in the previous courses within the Enterprise Sales professional certificate, but through the lens of the tools and technologies which enable data-driven decisions. Using the appropriate tools and technologies will permit sales representatives and managers to create value for their clients, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction and likelihood of long-term client retention."
Price: 149.00 |
"Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact" |
"Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge of our time. Human activity has already warmed the planet by one degree Celsius relative to pre-industrial times, and we are feeling the effects through record heat waves, droughts, wildfires and flooding. If we continue to burn fossil fuels at the current rate, the planet will reach two degrees of warming by 2050 - the threshold that many scientists have identified as a dangerous tipping point. What is the science behind these projections? Join climate scientist expert Michael Mann to learn about the basic scientific principles behind climate change and global warming. We need to understand the science in order to solve the broader environmental, societal and economic changes that climate change is bringing. By the end of this course, you will: Develop a deep scientific understanding of HOW the climate system has been changing; Articulate WHY the climate system is changing; Understand the nature of these changes; Develop a systems thinking approach to analyzing the impacts of climate change on both natural and human systems. The course covers the basic principles of atmospheric science, methods of climate data collection and tracking of greenhouse gas emissions. It introduces basic climate modeling and explores the impact of various greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Finally, it outlines the impacts of climate change on environmental, social, economic and human systems, from coral reefs and sea level rise to urban infrastructure. The course follows the general outline of the 5th Assessement Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."
Price: 49.00 |
"Calculus 1A: Differentiation" |
"How does the final velocity on a zip line change when the starting point is raised or lowered by a matter of centimeters? What is the accuracy of a GPS position measurement? How fast should an airplane travel to minimize fuel consumption? The answers to all of these questions involve the derivative. But what is the derivative? You will learn its mathematical notation, physical meaning, geometric interpretation, and be able to move fluently between these representations of the derivative. You will discover how to differentiate any function you can think up, and develop a powerful intuition to be able to sketch the graph of many functions. You will make linear and quadratic approximations of functions to simplify computations and gain intuition for system behavior. You will learn to maximize and minimize functions to optimize properties like cost, efficiency, energy, and power. The three modulesin this seriesare being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit Single Variable Calculus XSeries Program Pageto learn more and to enroll in the modules. Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses This course was funded in part by the Wertheimer Fund. *Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 100.00 |
"Introduction to Differential Equations" |
"How do you design: A boat that doesn’t tip over as it bobs in the water? The suspension system of a car for a smooth ride? Circuits that tune to the correct frequencies in a cell phone? How do you model: The growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria? Gene expression? Online purchasing trends? The answer: Differential Equations. Differential equations are the language of the models we use to describe the world around us. In this mathematics course, we will explore temperature, spring systems, circuits, population growth, and biological cell motion to illustrate how differential equations can be used to model nearly everything in the world around us. We will develop the mathematical tools needed to solve linear differential equations. In the case of nonlinear differential equations, we will employ graphical methods and approximation to understand solutions. The five modules in this seriesare being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Differential EquationsXSeries Program Pageto learn more and to enroll in the modules. Photo by user: bizoo_n. Copyright © 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Used with permission."
Price: 100.00 |
"The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1850-1861: A House Divided" |
"A House Divided: The Road to Civil War, 1850-1861 begins by examining how generations of historians have explained the crisis of the Union. After discussing the institution of slavery and its central role in the southern and national economies, it turns to an account of the political and social history of the 1850s. It traces how the issue of the expansion of slavery came to dominate national politics, and how political leaders struggled, unsuccessfully, to resolve the growing crisis. We will examine the impact of key events such as Bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott decision, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, and end with the dissolution of the Union in the winter of 1860-61. This course is part of the XSeries, Civil War and Reconstruction , which introduces students to the most pivotal era in American history. The Civil War transformed the nation by eliminating the threat of secession and destroying the institution of slavery. It raised questions that remain central to our understanding of ourselves as a people and a nation – the balance of power between local and national authority, the boundaries of citizenship, and the meanings of freedom and equality. This XSeries will examine the causes of the war, the road to secession, the conduct of the Civil War, the coming of emancipation, and the struggle after the war to breathe meaning into the promise of freedom for four million emancipated slaves. One theme throughout the series is what might be called the politics of history – how the world in which a historian lives affects his or her view of the past, and how historical interpretations reinforce or challenge the social order of the present. Image courtesy of Library of Congress"
Price: 50.00 |
"Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch" |
"The course will teach you how to develop Deep Learning models using Pytorch while providing the necessary deep-learning background. We'll start off with PyTorch's tensors and its Automatic Differentiation package. Then we'll cover different Deep Learning models in each section, beginning with fundamentals such as Linear Regression and logistic/softmax regression. We'll then move on to Feedforwarddeep neural networks, the role of different activation functions, normalization and dropout layers. In the final part of the course, we'll focus on Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning (pre-trained models). Several other Deep Learning methods will also be covered."
