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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
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A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Comisión de la Verdad Colombia" |
"Promover y contribuir al conocimiento y apropiación del mandato de La Comisión de la Verdad, sus avances y retos, en diversos actores y sectores de la sociedad Colombiana y las comunidades en el exilio. Este curso no busca indagar en una verdad judicial, el objetivo de esta Comisión se centra en recoger y explicar una verdad histórica que permita, desde diversas voces de víctimas, actores y sectores, comprender por qué nos pasó lo que nos pasó y cómo lograr que estos hechos atroces no continúen y no se vuelvan a repetir. La Comisión ESCUCHA y COMPRENDE con el objetivo de TRANSFORMAR."
Price: 29.00 |
"Railway Engineering: An Integral Approach" |
"Have you ever wondered what it takes to get your train on the right platform at the scheduled time every day? Journey with us into the world of rail - a complex system that connects people, cities and countries. Railway systems entail much more than a train and a track. They are based on advanced technical and operational solutions, dealing with continuously changing demands for more efficient transport for both passengers and freight every day. Each system consists of many components that must be properly integrated: from trains, tracks, stations, signaling and control systems, through monitoring, maintenance and the impact on cities, landscape and people. This integration is the big challenge and the source of many train delays, inconvenient connections and other issues that impact our society. This engineering course attempts to tackle those issues by introducing you to a holistic approach to railway systems engineering. You will learn how the system components depend on each other to create a reliable, efficient and state-of-the-art network. We will address questions such as: How do railways work and how did they evolve over time? How do different components of the railway system interact? What is the effect of railways from an urban, social and economic point of view? What can be done to improve the monitoring and maintenance of tracks? How are timetables designed in a way that balances passenger demand with the capacity of the railway and is adaptable to handle unexpected disturbances? How to prevent and deal with disturbances caused by external factors? How does the design of railways influence their performance over time? A new serious game has been designed for this course to guide you through the process of decision making while building a rail network and maintaining it. Cities have to be connected in an ever-changing setting, dealing with wear, capacity, developments and disturbances. How will your choices affect the performance of the system? This first ever MOOC on railway systems engineering is delivered by the renowned experts of TU Delft and leading professionals working in the industry. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples, with the main objective to maintain a high degree of reliability under predictable and unknown circumstances. If you want to learn about the science behind the exciting world of railway systems - whether train, metro or tram - this course will set you on the right track!"
Price: 50.00 |
"Art and Design in the Digital Age" |
"We tend to think of art and technology as two separate, almost opposite things. But what if we showed you that the development of technology owes its debt to artists? And that art would not be what it is, without technology? ""The digital age"", born out of the scientific and technological revolutions of the last 500 years, exposes the artificial divergence of disciplinary categories. It is an exciting moment in art and design history. On the one hand, technological tools change what we are capable of doing – and contemporary artists/designers indeed use those technologies with much imagination: from image processing to immersive virtual environments; from social networks to flash mobs and cyber-attacks; from fake news to surveillance systems - art had never had so many tools to play while directly interacting with us within our social realities. On the other hand, art does so while examining, distorting, criticizing and inventing new technologies as it allows us to imagine the furthest frontiers of what technology may be able to do. This course aims to look at these inter-disciplinary cross-overs between art, design and technology while asking: how does this new technological age is changing our culture, society and life? What do these teach us about ourselves? How can we reflect through it about our pasts, presents and futures? The course is aimed at anyone who is curious about what it means to be born and to live in ""the digital age"". The course combines lectures, interviews with theoreticians and artists, artwork analysis, case studies and stimulating discussions. The course also offers some practical exercises that will introduce you to basics in programming, digital image processing and 3D printing. You would not need preliminary knowledge of art history, but such knowledge may be helpful. This course was created and produced by Shenkar - Engineering. Design. Art."
Price: 49.00 |
"Let’s Get Happy: Happiness Drives Performance" |
"In this course you will learn about great culture – the goal of every great leader. Find out how happy you are personally and at work, be able to make the case for happiness at work as a critical strategic approach, understand how happy project and technical professionals are right how, and learn how to build you own personal happiness and happiness at work Practical tools and techniques for use right away to be happier, more productive, more promotable, and more passionate at work. This is the first course in the Reimagining Leadership certificate. This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success This course is the first in a series of leadership courses. The second course is Let’s Get Started: You First! which will be offered in the summer of 2020. Great leaders, create great culture, which yields great work: G3. Great culture, where individuals flourish and organizations thrive, requires happiness as a competitive strategy. This course provides both new ideas and practical applications you can use immediately. You’ll learn that soft skills are so important that they are now called POWER SKILLS. They are the most sought-after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Power skills are key to creating and sustaining happiness at work. Happiness drives performance. Get the Models - Understand what happiness and happiness are work are Get Why It Matters - Understand the business case for happiness and happiness at work Get the Data - Establish their personal baseline for happiness and happiness at work Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for increasing happiness and happiness at work Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for how to build happiness and happiness at work Take Action - Build effective action plans to increase happiness and happiness at work Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase happiness and happiness at work Get the Benefit - Be able to build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive Start your journey to becoming a Great Leader, creating Great Culture, yielding Great Work with Happiness at Work!"
