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"Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel" |
"The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool. In this course, you will learn how to perform data analysis using Excel's most popular features. You will learn how to create pivot tables from a range with rows and columns in Excel. You will see the power of Excel pivots in action and their ability to summarize data in flexible ways, enabling quick exploration of data and producing valuable insights from the accumulated data. Pivots are used in many different industries by millions of users who share the goal of reporting the performance of companies and organizations. In addition, Excel formulas can be used to aggregate data to create meaningful reports. To complement, pivot charts and slicers can be used together to visualize data and create easy to use dashboards. You should have a basic understanding of creating formulas and how cells are referenced by rows and columns within Excel to take this course. If required, you can can find many help topics on Excel at the Microsoft Office Support Site. You are welcome to use any supported version of Excel you have installed in your computer, however, the instructions are based on Excel 2016. You may not be able to complete all exercises as demonstrated in the lectures but workarounds are provided in the lab instructions or Discussion forum. Please note that Excel for Mac does not support many of the features demonstrated in this course. After taking this course you'll be ready to continue to our more advanced Excel course, Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel. Note: These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 |
"Learn to Program in Java" |
"Ready to start your programming journey? Being a software engineer is much more than simply writing code--it requires a strong conceptual understanding of computer science. In this course, which was developed through a combination of academic and industry perspectives, learn not only how to code in Java but also how to break down problems and implement their solutions using some of the most fundamental computer science tools. Get plenty of hands-on Java coding experience with methods, logic, loops, variables, parameters, returns, and recursion. And write your code using industry-standard tools and practices to help you build strong habits as you grow your development skill set. Whether you are preparing for advanced university computer science courses, an entry-level software engineering position, or the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam, get the tools you need to succeed in this practical, self-paced Java course. Note : These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 |
"Querying Data with Transact-SQL" |
"Transact-SQL is an essential skill for data professionals and developers working with SQL databases. With this combination of expert instruction, demonstrations, and practical labs, step from your first SELECT statement through to implementing transactional programmatic logic. Work through multiple modules, each of which explore a key area of the Transact-SQL language, with a focus on querying and modifying data in Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. The labs in this course use a sample database that can be deployed easily in Azure SQL Database, so you get hands-on experience with Transact-SQL without installing or configuring a database server. edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the fee. To apply for financial assistance, enroll in the course, then follow this link to complete an application for assistance. Note : These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 |
"Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel" |
"Excel is one of the most widely used solutions for analyzing and visualizing data. It now includes tools that enable the analysis of more data, with improved visualizations and more sophisticated business logics. In this data science course, you will get an introduction to the latest versions of these new tools in Excel 2016 from an expert on the Excel Product Team at Microsoft. Learn how to import data from different sources, create mashups between data sources, and prepare data for analysis. After preparing the data, find out how business calculations can be expressed using the DAX calculation engine. See how the data can be visualized and shared to the Power BI cloud service, after which it can be used in dashboards, queried using plain English sentences, and even consumed on mobile devices. Do you feel that the contents of this course is a bit too advanced for you and you need to fill some gaps in your Excel knowledge? Do you need a better understanding of how pivot tables, pivot charts and slicers work together, and help in creating dashboards? If so, check out DAT205x: Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel. edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the fee. To apply for financial assistance, enroll in the course, then follow this link to complete an application for assistance. Note : These courses will retire in June. Please enroll only if you are able to finish your coursework in time."
Price: 99.00 |
"El arte de vender: introducción a las ventas" |
"La venta se presenta en todas las actividades humanas por lo que hay que conocerla para lograr su máximo desempeño y llevar a las organizaciones al logro de las metas. Pero es necesario conocer sus variables más importantes para hacerla más profesional, facilitándole a los clientes a comprar los productos o servicios que se le ofrecen. Este curso de ventas ofrece el conocimiento para convertirte en un vendedor exitoso, esta es una habilidad que puede beneficiarte tanto personal como profesionalmente. Además de la actitud y el conocimiento es necesario manejar procesos específicos que la hacen una de las profesiones más apasionantes del mundo. Inscríbete hoy mismo en este curso en línea para aprender a desarrollar tus habilidades en técnicas de ventas.Saber vender te hace atractivo para cualquier organización, por lo cual te ayudará a desarrollar una nueva capacidad para tu carrera profesional."
