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"文物精品与文化中国:农业与制造业 | Relics in Chinese History - Part 1: Agriculture and Manufacturing" |
"Chinese archaeology is one of the fastest growing and most exciting fields of study in China. With a wealth of cultural relics unearthed this past century, the world’s fascination with China’s rich history has been renewed. In this part 1 of a three-part series, this Chinese history course will examine unique cultural relics identified by scholars as important to Chinese civilization. We will focus on agriculture, textiles, architecture, painted pottery, jade articles, bronze ware, shipbuilding and more. We will ignite your curiosity as we explore how these treasures reveal China’s past, and guide the future of Chinese culture. 中国考古学是以往100年中发展最为迅速的领域之一,大批珍贵文物的出土,不断刷新人们对文化中国的认识。本课程以4-6件(组)精品文物作引子,将学术界探索中华文明的过程作为线索,介绍古代中国在造船、玉器等诸多领域的杰出成就,其中不乏学术前沿的考古发现与研究成果,内容精彩纷呈,雅俗共赏,学生可以藉此获得对文化中国全方位的、直观而深入的认识。"
Price: 139.00 |
"文物精品与文化中国:文字与乐礼 | Relics of Chinese History - Part 3: Writing System, Rites and Music" |
"Chinese archaeology is one of the fastest-growing and most exciting fields of study in China. With a wealth of cultural relics unearthed this past century, the world’s fascination with China’s rich history has been renewed. Part 3 of 3, this Chinese history course will examine unique cultural relics identified by scholars as important to Chinese civilization. We will focus on the music, rituals, rites and writing in Chinese culture. We will ignite your curiosity as we explore how these treasures reveal China’s past, and guide the future of Chinese culture. 中国考古学是以往100年中发展最为迅速的领域之一,大批珍贵文物的出土,不断刷新人们对文化中国的认识。本课程以4-6件(组)精品文物作引子,将学术界探索中华文明的过程作为线索,介绍古代中国在造船、玉器等诸多领域的杰出成就,其中不乏学术前沿的考古发现与研究成果,内容精彩纷呈,雅俗共赏,学生可以藉此获得对文化中国全方位的、直观而深入的认识。"
Price: 139.00 |
"电磁学 | Electromagnetism" |
"In this physics course you will learn about electromagnetism, a branch of physics, which includes the study of electric and magnetic fields. This is a seven-week course, broken up into both basic and advanced sections. Most learners and engineering students may choose to study only the basics. Those who want to learn at the level of a physics major should study the advanced sections of the course as well. However, the final examination will only cover the basic parts. 本电磁学课程主要学习电场和磁场,一般需要28学时 (7周左右)。视频分为基本内容和提高内容(打星或双星),普通学习者和工科学生只需选择基本内容学习,要达到物理专业的学习要求,则需要额外学习提高内容。最后考试只覆盖基本内容。"
Price: 139.00 |
"计算几何 | Computational Geometry" |
"Geometry can be traced back to ancient Greece, but Computational Geometry evolved less than 40 years as a branch of computer science. The Computational Geometry taught in this course is derived from classical discrete/combinatorial geometry and modern computer science. Computational Geometry first appeared on the horizon when M. I. Shamos presented his Ph.D. dissertation in 1978. Since then, this phrase has been used to refer to algorithmic study on discrete and combinatorial geometric structures and can also be regarded as the geometric version of Algorithm Design and Analysis. Computational Geometry is now considered the basis of robotics, computer aided design and manufacturing (CAM and CID), and geographic information systems (GIS). 众所周知,几何学的历史至少可追述至古希腊时代,但不同人对“计算几何”的理解却不尽相同。本课程讨论的计算几何,源自于古典离散/组合几何学与现代计算机科学的结合。M. I. Shamos在1978年完成的博士论文,标志着这个学科分支的诞生。从那时起,“计算几何”往往特指针对离散与组合几何结构的算法研究。简而言之,她也可认为是算法设计与分析的几何版。 本课程的教学目标有三: 其一、对计算几何理论的总体认识,在日后的研究工作中,这种认识为你提供几何的视角 其次、对几何问题求解范式及策略的全面领会,包括递增式构造、平面扫描、分而治之、分层化、近似以及随机化等 最后、对基本几何结构及其算法的透彻掌握,包括凸包、多边形细分、Voronoi图、Delaunay三角剖分,以及几何求交、点定位、范围查找、截窗查询等"
