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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
$12.95 |
A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning" |
"Training acomplex deep learning model with a very large datasetcan take hours, days and occasionally weeks to train. So, what is the solution? Accelerated hardware. Youcan use accelerated hardware such as Google’s Tensor Processing Unit(TPU) or Nvidia GPU to accelerateyourconvolutional neural network computations timeon the Cloud. These chips arespecifically designed to support the training of neural networks, as well as the use of trained networks(inference).Accelerated hardware has recently been proven to significantly reduce training time. But the problem is that your datamight be sensitiveand you may not feel comfortable uploading iton apublic cloud, preferring to analyze it on-premise.In this case, youneed to use an in-house system withGPU support. One solution isto useIBM’s Power SystemswithNvidia GPU andPowerAI. ThePowerAIplatform supports popular machine learning libraries and dependencies including Tensorflow, Caffe, Torch, and Theano. In this course, you'll understand what GPU-based accelerated hardware is and how it can benefit your deep learning scaling needs. You'll also deploydeep learning networks on GPU accelerated hardware for several problems, including the classification ofimages and videos."
Price: 99.00 |
"Applied Deep Learning Capstone Project" |
"In this capstone project, you'lluse a Deep Learning library ofyour choice to develop, train, and test a Deep Learning model.Loadand preprocess data for a real problem, build the model and then validate it. Finally, you will present a project report to demonstrate the validity of yourmodel andyour proficiency in the field of deep learning."
Price: 99.00 |
"New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Wai (Water)" |
"In this course, you will learn about New Zealand’s water, or 'wai', and the cultural identities attached to them. We'll explore the lives and identities of Indigenous Māori people who can trace their ancestry to their awa, or river, as well as the European, Pākehā perspectives on water. Discussing how the different cultures interpret and relate to water. We will delve below the surface to look at the unique geology that has created our watery nation, and the taonga (culturally prized possession) found within these waters. While also investigating the political, cultural and economic dynamics of our waterways. New Zealand is a bicultural nation, and colonisation by the British in the nineteenth century produced a complex history and competing cultural ideas about landscape. The place of water in European culture led to conflicting beliefs about the ownership and status of water. This has implications today for the management of water resources, and how this can be done to ensure that cultural, economic and environmental imperatives are respected in Aotearoa New Zealand. You will hear about the Māori world view from Dr Maria Bargh (Te Arawa and Ngāti Awa), who teaches Māori culture and politics at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. Professor Lydia Wevers will introduce you to Pākehā, or European, New Zealand culture. Featuring guest appearances from other experts, this course will encourage you to think about landscape as an expression of culture, and allow you to transfer these ideas to the landscape you live in."
Price: 50.00 |
"Calculus 1B: Integration" |
"How long should the handle of your spoon be so that your fingers do not burn while mixing chocolate fondue? Can you find a shape that has finite volume, but infinite surface area? How does the weight of the rider change the trajectory of a zip line ride? These and many other questions can be answered by harnessing the power of the integral. But what is an integral? You will learn to interpret it geometrically as an area under a graph, and discover its connection to the derivative. You will encounter functions that you cannot integrate without a computer and develop a big bag of tricks to attack the functions that you can integrate by hand. The integral is vital in engineering design, scientific analysis, probability and statistics. You will use integrals to find centers of mass, the stress on a beam during construction, the power exerted by a motor, and the distance traveled by a rocket. The three modules in this series are being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit Single Variable Calculus XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in the modules. This course, in combination with Part 1, covers the AP* Calculus AB curriculum. This course, in combination with Parts 1 and 3, covers the AP* Calculus BC curriculum. [Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses ](http://www.edx.org/high-school-initiative)This course was funded in part by the Wertheimer Fund. *Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 100.00 |
"Differential Equations: 2x2 Systems" |
"Differential equations are the language of the models we use to describe the world around us. Most phenomena require not a single differential equation, but a system of coupled differential equations. In this course, we will develop the mathematical toolset needed to understand 2x2 systems of first order linear and nonlinear differential equations. We will use 2x2 systems and matrices to model: predator-prey populations in an ecosystem, competition for tourism between two states, the temperature profile of a soft boiling egg, automobile suspensions for a smooth ride, pendulums, and RLC circuits that tune to specific frequencies. The five modules in this seriesare being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Differential EquationsXSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in the modules. Wolf photo by Arne von Brill on Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Rabbit photo by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)"
Price: 75.00 |
"Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics" |
"Mechanics is the study of the physics of motion and how it relates to applied forces. It lays the foundation of understanding the world around us through the how and why of motion. This physics course is the first in a series of four modules that covers calculus-based mechanics. This module reviews kinematics (the geometrical description of motion) in the context of one-dimensional, multi-dimensional, and circular motion. It also reviews Newton's laws of motion and examines their application to a wide variety of cases. The modules are based on material in MIT's Physics I, which is required for all MIT undergraduates, and is being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit theIntroductory Mechanics XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in all four modules. The course image is a picture of an MIT building with the name Newton prominently displayed."