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Started: You First!" |
"Great leaders are just ordinary people with the right skills at the right time. To become a great leader, however, you have to know yourself well. This means acknowledging and embracing your strengths. It also means understanding and learning to manage your weaknesses. It’s tougher than that sounds. How do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? What are your core personality attributes? How do you make decisions? What’s your decision-making style? How do you know? How do you know accurately? This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success. Knowing what you can change and what you can’t is invaluable knowledge. Stop investing in trying to change the unchangeable -- your traits -- and learn to work with them. Stop trying to change others’ traits, too. Learn to work with your strengths, build new skills and perfect existing ones. Then do the same for your team. To start, you must have self-awareness. Within self-awareness are several dimensions essential for effective leadership:: emotional intelligence personal values cognitive style, how you think orientation to change core personality attributes With the exception of core personality traits which are much less open to change, all other areas of self-awareness are open for development. Verified learners can access the Power Lab to take self-assessments and receive confidential, benchmarked results. In this course, self-assessments include: core self-evaluation, core personality attributes, self-awareness, and cognitive style, how you make decisions. From these assessments, verified learners can identify their current strengths and opportunities for growth. You can set goals for your own development with confidence. And, you will learn key practices for how to move from goal to action to strength. Immediately useful takeaways from this course include enormous self-knowledge of your: self-awareness and how to improve it core personality attributes and benefits thinking styles and how to deploy them best practice management skills personal SMART goals to develop self-awareness thinking styles management skills Verified learners who enroll in the Power Lab will have these additional takeaways: know current level of self-awareness know core personality attributes know details of how you make decisions, thinking style know current level of management skills set SMART goals against benchmarked self-assessments for your personal development Confidently deploy your current strengths You’ll learn how self-awareness is the super Power Skill, the foundation of all other skills needed to be an effective leader.. They are the most sought-after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Power skills are key to becoming a great leader. Get the Models - Understand what self-awareness is including emotional intelligence, thinking styles, orientation to change, core self-evaluation, personal values. Understand the key skills within management and leadership. Get Why It Matters - Understand the business case for self-awareness and its components and managerial/leadership skills. Get the Data - Establish your personal baseline for self-awareness and its components as well as management and leadership skills. Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for increasing self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for how to build self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills. Take Action - Build effective action plans to increase self-awareness and managerial/leadership skills Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase your ability to act with self-awareness and improve your managerial/leadership skills Get the Benefit - Be able to develop as a great leader able to create great culture: build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive"
Price: 199.00 |
"Effective Communication for Program and Project Stakeholders and Teams" |
"“Everyone communicates, but few connect” is a famous book and message by John C. Maxwell on leadership. The meaning behind this message is that as leaders of programs and projects, we need to be not just communicators, but effective communicators. Obtaining your Project Management Professional (PMP) certification or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) or similar project management certificate is the first step. But, as you gain program management and project management experience, you realize that effective communication goes beyond what you learned in ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"" (PMBOK). Gaining a program management certification or project management certification (such as the PMP certification) equips you with the necessary project management tools to begin your project or project management career. There is more to effective program and project communication than what is on the PMP exam. For communication from program managers and project managers to be truly effective, there must be understanding beyond what you learned from your professional certification. The communicator and the receiver must use feedback to determine how the message was received and if the communicator created the intended level of understanding in the receiver for the communication to succeed. In this course, you will learn about the Understanding Triad - know-what, know-how, and know-why. The Understanding Triad aids you in crafting just the right level of explanation for all your audiences. The Understanding Triad will make you a more effective program manager, traditional project manager, agile project manager, or certified scrum master. The Project Management Institute, Inc (PMI) teaches that project management communication is the transfer of information. The project or program manager sends messages to their project teams, stakeholders, customers, and executive sponsors. If the program manager or project manager believes that communicating a clear message is enough for good communication, then the manager may be fooled into thinking their communication efforts are complete. Even if there is feedback, the feedback is usually limited to confirming that the message was received as intended. However, communication is not merely the transmission of information. The difference can be days, months, or years of wasted time and effort; or successful, early delivery. Certified program and certified project managers earn 10 professional development units (PDU) as they learn how communication can make a difference in every interaction, and become a truly effective program or project manager. Gain the power skill of communication in this certificate program."
Price: 199.00 |
"Persuasion and Presence for Program and Project Managers" |
"Persuasion is the central to leading leaders. As a program manager or project manager, you may lead a team with many senior contributors. Often they will have more experience, more skin in the game, and more reputation at stake. As a program manager, this task is even greater because your time is limited and your span of control across projects even greater. Being a compelling communicator takes more than what you learned for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam or Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. It takes program or project management experience and this certificate program. Program managers must persuade quickly, and with great lasting impact. Program and project managers must persuade and manage their leadership presence for program or project success. Even if you are a traditional program or project manager or manage agile programs or projects, persuasive communication is vital to your success. Communicating more persuasively will lead to more effective risk management. There are complete blindsports in the Project Management Institute, Inc's (PMI)""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"" (PMBOK Guide). Applying those processes and skills are just the basics of efficient communication. That’s why certified project managers will earn 10 professional development units (PDU) in this program. You will learn the balance needed to communicate effectively. Aristotle first wrote about balancing logic, emotion, and presence over 2,000 years ago. Creating a balance between ethos, pathos, and logos, the persuader creates a message that grabs the attention of the audience and engages them as people. A person doesn’t understand when they are not paying attention, is not engaged with the speaker, and doesn’t remember what was said. Ethos, pathos, and logos aid the speaker and the listener, by helping to select information to present and how to fashion its delivery for the best effect. In this program management and project management training course, you will go beyond the communication skills you learned for the PMP exam to gain your project management certification. You will learn about the rhetorical triangle and how to use it to craft persuasive communications. Social media and online collaboration tools require new ways of establishing your presence and generating trust between you and your audience. You will also learn how to create an emotional impact even through text messages and emails."
