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"AP® Italian Language and Culture (2020-2021)" |
"AP® Italian Language and Culture provides learners of Italian at the intermediate/advanced level with an interactive learning experience that combines the highest academic standards with the goal of language proficiency. This course suits the needs of students who have a variety of learning goals: 1. You want to improve your language skills and find out more about contemporary Italian society, or perhaps you are a high school student who wants to prepare for the AP exam independently at your own pace. Sign up now and cover as little or as much as you need to get ready! You will have access to all the material from the moment you register. You may audit the course for free or join the Verified Track and work towards a Verified Certificate of Achievement ($49) issued by edX ). 2. You also want to be part of an online live class with other students and an instructor. Wellesley College offers, in conjunction with this edX course, online live instruction classes (in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021) so that you can practice the language regularly. Our online live instruction classes follow the same curriculum as this edX course. If you choose this option, you will receive a Certificate from Wellesley College with a letter grade that you may present to your high school for registration on your transcript, or to any educational institution and/or employers as an important recognition of achievement and language proficiency. You will also experience how languages are taught at Wellesley College! Registration for live online classes."
Price: 49.00 |
"Inglés básico: conversacional y networking" |
"En tu vida diaria y laboral, seguramente te has enfrentado a situaciones en donde tienes que leer, entender o hablar inglés y te encuentras en una encrucijada cuando no te sientes capaz de realizarlo de manera efectiva. Si te sentiste identificado, este contenido fue creado para ti. Con este curso en línea podrás aprender inglés de forma eficaz para desenvolverte correctamente en tu vida diaria y laboral, eliminando la barrera del idioma para alcanzar el éxito profesional. Con más de 30 años de experiencia, los docentes han desarrollado este curso especialmente para que puedas enfrentar las situaciones de la vida cotidiana, a través de una metodología mixta; aplicando el idioma mediante ejercicios que alientan la conexión entre los significados, situaciones y repetición, facilitando tu comunicación en este idioma."
Price: 49.00 |
"Principios de Análisis e Instrumentos Financieros" |
"Considerando las necesidades del contexto laboral de los involucrados en la toma de decisiones financiera-operativas, este curso está diseñado para que el participante comprenda la información financiera que proveen los estados financieros y realice el análisis adecuado e integral del desempeño, en lo que respecta a la inversión, financiamiento y operación de la empresa. De este modo, el curso se integra por 5 módulos: • Módulo 1. Decisiones y estados financieros • Módulo 2. Análisis de estados financieros • Módulo 3. Razones financieras para la toma de decisiones • Módulo 4. Fundamentos de mercados financieros • Módulo 5. Mercado de Dinero y Mercado de Capitales Los contenidos han sido desarrollados y organizados por expertos con experiencia en la Banca Comercial, en el giro industrial y del sector de servicios, en áreas comerciales y financieras. Además de colaborar en empresas como: PricewaterhouseCoopers, en el área deTax & Legal Service; en Moore Stephens México, como asesor de fiscal y de negocios; con CAF México, Trenes Sub Urbanos, IM Initiative Media, ABN Ambro Bank, Walbridge México."
Price: 49.00 |
"Critical thinking: reasoned decision making" |
"Making decisions in today's world, a world increasing in complexity, with broad changes and uncertainty, creates the need of approaches that allow us to discern the real problems and the causes that create them. Identifying these problems, in most cases, requires challenging the assumptions on which we base our judgments, regarding the world and its realities. Critical thinking could be defined, as ""that way of thinking - on any subject, content or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his thinking by seizing the inherent structures of the act of thinking and by subjecting them to intellectual standards"". Critical thinking helps making decisions within a company, selecting the best action for the organization. In this course of critical thinking the students will learn the tendencies, approximations and assumptions on which their reflections are based, and the conditions and the outcomes derived from their ways of thinking. This reflective thought is the active, careful and persistent examination of all beliefs in the light of the fundamentals that support them and their conclusions. The reasoned decisions that the world requires, occur in many different areas, especially in business decisions, related to strategies, in the solution of problems in organizations, in the solution of social problems and in corporations’ social and ethical responsibility. In this online course the approaches will be oriented to analyze the critical thinking required in these areas."
