"Pink Rosmeria Bouquet" |
"An Exuberant Array of Pink Roses and Alstroemeria This splendid bouquet of warm pink roses and alstroemerias is suitable for any occasion and is sure to leave the recipient delighted! The combination of the flowers' soft pink tones with the intense green of the leaves makes this bouquet incredibly attractive to look at. Quite simply, it's the kind of bouquet capable of cheering up any room of the house when placed in a vase. Why not send the Pink Rosmeria Bouquet to a loved one to celebrate a birthday or anniversary? Or better yet, lend a touch of colour and vibrancy to your own kitchen, bedroom, dining room or living room with this pretty flower bouquet. This elegant Pink Rosmeria Bouquet - straight to your door! Graced with bright green leaves to feature a classy highly contrasted bouquet and hand-tied by our experts florists, you can get the Pink Rosmeria arrangement for just £32.99. It can be delivered seven days a week and qualifies for next-day free standard flower delivery to any address in the UK. Additional Options When you order your Pink Rosmeria Bouquet from Clare Florist, you can also take advantage of an array of additional options to make your bouquet deliver a thoughtful and even warmer wish. Why not adding a tasty box of chocolates - ideal for making the ultimate romantic statement! Another great option is our selection of tasteful handwritten cards - you choose the message to accompany your bouquet, meaning that even when you order flowers online, you can still make every bit as personal as if you were handing them over in person. And if you love the Yellow Rosmeria bouquet, have a look at the rest of our lovely new Rosmeria range, including the Rosemeria Red, Rosmeria White, Rosemeria Yellow and Rosmeria Peach bouquets, all featuring gorgeous rose and alstroemeria arrangements."
Price: 32.99 |
"Simply Lilies" |
"Quite simple, Simply Lilies: Simple white scented lilies, crisp, fresh and arriving in bud ready to place in your own vase. Selected by our expert florists for their quality, these beautiful crisp and fresh flowers are stunning in their simplicity. They will look and smell amazing placed in any setting around the home or office. The Simply Lilies Bouquet is also fantastic as a gift for a loved one, be it a friend, relative or partner. Whether it's a birthday or anniversary, any special day will be made all the more special with this elegant bouquet of white lilies. Your fresh Simply Lilies can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Simply Lilies bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our selection of arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 34.99 |
"Gerbera Sunshine" |
"An outstandingly vibrant bouquet The Gerbera Sunshine Bouquet is packed full of vibrant mixed germinis and will be a stand out addition to any room or window. Perfect as a colourful gift or as a decorative feature in your own home, this bountiful bouquet will attract attention and admiration wherever it goes. Show that special person how important they are with the Gerbera Sunshine- beautiful gerbera for only £27.99 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. This vibrant and versatile bouquet is great for birthdays and anniversaries or as a present to say thanks. Please note: Due to the seasonal nature of this bouquet colours may vary."
Price: 27.99 |
"Promise 24 Red Roses" |
"Exceptional Roses for an Exceptional Person This spectacular arrangement of two dozen, first grade Red Roses captures the very spirit of romance. The finest roses graced with gypsophila to arrest the senses and win the heart. A daring and eye-catching selection, brought together and presented with perfection. Absolutely sensational! Whether you're looking for an extra special anniversary gift or you want to surprise your significant other 'just because,' the Promise - 24 Red Roses bouquet is certain to go down an absolute treat. Send this simple arrangement of two dozen premium quality, top grade Red Roses selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to show that special person how much you love them. Have these flowers delivered seven days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £49.99! 24 beautiful red roses with fresh greenery and white gypsophila Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card or a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Promise 24 Red Roses bouquet. You may also be interested in... We also have similar arrangements of 20 Red Roses, the traditional 12 Red Roses and the simple and elegant Single Red Rose. You may also be interested in our wider range of Romantic Roses and Valentines Day Bouquets."
