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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
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A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Introducción a la gestión de proyectos" |
"El objetivo del curso es introducir algunos conceptos básicos de la Gestión de Proyectos / Project Management (PM), según las metodologías del Project Management Institute (PMI). El PMI es la Principal Organización Mundial en el campo de la Dirección de Proyectos (www.pmi.org). Sus guías están basadas en las ""Buenas Prácticas"" de profesionales de todo el mundo, y sus certificaciones, por ejemplo el Project Manager Professional (PMP) son muy demandadas por empresas de todos los sectores. Se tratan los conceptos básicos de la gestión de proyectos, la gestión del tiempo y la gestión del riesgo en un proyecto."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 |
"FA20: Computing for Data Analysis" |
"The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. The goal of this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, is for you to learn how to build these components and connect them using modern tools and techniques. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. For instance, “under the hood” of modern data analysis lies numerical linear algebra, numerical optimization, and elementary data processing algorithms and data structures. Together, they form the foundations of numerical and data-intensive computing. The hands-on component of this course will develop your proficiency with modern analytical tools. You will learn how to mash up Python, R, and SQL through Jupyter notebooks, among other tools. Furthermore, you will apply these tools to a variety of real-world datasets, thereby strengthening your ability to translate principles into practice."
Price: 500.00 |
"SP21: Computing for Data Analysis" |
"The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. The goal of this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, is for you to learn how to build these components and connect them using modern tools and techniques. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. For instance, “under the hood” of modern data analysis lies numerical linear algebra, numerical optimization, and elementary data processing algorithms and data structures. Together, they form the foundations of numerical and data-intensive computing. The hands-on component of this course will develop your proficiency with modern analytical tools. You will learn how to mash up Python, R, and SQL through Jupyter notebooks, among other tools. Furthermore, you will apply these tools to a variety of real-world datasets, thereby strengthening your ability to translate principles into practice."
Price: 500.00 |
"SU20: Data Analytics for Business" |
"Today, businesses, consumers, and societies leave behind massive amounts of data as a by-product of their activities. Leading-edge companies in every industry are using analytics to replace intuition and guesswork in their decision-making. As a result, managers are collecting and analyzing enormous data sets to discover new patterns and insights and running controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This course prepares students to understand business analytics and become leaders in these areas in business organizations. This course teaches the scientific process of transforming data into insights for making better business decisions. It covers the methodologies, issues, and challenges related to analyzing business data. It will illustrate the processes of analytics by allowing students to apply business analytics algorithms and methodologies to business problems. The use of examples places business analytics techniques in context and teaches students how to avoid the common pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of applying proper business analytics techniques."
Price: 500.00 |
"FA20: Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 |
"SP21: Introduction to Analytics Modeling" |
"Analytical models are key to understanding data, generating predictions, and making business decisions. Without models it’s nearly impossible to gain insights from data. In modeling, it’s essential to understand how to choose the right data sets, algorithms, techniques and formats to solve a particular business problem. In this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding of fundamental models and methods of analytics and practice how to implement them using common industry tools like R. You’ll learn about analytics modeling and how to choose the right approach from among the wide range of options in your toolbox. You will learn how to use statistical models and machine learning as well as models for: classification; clustering; change detection; data smoothing; validation; prediction; optimization; experimentation; decision making."
Price: 500.00 |
"FA20: Data Analytics for Business" |
"Today, businesses, consumers, and societies leave behind massive amounts of data as a by-product of their activities. Leading-edge companies in every industry are using analytics to replace intuition and guesswork in their decision-making. As a result, managers are collecting and analyzing enormous data sets to discover new patterns and insights and running controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This course prepares students to understand business analytics and become leaders in these areas in business organizations. This course teaches the scientific process of transforming data into insights for making better business decisions. It covers the methodologies, issues, and challenges related to analyzing business data. It will illustrate the processes of analytics by allowing students to apply business analytics algorithms and methodologies to business problems. The use of examples places business analytics techniques in context and teaches students how to avoid the common pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of applying proper business analytics techniques."