Price: 49.00 |
"Mechanics: Momentum and Energy" |
"This course is the second of a series of four modules that cover calculus-based mechanics. You will learn about the concepts of momentum, impulse, energy, and work, as well as the powerful idea of conservation laws. You will apply these concepts to solve interesting mechanics problems such as collisions and rockets. The modulesare based on material in MIT's Physics I, which is required for all MIT undergraduates, and is being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Introductory Mechanics XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in all four modules. To understand the material in this course you should have taken Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics. The course image is a fire truck on top of the MIT dome. Image taken by Sarahjane10784 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MIT_firetruck_hack_2006.JPG"
Price: 49.00 |
"Mechanics: Rotational Dynamics" |
"This course is the third of a series of four modules that cover calculus-based mechanics. You will explore rotational motion and learn about the concepts of torque and angular momentum. You will learn about the conservation of angular momentum, and use it with other conservation laws to solve complex problems in rotational dynamics. The modules are based on material in MIT's Physics I, which is required for all MIT undergraduates, and is being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Introductory Mechanics XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in all four modules. To understand the material in this course you should have taken Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics and Mechanics: Momentum and Energy."
Price: 49.00 |
"Mechanics: Simple Harmonic Motion" |
"This is the fourth of a series of four modules that cover calculus-based mechanics. You will explore simple harmonic motion through springs and pendulums. This short course will culminate in the ability to use the Taylor Formula to approximate a variety of other situations as simple harmonic motion. The modules are based on material in MIT's Physics I, which is required for all MIT undergraduates, and is being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Introductory Mechanics XSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in all four modules. To understand the material in this course you should have taken Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics, Mechanics: Momentum and Energy, and Mechanics: Rotational Dynamics."
Price: 49.00 |
"Social Work Practice in Community Organization, Management and Policy/Evaluation" |
"In this social science course we will discuss various methods, strategies and skills within macro social work practice, used to help identify and address needs on a larger scale. You will gain knowledge and skills in the areas of community organizing, management, and policy advocacy, and learn about the various roles social workers play within these areas. This course will provide an appreciation of the historical and contemporary importance of these social work methods and the relevance of these methods for diverse populations and identities. We will focus on: understanding the context of macro practice; identifying community and organizational interventions to address social needs and problems; organizing and building relationships within communities and organizations; organization-based and community-based policy making, planning, and program development. You will also learn concepts and practice skills involving assessment, problem solving and intervention planning at the macro level, and strategies to work effectively with communities and organizations. Content includes reflective practice and utilizing interpersonal skills in macro practice. This course is part of the Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 199.00 |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain" |
"The human brain is a fantastically complex system, capable of transforming a torrent of incoming information into thought and action. In this course, we will look at how the various subsystems of the brain work together to enable us to survive and thrive in a changing world. Each lesson will challenge you with interactive segments, animations, and documentaries that explore the richness and complexity of the brain. Our forums will provide you with a place to meet other students around the world, and you can learn from each other through a series of discussion questions. Do you want to learn about how brains perceive the world? Join us as we explore sensation, perception and the physiology of functional regions of the brain."
