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"Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology" |
"Where is Giza? How were the Pyramids built? How did the cemeteries and hundreds of decorated tombs around them develop? What was Giza’s contribution to this first great age of ancient Egyptian civilization, the Old Kingdom?The Giza Plateau and its cemeteries — including the majestic Pyramids and the Great Sphinx — are stirring examples of ancient Egyptian architecture and culture. They provide windows into ancient Egyptian society, but also contain mysteries waiting to be solved. The Egyptian Pyramids at Giza provide an opportunity to explore the history of archaeology and to learn about some of the modern methods shaping the discipline today.This introductory course will explore the art, archaeology, and history surrounding the Giza Pyramids. We will learn about Egyptian pharaohs and high officials of the Pyramid Age, follow in the footsteps of the great 20th-century expeditions, and discover how cutting-edge digital tools like 3D-modeling are reshaping the discipline of Egyptology.Join us on this online journey to ancient Egypt’s most famous archaeological site as we uncover the history and significance of Giza, and use new digital techniques to unravel the mysteries of its ancient tombs and temples."
Price: 99.00 |
"Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries" |
"Money isn’t generally the first topic that comes to mind when thinking about libraries, however it is a critical resource that touches every aspect of the organization. Whether you are an aspiring manager or a library director, it is important that your organization’s finances are aligned with your service goals and priorities. This course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, will help you understand how to build a budget, read financial reports, and plan for the long-term sustainability of your library."
Price: 49.00 |
"Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement Capstone" |
"This capstone course will feature knowledge, disposition, and performance assessments that examine growth along dimensions critical to the effective leadership of educational innovation and improvement. Learners will apply knowledge and principles of ambitious instruction, logics of innovation, improvement science, and exemplary cases to case studies of large-scale, practice-focused innovation. In doing so, they will identify and explain strengths in these innovations. They will also identify problems and challenges faced by these initiatives and, then, propose means of organizing and managing in response to those problems and challenges. This course is part of the Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 249.00 |
"Introducción a las radiocomunicaciones" |
"En este curso en línea se presenta una introducción a las radiocomunicaciones. Este curso introductorio está dividido de la siguiente manera: Se comienza introduciendo conceptos básicos de comunicaciones y propagación de ondas, para continuar describiendo las ondas electromagnéticas Luego se trata la propagación de las ondas electromagnéticas en la atmósfera, describiendo los distintos fenómenos que intervienen Más adelante se comentan los fundamentos de las comunicaciones analógicas y digitales, tratando los distintos tipos de modulaciones, el proceso de digitalización, el uso de tramas y protocolos y la encriptación y compresión de datos, acabando con un módulo dedicado a las antenas, sus parámetros y sus tipos Todos los conceptos se tratan a nivel muy descriptivo con el objeto de que el alumno se lleve una idea general del funcionamiento de cada uno de los procesos sin que sea necesario profundizar en las ecuaciones que los rigen.En este curso de ingeniería se desarrollarán los conceptos básicos del uso de las ondas radioeléctricas para la comunicación a distancia."
Price: 50.00 |
"Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability" |
"Agriculture is more than waving fields of wheat; our ability to grow food from existing natural resources – and without decimating those resources – is key to sustainably feeding the world. In this course, learn about food security worldwide, the effects of malnutrition, how we manage ecosystems that provide food resources and more. You’ll emerge from this course with a clear answer to the question: What can I do to make food consumption and production more sustainable? This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in agriculture, economics, international development and other fields who are learning about the intersectional factors impacting agriculture and food production/consumption Nutritionists, agriculture professionals and other practitioners interested in the latest developments in the field Sustainable development practitioners – including those who work for international aid organizations and nonprofits in the realms of poverty, nutrition and agriculture – who want to understand the lifecycle of food production and food security Private actors, such as those engaging in or investing in social entrepreneurship and the support of local agriculture Partners:This course is supported by faculty based at Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, Rothamsted Research, Tufts University, and Wageningen University and Research."