Price: 49.00 |
"Chinese History From Warring States to the Tang Dynasty | 资治通鉴" |
"Zizhi Tongjian _is one of the earliest Chinese historiographies spanning nearly 300 volumes and covering 1,300 years of history. Literally meaning “Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance,” _Zizhi Tongjian is an annalistic-style history featuring the subjects of politics and the military as the main thread of narration. The collection has been cherished by scholars over numerous dynasties for its historical value and insight into governance, peace and stability. This guided reading course will help learners deepen their understanding of Chinese history, in addition to applying _Zizhi Tongjian’s _ancient wisdom to modern-day governance. Because _Zizhi TongJian _is a rich, expansive text, this course is intended to remove colloquial barriers and help students gain a deeper understanding of Chinese history from Emperor Qin to Caocao and Emperor Taizong. 资治通鉴》是北宋司马光主持编纂的著名编年体史书、传统史籍“通鉴体”门类的开山之作。该书以政治、军事为记述主线,上起公元前403年,下迄公元 959年,以294卷、300多万字的篇幅,系统展现一千三百多年间华夏大地波澜壮阔的历史画卷。该书问世以来,不但以其不可替代的史料价值为历代学者所 重视,更以其资政育人、总结历代治乱兴衰之道的根本动机与高卓史识为后世所称道,呈现出超越时空的巨大生命力。然而《资治通鉴》篇幅浩瀚、内容复杂,加以 历史文献自身的时代特点,非文史专业出身的广大青年学生难以通读并领会其要旨。“《资治通鉴》导读”课程作为一门人文通识课程,目的即在于消除专业壁垒, 引导同学近距离感受这部中国伟大史学著作的魅力。课程主讲张国刚教授潜心研读《资治通鉴》数十年,通过精心选取其中的经典人物言行与历史场景,钩沉发覆、 条分缕析,以现代思维总结文化精髓,以生动语言阐发历史智慧,尤其侧重其中修身、齐家、治国的现实意义,以及中西文化之间的历史性比较。通过“《资治通 鉴》导读”课程的学习,同学们不但可对战国至五代之间中国历史发展演化的基本脉络产生较为全面的把握,还可领悟到如何从传统文化汲取现实营养的基本方法, 为将来进一步学习中国文化开辟道路。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Flower Arrangements in China and Japan | 现代生活美学:花之道" |
"中国文人生活的厅堂之雅,在宋代已形成“文人四艺”的琴棋书画,和“生活四艺”的插花、点茶、焚香、挂画。经过数千年的传承与发展,生活四艺不仅是技艺,更可从中领悟人与天地自然合一之妙,体验一种智慧、高雅、优美的生活方式,借以修身养性,渐而入道。 插花是将鲜切植物素材(枝叶花果等),配以合适的器皿,经过一定的修剪技术和造型艺术,重新创作出一件抒情表意的精致艺术品。通过插花的仪式和创作过程,放下杂念,让心得以宁静,体悟天地自然之性情,之花道。课程首先梳理东西方插花的发展脉络,从插花看中国、日本以及西方花文化的不同特征,以及相互影响和融合的过程;然后进入到插花的操作层面,如植物知识、色彩构成,东方插花构成等。在此过程中,认识和亲近植物花卉,关注内心体验,平衡心理,培养优雅的生活方式和社交礼仪。 The elegance of the hall of Chinese literati, in the Song Dynasty has formed the ""the Four arts of literati"": lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and ""Four Arts of Life"": flower arrangement, tea, incense burn, hanging pictures. After thousands of years of inheritance and development, life four art is not only a skill, but also to learn from the natural unity between man and heaven, experience a wise, elegant, graceful way of life, to self-cultivation, gradually and humanely. Flower arrangement is the fresh cut plant material (foliage flower fruit, etc.), with the appropriate utensils, after a certain degree of pruning technology and plastic arts, to recreate a lyric ideographic exquisite art. Through the ritual of flower arranging and creation process, put aside distractions, let the experience with tranquility, realize the nature of heaven and earth, the flower way.The course first combs the development of East-west flower arrangement, and looks at the different characteristics of Chinese, Japanese and western flower culture, as well as the process of mutual influence and integration, and then enters into the operation level of flower arrangement, such as plant knowledge, color composition, oriental flower arrangement and so on.In this process, recognize and close to plant flowers, pay attention to inner experience, balance psychology, cultivate elegant lifestyle and social etiquette."