Price: 199.00 |
"Designing Information Hubs for Program and Project Performance" |
"Communication complexity rapidly increases even with a few program or project team members and stakeholders. Project managers are the “hub” of their project communication. Program managers are the “hub” of their organization communication to meet strategic goals. Managing these networks is essential whether you manage traditional programs or projects. Or agile programs and projects. Program managers have two additional challenges. First, they must empower their project managers with skills, processes, and assets for information management. Second they must sense and integrate the key performance data to ensure strategic objectives are met, and project processes are improved across the program. As you learned from the Project Management Institute, Inc.'s (PMI)""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge"" (PMBOK) when preparing for the PMP exam, the number of communication channels grows geometrically with team size. If there are “n” communicators, then the number of communication channels is n*(n-1)/2. That means five team members have 10 channels, but 10 team members have 45 channels to manage. That’s over four times as many channels for doubling the size of a small team! If you imagine each communication channel as a radio station, you can see how quickly the program or project manager can be overwhelmed with all the information coming in. As you gain more program or project management experience, what you learned for the PMP certification or similar professional certification is not sufficient. This course will help you go beyond the knowledge you needed to become a certified project manager. This applies to all project leaders. Whether you are a just getting started as a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), or a seasoned Project Management Professional (PMP), you need to manage a lot of information transfer and exchange. And this challenge is even greater for agilists, like certified scrum masters (CSMs) and PMI-ACP holders. No matter the scaling methods, having timely information is critical for agile teams at scale, who need to move fast without driving up overhead in team-to-team communication as technical scope changes. In this program and project management training course, you will learn effective and efficient project management tools to receive and transmit program and project-level information. Program managers and project managers need to ensure that information flows freely and where the information can do the most benefit. This online course will teach you how to build communication networks for your program or project’s success. Gain 10 professional development units (PDUs) while sharpening your program or project management skills."
Price: 199.00 |
"Storytelling That Delivers Program and Project Outcomes" |
"Program and project managers are master storytellers. They have to be in order to weave high-priority information into a memorable narrative for their people. Customers must commit to and understand their goals, and how the program is meeting them. Stakeholders need to trust the direction and stay engaged with the program intent. Program and project teams and leaders, need to understand what matters and how their work connects to the greater whole. Storytelling is not a part of the Project Management Institute, Inc's (PMI) ""A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge'' (PMBOK). Storytelling is not something that Certified Associate In Project Management (CAPM), Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), certified scrum masters, or other certified project manager credential holders will encounter on an exam. Storytelling is something that successful program or project managers learn from years of experience. If storytelling is not on the PMP exam or similar project management certification exams, why should you bother learning how to tell good stories? Because, human brains are naturally designed for stories. We have brain structures devoted to making sense of the world in cause-effect terms. Good stories are like flight simulators in that you can try out various approaches to a problem before tackling the real problem. Risk management for programs and projects is more effective when using compelling narratives. Stories are also effective ways to transmit large amounts of information to your project teams and stakeholders. People can remember more information and act effectively on that information. For agile project management, stories are how customers communicate their requirements to the agile project team. Stories are the foundation of persuasive communication and will help you become an expert communicator. In this online course of the Program Management and the Art of Communication certificate program, you will learn how great program and project managers use their storytelling skills to create compelling project visions, persuade stakeholders, and design effective risk management strategies. Earn 10 professional development units (PDUs) while completing the only professional certification program that helps you develop storytelling as part of your collection of project management tools."
Price: 199.00 |
"Structural Materials: Selection and Economics" |
"From skyscrapers to transportation infrastructure, structural materials dominate the human landscape. Learning the principles that govern their selection is essential for any aspiring or practicing engineer. This engineering course will introduce you to the key principles of structural materials selection through a practical curriculum rooted in the real world. The principles taught are general enough to be applied across many domains. Key points are emphasized with interesting examples and anecdotes from industry and academia. This course benefits aspiring engineers and students with no previous experience as well as the seasoned professional. Image (c) Eagar, Thomas"
Price: 50.00 |
"Managing Conflicts on Programs and Projects with Cultural and Emotional Intelligence" |
"Every program and project has a social world. The program managers, project managers, project teams, and stakeholders mutually agree on roles and interact based on those roles. Great program managers sense, manage, and influence the social worlds across their projects. They bring order and understanding through conflict management and conflict resolution. Success is not guaranteed, and often teams clash as a new social order is established on every project. They heal divides that can grow under the stress of projects and increase the team’s problem solving ability. Dr. Pearce, the inventor of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM), explains the social world as a “dance between the two faces of the communication process: coordinating actions and making/managing meaning. A social world is the site where speech acts, episodes and forms of communication, selves and forms of consciousness, and relationships and minds are made.” Our cultural differences and emotions significantly shape our social worlds. The program and project manager with good emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence (EI/CI) can better understand and navigate the social worlds of the project team and the stakeholders. High EI/CI also aids in creating understanding in program/project management communications. A program manager or project manager with high EI/CI is more adept at creating understanding because they are self-aware while understanding other’s emotions.Thus, the program manager or project manager can test if the recipient of his or her communication has the requisite know-what, know-how, and know-why understanding of the intended messages. Program managers and project managers with high EI/CI will be perceived as having a high ethos. Team members will see the high emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence even in the manager’s nonverbal communication. Being more aware of our feelings and other people’s feelings helps enhance our connection to others and make us more credible. Program managers and Project managers with high EI/CI can use pathos more effectively and make the logos portion of their communication more effective. The right balance of ethos, pathos, and logos makes the project manager more persuasive. Along with increasing the program manager or project manager’s EI/CI, this course will aid the manager in using the tools of CMM. Dr. Pearce created Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) in the mid-1970s. Over the years, CMM practitioners have created methods and tools to make the communication perspective visible. One such tool is SEAVA, which is an acronym for Storyboarding, Enriching, Analyzing, Visioning, and Acting. You can use the SEAVA tool to examine communication problems among your project team members and to generate a solution. Understanding the different social worlds of your program and its project team members and stakeholders will help you create persuasive communications, have a positive impact, and increase understanding among the project team members and stakeholders. CMM will help you become a master of communication and persuasion."