Price: 149.00 |
"Leadership focused on Human Flourishing" |
"It describes the elements of the Leadership model oriented towards human flourishing, in order to develop leaders who achieve better results. We are facing a world leadership crisis, due to (among other factors) the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous context we are living in. The world needs self-aware leaders who are also aware of their environment, immersed in a permanent learning process, who are committed, resilient, with a positive vision of the present and the future, who find meaning in their life mission, and who flourish by contributing to the flourishing of others. This course will bring the necessary tools to develop a human-flourishing-oriented-leadership."
Price: 149.00 |
"Effective Communication for Today's Leader" |
"Interpersonal communication is one of the most important management skills: everyday we relate with our bosses, collaborators, customers and colleagues. Being a good communicator is synonym to being a good leader. Interpersonal and group communication helps us to create better business environments, and therefore, to have better results."
Price: 149.00 |
"Negotiation Skills and Effective Communication" |
"We start making negotiations as soon as our day begins, through all our interactions, either work, social, or family-related. But have you ever wondered how efficiently you negotiate, and whether you could be better at it? This is a straightforward opportunity to put into practice all the knowledge you have acquired, and to confirm that the negotiation process is dynamic and can always be improved. The course integrates the most recent advances in the development of negotiation skills, based on modern life complexities, in a simple and direct way. We start out with the structure of effective communication in a negotiation, with the intention of identifying our opportunity areas, and improving them through active learning mechanisms. And what can we say about the role emotions play in a negotiation process? It is necessary to acknowledge , manage, and take advantage of them by using emotional intelligence mechanisms. Negotiation, by definition, implies the relationship between two or more parties who eventually express opposing interests and demand skills for problem-solving. In this course you will learn to identify and manage its irreversible consequences in advance."
Price: 149.00 |
"Negotiation Strategies and Styles" |
"The dilemma of the negotiator is a phenomenon that is derived from the tension that arises when, in the light of a specific situation, the optimum negotiation strategy must be discerned. The term was made popular by Professors David Lax and James Sebenius, of the Harvard Business School, to exemplify the dilemma between cooperating and competing in a negotiation. In this course, we first analyze the structure of the Dual Matrix that brings forth the five negotiation strategies, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each, and the situations in which they work out best. We study the behaviours that lead to each strategy in order to reflect about our negotiation profile, which has historically driven us to use a preferential strategy, but which is not necessarily yielding the results expected. The participant will develop competences for strategic decision making, which will enable him to achieve the greatest benefit from a negotiation, in terms of creation of value and satisfaction between the parties involved."
Price: 149.00 |
"Leadership and organizational behavior" |
"Leadership is everywhere. It is involved in nearly every social action, in some form. Many people who have the potential to be leaders do not realize it. Many who become leaders do not know how to manage those responsibilities. Great leaders can inspire change; bad leaders can cripple their followers with stress and frustration. What differentiates these two is a clear vision, an effective plan, and knowledge of how people work. In this class, you will learn the foundations of psychology at work, so that you can better understand others and guide them to shared goals. Along the way, you will answer these questions: Why do you want to be a leader? What kind of leader can you be? How can you persuade and influence people? How can you motivate and inspire people? Whether you are a formal or informal leader."
Price: 149.00 |
"On Ramp to AP* Biology" |
"Interested in taking AP Biology, or an advanced biology course, but unsure if you are ready? This is the course for you! This short course will briefly review basic concepts covered in AP Biology, and will include advanced challenge questions. Starting with a review of genetics and related content, the course will prepare you to tackle Investigation 2 and 3 of the AP Biology curriculum. You will learn how to create a mathematical model of populations and be able to compare DNA and Protein sequences using BLAST. The students who complete this mini-course will be better prepared to tackle more advanced course material in the future. Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 50.00 |
"¡Conceptos básicos de Python para Data Science!" |
"Comienza tu aprendizaje de Python para la ciencia de datos, así como programación en general con esta introducción a Python. Este curso de Python para principiantes te llevará rápidamente de cero a programar en Python en cuestión de horas y te dará una idea de cómo comenzar a trabajar con datos en Python. Una vez completado, podrás escribir tus propios scripts de Python y realizar análisis básicos de datos prácticos utilizando nuestro entorno de laboratorio basado en Jupyter. Si quieres aprender Python desde cero, este curso es para ti. Puedes comenzar a crear tus propios proyectos de ciencia de datos y colaborar con otros científicos de datos utilizando IBM Watson Studio. Cuando te registres, recibirás acceso gratuito a Watson Studio. Comienza ahora y aprovecha esta plataforma, aprenderás los conceptos básicos de programación, aprendizaje automático y visualización de datos con este curso introductorio."