Price: 49.00 |
"Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet" |
"Harmful emissions, the degradation of the earth’s resources and global warming have loomed large for decades. With the negotiation and ongoing ratification of the sweeping Paris Agreement, commitments to reducing the effects of climate change abound.But how do we turn those commitments into action?Enroll now to learn from the professors and researchers leading the battle against climate change, hailing from world-renowned institutions including Columbia University’s Earth Institute, the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of this growing field. Climate change activists who want a concise overview of the current science and emerging solutions. Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or renewable energy – who need to understand how climate change solutions are being implemented and made successful."
Price: 49.00 |
"Ethics in Action" |
"The challenges of sustainable development are more than technical or political--they are also moral, calling on us to examine who we are as human beings, and who we want to be going forward. This examination of what makes a ""good person""--called virtue ethics--has long been the purview of philosophers and theologians. So what do the world's great religious and secular philosophies have to say about ethical conduct? Which virtues are common across creeds and cultures? And what role do ethics, spirituality, and religious communities have to play in sustainable development? In 2016, distinguished leaders from the world's major religious traditions, philosophers, scholars, and scientists were invited by Pope Francis to the Vatican for a series of meetings. Known as the Ethics in Action initiative, these meetings sought to promote dialogue and find consensus about the values needed to advance transformative action for our common home and the human family. This course features Ethics in Action meeting participants, as well as other leading voices, and discusses the perspectives of some of the world's great traditions and their role in addressing our world's most pressing challenges, including poverty, corruption, and climate change. It presents multi-faith cooperation as essential for achieving sustainable development, and calls for the development of a new shared virtue ethics to bring us all into a sustainable and peaceful future. This course is for: Religious and spiritual communities and individuals who want to contribute to the work of sustainable development Development professionals who want to understand and engage local faith communities Advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in philosophy, religion, theology, and their relation to global issues"
Price: 49.00 |
"Tech for Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving the SDGs" |
"Tech for Good was developed by UNESCO and Cetic.br/NIC.br, the Brazilian Network Information Center’s Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society. It brings together thought leaders and changemakers in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICT) and sustainable development to show how digital technologies are empowering billions of people around the world by providing access to education, healthcare, banking, and government services; and how “big data” is being used to inform smarter, evidence-based policies to improve people’s lives in fundamental ways. It also addresses the new challenges that technology can introduce , such as privacy, data management, risks to cybersecurity, e-waste, and the widening of social divides. Ultimately, Tech for Good looks at the ways in which stakeholders are coming together to answer big questions about what our future will look like in a hyper-digitized world. This course is for: Technology specialists who want to understand more about how ICT is being used to improve people’s lives around the world. Sustainable development practitioners who need to understand the opportunities and limitations of technology in a development context. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of this exciting and ever-changing field. Please note that the course is free to audit, but there is a fee if you choose to pursue a Verified Certificate. Financial assistance is available through edX."
Price: 49.00 |
"Leading Change: Go Beyond Gamification with Gameful Learning" |
"“Leading Change: Go Beyond Gamification with Gameful Learning” instructs school leaders and teachers on tools and strategies to support gameful learning in schools. Developed in partnership with Microsoft, this education course aims to transform teaching and learning at all levels through explorations of how the features that make video games great learning environments can be used in formal learning environments to increase learner engagement on a local, regional and global scale. By creating classroom learning environments that support learners’ senses of autonomy, competence and relatedness, school leaders are able to promote actively engaged and resilient learning. Gameful learning is a new way to conceive curriculum and assessment that provides concrete support for personalizing learning for every student. You will learn to design gameful learning environments and apply a systematic framework that leads to enhanced intrinsic motivation and engagement for students. This course has been funded by Microsoft and is part of the Microsoft K-12 Education Leadership initiative developed to provide resources to K-12 school leaders around the world as they address the unique needs of their schools in a changing educational and technology landscape."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cómo diagnosticar mis competencias de innovación" |
"La innovación es un término de moda desde hace años. No son pocas las personas que proponen la innovación y la creatividad como la receta mágica para todos o casi todos los males de las empresas de nuestros días, de hecho, es habitual encontrar en los medios de comunicación especializados en economía o empresas afirmaciones que vinculan la posibilidad de supervivencia y éxito de las organizaciones, al modo en que potencian, gestionan y explotan la innovación.Sin embargo, la innovación la realizan las personas y, por desgracia, no es tan sencillo encontrar modelos que nos permitan analizar las competencias blandas y los comportamientos de nuestros trabajadores que ayudan a fomentar la innovación en la empresa.En este curso de creatividad e innovación te presentaremos un modelo de competencia de innovación compuesto de tres dimensiones que aplicaremos para que auto-evalúes tu competencia o las de las personas que están desempeñando un puesto de trabajo en tu organización. De este modo, podrás detectar necesidades y establecer acciones de formación personalizadas, así como recoger evidencias de los resultados de las posibles intervenciones realizadas para fomentar la innovación y la creatividad.Este curso de innovación forma parte del MicroMasters Program de UPValenciaX “Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo en grupos de mejora continua”, diseñado para prepararte como líder y gestor de equipos de mejora continua en entornos de lean manufacturing y 6-sigma."