Price: 500.00 |
"SP21: Data Analytics for Business" |
"Today, businesses, consumers, and societies leave behind massive amounts of data as a by-product of their activities. Leading-edge companies in every industry are using analytics to replace intuition and guesswork in their decision-making. As a result, managers are collecting and analyzing enormous data sets to discover new patterns and insights and running controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This course prepares students to understand business analytics and become leaders in these areas in business organizations. This course teaches the scientific process of transforming data into insights for making better business decisions. It covers the methodologies, issues, and challenges related to analyzing business data. It will illustrate the processes of analytics by allowing students to apply business analytics algorithms and methodologies to business problems. The use of examples places business analytics techniques in context and teaches students how to avoid the common pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of applying proper business analytics techniques."
Price: 500.00 |
"Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems" |
"In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy XSeries, you will learn how the components of the integumentary system help protect our body (epidermis, dermis, hair, nails, and glands), and how the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, and skeletal muscles) protects and allows the body to move. You will engage with fascinating videos, lectures, and anatomical visual materials (illustrations and cadaveric images) to learn about these properties and functions."
Price: 49.00 |
"Improvement Science in Education" |
"With roots in industry and in health care, improvement science is a disciplined approach to educational innovation that supports teachers, leaders, and researchers in collaborating to solve specific problems of practice. Improvement science brings discipline and methods to different logics of innovation by integrating: Problem analysis Use of research Development of solutions Measurement of processes and outcomes Rapid refinement through plan-do-study-act cycles. For teachers, school leaders, and system leaders, improvement science moves educational innovation out of the realm of “fad” and into the realm of research-based, evidence-driven continuous improvement, with the goal of increasing the effectiveness of educational practice. That, in turn, will support schools and systems in responding to calls to improve opportunities to learn and student performance and calls to reduce achievement gaps by improving the day-to-day work students, teachers, and leaders. In this introduction to improvement science, developed in collaboration with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, learners will explore: Problem-specific and user-centered design and analysis Differences in implementation and outcomes as resources for improvement Improving systems to improve practice Driving improvement through measurement, evidence, and disciplined inquiry This course is part of the Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 199.00 |
"Indian & Tibetan River of Buddhism" |
"The course begins with a survey of the origins of Buddhism in the Indian subcontinent in the mid-first millennium BCE, as well as its transformation in the first millennium CE into the Sanskrit-language-based Mahayana Buddhism(s) that permeated the monastic traditions and flourished in India until around 1100 CE, and that persists up topresent dayin East Asia, Central Asia, and Vietnam. The Tibetan aspect of this course surveys the Tibetan and Central Asian reception and development of these Indian Buddhist traditions that occurred in two distinct historical periods: (1) from 650 CE until ca. 850 CE, and (2) from ca. 950 CE to the present. During the first period, the Indians' and Tibetans' massive efforts to translate into the Tibetan language the Sanskrit and Prakrit contents of the great Indian monastic university libraries resulted in the reception and preservation in Tibetan of the most essential parts of what was destroyed in India during the Persian, Turkish, and Tajik invasions and occupations in the early second millennium CE. These translations also enabled that Indian style of Buddhism to spread into the Mongolias and the Manchu empire in China. In addition to addressing such reception and preservation, wewill alsosurvey the unique ways in which these Indian forms of Buddhism were further developed in the Tibetan and Central Asian cultural spheres (throughout their histories, and especially in the second period that began after the destruction of Indian Buddhism). Finally, we will explore 20th-21st century manifestations and developments of Tibetan Buddhism throughout the global modern world. Although in the modern era Tibet itself has lost its Buddhist culture internally due to the Chinese communist occupation and cultural revolution, that Buddhist culture has been maintained and developed in exile and diaspora, and its worldwide spread is a remarkable phenomenon in the history of American and European forms of world Buddhism."