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Personal: Working with Personality Type" |
"Great leaders are just ordinary people with the right skills at the right time. To become a great leader, however, you have to know yourself well. What are your core personality attributes? How do you make decisions? What’s your decision-making style? How do you know? This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success. In this course, you will learn about the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, MBTI for short. It is the most frequently used assessment of personality type in the world. Nearly 90% of the Fortune 100 companies use MBTI for recruitment, promotions, job-fit decisions, and building more effective teams. Within this course, you will find the following topics: What is personality type Why personality type matters personally and professionally How type preferences influence behavior Your personality type Strengths and pitfalls of your personality type How to use personality type to Have constructive conflict Increase your energy Build better teams Communicate more effectively Learn more effectively Contribute more at work Better manage stress Core personality traits are much more difficult to change than any single Power Skill. So, it’s very important to understand your type, its strengths & weaknesses, and how to use your understanding of your type to be happier and happier at work. Personality type describes how you prefer to get data, make decisions, generate energy and are oriented to the outside world. These are preferences which are your personality's default setting. Your behavior may differ, may have to differ sometimes from your preferences, but that takes extra energy to do. Your take-aways from this course will include: understanding of type difference between preferences and behavior characteristics typical of each preference pair Generate energy: extroversion/introversion Gather data: sensing, intuitive Make decisions: thinking, feeling Orientation to Outside World: judging, perceiving how to optimize your type at work solve problems using type dynamics communicate more effectively better manage stress learn in alignment with your type do constructive conflict with type use type for career choice building teams with group type understand type and energy management project management understand type watching Verified learners can access the Power Lab to take the MBTI, Step 1 for Organizations which helps you to identify and confirm your type and understand how your type shows up in the workplace. You will develop understanding of how you prefer to communicate, your likely behaviors at work, and your work style. You will receive your own individual MBTI report. Verified learners will have these additional take-aways: confirmed type detailed report of your type at work your workplace contributions your ideal workplace how you like to learn how you communicate your work style your preferences at work potential pitfalls of your type suggestions for optimizing your type at work"
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Emotional: Emotions & Emotional Intelligence!" |
"Emotional intelligence is expected to be the most in-demand power skill in workplaces across sectors and industries by 2024. Are you prepared? This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success. If you aren’t sure or just want to brush up on this critical skill, this course is for you. Employers are Emotional intelligence is a core power skill for the workplace. Emotions are an essential secondary intelligence system. As a learned skill, emotional intelligence can be measured, increased and deployed with education and practice. Central to emotional intelligence is a strong vocabulary of emotions. This course covers the following topics: what are emotions why are emotions important survival growth assess current situations inform our actions building your emotional vocabulary understanding & managing from context to trigger to action what is emotional intelligence business case for emotional intelligence how to build emotional intelligence how to apply emotional intelligence at work Immediately useful takeaways from this course include: understanding the value of emotions building your emotional vocabulary understanding & managing the link between trigger, emotion and action understanding the purpose of positive and negative emotions understanding how emotions impact work performance understanding of emotional intelligence models learning how to build each element of emotional intelligence understanding the business case for emotional intelligence at work Verified learners who access the Power Lab may take a validated, benchmarked self-assessment of emotional intelligence and receive their individualized report including suggestions to build increased emotional intelligence. From these assessments, verified learners can identify their current strengths and opportunities for growth set goals for personal development learn key practices for how to move from goal to action This course provides both new ideas and practical applications you can use immediately. You’ll learn how understanding and building your level of emotional intelligence will make you an in-demand recruit or a highly promising candidate for promotion. Get the Models - Understand what emotions and emotional intelligence are. Get Why It Matters - Understand the how emotions are evolutionarily designed to support our safety and development and why emotional intelligence is the most in-demand Power Skill Get the Data – Learn your current level of emotional intelligence and assess your emotional vocabulary Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for becoming a highly effective leader with high emotional intelligence Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for developing your personal emotional vocabulary and emotional intelligence. Take Action - Build effective action plans to become highly emotionally intelligence Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase your personal and interpersonal abilities through emotional intelligence"
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Strong: Strengths at Work" |
