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A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Multi-Object Tracking for Automotive Systems" |
"Autonomous vehicles, such as self-driving cars, rely critically on an accurate perception of their environment. In this course, we will teach you the fundamentals of multi-object tracking for automotive systems. Key components include the description and understanding of common sensors and motion models, principles underlying filters that can handle varying number of objects, and a selection of the main multi-object tracking (MOT) filters. The course builds and expands on concepts and ideas introduced in CHM013x: ""Sensor fusion and nonlinear filtering for automotive systems"". In particular, we study how to localize an unknown number of objects, which implies various interesting challenges. We focus on cameras, laser scanners and radar sensors, which are all commonly used in vehicles, and emphasize on situations where we seek to track nearby pedestrians and vehicles. Still, most of the involved methods are more general and can be used for surveillance or to track, e.g., biological cells, sports athletes or space debris. The course contains a series of videos, quizzes and hands-on assignments where you get to implement several of the most important algorithms. Learn from award-winning and passionate teachers to enhanceyour knowledge at the forefront of research on self-driving vehicles. Chalmers is among the top engineering schools that distinguish itself through its close collaboration with industry."
Price: 249.00 |
"Electric and Conventional Vehicles" |
"Electric powertrains are estimated to propel a large part of road vehicles in the future, due to their high efficiency and zero tailpipe emissions. But, the cost and weight of batteries and the time to charge them are arguments for the conventional powertrain in many vehicles. This makes it important for engineers working with vehicles to understand how both these powertrains work, and how to determine their performance and energy consumption for different type of vehicles and different ways of driving vehicles. This course is aimed at learners with a bachelor's degree or engineers in the automotive industry who need to develop their knowledge about electric powertrains. In this course, you will learn how electric and conventional combustion engine powertrains are built and how they work. You will learn methods to calculate their performance and energy consumption and how to simulate them in different driving cycles. You will also learn about the basic function, the main limits and the losses of: Combustion engines, Transmissions Electric machines, Power electronics Batteries. This knowledge will also be a base for understanding and analysing different types of hybrid vehicles, discussed in the course, Hybrid Vehicles. As a result of support from MathWorks, students will be granted access to MATLAB/Simulink for the duration of the course."
Price: 249.00 |
Hybrid Vehicles |
"Why are hybrid vehicles still more common than battery electric ones? Why are electric vehicles still more expensive than conventional or hybrid ones? In this course, you will get the answers to this and much more. While electric motors can improve vehicles regarding performance, energy consumption and emissions, they suffer from high cost and weight of batteries. Smart combinations of electric motors and combustion engines in a hybrid powertrain can combine these strengths with the advantages of combustion engines. This course is aimed at learners with a bachelor's degree or engineers in the automotive industry who need to develop their knowledge about hybridpowertrains. Inthis course, we willexamine different mechanical layouts of hybrid powertrains and how they influence the performance and complexity of the powertrain. Different sizing of powertrains in micro, mild, full hybrids, as well as plug-in hybrids, is also discussed and you'll learn how they can be modelled and analyzed for example by simulation of driving cycles. You will also learn about the Energy Management system and how this controls the hybrid powertrain modes and when to charge and discharge the battery. As a result of support from MathWorks, students will be granted access to MATLAB/Simulink for the duration of the course."
