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A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Datos para la efectividad de las políticas públicas" |
"En esta era de la información, los datos están disponibles en todos lados y crecen a una tasa exponencial. ¿Cómo podemos darles sentido a todos los datos y aprovecharlos en el momento de tomar decisiones?, ¿cómo los utilizamos para que nos ayuden a guiar la gestión y planificación de nuestras políticas? Tanto si eres ciudadano como planificador de políticas, deberías poder responder a estas preguntas. En este curso podrás fortalecer tus capacidades de uso, comprensión e interpretación de datos, utilizando la plataforma desarrollada por el BID ""Números para el Desarrollo"", que presenta datos e indicadores socioeconómicos de la región de América Latina y el Caribe. A través de estas herramientas, podrás comprender cómo mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la gestión pública. Al finalizar el curso, contarás con instrumentos para navegar entre los datos, realizar e interpretar visualizaciones y comprender los diferentes tipos de análisis de datos según la política a implementar. Tranquilo, no se trata de un curso de estadística sino de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para interpretar gráficas, reportes estadísticos, comprender su lenguaje y adquirir las bases para fundamentar tus decisiones en datos comprobables. El curso está basado en ejemplos para que puedas ir comprendiendo los diferentes conceptos y metodologías de una manera sencilla, práctica y amena. Encontrarás diferentes actividades prácticas, en las que podrás aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y practicar con datos y gráficas. Además, te mostraremos casos reales del BID para promover el análisis y presentar las realidades a las que están expuestos los expertos de la región. También te enfrentaras a algunos retos creativos, con los que podrás medir tus capacidades en un nivel de dificultad más elevado. Por último, la modalidad de este curso es ""a tu propio ritmo (self-paced)"". Esto significa que, si escoges pagar por el certificado verificado, tendrás la flexibilidad de tomar el curso durante un máximo aproximado de tres meses. Este MOOC ha sido certificado por Quality Matters (QM), organización sin ánimo de lucro reconocida como líder en el aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación en línea. QM ha desarrollado un conjunto de estándares de calidad para el diseño de cursos cuyo cumplimiento ha sido certificado en este MOOC a través de un proceso de revisión de pares expertos para garantizar la efectividad del aprendizaje. 84% de los estudiantes han afirmado que el contenido del curso les ha servido para mejorar su capacidad para formular, implementar, y / o evaluar políticas públicas."
Price: 25.00 |
"Datos para la efectividad de las políticas públicas" |
"En esta era de la información, los datos están disponibles en todos lados y crecen a una tasa exponencial. ¿Cómo podemos darles sentido a todos los datos y aprovecharlos en el momento de tomar decisiones?, ¿cómo los utilizamos para que nos ayuden a guiar la gestión y planificación de nuestras políticas? Tanto si eres ciudadano como planificador de políticas, deberías poder responder a estas preguntas. En este curso podrás fortalecer tus capacidades de uso, comprensión e interpretación de datos, utilizando la plataforma desarrollada por el BID ""Números para el Desarrollo"", que presenta datos e indicadores socioeconómicos de la región de América Latina y el Caribe. A través de estas herramientas, podrás comprender cómo mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la gestión pública. Al finalizar el curso, contarás con instrumentos para navegar entre los datos, realizar e interpretar visualizaciones y comprender los diferentes tipos de análisis de datos según la política a implementar. Tranquilo, no se trata de un curso de estadística sino de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para interpretar gráficas, reportes estadísticos, comprender su lenguaje y adquirir las bases para fundamentar tus decisiones en datos comprobables. El curso está basado en ejemplos para que puedas ir comprendiendo los diferentes conceptos y metodologías de una manera sencilla, práctica y amena. Encontrarás diferentes actividades prácticas, en las que podrás aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y practicar con datos y gráficas. Además, te mostraremos casos reales del BID para promover el análisis y presentar las realidades a las que están expuestos los expertos de la región. También te enfrentaras a algunos retos creativos, con los que podrás medir tus capacidades en un nivel de dificultad más elevado. Por último, la modalidad de este curso es ""a tu propio ritmo (self-paced)"". Esto significa que, si escoges pagar por el certificado verificado, tendrás la flexibilidad de tomar el curso durante un máximo aproximado de tres meses. Este MOOC ha sido certificado por Quality Matters (QM), organización sin ánimo de lucro reconocida como líder en el aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación en línea. QM ha desarrollado un conjunto de estándares de calidad para el diseño de cursos cuyo cumplimiento ha sido certificado en este MOOC a través de un proceso de revisión de pares expertos para garantizar la efectividad del aprendizaje. 84% de los estudiantes han afirmado que el contenido del curso les ha servido para mejorar su capacidad para formular, implementar, y / o evaluar políticas públicas."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gestión por resultados para gobiernos subnacionales" |
