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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
$12.95 |
A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Clash of Rage Board Game" |
"As far as we can remember Elves always dominated the world But their time is drawing to an end as the decline is near From the Bohorg's tribe to the Steamfield Barony along with the Godleif's clan and the army of the Tomb every clan is secretly arming itself to conquer the elven cities and the precious crystals they hold; crystals being the only way to forge the powerful legendary equipment Clash of Rage is a miniatures game of conquest and movement in which different clans will fight for victory Every army is unique with its own units and characteristics Players will equip each unit as they see fit buying weapons and armors so that every game will be different!Overcoming the Elves will be the first necessary step to victory but the showdown with the other clans is bound to happen!Players 1-4Playing time 45-90 minsAges 14"
Price: 65.49 |
"Piratoons Board Game" |
"Build the biggest baddest best Pirate ship on the high seas Plunder your way to glory and fame!In Piratoons each turns begins with a treasure of boat parts and equipment being revealed All at the same time each Pirate rushes to allocate crew in an effort to plunder the best loot by placing their crew meeples on individual items as bids Each piece of treasure goes to the player with the most crew invested in the item but only after removing all tied bids Therefore Pirates need to stay alert for sneaky opportunities to cancel out an opponent's efforts or for chances to swoop in and steal a disputed treasure The unclaimed loot is auctioned off with doubloons earned by your crew and then the ship construction begins Pirates score points for having the most money or equipment or having the fastest best or largest ship Sets of tiles and unfilled boat sections also add and subtract from your score The player with the most points after eight rounds is the most notorious Pirate A featured component of the game is the central loot chest formed by two double-sided boards with raised edges Before each turn this treasure chest gets loaded with random face-down treasure then it's sealed flipped and revealed simultaneously to the eager Pirates by removing the board on top The mad rush of plundering in real-time (there is a 15-second sand timer included) and the spatial puzzle to build the best ship possible are the key ingredients of the game's experience Players 2-4Playing time 30 minsAges 8"
Price: 25.49 |
"World Shapers Card Game" |
"Outwit your opponent&115; to gather re&115;ource&115; from the four element&115; &8212; air earth fire and water &8212; in order to invigorate your world building power and create the grande&115;t of grand world&115;!World &83;haper&115; i&115; a card drafting game in which 1&8211;4 player&115; compete for elemental &115;ource material&115; in order to create and &115;hape new world&115;! Over the cour&115;e of ju&115;t a few round&115; you mu&115;t carefully draft the nece&115;&115;ary card&115; outwit your opponent&115; and take advantage of powerful &115;ynergie&115; Utilize power cry&115;tal&115; to enhance previou&115;ly collected card&115; Each turn you mu&115;t choo&115;e one card from tho&115;e available to you and either add it to your collection exchange it for a different card from the common pool or di&115;card the card to gain a power cry&115;tal At the end of the final round play&115; &115;core their card&115; by adding the creation point&115; provided by each card in their collection"
Price: 17.49 |
Cerberus |
"Your final adventure ha&115; taken you where you &115;hould never have gone &8212; to the underworld! You mu&115;t e&115;cape and find a barque that can float you &115;afely back But Cerberu&115; the infernal watchdog i&115; on your heel&115; with the intent to guard you forever In the &115;emi-cooperative game Cerberu&115; you mu&115;t help each other traver&115;e the game board without being caught by Cerberu&115; &115;o that you can board the barque Each card in your hand offer&115; you the choice between a &115;mall effect for you or a powerful effect for the group! However there aren&8217;t enough &115;eat&115; on the barque for everyone &115;o &115;ooner or later &115;ome mu&115;t be &115;acrificed Will you help your group reach the exit or will you play powerful bonu&115; card&115; to lay trap&115; for your opponent&115;? Tho&115;e caught by Cerberu&115; get to &115;eek revenge and victory by preventing all the adventurer&115; from e&115;caping&8230;Each game i&115; different thank&115; to ten different board layout&115; and your ability to adju&115;t Cerberu&115;&8217; &115;trength a&115; you plea&115;e"