Price: 150.00 |
"Human-Computer Interaction I: Fundamentals & Design Principles" |
"This course takes you through the first eight lessons of CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction as taught in the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program. In this course, you'll take the first steps toward being a solid HCI practitioner and researcher. You'll learn the fundamentals of how HCI relates to fields like user experience design, user interface design, human factors engineering, and psychology. You'll also learn how human-computer interaction has influence across application domains like healthcare and education; technology development like virtual and augmented reality; and broader ideas like context-sensitive computing and information visualization. You'll then dive into the fundamentals of human-computer interaction. You'll learn three views of the user's role in interface design: the behaviorist 'processor' view, the cognitivist 'predictor' view, and the situationist 'participant' view. You'll discover how these different views of the user's role affect the scope we use to evaluate interaction. These perspectives will be crucial as you move forward in designing interfaces to ensure you're considering what goes on inside the user's head, as well as in the environment around them. You'll then learn the gulfs of execution and evaluation, which determine how easily the user can accomplish their goals in a system and how well they can understand the results of their actions. All of user interface design can be seen as taking steps to bridge these gulfs. You'll also investigate the notion of direct manipulation, which shortens the distance between the user and the objects they are manipulating in the interface. With these tools, you'll be well-equipped to start designing effective interfaces. You'll then take a deeper dive into what humans are even capable of accomplishing. You'll learn the limitations of human sensing and memory and how we must be aware of the cognitive load we introduce on the user while using our interfaces. Cognitive load can have an enormous impact on a user's satisfaction with an interface, and must be kept in mind as you begin your career as a designer. You'll finally conclude with an overview of the major design principles in human-computer interaction. Curated from the work of Don Norman, Jakob Nielsen, Ronald Mace, Larry Constantine, and Lucy Lockwood, these design principles cover revolutionary ideas in the design of interfaces: discoverability, affordances, perceptibility, constraints, error tolerance, and more. These principles are crucial whether you move forward as a designer, an evaluator, a front-end engineer, or any other role in technology design. By the end of the course, you'll have an understanding of where HCI sits in the broader field, a grasp of the goals of HCI, and a foundation in core principles that inform interface design."
Price: 199.00 |
"Human-Computer Interaction II: Cognition, Context & Culture" |
"This course takes you through lessons 9 through 13 of CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction as taught in the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program.In this course, you’ll expand the scope through which you view human-computer interaction. You’ll start by going further inside the user’s mind to understand the role of mental models in guiding a user’s interaction with your system. A good user interface designer understands the mental models of their users and how representations can be used to correct those mental models.You’ll then learn methods for breaking down user behavior into more objective, discernible, and measurable chunks. Through the principles of task analysis and with artifacts like GOMS models, you’ll discover how to take the often-ethereal patterns of human interaction and distill them into externalizable, manipulable chunks. You’ll also learn how to use these artifacts to inform the design and improvement of interfaces.You’ll then widen your view to look at the context in which your interfaces are deployed. You’ll begin by learning about distributed cognition, which includes the notion that humans may offload cognitive tasks onto interfaces, and that humans and interfaces together may be considered higher-level cognitive systems. You’ll also learn about theories for investigating interaction in context, such as activity theory and situated action, and the role that human improvisation plays in any interface we design. Through these lenses, you’ll be equipped to design not just user interfaces, but user experiences developed with an understanding of the context around the interaction.You’ll conclude by expanding your view even further to investigate how interfaces interact with society itself: both how society guides the interfaces we create, and how the interfaces we create affect society. You’ll learn how interface design can be used to address societal issues, but also how it can have danger unintentional side effects.By the end of the course, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how human cognition interacts with user interfaces, and how user interfaces in turn interact with the world. You’ll be able to design interfaces that consider what the user knows and what is going on around the user."