"¿Qué se entiende por gestión para resultados en el desarrollo? ¿Cuáles son los componentes del ciclo de gestión pública que aborda la gestión para resultados en el desarrollo? ¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos en América Latina y el Caribe para la implementación de la gestión para resultados en el desarrollo? ¿Cuál es el rol de los funcionarios públicos y cuál es el rol de la ciudadanía en la gestión para resultados? Este curso da respuesta a las anteriores preguntas y, a modo de introducción, brinda el marco conceptual de la gestión para resultados en el desarrollo en los gobiernos subnacionales. Los países de América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan considerables desafíos de la gestión publica, tales como el diseño de políticas públicas que tengan en consideración los puntos de vista de los diferentes actores; las demandas ciudadanas y los escasos recursos disponibles; la asignación de los recursos financieros; la calidad de los servicios públicos o el seguimiento y la evaluación de la gestión, entre otros. La gestión para resultados en el desarrollo y su enfoque de gerencia contribuyen al abordaje de estos desafíos mediante el tratamiento integral de las distintas etapas del ciclo de la gestión pública, el uso de la información para la toma de decisiones y el empleo de múltiples instrumentos y metodologías. 88% de los estudiantes han afirmado que el contenido del curso les ha servido para mejorar su capacidad para formular, implementar, y/o evaluar políticas públicas. 79% de los estudiantes han dicho que el curso les ha servido para mejorar los servicios a los ciudadanos como funcionarios públicos. La dedicación estimada para aprobar este curso es de 3 horas semanales durante 10 semanas. No obstante, a través de la modalidad a tu propio ritmo (self-paced) tendrás la flexibilidad de tomar el curso durante un máximo de 3 meses."
Price: 25.00 |
"The Science of Everyday Thinking" |
"We will explore the psychology of our everyday thinking: why people believe weird things, how we form and change our opinions, why our expectations skew our judgments, and how we can make better decisions. We'll discuss and debate topics such as placebos, the paranormal, medicine, miracles, and more. You will use the scientific method to evaluate claims, make sense of evidence, and understand why we so often make irrational choices. You will begin to rely on slow, effortful, deliberative, analytic, and logical thinking rather than fast, automatic, instinctive, emotional, and stereotypical thinking."
Price: 99.00 |
"Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices" |
"Interested in earning a certificate at no cost? Enroll to audit this course, and we’ll send more information about this opportunity shortly before the course begins. Every day, teachers make thousands of decisions: what content to teach, what activities to assign, who to call on, how to respond to a student question, how to react to student behavior. These day-to-day decisions can have an enormous effect on the lives of young people, for good and ill. They can open new doors or cause lasting harm; they can make students feel seen and valued, or dampen their interest in school. In this course, we will investigate these interactions, rehearse responding to difficult scenarios, and develop a set of equity teaching mindsets and practices to support all of our learners, especially underserved students. With colleagues from your school or organization and online learners around the world, you will participate in four cycles of inquiry, practice, and action, and then complete a final action project. In each cycle of inquiry, you will examine and re-examine dimensions of inequality through educator mindsets, imagine community change through documentary case studies, rehearse taking action in thorny situations through digital practice spaces, and begin to lead change through action-oriented assignments. Our early investigations will focus on relationships and interactions with individual students, and pan out to examine the effects of bias on classrooms, schools, and communities. As you complete activities with peers online, you will develop a rich set of resources and exercises to use with your students and colleagues in your local context. At the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of yourself and your students, new resources to draw on for helping all students thrive, and a plan to work with your school community to advance the lifelong work of equitable teaching. We believe that the most rich and rewarding experience in this course is to take it with colleagues, and we encourage you to reach out to a small group who might be interested in taking this course with you. These fellow-learners will understand your context, the students that are in your school, and the culture of the place that you're working with. Even one or two peers can be the start of an equity change cohort in your school or organization."