Price: 99.00 |
"Applied Deep Learning Capstone Project" |
"In this capstone project, you'lluse a Deep Learning library ofyour choice to develop, train, and test a Deep Learning model.Loadand preprocess data for a real problem, build the model and then validate it. Finally, you will present a project report to demonstrate the validity of yourmodel andyour proficiency in the field of deep learning."
Price: 99.00 |
"Cell Biology: Transport" |
"This is the first cell biology course in a four-part series. Building upon the concepts from biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology from our 7.00x Introductory Biology and 7.05x Biochemistry MOOCs, these cell biology courses transition to a comprehensive discussion of biology at an experimental level. How do we know what we know about cells at a molecular level and how can we use that knowledge to design experiments to test hypotheses in cell biology? Professors Frank Solomon and Rebecca Lamason guide you through a learning experience where you will discover experiments that answered big questions and find out what is still on the horizon. You will embark on a lively journey through cellular transport mechanisms and learn how to apply key concepts and themes of this dynamic experimental science to understand the fundamental workings of cells. We developed the 7.06x Cell Biology series with an emphasis on: Developing your scientific thinking skills including articulating hypotheses, performing thought experiments, interpreting data, and designing experiments. Using data based on real scientific experiments and highlighting the scientific process in assessments. Asserting that biology is an active field that changes daily through examples of research and relevance to medicine, not static information in a textbook. Uniting themes and principles that inform how scientists conduct and interpret research. Exploring foundational “neat experiments” that defined modern cell biology. Implementing the science of learning in the course design."
Price: 99.00 |
"Información financiera y su análisis" |
"Muchas empresas desaparecen por mala administración de sus recursos, otras desaprovechan el potencial que tienen por no planear de manera estratégica. La contabilidad, al ser el lenguaje de los negocios, nos da la oportunidad de entender cómo la empresa se desempeña y relaciona con su entorno. Adicionalmente, las finanzas nos brindan herramientas que nos permiten analizar los resultados contables de la empresa y los factores económicos del entorno para tomar decisiones oportunas que les permitan a los administradores anticiparse a los diferentes riesgos que supone el mercado. En este curso aprenderás cómo se integra la información contable de una empresa para poder leer los estados financieros y evaluar su salud financiera. Dicha información te permitirá tomar decisiones sobre: la salud financiera de la empresa, los niveles de deuda requeridos por el negocio, las posibilidades de inversión y crecimiento, la viabilidad de futuros proyectos, los mejores indicadores de desempeño y la conveniencia de comprar o rentar un activo. A través de las finanzas aprenderás a identificar las mejores alternativas de fondeo, seleccionar el mejor de entre distintos proyectos, administrar el efectivo de la empresa. Los conceptos aprendidos en curso son aplicables a la empresa en su conjunto, a proyectos individuales e incluso a la administración de nuestras finanzas personales."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introducción a Ciencias de Datos y Estadística Básica para Negocios" |
"Este curso te permitirá desarrollar habilidades como un tomador de decisiones con base a las siguientes competencias: análisis de elementos estadístico de la información conceptos y fundamentos estadísticos para la aplicación del área de ciencia de datos. Por medio de la estadística descriptiva, el estudio y análisis de distribuciones de probabilidad discreta y continua, así como la estimación por intervalos para la media y la proporción es como lograrás desarrollar ambas competencias."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introducción a Matemáticas para Finanzas y Negocios" |
"Este curso te permitirá utilizar ecuaciones matemáticas para describir y analizar ciertos problemas que aparecen en las áreas de negocios y finanzas. Por ejemplo, se analizará cómo se modela el rendimiento de un activo o la difusión de un producto, cómo se realiza un proceso de optimización de un portafolio o bien como se puede describir la aversión al riesgo de un inversionista. Adicionalmente te ayudará a comprender como se resuelven ciertos algoritmos para analizar grandes cantidades de datos, realizar pronósticos y describir tendencias. El curso utiliza herramientas de programación y simulación para transmitir los principales conceptos. El curso parte del concepto de función que es la base de la modelación matemática y permite identificar la relación entre un grupo de variables de interés. Se analizan diferentes tipos de funciones como lineales, polinomios y funciones exponenciales proporcionando ejemplos específicos a las áreas de finanzas y negocios. Los conceptos se respaldan con ayuda de paquetería como son R/Python o Matlab. De esta forma se motiva un aprendizaje interactivo y visual que además de transmitir los conceptos matemáticos va estableciendo las bases para desarrollar habilidades computacionales."