"This course will help you build the confidence to bring your best self to work by identifying and learning to capitalize on your unique strengths. Strengths-based management is the secret ingredient to creating employee engagement which increases key performance indicators for all organizations. This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity for you to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success. Not only will your performance increase when you capitalize on your strengths, you’ll enjoy your work much more. We have been schooled on fixing our weaknesses from grade school to the workplace. Weakness correction only gets you to acceptable, that is no weakness. Weakness correction alone does not get you to outstanding performance levels. Not individually and not as an organization. Identifying, accepting and embracing, and capitalizing on your strengths is the difference between good performance and excellent performance. Doing this with your team or your organization is amazing! This course focuses on strengths, who you are at your best, not on skills, like knowing how to keyboard. Skill weaknesses, of course, must be addressed. They can be improved. The course will define strengths, explore several strengths models, provide a free self-assessment of strengths for all learners, and help you learn to capitalize on your strengths and manage your weaknesses. Verified learners who access the Power Lab to take additional self-assessments and receive confidential individual results from the Realise2 Strengths Profile. The Realise2 Strengths Profile provides strengths feedback along three axes: is it a strength, how often are you using it, and does its use energize you. This strengths assessment provides a dynamic tool to optimize your use of your full portfolio of strengths at work allowing you to increase your energy by how you deploy your strengths. It is a very insightful and practical tool which can be used with teams as well. This course will prepare you to become the leader you hope to be by focusing deeply on understanding your strengths. Practical tools and techniques for use right away to be happier, more productive, more promotable, and more passionate at work. Get the Models - Understand three models of strengths Get Why It Matters - Understand the business case for using strengths-based management versus weakness-correction Get the Data – Learn your unique strengths profile and how to optimize your strengths at work Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for using your strengths more Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for how to use your strengths to improve your performance and your team’s performance Take Action - Build effective action plans to use strengths more at work Make the Change – Put your strengths to work to increase your effectiveness as a leader Get the Benefit - Be able to develop as a great leader able to create great culture: build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive"
Price: 199.00 |
"Let’s Get Principled: Values, Culture & Intelligent Disobedience!" |
"Great leaders, create great culture, which yields great work: G3. Great leadership requires the ability to set inspiring visions, make critical decisions and establish a positive workplace culture. Building on G3., you will learn about values and decision-making, visioning the future, how values create culture , and how to be intelligently disobedient when the time comes. Remember: know yourself, know others; lead yourself, lead others. This course will prepare you to become the leader you hope to be by focusing deeply on defining your personal values, setting your personal vision statement for you as a leader, understanding the role values play in every work decision, and how to work with competing values on the big decisions. Purpose motivates. This certificate offers an extraordinary opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself to assess your current level of soft skills, clearly define your core self, and build soft skills which are essential to professional, not to mention life, success This course is the sixth and last in a series of leadership courses. This course provides an opportunity to think about your values, what matters to you most, and about culture which is the mediator between great leaders and great work. Understanding and working through competing values at work is discussed in Intelligent Disobedience. Get the Models - Understand what values, culture and intelligent disobedience are Get Why It Matters - Understand how values and culture delivery great work and the consequences of unresolved competing values Get the Data – Explore your personal values and vision for you as a highly effective leader Set the Goals - Set personal development goals for becoming a highly effective leader with integrity Learn the Tools - Learn tools and techniques for acting in alignment with your values for better decision-making Take Action - Build effective action plans to be able to be intelligently disobedient when necessary Make the Change - Practice new skills to increase your effectiveness as a principled leader Get the Benefit - Be able to develop as a great leader able to create great culture: build positive workplaces where individuals flourish and organizations thrive"
Price: 199.00 |
"Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Sinhalese)" |
"නිසි ආකාරයෙන් නයිට්රජන් භාවිතා නොකිරීම විවිධාකාර වූ ව්යසනයන් ඇති කිරීමට හේතුවේ. ඉහල යන ජනගහනය නිසා මතුවන සීමිත ආහාර නිෂ්පාදනය, ජලය හා බලශක්තියේ අසමතුලිත බෙදීයාම සහ ගෝලීය උණුසුම්කරණය ආදී සියලු ගෝලීය අභියෝගවලදී නයිට්රජන් ප්රමුඛ කාර්යභාරයක් සිදු කරයි. නයිට්රජන් මානව ශිෂ්ටාචාරය හා කොතරම් කාවැදී ඇත්ද, එය සාර්ථකව කළමනාකරණය කරගතහොත් අනාගතයේදී කෙතරම් ප්රයෝජනවත් වේද, නැතහොත් ව්යසනයන්/ අවැඩක් වේද යන්න මෙම පාඨමාලාවේදී ඔබ ඉගෙන ගනු ඇත. දැනට නයිට්රජන් පිලිබඳ ඉගෙන ගැනීම විශේෂිතවූ වැදගත්කමක් නොදක්වන , සාමාන්ය පටිපාටියෙන් බැහැර වූ එකක් ලෙස සලකන අතර නිෂ්ක්රිය වායුවක් ලෙස පරිසරයට සහ ජෛව පද්ධති වලට මහඟු මෙහෙයක් සිදු කරයි . නයිට්රජන් ඔබට අවර්තිතා වගුවේ ඇති තවත් විශේෂිත නොවූ මුලද්රව්යයක් පමණක් යැයි සිතෙන්නේ නම් මේ එය නැවත සලකා බැලීමට කාලයයි. ඔබගේ මේ පිලිබඳ දැනුම සහ පසුබිම නොතකා මෙම නැවුම් පාඨමාලාව මගින් නයිට්රජන් සහ ඒ ආශ්රිත ගෝලීය වෙනස්කම් පිළිබඳ මූලික සංකල්ප ඔබට ඉගැන්වෙන අතර, එමගින් එහි අභියෝග සහ ප්රයෝජනයන් හොඳින් අවබෝධ කර ගැනීමට ඉඩ සලසනු ලැබේ. මෙම පාඨමාලාවේ ප්රධාන මාතෘකා ලෙස ආහාර සුරක්ෂිතතාව, දේශගුණික විපර්යාස, වායු දූෂණය, ජල දූෂණය, මානව සෞඛ්යය සහ ඒ ආශ්රිත තවත් වැදගත් දේ අන්තර්ගත වෙයි. එංගලන්තයේ එඩින්බර්ග් විශ්වවිද්යාලයේ සම්මානලාභී ආචාර්ය මණ්ඩලයක මෙහෙයවීම යටතේ සිදු කරන මෙම පාඨමාලාව ඔබටද ඉගෙනගැනීමට අවස්ථාවක් ලබාදී ඇත. මෙම පාඨමාලාව හරහා නයිට්රිජන් මගින් පරිසරයට ඇතිවන අභියෝගයන් පිළිබඳ විශේෂඥ ප්රවේශයක් හා දැනුවත් කිරීමක් සිදු කරන අතර , එමගින් මානව ශිෂ්ටාචාරය මත ඇති කරන තර්ජන වඩාත් හොඳින් ඒකාබද්ධ ක්රමවේදයක් හරහා තිරසාර ලෙස නිරාකරණය කළ හැකි ආකාරයද පෙන්වා දෙයි. දශක ගණනාවක නයිට්රජන් හා ගෝලීය වෙනස්කම් පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණ සිදු කර අත්දැකීම් සහිත උපදේශක මණ්ඩලයක් විසින් ඉගැන්වීම් කරන, දැනට ලෝකයේ ඇති -ප්රථම පාඨමාලාව වන මෙය, ඉන්දියාවේ සහ එක්සත් රාජධානියේ ප්රධාන පෙළේ විශේෂඥයින්ගේ සහභාගිත්වයෙන්, නයිට්රජන් කාර්යක්ෂමතාව පිළිබඳ නිව්ටන්-භාබා අථත්ය කේන්ද්රය (Newton-Bhabha Virtual Centre on Nitrogen Efficiency) මගින් සිදු කරයි."