Price: 49.90 |
"Pronósticos de ventas: una herramienta comercial" |
"Acerca de este curso Si usted está interesado en aprender a hacer e interpretar pronósticos de ventas sin profundizar en las matemáticas, ¡este curso es para usted! Podrá desarrollar la habilidad para entender en qué situación debe utilizar y aplicar los tipos de pronósticos basados en modelos existentes, vistos de una forma matemática muy práctica. Comprenderá cuándo un pronóstico es bueno y cuándo no lo es. Podrá presentar informes exitosos que le permitan tomar decisiones anticipadas y tener mejores oportunidades."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Opioid Crisis in America" |
"On average, 130 Americans die every day from an overdose of opioids, the class of drugs that includes heroin, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and fentanyl. Around 70% of all opioid overdose deaths involved a prescription opioid. Drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States — opioid addiction is driving this epidemic. In this course, you'll learn about the origins and spread of this epidemic. Our experts will cover the appropriate ways this class of drugs should be used, but we will also explore the impact of opioid misuse on the individual, family, and community. You’ll hear about effective medical treatments for addiction and how to reduce the stigma that exists around addiction. You’ll learn how to help prevent overdose deaths and explore the multiple pathways to recovery. Join us to confront this epidemic with a broad perspective of the causes, effects, and solutions to the opioid crisis. After learning about harm-reduction approaches and evidence-based interventions to prevent addiction and support recovery, you will be equipped to confront the opioid epidemic. — This course is available for Continuing Education credit. Enroll in the course to learn more about options for earning credit."
Price: 99.00 |
"Becoming an Agent of Sustainable Change" |
"Nowadays there is a lot of talk about sustainability, yet it has come to mean many different things in different contexts. Although defining sustainability is complicated, understanding it is crucial in helping us solve urgent global issues. With this free online course, you will not only develop a better understanding of the complexities of sustainability, you will be able to start making sustainable change in your own life, in your own environment, right now. The newly emerging field of ‘sustainability science’ has identified skills that are critical in analysing and solving sustainability problems. This MOOC introduces you to these essential skills in an applied and interactive way. Through assignments, real-world inspirational cases of sustainable changemakers, self-reflection, and discussions with fellow learners you will sharpen and personalise your skills. You will directly be able to start making sustainable change by applying your newly acquired skill set to a real-world problem in your own environment. You will work on a personal project of your choice, which can be any sustainability issue in your life - big or small – that you wish to effect and change! For example, starting a weekly community to clean up/reducing food waste in your neighbourhood through raising awareness among your fellow residents. So, do you want to become a change-agent and a leader in sustainability, and contribute to solving the complex issues our world faces today? Great! Start making a change today, enrol now."
Price: 49.00 |
"Equity Indexes, Valuations, and Investment Vehicles" |
"This course begins with a look at how equity indexes serve market participants and covers the three predominant types of security market indexes. We’ll review the various approaches to valuation as well as cover the factors and challenges of valuation. You’ll learn how to calculate WACC and after-tax cost of debt. This course wraps up with a review of key equity investment vehicles - mutual funds, exchange traded funds, hedge funds and private equity. This course is part 3 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Capital Markets Professional Certificate."
Price: 250.00 |
"The Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East" |
"The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the fascinating world of Israel's neighboring civilizations in biblical times. It offers a comparative study that examines the relationship between the Bible and these civilizations. We will discuss a selection of biblical traditions, genres, and themes from a comparative perspective, and show how the ancient Near Eastern materials shed new light on these topics. While the course will refer to a variety of civilizations, a special focus will be placed on Mesopotamia and its relationship to the bible."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Clinical Psychology" |
"Have you ever wondered what causes mental illness, or why we react to stress the way we do? Or what to expect as you get older? Clinical psychology is the study of psychological disorders and the treatments designed to improve the day-to-day lives of people suffering from them. The focus of the course will be on common psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia, and the symptoms of each. We will also discuss the underlying role of stress and how it affects people mentally and physically. We will also consider more general issues and theories around personality and intelligence. You should take this course if you want to better understand psychological disorders and how we can treat them."