Price: 33.49 |
"Lannister Halberdiers: A Song Of Ice and Fire Exp." |
"If the Lanni&115;ter&115; are known for one thing it&8217;&115; their deep pocket&115; Their wealth let&115; them afford only the be&115;t when it come&115; to arming and armoring up their troop&115; Halberd&115; tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce but tho&115;e made for Lanni&115;ter troop&115; are &115;till of the highe&115;t quality almo&115;t guaranteed to never break even when receiving acharge from enemy cavalry And receiving a charge i&115; ju&115;t what the&115;e men are trained to do and do it well The Lanni&115;ter Halberdier Unit Box for the A &83;ong of Ice and Fire Tabletop Miniature&115; Game give&115; Lanni&115;ter commander&115; new option&115; for their force&115; The unit i&115; formidable in both offen&115;ive and defen&115;ive capacitie&115; not lo&115;ing dice after their fir&115;t rank i&115; de&115;troyed and being able to brace for an enemy charge granting them a preemptive attack again&115;t their foe&115; The addition of an A&115;&115;ault Veteran Unit Attachment give&115; them &115;taying power once battle ha&115; been met adding extra dice to their melee attack&115; Content&115;13 Miniature&115;Unit CardAttachment CardMovement Tray"
Price: 15.99 |
"Coma Ward: Cataclysmic Abominations Expansion" |
"&83;terile blinding whitene&115;&115; &8212; coupled with deafening repetitiou&115; beep&115; &8212; &115;hock&115; you awake Your heart rate &115;low&115; and your breathing &115;teadie&115; a&115; you realize you are in a ho&115;pital You glance around finding your room empty You read your identifying armband to &115;ee a name you don't recognize A&115; your bare feet &115;mack to the cold tile floor and you &115;teady your wobbling body you feel the foreign pre&115;ence of ab&115;ence You are alone&8230;In Coma Ward player&115; are patient&115; who have awoken in an abandoned yet &115;till functioning ho&115;pital with no memory and no idea of what i&115; happening Patient&115; mu&115;t &115;earch the ho&115;pital for clue&115; and nece&115;&115;itie&115; In their &115;earch patient&115; may find un&115;peakably terrifying thing&115; Each time you play you explore an ever-changing ho&115;pital a&115; you &115;earch for the clue&115; to your identity and the cau&115;e of the environment'&115; un&115;ettling emptine&115;&115; Balance your ever wor&115;ening terror and neuro&115;i&115; while monitoring your health and phy&115;ical attribute&115; Remember to &115;tay clo&115;e to tho&115;e who awoke with you becau&115;e the &115;hadow&115; of the empty ho&115;pital can de&115;troy your already fragile p&115;yche Once all the clue&115; have been di&115;covered the true horror begin&115; Player&115; di&115;cover what i&115; actually happening and find out who they can tru&115;t &8212; if anyone &8212; and how to win Each playing i&115; a unique phenomenon that introduce&115; diver&115;e and dynamic rule&115; Coma Ward i&115; a mature game with theme&115; of violence ab&115;olution di&115;tru&115;t gore and traumatic incidence Player di&115;cretion i&115; advi&115;ed Coma Ward play&115; in two part&115;&160;The ProloguePatient&115; will move through the Ho&115;pital di&115;covering new Tile&115; that repre&115;ent room&115; &83;ome Tile&115; will affect a Patient&8217;&115; Health or Terror Other Tile&115; will impact the game in other unpredictable way&115; While they explore and &115;earch Patient&115; will di&115;cover item&115; that will help them in their frantic &115;earch for an&115;wer&115; Item&115; like Clothing and make&115;hift Weapon&115; will defend you from un&115;een force&115; or even other ho&115;tile Patient&115; While Medicine and Food can re&115;tore your Health and Focu&115; Ultimately Patient&115; are &115;earching for the horrific Clue&115; to what ha&115; happened in thi&115; ho&115;pital Once all of the Clue&115; have been revealed the true game objective unfold&115;&8230;The PhenomenonUpon uncovering the final Clue the Phenomenon i&115; triggered Player&115; will then withdraw and open the &115;pecified &115;ealed envelope from the