Price: 49.99 |
"Dozen Pink Roses" |
"Perfect Pink Roses for your Sweetheart With their connotations of poetic romance and sweetness, pink roses will always be a treasured romantic gift. This bouquet of a Dozen Pink Roses is beautifully created with fresh greenery and white gypsophila too, adding an enhanced element of floral beauty. If you want to make this Valentine's Day one to remember, a bouquet of a Dozen Pink Roses with personal gift message is certain to do the trick. This magnificent bouquet is also perfect as an anniversary gift or you could send to your spouse on their birthday. For extra brownie points why not throw in a box of yummy chocolates and a stylish handwritten card too? Your Dozen Pink Roses includes standard flower delivery anywhere throughout the UK. You also get a 7 day freshness guarantee and 100% satisfaction guarantee for your complete peace of mind. Premium grade fresh pink roses with gyspsophila and greenery Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with your own personal gift message Perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations or romantic occasions 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 29.99 |
"Dozen Yellow Roses" |
"For those sunny feelings of happiness - A Dozen Yellow Roses A dozen cheerful yellow roses bringing warm, sunny feelings of happiness, perfect as a gift to surprise a loved one with. Yellow Roses are a symbol of friendship, making them perfect for birthdays or to say 'thank you' or 'sorry' to a close friend. Send your special friends these perfect Dozen Yellow Roses and gypsophila hand tied and perfectly presented by our expert florists to anywhere in the UK 7 days a week using our free next working day flower delivery service. As well as being perfect for a gift, this bouquet of yellow roses is also just the thing to lend a touch of cheerfulness and colour to your own household interior. It would look great arranged in a vase upon a side table or coffee table or windowsill. Send these lovely roses which are selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to produce a striking bouquet anybody would be thrilled to receive. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £29.99! Premium grade yellow roses with fresh greenery and white gypsophila Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 29.99 |
"Dozen White Roses" |
"Purity and Innocence - A Dozen White Roses A dozen white flowers that symbolize purity and innocence, this perfect fresh hand tied bouquet of a Dozen White Roses also features delicate white gypsophila. The finished bouquet is then carefully beautifully gift-wrapped to emphasis its elegantly beautiful and simple design by our expert florists. Great as a unique and memorable gift to mark a special occasion, the Dozen White Roses bouquet would also make for a great decoration to brighten up your own home. The tastefully understated white hues of the roses and gyp will blend in well with any surroundings. Send these lovely roses which are selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to produce a striking bouquet anybody would be thrilled to receive. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Premium grade white roses with fresh greenery and white gypsophila Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 29.99 |
"Love 20 Red Roses" |
"Say it Straight from the Heart with 20 Red Roses The worldwide personification of Love, red roses! A favourite with every lady. Show that special person how much you love them - send this spectacular bouquet of 20 premium Red Roses, complemented with lush green aspidistra leaves which really make the roses stand out. Red roses carry connotations of passion and strong romantic feelings, making them perfect for gifting to your significant other or a crush. If you've an anniversary or birthday coming up and you're looking for an extra romantic gift, you really can't go wrong with the Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. If you're looking for a spectacular way to demonstrate your undying devotion to your significant other, you needn't look much further than the Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.99! 20 Beautiful Red Roses upon Lush Greenery Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card or a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. You may also be interested in... We also have a similar arrangement of 12 Red Roses, a simple and elegant Single Red Rose and the exceptional Promised Roses . You may also be interested in our wider range of Romantic Roses and Valentines Day Bouquets."
Price: 39.99 |
"Maggie's Flowers" |
"Maggie's Flowers - A Beautiful Bouquet for a worthy cause; We are pleased to have teamed up with Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres Charity and our expert florists have produced this very special exclusive charity bouquet. We will donate 10% of the sale price (that's £3.50) of every Maggie's Flowers Bouquet ordered to the Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres Charity. Our talented expert florists have designed this fantastic Maggie's Flowers Charity Bouquet - Comprising of orange shades of the finest seasonal flowers, elegantly arranged into a stunning hand-tied bouquet that will look amazing in any setting. Your delightful Maggie's Flowers hand-tied charity bouquet includes roses and lilies in cheerful orange and yellow hues. It is a gift that gives or makes a charitable treat and is available for next day delivery to any address in the UK. Our flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lily O'Briens Continental Chocolates, a cuddly teddy, a chic glass vase or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection of arrangements containing lilies, germini and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion. The Maggie's Flowers forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes."