Price: 49.00 |
"Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making" |
"Want to learn how to think clearly about important financial decisions and improve your financial literacy? Finance for Everyone will showcase the beauty and power of finance. This introductory finance course will be a gateway into the world of finance and will examine multiple applications to apply to your everyday life. Join us to better understand how to apply frameworks and tools to make smart financial choices. You will be able to value the impact of different choices available to you: from renting or buying, evaluating car, home and student loans, or deciding whether to go to college versus pursuing a new idea to simply understanding how the financial world works. Starting with time value of money, the course will help you develop a full appreciation for the many applications of finance. Using real world examples, the course will enable you to understand and analyze many personal and professional decisions we confront on a daily basis. You will understand stocks and bonds, learn to allocate scarce resources in a value-add way, and adopt smart tools for making every day decisions. Finance is simultaneously a way of thinking and a set of tools. Finance is everywhere. There are no prerequisites for this course except for a sense of curiosity and a positive attitude. However, a comfort level with algebra and numbers and an understanding of accounting (the language of business) will clearly help. We will, however, try to cover everything starting with fundamentals and highlight when there is a need to do some further work in specific subjects."
Price: 49.00 |
"Migrating to the AWS Cloud" |
"This four week course focuses on migrating workloads to AWS. We will focus on analyzing your current environment, planning your migration, and discussing the actual migration steps. We will also survey AWS tools and services that will accelerate your migration to AWS. Hands-on labs are available, though not required for this class. Access to the labs is limited to paid enrolled students. You can audit this course without taking the labs. As we dive into each of the services covered in this class, there will be links to documentation where you can find example applications and code samples."
Price: 49.00 |
"Molecular Biology - Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair" |
"You’re acquainted with your DNA, but did you know that your cells synthesize enough DNA during your lifetime to stretch a lightyear in length? How does the cellular machinery accomplish such a feat without making more mistakes than you can survive? Why isn’t the incidence of cancer even higher than it is? And, if the DNA in each and every cell is two meters long, how is this genetic material compacted to fit inside the cell nucleus without becoming a tangled mess? Are you ready to go beyond the “what"" of scientific information presented in textbooks and explore how scientists deduce the details of these molecular models? Take a behind-the-scenes look at modern molecular genetics, from the classic experimental events that identified the proteins involved in DNA replication and repair to cutting-edge assays that apply the power of genome sequencing. Do you feel confident in your ability to design molecular biology experiments and interpret data from them? We've designed the problems in this course to build your experimental design and data analysis skills. Let’s explore the limits of our current knowledge about the replication machinery and pathways that protect the fidelity of DNA synthesis. If you are up for the challenge, join us in 7.28x Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair. Follow the latest news from MITx Biology @MITxBio on Twitter ."
Price: 99.00 |
"The Ancient Greek Hero" |
"Explore what it means to be human today by studying what it meant to be a hero in ancient Greek times. In this introduction to ancient Greek culture and literature, learners will experience, in English translation, some of the most beautiful works of ancient Greek literature and song-making spanning over a thousand years from the 8th century BCE through the 3rd century CE: the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey ; tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides; songs of Sappho and Pindar; dialogues of Plato, and On Heroes by Philostratus. All of the resources are free and designed to be equally accessible and transformative for a wide audience. You will gain access to a supportive learning community led by Professor Gregory Nagy and his Board of Readers, who model techniques for ""reading out"" of ancient texts. This approach allows readers with little or even no experience in the subject matter to begin seeing this literature as an exquisite, perfected system of communication. No previous knowledge of Greek history, literature, or language is required. This is a project for students of any age, culture, and geographic location, and its profoundly humanistic message can be easily received without previous acquaintance with Western Classical literature."
Price: 99.00 |
"Introducción a las finanzas: Principios de valoración" |
"Los proyectos financieros e inversiones realizadas en el ámbito empresarial deben ser evaluados con un alto nivel de precisión. Esto es crucial para garantizar ganancias que contribuyen al valor de una firma. Este curso en línea te enseñará conceptos claves y herramientas de valor del dinero en el tiempo que te ayudarán a entender las diferentes tasas de interés y a evaluar, comparar y elegir proyectos de inversión y financiamiento en los mercados financieros. En este curso de introducción a las finanzas aprenderás a usar funciones básicas de Microsoft Excel para valorar flujos de efectivo en una línea de tiempo y solucionar problemas básicos de matemáticas financieras y resolver ecuaciones de valor equivalente."