Price: 49.99 |
"Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions" |
"This course takes a journey through the world of beliefs as they have developed in a great variety of cultures, ranging from Ancient Egypt, the Near East to Central Asia, India, China, and the Far East. We will discuss where these beliefs, theories and practices originated from, how they were passed on over the ages and why some are still so central to large communities of believers across the world today, whether it be amongst Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Shintoists. We'll be dealing with everything from gods and spirits, to angels and demons, to afterlife and the netherworld, as well as the great cycles of the universe and the tremendous power of lunar and solar eclipses. The interpretation of dreams and all sorts of magic and miraculous deeds will also be covered during this course. Students will have the opportunity to travel extensively in time and space. The comparative, critical and contextualized approach of this course will allow for a valuable and thought-provoking experience. We are a course team of about twenty-five specialists working at, or in close interaction with, the Department of Greek, Latin and Oriental Studies (GLOR) at the University of Louvain. We are all historians or philologists, all passionate about our respective fields of expertise, and all fully determined to help you as much as we can as we progress through this course. Most of all, we're looking forward to ""meeting"" you and to having lively discussions with you on the forums. If you're curious about the cultures of this world, past and present, this course is definitely for you. Put your wings on and get ready to ride on our “GLOR-ious” dragon and to enjoy the whole adventure with us!"
Price: 50.00 |
Precalculus |
"This course is part of Global Freshman Academy (GFA), which means you can earn transferable ASU credit toward your college degree. In this college-level Precalculus course, you will prepare for calculus by focusing on quantitative reasoning and functions. You’ll develop the skills to describe the behavior and properties of linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and trigonometric functions. Content in this course will be adaptive, allowing you to achieve mastery in a certain concept before moving on to the next. Utilizing the ALEKS learning system, students in this personalized, self-paced course will be instructed on the topics they are most ready to learn while also providing individualized coaching as you move through each topic. Before taking this course, you should already have a strong understanding of algebraic skills such as factoring, basic equation solving, and the rules of exponents and radicals. This 3 credit hour course satisfies the Mathematical Studies (MA) general studies requirement at Arizona State University. This course may satisfy a general education requirement at other institutions; however, it is strongly encouraged that you consult with your institution of choice to determine how these credits will be applied to their degree requirements prior to transferring the credit."
Price: 49.00 |
"Sensor Fusion and Non-linear Filtering for Automotive Systems" |
"In this course, we will introduce you to the fundamentals of sensor fusion for automotive systems. Key concepts involve Bayesian statistics and how to recursively estimate parameters of interest using a range of different sensors. The course is designed for students who seek to gain a solid understanding of Bayesian statistics and how to use it to fuse information from different sensors. We emphasize object positioning problems, but the studied techniques are applicable much more generally. The course contains a series of videos, quizzes and hand-on assignments where you get to implement many of the key techniques and build your own sensor fusion toolbox. The course is self-contained, but we highly recommend that you also take the course ChM015x: Multi-target Tracking for Automotive Systems. Together, these courses give you an excellent foundation to tackle advanced problems related to perceiving the traffic situation around an autonomous vehicle using observations from a variety of different sensors, such as, radar, lidar and camera."
Price: 299.00 |
"Becoming an Effective Leader" |
"Strong leadership is regarded as one of the best predictors of organizational success and critical human capital required for career progression in almost every organization. However, leadership is also a highly complex and often misunderstood phenomenon. It‘s hard to define, but we all know good and bad leadership when we see it. This course will equip aspiring leaders with an understanding of what leadership is and how an individual can develop the skills required to become an effective leader in their organization. Taught by instructors and presenters with decades of business and not-for-profit leadership experience, you will learn the difference between leadership and management, the importance of understanding others and building empathy and relationships, and gain a better understanding of the different leadership styles you may encounter throughout your career. Learn through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities. Our instructors and faculty will help you identify your own values and ethics as a leader, and most importantly, build your self-efficacy, your confidence and belief in your own ability to achieve intended results."