Price: 49.00 |
"Aplicaciones de IA con Watson" |
"Al inscribirse en este curso en línea, es probable que hayas estudiado inteligencia artificial, construido chatbots y tal vez incluso hayas utilizado Watson Assistant en el camino. Pero, ¿sabías que puedes acelerar el coeficiente intelectual de tu chatbot con IBM Watson Discovery, un servicio diseñado para revelar el valor oculto en los datos? Discovery se especializa en tomar los datos, estructurados o no, y extraer de ellos respuestas y patrones. Por ejemplo, si tienes un repositorio grande, cuyo contenido podría responder a preguntas de clientes , tienes los ingredientes de un gran chatbot de preguntas frecuentes. En este curso, aprenderás cómo crear consultas en Discovery, que te permite mostrar respuestas y patrones a partir de grandes depósitos de datos. A continuación, aprenderás a usar Discovery para extraer información de un conjunto de reseñas de hoteles. Luego, para que esos datos cobren vida, se integrará Discovery con otros servicios de Watson para crear un chatbot que pueda informar sobre los mejores hoteles en una determinada ciudad de EE. UU. Al utilizar estos servicios de Watson, agregas más capas de análisis para ayudar a encontrar el mejor hotel. Assistant Discovery Tone Analyzer Personal Insights Al final de este curso, habrás construido un chatbot con IA completamente funcional. Además, deberías poder aplicar los servicios enseñados aquí a tus propios conjuntos de datos, lo que te permitirá crear sofisticados chatbots propios."
Price: 99.00 |
"Fundamentos de la Visión Artificial con Watson y OpenCV" |
"La visión por computadora es uno de los campos más interesantes en aprendizaje automático, ciencias de la computación e inteligencia artificial. Tiene aplicaciones en muchas industrias, como automóviles autónomos, robótica, realidad aumentada, detección de rostros en agencias de aplicación de la ley. En este curso introductorio, aprenderás sobre la visión por computadora y sus diversas aplicaciones en muchas industrias. Como parte de este curso, utilizarás Python, Watson AI y OpenCV para procesar imágenes e interactuar con modelos de clasificación de imágenes. También crearás, entrenaras y probarás tus propios clasificadores de imágenes personalizados. Este es un curso práctico e involucra varios laboratorios y ejercicios. Todos los laboratorios se realizarán en la Nube y se le proporcionará acceso a un entorno de Nube completamente gratis. Al final del curso, crearás tu propia aplicación web de visión por computadora y la implementarás en la nube. Este curso no requiere ninguna experiencia previa de Machine Learning o Computer Vision, sin embargo, se necesita cierto conocimiento del lenguaje de programación Python."
Price: 99.00 |
"Pattern Studying and Making | 图案审美与创作" |
"Are you an original designer? Or a DIY fancier? Come and join us, expandyour mind, enhance your appreciation andlearn practical skills in pattern and design. The course of Pattern Studying and Making is a basis for the major of art design. With the core idea of original thinking and the main thread of appreciation, the six parts include fashion, history, culture, appreciation, originality and methods. Sceneries in the course videos are delightful. Rhythm and the mode of voice is a feast for the eyes as is music. You are sincerely invited to join us, exploring a journey of aesthetics. 你想成为一名原创设计师?你是零基础的爱好者想自己动手DLY?你想通过图案了解艺术,提高审美鉴赏,激活你沉睡的艺术创造力?那么,来吧!参加MOOC图案,你将会获得拓展原创思维、提高审美鉴赏、学习创作实战方法三个层面的收获。 图案课程是美术及美术设计各专业重要的一门学科基础课,该课程以引导建立原创思维为核心,以审美与创作为主线,将时尚、 历史、文化等人文知识导入其中,理论、经验、方法结合实际绘制演示,力图创造生动活泼、丰富多彩的学习空间,怎样将点点滴滴的感受变成艺术作品?本课程将提供图案从自然中捕捉素材、构思构图、绘制呈现的经典案例,解析形式美的核心语言,引导提高美的心灵感悟,发现美的观察习惯,体现美的创意思维,表现美的表达方法。 本课程将涉及:图案的时尚、历史、文化;图案的审美、创意、方法6部分内容,以理论解析、图例解读、创作要点、现场演示,将为你提供艺术创作的思维的拓展与简单易行的图案创作方法。带您在美图美声的享受中学习图案,欢迎你加入我们的队伍!"