Price: 99.00 |
Cyber-Physical Networks |
"In this course, you will learn about the future evolution of communication networks towards so-called machine-type applications, also referred to as cyber-physical systems. You will be equipped with the basics to design, implement and dimension such networks according to application needs. Most of this knowledge represents the underlying principles driving the most current evolution of information networking. This evolution necessitates the reconsideration and redesign of major parts of communication networks to make them suitable for modern applications like robot and drone coordination, control of automation machinery or also augmented reality applications. The course provides an overview of the underlying principles of this future evolution towards cyber-physical networks, while also discussing open research problems and societal implications of such networks."
Price: 45.00 |
"Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Hungarian)" |
"Élelem-, ivóvíz- és energiakészleteink korlátozottak, és ezek elosztása egyenlőtlen a növekvő népesség körében – az éghajlatváltozás pedig keserű a hab a tortán. Ezekben a globális kihívásokban a nitrogénnek kulcsszerepe van. Ezen a kurzuson megtanulhatod, hogy a nitrogén mennyire elválaszthatatlan az emberi civilizációtól és hogy a jövőben vajon megmentőnk vagy ellenségünk lesz-e. A nitrogén egyszerre különleges és hétköznapi. A vizet vörössé, az embert kékké változtatja. Egyszerre klímabarát és környezetszennyező ellenség. Hozhat fenséges lakomát, de fenyegethet éhínséggel is. Ha eddig azt hitted, hogy a nitrogén csak a periódusos rendszer egy unalmas zuga, itt az ideje, hogy ezt újra gondold! Ezen az innovatív kurzuson előképzettségedtől függetlenül megismerheted a nitrogén és a globális változások alapelveit, és megtudhatod, hogy a nitrogén milyen kihívásokat jelent és milyen lehetőségeket rejt magában. Témaköreink az élelmiszer-biztonság, az éghajlatváltozás, a lég- illetve a vízszennyezés, az emberi egészség és még sok más. A tanfolyamot az Edinburghi Egyetem díjnyertes kurzusfejlesztői csapata alkotta meg, mely közérthető, szakértői képet ad a nitrogénhez kapcsolódó globális kihívásokról, illetve bemutatja, hogy a nitrogén hogyan fenyegeti az emberiséget és hogy hogyan kezelhetnénk jobban. Olyan oktatóktól tanulhatsz, akik többévtizedes tapasztalattal rendelkeznek a nitrogén és a globális változások kutatásában. Ez a világelső kurzus vezető brit és indiai kutatók együttműködéseként jött létre a NEWS India-UK virtuális központ keretében."
Price: 49.00 |
"M&A Professional Certificate Examination" |
"Ready to start your career in M&A;? If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive understanding of M&A; concepts and theories, your next step is to complete the M&A; Certification Exam from the New York Institute of Finance. To earn your Professional Certificate in Mergers & Acquisitions from NYIF, you must pass this exam. The exam is 20 questions, timed at one hour. To qualify for the certificate, learners must receive a grade of at least 70% or better. Prerequisite to sit for this exam is to earn a Verified Certificate in all 5 M&A; courses from NYIF: M&A;: Concepts and Theories M&A; Concepts and Theories: Advanced Topics M&A;: Structuring the Deal M&A;: Free Cash Flow (FCF) Modeling Accounting Principles for M&A;"
Price: 500.00 |
"Risk Management Professional Certificate Examination" |
"Ready to start your career in Risk Management? If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive survey of the practice of Risk Management, your next step is to complete the Risk Management Certification Exam from the New York Institute of Finance. To earn your Professional Certificate in Risk Management from the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF), you must pass this exam. You must complete the courses in the certificate program to sit for the exam: Introduction to Risk Management Measuring Risk: Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives and FX Risk Management Tools and Practices Stress Testing and Regulation – Part 1 Stress Testing and Regulation – Part 2"
Price: 500.00 |
"Programmation et politiques financières, deuxième partie : conception d’un programme" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d’apprendre comment élaborer un programme économique et financier à l’aide de données économiques réelles et d’améliorer vos compétences en matière d’analyse de politiques macroéconomiques. L’exercice de programmation financière simule ce que les économistes du FMI (Fonds monétaire international) font régulièrement dans leurs travaux de surveillance avec les pays membres et de conception des programmes . Dans la première partie du cours (modules 1–7), vous analyserez les perspectives économiques d’un pays et établirez ensuite un scénario de référence — à savoir un ensemble de projections pour les principaux secteurs macroéconomiques (réel, extérieur, des administrations publiques et monétaire) qui reflètent l’évolution de l’économie dans l’année à venir, en supposant que la politique demeure inchangée. Dans la deuxième partie (modules 8–10), vous examinerez comment utiliser les mesures de politiques pour réduire les déséquilibres macroéconomiques. Vous analyserez notamment comment fonctionnent les politiques monétaire, budgétaire et de change en utilisant un modèle keynésien simple d’une économie ouverte. Dans le dernier module, vous établirez le scénario d’un programme appuyé par le FMI pour le pays de notre étude de cas. Le cours sur la programmation et les politiques financières, partie 2, est assuré par le FMI avec le concours financier du gouvernement du Japon."
