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"Programming Basics" |
"Basic concepts of computer programming are introduced, starting with the notion of an algorithm. Emphasis is on developing the ability to write programs to solve practical computational problems. Topics include: Algorithms Elements of C/C++ programming languages Basic data types Sequential and conditional execution Iterative solutions Arrays, matrices and their applications Functions Sorting and searching Elements of string processing Introduction to pointers Basics of Software Engineering Structures File Processing Learners will read and understand many sample programs, and will have to write several on their own. This course deals with basic programming, and sets the foundation for solid programming practices for beginners. This course is part of the Fundamentals of Computer Science XSeries Program: Object-Oriented Programming Foundations of Data Structures Implementation of Data Structures Algorithms"
Price: 149.00 |
"Integrated Digital Media Capstone" |
"The IDM edX Mircomasters capstone project draws on the skills you have mastered in Creative Coding, Media Law, and Theories of Media & Technology. You will draw upon your technical and conceptual skills, and create a 'remix' project that speaks to the broader themes and ideas in the other courses. In addition to producing a web-based work that draws on these learning experiences, you will create a document outlining your project from concept to completion, and include references and documentation to support the core argument you are making with your work."
Price: 249.00 |
"Theories of Media and Technology" |
"Students in this course will build critical, applicable knowledge and understanding of the pervasive impact of media and technology on culture. You will learn influential concepts of media and technology, and be able to apply these ideas to contemporary trends, issues, and your own practice of art and design. Whether you are a graphic designer, UX/UI designer, web designer, or accessibility designer, this course will help you connect your work immediately to a deep, evolving framework of ideas and questions that enrich our understanding of how people consume, create, and use media, how human and non-human objects are related, how games make us think about platforms and software, and how we currently view traditional media such as sound, pictures and video."
Price: 249.00 |
"Media Law" |
"Knowledge of media law is crucial for creative and design professionals. This course explores a comprehensive range of topics and models, such as privacy and art, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Open Source public license, Creative Commons, Digital Rights Management, as well as working definitions of Fair Use and the practical limits of sampling/mixing in different idioms and economic sectors."
Price: 249.00 |
"Enterprise Data Management" |
"High-quality information is the key to successful management of businesses. Despite the large quantity of data that is collected by organizations, managers struggle to obtain information that helps them make decisions. While operational processing systems help capture, store, and manipulate data to support day-to-day operations of organizations, reconciled systems -- sometimes referred to as data warehouses or business intelligence (BI) systems -- support the analysis of data, thus, enabling decision making. With the advent of big data systems, organizations have turned toenterprise data management frameworks to manage and gain insights from the vast amount of data collected. While storage costs themselves are relatively affordable, the bigger challenge has been finding an appropriate mechanism to manage the data as many technologies (e.g., relational databases, data warehouses) have limitations on the amount of data that can be stored. This course focuses on realizing the business advantage and business potential of operational, reconciled, and big data systems as well as data assets in supporting enterprise data management strategies and enterprise data analytics. Verified Learners will need to purchase a textbook in order to successfully complete the course. See the FAQ for details."
Price: 499.00 |
"Operations Research: an Active Learning Approach" |
"Operations management deals with operational planning and control issues, and is needed in all sectors of the society. One of the challenges to operations manager is how to make use of the available resources in the best way for meeting a certain objective. Quantitative approaches are inevitably needed in tackling many of such problems. Operations Research (OR) deals with problem formulation and application of analytical methods to assist in decision-making of operational problems in planning and control. The techniques of OR are useful quantitative tools to assist operations managers, and has a wide applicability in engineering, manufacturing, construction, financial and various service sectors. Operations Research is an applied mathematics subject and is also a course in many engineering and management programmes. This course is designed for both students learning OR and learners who are practitioners in their respective professionals. The mathematical procedures for the OR techniques are introduced in details in the examples provided in the course. This helps learners to master the methodology and the techniques and apply them to achieve their goals through active learning. This course introduces two prominent OR techniques and their extended topics. The Simplex Method for Linear Programming (LP) has been considered one of the top 10 algorithms of the 20th century. LP is an optimization technique for solving problems such as finding the optimal product mix, production plan, and shipment allocation, in order to maximize the profir or minimize the cost. The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a popular technique employed by project managers in scheduling project activities. Some extended topics of CPM are also introduced to deal with certain special situations in project management. In reality, many systems operate under stochastic environment and the operational problems cannot be solved by the known analytical methods. To this end, the simulation approach is introduced in the last chapter of this course. Simulation is a powerful technique for tackling OR problems under such situations."