Price: 49.00 |
"Epidemics II" |
"With supplementary module on COVID-19 Including our study results, final size estimation for superspreading clusters, the Chinese experience for global preparedness, and more. “If history is our guide, we can assume that the battle between the intellect and will of the human species and the extraordinary adaptability of microbes will be never-ending.” (1) Despite all the remarkable technological breakthroughs that we have made over the past few decades, the threat from infectious diseases has significantly accelerated. In this course, we will learn why this is the case by looking at the fundamental scientific principles underlying epidemics and the public health actions behind their prevention and control in the 21st century. This is the second (spread of infectious diseases) of the four courses, covers these topics: Basic Concepts in Infectious Disease Epidemiology Epidemiologic Triangle: The Pathogen, The Host and The Environment Evidence Synthesis Infectious Disease Modelling 如果历史是我们的向导,我们可以认为人类的智慧和意志与微生物种惊人的适应性之间的斗争将永远持续下去。”(1) 尽管过去的几十年间我们在科技领域取得了令人瞩目的突破,可是传染病对人类的威胁却显著增加。本课程将通过学习流行病学的基础科学原理以及预防与控制流行病的公共卫生措施,对上述现象予以阐释。 这是四個课程中的第二个(傳染病的傳播): 传染病学的基本概念 流行病学三角模型: 病原体,宿主和环境 证据综合 传染病模型 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Fauci AS, Touchette NA, Folkers GK. Emerging Infectious Diseases: a 10-Year Perspective from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 2005 Apr; 11(4):519-25."
Price: 139.00 |
"AI for Everyone: Master the Basics" |
"In this course, you will learn what AI is and understand its applications and use cases and how it is transforming our lives. You will explore basic AI concepts including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks as well as use cases and applications of AI. You will be exposed to concerns surrounding AI, including ethics, bias, jobs and the impacts on society. You will take a glimpse of the future with AI, get advice for starting an AI related career, and wrap up the course by demonstrating AI in action with a mini project. This AI for Everyone course does not require any programming or computer science expertise and is designed to introduce the basics of AI to anyone whether you have a technical background or not."
Price: 49.00 |
"Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts|走进心理学" |
"This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts that form the foundation of the field of psychology. Topics include history of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development. Class lectures emphasize an empirical approach to a scientific understanding of human behavior across these domains. In addition to learning basic content information about psychology, students will learn how psychologists ask questions, evaluate evidence, and communicate with each other. 心理学是现代生活中人们最广泛涉及的主题,无论是生活中的衣食住行,还是工作中的为人处世,都离不开心理学,都需要心理学的知识和帮助。世界有三大谜:物质起源之谜、生命起源之谜、意识起源之谜,心理学就是探索关于意识起源之谜的科学。心理学研究领域丰富而广泛,且与许多学科有交叉,每一个学生都可能从中找到自己感兴趣的领域。本课程从认知、学习、情感、人际、健康、行为不同侧面介绍心理学知识,以回答学生们在探索自我、认识社会与思考人生的困惑。"
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction to Watson AI" |
"In this course, you will learn how to quickly and easily get started with Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson. You will understand how Watson works, become familiar with its use cases and real-life client examples, and be introduced to several Watson AI services from IBM that enable anyone to easily apply AI and build smart apps. You will also work with several Watson services including Watson studio, Watson assistant and Watson discovery to demonstrate AI in action. This course does not require any programming or computer science expertise and is designed for anyone whether you have a technical background or not."
Price: 49.00 |
"Computer Vision Fundamentals with Watson and OpenCV" |
"Computer Vision is one of the most exciting fields in Machine Learning, computer science and AI. It has applications in many industries such as self-driving cars, robotics, augmented reality, face detection in law enforcement agencies. In this intro-level course, you will learn about computer vision and its various applications across many industries. As part of this course, you will utilize Python, Watson AI, and OpenCV to process images and interact with image classification models. You will also build, train, and test your own custom image classifiers. This is a hands-on course and involves several labs and exercises. All the labs will be performed in the Cloud and you will be provided access to a Cloud environment completely free of charge. At the end of the course, you will create your own computer vision web app and deploy it to the Cloud. This course does not require any prior Machine Learning or Computer Vision experience, however, some knowledge of Python programming language is necessary."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introduction to Data Science" |
"The art of uncovering the insights and trends in data has been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians applied census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and they accurately predicted the flooding of the Nile river every year. Since then, people working in data science have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. This field is data science and in this course, you will meet some big data science practitioners and we will get an overview of what data science is today."