box revealing it&115; &115;ecret content&115; telling the &115;tory of what i&115; happening and how to win the game &83;ome Phenomenon are cooperative with player&115; racing to e&115;cape the ho&115;pital or defeat cruel force&115; While other Phenomenon will pit player&115; again&115;t each other in &115;ecret alliance&115; or an all out fight for &115;urvival&160;Each Phenomenon can lead to multiple ending&115; &83;o even if Player&115; reveal the &115;ame Phenomenon multiple time&115; they will alway&115; have a unique experience &83;ome Phenomenon are phy&115;ical real threat&115; in&115;pired by cla&115;&115;ic horror trope&115;; other&115; explore metaphy&115;ical and p&115;ychological theme&115;&8230;Are you ready to open your eye&115; and experience the phenomenal horror of Coma Ward?"
Price: 31.49 |
"Coma Ward: Mystery Guest Expansion" |
"&83;terile blinding whitene&115;&115; &8212; coupled with deafening repetitiou&115; beep&115; &8212; &115;hock&115; you awake Your heart rate &115;low&115; and your breathing &115;teadie&115; a&115; you realize you are in a ho&115;pital You glance around finding your room empty You read your identifying armband to &115;ee a name you don't recognize A&115; your bare feet &115;mack to the cold tile floor and you &115;teady your wobbling body you feel the foreign pre&115;ence of ab&115;ence You are alone&8230;In Coma Ward player&115; are patient&115; who have awoken in an abandoned yet &115;till functioning ho&115;pital with no memory and no idea of what i&115; happening Patient&115; mu&115;t &115;earch the ho&115;pital for clue&115; and nece&115;&115;itie&115; In their &115;earch patient&115; may find un&115;peakably terrifying thing&115; Each time you play you explore an ever-changing ho&115;pital a&115; you &115;earch for the clue&115; to your identity and the cau&115;e of the environment'&115; un&115;ettling emptine&115;&115; Balance your ever wor&115;ening terror and neuro&115;i&115; while monitoring your health and phy&115;ical attribute&115; Remember to &115;tay clo&115;e to tho&115;e who awoke with you becau&115;e the &115;hadow&115; of the empty ho&115;pital can de&115;troy your already fragile p&115;yche Once all the clue&115; have been di&115;covered the true horror begin&115; Player&115; di&115;cover what i&115; actually happening and find out who they can tru&115;t &8212; if anyone &8212; and how to win Each playing i&115; a unique phenomenon that introduce&115; diver&115;e and dynamic rule&115; Coma Ward i&115; a mature game with theme&115; of violence ab&115;olution di&115;tru&115;t gore and traumatic incidence Player di&115;cretion i&115; advi&115;ed Coma Ward play&115; in two part&115; The ProloguePatient&115; will move through the Ho&115;pital di&115;covering new Tile&115; that repre&115;ent room&115; &83;ome Tile&115; will affect a Patient&8217;&115; Health or Terror Other Tile&115; will impact the game in other unpredictable way&115; While they explore and &115;earch Patient&115; will di&115;cover item&115; that will help them in their frantic &115;earch for an&115;wer&115; Item&115; like Clothing and make&115;hift Weapon&115; will defend you from un&115;een force&115; or even other ho&115;tile Patient&115; While Medicine and Food can re&115;tore your Health and Focu&115; Ultimately Patient&115; are &115;earching for the horrific Clue&115; to what ha&115; happened in thi&115; ho&115;pital Once all of the Clue&115; have been revealed the true game objective unfold&115;&8230;The PhenomenonUpon uncovering the final Clue the Phenomenon i&115; triggered Player&115; will then withdraw and open the &115;pecified &115;ealed envelope from the box revealing it&115; &115;ecret content&115; telling the &115;tory of what i&115; happening and how to win the game &83;ome Phenomenon are cooperative with player&115; racing to e&115;cape the ho&115;pital or defeat cruel force&115; While other Phenomenon will pit player&115; again&115;t each other in &115;ecret alliance&115; or an all out fight for &115;urvival Each Phenomenon can lead to multiple ending&115; &83;o even if Player&115; reveal the &115;ame Phenomenon multiple time&115; they will alway&115; have a unique experience &83;ome Phenomenon are phy&115;ical real threat&115; in&115;pired by cla&115;&115;ic horror trope&115;; other&115; explore metaphy&115;ical and p&115;ychological theme&115;&8230;Are you ready to open your eye&115; and experience the phenomenal horror of Coma Ward?"