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought | 毛泽东思想概论" |
"With the world’s biggest population and second largest economy, China is a dynamic and ethnically diverse country with a history that spans more than 5,000 years. In 1949, revolutionary leader Mao Zedong founded modern China, or the People's Republic of China, as the leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC). But who was Chairman Mao and how did his theories, strategies and policies shape modern China? This course introduces Mao Zedong Thought and highlights how Chairman Mao’s theories dramatically shaped and influenced the political foundation what China has become today. Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought gives learners around the world a rare peek into a course that millions of university students in China are required to take each year. Influenced by Marxism-Leninism Thought, Mao Zedong Thought incorporates ideological and political theories introduced by the first Chairman of the Communist Party of China. 本课程为思想政治理论课。课程以“历史与理论相结合、思想与现实相结合、线上与线下相结合、高雅与通俗相结合”为特色,讲授马克思主义中国化、毛泽东思想,引导学生正确把握毛泽东思想的基本内容和精神实质,引导学生深刻认识改革开放的必要性、可能性和艰巨性,引导学生牢固树立中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 本课程实施“转客为主”教学模式,即通过设置多重教学环节引导学生由“教学对象”向“教学主体”转化,由“被动性学习”向“主动性学习”转化,由“以听为主”向“听说读写行并重”转化。课程鼓励和引导学生实现“六化”: 一是“化耳为口”,即不仅要听,而且要说;二是“化目为手”,即不仅要读,而且要写;三是“化知为行”,即不仅要求知,而且要践行;四是“化外为内”,即将外在的知识转化为内在的素养;五是“化隐为显”,即将隐性的素质转化为显性的成果;六是“化人为己”,即将他人的素养转化为学生自我的素养。"
Price: 49.00 |
"New course mode in e-era|e时代的新课堂" |
"The development of online education has brought opportunities and challenges for traditional teaching and learning. Nowadays it’s very important to learn about online education, which can help us study better and more easily. This course focuses on 5 themes: 1.interpreting online education 2.discussing why online education is needed 3.explaining the current status of online education in colleges and universities 4.predicting the future of online education, 5.sharing online education practices and experiences from a large number of excellent teachers 在线教育的发展为传统的教与学提供了机遇和挑战。当今时代了解在线教育能够帮助我们学得更好、更容易。 本课主要讲解一下五个方面的内容: 1.全面解读在线教育 2.探讨为什么要做在线教育 3.详解高校在线教育开展现状 4.展望在线教育的未来 5.通过大量优秀一线教师的实际教学案例进行在线教育实践与经验的分享"
Price: 139.00 |
"Writing, Presenting and Submitting Scientific Papers in English | 英文科技论文写作与学术报告" |
"In this communications course, you will learn how to properly write a paper in English, cite references and give attributions. You will also learn how to choose research topics and write proposals for research funding. It is increasingly important that new scholars and students become familiar with, and abide by the international standard when writing papers, submitting them for publication, dealing with editors, and applying for funding. Above all, knowing how to conduct a clear English presentation is an essential requirement for research papers being accepted. In this course, along with learning best practices for writing a paper, you will also learn about “conventions and protocols” of international academia and the cultural differences between East and West. 发表高质量的学术论文和参与国际学术交流已经成为科学研究必不可少的环节及衡量学术成就的重要指标。清晰的英文表达是国际期刊和会议论文被录用的基本要求。论文投稿和修改,与编辑打交道,熟悉并遵守国际学术规则和惯例十分重要。 本课程旨在指导学生如何撰写国际期刊和会议论文,介绍国际学术界的惯例和规则,讨论相关的东西方文化差异,并指导如何正确引用参考文献,尊重他人研究成果,如何参加学术活动如参加学术会议、如何当评审人及如何担任国际期刊编委、国际会议程序委员会委员等学术工作。 本课程简短探讨如何选择研究课题和如何申请科研项目。"
Price: 49.00 |
"工程地质学 | Geology and Engineering Geology" |
"The earth is our home. The development of human civilization as we know it goes hand in hand with how we have used and continue to reshape the planet. This course will introduce the basic knowledge of geology and methods of engineering geology to help people protect and utilize our earth more effectively. This geology course consists of two sections: basic geology and engineering geology. The basic geology section includes: formation and evolution of the earth, common rocks and minerals, internal and external dynamic geological process, geological ages, geological structures, geological maps and other basic knowledge of the earth’s geology. The engineering geology section includes engineering geological natures of groundwater, rock and soil, stability analysis of slope, surrounding rock of underground cavern and rock foundation, geological analysis of reservoir project and some field investigation methods and techniques etc. Geology and Geological Engineering are two of the most important basic subjects that underpin engineering specialties, such as hydraulic engineering, geotechnical engineering and geological engineering. Engineering professionals will find this course particularly interesting and useful, but anyone with an interest in learning how to protect and continue to reshape our planet is welcome to enroll! 地质学与工程地质是水利工程、岩土工程、地质工程等工程类专业重要的一门专业基础课。清华大学《地质学与工程地质》主要内容包括:地质学基础和工程地质学两大部分。其中:地质学基础部分包括地球的形成与演化、常见岩石与矿物、内外动力地质作用、地质年代、地质图、地质构造等,为学生提供了扎实的地质基础知识,同时也可为地质爱好者提供地质专业基础知识;工程地质学部分包括地下水、岩土体的工程地质性质及一些专门工程地质问题分析原理与方法等,为学生提供扎实的工程地质基础与丰富的应用。 我们有信心:你能领悟地质学的魅力!"