Price: 49.00 |
"Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains - WDR 2020" |
"Global value chains (GVCs) powered the surge of international trade after 1990 and now account for almost half of all trade. This shift enabled an unprecedented economic convergence, wherein poor countries grew rapidly and began to catch up with richer countries. Since the 2008 global financial crisis, however, the growth of trade has stagnated and the expansion of GVCs has stalled. These trends have only been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, threats to the model of trade-led growth have emerged. New technologies could draw production closer to the consumer and reduce the demand for labor. And trade conflicts among large countries—exacerbated by conflict around COVID-19—could lead to a retrenchment or a segmentation of GVCs. How can GVCs power sustainable and inclusive development? How can countries work together to ensure the benefits of GVCs are shared and sustained? How can the development of GVCs continue amid the COVID-19 crisis? This MOOC gives participants an opportunity to explore how GVCs can further boost inclusive and sustainable growth, creating better jobs and reducing poverty. Economists from across the World Bank Group will discuss how GVCs impact a range of development issues. Participants will also benefit from using a global online platform, by networking with peers across the world, experimenting with digital visualizations about GVCs, and experiencing the interconnectedness of global development demands."
Price: 5.00 |
"Fundamentos de logística" |
"¡La logística es el éxito de una compañía! Aprende qué es la logística y cómo puedes utilizarla para lograr las metas de tu organización. La logística fomenta el uso eficiente de herramientas a lo largo de la cadena de valor, logrando la optimización de procesos como: Abastecimiento Producción Transporte Inventario Distribución En este curso en línea podrás tener una visión holística de la logística y transporte en tu organización, la cual te ayudará a entender cómo una empresa puede pensar de manera estratégica gracias a contenidos básicos pero fundamentales. Durante este curso de logística explorarás temas como: procesos de administración, tercerización y proveedores logísticos con actividades de afianzamiento y apropiación que semana a semana le permitirán alcanzar los propósitos formativos de este curso online."
Price: 29.00 |
"Writing for Social Media" |
"Businesses and institutions today increasingly turn to social media platforms to build and promote their brands, share news and information, and engage with their audiences. But given its massive popularity, writing for social media can be a challenge. How do you connect with your audience? How do you write for these critical channels? This course focuses on effective writing practices for a social media environment. You will learn how to structure and write content that will deliver your messaging and engage your audiences; you will learn how to think about what a reader needs and wants from your organization. Learn how to devise your own writing approach – and how to tell your company’s story, convey information, and express your point of view, and earn engagement."
Price: 199.00 |
"Almacenamiento de energía" |
"Este curso se desarrolló con el apoyo del Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética (4E) en Centroamérica, implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH para el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). La revolución energética aumenta a un ritmo acelerado. Cada vez son más comunes los sistemas distribuidos de energía renovable de pequeña, mediana y gran escala. La energía renovable tiene muchos beneficios, no obstante, la intermitencia y naturaleza variable de algunas de ellas como la solar, eólica y filo de agua, es que se hacen evidentes grandes retos técnicos conforme aumenta el nivel de penetración en las redes eléctricas. Los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tienen un papel protagónico en las redes eléctricas del futuro y las aplicaciones del almacenamiento se encuentran en todo el espectro de los sistemas de energía (generación-utilización). Los sistemas de generación, transmisión, distribución y utilización pueden verse beneficiados con el almacenamiento de energía, entre ellos: Incremento de la penetración de sistemas de energía renovable, incremento de la eficiencia de la red, retraso o eliminación de la necesidad de construir nueva infraestructura de generación y de la red, mejoramiento de la calidad de energía, aumento de la resiliencia de la red a desastres naturales y ciber ataques, optimización de la operación y control de la red. En el futuro, el desarrollo y comercialización de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tendrán un impacto significativo. Algunas de estas tecnologías de almacenamiento de aplicación a las redes eléctricas son: las plantas de rebombeo, sistemas de aire comprimido, volantes de inercia y los sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico como; las baterías de plomo-acido, baterías de litio, baterías de flujo, etc. En este curso se hace especial énfasis en las aplicaciones de sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico en la red eléctrica y al finalizar contará con conocimientos básicos sobre los tipos de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, las aplicaciones más comunes, herramientas básicas de diseño y dimensionamiento, viabilidad financiera, y futuras tendencias. Se trata de una oportunidad para profesionales que trabajan en el sector eléctrico de Centroamérica (generación, transmisión, distribución, comercialización, reguladores e instituciones que hacen políticas energéticas), así como personas en general que deseen tener conocimientos básicos sobre el almacenamiento de energía y su aplicación en las redes eléctricas."
Price: 29.00 |
"Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster" |
"From the Syrian refugee crisis to the West Africa Ebola outbreak, humanitarian emergencies have reached unprecedented dimensions and proportions. As need for humanitarian aid grows, how can efforts to alleviate human suffering evolve with it? This course from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and HarvardX seeks to prepare learners to recognize and analyze emerging challenges in the humanitarian field. The course explores the ethical and professional principles that guide humanitarian response to conflict and disaster. Participants will learn the legal and historical frameworks that shaped these principles, test their applicability to the challenges faced by humanitarian actors today. Through four case studies covering the responses to crises in Goma (Zaire), Somalia, the Balkans, Afghanistan and Pakistan, participants will engage with Harvard faculty, current practitioners, and one another. These cases introduce major trends affecting the current landscape of humanitarian response – including rapid population displacement, violence against aid workers, and civil-military engagement. Thoughtfully engaging with this course will prepare participants to be informed and aware humanitarian practitioners, scholars, policy-makers, and global citizens."