Price: 249.00 |
"Data Science: Productivity Tools" |
"A typical data analysis project may involve several parts, each including several data files and different scripts with code. Keeping all this organized can be challenging. Part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course explains how to use Unix/Linux as a tool for managing files and directories on your computer and how to keep the file system organized. You will be introduced to the version control systems git, a powerful tool for keeping track of changes in your scripts and reports. We also introduce you to GitHub and demonstrate how you can use this service to keep your work in a repository that facilitates collaborations. Finally, you will learn to write reports in R markdown which permits you to incorporate text and code into a document. We'll put it all together using the powerful integrated desktop environment RStudio."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: R Basics" |
"The first in our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course will introduce you to the basics of R programming. You can better retain R when you learn it to solve a specific problem, so you'll use a real-world dataset about crime in the United States. You will learn the R skills needed to answer essential questions about differences in crime across the different states. We'll cover R's functions and data types, then tackle how to operate on vectors and when to use advanced functions like sorting. You'll learn how to apply general programming features like ""if-else,"" and ""for loop"" commands, and how to wrangle, analyze and visualize data. Rather than covering every R skill you might need, you'll build a strong foundation to prepare you for the more in-depth courses later in the series, where we cover concepts like probability, inference, regression, and machine learning. We help you develop a skill set that includes R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with UNIX/Linux, version control with git and GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with RStudio. The demand for skilled data science practitioners is rapidly growing, and this series prepares you to tackle real-world data analysis challenges."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Inference and Modeling" |
"Statistical inference and modeling are indispensable for analyzing data affected by chance, and thus essential for data scientists. In this course, you will learn these key concepts through a motivating case study on election forecasting. This course will show you how inference and modeling can be applied to develop the statistical approaches that make polls an effective tool and we'll show you how to do this using R. You will learn concepts necessary to define estimates and margins of errors and learn how you can use these to make predictions relatively well and also provide an estimate of the precision of your forecast. Once you learn this you will be able to understand two concepts that are ubiquitous in data science: confidence intervals, and p-values. Then, to understand statements about the probability of a candidate winning, you will learn about Bayesian modeling. Finally, at the end of the course, we will put it all together to recreate a simplified version of an election forecast model and apply it to the 2016 election."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Probability" |
"In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science,you will learn valuable concepts in probability theory. The motivation for this course is the circumstances surrounding the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Part of what caused this financial crisis was that the risk of some securities sold by financial institutions was underestimated. To begin to understand this very complicated event, we need to understand the basics of probability. We will introduce important concepts such as random variables, independence, Monte Carlo simulations, expected values, standard errors, and the Central Limit Theorem. These statistical concepts are fundamental to conducting statistical tests on data and understanding whether the data you are analyzing is likely occurring due to an experimental method or to chance. Probability theory is the mathematical foundation of statistical inference which is indispensable for analyzing data affected by chance, and thus essential for data scientists."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Wrangling" |
"In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science,we cover several standard steps of the data wrangling process like importing data into R, tidying data, string processing, HTML parsing, working with dates and times, and text mining. Rarely are all these wrangling steps necessary in a single analysis, but a data scientist will likely face them all at some point. Very rarely is data easily accessible in a data science project. It's more likely for the data to be in a file, a database, or extracted from documents such as web pages, tweets, or PDFs. In these cases, the first step is to import the data into R and tidy the data, using the tidyverse package. The steps that convert data from its raw form to the tidy form is called data wrangling. This process is a critical step for any data scientist. Knowing how to wrangle and clean data will enable you to make critical insights that would otherwise be hidden."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Linear Regression" |
"Linear regression is commonly used to quantify the relationship between two or more variables. It is also used to adjust for confounding. This course, part ofourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, covers how to implement linear regression and adjust for confounding in practice using R. In data science applications, it is very common to be interested in the relationship between two or more variables. The motivating case study we examine in this course relates to the data-driven approach used to construct baseball teams described in Moneyball. We will try to determine which measured outcomes best predict baseball runs by using linear regression. We will also examine confounding, where extraneous variables affect the relationship between two or more other variables, leading to spurious associations. Linear regression is a powerful technique for removing confounders, but it is not a magical process. It is essential to understand when it is appropriate to use, and this course will teach you when to apply this technique."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Capstone" |
"To become an expert data scientist you need practice and experience. By completing this capstone project you will get an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in R data analysis that you have gained throughout the series. This final project will test your skills in data visualization, probability, inference and modeling, data wrangling, data organization, regression, and machine learning. Unlike the rest of ourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, in this course, you will receive much less guidance from the instructors. When you complete the project you will have a data product to show off to potential employers or educational programs, a strong indicator of your expertise in the field of data science."
Price: 99.00 |
"Data Science: Machine Learning" |
"Perhaps the most popular data science methodologies come from machine learning. What distinguishes machine learning from other computer guided decision processes is that it builds prediction algorithms using data. Some of the most popular products that use machine learning include the handwriting readers implemented by the postal service, speech recognition, movie recommendation systems, and spam detectors. In this course,part ofourProfessional Certificate Program in Data Science, you will learn popular machine learning algorithms, principal component analysis, and regularization by building a movie recommendation system. You will learn about training data, and how to use a set of data to discover potentially predictive relationships. As you build the movie recommendation system, you will learn how to train algorithms using training data so you can predict the outcome for future datasets. You will also learn about overtraining and techniques to avoid it such as cross-validation. All of these skills are fundamental to machine learning."