Price: 49.00 |
"数据科学导论|Data Science: A New Way of Thinking" |
"本课程作为数据科学的先导课和认知类课程,致力于以形象生动的教学模式为学生普及数据挖掘、大数据相关的基础知识、核心概念和思维模式,从工程技术、法律规范、应用实践等不同角度描绘数据科学的美好蓝图。该课程适合于不同背景对数据科学这个迷人的领域感兴趣的大学生。现有的在线数据科学课程主要侧重于学习特定的算法等纯技术内容。相比之下,数据科学是一个面向应用、高度跨学科的领域,需要来自多个领域的系统知识。除了算法学习,学生还需要认识到现实世界中人们可能面临的挑战,以及数据与人类社会的关系。本课程的目的是全面了解大数据时代的关键问题,提高数据意识,帮助学生为后续的数据科学课程打下坚实的基础。 This is an introductory course suitable for university students with diverse backgrounds interested in getting into the fascinating world of data science. Existing online data science courses mainly focus on learning specific algorithms and other purely technical contents. By contrast, data science is an application-oriented, highly interdisciplinary domain, which requires systematic knowledge from a variety of sources. In addition to algorithm learning, students also need to appreciate the challenges that people may face in the real world as well as the relationship between data and human society. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key issues in the era of big data and promote data awareness to help students lay a solid foundation for subsequent data science courses."
Price: 149.00 |
"高级大数据系统|Advanced Big Data Systems" |
"本课程将重点讲解高级大数据系统的实现、优化和应用,包括分布式文件系统、MapReduce/Spark、Storm/Spark streaming、Mahout等系统的原理、实现、策略优化。 近年来,人工智能技术正在快速地渗透进各个不同领域。因大数据系统是当今数据驱动人工智能的基础,而变得至关重要。本课程旨在引导学生了解大数据系统的基本概念,包括如何有效地存储、处理和分析数据。课程从分布式系统设计的一般原理出发。之后我们提供了如何在大数据系统中评定存储、计算和网络功能的框架。最后,为了使这些设计原则便于理解,我们的案例研究将使用真实的工业系统来演示基本设计原则如何应用于实际系统,以及该如何分析它们的性能以及局限性。 Recent years have witnessed the rapid increase of the penetration of AI technology into different areas in the industry. Big data systems, the foundation that enables today’s data-driven AI, are thus becoming critically important. This course is dedicated to lead students into the basic concepts of big data systems, covering how data is effectively stored, processed and analyzed. We start from the general principles in the design of distributed systems; then we provide frameworks on how storage, computation, and network capabilities are scaled in big data systems; finally, to make such design principles easy to follow, our case studies use real industrial systems to demonstrate how the basic design principles are applied in real-world systems as well as how their performance and limitation are analyzed."
Price: 99.00 |
"Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Biochemical Technology | 水处理工程:生物化学方法" |
"Biochemical technology in water and wastewater treatment engineering is essential in the field of water treatment. In this environmental studies course you will learn the basic principles and characteristics of biochemical technology. This knowledge is necessary for those in the environmental field. In this course we will use real world cases and vivid explanations to help you better understand the biological treatment process. 《水处理工程》是环境工程、环境科学、市政工程等相关专业的主干专业课。本课程旨在向学生全面讲授水和废水处理中主要的生物处理技术单元的基本原理和特点、工艺的基本计算方法和应用范围、主要构筑物的构成和运行特点、典型的水与废水处理工艺以及相关技术的国内外最新研究进展。主要讲述废水的好氧和厌氧生物处理工艺、生物脱氮除磷工艺、废水的天然处理工艺以及污泥的处理与处置。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Will China Rise as a Disruptive Force? The Insiders’ Perspective" |
"China, one of the world’s oldest countries, is currently undergoing massive political, social and economic changes. The rapid emergence of China as a key player in the global political and economic landscape has led many to question how China’s decision makers perceive today’s world. What are their views on major global affairs? How does Chinese history and philosophy shape their outlook of the world? What are the prospects for China’s future economic growth? This course helps learners understand the rise of modern China from an insiders’ perspective with insight from three of China’s leading social philosophy, international relations and economic experts."