Price: 99.00 |
"iLabX – The Internet Masterclass" |
"After more than 2000 learners in the first course round we made the course even better for this second run. Do not miss your chance to become an Internet master! The Internet has become one of our most important infrastructures. It connects everything, from people to machines, in all areas, from the art world to the stock exchange, everywhere on this planet and beyond. But how does this Internet that enables so many things in our daily lives actually work? After taking part in iLabX, you will not only understand the mechanisms behind the Internet, but you will create the Internet yourself on your own computer! iLabX uses an award-winning methodology to teach you how the Internet works. Starting with the physical cables, you will learn, in six parts: what exactly happens when you open a website in your browser or send a chat message to a friend, how to set up a webserver yourself, how the ongoing transition between the “old” Internet version and its current successor can be so seamless, and key security concepts. Each module first introduces the background of the relevant mechanisms and tools. After learning the concepts through videos, texts, and diverse interactive learning elements, you will build your own fully-functional Internet. Within our special vLab virtual Internet laboratory, you will use the same tools that also power the big Internet. Under our close guidance, each module brings you closer to having a fully-functional Internet running on your computer. As we use the real Internet mechanisms, we will even connect your creation to the real Internet at the end. Consequently, you can call yourself a true Internet master after completing this course! When designing this course, we focused on making it exciting and continuously motivating for you. No matter what kind of learner you are, you will find the right learning experience! Our videos explain everything in detail. If you prefer reading instead, go ahead. You can read the texts instead of or in addition to the videos. We have many practical exercises and of course the virtual laboratory that allows you to configure the real Internet on your computer! Last but not least, we have an engaging story that continues through all parts: Help the iLabees scale their honey sales up, taking their business to the summit of the Internet mountains!"
Price: 129.00 |
"Introducción a R" |
"La ciencia de datos es un área que hoy ofrece herramientas analíticas muy poderosas a las organizaciones; aquellas que han incorporado estas prácticas rápidamente han podido obtener ventajas competitivas y tomar mejores decisiones con la información que obtienen. Ante las características actuales de sociedades generadoras de millones de datos, dominar adecuadamente el análisis de datos es una necesidad para cualquier organización. Este curso brinda una introducción al lenguaje R para el análisis de datos con un enfoque práctico desde el inicio. Los ejemplos y actividades son fácilmente relacionables a las tareas que un analista realiza de forma regular, tales como manipular datos y presentar gráficas o resúmenes. Al finalizar este curso podrás aplicar en tu organización o de manera personal las herramientas brindadas en él y al mismo tiempo, estarás preparado para cursos más avanzados de R."
Price: 49.00 |
"Aplicaciones de ciencias de datos en los negocios actuales" |
"La ciencia de los datos se encarga de la extracción, preparación, análisis y presentación visual de datos. Existen diferentes lenguajes de programación que otorgan posibilidades para realizar proyectos de ciencia de datos y nos permitan tomar decisiones. R es un lenguaje muy popular utilizado generalmente para realizar análisis estadísticos alrededor del mundo y amigable con la construcción de código para los usuarios. Este curso se centra en la construcción de proyectos de ciencias de datos relevantes para los negocios de la nueva era digital. Todas las actividades y ejercicios se desarrollarán en lenguaje R, utilizando RStudio. Te guiaremos paso a paso para que desarrolles y entiendas las diferentes herramientas que nos ofrece R para aplicarlas a proyectos de ciencia de datos que se implementa específicamente en los negocios de la era digital. Desarrollaremos prácticas que te ayuden a incrementar tus habilidades en la construcción de software y el análisis de datos. Al finalizar este curso contarás con un portafolio de trabajos en ciencias de datos que te ayudará a demostrar tus conocimientos en el tema. Además, lograrás implementar proyectos de ciencias de datos aplicados a las problemáticas laborales en los negocios."
Price: 49.00 |
"Análisis de datos empresariales con R" |
"Si tomas decisiones en tu empresa o deseas involucrarte en la ciencia de datos y el uso de tecnologías computacionales, este curso es para ti. El análisis multivariado es muy importante y único, al tomar en cuenta al mismo tiempo las diferentes variables a las que está sujeta una entidad, la cual puede ser numérica o categórica, es decir, podemos analizar tanto datos que representan propiedades físicas o químicas, como datos que que son indicadores de una situación o estado. De esta forma podemos analizar cualquier tipo de información proveniente de nuestra empresa y ser capaces de tomar mejores decisiones al considerar todos los factores que afectan a nuestro elemento en cuestión. Y esta es la parte que casi iguala la capacidad de nuestro cerebro de poder decidir de forma casi instantánea y ponderar todas las variables involucradas en la toma de una decisión que puede ser de vida o muerte. Cada vez que manejamos sometemos a nuestro cerebro a un continuo análisis multivariado que pondera variables como la velocidad, las condiciones del clima, del camino, las distracciones internas y externas o los imprevistos que pudiéramos encontrar. Esto es lo que hacemos en el análisis multivariado, considerar muchas variables, discriminarlas, agruparlas, relacionarlas y conformar grupos de datos. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderás las principales técnicas del análisis multivariante empleando R y R studio como herramienta de análisis, graficación y toma de decisiones. El software R de análisis estadístico y la plataforma de desarrollo R studio poseen la gran ventaja de ser de uso libre, con una gran comunidad de programadores que la enriquecen con librerías que hacen su uso sencillo y extremadamente poderoso. En este curso, además de aprender los fundamentos de R y R studio, aplicaremos las técnicas de análisis multivariado como: componentes principales, análisis de clústeres y análisis discriminante en la solución de problemas y casos empresariales. No necesitas experiencia previa en programación solo conocimientos básicos de estadística, te guiaremos paso a paso en el uso de de estas herramientas y su aplicación."
Price: 49.00 |