Price: 49.00 |
"Data Science: Visualization" |
"As part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course covers the basics of data visualization and exploratory data analysis. We will use three motivating examples and ggplot2, a data visualization package for the statistical programming language R. We will start with simple datasets and then graduate to case studies about world health, economics, and infectious disease trends in the United States. We'll also be looking at how mistakes, biases, systematic errors, and other unexpected problems often lead to data that should be handled with care. The fact that it can be difficult or impossible to notice a mistake within a dataset makes data visualization particularly important. The growing availability of informative datasets and software tools has led to increased reliance on data visualizations across many areas. Data visualization provides a powerful way to communicate data-driven findings, motivate analyses, and detect flaws. This course will give you the skills you need to leverage data to reveal valuable insights and advance your career."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introducción al Internet de las Cosas (IoT)" |
"El internet de las cosas (Internet of things o IoT) es el presente y el futuro de la tecnologia.Tanto si tienes algo de experiencia con la electronica y deseas desarrollar proyectos como si no tienes ninguna, este curso online te daralos conocimientos inicialesnecesarios para comenzar a crear dispositivos increibles capaces demedir y controlar señales fisicas. Este curso de informatica y electronica te introduce en este campousando placas Arduino y ESP. Este es un curso preliminar en el que tratamos conceptos basicos de electronica y programacion. Si ya conoces estos conceptos basicos, la segunda parte de este curso sera de su interes, ya que sera donde comenzaremos a crear dispositivos inteligentes."
Price: 50.00 |
"Data Analysis Essentials" |
"Want to study for an MBA but unsure of the basic data analysis still required? This online course prepares you for studying in an MBA program and in business generally. Data analysis appears throughout any rigorous MBA program and in today's business environment understanding the fundamentals of collecting, presenting, describing and making inferences from data sets is essential for success. The goal of this course is to teach you fundamental data analysis skills so you are prepared for your MBA study and able to focus your efforts on core MBA curriculum, rather than continually playing catch-up with the underlying statistical knowledge needed. We also hope that learning these data analysis skills will equip you with the ability to understand, to a greater degree, the data you encounter in your working lives and in the world around you - an essential life-skill in today's data driven environment This course assumes no prior knowledge of data analysis. Concepts are explained as clearly as possible and regular activities give you the opportunity to practice your skills and improve your confidence."
Price: 79.00 |
"Maths Essentials" |
"Planning to study for an MBA but unsure of your basic maths skills? All MBA programs, and in business generally require some maths, particularly on quantitative subjects such as Accounting, Economics and Finance. In this mathematics course, you will learn the fundamental business math skills needed to succeed in your MBA study and in the field of business. These math skills will also give you an edge in the workplace enabling you to apply greater analytical skill to your decision making. You will learn how to evaluate and manipulate the types of formulae that appear in an accounting syllabus, how to perform the calculus required to solve optimization problems in economics and how to apply the concept of geometric series to solving finance-related problems such as calculating compound interest payments. This course assumes no prior knowledge of business maths, concepts are explained clearly and regular activities give you the opportunity to practice your skills and improve your confidence."