Price: 49.00 |
"Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology | 水处理工程:物理化学方法" |
"This introductory environmental science, environmental engineering and municipal engineering course will explore how physicochemical technology and techniques are applied to water and wastewater treatment. We will explore the basic calculation method, composition of structures and operation characteristics, and the latest advancements in water and wastewater treatment technology. Main physicochemical units, including coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, filtration, disinfection, oxidation and reduction, membrane separation and ionic exchange, will be covered. 《水处理工程》是清华大学为环境工程、环境科学、市政工程等相关专业学生开设的主干专业课,包括物化处理技术和生化处理技术两大部分。《水处理工程-物化技术》旨在向学生全面讲授水和废水处理中主要的物化处理技术单元的基本原理和特点、工艺的基本计算方法和应用范围、主要构筑物的构成和运行特点、典型的水与废水处理工艺以及相关技术的国内外最新研究进展。本课程介绍的主要物化技术单元包括:混凝、沉淀与澄清、气浮、过滤、消毒、离子交换、膜分离、氧化还原和吸附。"
Price: 49.00 |
"中国古代礼义文明 | China’s Ancient Ritual Civilization" |
"This course will tell you the reason why ritual is the core of Chinese culture, in contrast with western culture. You will be introduced to relevant ritual classical books, which will help you to understand how people behaved in ancient China. You will also learn about the rituals behind ancient Chinese adult rites, wedding ceremonies, sacrifice ceremonies, and more. Join us to start your ancient Chinese ritual journey. 中国是传承千年的礼仪之邦,声教播于海外。相传在3000多年前的殷周之际,周公制礼作乐,就提出了礼治的纲领。其后经过孔子和七十子后学,以及孟子、荀子等人的提倡和完善,礼乐文明成为儒家文化的核心。西汉以后,作为礼乐文化的理论形态和上古礼制的渊薮,《仪礼》、《周礼》、《礼记》先后被列入学官,不仅成为古代文人必读的经典,而且成为历代王朝制礼的基础,对于中国文化和历史的影响之深远,自不待言。随着东亚儒家文化圈的形成,礼乐文化自然成为了东方文明的重要特色。毋庸置疑,要了解中国传统文化,就必须了解中国礼仪文化。 本课程讲通过大量的文献材料,深入浅出地讲授中国古代礼仪文明的基本框架,建立中华传统礼仪观念的过程,培养学生人文素养,建立良好操守,并引导其在生活中践行中华传统礼仪。"
Price: 139.00 |
"中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 | Introduction to the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" |
"China has grown to become the world’s second largest economy in the last several decades. In this history course, you will learn about the governing practice and ideology of the Communist Party of China during their economic growth. This course is an introduction to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and mainly consists of three points: Deng Xiaoping theory The important thought of ""Three Represents”, which is a guiding socio-political theory Scientific outlook on China’s economic development By the end of this course, you will understand: The primary stage of socialism The Essence of Socialism and the General Task of Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Socialist theory of reform and opening up Theory of achieving complete reunification of China Socialistic diplomacy and international strategy with Chinese characteristics Theory on the Leading Nucleus of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics This course is a window into contemporary China. Open the window and enjoy the view with us. 本课程为思想政治理论课。课程以“历史与理论相结合、思想与现实相结合、线上与线下相结合、高雅与通俗相结合”为特色,讲授社会主义初级阶段理论和基本路线、社会主义本质理论、社会主义改革开放理论、建设中国特色社会主义的总布局、根本目的、依靠力量、领导核心等专题,引导学生正确把握中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本内容和精神实质,引导学生深刻认识改革开放的必要性、可能性和艰巨性,引导学生牢固树立中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 本课程实施“转客为主”教学模式,即通过设置多重教学环节引导学生由“教学对象”向“教学主体”转化,由“被动性学习”向“主动性学习”转化,由“以听为主”向“听说读写行并重”转化。课程鼓励和引导学生实现“六化”: 一是“化耳为口”,即不仅要听,而且要说;二是“化目为手”,即不仅要读,而且要写;三是“化知为行”,即不仅要求知,而且要践行;四是“化外为内”,即将外在的知识转化为内在的素养;五是“化隐为显”,即将隐性的素质转化为显性的成果;六是“化人为己”,即将他人的素养转化为学生自我的素养。"
Price: 49.00 |
"唐宋词鉴赏 | Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty" |
"Starting with the definition and origin of Ci Poems, this course will introduce you to the representative writers, works and important genres of Tang and Song poetry. The course will also explore the history of Tang and Song poetry as well as the folklore and humanistic spirit of the Song Dynasty. This course is part of a series of “Appreciation of Tang and Song poetry” courses hosted by professor Bugao Wang. 本课程系王步高教授主持的“唐宋诗词鉴赏”国家精品课程、国家资源共享课系列课程之一。课程从词的定义、词的起源开始,较系统地讲授唐宋词的代表作家、代表作品,重要流派;以讲作品为主,兼及作家、唐宋词史以及宋代的历史、民俗及人文精神;通过本课程的学习,使学生对唐宋词有较为全面系统的了解,同时能提高其诗词阅读鉴赏及批评能力。 主讲人王步高教授为词学大师唐圭璋入室弟子,协助唐主编过《唐宋词鉴赏辞典》,长于诗词写作,词学领域著作颇丰,该课程是清华大学、东南大学最受学生欢迎的课程之一。"
Price: 139.00 |
"应对气候变化的中国视角 | China’s Perspective on Climate Change" |
"This course will provide China’s perspectives, policies, actions and effects on global climate changes to the international community. You will learn about the challenges and opportunities we are faced with on global climate in the world and in China, and will familiarize yourself with main policies, technical routines and international regulations. The knowledge presented in this course will benefit your understanding of significant theories and practical problems such as the energy revolution, economic development transition, low carbon economy development and the ecological civilization construction. Taking this course can help you grow your knowledge of the latest advances in climate change science, and revere nature, cherish resources and save energy. The course is designed for the undergraduate students, high school students and anyone who is concerned about climate change. 欢迎选修《应对气候变化的中国视角》! 本课程的内容可以向国际社会彰显中国应对气候变化的立场、政策和行动及其成效。通过本课程的学习,可以更好地认识当前全世界和我国应对气候变化面临的挑战和机遇,熟悉应对气候变化的主要政策措施、技术选择和国际治理制度,对于理解能源革命、转变经济发展方式、发展低碳经济和建设生态文明等重大理论和实践问题也有所裨益。 通过本课程的学习,还可以加深对于气候变化科学的基本知识和最新进展的了解,解答关于气候变化科学的质疑,培养全社会敬畏大自然、珍惜资源和节约能源的意识。 本课程适合大学生、高中生以及所有关心气候变化的社会人士学习。 更多精彩期待你发现!祝你学习顺利! 《应对气候变化的中国视角》课程组"
Price: 149.00 |
"心理学概论 | Introduction to Psychology" |