Price: 99.00 |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron" |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience is a three-courseseries that explores the structure and function of the nervous system—from the inner workings of a single nerve cell to the staggering complexity of the brain and the social interactions they enable. In this first course, you'll learn how individual neurons use electricity to transmit information. You'll build a neuron, piece by piece, using interactive simulations, then travel around Harvard's campus, where you'll see the inner workings of a lab and learn how to conduct DIY neuroscience experiments on your own. Join us as we study the electrical properties in individual neurons, building a foundation for understanding the function of the entire nervous system."
Price: 99.00 |
"Psychologie de la négociation" |
"Souvent confinée à l'étude des techniques permettant de vendre une encyclopédie en 24 volumes à une octogénaire récalcitrante ou à l'art de marchander son salaire, la négociation est souvent abordée sous un angle exclusivement utilitariste. Mais négocier ce n'est pas se limiter à la recherche du bénéfice maximum. La négociation traverse toutes les dimensions de la vie humaine. Nous négocions tous les jours, dans toutes les sphères de notre existence : au travail, avec la famille, les amis… Dès qu'il s'agit de partager des biens matériels mais aussi de résoudre une divergence d'intérêts, de concilier différentes envies, rêves, goûts, couleurs… Ce cours s'éloigne de l'approche classique des négociations et tente de rendre compte des phénomènes psychologiques à la base du comportement. L'approche poursuivie sera descriptive plutôt que prescriptive. Contrairement aux théoriciens du jeu qui « examinent ce que de super-hommes, ultra-intelligents et impeccablement rationnels devraient faire dans les situations compétitives », nous explorerons la façon dont « des êtres imparfaits se comportent dans la réalité » (Raiffa, 1982, p. 21). Ainsi, les êtres humains poursuivent des motivations, ont des attentes, des préjugés, des biais et des émotions. Ils analysent l'information qui leur est soumise et prennent des décisions à travers le spectre de leurs propres limites cognitives. Leurs actions fluctuent en fonction de la situation ou de leur personnalité. Toutes ces variables influencent non seulement le comportement des personnes mais, plus fondamentalement, elles modifient la dynamique même de résolution des divergences. Ce cours mettra en évidence ces variables multiples et offrira aux étudiantes et étudiants une compréhension fine et detaillée des processus psychologiques qui entrent en jeu avant, pendant et après toute négociation. Ce cours sera enseigné en français."
Price: 150.00 |
"Sonido Espacial y 3D" |
"Oímos en tres dimensiones porque la evolución nos ha dotado de esta capacidad fundamental para desenvolvernos en nuestro entorno. El oído sustituye a la vista cuando las fuentes sonoras quedan fuera del alcance de esta o bien sirve para complementarla cuando están visibles. Desde los principios de la electrónica la ingeniería ha trabajado para simular estos estímulos sonoros a través de múltiples sistemas de sonido espacial, empezando desde el más simple, el estéreo. En este curso el alumno empezará familiarizándose con los mecanismos de la audición espacial humana, para pasar a estudiar los principales sistemas de reproducción de sonido espacial, siguiendo una clasificación ordenada atendiendo a criterios de ingeniería. Se estudiarán desde los sistemas más comunes como el 5.1 hasta los sistemas más modernos como la Wave-Field Synthesis o los sistemas binaurales con personalización de la HRTF."