Price: 99.00 |
"Leading the Organization" |
"This course is intended for professionals and managers seeking new leadership responsibilities, those transitioning between leadership roles or organizations, as well as current leaders of organizations. Our faculty and industry experts will teach you the critical concepts to help you better understand, operate, and thrive in leadership roles in your organization. We will challenge you to apply your learning in a realistic simulation based on real world leadership experiences. Key topics include: Articulating vision Decision making Strategy development Change management Learn through a team of award-winning UQ Business School faculty and instructors with decades of experience in both leadership scholarship and demanding leadership positions. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities, learners will develop their capacity for implementing meaningful organizational change."
Price: 249.00 |
"Business Leadership Capstone Assessment" |
"Do not enrol in this course unless you are eligible to do so, having completed and earnt a verified certificate in all four other courses in this MicroMasters series. Ineligible learners will be automatically withdrawn from the Capstone Assessment.The Capstone is the last step to complete the Business Innovation MicroMasters credential and is designed to test the knowledge gained in the four courses. This Capstone will consist of four tasks comprising: A 360-degree leadership capability review A proctored exam A leadership interview A written assessment Successful completion of the Capstone assessments means that you are eligible for credit into the on-campus Masters of Business (MBus) degree at the University of Queensland. Credential holders who meet program entry requirements will receive one semester equivalent credit (8 units), reducing study time by 6 months (12-18 months of full-time study remaining to MBus degree completion, 16-24 units remaining).To enrol in the Capstone, learners must have completed a Verified Certificate in these four courses: BUSLEAD1x Becoming an Effective Leader BUSLEAD2x Leading the Organization BUSLEAD3x Leading High-Performing Teams BUSLEAD4x Leading in a Complex Environment On successful completion of the four courses and the Capstone you will be awarded the MicroMasters credential."
Price: 499.00 |
"Life with Diabetes" |
"This course focuses on providing skills and resources for you and your family to manage life with diabetes. You will learn what diabetes is, the difference between type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes as well as how they are treated and why management is so important. You will learn about recommended food choices and eating habits for those living with diabetes as well as the best types of exercise to help manage blood glucose levels. Lastly, we will discuss overall strategies for keeping well and managing your condition including sick day management, hypoglycaemia management and travel."
Price: 139.00 |
"Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom" |
"Inclusive teaching is an issue that has received increased attention on college campuses around the country and around the world. Understanding how course climate impacts students and their learning is increasingly important to faculty and administrators alike across a wide range of educational contexts. Yet creating equitable learning environments that support all students’ learning can be a challenge, especially when one considers that course climate consists of a variety of factors (e.g., student-student interactions, faculty-student interactions, course content and policies). Despite the fact that creating an inclusive teaching environment is beneficial for all students’ learning, issues around inclusion and disinclusion are rarely discussed in practical terms. Participants in this course will consider multiple facets of inclusive teaching, including the creation of an equitable course climate, the design and implementation of accessible and inclusive classroom practices and assessments, and the selection and implementation of diverse course content. Participants will engage with key concepts in inclusive teaching and learn from experts in higher education who share their important research on student development, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and Universal Design for Learning. Participants will be equipped with tools to help them develop inclusive courses that support all learners.This course was developed by the Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning, with generous funding from the Provost’s Teaching & Learning MOOC RFP, and support from the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation.Inclusive teaching experts featured in this course: Stephen Brookfield, PhD, John Ireland Endowed Chair, University of St. Thomas Sheryl Burgstahler, PhD, Director, University of Washington Access Technology Center, Founder and Director, DO-IT Center Bryan Dewsbury, PhD, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island Michele DiPietro, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Professor of Statistics, Kennesaw State University Zaretta Hammond, MA, Teacher Educator, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain Stephanie Kershbaum, PhD, Associate Professor of English, University of Delaware Frank Tuitt, PhD, Provost on Diversity and Inclusion, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor, University of Denver Derald Wing Sue, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Education, Teachers’ College, Columbia University Melissa Wright, MA, Associate Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning"