Price: 99.00 |
"Human-Computer Interaction III: Ethics, Needfinding & Prototyping" |
"This course takes you through lessons 14 through 18 of CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction as taught in the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program.In this course, you’ll begin by learning the design life cycle. This is the process by which we investigate user needs, brainstorm potential designs, create prototypes, and evaluate those prototypes. This life cycle provides the structure for the third and fourth courses in this professional certificate.A key part of the design life cycle, however, is human subjects research. In interface design, this involves asking users for information about what they do and what they need, and then asking them for feedback on the prototypes that you develop. In HCI more broadly, this may involve testing different ideas with users to see what facilitates the best user experience. Whenever we interact with users, though, we need to keep in mind users’ rights to privacy and transparency, and so we begin this course with a discussion of ethics in HCI. This is grounded in the university Institutional Review Board process, but also investigates the role of ethics in HCI in industry as well.From there, you’ll move on to needfinding and requirements gathering. It is always tempting to jump straight into designing an interface based on our intuitive understanding of a task or need, but successful interface design always starts with an understanding of the users: who are they, what they do, and what they need. This involves both interacting directly with them via surveys and interviews, as well as observing them at a distance or even attempting the tasks ourselves. This concludes with an understanding of the requirements of any interface we create.From there, you’ll move on to brainstorming design alternatives. Again, it is often tempting to jump straight to the design we have in mind, but successful interface design starts with the results of needfinding and attempts a more grounded investigation of possible solutions. Through this lesson, you’ll learn techniques for managing effective brainstorming sessions and approaches to exploring the ideas that are created including artifacts like user personas, interaction timelines, and storyboards.Finally, you’ll conclude by learning about prototyping. Implementing an interface is a complicated process, and there is a risk that we may invest lots of time into an interface that is doomed to fail because we do not get user feedback on the idea. The goal of prototyping is to get an idea in front of users as quickly as possible to validate and improve it before we move on to the high pressures of implementation.By the end of this course, you’ll have an understanding of the design life cycle and its first three major stages: needfinding, brainstorming, and prototyping. You’ll also understand the ethical implications of HCI research and how to safeguard users’ rights."
Price: 99.00 |
"Human-Computer Interaction IV: Evaluation, Agile Methods & Beyond" |
"This course takes you through the last nine lessons of CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction as taught in the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program.In this final course in the professional certificate, you’ll complete your understanding of the design life cycle, and learn about the modern relevance of human-computer interaction.You’ll begin by learning about evaluation. This is the critical final step of the design life cycle, where we put our prototypes in front of real users (or strong approximations thereof) to get feedback on their quality. You’ll learn about three methods for evaluation: first, qualitative evaluation lets you get direct feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your interface from real users. Second, quantitative evaluation lets you make strong claims about the effectiveness of your interface or the validity of your theories of interaction. Third, heuristic evaluation lets you inject evaluation much more completely into the design process, persistently putting yourself into the mindset of a user to investigate an interface.Then, you’ll learn how human-computer interaction relates to a modern trend in software development, Agile design. HCI and Agile development have a deep symbiosis in the way they each value rapid feedback. Moreover, modern technologies have allowed high-fidelity prototypes to be developed with the relative ease of low-fidelity prototypes in the past, allowing even better feedback and evaluation to come in throughout the design process.After wrapping up your understanding of the design life cycle and its iterative nature, you’ll turn your attention to a deeper dive into the modern state of human-computer interaction. You’ll have the chance to explore cutting-edge research in HCI, from technologies like extended reality to domains like cybersecurity to ideas like gesture-based interaction. HCI is a dynamic and evolving field, and any education it would not be complete without a chance to look at what’s happening today.Finally, you’ll conclude by looking at how far you’ve come and what you could do next. From other MOOCs to graduate degrees in the field, there are enormous possibilities for further studies in HCI.By the end of this course, you’ll have an understanding of the importance of evaluation in the design life cycle, as well as an understanding of where HCI sits in modern development and research."