Price: 50.00 |
"Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes" |
"The question is no longer WHY should we take climate action, but rather HOW we can take action. In this course you will learn how to take joint action to understand and address climate change impacts in your landscape or work. It is widely recognized that there is an interconnection between climate change and biodiversity. With examples from all over the world, you will learn how climate change negatively affects biodiversity and human well-being, but also how biodiversity can play an important role in adaptation and mitigation efforts. With the support of professionals from various fields you will be guided from analysis to identifying innovate climate solutions at landscape level. Join this course if you want to: Understand how climate change is impacting you and your landscape Know how to mobilize collaboration among landscape actors Learn from nature-based climate solutions from around the world Get practical support in taking some first steps in climate action in your landscape Get your discount now! The MOOC is free if you subscribe to this MOOC and select the audit track. However, we offer you full access to the verified track (including certificate) for EUR 67, - (normal price EUR 88,-) for this brand new MOOC. If you subscribe to the course and upgrade before 9 October 2020 the discount is yours. Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes This course is also part of the Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes Professional Certificate Programme. Following the complete programme lets you harness the power of place and advance your career as a landscape leader. The programme consists of the following courses, which can be taken in any given order: Landscape Leadership: Catalyse sustainable development in landscapes Landscape Finance: Investing in Innovation for Sustainable Landscapes Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes (this course)"
Price: 75.00 |
"Introduction to Animal Ethics" |
"Why do many of us who eat pigs condemn those who eat dogs? Is there any difference between lab mice and companion hamsters that justify the use of the former for drug tests? Our attitude toward animals is full of seeming inconsistencies and unexplained conventions. Animal ethics is the field that tries to make sense of human-animal relationships using insights from philosophical ethics, and this course is an introduction to the field. This course has several distinctive characteristics from other animal ethics education materials. First, this course uses situations of animals in Japan as illustrative cases, which makes this course as a means to learn something about Japanese culture. Second, it also uses Manga to think about actual situations. By listeningto the lectures and thinking through the issues presented, you will acquire the ability to think more clearly and systematically about human-animal relationships. Topics include: Training of companion animals Neutering of companion animals Animal experimentation for cosmetics Eating farm animals Environmental enrichment in zoos"
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping" |
"This data course is a primer to statistical genetics and covers an approach called linkage disequilibrium mapping, which analyzes non-familial data and has been successfully used to identify genetic variants associated with common and complex genetic traits. We hope many students find this introductory course interesting and are motivated to study further topics in statistical genetics to understand biological variation from statistical standpoints. Previous knowledge of molecular genetics and basic statistical concepts, such as statistical tests and estimation, is required. Basic knowledge on genetic variations is offered at the start of the course."
Price: 49.00 |
"More Fun with Prime Numbers" |
"2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 are all prime numbers and they hold special significance. Mathematicians from ancient times to the 21st century have been working on prime numbers, as they're one of the most mysterious and important subjects in mathematics. In this course, I will present several attractive topics on prime numbers. You will learn basic concepts of prime numbers from the beginning. They obey mysterious laws. Some laws are easily verified by hand, some laws were discovered 100 years ago, and some laws are yet to be discovered. Surprisingly, prime numbers are also applied to cryptography today. You will also learn how to construct practical cryptosystems using prime numbers. The original course ""Fun with Prime Numbers"" was first offered in 2015 and attracted many students. This course will be offered as its refined and upgraded version. All the lecture videos will be renewed, and a new topic on cryptography will be added so as to enliven and satisfy even the students who took the previous course. No previous knowledge of prime numbers is required in this course. Calculating with a pen and paper, you will explore the mysterious world of prime numbers. The course is designed to encourage you to attack unsolved problems, and hopefully, discover new laws of your own in the future!"
Price: 49.00 |
"Essentials of Program Strategy and Evaluation" |
"The course will take you through the essentials of nonprofit and philanthropy strategy. You will apply the basic elements of strategic planning―from defining the problem through designing a theory of change to evaluating outcomes―to real-world problems."
Price: 50.00 |
"Automated Software Testing: Unit Testing, Coverage Criteria and Design for Testability" |
"Software testinggets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly andcan meet release schedules. In a two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an inspiring way. We will show you that testing is not as daunting a task as you might think, and how automated testing will make you a better developer who programs excellent software. This first course will teach you specification-based testing, boundary testing, test adequacy and code coverage, unit vs system testing, mock objects, design for testability, and test code quality. This is a highly practical course. Throughout the lessons, you will test various programs by means of different techniques. By the end, you will be able to choose the best testing strategies for different projects. If you are or want to become a five-star software developer, QA engineer, or software tester, join this course. Testing will never be the same again!"