Price: 17.49 |
"Million Dollars, But... Expansion Pack #1" |
"A 100-card playable ver&115;ion of Million Dollar&115; But&8230; The Game (MDB) a game that put&115; your moral&115; and imagination to the te&115;t po&115;ing the que&115;tion &8220;What would you do for a million dollar&115;?&8221; Player&115; create &115;cenario&115; by combining a Trigger and a Rule card to &115;howca&115;e what they would or wouldn&8217;t do for a big hunk of ca&115;h (For example A Million Dollar&115; But&8230; Every time you &115;ee a &115;tore having a &115;ale you poop your pant&115; a little bit) The card&115; in the deck are exclu&115;ive to the expan&115;ion and feature&115; fill-in-the-blank card&115; The be&115;t part of the game occur&115; when everyone debate&115; the &115;cenario&115; that have been pre&115;ented to the judge &8220;Doe&115; it include online &115;tore &115;ale&115; or ju&115;t in-per&115;on &115;ale&115;?&8221; &8220;How much poop are we talking a rabbit pellet or an uncomfortable amount?&8221;"
Price: 11.99 |
"Million Dollars, But... Holiday Expansion Pack #1" |
"Million Dollar&115; But&8230; The Game Holiday Expan&115;ion Pack 1 come&115; with 100 new card&115; to either play &115;tandalone or combine with your core game to expand the fun 75 new gold rule card&115; 25 new black trigger card&115; and one game rule&115; card for &115;tandalone play Each card i&115; labeled with the holiday gift &115;ymbol for ea&115;y &115;ortin"
Price: 11.99 |
"Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Rise & Fall of Anvalor Board Game" |
"In the region of Aqshy even if your uneasy allies place their resources in the perfect place your mutual enemies can be strong and unpredictable You'll build resources to block your allies from developing their strongest options and they'll return the favor They'll weaken enemies and you'll try to deliver the killing blow Each turn provides many choices so you need to pivot as you learn the strategies best suited to your common enemy as well as your allies One thing's for certain &8212; whether Anvalor survives the siege on it or not things are sure to get heated!In Warhammer Age of Sigmar &8211; The Rise &38; Fall of Anvalor your official task is to help build and defend Anvalor together with the other factions However your real goal is to gather the most influence and secure dominance over Anvalor even if it might ultimately cause the fall of the city Gather the most influence for your faction by building city buildings and defeating enemies during vicious assaults At the end of the game the player who has the most influence over the city reigns supreme and secures their dominance over The Great Parch!With more than 180 tiles nine different factions (six player factions three enemy factions) and four play variants beyond the standard game The Rise &38; Fall of Anvalor features an enormous amount of gameplay content!"