Price: 99.00 |
"Globalization: Past and Future" |
"In this four-part mini-course, Professor Jeffrey Sachs argues that we have always lived in a global world. He takes students on a historical and anthropological tour of six distinct waves of globalization and outlines the key factors that drove innovation, technology dispersal and development during these epochs. The course tells the story of a global humanity and asks the question: What lessons can we pull from history to help understand the tumultuous changes underway today?This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying international development or relations, economics, sustainable development and other related topics Practitioners in the fields of policy, government relations, international trade, finance and related fields who are interested in the historical context of our current geopolitical environment and technological revolution"
Price: 25.00 |
"Effective Business Communication" |
"Short of breathing, the one activity that humans engage in the most is communication. In a business scenario, communication not only helps us share our thoughts but is essential in getting our work done and becoming more successful. In a business scenario, communication includes written letters, summaries, and emails. Clear communication skills are needed for impactful oral presentations in front of an audience. Even everyday practices like participating in meetings and managing interpersonal communication are key to achieving long and short-term business goals.This course will help you improve these communications skills by exploring the inherent challenges and providing techniques to help overcome hurdles."
Price: 50.00 |
"Intellectual Property Rights: A Management Perspective" |
"This course will provide insight on the competitive and strategic advantages of enterprises by using Intellectual Property Rights. You will learn about the different types of Intellectual Property as well as the strategy, valuation and asset management of it. The course also includes an array of interviews with leading experts and will help you understand the opinions of Policy makers vis-à-vis the gaps experienced by the distinguished patrons, hailing from various facets of the field of Intellectual Property."
Price: 50.00 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"Decision makers often struggle with questions such as: What should be the right price for a product? Which customer is likely to default in his/her loan repayment? Which products should be recommended to an existing customer? Finding right answers to these questions can be challenging yet rewarding. Predictive analytics is emerging as a competitive strategy across many business sectors and can set apart high performing companies. It aims to predict the probability of the occurrence of a future event such as customer churn, loan defaults, and stock market fluctuations – leading to effective business management. Models such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression, auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), decision trees, and neural networks are frequently used in solving predictive analytics problems. Regression models help us understand the relationships among these variables and how their relationships can be exploited to make decisions. This course is suitable for students/practitioners interested in improving their knowledge in the field of predictive analytics. The course will also prepare the learner for a career in the field of data analytics. If you are in the quest for the right competitive strategy to make companies successful, then join us to master the tools of predictive analytics."
Price: 99.00 |
"Statistics for Business – I" |
"Statistics is a versatile discipline that has revolutionized the fields of business, engineering, medicine and pure sciences. This course is Part 1 of a 4-part series on Business Statistics, and is ideal for learners who wish to enroll in business programs. The first two courses cover topics in Descriptive Statistics, whereas the next two courses focus on Inferential Statistics. Spreadsheets containing real data from diverse areas such as economics, finance and HR drive much of our discussions. In Part 1, we shall be exploring multiple ways to describe these datasets, numerically as well as visually. Throughout, we shall embrace a problem-based approach to understanding the material: the primary reason to pick up a tool or a technique will be to solve a problem. Our course makes judicious use of tools. In Part 2, we shall take up a few datasets that have over a million rows, which makes it impossible to analyze using a spreadsheet. This is a natural setting for R, an advanced statistical programming platform. The courses incorporate helpful tutorials to get learners acquainted with both the mechanisms. Parts 3 and 4 are dedicated to Inferential Statistics. In Part 3, we begin by exploring the benefits of random sampling, and apply the Central Limit Theorem to arrive at confidence intervals for important population parameters. We also learn how to formulate hypotheses for business data, and resolve them with the testing framework that we establish. Along the way, we shall compare two or more populations and draw inferences with a set of statistical tests. You will learn all these concepts with the help of various demonstrations, which show real-life application of the concepts related to business situations."