Price: 34.99 |
"Headway Bouquet" |
"Headway Bouquet - Gorgeous Flowers for a worthy cause; To create this bouquet, we worked in conjunction with Headway - The Brain Injury Association. Our talented, inspired florists have created the Headway Bouquet from which 10% of the sale price (that's £3.50) of every Headway Bouquet ordered to the Headway Association. Every Headway Charity Bouquet is comprised of fashionable carnations, freesia, statice, gyp and fresh greenery, all perfectly hand-arranged with loving care. Ideal as a gift for all sorts of occasions, when you choose the Headway bouquet you are also choosing to help contribute to the excellent work carried out by the fine folks at Headway charity. Your flowers will come packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure that they arrive with you in immaculate condition. Free next working day delivery is included for just £34.99, or you can upgrade to Sunday delivery for a small surcharge. "
Price: 34.99 |
"Erskine Bouquet" |
"Erskine Bouquet - A Beautiful Bouquet for a worthy cause; We are pleased to have teamed up with Erskine: Proud to Care. Our expert florists have produced this very special exclusive charity bouquet which we will donate 10% of the sale price (that's £3.50) of every bouquet ordered to Erskine (registered charity number SC006609). Our talented expert florists have designed this fantastic Erskine Charity Bouquet - Comprising of purple and white chrysanthemums, white roses, blue iris, statice and lush greenery all elegantly arranged into a stunning hand-tied bouquet that will look amazing in any setting. It is a gift that makes a charitable treat and is available for next day delivery to any address in the UK. Our flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.99! "
Price: 34.99 |
"Blood Cancer UK Charity Bouquet" |
"Supporting those with Lymphoma and Leukaemia Bloodwise (formerly Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research) is the only UK charity solely dedicated to funding research into blood cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, as well as to offering support to blood cancer patients. Bloodwise's vision is to beat blood cancer and they have invested over £500 million in world-class blood cancer research since 1960 which has changed the lives of blood cancer patients and currently fund over 1,000 researchers and clinicians across over 220 active research projects. This is a great cause, helping out some of the people who need it most. So we're proud to have put together a bouquet of vibrant red flowers to help spread awareness and raise funds for Bloodwise. So we're donating all the profits (a minimum of £3.50) from every one of these bouquets which we sell to the amazing people over at Bloodwise. Your support will help them tackle blood cancer head on, and get closer to a world without blood cancer. Bright red flowers to show your support To help spread awareness and raise funds for Bloodwise, the largest charity in the UK dedicated to funding research and supporting patients living with blood cancer, we have designed this beautiful bouquet with bright red fresh roses upon the perfect backdrop of green fresh foliage. We've put in a lovely mix of the most vibrant red flowers available - red roses, red germini, red carnations and red hypericum all do their bit to make this into an absolutely lovely bunch of flowers! And just like any other Clare Florist bouquet, when you order this stunning red selection, we will get the flowers to you in sublime condition with FREE next day delivery to any location, anywhere in the UK. Our expert florists will carefully hand-tie and pack these flowers with meticulous attention to detail, making sure that it arrives at the door of your chosen recipient in wonderful condition. The Blood Cancer UK Charity Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes."
Price: 34.99 |
"Aberlour Children's Charity Bouquet" |
"Aberlour Children's Charity Bouquet - helping Scotland's Children This charity bouquet is dedicated to Aberlour Children's Charity, helping to improve the lives of Scotland's children and young people. Aberlour offer a range of wonderful and much-needed services. They provide a safe haven for runaways who have fled abusive home environments, and residential care for young people of all ages. Aberlour also provide centres to promote positive parenting in some of the areas where these facilities are most needed, and offer training and education for childcare professionals. So with all of this in mind, we're very happy indeed to be able to make a small gesture of assistance – the Aberlour Children's Charity Bouquet. We'll donate 10% of the sale price of every one of these bouquets sold. And it's certainly a beautiful bouquet! We've packed this product with beautiful flowers, includign sunflowers, green 'shamrock' crysanthemums and statice, to make an elegant yet exuberant bouquet which makes a wonderful gift. Can you imagine the look on a loved one's face when you press this lush arrangements of beautiful green and yellow colours into their arms? The Aberlour Children's Charity Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes."