Price: 79.00 |
"Les principes de la finance" |
"La finance est omniprésente et les décisions financières nous concernent tous. Tout individu est un jour ou l'autre amené à épargner ou emprunter. La sélection des projets d'investissements et leur financement sont des questions cruciales pour les entrepreneurs ou managers. D'une manière plus large, les décisions prises par le monde politique en matières financières influencent directement ou indirectement le quotidien des citoyens. Les récentes crises financières ont pu nous montrer à quel point il peut être primordial de comprendre les fondamentaux de la finance. Sans un minimum d'éducation financière, il est difficile d'appréhender le fonctionnement du monde dans lequel nous évoluons. Ce cours introductif vous propose un cadre conceptuel et des outils pour vous aider à prendre des décisions financières judicieuses, avec un focus particulier sur les opérations financières courantes. Au terme de ce cours, vous serez capable de : Décrire les principes fondamentaux du raisonnement financier : absence d'opportunités d'arbitrage dans un marché concurrentiel, intégration de la dimension temporelle et du risque dans la décision financière ; Calculer des valeurs actuelles ou futures, de flux ou de séquence de flux ; Appliquer les techniques de l'évaluation actuarielle aux operations financières courantes (de type épargne ou emprunt) et aux principaux actifs financiers (actions et obligations) ; Utiliser les différents outils de sélection d'investissement pour des projets en entreprise ; Analyser la problématique de la décision d'investissement, en tenant compte du lien entre rendement attendu et risque ; Déterminer le taux de rendement qu'une entreprise doit utiliser lorsqu'elle doit prendre une décision d'investissement et utiliser ce taux pour calculer la valeur générée par un projet ; Suivre des cours de finance plus avancés (finance d'entreprise, gestion de portefeuille, marchés financiers, finance internationale, produits dérivés, etc.)."
Price: 150.00 |
"Psychologie de la négociation" |
"Souvent confinée à l'étude des techniques permettant de vendre une encyclopédie en 24 volumes à une octogénaire récalcitrante ou à l'art de marchander son salaire, la négociation est souvent abordée sous un angle exclusivement utilitariste. Mais négocier ce n'est pas se limiter à la recherche du bénéfice maximum. La négociation traverse toutes les dimensions de la vie humaine. Nous négocions tous les jours, dans toutes les sphères de notre existence : au travail, avec la famille, les amis… Dès qu'il s'agit de partager des biens matériels mais aussi de résoudre une divergence d'intérêts, de concilier différentes envies, rêves, goûts, couleurs… Ce cours s'éloigne de l'approche classique des négociations et tente de rendre compte des phénomènes psychologiques à la base du comportement. L'approche poursuivie sera descriptive plutôt que prescriptive. Contrairement aux théoriciens du jeu qui « examinent ce que de super-hommes, ultra-intelligents et impeccablement rationnels devraient faire dans les situations compétitives », nous explorerons la façon dont « des êtres imparfaits se comportent dans la réalité » (Raiffa, 1982, p. 21). Ainsi, les êtres humains poursuivent des motivations, ont des attentes, des préjugés, des biais et des émotions. Ils analysent l'information qui leur est soumise et prennent des décisions à travers le spectre de leurs propres limites cognitives. Leurs actions fluctuent en fonction de la situation ou de leur personnalité. Toutes ces variables influencent non seulement le comportement des personnes mais, plus fondamentalement, elles modifient la dynamique même de résolution des divergences. Ce cours mettra en évidence ces variables multiples et offrira aux étudiantes et étudiants une compréhension fine et detaillée des processus psychologiques qui entrent en jeu avant, pendant et après toute négociation. Ce cours sera enseigné en français."
Price: 150.00 |
"Psychologie de la négociation" |
"Souvent confinée à l'étude des techniques permettant de vendre une encyclopédie en 24 volumes à une octogénaire récalcitrante ou à l'art de marchander son salaire, la négociation est souvent abordée sous un angle exclusivement utilitariste. Mais négocier ce n'est pas se limiter à la recherche du bénéfice maximum. La négociation traverse toutes les dimensions de la vie humaine. Nous négocions tous les jours, dans toutes les sphères de notre existence : au travail, avec la famille, les amis… Dès qu'il s'agit de partager des biens matériels mais aussi de résoudre une divergence d'intérêts, de concilier différentes envies, rêves, goûts, couleurs… Ce cours s'éloigne de l'approche classique des négociations et tente de rendre compte des phénomènes psychologiques à la base du comportement. L'approche poursuivie sera descriptive plutôt que prescriptive. Contrairement aux théoriciens du jeu qui « examinent ce que de super-hommes, ultra-intelligents et impeccablement rationnels devraient faire dans les situations compétitives », nous explorerons la façon dont « des êtres imparfaits se comportent dans la réalité » (Raiffa, 1982, p. 21). Ainsi, les êtres humains poursuivent des motivations, ont des attentes, des préjugés, des biais et des émotions. Ils analysent l'information qui leur est soumise et prennent des décisions à travers le spectre de leurs propres limites cognitives. Leurs actions fluctuent en fonction de la situation ou de leur personnalité. Toutes ces variables influencent non seulement le comportement des personnes mais, plus fondamentalement, elles modifient la dynamique même de résolution des divergences. Ce cours mettra en évidence ces variables multiples et offrira aux étudiantes et étudiants une compréhension fine et detaillée des processus psychologiques qui entrent en jeu avant, pendant et après toute négociation. Ce cours sera enseigné en français."