Price: 39.00 |
"Data Science Tools" |
"In this course, you'll learn about Data Science tools like Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio IDE, and Watson Studio. You will learn what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations and how data scientists use these tools today. With the tools hosted in the cloud, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python or R. To complete the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio on Cloud and demonstrate your proficiency in preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers. This hands-on course will get you up and running with some of the latest and greatest data science tools."
Price: 39.00 |
"The Data Science Method" |
"Despite and influx in computing power and access to data over the last couple of decades, our ability to use data within the decision-making process is either lost or not maximized all too often. We do not have a strong grasp of the questions asked and how to apply the data correctly to resolve the issues at hand. The purpose of this course is to share the methods, models and practices that can be applied within data science, to ensure that the data used in problem-solving is relevant and properly manipulated to address business and real-world challenges. You will learn how to identify a problem, collect and analyze data, build a model, and understand the feedback after model deployment. Advancing your ability to manage, decipher and analyze new and big data is vital to working in data science. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the various stages and requirements of the data science method and be able to apply it to your own work."
Price: 39.00 |
"AI Applications with Watson" |
"By enrolling in this course, chances are you've studied artifical intelligence, built chatbots and have perhaps even used Watson Assistant along the way. But did you know that you can turbocharge your chatbot's IQ with IBM Watson Discovery, a service designed to reveal the hidden value in your data? Discovery specializes in taking your data--structured or unstructured--and extracting from it answers and patterns. For example, if you have a large repository, the contents of which could answer customer questions, you've got the makings of a great FAQ chatbot. In this course, you'll learn how to build queries in Discovery, which allows you to surface answers and patterns from large repositories of data. You'll next learn to use Discovery to extract insights from a set of hotel reviews. Then, to make that data come to life, you'll integrate Discovery with other Watson services to create a chatbot that can tell you about the best hotels in a certain US city. By using these Watson services, you'll add more layers of analysis to help you find the best hotel. You'll build your chatbot application with the following Watson services: Assistant Discovery Tone Analyzer Personality Insights By the end of this course, you will have built a fully functioning AI-powered chatbot. Moreover, you should be able to apply the services taught here to your own data sets, enabling you to create sophisticated chatbots of your own."
Price: 99.00 |
"Upper-Intermediate English: Globalization" |
"This course is the third in a series of four English language MOOCs designed for students with an intermediate level of English looking to reach a higher intermediate level. The course is comprised of video lessons, reading comprehension activities, grammar explanations and exercises, listening comprehension activities and speaking practice. The course covers interesting topics such as the Edinburgh Theatre Festival, music, films and theatre, migratory movementsand indigenous cultures. This course also includes preparatory materials and recommendations to take the Cambridge University First Certificate in English Examination (FCE)."
Price: 50.00 |
"Gestão de riscos em projetos" |
"É comum ver equipes de projetos tendo que investir grande parte de seu tempo para resolver problemas em vez de preveni-los. A gestão de riscos de projetos procura gerenciar antecipadamente os eventos positivos e negativos que possam afetar o projeto, a fim de aumentar sua probabilidade de êxito. O que você estará apto a fazer ao final deste curso? Identificar riscos em cenários de incerteza. Definir quem pode apoiá-lo. Entender como gerenciar riscos em situações em que os recursos são limitados. Estabelecer estratégias para responder aos riscos. Monitorar e atualizar os riscos ao longo do projeto. A quem se dirige este curso? Diretores ou supervisores de projetos. Membros de equipes de projetos. Financiadores. Funcionários públicos de entidades nacionais, subnacionais e municipais. Profissionais de diversas áreas, que contribuem para a formulação e execução de projetos. Profissionais interessados na gestão de riscos em projetos de desenvolvimento. Ao fazer este curso, você terá a oportunidade de compartilhar seu conhecimento e sua experiência com outros participantes. Além disso, terá acesso a um estudo de caso, ao qual poderá aplicar as boas práticas de gestão de riscos em um projeto e fará exercícios práticos, que o ajudarão a compreender conceitos-chave. O conteúdo apresentado no curso está baseado na metodologia de gestão de riscos do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, a qual está alinhada com o Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos, Sexta Edición, 2017, do Project Management Institute (PMI)®. O INDES, como Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), foi aprovado pelo Project Management Institute (PMI)® para conceder 30 unidades de desenvolvimento profissional (PDUs) quando você obtiver o certificado do curso. Finalmente, a modalidade deste curso é ""self-paced (ritmo próprio)"". Isso significa que, se você optar por pagar pelo certificado verificado, terá a flexibilidade de fazer o curso por um período aproximado de três meses, de 16 de abril de 2020 a 16 de julho de 2020."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gestão de Projetos de Desenvolvimento" |