Price: 49.99 |
"Decision Making in Engineering Design" |
"Decision making is an essential activity in all organizations and teams involved in engineering design and product development. Successful design requires the ability to make good decisions in the presence of risk and uncertainty, and an understanding of how customers and other stakeholders make decisions. This course provides a rigorous foundation of decision making by bringing together theories and knowledge from diverse fields of study and applying them to the engineering design context. The key topics covered in the course include multi-objective decision making under risk and uncertainty, group decision making, model-based and data-driven decision making, and heuristics & biases in human decisions. Example applications in engineering design including estimation of customer preferences, simulation-based design, and sustainable design. The course would benefit a wide range of practitioners and active learners, whether they are entry-level engineers or transitioning into engineering management roles. The course content is suitable for individuals will an undergraduate degree in engineering or a related field. Basic knowledge of programming (in any programming language) is expected."
Price: 2250.00 |
"Estructuras de Datos con Python" |
"Este curso presentará las estructuras de datos centrales del lenguaje de programación Python. Pasaremos por los conceptos básicos de la programación de procedimientos y exploraremos cómo podemos usar las estructuras de datos integradas de Python como listas, diccionarios y tuplas para realizar análisis de datos cada vez más complejos. Este curso cubrirá los capítulos 6-10 del libro de texto ""Python for Everybody"". Este curso cubre Python 3."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introducción al crowdfunding" |
"El curso consistirá de 5 módulos distribuidos en 25 horas totales. Se presentará un módulo por semana con una duración de 5 horas cada uno, aproximadamente. Este programa introductorio al crowdfunding que ofrece la Universidad Anáhuac México ayuda a difundir el conocimiento sobre este tema cuyas potencialidades han logrado impactos importantes en el mundo. Una de las principales aportaciones del Crowdfunding en el mundo y sobre todo en países emergentes ha sido su funcionalidad para la inclusión financiera. Cada vez más plataformas de crowdfunding ofrecen a emprendedores y MIPYMES oportunidades para crecer y establecerse dentro del mercado cubriendo las necesidades de los consumidores a través de la innovación. Se trata de un curso altamente recomendado para incursionar en estos temas de finanzas tecnológicas. Te invitamos a disfrutarlo y sacarle todo el provecho profesional posible. Miguel ángel Mejía, Director General de AFICO. Se abordarán diversos temas como: qué es Crowdfunding; modelos de Crowdfunding; cómo crear una campaña de Crowdfunding, que permitirán que aquellos profesionistas interesados en el Crowdfunding puedan adquirir una nueva forma de financiamiento colectivo. Contenidos y estructura del curso Módulo Descripción Bienvenida Se revisarán las generalidades de curso Introducción al Crowdfunding. ¿Qué es Crowdfunding? Se abordará la definición general de Crowdfunding, así como sus antecedentes y el contexto en el cual surge este concepto. Modelos de Crowdfunding Se describirán los mecanismos de los modelos de Crowdfunding, empezando por el de Donación, continuando con el de Recompensas, para abordar el de Deuda y Capital como los modelos financieros y su marco legal. ¿Cómo crear una campaña de crowdfunding? Identificar lo que sirve y lo que no sirve en una campaña de crowdfunding. Reconocer todo aquello que no debe faltar en la campaña. Proporcionar herramientas de planeación. ¿Cómo invertir en Crowdfunding? Identificar las diferentes formas de invertir o aportar recursos a una campaña de Crowdfunding, así como los mecanismos para hacerlo. Se dará especial énfasis en los modelos financieros que tienen un mecanismo más complejo por los beneficios financieros que proporcionan."