Price: 150.00 |
"Sales: reacciones químicas y aplicaciones" |
"En este curso en linea se tratan en primer lugar, las sales como compuestos que pueden modificar la acidez del medio. La explicacion de dichas modificaciones se realiza a partir de la teoria de Bronsted-Lowry. Estos conceptos se aplican al calculo de las concentraciones de las diferentes especies en disolucion justificando adecuadamente las aproximaciones realizadas y poniendo especial enfasis en el calculo del pH. En este curso de quimica se describe la naturaleza y aplicaciones de las disoluciones amortiguadoras, citando algunos ejemplos representativos de su importancia en el medio natural. El estudio de los equilibrios acido-base en este contexto se centra en el calculo del pH de dichas disoluciones y en sus modificaciones cuando se añaden cantidades limitadas de acidos o bases fuertes."
Price: 50.00 |
"Accounting Essentials" |
"Want to study for an MBA but unsure of your basic accounting skills? Paving the way for MBA study, this course will teach you the foundational accounting skills needed to achieve success on an MBA program and in business generally. You will be introduced to the principles of accounting and learn about the basic financial statements, including the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. You will learn how to read and interpret this information in order to make informed business decisions. This course assumes no prior knowledge of accounting. Concepts are explained clearly and regular activities offer you the opportunity to practice your skills and improve your confidence."
Price: 79.00 |
"Finance Essentials" |
"Want to study for an MBA but are unsure of basic financial concepts? This business and management course prepares you for studying finance in an MBA program and in business generally. You will learn key financial topics such as present value, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), capital budgeting, equity, bonds, diversification, portfolio choice and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), all of which are often discussed and explored in great detail in MBA programs across the globe as well as everyday business operations. A completely online course, you can work wherever and whenever you choose: at home, in the workplace, at a library, coffee shop or even while travelling (with the appropriate network access). This course employs a 'supported learning' model. To help you achieve the optimum learning outcomes from this module, Imperial College Business School provides access to an expert online tutor who will support you through the learning materials and associated activities. No previous financial knowledge is needed. Join us as you start your journey into the world of finance for management."
Price: 79.00 |
"Introduction to the Internet of Things" |
"Internet of Things (IoT) is the present and the future of technology. Either, if you have none, few or some experience with electronics and you want to develop it projects this course will give you the necessary kick start to start creating amazing devices capable of sensing, controlling physical signals. This course introduces it using Arduino and ESP boards. This is a preliminary course in which we deal, with the basics of electronics and programming. If you already know the basics, then the second part of this course will be of your interest, in which we start creating smart devices."
Price: 50.00 |
"Implant Dentistry" |
"Follow leading specialists, researchers and teachers of Implant Dentistry from more than 10 countries around the world led by HKU's Implant Dentistry MOOC team to explore the biology, the technology and clinical management in implant dentistry today. In this 5-Week-5-Module course, you will learn about what implant dentistry is all about, covering the comprehensive spectrum of successful implant practice. A key aim of this course is to help learners set the foundations for an effective and successful practice in implant dentistry, in particular practitioners who will soon begin their first steps in implant dentistry. Learners will be exposed to a sound theoretical background and practical clinical work, learning through videos and activities that closely integrate academic knowledge from evidence-based research and surgical techniques based on best practices, providing a comprehensive and well-balanced view of the implant process. Learners in the course will have the opportunity to follow authentic challenging patient cases and take active part in the decision making, discussing their treatment plans with fellow online peers, course mentors and instructors. Each week, learners can apply newly gained knowledge in implant dentistry to solve selected clinical cases of five authentic implant patients online. It is the hope of the HKU Implant Dentistry course team that we help dental practitioners, dental students, medical professionals and those in related fields to understand the realistic challenges and potential in implant dentistry, and empower them to plot their own course towards a safe, effective and successful career serving patients with Implant Dentistry."