Price: 99.00 |
"Automated Software Testing: Model and State-based Testing" |
"Software testing gets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly and can meet release schedules. In a two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an inspiring way. We will show you that testing is not as daunting a task as you might think, and how automated testing will make you a better developer who programs excellent software. This second course builds upon the first course's material. It covers more advanced tools and techniques and their applications. Key topics include state-based and web testing, combinatorial testing, mutation testing, and property-based testing. This is a highly practical course. Throughout the lessons, you will test various programs by means of different techniques. By the end, you will be able to choose the best testing strategies for different projects.. If you are or want to become a five-star software developer, QA engineer, or software tester, join this course. Testing will never be the same again!"
Price: 99.00 |
"Chimica Organica I" |
"Gli studenti verranno introdotti allo studio della chimica dei composti organici attraverso la conoscenza della nomenclatura, della struttura e della reattività dei principali gruppi funzionali. In particolare verrà affrontato lo studio della struttura e della reattività di composti organici cominciando dagli idrocarburi (alcani, cicloalcani, alcheni e alchini) per finire ai composti organici contenenti eteroatomi come gli alcoli, gli epossidi e le ammine. Una parte del corso riguarderà lo studio dei sistemi aromatici (benzene e derivati) e coniugati (dieni). Rilievo verrà dato allo studio dei meccanismi di reazione attraverso i quali possono essere razionalizzate le trasformazioni dei composti organici e dei principi fondamentali della stereochimica organica. Learners will be introduced to the chemistry of organic compounds, looking at nomenclature, structure and reactivity of the main functional groups. The main focus will be on the structure and reactivity of organic compounds, especially the hydrocarbons (alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes) and the organic compounds containing heteroatoms, like alcohols, epoxides and ammines. Part of the course will focus on aromatic systems (benzines and derivatives) and conjugates (dienes). The course will also highlight those reaction mechanisms which illustrate the transformation of organic compounds and the basic principles of organic stereochemistry."
Price: 60.00 |
"Applied anatomy of the locomotor system" |
"The skeletal, articular and muscular systems provide support and strength to the body and give humansour ability to move.The Motion and Strengthcourseoffers an exploration of the normal structure and function of the bones, joints,and muscles of the human body.It further illustrates their importance by making reference to diseases and disorders that may adversely affect the structure and function - hence the overall effectiveness - of the locomotor system. The course is designed to serve as a transition between descriptive anatomy knowledge and clinical anatomy skills. The courseworkconsists of two parts: itbegins with the detailed description of bones, joints,and muscles at the cellular and tissue levels of organization; followed by a regional discussion of the human skeletal, articular, and muscular systems in different body parts. Each lesson features integrated basic, functional, and radiological anatomy materials, accompanied by links to verified learning resources that contain examples of the anatomical knowledge used in the medical setting. The course structure is intended to ease the memory strain typically associated with Anatomy studies, as it is much easier to remember relevant facts if they have an immediate particular meaning attached to them. The coursework is ideal for medicine, physical therapy, or physical education and sports science undergraduate students. In addition, orthopedics, sports medicine, or rehabilitation postgraduate interns,may find the content informative and interesting and use it either to deepen or refresh their knowledge. All learners should note that the content is not intended to be a source of or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and it does not endorse or recommend any specific tests, procedures, or opinions."
Price: 60.00 |
"Come fare ricerca nelle scienze sociali" |
"Per fare questo occorre capire l'importanza della metodologia della ricerca, non sempre immediatamente evidente a chi si trova a leggere un saggio sociologico, né tanto meno ai giovani che intraprendono un percorso di studio nel campo delle scienze sociali. Il corso, dunque, affronta il tema della logica del metodo scientifico e della sua applicazione nelle scienze sociali. L'obiettivo è di consentire agli studenti di impostare e condurre correttamente il lavoro di indagine empirica, nonché di orientare la scelta degli strumenti di raccolta dati in relazione ai diversi tipi di ricerca, fornendo indicazioni circa la loro costruzione e somministrazione. Il corso comprende anche una introduzione alle tecniche di analisi statistiche con cui è possibile trovare risposte agli interrogativi iniziali formulati in sede di disegno della ricerca. To achieve this, we need to understand the importance of research methodology, and this is not immediately obvious to people reading a sociology book, or even to students starting their Social Sciences course. This MOOC, therefore, looks at logic and the scientific approach and how it is applied to the Social Sciences. The objective is to enable students to learn how to set up and implement an empirical study, including the right choice of instruments for data collection according to the specific study, and how to construct and administer them. The course also provides an introduction to statistical analysis which enables us to answer the questions that were set when the research was designed."