Price: 50.00 |
"DO Your Venture: Entrepreneurship For Everyone" |
"This hands-on, action oriented business and management course will introduce you to a systematic, scientific and an easy process of testing your ideas and opportunities you envision. You will learn the “DO your Venture” ideology, which will teach you common paths entrepreneurs take when launching their own venture. You will also learn the tools and techniques for generating ideas and then test your ideas in the field and gather feedback."
Price: 150.00 |
"People Management" |
"Do you aspire to be an ideal people manager? The journey from being an individual contributor to a people manager requires significant personal development and growth. If you are a first time manager, you may have asked yourself: Where did I go wrong in managing this particular employee? How should I give feedback to my subordinates? How do I handle potential assessments? How should I motivate people who report to me? The objective of this business and management course is to smoothen the transition for newly appointed people managers, motivate and guide people who are aspiring to become one and to think back and reflect for seasoned managers. The course will provide learners with an enhanced understanding of the role of people management in organizational context."
Price: 150.00 |
"Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media" |
"Public opinion has a powerful yet inexact influence on elected officials. Politicians risk their careers if they ignore it, yet its power is not easy to capture nor quantify. This course will look at how political parties, campaigns, social movements, special interests, and the news media all play a role in influencing public opinion. We’ll examine the attributes of public opinion, how polling attempts to measure those attributes, and how they impact the decisions of policymakers. We’ll address the unique features of the two-party system in the U.S., how those parties realign themselves in response to shifting norms, and how their candidates are vetted behind the scenes before the start of a campaign. Outside of the formal organization of party politics, groups representing various interests aim to affect a change through the political system. Special interest groups resemble political parties, but while parties try to influence elections, groups concentrate on gaining influence over policies. Meanwhile, social movements take place outside these established institutions, often in the form of protest demonstrations and rallies. All of these interests are filtered through the news media, which plays a critical role in shaping people’s images of politics. This course will help you to understand how these forces shape American politics, from “invisible primaries” to election day and beyond."
Price: 49.00 |
"Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings" |
"Globally, an unprecedented 131 million people are affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. Children, who constitute just under half of the affected population, are particularly vulnerable in these situations, which present grave risks to their physical health and psychological wellbeing.This course examines how children’s social environments at different levels, such as the family, community and societal levels, influence children’s adversity, development and resilience. Course participants will engage in critical thought about current international child protection practice and how to strengthen it. The course will invite participants to identify opportunities for using the learning from science and practice, to enrich current child protection approaches in humanitarian settings. This course is aimed at child protection practitioners who work internationally in humanitarian settings and is also designed for those who want to learn more about, or start working in, the sector. The course is not intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to child protection programming in humanitarian settings. Instead, it focuses on select areas that are ripe for enrichment."
Price: 50.00 |
"Supply Chain Technology and Systems" |
"There are underlying fundamental principles and concepts that apply to all supply chains, which can be expressed in relatively straightforward models. However, to actually implement them across a real supply chain requires the use of technology across multiple systems. Supply chains have a long history of using technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The shear scale and scope of most supply chains require many distinct systems to interact with each other. Unfortunately, technology is a moving target. It is constantly evolving and improving so that today's technology is outdated within a few years or months. Rather than focusing on a specific software system, this business and management course will focus on three aspects: fundamental concepts, core systems, and data analysis. We will start with the introduction of fundamental concepts that are used in all software tools. We will cover IT fundamentals, including project management and software processes, data modeling, UML, relational databases and SQL. We will also introduce Internet technologies, such as XML, web services, and service-oriented architectures. No prior programming experience required. We will then provide an overview of the main types of supply chain software including ERP, WMS, and TMS systems. We will describe their main functionality, how they work, how they are used, their architecture, data flows, and how they are organized into modules. We will also cover the software selection process and how software upgrade and implementation projects should be organized and managed. Finally, we will dive into data analysis that is core to all large supply chains. We will introduce visualization and big data analysis techniques that are used in practice today."