Price: 25.00 |
"Introduction to Open Source Networking Technologies" |
"Explore open source networking projects, from The Linux Foundation and beyond, that are shaping the future of networking and telecoms. Designed for open source enthusiasts, university students,network architects and engineers, security architects and engineers, and systems engineers, this course offers a great introduction to open source networking. This course covers the open networking stack from top to bottom; starting from networking hardware disaggregation and modern 100G and 400G switches, through network operating systems, network controllers, virtualization,and orchestration. Develop an understanding of the use cases and technical options for modern open networking in enterprises, service providers, and cloud providers. Become familiar with the following open source networking projects and their use cases: Open Compute Project, ONIE, Akraino FD.io, OVS, IO Visor, DPDK, Open Dataplane, P4 OpenSwitch , Open Network Linux , FRR, DANOS, SONIC, FBOSS OpenDayLight, Tungsten Fabric (OpenContrail) , ONOS, CORD, Open Security Controller ONAP, OPNFV PNDA, SNAS."
Price: 169.00 |
"Software Testing Fundamentals" |
"Want to gain software testing skills to start a career or are you a software developer looking to improve your unit testing skills? This course, part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMasters program, will provide the essential skills you need for success. Software needs to be tested for bugs and to insure the product meets the requirements and produces the desired results. Software testing is essential to providing a quality product. Learn the techniques Software Testers and Quality Assurance Engineers use every day, which can be applied to any programming language and testing software. No previous programming knowledge needed. This course will use Java and JUnit, however, for examples and assignments. This course is part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Information Technology with a specialization in Software Engineering. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 249.00 |
"DNA Sequences: Alignments and Analysis" |
"Gene sequences and the rest of the genome play an important role in determining how an organism functions normally and reacts when situations change. DNA sequences can also be used to determine relationships between organisms and form the underpinnings of the Tree of Life. Since DNA sequences play such an important role in any organism it should not be surprising that any changes to a sequence could lead to alterations in behavior or response. For example, a small number of specific changes in DNA sequence have been shown to lead to tumor development in mammals or the production of enzymes with altered properties. One of the jobs of a bioinformatician is to help determine where these changes are in a DNA sequence and sort out in that context what effects may result, which is usually done by aligning the sequences in question. In this course, part of the Bioinformatics MicroMasters program, you will learn about the theory and algorithms behind DNA alignments, practice doing alignments manually, and then perform more complicated alignments using web and software based approaches. This course is part of the Bioinformatics MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Biotechnology with a specialization in Bioinformatics. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 249.00 |
"Software Testing Management" |
"There is much more to software testing than just finding defects. Successful software and quality assurance engineers need to also manage the testing of software. In this course, part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMasters program, you will learn about the management aspects of software testing. You will learn how to successfully plan, schedule, estimate and document a software testing plan. You will learn how to analyze metrics to improve software quality and software tests. We will also discuss software quality initiatives developed by industry experts. No previous programming knowledge needed. This course is part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Information Technology with a specialization in Software Engineering. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 249.00 |
"Proteins: Alignment, Analysis and Structure" |
"Proteins play a very important role in all organisms. In fact, most of the work that happens inside every cell happens because a specific protein is employed for a specific task. Often the three-dimensional shape of a protein plays a major role in its function. As such, it is important to know the structure of all proteins to have an idea of what function they perform. One of the jobs of a bioinformatician is to predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein using only the DNA sequence that encodes it as well as determining the effects of any mutations in the DNA on the three-dimensional structure/function. In this course, part of the Bioinformatics MicroMasters program, you will learn about protein structure and its impact on function, practice aligning protein sequences to discover differences, and generate model structures of proteins using web and software-based approaches. This course is part of the Bioinformatics MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Biotechnology with a specialization in Bioinformatics without any application process or testing. See the MicroMasters program page for more."