Price: 29.00 |
"Astrophysics: Cosmology" |
"This course covers cosmology – the study of our entire universe. Where did the universe come from? How will it end? What is the nature of space and time? For the first time in human history, we can give precise, reliable answers to many cosmological questions, thanks to a spectacular series of recent breakthroughs. But many of the most fundamental mysteries remain unsolved. In this course we will cover the latest advances and the unsolved mysteries. We will explain the recent observations, and with the help of guest speakers Lawrence Krauss and Brian Cox, we will explore the theories behind modern cosmology. This course is designed for people who would like to get a deeper understanding of astronomy than that offered by popular science articles and shows. You will need reasonable high-school level Maths and Physics to get the most out of this course. This is one of four ANUx courses which together make up the Australian National University's first year astrophysics program. You can take these four courses in any order. These courses compromise the Astrophysics XSeries. Learn more about the XSeries program and register for all the courses in the series today!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Astrophysics: The Violent Universe" |
"Interested in exploring the deadliest and most mysterious parts of our universe? Or, investigating black holes, which warp the very fabric of space-time around them? We will look at what we know about these objects, and also at the many unsolved mysteries that surround them. We will also study white-dwarf stars and neutron stars, where the mind-bending laws of quantum mechanics collide with relativity. And, examine dwarf novae, classical novae, supernovae and even hypernovae: the most violent explosions in the cosmos. This course is designed for people who would like to get a deeper understanding of astronomy than that offered by popular science articles and television shows.You will need reasonable high-school level Maths and Physics to get the most out of this course. This is the third of four ANUx courses which together make up the Australian National University's first year astrophysics program. It follows on from a course on the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe, and a course on exoplanets. It is not necessary to have done the previous courses first: all necessary background material is repeated here. It is followed by a course on cosmology. These courses compromise the Astrophysics XSeries. Learn more about the XSeries program and register for all the courses in the series today!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets" |
"The discovery of exoplanets is one of the greatest revolutions in modern astrophysics. Twenty years ago, we had no idea whether any of the countless stars out there beyond our solar system had planets or not. Today, things are totally different. Over 1,000 planetary systems have been discovered. The universe is teeming with planets. And what strange planets they are - hot Jupiter-like planets skimming the surfaces of their stars, cold and lonely free-floating planets far from any star, planets made of diamond, planets with rain made of glass, super-Earths and even planets orbiting neutron stars. In this course, we’ll bring you up-to-date with the latest research on exoplanets, and how this research has revolutionised our understanding of the formation of solar systems like our own. This course is designed for people who would like to get a deeper understanding of these mysteries than that offered by popular science articles and shows. You will need reasonable high-school level mathematics and physics to get the most out of this course. This is the second of four ANUx courses which together make up the Australian National University's first year astrophysics program. It follows on from the introductory course on the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe, and is followed by courses on the violent universe and on cosmology. These courses compromise the Astrophysics XSeries. Learn more about the XSeries program and register for all the courses in the series today!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe" |
"Despite spectacular recent progress, there is still a lot we don't know about our universe. We don't know why the Big Bang happened. We don't know what most of the universe is made of. We don't know whether there is life in space. We don't know how planets form, how black holes get so big, or where the first stars have gone. This course will take you through nine of the greatest unsolved problems of modern astrophysics. We can't promise you the answers, but we will explain what we do and don't know, and give you an up-to-date understanding of current research. This course is designed for people who would like to get a deeper understanding of these mysteries than that offered by popular science articles and shows. This is the first of four ANUx courses which together make up the Australian National University's first year astrophysics program. It is followed by courses on exoplanets, on the violent universe, and on cosmology. These courses compromise the Astrophysics XSeries. Learn more about the XSeries program and register for all the courses in the series today!"
Price: 50.00 |
"AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 3: Plays" |
"This course prepares you to read more deeply and write more clearly about works of literature. This course will focus on great pieces of drama and how we read and interpret them. We will discuss the works of William Shakespeare and Edmond Rostand. Through an engaging collection of videos, authentic readings, and support material from a variety of sources, you will learn to appreciate literature from different genres. You will broaden your vocabulary while you sharpen your academic and creative writing skills. Interaction with other students will help you to refine your thinking about the reading and writing as well. You will learn to write under time pressure, and have the opportunity to complete practice assignments that are similar to those you will find on the AP examination. There are no prerequisites; you don’t have to take the AP exam to join the course. If you want to learn about literature and writing, this course is for you."