Price: 50.00 |
"Découvrir la science politique" |
"Le politique nous concerne tous : chaque jour, des décisions publiques sont adoptées qui impactent notre quotidien. Dans quel contexte ces décisions sont-elles adoptées ? Au 21ème siècle, de nombreux paradoxes brouillent la vision que nous pouvons en avoir. Qu’est-ce que le pouvoir dans la société actuelle ? Quels acteurs en détiennent ? L’État demeure-t-il un acteur politique majeur s’il est concurrencé par des organisations internationales et régionales ? Comment la démocratie prônée par la communauté internationale se différencie-t-elle des régimes autoritaires voire totalitaires ? Quelle est la place des idéologies dans le monde actuel ? Le cours vise à comprendre et à expliquer des phénomènes politiques à partir d’une posture d’analyse critique."
Price: 50.00 |
"Business Communication" |
"Business communication is vital to professional success. This course, part of the Leadership Essentials Professional Certificate program, will help you unlock the secrets to business success by understanding workplace culture. You’ll learn how to use language and nonverbal communication to convey shared meanings in face-to-face and remote professional relationships. You will learn techniques to effectively and succinctly articulate your business ideas to a diverse range of audiences to ensure they understand even the most complex concepts. In this course, there will be a strong focus on business writing, active listening, and communicating your ideas effectively to a particular target audience. We will discuss the impact of assumptions or bias that people may bring to workplace interactions. Learners will apply their knowledge by critiquing real-world business scenarios from the workplace. Topics will also include: Best practices for written communication Conducting effective meetings Documentation and follow-up techniques Best practices for face-to-face, digital, and mediated communication"
Price: 199.00 |
"Teamwork & Collaboration" |
"In today’s workplace, professionals don’t work alone, and rarely work with just one other person. More often, we are required to work in groups to strategize, design solutions, ideate, motivate, manage, and execute. This course, part of the Leadership Essentials Professional Certificate program, complements business communication skills and expands those competencies to provide a foundation for decision-making, consensus-building, and problem-solving within a group environment. In this course, learners will analyze and evaluate their own experiences of leading and participating in teams, and will relate them to industry examples. Topics in the course also include: Team formation and development Building, leading, organizing, and motivating teams Managing conflict in groups to build productive professional relationships Collaboration among cross-functional teams Interpersonal relationship dynamics in small groups"
Price: 199.00 |
"Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving" |
"In today's business environment, organizations have identified critical thinking and problem-solving as skills that are integral to an employee's--and their organization's--success. The most successful professionals can assess the environment, analyze a situation, design a solution, and ultimately win in a competitive scenario. This course, part of the Leadership Essentials Professional Certificate program, will demystify, discuss, and provide application techniques for critical thinking and problem-solving in a business context. Learners will draw connections to their work experience by analyzing and critiquing case studies. Best practices for problem-solving will be discussed and illustrated including how to weigh alternative solutions, incorporate feedback from stakeholders, and how and when to start over."
Price: 199.00 |
"Storytelling in the Workplace" |
"When you think about the most influential figures in your organization, in your country, and in the world, one of the qualities they all likely have in common is that they are exceptional storytellers. Everyone tells stories—that’s how we build community and share ideas. However, we don’t always tell our story as effectively as we intend to. Stories, or narratives, in the workplace may take the form of email communications, proposals, briefs, project or product kickoffs, and presentations. In this course, part of the Communication Skills Professional Certificate program, you’ll learn about the structure of a narrative and how it varies depending upon the situation, the medium used, and the audience. In today’s world of abbreviated messaging through a variety of devices, the importance of crafting a cohesive, professional, and understandable message to achieve a desired outcome is more important than ever. You will learn how to create written messaging tailored to a target audience and how to determine the specific medium through which it should be communicated. You will also study best practices for writing in all forms of media common to today’s workplace, focusing specifically on: Structure Point of view Tone Style You will also study and analyze a variety of messages which use different writing styles directed toward specific target audiences."
Price: 199.00 |
"Reliability in Engineering Design" |
"The course is aimed at providing an engineering view (as opposed to a purely statistical view or a management view) of reliability analysis as well as reliable product design. The goal is to make the student familiar with both the statistical tools as well as the failure physics that enable one to model time to failure of products and to use such models during design phase to ensure reliable product designs."