Price: 60.00 |
"Comparative Judicial Systems" |
"Today, an increasing number of democratic countries are confronting an unprecedented expansion of judicial power: more and more frequently decision-making rights are transferred from the legislative and executive branches to the courts, a process successfully labeled as the “judicialization of politics”. The course analyzes the traits of the phenomenon and its impact on the political system. Therefore, the role of the judge in the process of adjudication and the whole structure of the judicial system are considered. Specific attention is devoted to the recruitment, training and independence of judges and prosecutors and to the institutional relationships between courts and the political environment. Different definitions of the judicial role are analyzed and their political consequences assessed. Examples of judicialization are considered and discussed. Finally, the course evaluates the overall role of courts in different political systems and considers future developments. The course addresses itself to master (LM) students in political science and/or law and to anyone interested in the analysis of the transformations of contemporary political systems."
Price: 60.00 |
"Comprendere la filosofia" |
"Che cosa è la filosofia? Questo corso offre un racconto del pensiero filosofico attraverso quattro epoche da quella antica cosidetta della contemplazione a quella più recente. Attraverso 12 tappe storico-teoriche sarai accompagnato in un viaggio nel sapere filosofico con la consapevolezza che, come ha scritto Pierre Bayle, non c’è setta filosofica, per quanto sconfitta e superata, che non sia pronta a ripresentarsi. E non c’è posizione teoretica, neppure il parmenidismo, che non possa ritrovare attualità addirittura mediatica. Il superamento storico non vuol dire “oblio”, né comporta mai un definitivo superamento teorico. Al massimo insegna che sbagliando si impara, o che altri imparano, e che nulla – nemmeno le dottrine che negano il divenire – ritorna mai come prima. Understanding Philosophy What is philosophy? This course explores the development of philosophical thought in four major stages, from antiquity to the present day. Your journey takes you to 12 stops, and each will serve to enhance your knowledge of philosophy, remembering, as Pierre Bayle said, that no philosophical sect is ever really defeated or surpassed and they are always poised to make a comeback. Similarly, philosophical theories never lose their relevance, even Parmenides may find space in today’s media. New theoretical developments do not consign older theories to “the scrapheap of time”. Quite simply, the newer theories show us that we can learn from our mistakes, or our mistakes can inform others and that nothing - even doctrines that deny the idea of constant flux – ever returns completely unchanged."
Price: 60.00 |
"Concetti politici. Un'analisi interattiva" |
"Capire i concetti politici, imparare a definirli con precisione senza perdere la loro ricchezza, è il primo passo per diventare protagonisti del mondo politico. Attraverso l’utilizzo di una metodologia innovativa questo corso ti aiuterà ad orientarti nella complessità delle parole chiave della Scienza Politica. Il corso si rivolge a studenti universitari ma anche a tutti coloro che desiderano acquisire strumenti di approfondimento e confronto più rigorosi. Verranno analizzati gli attori cruciali della democrazia, dai partiti alle burocrazie, i sistemi di regolazione della vita politica e sociale, con uno sguardo alla Costituzione e alle politiche di welfare. E si discuteranno le tendenze più rilevanti della politica contemporanea, come il ruolo della personalizzazione nel comportamento elettorale. Le lezioni faranno riferimento al metodo presentato in Hyperpolitics (M. Calise e T. Lowi, University of Chicago Press 2010), un open book, liberamente accessibile in rete e in continua espansione con i contributi di nuovi utenti. Ne risulta un laboratorio che unisce chiarezza argomentativa e selezione delle fonti online per sviluppare l'analisi critica. Understanding political concepts and learning to define them without simplifying their meaning is the first step to becoming a protagonist in the world of politics. With its innovative methodology, this course will help you find your bearings in the complex world of Political Science terminology. The course is aimed at university students but is open to anyone who wants to further their knowledge and analysis of key terms in Political Science. We will analyze the crucial players in a democracy, from parties to bureaucracies, the systems that regulate politics and society. We will take a brief look at the Constitution and Welfare policies, and discussion will revolve around the main trends in contemporary politics, like the role of personalization in electoral behavior. The lessons make reference to the method presented in Hyperpolitics (M. Calise and T. Lowi, University of Chicago Press 2010), an open book, freely available online, which is continually growing thanks to contributions from new users. The result is a workshop that combines clear argument with careful selection of online sources to develop critical and analytical thinking."