"As the physical quality of life improves in our increasingly global and technologically focused world, it is particularly important to focus on psychology. In fact, psychology is one of the most popular subjects studied in universities by students across the globe, and there is an increasing interest in studying this fascinating - and constantly changing - field. This course will cover a wide range of topics from the field of psychology to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Course lessons will focus on consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotion, evolution, motivation, personality, social psychology, and happiness. In every lesson, we use empirical studies of psychology and classical theoretical perspectives as examples, concluding the course with the relatively new perspective of positive psychology. In this course, you will gain an understanding of psychological modes of thought and master the basic methods of psychological research, while freeing yourself of psychological misconceptions and misunderstandings. 在人们物质生活飞速发展的今天,关注心理学显得尤为重要。在美国大学,心理学是学生人数最多且最受欢迎的学科之一。本课程分为13章,分别阐述绪论、意识、感觉、知觉、学习、记忆、思维、情感、进化、动机、人格、社会以及幸福问题。在每一章中,都会以心理学的实证研究作为例证,以经典理论观点作为主导,以积极正面的心理学研究为方向,让学生掌握心理学的基本内容和前沿动态,了解心理学的思考方式,去除对心理学的疑惑与误解,掌握基本的心理学研究方法。"
Price: 139.00 |
"知识产权法律及实务|Big Data and Intellectual Property Law and Practice" |
"本课程旨在提供一套分析工具帮助学生了解及应用知识产权法律制度。中国知识产权保护的热点和关键问题将从地方和全球的角度事业进行讨论。 本课程运用案例法,广泛介绍知识产权,探讨知识产权的内容及特点,并提供实务训练,教导如何识别、管理、使用及保护知识产权。本课程以专利权为重点,同时介绍商标、版权和商业秘密。为了加深和拓宽学生的知识和理解,本课程还特别关注国际知识产权制度、基因专有权、专利池、技术标准等前沿问题等。 This course is intended to provide a set of analytical tools for the students to understand and apply intellectual property legal system. Hot topics and crucial issues of intellectual property protection in China will be discussed from local and global perspectives. Using case method, this course offers a broad introduction of intellectual property, explores its content and features, provides practical training — teaches how to identify, manage, use and protect intellectual property rights. This course focuses on patent, also introduces trademark, copyright and trade secret. In order to deepen and broaden students’ knowledge and understanding, this course also pays particular attention to cutting-edge issues, such as international intellectual property system, gene patent, patent pool and technical standards, etc."
Price: 99.00 |
"Japanese Culture and Language (I) |日语与日本文化(1)" |
"In modern history of the development of China, Japan more than any country in the world, has made the largest influence on China. It cannot be underestimated that, the influence from Japan on China’s teenagers covers from their character formations, cultural identities, and even values. So observing the Japanese social life could help us looking back to ourselves. Re-understanding Japan and Japanese, can help Chinese distinguishing the most fundamental contradiction between China and Japan, which is the differences in ""insular"" and ""mainland farming nation"". It is more important to understand a national culture than to master its language. In this course, the introduction and analysis of Japanese culture and daily social lives are rubbed into more than ever. 在中国近代史发展的进程中,日本超过世界上任何一个国家,成为了对中国影响最大的国家。日本文化对中国青少年的性格形成乃至文化认同感、价值观塑造方面所起到的影响不容小觑。从日本社会生活现象中学习并反观中国社会。重新认识日本国和日本人,从中日两国现代交往的种种矛盾现象中看清楚“岛国根性”与“大陆农耕民族”最根本的差异所在。对于一个国家的了解、与其交流或者认知,掌握这个国家、民族的文化甚至比单纯掌握这个国家的语言更为重要。在日语基础的学习过程中,比以往课堂教学更多地揉入对日本社会生活中的文化现象予以介绍和分析。"
Price: 139.00 |
"Japanese Culture and Language (II) |日语与日本文化(2)" |
"In modern history of the development of China, Japan more than any country in the world, has made the largest influence on China. It cannot be underestimated that, the influence from Japan on China’s teenagers covers from their character formations, cultural identities, and even values. So observing the Japanese social life could help us looking back to ourselves. Re-understanding Japan and Japanese, can help Chinese distinguishing the most fundamental contradiction between China and Japan, which is the differences in ""insular"" and ""mainland farming nation"". It is more important to understand a national culture than to master its language. In this course, the introduction and analysis of Japanese culture and daily social lives are rubbed into more than ever. 在中国近代史发展的进程中,日本超过世界上任何一个国家,成为了对中国影响最大的国家。日本文化对中国青少年的性格形成乃至文化认同感、价值观塑造方面所起到的影响不容小觑。从日本社会生活现象中学习并反观中国社会。重新认识日本国和日本人,从中日两国现代交往的种种矛盾现象中看清楚“岛国根性”与“大陆农耕民族”最根本的差异所在。对于一个国家的了解、与其交流或者认知,掌握这个国家、民族的文化甚至比单纯掌握这个国家的语言更为重要。在日语基础的学习过程中,比以往课堂教学更多地揉入对日本社会生活中的文化现象予以介绍和分析。"
Price: 49.00 |
"Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law|思想道德修养与法律基础" |
"《思想道德修养与法律基础》是一门融思想性、政治性、知识性、综合性和实践性为一体的课程。 作为大学生的第一门思想政治理论课程,本课程以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,传承中华优秀传统文化,借鉴人类文明的有益创造成果,围绕当代大学生在成长成才过程中面对的思想、道德、法律等问题,进行马克思主义的世界观、人生观、价值观、道德观和法律观的教育教学,帮助大学生提高思想道德素质和法律素质,成长为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人。 “Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law” Course is a combination of ideological, political, intellectual, comprehensive and practical. As the first ideological and political theory course of college students, this course is guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. This course will inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and draw on the beneficial achievements of human civilization. Focusing on such issues as ideology, morality and law faced by contemporary college students, the course is about Marxist worldview, outlook on life, values, morality and legal view. The course is aimed at improving the ideological, moral and legal quality of college students, helping them becomewell rounded,developed and qualifiedbuildersandsuccessorsfor thesocialistcause."