Price: 37.99 |
"Transformers Trading Card Game 2 Rise of the Combiners Booster Box (30 Packs)" |
"The TRANSFORMERS Trading Card Game is a fast action battling card game In this tabletop game for two players TRANSFORMERS fans ages 8 and up build a team of TRANSFORMERS character cards and power them up with a customizable deck of battle cards Every TRANSFORMERS character card is huge &8211; all character cards in the Bumblebee vs Megatron Starter Set and Booster Packs are twice the size of a standard playing card &8211; and each flips from bot mode to alt mode and back All TRANSFORMERS character cards feature premium printing treatment on their bot-mode sides The deck of battle cards features Actions and Upgrade cards to enhance TRANSFORMERS character cards &8226; Triple-sided cards &8211; a card technology not seen before in the West only used in the Duel Masters game in Japan&8226; Combiners &8211; a very popular Transformers brand theme of recent years offering new gameplay patterns&8226; 46 Large Character Cards 81 Battle Cards&8226; Five combiner teams &8211; super collectible&8226; Triple-sided cards - Bot Alt Combiner&8226; Combiner team Character in 1 in 2 packs&8226; 4 Super Rare Character Cards (vs 2 in Wave 1)&8226; 2 are &8220;Triple Changer&8221; Character Cards&8226; 2 New Keyword mechanics&8226; Powerful Battle Cards with a Star cost &8211; aids constructed deck-building&8226; New Green Battle Icon&8226; Brand new WotC-created Generations art in addition to Hasbro art (eg Hot Rod right)Booster Contents&8226; 1 Oversized Foil Transformers character card&8226; Approx 1 in 2 booster contain a Combiner team Character Card&8226; 7 Battle Deck cards"
Price: 103.49 |
"Dungeons & Dragons (DDN): Ghosts of Saltmarsh" |
"Ghosts of Saltmarsh brings classic adventures into fifth edition Dungeons &38; Dragons This adventure book combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons &38; Dragons including the classic U series plus some of the best nautical adventures from the history of Dungeon Magazine Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Danger at Dunwater Salvage Operation Isle of the Abbey The Final Enemy Tammeraut's Fate The Styes - Ghosts of Salt Marsh includes a variety of seafaring adventures enough to take characters from level 1 to level 12 This supplement introduces the port town of Saltmarsh the perfect starting point for a nautical campaign Each adventure can be played individually inserted into your ongoing game or combined into a single epic nautical campaign Dungeon Masters will find rules for ships and sea travel deck plans for various vessels an appendix with rules for new and classic monsters and much more Dungeons &38; Dragons is the world's greatest roleplaying game Created in 1974 D&38;D transformed gaming culture by blending traditional fantasy with miniatures and wargaming"
Price: 40.49 |
"Astro Trash Board Game" |
"In Astro Trash each player must get rid of all the trash on their playmat at the expense of the players to their left and right Players simultaneously roll three dice and rapidly move the trash according to the direction quantity and color indicated on the dice Players 3-5Playing time 10-15 minsAges 6"
Price: 16.49 |
"Dark Legacy: The Rising Levels 13-20 Card Expansion Pack" |
"Fight for control of Titan using exotic creatures weapons armor and relics With skill and planning your army will become stronger more dominate! When you level up stronger more powerful weapons armor and magical spells become available for you to use to annihilate your enemies What are you waiting for? Let&8217;s play!CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS More unique creatures weapons relics and more!Skills Level 13-20Each Expansion comes with 60 cards ranging in skill levelsThere are 3 Expansions that cover all the different Levels from 5 to 20All original art!CONTENTS60 cards 1 Rulesheet"
Price: 3.99 |
"Dark Legacy The Rising Levels 8-12 Card Expansion pack" |
"Dark Legacy The Rising &8211; Levels 8-12 has more goodies for existing Dark Legacy The Rising decks"
Price: 3.99 |
"Dark Legacy: The Rising Levels 5-7 Card Game Expansion" |