Price: 49.00 |
"Liderazgo para mandos intermedios" |
"En este curso de liderazgo conocerás diferentes estilos de liderazgo y las situaciones en las que son más adecuados; reflexionarás sobre las capacidades personales para ejercer un liderazgo efectivo; analizarás tu competencia transversal “liderazgo” y establecerás un plan de trabajo personal para mejorar tus habilidades como líder y convertirte en un líder eficaz. Para que una organización pueda avanzar en la dirección adecuada son necesarias dos cosas: Saber a dónde ir Orientar los esfuerzos de las personas que hacen posible el movimiento En todos los grupos existen personas que ejercen mayor influencia que otras y a las que se suele denominar líderes. En las organizaciones los líderes no sólo se encuentran dentro de las estructuras formales de la organización, sino también en los grupos informales de trabajo, son parte fundamental en la motivación de los empleados de la organización. Los líderes deberían crear y mantener un ambiente interno en el cual el personal pueda llegar a involucrarse totalmente en el logro de los objetivos de la organización, construyendo un puente entre el entorno externo y el grupo, las tareas que realizan y los procesos internos del grupo que permiten realizarlas. Ayudando así a identificar, interpretar y alinear los requerimientos de los clientes internos y externos. Dentro de un contexto de organizaciones “planas” con pocos niveles de mando, los líderes deben asumir las responsabilidades que tradicionalmente estaban repartidas entre las jerarquías de dirección. Los miembros del grupo necesitan un apoyo activo por parte del líder para poder cumplir sus responsabilidades. Por ello, el papel del líder debe cambiar, pasando de ser un planificador o alguien que toma decisiones, a ser un entrenador, orientador, emprendedor y facilitador que anima y asegura una planificación eficaz y una toma de decisiones distribuida. Un error muy común en este proceso de cambio es que los líderes pasan de un extremo al otro, esto es, de un estilo ""ordeno y mando"" a la abdicación. Sin embargo, lo que se precisa de ellos es un papel situado en algún punto intermedio entre ambos extremos. En este curso te enseñaremos a encontrar este punto adecuado que te convertirá en un líder eficaz. Este curso de liderazgo forma parte del programa de MicroMasters de UPValenciaX “Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo en grupos de mejora continua”, diseñado para prepararte como líder y gestor de equipos de mejora continua en entornos de lean manufacturing y 6-sigma."
Price: 150.00 |
"Energía eléctrica: conceptos y principios básicos" |
"Actualmente el uso de la electricidad es algo cotidiano, sin embargo, muy pocas personas conocen los conceptos y principios básicos que permiten comprender como funciona, cuáles son sus parámetros básicos, cómo se miden o cómo hacer un mejor uso de la energía. Este curso de electricidad presenta conceptos básicos como voltaje, corriente y resistencia que te permitirán comprender cómo se mide la potencia y el consumo de energía.En este curso entenderás que es la energía eléctrica y su importancia. Este MOOC te ayudará a diferenciar los componentes y parámetros que hay en un circuito eléctrico, así como a distinguir un circuito eléctrico de corriente directa de uno de corriente alterna. Tendrás la oportunidad de realizar prácticas con unlaboratorio remoto ubicado en las instalaciones físicas del Tecnológico de Monterrey para realizar experimentos de medición y monitoreo de parámetros eléctricos básicos. Además, sabrás cómo hacer un uso eficiente de la energía eléctrica orientado a la protección del medio ambiente y a la reducción de costos del servicio eléctrico (ahorro de energía). ¡Acompáñanos a través de estas semanas de aprendizaje!"
Price: 49.00 |
"Transmisión de energía eléctrica" |
"El conocer la manera en que funciona el sistema eléctrico mexicano como caso de estudio genera competencias importantes en el mundo actual y permite tener conocimientos de distribución eléctrica que se pueden usar en otros países. Es por ello que en este curso enfocado en la energía te permite examinar el funcionamiento de una red de transmisión de energía eléctrica, desde las centrales generadoras en diferentes ubicaciones hasta los sistemas de distribución donde se debe de entregar la energía eléctrica. En este curso en línea descubrirás cómo las líneas de transmisión interconectan diferentes centros de cargas y/o centrales, ya sea en condiciones normales o durante un estado de emergencia. Al inscribirte, habrás tomado una buena decisión, pues te estarás formando en uno de los temas de más relevancia en el mundo: la transmisión y distribución de la energía eléctrica."