Price: 139.00 |
"Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies" |
"New to the cloud and not sure where to begin? This introductory course, taught by cloud experts from The Linux Foundation, will help you grasp the basics of cloud computing and comprehend the terminology, tools and technologies associated with today’s top cloud platforms. Understanding cloud technologies tops the list of most important skills for any developer, system administrator or network computing professional seeking a lucrative career in technology. However, getting started and researching all things cloud can be complicated and time consuming. This course maps out the entire cloud landscape and explains how various tools and platforms fit together. Experts from The Linux Foundation can help guide you step-by-step as you begin to navigate the cloud. They host some of the world's leading open source cloud projects and provide training and networking opportunities to educate a talent pool to support those projects, and is a respected, neutral, non-profit education source to provide training for anyone learning how to build and manage cloud infrastructure. This course gives you a primer on cloud computing and the use of open source software to maximize development and operations. Topics covered include: Next-generation cloud technologies: Learn about cloud and container technologies like Docker, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and OpenStack, as well as the tooling around them. Scalable and performant compute, storage and network solutions: Get an overview of software defined storage and software defined networking solutions. Solutions employed by companies to meet their business demands: Study up on DevOps and continuous integration practices, as well as the deployment tools available to architects to meet and exceed their business goals. No previous cloud experience is required for this course. ""Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies"" gives you the knowledge and tools to make smart decisions about which cloud services and applications to use depending on your needs."
Price: 169.00 |
"Principles of Economics" |
"The early part of the course focuses on microeconomic analysis including the behavior of consumers and firms. We analyze markets for goods and services and policy choices that affect these markets. The later part of the course moves on to macroeconomic concepts such as national production, employment, inflation and interest rates. We explore models that determine long-run growth and short-term fluctuations in national economies. We then discuss the role of government regulation, monetary policy, and fiscal policy."
Price: 50.00 |
"Pre-University Calculus" |
"Mathematics is the language of Science, Engineering and Technology. Calculus is an elementary mathematical course in any Science and Engineering Bachelor. Pre-university Calculus will prepare you for the Introductory Calculus courses by revising five important mathematical subjects that are assumed to be mastered by beginning Bachelor students: functions, equations, differentiation, integration and analytic geometry. After this course you will be well prepared to start your university calculus course. You will learn to understand the necessary definitions and mathematical concepts needed and you will be trained to apply those and solve mathematical problems. You will feel confident in using basic mathematical techniques for your first calculus course at university-level, building on high-school level mathematics. We aim to teach you the skills, but also to show you how mathematics will be used in different engineering and science disciplines. Education method This is a self-paced course consisting of 7 modules (or weeks) and 1 final exam. The modules consist of a collection of 3-5 minute lecture videos, inspirational videos on the use of mathematics in Science, Engineering and Technology, (interactive) exercises and homework. The videos, practice exercises and homework are available free of charge in the audit track. In the ID-verified track, necessary if you pursue a certificate, you can additionally access the final exam. This course has been awarded with the 2016 Open Education Award for Excellence in the category 'Open MOOC' by the Open Education Consortium. Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses * Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 50.00 |
"Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real II" |
"Este curso trata la Teoría de Grafos desde el punto de vista de la modelización, lo que nos permitirá con posterioridad resolver muchos problemas de diversa índole. Presentaremos ejemplos de los distintos problemas en un contexto real, analizaremos la representación de éstos mediante grafos y veremos los algoritmos necesarios para resolverlos. Resolveremos problemas que aparecen en la logística, la robótica, la genética, la sociología, el diseño de redes y el cálculo de rutas óptimas, mediante el uso de la Teoría de Grafos. Nuestro objetivo será presentar tanto los contenidos de la misma como la modelización de los casos planteados. En cada tema comenzaremos presentando el problema a resolver. Posteriormente introduciremos la teoría y los algoritmos correspondientes, modelizaremos el problema propuesto y finalmente hallaremos su solución. En general explicaremos en qué consiste y cómo se deduce cada algoritmo, haciendo para ello una traza a modo de ejemplo."