Price: 2250.00 |
"Apostolado del Mar y de los Ríos" |
"¿Estas interesado en conocer qué acciones sociales emprende la iglesia con respecto a las comunidades relacionadas con el fenomeno marítimo, el agua, los pescadores y sus familias? Este curso introductorio te mostrará las bases bíblicas, teológicas y prácticas para comprender a fondo el ambiente marítimo, el de los Pescadores y de áreas de ríos y grandes lagos. La formación en Apostolado del Mar además de estar dirigida a religiosos consagrados o laicos desempeñando algún servicio en localidades ribereñas o marítimas, también se encamina a las personas interesadas en conocer otras áreas de evangelización y de incidencia social, así como para las personas que quieran comprender una realidad laboral diferente a su ámbito normal de vida."
Price: 29.00 |
"Pronóstico de la generación de energía eólica y solar fotovoltaica" |
"Este curso se desarrolló con el apoyo del Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética (4E) en Centroamérica, implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH para el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Actualmente, el aprovechamiento de energías renovables es un factor de mucho interés a diferentes escalas de la actividad humana. En especial, en una gran mayoría de países desarrollados y en desarrollo, los sistemas eléctricos han incorporado fuentes de energía renovable entre las cuales destacan la energía eólica y la solar. La operación de estos sistemas, así como la planificación del despacho y su gestión de energía requieren tomar en cuenta el factor del pronóstico en variables eólicas y solares que posteriormente se transforman a energía eléctrica, resultando en un pronóstico para la planificación de generación y despacho de energía eléctrica. El presente curso desarrolla los conceptos sobre la generación de pronósticos de Energía Renovable Variable (ERV), las diferentes metodologías existentes y las características de su aplicación a nivel operativo. El curso se inicia con la descripción de las ERV, con un enfoque en la energía eólica y solar fotovoltaica, así como el impacto de su variabilidad en la operación de las unidades generadoras; posteriormente se introducen los conceptos de pronóstico de viento y radiación solar, y el uso de éstos por parte de los operadores de los sistemas de generación y despacho de energía eléctrica. Como contenido complementario se describen los métodos generales de pronóstico desde el punto de vista matemático-estadístico para luego desarrollar su uso en el pronóstico de ERV. Se describen las características de las series de tiempo y su descomposición, el uso de técnicas básicas de pronóstico como suavizamiento exponencial, ARIMA y otros modelos avanzados. En la segunda unidad del curso, se desarrollan conceptos básicos de meteorología, la dinámica y estructura de la atmósfera, circulación vertical y estabilidad atmosférica, así como la descripción de equipamiento para la medición de variables del tiempo y sus estándares operativos; todo esto complementa el hecho del uso del pronóstico numérico del tiempo como una base de sistemas de pronósticos operativos. Este contenido introductorio permite trabajar los temas específicos para el pronóstico de viento y sus aplicaciones a la generación de energía en parques eólicos: análisis de distribuciones de viento y uso de las curvas de potencia, pronóstico centralizado o descentralizado, métricas de calidad del pronóstico, así como las estrategias de implementación de un sistema de pronóstico basado en modelos numéricos de la atmósfera, sus principales componentes y requerimientos. En el caso de la energía solar fotovoltaica el curso desarrolla los fundamentos del recurso solar, el pronóstico de la irradiancia solar: métodos físicos, métodos estadísticos y/o híbridos, el error en los pronósticos y su variabilidad, así como la evaluación del estado del cielo y la estabilidad del régimen radiactivo. Esto complementa el desarrollo del pronóstico de energía asociado a sistemas fotovoltaicos puntuales y de área; las herramientas de simulación de plantas fotovoltaicas y el uso del pronóstico de energía solar en la planificación y operación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en red."