"Fight for control of Titan using exotic creatures weapons armor and relics in Dark Legacy The Rising &8211; Levels 5-7 With skill and planning your army will become stronger more dominant! When you level up stronger more powerful weapons armor and magical spells become available for you to use to annihilate your enemies What are you waiting for?This expansion includes skill cards for every faction from level 5 to 7"
Price: 3.99 |
"Ghosts of the Moor Game" |
"Guide your intrepid explorers through the cursed swamp collecting treasure and avoiding obstacles!Every turn in Ghosts of the Moor you move one of your explorer pawns forward If you leave a space containing a tile and no other explorer you must pick up that tile &8212; which is good if it's a treasure and not good if it's a ghost If you leave a space that contains no tile you must discard a tile instead When moving to a space with no tile if you have a wooden plank you may place that down where you land to bridge the gap across that obstacle Once all explorers have escaped the swamp players score points for collecting sets of treasure and for reaching the end early Players lose points for ghosts they have picked up along the way The player with the most points wins!Players 2-5Playing time 20-30 minsAges 8"
Price: 17.49 |
"Downfall: Upsized Map Pack" |
"BASE GAME REQUIRED TO PLAYThe apocalypse is not a small thing Included in this box are larger terrain tiles for use with your copy of Downfall When playing a 5 or 6 player game they can take up over 36 inches squared of table space so make sure you&8217;ve got a table big enough to handle the collapse of civilzation!Contents57 Oversized Terrain TilesGame detailsPlayers 3 - 6 Playing Time 90 - 180 MinAges 14"
Price: 17.49 |
"Mekton Zeta RPG: Operation Rimfire" |
"THE ONLY THING COLDER THAN SPACE IS THE HUMAN HEARTIt started out as a long range mission to explore the reaches of the distant Algol starsystem But by the bitter end of the saga a mechanized death cult and a brave cadre of mechajocks would be plunged into a war no one could win A complete anime campaign in the style of a real TV show Operation Rimfire includes10 fully-detailed Player Characters with color illustrations and model sheets Over 40 NPCs with full visual representations Full breakdowns on all the Mektons involved 22 action-packed episodes linked into the first-ever Mekton series Set drawings and maps for all major locations"
Price: 10.99 |
"Mekton Zeta RPG: Star Blade Battalion" |
"A GALAXY AT WAR!From the ashes of the Cyberpunk Age through ecological holocaust and the spectre of extinction Humanity has finally risen like a phoenix to conquer the stars But the years of savage rebirth have also torn Mankind into two bitterly opposed factions Led by the powerful and arrogant Solingen Corporation the Expansionists are determined to drag the peaceful colony worlds of the Pleiades onto the path of uncontrolled exploitation and growth They are opposed by the fanatical eco-zealots of the Gaian Circle whose domination of the United Stellar States Alliance threatens to crush the Colonies under the weight of tyrannical conservatism and ecological rigidity Now the very stars are aflame as mighty Meldons and galactic dreadnaughts rage across the interstellar night in the self-righteous fury of the Total War Only one thing can stop the countdown to destruction -- The Starblade Battalion A renegade band of mechajocks scouts and outsiders this alliance of disaffected from a dozen worlds represents Mankind's last chance to live in harmony with the Galaxy and himself But can the Battalion do it before both sides annihilate each other -- and the human race?Starblade Battalion Mekton is a complete Role Playing Campaign setting for Mekton Zeta and includesIn-depth information on both the Pleiades Confederation and the United Stellar States Alliance Stats and profiles on the major characters of both sides and of the fledgling Starblade BattalionComplete stats for over 20 new Mektons and Ships Guidelines and new careers for characters in the Starblade Battalion universe New technology -- including cybernetics for Mekton ZetaAn entire future history which is one possible extrapolation of the Cyberpunk 2020 future!"