Price: 49.00 |
"Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer?" |
"Successful entrepreneurship ultimately comes down to three questions: Are you solving a real problem? Do you have a superior solution? Can you sustainably deliver the solution? The course series Entrepreneurship 101, 102, and 103 addresses these questions one by one. Entrepreneurship 102 is for you if you are creating a product or service, especially in an entrepreneurial setting. You face resource scarcity, but strive to iterate quickly through reliable insights. We’ll teach you how to do that. Our approach to product design will be holistic. We’ll teach you to translate user needs into product priorities and product priorities into experience design. We’ll base your learning process on case studies of MIT entrepreneurs. This course is particularly useful for: Corporate entrepreneurs developing new businesses; Scientists and engineers commercializing new technologies; Creators of complex solutions that necessitate design trade-offs. Entrepreneurship 102 is equally valuable for educators, who teach and coach entrepreneurs. In addition, the course is relevant for policymakers who work to energize the innovation ecosystems in their regions. If you can, take Entrepreneurship 102 as a team. The course will give you a common framework to make decisions, laying the foundation for your long-term success. Give you best to this course. In return, you will gain the confidence that you too can design great products. And that’s priceless. This course is a pre-requisite to an attend an MIT Bootcamp. The course is taught by Bill Aulet, Managing Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and Erdin Beshimov, Senior Director of MIT BootCampus."
Price: 49.00 |
"Site Planning Online" |
"Cities are built site by site. Site planning has been taught in urban planning, landscape architecture and architecture programs for over a century and continues to be a foundation course for those who aspire to plan the built environment. It is a required subject on licensing and certification programs for each of these disciplines. Mastering the art of site planning requires substantive knowledge, well-honed design skills, and familiarity with examples and prototypes of site organization. This course provides the perspectives of leading academics and practitioners on the important issues in preparing site plans. It offers a foundation of knowledge, and the opportunity to apply what is learned in preparing a site plan."
Price: 99.00 |
"Psychology of Personal Growth" |
"Want to learn about how you become who you are, but not sure where to kick off that journey? This is a fantastic course for you. This course covers important factors influencing your personal growth (i.e., how you grow by exposing yourself to new experiences). We discuss personality and emotion, romantic and intimate relationships, as well as the interplay between culture and these factors on your growing up. In the course, we allude to the findings pertinent to the Chinese samples."
Price: 50.00 |
"Public Speaking" |
"When asked, many people cite public speaking as one of their biggest fears. In fact, many renowned public speakers admit that they were once extremely anxious about speaking in front of groups. Good public speaking is more than a performance. It is the result of: Critical thinking Well-organized narrative Reasoning Research Preparation In this course, part of the Communication Skills Professional Certificate program, you will study methods that help to reduce anxiety, build confidence, and customize a process that will result in successful speaking experiences. This course is designed to equip you with knowledge of the principles necessary for formal public speaking with an emphasis on organization, evidence, language use, strategy, delivery, ethics, and effective use of media aids."