Price: 60.00 |
"Dante tra poesia e scienza" |
"La Commedia di Dante è una delle opere più tradotte e stampate nelle lingue e nei dialetti del mondo. Un testo scritto nel 1300 che affronta temi ancora oggi attuali, e che può rendere l'uomo del nostro tempo più vicino «a quell'amore che move il sole e l’altre stelle. Questo corso affronta non solo la poesia presente nel percorso che il poeta-personaggio Dante ha tracciato nella sua opera quale viaggio dall’umano al ""divino"", ma anche la parte scientifica dell’opera. Quest’ultima ha avuto in genere una minore frequentazione critica rispetto all’universo poetico. Essa, infatti, risulta scarsamente frequentata dal critico letterario, mentre è stata oggetto di studio da parte di scienziati di ieri e del nostro tempo. In questo viaggio nella Commedia dantesca sarai accompagnato per mano da personaggi come Beatrice, Pier delle Vigne, Ulisse ma anche dal più grande dei nostri scienziati, Albert Einstein per comprendere come l’esatta descrizione del cosmo fatta da Dante Alighieri nel 1300 è stata poi dimostrata dalla scienza moderna. In tal modo la Commedia riesce meglio a suggerire al lettore il valore del pensiero dantesco offrendo ai lettori del XXI secolo un esempio di come la poesia e la scienza non devono vivere in “camere separate”, ma costituiscono l’unità del sapere universale. Dante: between poetry and science Dante’s comedy is one of the most widely-translated and published works of all time. Written in 1300, it deals with themes which are still relevant today, and which makes today’s generations feel closer «to that love that moves the sun and other stars. This course looks at the poetry in the journey that the poet-character Dante takes his readers on from the human to the “divine”. It will focus on the scientific aspects, which have, in general, received less interest on the part of critics. Although largely ignored by literary critics, Dante has been widely studied by scientists both past and present. You will be escorted on your journey through Dante’s comedy by characters like Beatrice, Pier delle Vigne and Ulysses, but also by some of the most famous scientists, like Albert Einstein, to see how Dante Alighieri’s description of the cosmos in 1300 was later verified by modern science. In this way, the Comedy succeeds in conveying how precious Dante's thoughts are and shows 21st century readers that science and poetry do not have to be separated but constitute the unity of universal knowledge."
Price: 60.00 |
"Disegno tecnico industriale" |
"Il disegno tecnico è una trascrizione del pensiero. È una forma di comunicazione non verbale che si esprime attraverso il significato del segno stesso o delle convenzioni che a esso vengono attribuite. In questo corso di Disegno tecnico industriale potrai comprendere gli strumenti ed i metodi del disegno progettuale. Sarai accompagnato nello studio da personaggi quali Hockam, Galilei, Leonardo, Sherlock Holmes e Diabolik, che ti guideranno nell’approfondimento dei temi trattati con esempi e richiami diretti. La presentazione di casi studio che spaziano dal rilievo dal vero alla stampa 3D, all’impiego della Realtà Virtuale in progettazione, ti supporterà nella comprensione dei concetti. Le lezioni sono realizzate per darti la possibilità non solo di studiare e apprendere gli elementi chiave della disciplina ma soprattutto di interagire con i modelli oggetto di studio, per comprenderne meglio le caratteristiche e verificare al termine di ogni lezione il livello di apprendimento. Engineering drawing Technical drawing is a way of transcribing athought. It is a form of non-verbal communication expressed through the marks and lines on the paper and the conventions attached to them. This technical drawing course teaches you about the tools and methods used in industrial design. Famous personalities will accompany you along the way, people like Hockam, Galileo, Leonardo, Sherlock Holmes and Diabolik, who will illustrate specific topics in more depth with practical examples. Case studies clarify key concepts and range from surveying to 3D printing to using virtual reality. The lessons will enable you to understand key elements in the field, interact with the various models presented, and test your learning at each stage."