Price: 13.99 |
"5th Edition Adventures: S1 - Lure Of Delusion RPG" |
"Upon the edge of the world beneath the eaves of the Darkenfold forest lie the Elkhorn Deeps Here where men eke out a living in the shadows of the forest lies the small burg of Lead Hill With stone walls and stout towers Lead Hill is a sanctuary of sorts But walls and towers do not keep all creatures out nor children in Thus begins the sad tale of two missing children taken by the forest and carted off to what doom none will say Enter the Elkhorn Deeps to rescue the missing children! But be wary for things are not always as they seem and where allies and enemies work in tandem great dangers often dwell"
Price: 8.99 |
"Mount Rushmore Game" |
"Mount Rushmore is a game of quick wit and keen eye Visit Mount Rushmore an iconic American monument and test your perception and speed!Each turn a Search card will be revealed All players will look for a Monument card that matches the face-up Search card The player who first discovered the correct Monument card wins the current round and gets to keep the Search card Each Search card is worth 1 point Be the first to score 3 points to win!Mount Rushmore can be played at different difficulty levels For a lighter more family-friendly game we recommend the Basic Game setup For a more challenging experience you may try the Advanced Game instead For a full mind-bending experience of Mount Rushmore you may set up an Expert Game Players 2-10Playing time 10-20 minsAges 8"
Price: 15.99 |
"Denizens of Terrinoth Adversary Deck" |
"The denizen&115; of Terrinoth are a&115; diver&115;e a&115; the wondrou&115; land&115; them&115;elve&115; A&115; they journey acro&115;&115; the realm&115; adventurer&115; might encounter &115;cholarly Greyhaven wizard&115; my&115;teriou&115; Latari Elve&115; gruff Dunwarr Dwarve&115; mighty rune golem&115; lyrical &115;word poet&115; and even &83;inghara Pridelord&115; from the wild&115; of Zanaga Unle&115;&115; treated with re&115;pect or caution however the&115;e individual&115; can be a&115; dangerou&115; a&115; any ogre or dragon!"
Price: 8.49 |
"Legend of the Five Rings: Across the Burning Sands Novella" |
"&83;hinjo &83;hono i&115; heir to the Khan of Khan&115; de&115;tined to one day lead the Unicorn Clan But the young warrior i&115; torn with angui&115;h and doubt haunted by the memory of facing hi&115; former betrothed on the field of battleand leaving her to die Hi&115; duty feel&115; like a chain and he long&115; for freedom He &115;oon learn&115; that longing ha&115; a co&115;t &83;hono travel&115; we&115;t to negotiate with the caliph of al-Zawira and en&115;ure continuing peace between the Nehiri and Unicorn A &115;ingle mi&115;&115;tep could mean war but cultural barrier&115; are the lea&115;t of &83;hono&115; concern&115; a&115; he face&115; duplicity a&115;&115;a&115;&115;in&115; betrayal and even &115;orcery Can he find the &115;trength within him&115;elf and hi&115; allie&115; in thi&115; far-off city to &115;ecure the Unicorn&115; future?"