Price: 249.00 |
"Formal Software Verification" |
"Want to gain software quality skills used in mission critical systems? Modeling checking, symbolic execution and formal methods are techniques that are used for mission critical systems where human life depends upon the system working correctly. In this course, part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMasters program, you will learn how to perform these techniques. The concepts from this course can be applied to any programming language and testing software. This course is part of the Software Testing and Verification MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Information Technology with a specialization in Software Engineering without any application process or testing. See the MicroMasters program page for more."
Price: 249.00 |
"Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics" |
"Improvements in modern biology have led to a rapid increase in sensitivity and measurability in experiments and have reached the point where it is often impossible for a scientist alone to sort through the large volume of data that is collected from just one experiment. For example, individual data points collected from one gene expression study can easily number in the hundreds of thousands. These types of data sets are often referred to as ‘biological big data’ and require bioinformaticians to use statistical tools to gain meaningful information from them. In this course, part of the Bioinformatics MicroMasters program, you will learn about the R language and environment and how to use it to perform statistical analyses on biological big datasets. This course is part of the Bioinformatics MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Biotechnology with a specialization in Bioinformatics without any application process or testing. See the MicroMasters program page for more."
Price: 249.00 |
"Finanzas Personales" |
"El MOOC en Finanzas personales le ayudará a lograrde una mejor administración de sus finanzas mediante el desarrollo de un proceso que involucra tres grandes temas: ¿Hacia dónde voy? ¿Con qué cuento? Cambiando el rumbo En cada una de estas etapas usted podrá evidenciar, mediante actividades lúdicas, los principales conceptos que deberá considerar para el mejor manejo de sus finanzas. Podrá evaluar cómo lo ha hecho hasta ahora y por supuesto encontrará las causas del estado actual de sus finanzas, descubriendo diversos caminos para asegurar, con disciplina, la tan anhelada libertad financiera, es decir, tener el mismo nivel de vida sin tener que trabajar, el sueño de todos eliminate. Todo esto estará acompañado de la toma de decisiones sobre sus objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo; simulando las diferentes opciones que un sano manejo financiero permite. Tendrá la posibilidad de conocer casos reales y de consultar a la experta: “la doctora billetera” para tomar las mejores decisiones en términos financieros lo que le permitirá que sus decisiones futuras sean las más eficientes y adecuadas a sus metas, ingresos y gastos."
Price: 49.00 |
"Cloud Computing for Enterprises" |
"Organizations are increasingly moving their critical information and assets to the cloud. Understand the technology, best practices, and economics of cloud computing, and the rewards and risks of this rush to the cloud. In this course, part of the Cloud Computing MicroMasters program, you will learn the essentials of cloud computing, including Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), Platform As A Service (PaaS), Software As A Service (SaaS), and other ""X as a service"" platforms. You will explore how the cloud can support businesses by increasing productivity and effectiveness. This course is part of the Cloud Computing MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Cloud Computing Architecture. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 299.00 |
"Cloud Computing Management" |
"The exciting field of Cloud Computing is rapidly changing how businesses operate today. Cloud computing provides rapid access to shared pools of resources, such as: compute, storage, networks, applications, services, or libraries using an on-demand, utility-based model. The characteristics of a cloud computing model include: self-service, network access, resource pools, rapid elasticity, and metered resource usage. As with any large-scale shift, new skills and processes must be learned and implemented to overcome management challenges. Existing business processes, workflows, and policies must be adapted to account for this new technology. This course, part of the Cloud Computing MicroMasters program, focuses on commonly encountered management issues with the adoption and implementation of cloud computing. Examples include: Cloud migration, Cloud Requests for Proposals, Cloud Service Level Agreements, and other business process compliance issues. You will examine these issues in depth, then review industry best practices and other case studies to develop the techniques that address and mitigate them. Business processes such as procurement, vendor management, and end-user management are also covered. Earn up to $225in AWS promotional credits! Students who enroll in this course are eligible for $25in AWS promotional credit to cover the cost of the hands on labs. Students can claim this credit after completing some initial course work but before beginning the first AWS lab. Students also qualify for an additional $200AWS promotional credit by purchasing a verified certificate and successfully completing the final project. This course is part of the Cloud Computing MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Cloud Computing Architecture. See the MicroMasters program page for more."