Price: 60.00 |
"Earthquake Seismology" |
"The course introduces the basic theories and experimentalworkfocused on earthquake generation and seismic wave propagation. It centers on methods and technologies used to image the earthquakeas well as real-time simulations and mapping. The course begins with a review of the theoretical models and observations related to earthquakes; introducing different scales of observation of seismic phenomena: the size of the source, the spatial extent of the monitoring networks, and the frequency/wavelength range of the seismic signals. The “point-source” approximation of the earthquake source has long been used to characterize the faulting process. Here, it will be used to illustrate the concepts and estimation methods of location, magnitude, seismic moment, and focal mechanisms; all deriving from this simplified but effective representation of the seismic phenomenon. Earthquakes are caused by fracture phenomena that develop on extended fault surfaces hidden in the fragile layers of the Earth. The observations and the dynamic/kinematic rupture models will illustrate the modalities of nucleation, propagation, and arrest of an earthquake rupture. These help seismologists simulate the propagation of seismic waves and precisely predict the strong ground shaking produced by potentially destructive events. Finally, the course will provide an overview of the basics of real-time seismology - the new frontier of research in earthquake science."
Price: 60.00 |
Zoologia |
"La zoologia è la conoscenza degli animali, i nostri coinquilini. Ci sono centinaia di specie animali che interagiscono insieme a noi in una relazione di comunità o ecosistema. Questo corso di Zoologia è una passeggiata nei temi propri della materia come elemento culturale essenziale per il biologo, il naturalista e chiunque si occupi della vita. Scopriremo la zoologia attraverso gli animali, cercheremo di conoscerli dal punto di vista della biologia riproduttiva, dell’evoluzione, del loro comportamento e inserimento nell’ecosistema. Diversi esempi ti accompagneranno nella comprensione di questo affascinante mondo, indirizzandoti nella giusta modalità di porsi di fronte alla natura, per la comprensione scientifica ed emozionale. Zoology is about understanding animals, our neighbours on planet earth. There are hundreds of species that interact with us in diverse communities and ecosystems. This course is a journey through a subject that is essential to any Biologist, Naturalist and Life Scientist. Our approach to zoology is through a knowledge of animals, their evolution, behaviour, reproductive systems and place in the ecosystem. Exploration of this fascinating world is through concrete examples which lead to an understanding of nature which is emotional as well as scientific."
Price: 60.00 |
"Strategie di produzione e sistemi di logistica" |
"La gestione della produzione e della logistica è una materia di natura multidisciplinare, e questo corso si propone di dare rilievo alle problematiche di natura manageriale, senza per questo sminuire l’importanza degli aspetti più propriamente tecnologici e matematico-statistici. La parte iniziale del corso presenta una descrizione dei sistemi di produzione, e delle strategie di produzione e di logistica. Il corso prosegue con le tecniche di previsione di supporto al Manufacturing e successivamente approfondisce il tema della programmazione della produzione, della gestione dei materiali cosiddette a stock e del controllo di qualità. La gestione della logistica e le scelte di outsourcing logistico assumono un ruolo centrale nel corso. Infine, il corso si completa con alcune lezioni monografiche, tenute da manager della produzione, racconti di casi empirici fatti da testimonial d'eccezione, su Kaizen, lean production, ed e-procurement. Operations and logistics management is a multi-disciplinary subject, and this course highlights management issues without neglecting the more technological and mathematical-statistical aspects. The first part of the course describes production systems, and production and logistics strategies. It moves on to planning manufacturing support before looking at scheduling production, stock management and quality control in more detail. Logistics management and outsourcing choices play a key role in the course. The course finishes with lessons focusing on special topics, like Kaizen, lean production and e-procurement, where specific case-studies are presented by experts in the field."
Price: 60.00 |
"Scienza delle costruzioni" |
"La Scienza delle Costruzioni è la disciplina che si occupa di formulare modelli teorici ed interpretare risultati sperimentali in grado di descrivere il comportamento statico e dinamico di materiali ed elementi resistenti di strutture soggetti ad azioni di natura meccanica e termica, sia stazionarie che variabili nel tempo. Pertanto, sulla base di principi generali di meccanica del continuo e di ipotesi suffragate daevidenze sperimentali, la Scienza delle Costruzioni si prefigge di formulare approcci metodologici ederivare procedure – analitiche, numeriche e sperimentali – in grado di modellare il comportamento reale di materiali e di elementi strutturali, quantificandone il grado di sicurezza nei confronti delle azioni applicate. In tal senso la disciplina coniuga e sintetizza principi e metodi che caratterizzano la Meccanicadei Continui, dei Solidi, delle Strutture e la Resistenza dei Materiali, trovando applicazione non solonei settori tradizionali dell’Ingegneria ma anche in quelli più avanzati della Biologia e della Biomeccanica. In tale ambito il corso illustra i fondamenti teorici e gli aspetti applicativi della Meccanica delle Strutture, con specifico riferimento al calcolo di strutture monodimensionali in campo elasticolineare isotropo. Sono altresì descritti gli strumenti e le procedure utili per eseguire le verifiche distrutture 1D piane e spaziali. Construction Science is the subject that formulates theoretical models and interprets the results of experiments to describe the static and dynamic behaviour of resistant elements and materials in structures exposed to steady or variable mechanical stress or heat. Based on the general principles of continuum mechanics and hypotheses drawn from experimental evidence, Construction Science sets out to formulate methodological approaches and set down procedures - analytical, numerical and experimental - that can model the real behaviour of structural materials and elements and measure how safe they are in relation to the forces applied. In this sense, the subject brings together and synthesises the principles of Continuum Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, and Resistance of Materials, and can be applied not only in traditional sectors like Engineering, but also in more advanced areas of Biology and Biomechanics. Tools and procedures useful for testing these 1D structures are also introduced."