Price: 299.00 |
"Trasplante de órganos: desafíos éticos y jurídicos" |
"Desde que en 1954 se realizara el primer trasplante exitoso de un órgano, la cirugía de trasplantes se ha desarrollado espectacularmente brindando esperanza y calidad de vida a muchos enfermos. Mientras esas técnicas y posibilidades terapéuticas avanzan, persisten sin embargo muchos interrogantes sobre el modo en el que los órganos pueden obtenerse lícitamente.Algunos de esos dilemas nos acompañan desde siempre, otros son suscitados por la aparición de fenómenos novedosos como el turismo de trasplantes, las posibilidades que ofrece la donación tras la muerte cardiocirculatoria o los descubrimientos sobre las funciones fisiológicas remanentes en los pacientes diagnosticados en muerte cerebral.En la inmensa mayoría de los países no se pueden comprar y vender órganos. ¿Por qué? A pesar de que muchas personas siguen muriendo a la espera de recibir un órgano, en ningún país se confiscan los órganos de las personas fallecidas. ¿Por qué? ¿Pueden donar los menores? ¿Debemos prescindir de la conocida como “regla del donante cadáver” y permitir la eutanasia para la donación? ¿Con qué límites? ¿De qué manera influye la potencial condición de donante de un órgano en los cuidados que se proporcionan al final de la vida? ¿Cómo evitar el conflicto de intereses entre quienes velan por la vida de los futuros receptores de un órgano y quienes aún se afanan por cuidar a quien va a fallecer de manera irremisible e inminente?En este curso nos adentraremos en el análisis de esas y otras cuestiones, pero también introduciremos los nuevos desafíos que para la ética y el Derecho plantean trasplantes novedosos así como la discusión en torno a los criterios de justa distribución de los órganos."
Price: 49.00 |
"Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet" |
"Unemployment. Inflation. Protectionism. Trade barriers. Fiscal deficit. These are not just terms in an economics textbook or in newspaper headlines. These real-life challenges carry societal and environmental implications for billions of people around the world. How do we balance the pursuit of economic growth with the right of all people to thrive on an increasingly fragile planet? To answer this question, we must reframe our understanding of macroeconomics in the context of a highly interdependent world.Led by two leading economic minds – Columbia University Professor and Senior UN Advisor Jeffrey Sachs and former Chilean Minister of Finance Felipe Larraín – this massive open online course explores traditional macroeconomic principles and tools, updated for the age of sustainable development and the current wave of globalization. Is a thriving global economy possible in an equitable and environmentally thoughtful way? Find out here.This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying international development, economics and/or sustainable development Economists interested in the balance of macroeconomic principles and ESG (environmental, societal and governance) criteria Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in the financial sector – who need to understand the economic models that support and depend on sustainable development"
Price: 49.00 |
"Transforming Our World: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" |
"In this course, learn all about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).In September 2015, the world’s leaders signed on to this new agenda, answering the call for a global vision of important social, economic and environmental needs to support the planet and its people in long-term prosperity and survival. The goals include a set of key areas of focus, as well as detailed targets to put our planet on track for this continuing sustainability through 2030 and beyond.Sustainable development is not just a problem for future generations. It is a shared global responsibility now and forevermore to be thoughtful stewards of our entire world – from developed countries to developing countries, from high-level policymakers to individuals. This course is for: Anyone new to the concept of the Sustainable Development Goals who wants to understand what they are, why they’re important and how to achieve them Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of sustainability Policymakers and sustainable development practitioners looking for a concise overview of the goals and their targets Private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or at universities – who want their work to be more sustainable and align with global progress"
Price: 25.00 |
"La España del Quijote" |