Price: 199.00 |
"Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life" |
"Read fully to understand the verified-certificate option. Join Professor Eric Lander and the MITx Biology team in an exciting learning experience available for free to all enrolled learners. The 7.00x Introductory Biology course materials are available for exploration and completion by registering as an auditor or verified-track learner, including video, interactive problem sets, and exams. We strongly encourage you to work through the activities, towards a goal of learning biology. We have optimized the course settings for learning: instant feedback after trying problems and all content available at all times for self-paced progress. You receive feedback on correctness of answers, but the problem submissions do not count toward the grade for a certificate. Instead, we offer a thorough and robust means of certifying edX learners in their mastery of the MITx introductory biology content, through a the MITx 7.00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam. This challenging option is available only to those who register for the verified-certificate track, and successful completion of this exam is the only assessment that counts toward a certificate. We highly recommend preparing for the Competency Exam certification by using the current course materials and MIT OpenCourseWare problems. The next Competency Exam will be open October 20, 2020 to October 27, 2020. 7.00x is an introductory level biology course hosted by professor Eric Lander, who was one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project. The course content reflects the topics taught in the MIT introductory biology courses and many biology courses across the world. As a learner, you will first focus on the structure and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. You will discover how changes in the structure of some of these macromolecules alter their functions and what the implications of such changes have on human health. As you continue in the course, you will apply an understanding of heredity and information flow within cells to human health and disease and will learn about molecular biological techniques and their potential to impact our changing world. After you complete this course, you will have a foundation in biology that will allow you to understand the remarkable medical revolution going on today. MITx 7.00x: Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life will let you explore the mysteries of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics, and rational medicine. Good luck in your journey!"
Price: 150.00 |
"Transfer Functions and the Laplace Transform" |
"This course is about the Laplace Transform, a single very powerful tool for understanding the behavior of a wide range of mechanical and electrical systems: from helicopters to skyscrapers, from light bulbs to cell phones. This tool captures the behavior of the system and displays it in highly graphical form that is used every day by engineers to design complex systems. This course is centered on the concept of the transfer function of a system. Also called the system function, the transfer function completely describes the response of a system to any input signal in a highly conceptual manner. This visualization occurs not in the time domain, where we normally observe behavior of systems, but rather in the “frequency domain.” We need a device for moving from the time domain to the frequency domain; this is the Laplace transform. We will illustrate these principles using concrete mechanical and electrical systems such as tuned mass dampers and RLC circuits. The five modules in this seriesare being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Differential EquationsXSeries Program Page to learn more and to enroll in the modules."
Price: 100.00 |
"Transformación digital en las empresas" |
"Las empresas exitosas y ambiciosas que están empezando a ser impulsadas digitalmente, están creando y apoderándose de nuevos mercados en cada sector. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los modelos de negocio heredados continúan operando con técnicas antiguas. La mayoría no está al día con los cambios en su industria, y mucho menos al día en el proceso de transformación digital o digitalización: ¿qué estás haciendo tú y tu empresa en este proceso? En este curso de administración de empresas se verán las características y los elementos que son transversales dentro de la transformación digital en las empresas. Este curso en línea proporcionará herramientas a ejecutivos y líderes empresariales para empoderar los roles claves durante los procesos que involucran la transformación digital dentro de las organizaciones para así aumentar la productividad empresarial. Lo más probable es que la empresa de la que tú haces parte esté participando en algunas actividades de transformación digital y este curso te proporcionará perspectivas, conocimientos y herramientas para desempeñar funciones claves y guiar a tu empresa en el proceso de digitalizar sus operaciones."
Price: 49.00 |
"Uso efectivo del tiempo" |
"Estamos ocupados todo el tiempo y trabajamos fuertemente, pero nunca hemos comprendido que la eficacia y la efectividad de nuestro trabajo se ven disminuidas porque desperdiciamos este recurso de igual modo, muchas veces en detrimento de nuestra vida personal y salud física. Existe la premisa, que la buena administración del tiempo puede aprenderse, pero esto exige cierto grado de compromiso y perseverancia para realizar avances con ese propósito, no importa cuán pequeños sean. Este cambio de actuación en nuestra vida personal y profesional no es algo que pueda darse de la noche a la mañana, sino que requiere constancia para desarrollar hábitos apropiados en el uso del tiempo en el largo plazo. Regístrate en este curso en línea para conocer de que forma puedes beneficiarte del buen uso del tiempo."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Health Effects of Climate Change" |
"Our world's climate is changing. Of the top twenty hottest years ever recorded, sixteen have occurred in the last two decades. This warming has already had a profound effect. Many feel powerless in the face of this challenge, but you can make a difference. By looking at air quality, nutrition, infectious diseases, and human migration, this course will show you how increases in greenhouse gases impact public health. Experts working in a variety of settings will present their recommendations for responding to these challenges, and interested students will have the opportunity to learn about the research methods that measure the health effects of climate change. Created with support from the Harvard Global Health Institute, this course will explain how climate change impacts people around the globe, but also how it directly affects you and your life. Though your riskrises with the rising global temperatures, climate change is a solvable problem, and there are things you can do to mitigate that risk. This course is not an elegy for the planet, but a call to action. Enroll now to learn what you can do to reduce the harm caused by global warming."