Price: 49.00 |
"AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 2: Poems" |
"This course prepares you to read more deeply and write more clearly about works of literature. Through an engaging collection of videos, authentic readings, and support material from a variety of sources, you will learn to appreciate literature from different genres. You will learn about different genres of poetry and the history of some of our greatest poets. You will broaden your vocabulary while you sharpen your academic and creative writing skills. Interaction with other students will help you to refine your thinking about the reading and writing as well. You will learn to write under time pressure, and have the opportunity to complete practice assignments that are similar to those you will find on the AP examination. There are no prerequisites; you don’t have to take the AP exam to join the course. If you want to learn about poetry, literature and writing, this course is for you."
Price: 49.00 |
"AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 1: Stories" |
"This course prepares you to read more deeply and write more clearly about works of literature. Through an engaging collection of videos, authentic readings, and support material from a variety of sources, you will learn to appreciate literature from different genres. This course will focus on reading, interpreting and writing about fiction and gothic literature. You will broaden your vocabulary while you sharpen your academic and creative writing skills. Interaction with other students will help you to refine your thinking about the reading and writing as well. You will learn to write under time pressure, and have the opportunity to complete practice assignments that are similar to those you will find on the AP examination. There are no prerequisites; you don’t have to take the AP exam to join the course. If you want to learn about literature and writing, this course is for you."
Price: 49.00 |
"Writing for Social Justice" |
"Can writing change your world? Writing with power about personal, social, and political issues can change minds, introduce solutions to old problems, and help you become a more engaged participant in public life. Everyone has issues that matter deeply to them, whether they are: Personal--such as defining the goals and ideas that are important you, Local--such as the governance of the public library or enactment of local laws and propositions, National--including critical political and social issues being decided on a larger scale, or Global--challenges facing the planet from perspectives of social and ecological change. In Writing for Social Justice, you will learn the importance of word choices in writing for different genres in order to reach your audience. Specifically, you will learn to: keep a personal journal to help you identify issues and ideas that matter in your world write letters to public officials that will capture attention without being dogmatic or offensive craft opinion articles that take opposing positions into account, while using critical thinking and effective strategies for successfully arguing logically for your own ideas optionally, develop and maintain a blog or podcast of your writing in order to reach a wider audience There will be short example readings included in the course, which will serve as models of different persuasive genres. You will also share your writing with other students in the course, getting and offering feedback on assignments."
Price: 50.00 |
"Compilation Basics for Macroeconomic Statistics" |
"This course reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF's Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.Compilation Basics for Macroeconomic Statistics (CBMSx) is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Japan."
Price: 25.00 |
"Deep Learning Fundamentals with Keras" |
"Looking to kickstart a career in deep learning? Look no further. This course will introduce you to the field of deep learning and teach you the fundamentals. You will learn about some of the exciting applications of deep learning, the basics fo neural networks, different deep learning models, and how to build your first deep learning model using the easy yet powerful library Keras. This course will presentsimplified explanations to some oftoday's hottest topics in data science, including: What is deep learning? How do neural networks learn and what are activation functions? What are deep learning libraries and how do they compare to one another? What are supervised and unsupervised deep learning models? How to use Keras to build, train, and test deep learning models? The demand fordeep learning skills-- and the job salaries of deep learning practitioners -- arecontinuing to grow, as AI becomes more pervasive in our societies. This course will help you build the knowledge you need to future-proofyour career."
Price: 99.00 |
"Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch" |
"The course will teach you how to develop Deep Learning models using Pytorch while providing the necessary deep-learning background. We'll start off with PyTorch's tensors and its Automatic Differentiation package. Then we'll cover different Deep Learning models in each section, beginning with fundamentals such as Linear Regression and logistic/softmax regression. We'll then move on to Feedforwarddeep neural networks, the role of different activation functions, normalization and dropout layers. In the final part of the course, we'll focus on Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning (pre-trained models). Several other Deep Learning methods will also be covered."