Price: 34.99 |
"Encephalitis Society Bouquet" |
"The Encephalitis Society Bouquet - delightful flowers for a great cause Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, which can be caused by an infection or by an autoimmune deficiency. Since 1994, the Encephalitis Society has been doing great work across the UK to assist those affected by this debilitating disease, providing the only service in the world specifically dedicated to the victims of Encephalitis and their loved ones. Good works done by this noble charity include the distribution of informational materials to aid awareness and understanding, annual meetings and retreats, and contributions to research to further our understanding on Encephalitis. Here at Clare Florist we love the work done by the dedicated workers of the Encephalitis Society. As a small gesture, we've put together this beautiful arrangement of flowers, and we'll donate ALL of the profits from every single one we sell to the Society. We've made this bouquet an absolute stunner, too, packed with white roses, carnations, statice and lovely coloured irises, to create a feast for the senses. Send this bouquet to a loved one, and they will be touched to their heart by the thoughtfulness of your gift. "
Price: 34.99 |
"It's a Boy! Baby Bouquet" |
"A Vibrant and colourful celebration of new life. Our It's a Boy! Baby Bouquet will make for a joyous and eye-catching gift to celebrate the birth of a baby boy. Ideal as a unique, extra-special congratulations gift, this bouquet will serve as a token of warmth and generosity and is sure to be greatly appreciated by its recipient. Featuring a captivating blend of yellow roses, yellow germini and blue iris, this striking bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression. The It's a Boy! Baby Bouquet is available now for next day delivery along with a range of optional extras including luxurious chocolates and a cute and cuddly teddy bear. The It's a Boy! Baby Bouquet has been carefully selected and hand-arranged by our dedicated team of experienced florists. Your order will be delivered in a special delivery box to ensure that it reaches you in immaculate condition."
Price: 34.99 |
"It's a Girl! Baby Bouquet" |
"Pretty in Pink! Our It's a Girl! Baby Bouquet is just the thing for welcoming a new baby girl into the world. This gorgeous bouquet contains a mixture of fresh pink roses, alstromeria, germini, and white gyp which will instantly catch the eye and dazzle the senses. The It's a Girl! Baby Bouquet is available now for next day delivery along with a range of optional extras including luxurious chocolates and a cute and cuddly teddy bear. The It's a Girl! Baby Bouquet has been carefully selected and hand-arranged by our dedicated team of experienced florists. Your order will be shipped in a special delivery box to ensure that it reaches you in immaculate condition."
Price: 34.99 |
"Colostomy UK Charity Bouquet" |
"The Colostomy Association Bouquet We've teamed up before with Colostomy Association, to bring you this gorgeous bouquet. When you order the Colostomy Association Bouquet, you don't just get a fabulous bouquet of fresh, hand-tied flowers bursting full of iris, carnations, chrysanthemum, solidaster and green anastasia: you also get the heart-warming knowledge that you're helping out and donating to their cause. With every Colstomy Bouquet bouquet sold, we'll donate 10% of the profits to the Colostomy Association. And as well as donating money to the Colostomy Association, the Colostomy UK Charity Bouquet comes with the same great bonuses as our other bouquets: FREE next-day delivery anywhere in the UK, a range of optional extras including Lily O'Briens chocolates and cuddly teddy bears, and most importantly of all the care and dedication of our expert florists, who will arrange and hand-tie your bouquet using the most beautiful blooms, and pack it carefully so that it arrives to you in absolutely immaculate condition. The Colostomy Association provides emotional and practical support, information and reassurance for anyone who has or is about to have a colostomy. They aim to bring awareness to the issues of having a stoma and what it means to live with a colostomy, and to champion the issues that affect colostomates and their families. For more information on how you can get involved please visit: Get involved with the Colostomy Association The Colostomy UK Charity Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes."
Price: 34.99 |
"Support Dogs Charity Bouquet" |
"The Support Dogs Charity Bouquet We've collaborated with Support Dogs to bring you a wonderful bouquet from which we will donate 10% of the sale price to the charity. Packed full of white gerbera, blue iris and white freesia, this flawless floral arrangement is handmade to order by one of our enthusiastic team of skilled florists. Since 1992, Support Dogs have devoted themselves to helping children and adults affected by the most challenging of conditions through specialist assistance dog partnerships. These life-changing partnerships provide help with everyday tasks for people with physical disabilities, give advance warning of seizures for people with epilepsy and provide safety and support for children with autism and their families. The charity relies on donations and fundraising to continue this important work - learn more about how you can help Support Dogs today. The Support Dogs Charity Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes. Want to add a little bit more to your order? Check out our range of optional extras including a stylish glass vase, cute and cuddly teddy, yummy chocolates and lovely handwritten card. "
Price: 34.99 |
"Guide Dogs UK Bouquet" |
"The Guide Dogs UK bouquet - lending a hand to a great cause We're always thrilled to be able to lend a hand when we can to help out worthy charitable causes, so we're delighted to announce a new addition to our charity. We've teamed up with Guide Dogs UK Charity for the Blind and Partially Sighted, and will donate 10% of the profit from this great new bouquet straight to this extremely noble cause. The Guide Dogs UK Bouquet is a busy, happy arrangement. If it was a dog it would be panting and wagging its tail! It contains a selection of gerbera, chrysanthemums, beautiful irises, serene lilies and regal roses. The effect is an absolute deluge of scents, sights and colours. It's like a magical garden, all for you. Guide Dogs UK are of course an extremely important charity. They were founded in 1931 by two women in Merseyside, and have since risen to become the world's largest breeder and trainer of working dogs, helping over 29,000 people to live more comfortable lives. They aim to deliver a world class guide dog service as part of a range of mobility services, stating that ""We will not rest until blind and partially sighted people can enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else."" Our charity bouquet come with all of the same great options as the rest of our products. This means that you can add great extras like Lily O'Brien's chocolates, cute teddy bears or handwritten cards to your order. And of course the whole bouquet will come expertly arranged by our professional florists, and delivered next-day for FREE, to any address in the UK! The Guide Dogs UK Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes."