"Este curso sera dado em portugues Um dos desafios que os governos, as instituições públicas, os organismos não governamentais, as agências de desenvolvimento e outros atores que promovem o desenvolvimento econômico e social na América Latina e Caribe enfrentam dia a dia é como transformar propostas em realidades concretas que melhorem o bem-estar da sociedade e proporcionem resultados dentro do prazo e com os recursos disponíveis. Este curso apresenta conceitos e ferramentas que podem ser aplicados na gestão de projetos para gerar mudanças substanciais e alcançar, com recursos escassos, os objetivos propostos. Este MOOC fortalece a capacidade de gestão de projetos do governo, de organizações sem fins lucrativos e da sociedade civil para que sejam executados de modo eficaz e eficiente. O curso se baseia na metodologia PM4R (Project Management for Results) do BID e no Guia PMBOK®, do PMI, sexta edição. A PM4R (gestão de projetos para resultados) foi criada pelo Instituto Interamericano para o Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (INDES) do BID. Com o certificado deste curso, os participantes recebem 35 PDUs, já que o INDES é um Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) perante o PMI®. O tempo de dedicação estimado para aprovação no curso é de seis horas semanais, durante seis semanas. Contudo, devido à modalidade “ritmo próprio” (self-paced), você terá flexibilidade de concluir o curso em um período máximo de 7 meses, do dia 2 de abril a 18 de dezembro de 2020. A organização deste curso foi financiada pelo Fundo de Fortalecimento da Capacidade Institucional (ICSF), graças à contribuição do Governo da República Popular da China. PMBOK é uma marca registrada do Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 49.00 |
"Desafios e oportunidades na economia digital" |
"As novas tecnologias - de computadores e smartphones a Internet das Coisas (do ingles, Internet of Things, IoT), passando pelas informaçoes na nuvem e os bitcoins - passaram a dominar nosso ambiente circundante e geraram uma verdadeira quarta revoluçao industrial. Do lar ao trabalho, os cidadaos, os governos e as empresas enfrentam questoes inquietantes: Como um governo pode aproveitar os avanços tecnologicos para alcançar um melhor relacionamento com seus cidadaos? Que oportunidades essas novas tecnologias geram para as empresas? Que habilidades os cidadaos precisam ter hoje para sobreviver nesse contexto? E, talvez, a questao mais crucial: A America Latina e o Caribe estao preparados para aproveitar essa nova era digital? Se voce esta procurando responder perguntas como essas, este curso e um bom ponto de partida para voce! Com o curso ""Desafios e oportunidades na economia digital"" voce entendera quais tecnologias catalisaram a quarta revoluçao industrial e porque elas se tornaram tao proeminentes. Vamos falar sobre a importancia de aproveitar o Big Data e sua utilidade no monitoramento e avaliaçao de politicas publicas e na geraçao de valor. Quando voce tiver assimilado essa informaçao basica, passaremos a analisar brevemente o impacto da tecnologia em empresas e governos: veremos exemplos praticos reais de paises e empresas latino-americanas que conseguiram transformar esse novo contexto tecnologico a seu favor e liçoes aprendidas a serem levadas em consideraçao. O curso ira surpreende-lo com videos animados e com apresentadores e leituras; com o qual voce conseguira compreender melhor as questoes levantadas. E, e claro, tambem vamos incorporar atividades de avaliaçao para que voce possa assimilar o que voce aprendeu O desenvolvimento deste curso faz parte do objetivo global do BID em promover e apoiar os governos da America Latina e do Caribe na definiçao e implementaçao de açoes de politicas publicas digitais voltadas para a participaçao ativa de individuos, empresas e instituiçoes no novo ecossistema economico e social. A revoluçao digital ja começou. Voce esta preparado? Seja parte desta nova era. Esperamos voce! A dedicação estimada para passar neste curso é de três a quatro horas semanais, durante seis semanas. No entanto, através da modalidade personalizada (self-paced) você terá a flexibilidade de seguir o curso por até 9 meses, de 2 de abril a 18 de dezembro de 2020. 85% dos estudantes que responderam a enquete, concordam que este curso melhorou seus conhecimentos e habilidades para o atual trabalho em que estão. 80% dos estudantes que responderam a enquete de satisfação do curso, informa que este curso serviu para que decidissem o que estudar ou pesquisar no futuro."