Price: 49.00 |
"Smart grid: las redes eléctricas del futuro" |
"Las topologías actuales de redes eléctricas, hacen compleja la administración de la demanda, así como los cambios de estructuras locales y globales debido a una falta de automatización en los elementos de comunicaciones y de toma de decisiones. Como respuesta a estas necesidades, surge un cambio tecnológico a partir de las smart grid o redes inteligentes. El conocimiento de esta nueva tecnología en el sector energético permite que un país pueda hacer un uso efectivo de sus recursos energéticos. Si los usuarios tienen conocimiento de los dispositivos inteligentes actuales, que nos proporciona el internet de las cosas, podrán tener un ahorro energético evitando rezagos tecnológicos pasando de ser un consumidor pasivo a uno activo. De esta manera, el curso en línea aborda el tema de las redes inteligentes, en sus etapas y estructura para definir lo que se conoce como smart grid."
Price: 49.00 |
"Smart grid: fundamentos técnicos" |
"El conocimiento de los fundamentos técnicos de las smart grid o de las redes inteligentes son una necesidad actual para quienes buscan comprender las evoluciones energéticas globales. Las smart grids combinan áreas que antes no se encontraban en las redes eléctricas convencionales, como son los sistemas de comunicaciones o los sistemas inteligentes de toma de decisiones. Sin estas áreas, la integración de fuentes alternas de energía a las redes eléctricas estarían incompletas y no se podrían explotar de la manera eficiente. Por esta razón es necesario conocer cómo una smart grid se interconecta con los dispositivos inteligentes de casas o edificios en el IoT o Internet de las cosas, que al igual que las compañías de energía pueden suministrar, administrar y vender la energía eléctrica producida. En este curso el estudiante comprenderá el concepto de red inteligente analizando sus capas inferiores, profundizará en la generación de energía eólica y energía solar de manera experimental y teórica cuando se interconectan a la red inteligente, además podrá comprender la función de los sistemas eléctricos de potencia en las redes inteligentes. A partir de este MOOC el estudiante podrá: Profundizar en el conocimiento de sistemas eléctricos de potencia Analizar cómo cambian los escenarios energéticos a partir de las smart grid, las cuales predominarán en unos cuantos años y permitirán volvernos consumidores y generadores de energía eléctrica. La seguridad, en este caso la ciberseguridad, es fundamental en el smard grid, en este curso conoceremos las características de seguridad más relevantes en las redes inteligentes."
Price: 49.00 |
"Energías convencionales, limpias y su tecnología" |
"El recurso energético está ligado al desarrollo, bienestar, sustentabilidad e independencia de las sociedades modernas. La utilización y administración adecuada de los diferentes recursos energéticos impactará tanto en el progreso futuro propio como en el poder económico. Es imperativo conocer a profundidad los pros y contras de las diferentes tecnologías energéticas para minimizar el impacto negativo en el propio entorno al seleccionar, usar, racionalizar y aprovechar las energías empleadas en el diario quehacer. El participante desarrollará competencias de análisis y juicio crítico ante la selección de un recurso energético, elaborando un discurso consciente y fundamentado donde se considere el entorno y sus recursos. El participante podrá predecir para las tecnologías de producción energética: Capacidades; Eficiencias y rendimientos; Indicadores de la huella ecológica."
Price: 29.00 |
"La Reforma Energética de México y sus oportunidades" |
"¿Sabías que la reforma energética en México es uno de los cambios más importantes que ha ocurrido en el país en los últimos 70 años? ¿Sabes cuál es el alcance de la reforma en la economía mexicana y cómo te impacta? Este curso te permite la identificación de las implicaciones económicas, políticas y sociales del nuevo marco institucional en todo el sector energético: hidrocarburos, subsector eléctrico y energías renovables; promueve el reconocimiento de los principales cambios del marco institucional del sector energético; favorece la argumentación de los distintos retos que la reforma plantea en su implementación; facilita la identificación de oportunidades potenciales que ofrece para el desarrollo de nuevos negocios; y finalmente, describir los efectos de la reforma en tu vida cotidiana."