Price: 34.99 |
"Grace Pink Roses" |
"Grace Pink Roses - A favourite with every lady Grace - the meaning of Pink Roses - are perfect for any occasion. Our expert florists have designed these romantic 20 sweet pink roses, perfectly arranged in a hand tied bouquet and finished off with luscious green aspidistra leaves. The Grace Pink Roses Bouquet is perfect if you are looking to send flowers as a gift for a romantic occasion such as a birthday or Mother's Day. It's also perfect for a partner's birthday or as a spontaneous romantic gesture - sometimes 'just because' is reason enough! Send this lovely bouquet which is selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to show that special person how much you love them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit. 20 beautiful pink roses arranged with green aspidistra leaves Hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 39.99 |
"Innocence White Roses" |
"Pure Innocence - 20 Crisp White Roses One of the primary meanings of the white rose is innocence, hence the name of this attractive bouquet. Twenty crisp fresh White Roses hand tied and perfectly presented with bold green aspidistra leaves, Innocence White Roses is a captivating floral arrangement which is sure to attract attention and admiration. Possessive of an eloquent, uncomplicated beauty, the Innocence White Roses is suitable for all kinds of different occasions, or as a means to say sorry, happy birthday or get well soon. You could even use this beautiful arrangement of white roses as a decoration for your own home - it's sure to create a dazzling focal point wherever it is placed. Send this lovely bouquet which is selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to show that special person how much you love them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.99! Fresh white roses hand-arranged with green aspidistra leave Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with your own personal gift message Perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations or romantic occasions 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 39.99 |
"Friendship - Yellow Roses" |
"A sign of Friendship - Yellow Roses This is a fantastic bouquet of twenty Yellow Roses, presented in matching wrap. These Yellow roses bring warm sunny feelings of happiness and are a symbol of friendship. Send your special friends these perfect Friendship - Yellow Roses and lush green aspidistra leaves, hand tied and perfectly presented, to anywhere in the UK seven days a week. Send these lovely roses which are selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to produce a striking bouquet anybody would be thrilled to recieve. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.99! "
Price: 39.99 |
"Fresh White Bouquet" |
"The Fresh White Bouquet - A classically crisp combination of Fresh Flowers. A fresh collection of white and lime green flowers. The Fresh White Bouquet is wrapped in stylish florist's gift wrap, and delivered in our special box to prevent damage to your flowers in transit. Show that special person how important they are with the Fresh White Bouquet - beautiful flowers for only £34.95 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.95!"
Price: 34.95 |
"Sunflower and Germini Bouquet" |
"Send a Splash of Vivid Colour with the Sunflower and Germini Bouquet! The Sunflower and Germini Bouquet has been specially designed to introduce a touch of good cheer and vibrant colour to any surroundings. Whether you are sending this bouquet as a gift or using it to brighten up your own home, the Sunflower and Germini Bouquet will not disappoint! To create this sublime floral arrangement we take the freshest sunflowers and germini and then arrange them around a base of fresh green aspidistra leaves. The end result is a bouquet that will evoke admiration and command attention wherever it is placed. We offer free standard next day delivery on this bouquet for a price of just £31.49, ensuring you get phenomenally good value for money. Your fresh Sunflower and Germini Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so it arrives in excellent condition when you need it to! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Sunflower and Germini Bouquet bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our large selection of arrangements containing sunflowers, germini and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 31.49 |
"6 Pink Roses Bouquet" |
"Six Perfect Pink Roses with Fresh White Gypsophila The 6 Pink Roses Bouquet is an eye-catching and pretty arrangement presented amidst a collection of lovely white gypsophila. Great for an anniversary or for mum on Mother's Day, this sweet bouquet offers instant happiness. It's also ideal as a Valentine's surprise to woo a crush or remind your better half just how special they are to you. Consisting of six high grade pink roses complemented by white gypsophila and perfectly finished with lush green leaves, this bouquet will capture attention and evoke admiration wherever it goes. Send as a gift, or arrange the 6 Pink Roses Bouquet in a vase within your own home to create a fabulous floral focal point. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Next working day delivery is completely free of charge. "
Price: 19.99 |
"6 Yellow Roses Bouquet" |
"Six Bright Yellow Roses with Elegant White Gypsophila The 6 Yellow Roses Bouquet is a charming affair, created using six of the freshest yellow roses hand arranged by our expert florists. Graceful white gypsophila has been added for a beautiful finishing touch. Yellow roses are traditionally the flower of friendship, so this bouquet would be ideal as a birthday present for a friend or relative. You could also send them as a way to say thank you, get well soon, good luck, or congratulations. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition."