Price: 29.00 |
"Visual Presentation" |
"Visual elements are critical components in effective communication and presentation. The importance of imagery and how it relates to branding, memory recall, and awareness cannot be underestimated. Whether it's a document, presentation, or video, using one relevant image can replace an entire section of text and be more impactful. This course, part of the Communication Skills Professional Certificate program, is an introduction to key principles, best practices, and ethics of visual communication for professionals who are not designers by trade. Learners will practice creating visual communication that seeks to educate, inform, persuade, and/or entertain specific target audiences. You will also analyze visual messages appearing in a variety of media and digital platforms."
Price: 199.00 |
"Supply Chain Analytics" |
"Supply chains are complex systems involving multiple businesses and organizations with different goals and objectives. Many different analytical methods and techniques are used by researchers and practitioners alike to better design and manage their supply chains. This business and management course introduces the primary methods and tools that you will encounter in your study and practice of supply chains. We focus on the application of these methods, not necessarily the theoretical underpinnings. We will begin with an overview of introductory probability and decision analysis to ensure that students understand how uncertainty can be modeled. Next, we will move into basic statistics and regression. Finally, we will introduce optimization modeling from unconstrained to linear, non-linear, and mixed integer linear programming. This is a hands-on course. Students will use spreadsheets extensively to apply these techniques and approaches in case studies drawn from actual supply chains ."
Price: 199.00 |
"Supply Chain Fundamentals" |
"This Supply Chain Fundamentals course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management, offered by #1 ranked SCM Master's program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The CTL.SC1x Supply Chain Fundamentals course provides the foundational skills for supply chain management and logistics. You will learn how to develop and apply analytic tools, approaches, and techniques used in the design and operation of logistics systems and integrated supply chains. The material is taught from a managerial perspective, with an emphasis on where and how specific tools can be used to improve the overall performance and reduce the total cost of a supply chain. We place a strong emphasis on the development and use of fundamental mathematical models to illustrate the underlying concepts involved in both intra- and inter-company logistics operations. The main topic areas we will focus on this course are: Demand Forecasting, Planning, and Management Inventory Planning, Management, and Control Transportation Planning, Management, and Execution While our main objective is to develop and use models to help us analyze these situations, we will make heavy use of examples from industry to provide illustrations of the concepts in practice. This is neither a purely theoretical nor a case study course, but rather an applied analytical course that addresses real problems found in practice."
Price: 299.00 |
"Supply Chain Design" |
"This Supply Chain Design course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management, offered by #1 ranked SCM Master's program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. CTL.SC2x Supply Chain Design covers all aspects involved in the design of supply chains for companies and organizations anywhere in the world. The course is divided into four main topic areas: Physical flow design, Supply chain finance, Information flow design, and Organization/Process design. In the design of physical flows, we show how to formulate and solve Transportation, Transshipment, Facility Location, and Network Design Problems. For financial flows we show how to translate supply chain concepts and actions into the language of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a company. We cover Activity Based Costing, Working Capital, the Cash-to-Cash cycle and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. The design of the information flow section describes how firms communicate with suppliers (procurement, risk contracts), internal resources (production planning, bills of materials, material requirements planning), and customers (Sales & Operations Planning and other collaboration based processes). In the last section, we introduce performance metric design and organizational design within the supply chain organization focusing mainly on the centralize/decentralize decision. The main topic areas we will focus on in this course are: Supply Chain Network Design Supply Chain Finance Supplier Management Production and Demand Planning Process and Organizational Design This course is indispensable if you’re considering a supply chain management career and, specifically, the positions of Supply Chain Analyst , Operations Manager , or Logistics Coordinator."