Price: 49.00 |
"Circular Economy for a Sustainable Built Environment" |
"Building construction is one of the most waste producing sectors. In the European Union, construction alone accounts for approximately 30% of the raw material input. In addition, the different life-cycle stages of buildings, from construction to end-of-life, cause a significant environmental impact related to energy consumption, waste generation and direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. The Circular Economy model offers guidelines and principles for promoting more sustainable building construction and reducing the impact on our environment. If you are interested in taking your first steps in transitioning to a more sustainable manner of construction, then this course is for you! In this course you will become familiar with circularity as a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach, concerned with the different scale, from material to product, building, city, and region. Some aspects of circularity that will be included in this course are maximizing reuse and recycle levels by closing the material loops. You will also learn how the Circular Economy can help to realign business incentives in supply chains, and how consumers can be engaged and contribute to the transition through new business models enabling circular design, reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling of building components. In addition, you will learn how architecture and urban design can be adapted according to the principles of the Circular Economy and ensure that construction is more sustainable. You will also learn from case studies how companies already profitably incorporate this new theory into the design, construction and operation of the built environment."
Price: 50.00 |
"大数据机器学习|Big Data Machine Learning" |
"如何处理大数据是机器学习所面临的一个持续性的挑战。目前,机器学习处理大规模数据的问题十分普遍。如何提出一种满足大数据处理需求的机器学习算法是大数据时代的热点研究课题。《大数据机器学习》课程是信息科学系高年级本科生和研究生的一门基础理论课程,其目的是培养学生全面理解大数据机器学习的理论基础,并牢固掌握大数据机器学习的方法以及解决实际问题的能力。本课程主要研究机器学习和深度学习的方法,旨在实现大数据机器学习的应用。本课程主要内容包括: 统计学习的基本理论 .机器学习的基本方法 深度学习的理论和方法 An ongoing challenge for machine learning is how to deal with big data. At present, the problem of machine learning dealing with large-scale data is widespread. How to propose a machine learning algorithm to meet the needs of big data processing is a hot research topic in the big data era. The course "" Big Data Machine Learning"" is a basic theory course for senior undergraduates and postgraduates in information science department. Its purpose is to cultivate students' comprehensive ability to understand the theoretical basis of Big Data Machine Learning, master the methods of Big Data Machine Learning firmly, and solve practical problems. This course focuses on the methodsof machine learning and deep learning, and aims to realize the application of big data machine learning. The main contents of the course include: The basic theories of statistical learning The basic methods of machine learning The theories and methods of deep learning"
Price: 99.00 |
"Reading Religious Conversion" |
"Conversion is a multidimensional phenomenon with religious, social, political and legal implications. By examining these implications, one can learn how religious communities function, how they deal with identity issues, and how and why they demarcate their boundaries. Conversion canalso illustrate the policies and internal structures of such communities, interactions with those deemed as ""Others"", and the dynamics of minority-majority cultural groups living alongside one another. The courseprovidesan analytic structure for understanding political, social, religious and legal issues, communal and religious limits, and the exchange of knowledge. In this course you will find: Variety We tackle the diverse expressions of the phenomenon, utilizing research tools from a wide spectrum of disciplines and integrating such study into the academic world as a distinct interdisciplinary area of inquiry. Accessibility The digital format enables intimate and immediate meetings with ancient texts to which most of you do not have access (they will appear in the course in their original language as well as translated into English), along with exposure to works of art from the same period and the valuable information thatcan be distilled from them. Instructors Twenty-six world-renowned specialists guide you through the learning process, providing a broad historical, cultural and religious background for the texts. The experts help you to gain an understanding of the period in which the texts were written, and the events and ideas that the texts influenced. Identity The texts yield multiple notions on the forms that conversion has taken and on the forcesthat drive such a decision. These ideas broaden and enrich your grasp of the different ways people, throughout history and across the globe, have self-identified upon a continuum of identities. These include their natal religion, their chosen faith, their motivations for conversion and social, economic, legal, personal and other factors that may have contributed to the choice to convert. Hence, past and present are in constant dialogue in this course, as are the geographical spaces in which the events occurred."