Price: 99.00 |
"Deep Learning with Tensorflow" |
"Traditional neural networks rely on shallow nets, composed of one input, one hidden layer and one output layer. Deep-learning networks are distinguished from these ordinary neural networks having more hidden layers, or so-called more depth. These kind of nets are capable of discovering hidden structures withinunlabeled and unstructured data (i.e. images, sound, and text), which consitutes the vast majority of data in the world. TensorFlow is one of the best libraries to implement deep learning. TensorFlow is a software library for numerical computation of mathematical expressional, using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) that flow between them. It was created by Google and tailored for Machine Learning. In fact, it is being widely used to develop solutions with Deep Learning. In this TensorFlow course, you will learn the basic concepts of TensorFlow, the main functions, operations and the execution pipeline. Starting with a simple “Hello Word” example, throughout the course you will be able to see how TensorFlow can be used in curve fitting, regression, classification and minimization of error functions. This concept is then explored in the Deep Learning world. You will learn how to apply TensorFlow for backpropagation to tune the weights and biases while the Neural Networks are being trained. Finally, the course covers different types of Deep Architectures, such as Convolutional Networks, Recurrent Networks and Autoencoders."
Price: 99.00 |
"Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning" |
"Training acomplex deep learning model with a very large datasetcan take hours, days and occasionally weeks to train. So, what is the solution? Accelerated hardware. Youcan use accelerated hardware such as Google’s Tensor Processing Unit(TPU) or Nvidia GPU to accelerateyourconvolutional neural network computations timeon the Cloud. These chips arespecifically designed to support the training of neural networks, as well as the use of trained networks(inference).Accelerated hardware has recently been proven to significantly reduce training time. But the problem is that your datamight be sensitiveand you may not feel comfortable uploading iton apublic cloud, preferring to analyze it on-premise.In this case, youneed to use an in-house system withGPU support. One solution isto useIBM’s Power SystemswithNvidia GPU andPowerAI. ThePowerAIplatform supports popular machine learning libraries and dependencies including Tensorflow, Caffe, Torch, and Theano. In this course, you'll understand what GPU-based accelerated hardware is and how it can benefit your deep learning scaling needs. You'll also deploydeep learning networks on GPU accelerated hardware for several problems, including the classification ofimages and videos."
Price: 99.00 |
"Applied Deep Learning Capstone Project" |
"In this capstone project, you'lluse a Deep Learning library ofyour choice to develop, train, and test a Deep Learning model.Loadand preprocess data for a real problem, build the model and then validate it. Finally, you will present a project report to demonstrate the validity of yourmodel andyour proficiency in the field of deep learning."
Price: 99.00 |
"New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Wai (Water)" |
"In this course, you will learn about New Zealand’s water, or 'wai', and the cultural identities attached to them. We'll explore the lives and identities of Indigenous Māori people who can trace their ancestry to their awa, or river, as well as the European, Pākehā perspectives on water. Discussing how the different cultures interpret and relate to water. We will delve below the surface to look at the unique geology that has created our watery nation, and the taonga (culturally prized possession) found within these waters. While also investigating the political, cultural and economic dynamics of our waterways. New Zealand is a bicultural nation, and colonisation by the British in the nineteenth century produced a complex history and competing cultural ideas about landscape. The place of water in European culture led to conflicting beliefs about the ownership and status of water. This has implications today for the management of water resources, and how this can be done to ensure that cultural, economic and environmental imperatives are respected in Aotearoa New Zealand. You will hear about the Māori world view from Dr Maria Bargh (Te Arawa and Ngāti Awa), who teaches Māori culture and politics at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. Professor Lydia Wevers will introduce you to Pākehā, or European, New Zealand culture. Featuring guest appearances from other experts, this course will encourage you to think about landscape as an expression of culture, and allow you to transfer these ideas to the landscape you live in."
Price: 50.00 |
"Calculus 1B: Integration" |
"How long should the handle of your spoon be so that your fingers do not burn while mixing chocolate fondue? Can you find a shape that has finite volume, but infinite surface area? How does the weight of the rider change the trajectory of a zip line ride? These and many other questions can be answered by harnessing the power of the integral. But what is an integral? You will learn to interpret it geometrically as an area under a graph, and discover its connection to the derivative. You will encounter functions that you cannot integrate without a computer and develop a big bag of tricks to attack the functions that you can integrate by hand. The integral is vital in engineering design, scientific analysis, probability and statistics. You will use integrals to find centers of mass, the stress on a beam during construction, the power exerted by a motor, and the distance traveled by a rocket. The three modules in this series are being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit Single Variable Calculus XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in the modules. This course, in combination with Part 1, covers the AP* Calculus AB curriculum. This course, in combination with Parts 1 and 3, covers the AP* Calculus BC curriculum. [Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses ](http://www.edx.org/high-school-initiative)This course was funded in part by the Wertheimer Fund. *Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 100.00 |