Price: 25.00 |
"Лазерный термоядерный синтез" |
"На протяжении всего развития цивилизации перед человечеством регулярно возникали энергетические проблемы, обусловленные ростом удельного энергопотребления. Качественно новый этап в развитии энергетики в XXI веке определяется наступающим истощением традиционных ископаемых топливных ресурсов. Проблемы энергообеспечения уже в среднесрочной перспективе будут приобретать все большую значимость не только в связи с ограничением топливных ресурсов, но и в силу меняющихся представлений о качестве жизни. Для устойчивого развития общества в перспективе необходимо развивать энергетику, использующую практически неограниченный ресурс, безопасную в эксплуатации и чистую в экологическом плане. Из рассматриваемых возможностей этим требованиям в значительной степени отвечает термоядерная энергетика. Аргументы в пользу управляемого термоядерного синтеза (УТС) хорошо известны: от наивысшей, среди известных человечеству, калорийности и практически неисчерпаемых запасов дейтерия в природе, до значительно меньших (более чем в 100 раз) уровней радиоактивных отходов по сравнению с энергетическими циклами на основе реакций деления актиноидов. На возможность использования реакций синтеза легких ядер для целей экологически чистой, безопасной и экономически выгодной энергетики было обращено внимание более 50 лет назад. Все изобретенные за это время устройства можно разделить на два класса: 1) системы, основанные на магнитном удержании горячей плазмы (токамаки, стеллараторы); 2) импульсные системы (системы инерциального термоядерного синтеза (ИТС)). Оба типа систем, уже, вплотную подошли к созданию экспериментальных машин с положительным выходом энергии, в которых будут проверены основные элементы будущих термоядерных реакторов. В настоящее время в инерционном термоядерном синтезе разрабатываются несколько типов драйверов: лазеры, пучки тяжелых ионов, быстрые Z-пинчи. Преимущество лазерного излучения заключается в относительной легкости его транспортировки к мишени и его фокусировки, возможности получать огромные плотности мощности, требуемые для эффективного сжатия и разогрева мишени. Основные технологические трудности создания импульсных реакторов лежат в области лазерной техники. В настоящее время, в мире постоянно расширяется фронт работ по созданию импульсных лазерных установок, при фокусировке излучения которых реализуются термодинамические состояния доступные в природе только в центрах массивных звезд. Это связано с бурным ростом технологий, обеспечивающих возможность достижения все более высоких энергетических характеристик лазерных систем. В лазерном термоядерном синтезе (ЛТС) соединились два наиболее замечательных открытия столетия - термоядерные реакции и квантовая генерация света, для того чтобы подарить человечеству практически неисчерпаемый источник энергии. Проблема управляемого термоядерного синтеза еще далека от своего решения, но во всем мире ведутся интенсивные работы и с каждым годом расстояние до цели сокращается."
Price: 49.00 |
"Тяжелые ионы и синтез новых элементов: современные тенденции" |
"Предметом курса является одно из новых направлений ядерной физики -- физика тяжелых ионов, занимающаяся исследованием ядерных реакций, переходом одних ядер в другие, синтезом новых ядер. Физика тяжелых ионов позволяет изучать коллективные ядерные процессы, характеризуемые предельно большими изменениями ядерной формы, сильным перераспределением энергии между различными степенями свободы систем. Дана классификация ядерных реакций с тяжелыми ионами и их анализ с точки зрения новых изотопов у границ ядерной стабильности. Рассматриваются возможности современных ускорителей для синтеза ядер с использованием ядерных реакций с тяжелыми ионами. На примерах показана связь исследований в области физики тяжелых ионов с прикладными исследованиями: ядерная медицина, радиационная физика твердого тела. Отдельный модуль курса посвящен вопросам истории образования Вселенной с точки зрения физики элементарных частиц, ядерной физики. Обсуждается проблема нуклеосинтеза и непосредственная связь ядерно-физических экспериментов, с астрофизическими явлениями."