Price: 99.00 |
"AP® Psychology - Course 1: What is Psychology?" |
"This psychology course is an introduction to the field of psychology. It begins by asking “What is Psychology?” and provides some concrete answers to that question. Next, it covers the history of psychology and provides a look at the state of psychology today. This course will provide you with research-based study tips — to help you in this course and in the future. You will learn the methods a psychologist uses in their research. From experimental design to coverage of some basic statistics — by the end of this course you will have a comprehensive appreciation for the methods of psychology. This course includes video-based lectures and demonstrations, interviews with real research psychologists and a plethora of practice questions to help prepare you for the AP® Psychology exam. This is the first in our six-course AP® Psychology sequence designed to prepare you for the AP® Psychology exam. Additional Courses: AP® Psychology - Course 2: How the Brain Works AP® Psychology - Course 3: How the Mind Works AP® Psychology - Course 4: How Behavior Works AP® Psychology - Course 5: Health and Behavior AP® Psychology - Course 6: Exam Preparation & Review"
Price: 49.00 |
"Leading in a Complex Environment" |
"Leaders must be prepared to succeed in fast-moving, complex, global business environments. This course is intended for people working in the modern-day global organization and will teach you how to tackle these complex and challenging issues, including: How global issues, such as global warming and geopolitical tensions, impact an organization's decision-making process and how to navigate these challenging issues. How leaders respond to and manage issues such as social responsibility, environmental sustainability, crisis management, and cultural differences. How leaders represent their organizations and why it’s important they demonstrate virtue and authenticity to build trust. This course draws on the diverse knowledge of both leadership scholars and experienced leaders. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities, this course alerts learners to intractable problems that are too often ignored. The course will not provide convenient off-the-rack answers, but asks students to dig deep into their own soul to firstly acknowledge the problems in our contemporary world and then reflect on whether they have the capacity to negotiate them."
Price: 325.00 |
"Introducción a la Ciencia de Datos y el Big Data" |
"El futuro pertenece a la ciencia de datos y a quienes la entiendan. Al igual que el petróleo y el gas impulsaron las economías de los siglos XX y XXI, los datos impulsan cada vez mas la innovación y la economía global a medida que avanzamos hacia una nueva era denominada la revolución digital. Las empresas que están cambiando a una mentalidad de datos van a obtener primero una enorme ventaja competitiva. Esto se ha convertido en una verdad universal: las empresas modernas se están inundando de big data. El año pasado, McKinsey estimó que las iniciativas de Big Data en el sistema de salud de los Estados Unidos, ""podrían representar de $300 mil millones a $450 mil millones en gastos de salud reducidos o del 12 al 17 por ciento de la línea de base de $2.6 billones en costos de salud de los Estados Unidos"". Por otro lado, sin embargo se estima que los datos erróneos le cuestan a los Estados Unidos apróximadamente $3.1 trillones de dólares al año. Aunque la ciencia de datos representará ventajas puntuales para las empresas como mitigar el riesgo y/o el fraude; entregar al cliente productos relevantes y tener experiencias personalizadas al mismo, es sin embargo, importante notar que la ciencia de datos podrá agregar un valor a cuaquier negocio, siempre y cuando pueda usar bien sus datos. El análisis de la información y la inteligencia de negocios ayudan a las organizaciones a tomar decisiones inteligentes basadas en el análisis de datos."