"En un lugar de la UAM, cuyo nombre merece recordar, habita la España de El Quijote. Un espacio en el que su monarquía creó el primer imperio global de la Historia. Un tiempo, entre los siglos XVI y XVII, en el que su sociedad alcanzó la excelencia en las artes y las letras. Aunque ese esplendor se dio en plenos aires de cambio. Pues España pasó de la hegemonía a la decadencia, de la expansión a la crisis. Este curso pretende trazar la historia de aquella época. Entre el Renacimiento y el Barroco su cultura marcó la pauta en Occidente. Las obras literarias —La Celestina, El Lazarillo, etc.— se tradujeron enseguida en las imprentas europeas y americanas. Las ropas marcaron la moda cortesana. La tendencia más fashion era “vestir a la española”. Los tratados militares y políticos fueron estudiados por los enemigos. La acumulación de talentos en la Villa y Corte de Madrid (Cervantes, Lope, Velázquez, etc.), tuvo réplicas en las grandes ciudades de imperio. Pues en Sevilla, Lisboa, Barcelona, Nápoles, México o Lima se multiplicaron academias literarias, estrenos teatrales y fiestas. Una síntesis de pueblos unidos por la lealtad a la Corona y la fe católica. En nuestro recorrido por esa España de El Quijote pasaremos de la campana al reloj y de la geografía fantástica a la real. La sociedad estuvo polarizada entre los privilegiados —nobleza y clero— y los pobres y los picaros. El Humanismo fue cultivado en las universidades. La familia, la alimentación, la vivienda, los juegos y las fiestas, protagonizaron la vida cotidiana. En el tiempo de El Quijote las luces de los genios literarios y artísticos brillaron sobre las sombras de la Inquisición. Viajemos, pues, a esta excelsa cultura del Siglo de Oro."
Price: 19.00 |
"The Spain of Don Quixote" |
"This MOOC focuses on Spanish history between the Renaissance and Baroque periods—a time when the Spanish culture set the tone in the Western world. The monarchy of this Spain created the first global empire of History. The greatest literary works of this period, including La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, were immediately translated in the first European and American printing houses. Spanish fashion was the trendiest at the Courts of Early Modern Europe. Spanish military and political treaties set the standard for political machinations of the era. In this period—between the 16th and 17th centuries—, Spain’s society achieved excellence in Arts and Literature. Exceptional and talented people such as Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Velázquez, were drawn to Madrid. Literary academies, theatre productions and celebrations flourished in other big cities of the Empire as Seville, Lisbon, Barcelona, Naples, Mexico, and Lima. A synthesis of nations united for the loyalty to the Crown and the Catholic faith. In our tour through the Spain of Don Quixote, we will discuss the relationship between fantastic to real geography. Society was polarized between the privileged—nobility and clergy—and the poor and rogues. Humanism was cultivated in universities. Family, food, housing, games, and celebrations played a part in everyday life. In times of Don Quixote, the lights of Literature and Art geniuses shined upon the shadows of the Inquisition. Let’s travel to this sublime culture of Spanish Golden Age."
Price: 29.00 |
"Organ Transplantation: Ethical and Legal Challenges" |
"The first successful organ transplantation was performed in 1954. Since then, the technique has evolved tremendously, giving hope and increased quality of life to many patients around the world. While the technology and drugs advance, several controversies persist regarding the way in which organs may be obtained. Some of these dilemmas arose on the very first day in which organs’ transplantation originated; others have emerged as a result of new phenomena such as transplantation tourism, the new possibilities brought by donation after cardio-circulatory death, or increasing knowledge about the remaining physiological functions detected in patients pronounced as brain dead. Almost all countries in the world forbid the selling of organs. Why? Although many people die while on the waiting lists, in no country does the Government confiscate cadaveric organs. Why? May minors be organ donors? Should we abandon the so-called “dead donor rule” and allow “organ-donation euthanasia”? How does the potential condition of becoming a donor influence the administration of end-of-life care? How should we avoid the eventual conflict of interests between those who care for the life of future recipients of organs and those who are in charge of the dying patient-eventual-donor? In this course we will explore the answers to these questions, and we will also engage in the assessment of the more recent challenges posed by novel transplantation techniques, and, albeit briefly, in the discussion regarding the fair distribution of organs."
Price: 49.00 |