Price: 49.00 |
"Solar Energy Engineering: Comprehensive Exams" |
"In this course you will gain access to two final exams. The first exam covers the content of PV1x and PV2x, and the second exam covers the content of PV3x and PV4x. For each exam you are given two attempts. You will be given exam preparation material to help you prepare. The exams are offered in the format of proctored exams. To read more about proctored exam and to review the technical requirements, review the edX's help pages."
Price: 250.00 |
"Resilience - The art of coping with disasters" |
"What is Resilience? Resilience is often perceived as an abstract term that varies in meaning for people from different fields and backgrounds. Nevertheless, it has been a “buzzword” in the discussion around crises and disasters in recent decades. In this course, we willintroduce structure into this confusion andprovide clearer definitions for the intangible multidisciplinary and sometimes ambiguous term resilience. Subsequently, this understanding will serve to improve the learners’ ability to manage crisis situations, as well as to help them plan and focus interventions and protective measures in the field of emergency preparedness and response. At the individual level, this course will provide learners with personal tools and resources for better coping in various stressful situations. Resilience is a capacity of society, with implications for day-to-day life as well as in crisis situations. The familiarity with the concept and its' broad aspects, is an asset to any individual in the pragmatic applied sense, beyond the academic attainment. This course willintroduce the concept of resilience and its relevance in various arenas and times. We will portray the impact of the disaster on individuals, families, communities, organizations, infrastructure and the interfaces between them. We will introduce the role of media and social media in the emergency management lifecycle You will learn how to measure resilience, how to use this assessment to guide you in building response plans for emergency situations."
Price: 49.00 |
"User Experience (UX) Design: Human Factors and Culture in Design | 设计的人因与文化" |
"The most successful products and services offer rich and colorful user experiences that take into account social and cultural patterns. Learn how to create excellent user experience (UX) designs which are user-centered and consider factors such as consumer demand, ability and cultural background. Understanding UX design, or how to design with the user in mind, is not only a requirement for designers, but also a skill product managers and developers should develop throughout their careers. This UX/UI course should help product developers, managers and marketers as well as designers develop unique critical, analytical perspectives in user experience and user interface.Theoretical knowledge of the human factor is at the heart of user-centered design and evaluation. This course will focus around this theme, starting with specific design cases and gradually diving deeper into the newest research findings, taking learners from the simplest to the most complicated studies of user analysis, task analysis, user interface design, cross-cultural design, user experience design, robot and human interaction design, the newest health care and human factor research projects, and more. FAQs What are the textbook and the reference books for this course? Heim, S. (2007). The Resonant Interface. Pearson Education Limited. (English language reprint edition published by Publishing House of Electronics Industry). What is the grading breakdown? 20% quizzes 40% discussion 40% final report How can I get the certificate? If your final score is no less than 50. 生活中各式各样的产品与服务给我们带来了丰富多彩的用户体验,也蕴含着有趣的社会文化规律。优秀的用户体验设计需要以人为中心,全面考虑人的需求、能力以及文化背景等因素。以用户为中心的设计方法不仅是对设计师的要求,也是产品管理、开发人员必需的专业素养,本课程希望帮助产品开发或设计人员建立独立的评判视角和分析思路。 人因学的理论知识是“以用户为中心的设计和评估”方法的基础,本课程将围绕这个中心,从具体的设计案例开始讲授,逐步深入至最新的科研成果,引导学生由浅入深地学习用户研究,任务分析,交互界面评估,跨文化设计,用户体验设计,人与机器人交互设计,以及前沿的医疗与人因研究专题等内容。"
Price: 139.00 |