Price: 99.00 |
"The New World of Arnold Schönberg's Piano Music" |
"We will discuss the history and musical details of each work and give suggestions for pianists who are practicing and performing the compositions. We will also encounter related compositions by other composers and get a tour of Schönberg's house in Austria. You will be able to test your knowledge using review questions and compare your reflections on course content with other students."
Price: 50.00 |
"The Science of Happiness" |
"""A free eight-week Science of Happiness course that will offer practical, research-backed tips on living a happy and meaningful life."" - The Huffington Post We all want to be happy, and there are countless ideas about what happiness is and how we can get some. But not many of those ideas are based on science. That's where this course comes in. ""The Science of Happiness"" is the first MOOC to teach the ground-breaking science of positive psychology, which explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life. Students will engage with some of the most provocative and practical lessons from this science, discovering how cutting-edge research can be applied to their own lives. Created by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, the course will zero in on a fundamental finding from positive psychology: that happiness is inextricably linked to having strong social connections and contributing to something bigger than yourself--the greater good. Students will learn about the cross-disciplinary research supporting this view, spanning the fields of psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and beyond. What's more, ""The Science of Happiness"" offers students practical strategies for tapping into and nurturing their own happiness, including trying several research-backed activities that foster social and emotional well-being, and exploring how their own happiness changes along the way. The course's co-instructors, Dacher Keltner and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, are not only leading authorities on positive psychology but also gifted teachers skilled at making science fun and personal. They'll be joined by world-renowned experts discussing themes like empathy, mindfulness, and gratitude--experts including Barbara Fredrickson, Paul Ekman, Sonja Lyubomirsky, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. Health professionals who register can earn continuing education units for their participation. Consider signing up for this course with a friend or group - tweet about your registration, share it on Facebook, and use the buddy system to stay on track. Join the conversation on The Greater Good Science Center Facebook page, or in the BerkeleyX: GG101x The Science of Happiness Facebook group. NOTE: This course is a self-paced course on edX."
Price: 139.00 |
"Ahorro de energía" |
"En la actualidad existen diversas formas de consumo de energía que no han sido implementadas completamente en la región y que impactan distintos contextos como residencial, industrial, transporte, comercial y de servicios. Por ejemplo, un alto porcentaje de la energía que consumimos en nuestros hogares podría reducirse si cambiáramos las prácticas diarias de uso sin impactar fuertemente la calidad de vida. Estaríamos generando un gran ahorro energético. Este curso en línea enseña cómo se puede ahorrar energía. Por otra parte, no toda la energía que demanda el sector industrial se convierte en energía útil, ya que en muchos procesos industriales el calor generado se libera al medio ambiente cuando éste puede ser reutilizado para otro proceso. Esto podría ser mejorado al cambiar la infraestructura de las fábricas sin generar grandes costos. Asimismo, la energía empleada para el transporte público y personal puede ser mucho mejor aprovechada, por ejemplo, al mejorar los servicios y prácticas de uso. Además, el consumo de combustibles alternativos y la implementación de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos es una oportunidad que casi no ha sido explotada. Los beneficios de ahorro en estos sectores impactarían directamente al medio ambiente, a la economía, a la productividad, etc. En este curso en línea estudiaremos a fondo los problemas y las soluciones relacionados al aprovechamiento de energía, incluyendo algunos casos de estudio en diferentes contextos. En este curso trataremos diferentes tipos de energía, y cómo podemos ser más eficientes en su consumo."
Price: 29.00 |