Price: 299.00 |
"Supply Chain Dynamics" |
"Supply Chains are complex systems involving multiple firms and organizations with different goals and objectives. Additionally, there are external forces and trends that can impact (positively or negatively) a supply chain’s efficiency and effectiveness. Understanding the dynamics and risks within supply chains, both large and small, is key to being a successful supply chain professional. This course builds on the fundamental models introduced in SC1x and the design trade-offs covered in SC2x. It is essentially a capstone in understanding how to successfully model, design, and manage a supply chain in any industry. We will divide the course into three sections. First, we will introduce the field of System Dynamics. Developed at MIT, system dynamics is an approach that examines and models complex systems that feature interacting, non-linear, and dynamic elements. The objective is to better understand the underlying features of a complex system and to recommend policies and other actions to improve overall performance. Second, we will explore the concepts of supply chain risk. Supply chains are subject to a wide number of potential disruptions – from both within and outside of the supply chain. Students will understand how supply chains can be better designed and managed to not only mitigate the downside of supply chain disruption but also to leverage and capture any upside. Finally, the students will engage in a series of more extended case studies and simulations that demonstrate these complex relationships. Actual case studies and examples from companies will be used to help students better prepare for actual situations. This course is part of a MicroMasters program. If you complete all courses in the MicroMasters program in 2018, GE will guarantee you an interview in Boston for an internship or full-time role. Open to Massachusetts residents only."
Price: 299.00 |
"Supply Chain Technology and Systems" |
"There are underlying fundamental principles and concepts that apply to all supply chains, which can be expressed in relatively straightforward models. However, to actually implement them across a real supply chain requires the use of technology across multiple systems. Supply chains have a long history of using technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The shear scale and scope of most supply chains require many distinct systems to interact with each other. Unfortunately, technology is a moving target. It is constantly evolving and improving so that today's technology is outdated within a few years or months. Rather than focusing on a specific software system, this business and management course will focus on three aspects: fundamental concepts, core systems, and data analysis. We will start with the introduction of fundamental concepts that are used in all software tools. We will cover IT fundamentals, including project management and software processes, data modeling, UML, relational databases and SQL. We will also introduce Internet technologies, such as XML, web services, and service-oriented architectures. No prior programming experience required. We will then provide an overview of the main types of supply chain software including ERP, WMS, and TMS systems. We will describe their main functionality, how they work, how they are used, their architecture, data flows, and how they are organized into modules. We will also cover the software selection process and how software upgrade and implementation projects should be organized and managed. Finally, we will dive into data analysis that is core to all large supply chains. We will introduce visualization and big data analysis techniques that are used in practice today."
Price: 299.00 |
"Introduction to Jenkins" |
"Are you or your team starting to use Jenkins as a CI/CD tool? Are you looking to automate your software delivery process? Do you need guidelines on how to set up your CI/CD workflow using Jenkins automation server? If so, this is the course for you. In this course, we will discuss the fundamentals of CI/CD, and we will talk about how they help transform the overall software delivery process. It is most useful for roles such as DevOps engineers, software developers and architects, and professionals focused on site reliability and quality assurance, though anyone involved in the software delivery process will benefit. This course offers an introduction to the Jenkins automation server, and also includes instructions on how to set up/use Jenkins for your CI/CD workflow. Upon completion, you will have a solid understanding of the role that Jenkins plays in the software development lifecycle, how to install a Jenkins server, how to build software for it, how to manage third party integrations/plugins and how to scale and secure Jenkins. Finally, you will get a glimpse of what you can do to further enhance your CI/CD skills."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introducción a la ciencia de datos y sus aplicaciones" |
"Los antiguos egipcios aplicaron datos del censo para aumentar la eficiencia en la recaudación de impuestos y predijeron con precisión la inundación del río Nilo todos los años. Desde entonces, las personas que trabajan en ciencia de datos han creado un campo único y distinto para el trabajo que realizan. Este campo es la ciencia de datos y en este curso, conocerás a algunos profesionales de la ciencia de datos que manejan grandes cantidad de datos (Big Data) y obtendrás una visión general de lo que es hoy la ciencia de datos."
Price: 39.00 |