Price: 13.49 |
"Star Wars Legion: TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion" |
"For the Galactic Empire conquering a planet i&115; only the beginning of the battle Ma&115;&115;ive vehicle&115; like AT-&83;T&115; and elite &115;hock troop&115; like Imperial Death Trooper&115; may be effective at &115;weeping acro&115;&115; battlefield&115; and capturing new territory but they rarely &115;tick around to hold thi&115; ground A TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat A&115;&115;ault Tank however i&115; more than enough to quell any re&115;i&115;tance to Imperial occupation Heavily armed and capable of carrying either cargo or per&115;onnel one of the&115;e tank&115; can be a ver&115;atile a&115;&115;et to &115;tormtrooper detachment&115; on occupation duty With the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat A&115;&115;ault Tank Unit Expan&115;ion your Imperial armie&115; gain a &115;ingle finely &115;culpted menacing TX-225 miniature that can work in tandem with your ground troop&115; to impo&115;e the Empire&115; will wherever it&115; a&115;&115;igned In addition to thi&115; beautiful miniature thi&115; expan&115;ion al&115;o contain&115; all the unit card&115; upgrade card&115; and token&115; that youll need to add one to your armie&115; and outfit it for battle"
Price: 52.49 |
"Shadows of Brimstone: Doorways into Darkness Expansion" |
"High-detail pla&115;tic doorway model&115; enhance your game&115; of &83;hadow&115; of Brim&115;tone Thi&115; box include&115; a full &115;et of Mine Doorway&115; and OtherWorld Doorway&115; along with a 15 card Mini-Expan&115;ion featuring &115;ome exciting new Encounter Gear and Darkne&115;&115; card&115;"
Price: 20.49 |
"Architectura Board Game" |
"The mo&115;t eminent architect&115; came here to erect a magnificent city with the be&115;t theater&115; greenhou&115;e&115; and tavern&115; Each architect want&115; to make the mo&115;t &115;ignificant contribution to the city con&115;truction but their ambition&115; will inevitably lead to a challenging competition In Architectura your table turn&115; into a grid of city &115;treet&115; and block&115; Each building you con&115;truct affect&115; the value of the adjacent building&115; or even de&115;troy&115; them! Let&8217;&115; &115;ay you&8217;ve ju&115;t built a magnificent temple A vulgar market around the corner doe&115;n&8217;t belong there anymore and ha&115; to be &115;hut down right away &8212; but a park near the temple&8217;&115; entrance will definitely be a good match and will even profit from the divine proximity Rotate the card&115; to change their value&115; re&115;olve their &115;pecial effect&115; and do your be&115;t to carefully manage your option&115; to become the be&115;t architect of the city!Play Architectura by the ba&115;ic rule&115; or the advanced rule&115; in which you a&115;&115;emble a unique deck for each player Whichever ver&115;ion you play each game will be different!"
Price: 12.99 |
"TANKS: The Modern Age German Leopard 2" |
"TANK&83; The Modern Age i&115; an ea&115;y-to-learn quick-play &115;mall-&115;cale game where you take command of a Tank Platoon &115;eeking to de&115;troy your opponent&8217;&115; tank&115; and &115;ecure victory A flexible game with lot&115; of way&115; to create a finely-tuned platoon that fit&115; your play &115;tyle The game i&115; fa&115;t and furiou&115; do-or-die In an hour you can pick your tank&115; and crew upgrade them to your &115;pecification&115; defeat your enemy (or die trying) and be ready for the rematch!The We&115;t German Leopard 2 Tank Expan&115;ion contain&115;1x Una&115;&115;embled Pla&115;tic Leopard 2 Tank1x Leopard 2 Tank Card2x Hero Card&115;1x Crew Card2x Upgrade Card&115;Plea&115;e noteMiniature&115; are &115;upplied unpainted and &115;ome a&115;&115;embly may be required"
Price: 8.49 |
"TANKS: The Modern Age Sov T-64 Expansion" |
"TANK&83; The Modern Age i&115; an ea&115;y-to-learn quick-play &115;mall-&115;cale game where you take command of a Tank Platoon &115;eeking to de&115;troy your opponent&8217;&115; tank&115; and &115;ecure victory TANK&83; i&115; a flexible game with lot&115; of way&115; to create a finely-tuned platoon that fit&115; your play &115;tyle The game i&115; fa&115;t and furiou&115; do-or-die In an hour you can pick your tank&115; and crew upgrade them to your &115;pecification&115; defeat your enemy (or die trying) and be ready for the rematch!"
Price: 8.99 |
"TANKS: The Modern Age British Scorpion/Scimitar" |
"1 &83;cimitar or &83;corpion Tank1 &83;corpion Tank Card1 &83;cimitar Tank Card1 Hero Card2 Crew Card&115;2 Upgrade Card&115;Miniature&115; are &115;upplied unpainted Preparation and a&115;&115;embly may be required"
Price: 9.99 |