Price: 49.00 |
"Herramientas para el Análisis de Big Data" |
"Cuando se trata de herramientas para el análisis de datos, siempre tenemos las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tantas herramientas que existen?¿Cuál es la mejor?¿Cuál deberia aprender? Las funciones que realizan los científicos de datos incluyen la identificación de preguntas relevantes, la recopilación de datos de diferentes fuentes de datos, la organización de datos, la transformación de datos a la solución y la comunicación de estos hallazgos para tomar mejores decisiones comerciales. Las herramientas de ciencia de datos o Data Science pueden ser de dos tipos: Uno para aquellos que tienen conocimientos de programación Otro para los usuarios comerciales. Las herramientas para el primer tipo, tienen que ver con el área de las tecnologías de información en donde se busca que la persona tenga conocimientos de algún lenguaje de programación como R o Python y comunmente a estas personas se les denomina científicos de datos. Las herramientas que son para usuarios comerciales se enfocan en automatizar el análisis de datos; en este tipo, los usuarios tienen conocimientos básicos de un lenguaje de programación, pero un fuerte conocimiento del área de dominio; por lo que se han empezado a llamar ciudadanos cientificos de datos. Estas herramientas te permitirán tomar las mejores decisiones basadas en el análisis de datos (también conocido como inteligencia de negocios)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Visualización de Datos y Storytelling" |
"Digamos que necesitas comprender big data; miles o incluso millones de filas de datos, y tienes poco tiempo para hacerlo. los datos pueden provenir de tu equipo, en cuyo caso tal vez ya estes familiarizado con lo que estas midiendo y de los resultados que se esperan. O puede provenir de otro equipo, o tal vez de varios equipos a la vez, y estar completamente familiarizado. De cualquier manera, la razón por la que lo estas viendo es porque tienes que tomar una decisión lo mas rápido posible y sería de gran ayuda que los datos te informen como tomarla (inteligencia de negocios); pues esa decisión podra afectar positiva o negativamente a un cliente, a un producto o a toda la organización. En este curso online conoceras una parte importante de la ciencia de datos o Data Science; la visualización de los datos y las herramientas que puedes usar para aplicarlos. Debido a la forma en que el cerebro humano procesa la información, usar tablas o gráficos para visualizar grandes cantidades de datos complejos es mas fácil que analizar hojas de cálculo o informes. La visualización de datos es una forma rápida y fácil de transmitir conceptos de manera universal, y es posible el poder experimentar con diferentes escenarios haciendo pequeños ajustes. La visualización de datos es la presentación de datos en un formato gráfico. Permite a los tomadores de decisiones ver el análisis presentados visualmente, para que puedan comprender conceptos dificiles o identificar nuevos patrones. La visualización de datos revela informacion inadvertida, especiamente en grandes conjuntos de datos (big data); da respuestas mas rápido; y ayuda a entender mas fácilmente la relación causa-efecto."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Sociology" |
"Very often we see, hear or experience things that seem ""strange"" and incomprehensible to us. We start to wonder about the world around us, asking questions like: “How do certain people become billionaires when others are homeless? Why do humans worship Gods or form families? What makes killing in war acceptable but not in any other situation?” If you have ever wondered about these issues and/or other, you aren’t alone. Similar questions have been asked since the beginning of history, and searching for objective answers using scientific research is the goal of sociology. This course is designed to look critically and analytically through different sociological perspectives, including the functionalist, interactionist, conflict and feminist, to help us realize the extent to which society guides our thoughts and actions. The course material provides a fresh, new look at societies and cultures—more objective, full of inquiry and analysis, striving towards social justice and change. Sociology urges us to draw connections between public issues and personal problems, to see the strange as familiar and the familiar as strange, and to examine biography in a historical and social context. Issues of inequalities, social class, race, sexual orientation, disability, age and gender are critically examined within a global perspective in this course. You do not need any prior knowledge of sociological theories or methods to take this class. Bring your life experiences and knowledge, and see how the Sociological Imagination will allow you to dispel cultural myths and reframe reality. This course will cover topics found on the CLEP Sociology exam."
Price: 139.00 |
"How the U.S. Government Works & How to Get Involved" |
"Feeling overwhelmed by modern-day politics? Looking to get involved but not sure where—or how—to start? Wondering what you can do to channel your energy into action and make a difference? This course is for you. Led by expert faculty from Georgetown University, How the Government Works & How to Get Involved offers a refresher on the fundamentals of American government in the context of what’s happening right now. You’ll leave the course with the tools you need to become an engaged, empowered citizen and make your voice heard. This course will cover a range of topics including the structure, function, and organization of the three branches of government, proven strategies to influence government, the relationship between the government and the media, American foreign policy, and how U.S. citizens can actively participate in shaping the government. How the U.S. Government Works & How to Get Involved is a self-paced course, which allows you to progress through the content at your own speed."
Price: 49.00 |