Price: 299.00 |
"Cloud Computing Infrastructure" |
"As Cloud Computing shapes businesses of all sizes, it is vital to understand the technologies behind cloud infrastructure, both public and private. This course, part of the Cloud Computing MicroMasters program, focuses on components of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud service model. These components include: compute, storage, network, and auxiliary services. The class will also discuss most popular cloud IaaS deployment architectures. You will examine these IaaS issues in depth, and then apply the acquired knowledge in 2 lab projects to migrate a website to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) IaaS environment, deploy the necessary infrastructure, install and configure the web server, set up the website, and monitor the deployment in action. Earn up to $225 in AWS promotional credits! Students who enroll in this course are eligible for $25 in AWS promotional credit to cover the cost of the hands on labs. Students can claim this credit after completing some initial course work but before beginning the first AWS lab. Students also qualify for an additional $200 AWS promotional credit by purchasing a verified certificate and successfully completing the final project. This course is part of the Cloud Computing MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Cloud Computing Architecture. See the MicroMasters program page for more."
Price: 299.00 |
"Cloud Computing Security" |
"How do you protect the critical data that is increasingly being stored in the cloud? Learn how to build a security strategy that keeps data safe and mitigates risk. In this course, part of the Cloud Computing MicroMasters program, you will be introduced to industry best practices for cloud security and learn how to architect and configure security-related features in a cloud platform. Case studies and government standard documents will be reviewed to help ensure appropriate levels of security are implemented. You’ll develop the necessary skills to identify possible security issues in the cloud environment. You will also gain experience with tools and techniques that monitor the environment and help prevent security breaches such as monitoring logs and implementing appropriate security policies. Earn up to $225 in AWS promotional credits! Students who enroll in this course are eligible for $25 in AWS promotional credit to cover the cost of the hands on labs. Students can claim this credit after completing some initial course work but before beginning the first AWS lab. Students also qualify for an additional $200 AWS promotional credit by purchasing a verified certificate and successfully completing the final project. This course is part of the Cloud Computing MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Cloud Computing Architecture. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 299.00 |
"Instructional Design and Technology: Learning Theories" |
"Technology, digital media and mobile access have changed how people learn. Today’s students want to be engaged and self-directed with digital content, available anytime, anywhere. This is a challenge for instructional designers as they create online learning experiences. As an instructional designer, it’s critical to understand emerging learning theories including Bloom’s taxonomy and constructivism and how they relate to the way people learn in our digitally connected world. This course, which is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters Program, explores the evolution of learning theories from traditional Socratic methods to emerging learning sciences. Additionally, you will explore curriculum design models using performance-based assessments to create effective and engaging learning experiences. After a solid foundation of how people learn today, you will explore technology’s role in supporting and enhancing the teaching and learning process. Previous background in teaching or professional development is a plus, but not required. Join us and launch your career as an instructional designer. This course is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Learning Design and Technology. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 299.00 |
"Instructional Design Models" |
"In today’s interconnected world, online education has exploded with engaging learning experiences infused with interactive digital tools, digital media, and collaborative projects designed to engage dispersed learners. These highly engaging and effective courses are not created by chance - they are created by instructional designers using a careful and systematic design process. In this education and teacher training course, part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters Program we will look at the history and evolution of online learning. You will explore traditional instructional design models and the progression of the learning design approach to creating online learning experiences. During the instructional design process, it’s important to collaborate and work with the many stakeholders involved in the planning and design, especially subject matter experts. You will explore curriculum design, collaboration and questioning techniques to create shared understandings as you develop your outline of an online course. This course is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Learning Design and Technology. See the MicroMasters program page for more information."
Price: 299.00 |