"£15 instead of £550 for an online senior fitness course from SMART Majority - save 97%" |
"Online Senior Fitness Course From SMART Majority - Exercise From Home!"
Price: 15.00
"£14 instead of £59 for an online dinner pairings course from SMART Majority - save 76%" |
"Online Food & Drink Pairings Course - Date Night From Home!"
Price: 14.00
"£29 instead of up to £225 for a three-hour Indian cooking class for one at Chapattis n Curries, Manchester - save up to 69%" |
"3hr Indian Cooking Class @ Chapattis n Curries, Manchester"
Price: 29.00
"£14 instead of £100 for a British sign language online course from New Skills Academy - save 86%" |
"Online British Sign Language Course From New Skills Academy"
Price: 14.00
"£14 instead of £426.82 for an online vegetarian recipe course from SMART Majority – learn a new recipe and save 97%" |
"Online Vegetarian Recipe Course - 3-Month Access"
Price: 14.00
"£9 instead of £530 for an online children’s book writing course from SMART Majority - save 98%" |
"Online Children’s Book Writing Course"
Price: 9.00
"£14 instead of £350 for an online kids crafts course from SMART Majority - save 96%" |
"Online Kids Crafts Course"
Price: 14.00
"£29 instead of £295 for an online coding and web development course from Career Match UK – save 90%" |
"Coding & Web Development Online Course"
Price: 29.00
"£29 instead of £295 for an online health and fitness course from Career Match UK – save 90%" |
"Online Complete Health & Fitness Course"
Price: 29.00
"£12 instead of £321 for an online interior design and home decorating course from Alpha Academy - save 96%" |
"CPD Accredited Interior Design and Home Decorating Diploma"
Price: 12.00
"£19 instead of £591.89 for an online 30-minute workout course from Smart Majority - save 97%" |
"30min Workout Online Course from Home"
Price: 19.00
"£9 instead of £297.48 for an online stress management course from SMART Majority – save 97%" |
"Online Stress Management Course"
Price: 9.00
"£12 instead of £761.47 for an online yoga course from Smart Majority - save 98%" |
"Online Yoga Course from Home"
Price: 12.00
"£9 instead of £29 for an online self-sufficient vegetable gardening course from Learning With Experts - save 69%" |
"Online Self-Sufficient Veg Gardening Course, Learning With Experts"
Price: 9.00
"£9 instead of £197 for a Forex Basics online training course from UK Trading Academy - save 95%" |
"Forex Basics Online Training Course"
Price: 9.00
"£9.99 instead of £19.99 for a six-month subscription to Storytime Magazine - save 50%" |
"6mth Storytime Kids Magazine & Home Learning Subscription"
Price: 9.99
"£19 for a two-hour Scotch egg making masterclass for one person, or £34 for two people at Top Notch Scotch Egg Co. ®, Stanley" |
"Scotch Egg Making Masterclass for 1 or 2 @ Top Notch Scotch Egg Co. ®"
Price: 19.00
"£19 instead of £89 for a sausage-making class for one person, £35 for two people at Northumberland Sausage Company, Corbridge - save up to 79%" |
"2½hr Northumberland Sausage Making Masterclass for 1 or 2"
Price: 19.00
"£16 instead of £119 for an online dog behaviour and training course from International Open Academy – save 87%" |
"Online Dog Behaviour & Training Course"
Price: 16.00
"£6 instead of £29.95 for a ‘Change Your Life’ horoscope report with Russell Grant Astrology - save 80%" |
"‘Change Your Life’ Horoscope Report"
Price: 6.00
"£12 instead of £119 for an online accounting and bookkeeping course from International Open Academy - save 90%" |
"CPD Credited Accounting & Bookkeeping Course"
Price: 12.00
"£9 for a CPD accredited entry level football coaching course at NLP Sports" |
"Entry Level Football Coaching Qualification Course @ NLP Sports"
Price: 9.00
"£19 instead of £120 for an online French Level 1, 2, and 3 certification from New Skills Academy - save 84%" |
"Online French Level 1, 2 & 3 Certification Course"
Price: 19.00
"£9 instead of £30 for a ‘name a star’ personalised gift with a star attribution certificate from EStarRegistry - save 70%" |
"‘Name a Star’ Personalised Gift & Certificate"
Price: 9.00
"£8 instead of £309 for an online special education needs and disability diploma course from the London Institute of Business & Management - save 97%" |
"Online SEND Diploma Course"
Price: 8.00
"£19 instead of £127 for an online mindful mental health diploma course from Centre of Excellence - save 85%" |
"Accredited Online Mindful Mental Health Diploma Course"
Price: 19.00
"£29 instead of £89 for an online course on the art of chocolate making taught by Paul A Young from Learning with Experts - save 67%" |
"'The Art of Chocolate Making' Online Course"
Price: 29.00
"£19 instead of £295 for an online web design expert package from Career Match UK - save 94%" |
"Online Web Design Expert Course"
Price: 19.00
"£19 instead of £199 for an online interior design and styling course from London School of Trends - save 90%" |
"Online Interior Design & Styling Course - BACs-Accredited!"
Price: 19.00
"£5 instead of £15 for a 12-month tarot reading via email from Psychic Melissa Williams - save 67%" |
"12-Month Tarot Reading via Email"
Price: 5.00