Price: 49.00 |
"Vacuum Systems and Technology" |
"Vacuum technology is key to our high-tech society. It is is used for a large number of technical processes and products, including computer chips, nanostructures, microelectronic coatings and components as well as chemical and biological techniques. In this engineering course, you will get a comprehensive overview of the construction and working principles of vacuum devices and systems to help you better design materials and processes ."
Price: 49.00 |
"Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics" |
"This engineering course is designed to Introduce students to a range of concepts, ideas and models used in nuclear reactor physics. This course will focus on the physical theory of reactors and methods of experimental studies of the neutron field. This course course is based on the course ""Neutron transport theory"" which has been taught at the National Research Nuclear University ""MEPhI"" for the past 20 years."
Price: 49.00 |
"From Atoms to Stars: How Physics Explains Our World" |
"In this physics course, you will learn about the structure and function of our universe, from the micro-world of quantum fields and atoms up to the mega-world of stars and galaxies. You will learn about the objective laws governing the physical world and about methods, provided mainly by physics, which allow us to obtain such knowledge. This course is taught by the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, one of the world leaders in nuclear science and education. Our hope is that this course will help boost your curiosity and positively influence or even help to determine your future professional career. This course is for anyone is who is curious about how our world is constructed and wants to learn more about our universe and the nature surrounding us. Knowledge of physics and mathematics is NOT required. Basic school level will be quite enough."
Price: 49.00 |
"Enterprise Software Lifecycle Management" |
"Want to manage software development, but unsure where to begin? This computer science course will teach you the models, methods and practices of software development to make the process manageable and result in high-quality and efficient software products. This course is an introduction to software lifecycle management using the approved principles and best practices developed by IT leaders and verified by large-scale systems operation. Starting with the basics of lifecycles, the course will open your mind and challenge you. You will learn how to make justified decisions on the industry-level software solutions, and instantly apply the principles and methods learned. Taught by an instructor with over a decade of managing software development at a diverse multinational corporation, ITERA International Oil and Gas, this computer science course will equip managers with the skills they need to understand the principles and use the state-of-the-art methods and practices for lifecycle management. Additionally, learners (and managers) who require a systematic understanding of what happens inside the software development in terms of roles, activities, resources and deliverables can use this course to eliminate skill gaps. No previous knowledge needed. Join us as you start your software engineering journey."
Price: 49.00 |
"Chasing your Dream: How to End Procrastination and Get a Job You Love" |
"Do you love your job, do you wake up every morning all eager about it? Are you ready to do what you have chosen for the rest of your life? When you are off the chosen track, are you impatient to snap into action immediately to start working more effectively and overcome the difficulties? Is your life full of purpose, are you of any use to other people? If your answer to all the above questions is ""Yes"" then congratulations, you're doing great! However, most people share at least some level of insecurity about their work and their future. If that sounds more like you, here's a follow-up question: have you done anything to change it? Or are you planning to put up with that for the time being? This course is for those who may feel a little stuck in their careers. It draws from academic teachings in motivation and positive psychology from universities like Harvard andMoscow State University and combines those with cultural studies from Tibet. You'll learn how to resist procrastination and engage a process of self-determination. You'll find ways to contend with the ""bumps"" that prevent us from moving in the direction. This course can't promise a magic pill, butit will offer the tools for solvingkey problems thatcan hinder self-fulfillment. You willgain the basic skills of self-development, explore some well-considered hypotheses of future development, and build the toolsyou'll need to follow your passion and succeed."