Price: 60.00 |
"Robotics Foundations I - Robot Modeling" |
"Robotics is commonly defined as the study of the intelligent connection between perception and action. As such, the full scope of robotics lies at the intersection of mechanics, electronics, signal processing, control engineering, computing, and mathematical modeling. Within this very broad framework, modeling and control play a basic role - not only in the traditional context of industrial robotics, but also for the advanced applications of field and service robots, which have attracted increasing interest from the research community in the last twenty years. Robotics foundations are dealt with in this two-part course. The first part covers robot modelling. Kinematics of robot manipulators is derived using a systematic approach based on the Denavit-Hartenberg convention and the use of homogeneous transformations. The inverse kinematics problem is analyzed and closed-form solutions are found for typical manipulation structures. The Jacobian is then introduced as the fundamental tool to describe differential kinematics, determine singular configurations, analyze redundancy, derive the statics model and even formulate inverse kinematics algorithms. The equations of motion of a robotic system are found on the basis of the dynamic model which is useful for motion simulation and control algorithm synthesis. Two approaches respectively based on Lagrange formulation and Newton-Euler formulation are pursued."
Price: 60.00 |
"Robot Development" |
"Thiscourse opens an in-depth discussion and creates a better understanding of the field of developmental cognitive robotics. This field takes direct inspiration from child psychology theories and findings to develop sensorimotor and cognitive skills in robots. Coursework will explore the principles of developmental robotics and will review the application of robotics models and techniques. The areas covered range from intrinsic motivation to motor and perceptual learning, social interaction, language learning, and abstract knowledge. The course will also explicitly discuss core theories and findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience that have directly inspired developmental robotics models. It will introduce students to the main concepts in robotics technology and the main robot platforms and simulators used in developmental robotics. Thecourse is suitable both for robotics and computer science students, as well as cognitive scientists and psychologists interested in computational models of cognition and behavior. It is also an option in the final year of a BSc/MSc degree in robotics, computer science, as well as for degree courses in psychology, anthropology, cognitive sciences. Part of the course has been created with Professor Matthew Schlesinger."
Price: 60.00 |
"Psicologia della personalità: un'introduzione" |
"La psicologia della personalità cerca di spiegare il perché dell'azione umana, e come le persone mantengono una coerenza e costanza nel modo di agire. Questo corso indaga i principali temi teorici e agli aspetti metodologici della psicologia della personalità, come si sviluppa, il ruolo dei processi cognitivi, cioè dei meccanismi coinvolti nell'acquisizione e nell'elaborazione delle informazioni, nella costruzione della personalità di ognuno di noi. Infine verrà dato spazio alla recente teoria dell'Orientamento Positivo, evidenziandone le potenzialità e l’importanza anche nell’ottica dell’integrazione delle diverse prospettive di ricerca nella psicologia della personalità. Personality Psychology aims to explain the way humans act and how individual behaviour remains consistent and coherent. The course explores the main theories and methods in the field of personality psychology, how it developed, and the role of cognitive processes i.e. the mechanisms involved in the acquisition and elaboration of information, in the construction of our individual personalities. Space will also be given to the recent Positive Orientation theory, highlighting its importance and potential as an integral part of research perspectives in personality psychology."