Price: 19.99 |
"6 White Roses Bouquet" |
"Gorgeous Fresh White Roses with Lovely Gypsophila The 6 White Roses Bouquet exudes elegance and grace. An uncomplicated arrangement of six fresh premium grade white roses, this enchanting bouquet will create an aura of eloquence and beauty wherever it goes. White roses are often associated with new beginnings and spirituality. They are also traditionally associated with marriages, making this bouquet the perfect engagement or wedding day gift for a friend or relative. Roses and gypsophila complement one another very nicely indeed which is why we've created a series of rose and gyp bouquets in different colours - be sure to check out our Rose collection for more ideas and inspiration. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. "
Price: 29.99 |
"Sensation Lilies" |
"Sensational - Sensation Lilies; Fresh from the Lily Selection range are our stunning Sensation Lilies. This beautiful bouquet is excellent value for money at just £34.99. A gorgeous hand tied bouquet of fresh and vibrant oriental lilies, this fabulous floral arrangement has a delightful scent which will brighten and fragrance any room in the home or office. They arrive bud ready which means they will last a lot longer, as will your enjoyment of them. A bouquet of pretty pink lilies will always make for a pleasantly surprising and wonderfully unexpected gift to mark any special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. These alluring oriental lilies could also be gifted to yourself as a way to brighten up your own surroundings! Show that special person in your life how important they are to you with the Sensation Lilies - beautiful lilies for only £34.99 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £34.99! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lily O'Briens Chocolates, a cuddly teddy, a chic glass vase or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion."
Price: 34.99 |
"Freesia & Lily Bouquet" |
"The colour and scent of spring! The Freesia and Lily Bouquet will remind that special someone of a gorgeous summer day and definitely make them smile! Fresh from the Fragrant Freesia Selection, this gorgeous bouquet is fantastic value for money at just £32.99, making it an extremely affordable gift. Using fresh, pretty, fragrant freesia, lilies and carnations our expert florists create a different and wonderful combination. With the colours and scent of summer, the Freesia & Lily Bouquet is sure to brighten up any home or office. This bouquet is perfect whether you need to say sorry, thanks, get well soon or congratulations. The Freesia & Lily Bouquet would also make for a sublimely beautiful gift for a birthday or anniversary celebration. Send this lovely bouquet which is selected and arranged by our expert florists then gift wrapped to show that special person how much you love them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to ensure that they arrive in perfect condition. Fresh freesia, lilies and carnations in yellow and lilac hues Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Freesia & Lily Bouquet. Delivery Information Order before 5pm for free standard next day delivery, anywhere in the UK Flowers sent in a sturdy Clare Florist delivery box Saturday and Sunday delivery also available for small surcharge "
Price: 32.99 |
"Heartfelt 6 Red Roses Bouquet" |
"A Simple Yet Elegant Expression of Your Love! Give your partner a gift they will cherish with our beautiful Heartfelt 6 Red Roses Bouquet. This classic collection of 6 fresh Red Roses is a delightful surprise that is sure to impress. Whether you are celebrating an Anniversary, Valentines or simply want to remind them how much your care, this charming bouquet is an ideal romantic gift to show your true feelings. This gorgeous collection features 6 high grade Red roses graced with gypsophila and beautifully accented upon lush green leaves to help create a sweet expression of your love and set the right tone. Designed by our expert florists, this gorgeous arrangement is available with free standard next day delivery, ensuring that it arrives at their door in no time to surprise them. Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition. Gorgeous High Grade Red Roses, White Gypsophila and Green Leaves presented in stylish florist wrap Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity "
Price: 26.99 |