Price: 49.00 |
"Лазеры: физические основы и лазерные технологии" |
"Лазерные технологии с момента своего открытия широко применяются в самых разных отраслях науки и техники, а также в быту. Все мы пользуемся лазерными принтерами, лазерными указками, в магазинах используются считыватели штрих-кодов на основе лазерного луча. В медицине с помощью лазеров проводятся сложнейшие операции и многое другое. Цель курса -- дать глубокое понимание физических процессов, происходящих при взаимодействии мощного лазерного излучения с веществом и рассмотреть физические проблемы этого взаимодействия. Представленный курс значительно отличается от подобных курсов, читаемых в ряде технических вузов своей направленностью на глубокое обсуждение физических процессов взаимодействия мощного лазерного излучения с веществом. Применение знаний, полученных при изучении курса, будет способствовать повышению эффективности как существующих производств, так и внедрению лазерных технологических процессов в еще не охваченные области промышленности. Курс включает два основных раздела: Физические процессы, происходящие при взаимодействии мощного лазерного излучения с металлами, полупроводниками и диэлектриками и Лазерные технологические установки и лазерные технологические процессы. В ходе курса Учащиеся будут ознакомлены не только с принципами работы различных технологических лазеров, но и с недостатками и преимуществами всех используемых активных элементов технологических лазеров, включая самые современные волоконные лазеры. В качестве примера использования лазеров в технологии будет подробно рассмотрена современная лазерная технология в области электроники и создания интегральных схем. Весьма интересным для учащихся представляется раздел лазерной химии, основанный на резонансном возбуждении атомов и молекул лазерным излучением. Здесь учащиеся получают новую информацию об уникальных возможностях лазерного излучения для разделения изотопов (включая разделение изотопов в атомной промышленности), получению особо чистых веществ и синтезу новых материалов."
Price: 49.00 |
"SQL for Data Science" |
"Much of the world's data lives in databases. SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a powerful programming language that is used for communicating with and extracting various data types from databases. A working knowledge of databases and SQL is necessary to advance as a data scientist or a machine learning specialist. The purpose of this course is to introduce relational database concepts and help you learn and apply foundational knowledge of the SQL language. It is also intended to get you started with performing SQL access in a data science environment. The emphasis in this course is on hands-on, practical learning. As such, you will work with real databases, real data science tools, and real-world datasets. You will create a database instance in the cloud. Through a series of hands-on labs, you will practice building and running SQL queries. You will also learn how to access databases from Jupyter notebooks using SQL and Python. No prior knowledge of databases, SQL, Python, or programming is required."
Price: 39.00 |
"Visualizing Data with Python" |
"About this course ""A picture is worth a thousand words."" We are all familiar with this expression. It especially applies when trying to explain the insights obtained from the analysis of increasingly large datasets. Data visualization plays an essential role in the representation of both small and large-scale data. One of the key skills of a data scientist is the ability to tell a compelling story, visualizing data and findings in an approachable and stimulating way. In this course, you will learn how to leverage a software tool to visualize data that will also enable you to extract information, better understand the data, and make more effective decisions. When you sign up for this course, you get free access to IBM Watson Studio. In Watson Studio, you’ll be able to start creating your own data science projects and collaborating with other data scientists. Start now and take advantage of everything this platform has to offer!"
Price: 39.00 |
"Python Basics for Data Science" |
"Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours and give you a taste of how to start working with data in Python. ~~~~ Upon its completion, you'll be able to write your own Python scripts and perform basic hands-on data analysis using our Jupyter-based lab environment. If you want to learn Python from scratch, this course is for you. You can start creating your own data science projects and collaborating with other data scientists using IBM Watson Studio. When you sign up, you will receive free access to Watson Studio. Start now and take advantage of this platform and learn the basics of programming, machine learning, and data visualization with this introductory course."
Price: 39.00 |
"Machine Learning with Python: A Practical Introduction" |
"About this course This Machine Learning with Python course dives into the basics of machine learning using Python, an approachable and well-known programming language. You'll learn about supervised vs. unsupervised learning, look into how statistical modeling relates to machine learning, and do a comparison of each. We'll explore many popular algorithms including Classification, Regression, Clustering, and Dimensional Reduction and popular models such as Train/Test Split, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Random Forests. Along the way, you’ll look at real-life examples of machine learning and see how it affects society in ways you may not have guessed! Most importantly, you will transform your theoretical knowledge into practical skill using hands-on labs. Get ready to do more learning than your machine! We'll explore many popular algorithms including Classification, Regression, Clustering, and Dimensional Reduction and popular models such asTrain/Test Split, Root Mean Squared Error and Random Forests. Mostimportantly, you will transform your theoretical knowledge into practical skill using hands-on labs. Get ready to do more learning than your machine!"
Price: 39.00 |