Price: 29.00 |
"La nueva industria eléctrica en México" |
"¿Sabías que México fue uno de los últimos países que tuvo una reestructura del sector eléctrico? El sector eléctrico es muy importante y tiene un fuerte impacto en la competitividad del país. La reforma al sector eléctrico mexicano abre oportunidades para que el estado y la iniciativa privada colaboren entre ellos. La reestructura del sector eléctrico estimula la inversión en el desarrollo de la infraestructura de gasoductos, la modernización del parque de generación, dando prioridad a las energías limpias y la expansión de las redes eléctricas. Este curso es una oportunidad única que te ayudará a comprender la situación previa a la reforma, la situación actual y los retos y oportunidades de negocio en el sector eléctrico."
Price: 29.00 |
"Ahorro de energía" |
"En la actualidad existen diversas formas de consumo de energía que no han sido implementadas completamente en la región y que impactan distintos contextos como residencial, industrial, transporte, comercial y de servicios. Por ejemplo, un alto porcentaje de la energía que consumimos en nuestros hogares podría reducirse si cambiáramos las prácticas diarias de uso sin impactar fuertemente la calidad de vida. Estaríamos generando un gran ahorro energético. Este curso en línea enseña cómo se puede ahorrar energía. Por otra parte, no toda la energía que demanda el sector industrial se convierte en energía útil, ya que en muchos procesos industriales el calor generado se libera al medio ambiente cuando éste puede ser reutilizado para otro proceso. Esto podría ser mejorado al cambiar la infraestructura de las fábricas sin generar grandes costos. Asimismo, la energía empleada para el transporte público y personal puede ser mucho mejor aprovechada, por ejemplo, al mejorar los servicios y prácticas de uso. Además, el consumo de combustibles alternativos y la implementación de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos es una oportunidad que casi no ha sido explotada. Los beneficios de ahorro en estos sectores impactarían directamente al medio ambiente, a la economía, a la productividad, etc. En este curso en línea estudiaremos a fondo los problemas y las soluciones relacionados al aprovechamiento de energía, incluyendo algunos casos de estudio en diferentes contextos. En este curso trataremos diferentes tipos de energía, y cómo podemos ser más eficientes en su consumo."
Price: 29.00 |
"Mercados de energía: oportunidades de negocio" |
"¿Conoces las oportunidades de negocio que te ofrecen los mercados de energía eléctrica y otros mercados energéticos?, ¿sabes cómo surgieron dichos mercados? En este curso podrás encontrar las respuestas detalladas estas preguntas. Actualmente podríamos dividir los mercados energéticos de la siguiente forma: El petróleo y el gas asociado Los líquidos de petróleo como la gasolina y el diésel La industria petroquímica El mercado de transporte de gas y petrolíferos La generación de energía eléctrica La comercialización de electricidad La generación de fuentes renovables y limpias como energía eólica, energía solar, la energía de biomasa o bioenergía y energía hidráulica Estos mercados y la reforma energética en sí, requieren personas preparadas para los múltiples espacios que presentan los mercados de energía renovable y no renovable. A través de los temas de este curso en línea conocerás las regulaciones de energía en el caso de México, lo que te ayudará a comprender el panorama actual y futuro de estos mercados de la energía, así como sus aplicaciones en la labor empresarial en todas las fases del sector energético. En este curso podrás analizar las regulaciones secundarias para las industrias de petróleo, gas, energía eléctrica y todas sus cadenas de valor, con la finalidad de comparar los mercados energéticos en transición y contrastarlos con experiencias de mercados maduros en el mundo. Tomar este curso te brindará una oportunidad única para definir oportunidades de emprendimiento y diseñar negocios de energía en mercados en transición."
Price: 29.00 |