Price: 60.00 |
Biochimica |
"La biochimica è lo studio della chimica dei processi da cui dipende la vita. La ricerca in tale ambito ha evidenziato che i processi metabolici fondamentali sono comuni a molti organismi nella pur vasta diversità che li caratterizza. Questo corso, in particolare, è stato ideato per rendere la biochimica il più possibile chiara ed accessibile, soprattutto agli studenti che si avvicinano per la prima volta allo studio di questa materia. Le lezioni partono dallo studio della struttura e della funzione delle molecole biologiche, quali carboidrati, proteine, lipidi e acidi nucleici. Nel corso sono spiegate in dettaglio funzioni importanti che le proteine assolvono, come il ruolo dell’emoglobina nel trasporto dell’ossigeno o le proprietà degli enzimi. Le lezioni guidano lo studente alla comprensione delle principali vie metaboliche, aiutandolo a orientarsi nella complessità dei meccanismi molecolari. L'obiettivo è di sottolineare lo stretto legame tra la biochimica e i meccanismi molecolari delle patologie. Non mancano accenni ai contesti fisiologici delle diverse vie metaboliche, in modo che lo studente possa legare lo studio della biochimica a osservazioni della vita quotidiana. Biochemistry is the study of chemical substances and vital processes. Research has shown that many basic metabolic processes are common to diverse living organisms. This course aims to demystify the subject, making it clear and accessible even for learners approaching it for the first time. The early lessons look at the structure and function of biological molecules, like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. The course then looks at some of their more important functions, for example the role of the protein, hemoglobin, in the transport of oxygen. Students will learn about the main metabolic pathways and investigate the close links between biochemistry and the molecular mechanisms involved in pathology. Numerous practical examples illustrate the relevance of biochemistry to everyday life."
Price: 60.00 |
"Coding a scuola con Software Libero" |
"Negli ultimi anni le tecnologie digitali sono state promosse come competenze necessarie per tutti i cittadini. Il mondo della formazione si è concentrato molto su concetti come il pensiero computazionale, il pensiero algoritmico, la robotica. Il coding è un'attività che sottende tutti questi aspetti. La maggior parte delle agenzie di formazione dei vari paesi hanno preso iniziative in merito. Questo corso concerne l'uso di un linguaggio di programmazione per la scuola che all'inizio consente al principiante di muovere facilmente i primi passi ma, via via che le sue competenze progrediscono, consente di risolvere problemi progressivamente più complessi. Nel corso si impiegano strumenti che si basano su software libero, ponendo l'enfasi sulle implicazioni etiche che l'uso di tali programmi comporta, sia come strumenti didattici in sé sia come insegnamento diretto di collaborazione e condivisione ai partecipanti. Si tratta di LibreLogo, una particolare versione del linguaggio Logo. Il sistema consente di inserire grafiche all'interno di un documento LibreOffice scrivendo direttamente le istruzioni di programmazione dentro al documento stesso. In tal modo un semplice documento di testo si trasforma in un laboratorio grafico e non solo dove i limiti sono posti solo dalla propria fantasia. Le attività proposte sono articolate principalmente come sostegno all'apprendimento della matematica, ma anche delle arti e della grammatica. Vengono forniti sia approfondimenti teorici che esempi pratici. Oltre a prime esperienze di programmazione, si propongono elaborazioni matematiche, simulazioni del comportamento animale, riproduzione di crescite vegetali mediante frattali, problem-solving nel campo della fisica. Il corso si rivolge ad una vasta gamma di utenti, dalla scuola primaria al livello di istruzione superiore, ponendo in risalto la potenziale dimensione verticale del linguaggio proposto. In particolare modo in varie circostanze si evidenzia tale dimensione verticale mostrando come alcune idee matematiche fondamentali sottendano sia esercizi appropriati per l'introduzione di concreti di base a livello di scuola primaria che esercizi che possono essere proposti nei primi anni dei corsi universitari. In the past few years, digital technologies have become an essential resource in everyday life. Education is now focusing on computational thinking, algorithmic thinking and robotics: coding is what makes this all happen and is now being taught in many countries. In this course, the students will learn a programming language for school allowing them to go from “beginners” to “experts”. We will use Libero software-based tolls and together, we will discover the ethics implied in similar programs, both as didactic instruments and as direct teachings of collaboration and sharing to all participants. In particular, we will employ LibreLogo, a specific version of the Logo language which allows the users to insert graphics into a LibreOffice document by writing the programming instruction in the document itself. In this way, a simple text document will turn into a graphic laboratory where you can express your creativity. All the activities proposed here aim at supporting the users in the study of maths, arts and grammar and will be enriched with detailed theoretical sections and practical examples. Moreover, the students will perform their first programming exercises as well as mathematical elaborations, animal behavior simulations, plant growth reproductions with fractals and problem-solving in the field of physics. This course addresses students of all levels, from elementary school onwards, and focuses on the potential vertical dimension of the language proposed so as to prove that some of the fundamental mathematical ideas can be applied to all levels of education."
Price: 60.00 |